diff --git a/dnfdragora/dialogs.py b/dnfdragora/dialogs.py
index 09d3e38..0a9752d 100644
--- a/dnfdragora/dialogs.py
+++ b/dnfdragora/dialogs.py
@@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ def _openSearchOptions(self):
     self.factory.createVSpacing(vbox, 0.3)
-    match_all = self.parent.match_all
+    fuzzy_search = self.parent.fuzzy_search
     newest_only = self.parent.newest_only
     self.newest_only = self.factory.createCheckBox(self.factory.createLeft(vbox) , _("Show newest packages only"), newest_only )
@@ -1125,10 +1125,10 @@ def _openSearchOptions(self):
     self.eventManager.addWidgetEvent(self.newest_only, self.onNewestOnly, True)
     self.widget_callbacks.append( { 'widget': self.newest_only, 'handler': self.onNewestOnly} )
-    self.match_all   = self.factory.createCheckBox(self.factory.createLeft(vbox) , _("Match all words"), match_all )
-    self.match_all.setNotify(True)
-    self.eventManager.addWidgetEvent(self.match_all, self.onMatchAll, True)
-    self.widget_callbacks.append( { 'widget': self.match_all, 'handler': self.onMatchAll} )
+    self.fuzzy_search   = self.factory.createCheckBox(self.factory.createLeft(vbox) , _("Fuzzy search (legacy mode)"), fuzzy_search )
+    self.fuzzy_search.setNotify(True)
+    self.eventManager.addWidgetEvent(self.fuzzy_search, self.onMatchAll, True)
+    self.widget_callbacks.append( { 'widget': self.fuzzy_search, 'handler': self.onMatchAll} )
@@ -1252,10 +1252,10 @@ def onMatchAll(self, obj):
     if isinstance(obj, yui.YCheckBox):
-        self.parent.config.userPreferences['settings']['search']['match_all'] = obj.isChecked()
+        self.parent.config.userPreferences['settings']['search']['fuzzy_search'] = obj.isChecked()
-        self.parent.config.userPreferences['settings']['search'] = { 'match_all' : obj.isChecked() }
-      self.parent.match_all = obj.isChecked()
+        self.parent.config.userPreferences['settings']['search'] = { 'fuzzy_search' : obj.isChecked() }
+      self.parent.fuzzy_search = obj.isChecked()
       logger.error("Invalid object passed %s", obj.widgetClass())
@@ -1357,10 +1357,10 @@ def onRestoreButton(self) :
     elif k == "search":
       self.parent.config.userPreferences['settings']['search'] = {
-        'match_all': True,
+        'fuzzy_search': False,
         'newest_only': False,
-      self.parent.match_all = True
+      self.parent.fuzzy_search = False
       self.parent.newest_only = False
     elif k == "logging":
diff --git a/dnfdragora/helpinfo.py b/dnfdragora/helpinfo.py
index 9976016..39d1be5 100644
--- a/dnfdragora/helpinfo.py
+++ b/dnfdragora/helpinfo.py
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ def __init__(self):
           _('<b>NOTE</b> that the above options require dnfdragora to be restarted.') + \
         _('<h2>Search options</h2>') + \
           _('<ul><li><b>Show newest packages only</b>: if checked dnfdragora shows only newest packages on search. <i>Note that is valid if searches are not performed by using regular expressions</i></li>') + \
-          _('<li><b>Match all words</b>: if checked a search without using regular expressions will match all the given words into the text field.</li></ul>') + \
+          _('<li><b>Fuzzy search (legacy mode)</b>: if checked a search without using regular expressions will add "*" to the given words, restoring the behavior dnfdragora had usnig dnffdaemon 4.</li></ul>') + \
         _('<h2>Logging options</h2>') + \
           _('Enable these options to let dnfdragora log on file called <i>dnfdragora.log</i>.') + \
           _('<ul><li><b>Change directory</b>: this option allows to set logging directory, directory must exist and needs write permission.</li>') + \
diff --git a/dnfdragora/ui.py b/dnfdragora/ui.py
index 408791d..ec07855 100644
--- a/dnfdragora/ui.py
+++ b/dnfdragora/ui.py
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ def __init__(self, options={}):
         self.group_icon_path = None
         self.images_path = '/usr/share/dnfdragora/images/'
         self.always_yes = False
-        self.match_all = False
+        self.fuzzy_search = False
         self.newest_only = False
         self.all_updates_filter = False
         self.log_enabled = False
@@ -320,8 +320,8 @@ def _configFileRead(self) :
             search = {}
             if 'search' in settings.keys():
                 search = settings['search']
-            if 'match_all' in search.keys():
-                self.match_all = search['match_all']
+            if 'fuzzy_search' in search.keys():
+                self.fuzzy_search = search['fuzzy_search']
             if 'newest_only' in search.keys():
                 self.newest_only = search['newest_only']
@@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ def _configFileRead(self) :
                     search = user_settings['search']
                     if 'newest_only' in search.keys():
                         self.newest_only = search['newest_only']
-                    if 'match_all' in search.keys():
-                        self.match_all = search['match_all']
+                    if 'fuzzy_search' in search.keys():
+                        self.fuzzy_search = search['fuzzy_search']
                 #### Logging
                 if 'log' in user_settings.keys():
                   log = user_settings['log']
@@ -1334,10 +1334,11 @@ def _searchPackages(self) :
           # fixing attribute names
           if field == 'name' :
             field = 'fullname'
           self.backend.search(filter, field, search_string)
-          strings = re.split('[ ,|:;]',search_string)
+          strings = [s for s in re.split('[ ,|:;]',search_string) if s]
+          if self.fuzzy_search:
+             strings = [s.join(["*","*"]) for s in strings]
           options = {
             "scope": filter,
@@ -1486,7 +1487,7 @@ def saveUserPreference(self):
         search = {
-            'match_all': self.match_all,
+            'fuzzy_search': self.fuzzy_search,
             'newest_only': self.newest_only