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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f0f0aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/.gitbook/assets/mainsail-interface-settings-ui-settings.png differ
diff --git a/SUMMARY.md b/SUMMARY.md
index 539c6ad..8ef9135 100644
--- a/SUMMARY.md
+++ b/SUMMARY.md
@@ -29,10 +29,12 @@
* [Presets](overview/features/presets.md)
* [Print History and Statistics](overview/features/print-history-and-statistics.md)
* [Query devices](overview/features/query-devices.md)
- * [Themes](overview/features/themes/README.md)
+ * [Build-in Themes](overview/features/build-in-themes.md)
+ * [Custom Themes](overview/features/themes/README.md)
* [Prepare](overview/features/themes/prepare.md)
* [Backgrounds](overview/features/themes/backgrounds.md)
* [Logos and Icons](overview/features/themes/logos-and-icons.md)
+ * [Custom Navigation](overview/features/themes/custom-navigation.md)
* [Custom CSS](overview/features/themes/custom-css.md)
* [Community Themes](overview/features/themes/themes.md)
* [Thumbnails](overview/features/thumbnails.md)
diff --git a/overview/features/build-in-themes.md b/overview/features/build-in-themes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0618b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overview/features/build-in-themes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+description: >-
+ Build-in themes are pre-designed themes. They provide users with a quick and
+ easy way to customize the look and feel of their interface without having to
+ create a design from scratch.
+# Build-in Themes
+In Mainsail, there are two groups that are permitted to have build-in themes. The first group consists of all vendor sponsors, who receive exclusive themes as a recognition of their support. The second group includes large open source communities.
+{% hint style="info" %}
+If you are a maintainer of a large open-source 3d printing project, please contact the Mainsail crew on the Discord server for a build-in theme.
+{% endhint %}
+### Change theme in Mainsail
Interface Settings > UI-Settings
+To change the Theme in Mainsail, open the `Interface Settings` (cogs-menu on the right top), switch to `UI-Settings` and select a theme in the dropdown.
+The following themes are currently available in Mainsail:
+* Mainsail (default theme)
+* Klipper
+* Voron Design
+* VzBot
+* BigTreeTech (Sponsor)
+* LDO Motion (Sponsor)
+* Multec GmbH (Sponsor)
+* Prusa Research (Sponsor)
+* YUMI (Sponsor)
+### Possible options in Build-in themes
+* Sidebar Logo (colorizeable in the UI-Settings)
+* Primary Color
+* Sidebar Background
+* Main Background
+* Custom CSS
+Most themes only change the sidebar logo and favicon with the logo and primary color.
diff --git a/overview/features/themes/custom-navigation.md b/overview/features/themes/custom-navigation.md
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index 0000000..841ec8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overview/features/themes/custom-navigation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+description: >-
+ It is also possible to add additional navigation points via a custom theme.
+ You have to add a navi.json file with the following content.
+# Custom Navigation
+ {
+ "title":"Custom1",
+ "href":"https://www.google.com"
+ },
+ {
+ "title":"Moonraker",
+ "href":"/server/info",
+ "target": "_blank",
+ "position": 90,
+ "icon": "M5 5H7V11H5V5M10 5H8V11H10V5M5 19H7V13H5V19M10 13H8V19H10V17H15V15H10V13M2 21H4V3H2V21M20 3V7H13V5H11V11H13V9H20V15H18V13H16V19H18V17H20V21H22V3H20Z"
+ }
+### Options
+#### title: string (requirement)
+`title` is the name of the new navigation point.
+#### href: string (requirement)
+This is the path/url to link to.
+#### target: string
+With this option you can specify whether the link is opened in a new tab or in the same window. possible values here are `_self` and `_blank`.
+#### position: integer
+This value is used to sort the navigation. All normal navigation points are numbered in steps of 10 (Dashboard: 10, Webcam: 20, Console: 30, ... Machine: 90). Simply set a value in between to place the new navipoint between two default points.
+#### icon: string
+A custom icon can be added to the navigation point. This can be copied from the material design icons. To do this, open the page [https://pictogrammers.com/library/mdi/](https://pictogrammers.com/library/mdi/), open an icon and click on "copy SVG". All you need is the path. Hier the example from the `account` icon:
+// complete SVG
+// what we need
+M12,4A4,4 0 0,1 16,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,12A4,4 0 0,1 8,8A4,4 0 0,1 12,4M12,14C16.42,14 20,15.79 20,18V20H4V18C4,15.79 7.58,14 12,14Z
diff --git a/overview/features/themes/logos-and-icons.md b/overview/features/themes/logos-and-icons.md
index 7a25447..8ace252 100644
--- a/overview/features/themes/logos-and-icons.md
+++ b/overview/features/themes/logos-and-icons.md
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ For more information on creating and uploading to your `.theme` folder, please r
+{% hint style="info" %}
+If you use a SVG, you can use "var(--color-logo, #000000)" as fill color, to use the logo color from the interface settings.
+{% endhint %}
## Favicons
Upload favicons into your .theme folder and name them `favicon-32x32.png` _(required)_ and `favicon-16x16.png` _(optional)_.