MOSV2 is a token cross-chain service that operates on EVM-compatible ecosystems. It primarily offers four token cross-chain modes:
- transferOutToken This mode is used to initiate cross-chain requests for transferring specific tokens to the target chain.
- transferOutNative It is used to initiate cross-chain requests for transferring native tokens of the source chain to the target chain.
- depositToken In this mode, tokens are transferred from the source chain to the target chain for staking or collateralization.
- depositNative Native tokens of the source chain are transferred to the target chain for staking or collateralization in this mode.
Please refer to a more detailed code implementation for specifics IMOSV2
If you want to perform cross-chain operations using MOSV2, you can use the following interfaces
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.7;
interface IMOSV2 {
function transferOutToken(address _token, bytes memory _to, uint _amount, uint _toChain) external;
function transferOutNative(bytes memory _to, uint _toChain) external payable;
function depositToken(address _token, address to, uint _amount) external;
function depositNative(address _to) external payable ;
event mapTransferOut(uint256 indexed fromChain, uint256 indexed toChain, bytes32 orderId,
bytes token, bytes from, bytes to, uint256 amount, bytes toChainToken);
event mapTransferIn(uint256 indexed fromChain, uint256 indexed toChain, bytes32 orderId,
address token, bytes from, address to, uint256 amount);
event mapDepositOut(uint256 indexed fromChain, uint256 indexed toChain, bytes32 orderId,
address token, bytes from, address to, uint256 amount);
MOSV3 is a message-based cross-chain service that primarily operates in EVM-compatible ecosystems. It is responsible for transferring information from the source chain to the target chain for message updates and execution. It not only supports cross-chain token transfers but also enables the update of contract information.
- transferOut It is primarily responsible for popping cross-chain message logs and has messengers for executing message delivery on the target chain.
- getMessageFee Its main responsibility is to estimate the fees for cross-chain transactions from the source chain to the target chain.
Please refer to a more detailed code implementation for specificsIMOSV3
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
interface IMOSV3 {
enum ChainType{
enum MessageType {
// @notice This is the configuration you need across the chain.
// @param relay - When it is true, the relay chain is required to perform a special execution to continue across the chain.
// @param msgType - Different execution patterns of messages across chains.
// @param target - The contract address of the target chain.
// @param payload - Cross-chain data.
// @param gasLimit - The gasLimit allowed to be consumed by an operation performed on the target chain.
// @param value - Collateral value cross-chain, currently not supported, default is 0.
struct MessageData {
bool relay;
MessageType msgType;
bytes target;
bytes payload;
uint256 gasLimit;
uint256 value;
// @notice Gets the fee to cross to the target chain.
// @param toChain - Target chain chainID.
// @param feeToken - Token address that supports payment fee,if it's native, it's address(0).
// @param gasLimit - The gasLimit allowed to be consumed by an operation performed on the target chain.
function getMessageFee(uint256 toChain, address feeToken, uint256 gasLimit) external view returns(uint256, address);
// @notice Initiate cross-chain transactions. Generate cross-chain logs.
// @param toChain - Target chain chainID.
// @param messageData - Structure MessageData encoding.
// @param feeToken - In what Token would you like to pay the fee.
function transferOut(uint256 toChain, bytes memory messageData, address feeToken) external payable returns(bytes32);
// @notice Add remote address permission.
// @param fromChain - The chain id of the source chain.
// @param fromAddress - The call address of the source chain.
// @param tag - Permission,false: revoke permission.
function addRemoteCaller(uint256 fromChain, bytes memory fromAddress, bool tag) external;
// @notice Query whether the contract has execution permission.
// @param targetAddress - The target address.
// @param fromChain - The chain id of the source chain.
// @param fromAddress - The call address of the source chain.
function getExecutePermission(address targetAddress,uint256 fromChain,bytes memory fromAddress) external view returns(bool);
event mapMessageOut(uint256 indexed fromChain, uint256 indexed toChain, bytes32 orderId, bytes fromAddrss, bytes callData);
event mapMessageIn(uint256 indexed fromChain, uint256 indexed toChain, bytes32 orderId, bytes fromAddrss, bytes callData, bool result, bytes reason);