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178 lines (125 loc) · 8.51 KB


The easiest way to open issue is to follow one of the templates.

It’s always helpful if you include debug info (Link Hints version, browser version, configuration, etc.). Click the Link Hints toolbar button, press “Copy debug info” and paste in the issue.

Pull requests

If you’d like to make a pull request, here’s what you need to know.


Get started

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run npm ci to install dependencies.
  3. Run npm test to verify the installation.

Technology used

  • web-ext for development, building and linting.
  • Rollup for import/export and npm package support.
  • TypeScript for type checking.
  • ESLint for linting.
  • Prettier for automatic code formatting.
  • Sucrase for compiling TypeScript type annotation and JSX.
  • Preact for easily making the options UI and the website.
  • WebExtension Polyfill for using the browser API both in Chrome and Firefox.

File overview

  • The repo root contains mostly configuration files.
  • src/ contains the source code for the extension.
  • scripts/ contains a couple of build scripts.
  • html/ contains lots of test pages for the extension.
  • docs/ contains the source code for the website (
  • @types/ contains TypeScript declarations, for npm packages that lack them and for global variables.

These directories are generated and gitignored:

  • compiled/ is the compiled version of src/.
  • compiled-docs/ is the compiled version of docs/ and is served on
  • dist-chrome/ and dist-firefox/ contains production builds of the extension.

The most important files:

  • project.config.ts contains information about the whole project, all in one place. Other config files and build scripts read from it. For example, it maps entrypoint files in src/ to output files in compiled/.
  • rollup.config.js defines how compiled/ is made. Rollup compiles and bundles JavaScript; generates manifest.json, HTML files and SVG icons; copies the WebExtension Polyfill, CSS files, and PNG icons; and defines a couple of global variables (see also @types/globals.d.ts).
  • web-ext-config.cjs configures web-ext, both for building and for running.
  • custom.config.example.cjs can be copied into custom.config.cjs to customize web-ext run as well as default options for development.
  • src/manifest.ts is called via Rollup and generates manifest.json. In fact, all .ts files directly inside src/ are called via Rollup and generate other files.
  • src/icons.tsx generates all SVG icons (even outside compiled/). src/icons/ contains PNG versions of those. They can be updated by running npm run png-icons (which requires Inkscape and OptiPNG). You can preview all icons by opening compiled/icons/test.html in a browser.
  • src/html.tsx generates HTML files. All HTML files are very minimal. JavaScript is used to render content.
  • src/css.ts injects the colors defined in project.config.ts into CSS files.

Compilation pipeline:

       project.config.ts                                     .--> dist-chrome/
       rollup.config.js                 web-ext-config.cjs  /
src/ ---------------------> compiled/ ----------------------
                                                             '--> dist-firefox/

Code structure:

  • src/background/ contains the main code of the extension.
  • src/worker/ is loaded into every frame of every tab and is responsible for listening to key presses and keeping track of clickable elements.
  • src/renderer/ is loaded into the top frame of every tab and draws the link hints and text underlines.
  • src/popup/ renders the toolbar button popup.
  • src/options/ renders the options UI.
  • src/shared/ contains functions and types shared by all of the above.

All of the above directories, except src/shared/, have a Program.ts file with a Program class inside. The different “programs” talk to each by exchanging messages with src/background/. The messages are defined in src/shared/messages.ts. The Program.ts files are bootstrapped from the main.ts files next to them, which are the main entrypoints.


When developing, you need to start a watcher (Rollup) that compiles the code as you change it:

npm run watch

It is recommended to set up TypeScript, ESLint and Prettier integrations in your editor. You can also run these tools from the command line:

  • npx tsc
  • npx eslint . --fix
  • npx prettier . --write

See package.json for details and additional scripts.

Chrome and Firefox

Open Chrome/Firefox, with a new profile where Link Hints is pre-installed:

npm run chrome
# or:
npm run firefox

The extension is automatically reloaded when files inside compiled/ change.

The above commands are wrappers around web-ext run. To customize how Chrome/Firefox is run, copy custom.config.example.cjs to custom.config.cjs. The latter file is gitignored, so you can change it however you wish.

Manual workflow in Chrome

It’s also possible to develop in Chrome without using npm run chrome.

  1. Open chrome://extensions.
  2. Enable “Developer mode” there.
  3. Click “Load unpacked”.
  4. Choose the compiled/ directory in this repo.

Link Hints should now be installed. You need to press the refresh button after you make changes to the code.


npm start starts npm run watch, npm run firefox and npm run chrome all at once using run-pty.


Open compiled-docs/index.html in a browser.


If you want to install a locally built version of Link Hints, follow these instructions.


You can install Link Hints as an “unpacked” extension, as mentioned in the Manual workflow in Chrome section.

However, for daily use you might not want to depend on the compiled/ directory to always exist and contain correct files. For example, if you run npm run build:firefox, the compiled/ directory will contain Firefox-specific code and won’t work in Chrome.

The alternative is to pack the extension and install that.

  1. Run npm run build:chrome.
  2. Open chrome://extensions.
  3. Enable “Developer mode” there.
  4. Drag and drop dist-chrome/link_hints-X.X.X.crx into the page. (Note: .crx, not .zip.)

Note: The first time you run npm run build:chrome, the file dist-chrome/key.pem is generated. Keep that file. Otherwise Chrome will install a duplicate Link Hints rather than update the previous version the next time you build and install.


Note: Regular Firefox does not allow installing unsigned extensions. You can sign the extension yourself, but it’s easier to use Firefox Developer Edition instead. (You can also use Firefox Nightly or unbranded builds).

  1. Run npm run build:firefox.
  2. Go to about:config.
  3. Set xpinstall.signatures.required to false. (Note: This does not work in regular Firefox – see above.)
  4. Go to File > Open File… or press ctrl+O.
  5. Choose dist-firefox/link_hints-X.X.X.xpi. (Note: .xpi, not .zip.)

Note: If you regularly develop for Chrome, you might want to run npm run build:firefox && npm run compile instead of just npm run build:firefox. Otherwise your compiled/ directory will contain Firefox-specific code that won’t work in Chrome. npm run compile is like npm run watch but it only runs once and does not start watching for changes.