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Anver Bogatov
Apr 17, 2019
cd33efe · Apr 17, 2019


103 lines (87 loc) · 4.11 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (87 loc) · 4.11 KB

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OpenWeatherMapKit is a small and simple framework written in Swift that gives you access to all features of the OpenWeatherMap service's APIs right in your iOS / macOS / watchOS/ tvOS application.

How to install:

🥥 Cocoapods

Just add following line to your Podfile:

pod 'OpenWeatherMapKit'

and run following command in your Terminal from project's root folder:

pod update

How to use:


To normal working OpenWeatherMapKit must be initialized with your API token.

You can use following method to initialize OpenWeatherMapKit. Just replace [YOUR API TOKEN] by your own API token which can be retrieved from

 OpenWeatherMapKit.initialize(withAppId: "[YOUR API TOKEN]")


Use OpenWeatherMapKit class to retrieve weather data. It is a singleton and access to it's instance can be done through instance variable.

🌇 Get weather by City

You can retrieve weather data for specific city by it's name:

OpenWeatherMapKit.instance.currentWeather(forCity: "Samara") { (forecast, error) in

or event by city name and country code:

OpenWeatherMapKit.instance.currentWeather(forCity: "Samara", withCountryCode: "ru") { (forecast, error) in
🌍 Get weather by geo coordinates

You can retrieve weather data for specific geo location by it's coordinates:

OpenWeatherMapKit.instance.currentWeather(forCoordiante: (latitude: 53.2610313, longitude: 50.0579958)) { (forecast, error) in
📆 Get weather forecast for next 5 days

You can retrieve weather data for next five days for specific city by it's name and country code:

OpenWeatherMapKit.instance.weatherForecastForFiveDays(forCity: "Samara", withCountryCode: "ru") { (forecast, error) in

or for specific geo location by it's coordinates:

OpenWeatherMapKit.instance.weatherForecastForFiveDays(forCoordiante: (latitude: 53.2610313, longitude: 50.0579958)) { (forecast, error) in
🌤 WeatherItem

All operations for getting current weather data return special object of WeatherItem type. WeatherItem is a simple struct that contains temperature data on the board. Here are fields you can access on it:

/// Weather item's temperature values in Kelvin
public let kelvin: (currentTemp: Double, maxTemp: Double, minTemp: Double)
/// Weather item's temperature values in Celsius
public let celsius: (currentTemp: Double, maxTemp: Double, minTemp: Double)
/// Weather item's temperature values in Fahrenheit
public let fahrenheit: (currentTemp: Double, maxTemp: Double, minTemp: Double)

For example, if you want to get information on current weather in celsius you achieve that using following statement:


WeatherItem can be accessed from instances of ForecastItem. Here is example:


🛣 Roadmap

Please find project's roadmap below:

Version ETA Feature
✅ v0.1   January 2018 Current weather forecast by city & geo coordinates + support of different units (Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit)
✅ v0.2 April 2018 Weather forecast for 5 days / 3 hour by city & geo coordinates.
v0.3 ??? 16 day daily forecast by city & geo coordinates.

⚠️ Support of other platforms (like watchOS, macOS & tvOS) will be introduced later