- Support for Python 3.13 by @luolingchun in #200
- Fix query, form, header model extra not honored by @luolingchun in #201
- Better APISpec init to allow to modify it before generating spec_json. by @ddorian in #195
- Schema.maximum type float -> int | float by @ddorian in #217
- Allow url_prefix to be set during API/APIView registration by @luolingchun in #215
- Drop support for Python 3.8 by @luolingchun in #199
- Add PrefixItems to Schema Model for use with Tuple types by @JesseDeLoore in #197
- Reuse schema["title"] if it's defined by @ddorian in #186
- Simple webhook schema by @ddorian in #191
- Fix missing Field.default when it's value is None in openapi spec by @ddorian in #189
- ServerVariable.enum should be optional by @luolingchun in #194
- Fix alias in query and form by @luolingchun in #184
- Support plugins for ui templates by @luolingchun in #151
- Add py.typed marker file for PEP-561 support by @luolingchun in #160
- Use ruff instead of flake8 by @luolingchun in #164
- Remove experimental export markdown by @luolingchun in #161
- Fix
when executemodel_validate
by @luolingchun in #167 - Update docs by @luolingchun in #155
- Fix get_pydantic_core_schema by @luolingchun in #179
- Fix list with default value by @luolingchun in #180
- Add py.typed marker file for PEP-561 support by @luolingchun in #160
- Use ruff instead of flake8 by @luolingchun in #164
- Remove experimental export markdown by @luolingchun in #161
- Fix
when executemodel_validate
by @luolingchun in #167 - Optimize performance and unit testing by @luolingchun in #155
- Fix empty list in body by @luolingchun in #154
- Support plugins for ui templates
- Support for OPENAPI_HTML_STRING in app.config
- Fix empty list in body by @luolingchun in #154
- Support SWAGGER_CONFIG and OAUTH_CONFIG in app.config by @luolingchun in #153
- The
is deprecated in v4.x, usedoc_url
instead. - The
is deprecated in v4.x. - The
is deprecated in v4.x. - The
is deprecated in v4.x. - The
is deprecated in v4.x, useapp.config['OAUTH_CONFIG']
instead. - The
is deprecated in v4.x, useapp.config['SWAGGER_CONFIG']
instead. - The
is deprecated in v4.x, useapp.config['SWAGGER_CONFIG']
instead. - The
is deprecated in v4.x.
- Wrong types of exclusiveMinimum & exclusiveMaximum fields in Schema class by @Lavertis in #149
- Add the swagger_config parameter to configure the swagger ui by @luolingchun in #146
- Use full links in Swagger and RapiDoc
- Upgrade Redoc to 2.1.3
- Upgrade Swagger to 5.12.0
- The doc_expansion parameter is deprecated; use swagger_config instead.
- Fix missing Pydantic Calculated Fields (#141). Thanks, @thebmw.
- Fix the same operationId in APIBlueprint (#133). Thanks, @fluffybrain3.
- Make body required false (#130). Thanks, @styper.
- The default value defined in the form is invalid (#129). Thanks, @seekplum.
- Upgrade pydantic to v2.
- Remove deprecated code.
- Drop support for Python 3.7.
- support for raw requests (#109).
- Upgrade Swagger UI v5.9.0.
- Upgrade Redoc v2.1.2
- Update RapiDoc 9.3.4.
- #105 Supports valid properties only. Thanks, @ota42y.
- #106 Bugfix for parameter object. Thanks, @ota42y.
- #107 Bugfix for generics class. Thanks, @ota42y.
- #114 Support Flask 3.0.
- #118 Fix missed components schemas in ValidationErrorModel. Thanks, @SeFeX.
- #122 Skip 422 response non parameters. Thanks, @Danielsn1.
- #105 Supports valid properties only. Thanks, @ota42y.
- #106 Bugfix for parameter object. Thanks, @ota42y.
- #107 Bugfix for generics class. Thanks, @ota42y.
- #114 Support Flask 3.0.
- Upgrade pydantic to v2
- Remove deprecated code
- Drop support for Python 3.7
- Fix the same operationId in APIBlueprint (#133). Thanks, @fluffybrain3.
- Make body required false (#130). Thanks, @styper.
- The default value defined in the form is invalid (#129). Thanks, @seekplum.
- #118 Fix missed components schemas in ValidationErrorModel. Thanks, @SeFeX.
- #122 Skip 422 response non parameters. Thanks, @Danielsn1.
- #105 Supports valid properties only. Thanks, @ota42y.
- #106 Bugfix for parameter object. Thanks, @ota42y.
- #107 Bugfix for generics class. Thanks, @ota42y.
- #97 Fix response miss description. Thanks, @tekrei.
- #95 Added ability to deserialize complex form parameter objects. Thanks, @BlackGad.
- #79 Support
in Model Config. Thanks, @candleindark. - #82 Fix parameter in url_prefix. Thanks, @riedgar-ms.
- #83 Be able to change 422 validation errors to other http response status. Thanks, @CostcoFanboy.
- #86 Responses key supports both string, int, and HTTPStatus. Thanks, @CostcoFanboy.
- #72 security_schemes(SecurityScheme) supports a json format.
- #68 feat: Add operation_id_callback. Thanks, @BoyanYK.
- #64 Explains the usage of flask openapi command more clearly. Thanks, @candleindark.
- #75 Init view_class and pass view_kwargs. Thanks, @stufisher.
- #70 Support for Specification Extensions in OpenAPI Object and Operation Object. Thanks, @simonblund.
- #73 BaseModel Config support openapi_extra.
- Merge
and deprecateextra_responses
- Add DeprecationWarning to
that will be deprecated in v3.0. - Add DeprecationWarning to
that will be deprecated in v3.0.
- #61 Fix headers with pydantic alias
- remove * in install_requires for setuptools 67+
- Support for custom UI templates (#55)
- endpoint index rename to openapi
- fix missing enum in component schemas
- Fix async
- Fix duplicate tags
- Add dependent files
- support APIView
- Add mypy
- Support for python 3.11
- Upgrade Swagger UI 4.15.5
- Upgrade Redoc UI 2.0.0
- #41 Set the
requestBody required
default value to True. Thanks, @Colin-b - Fix multi decorator for api
- #42 Fix required header is not found when
in header field. Thanks, @elirud
- #36 Add extra_form for operation. Thanks, @Colin-b
- #36 Add extra_body for operation. Thanks, @Colin-b
- Add external_docs for operation
- Add servers for operation
- Support to parse extra field in parameters
- #35 Fixed extra_responses can now be used to set every field in Response. Thanks, @Colin-b
- Upgrade Swagger UI 4.14.0
- Upgrade Redoc UI 2.0.0-rc.76
- Upgrade RapiDoc UI 9.3.3
- #39 Remove configuration FLASK_OPENAPI_VALIDATE_RESPONSE
- #32 Fix: parse_rule is deprecated in werkzeug>=2.2.0.
- #26 Fixed: Body throws exception when receiving str instead of dict. Thanks, @nor3th
- #23 Fixed externalDocs support. Thanks, @dvaerum
- #28 Fixed to enable
property when validation responses. Thanks, @dvaerum - #17 Support for Nested APIBlueprint enhancement. Thanks, @dvaerum
- #29 Support disable warnings. Thanks, @dvaerum
- Support for empty response body. Thanks, @dvaerum
- Support reload authorizations in Swagger UI
- Add
flask openapi
command - Add options in view functions
- Upgrade flask to v2.x
- Remove export markdown to
flask openapi
command - Configuration
- fix: Trailing slash in APIBlueprint
- fix: Find globalns for the unwrapped func
- #19 fix: Trailing slash in APIBlueprint. Thanks, @ev-agelos
- add description for UnprocessableEntity
- remove printouts in
- #16 Fix fileStorage list is not supported. Thanks, @tekrei
- #13 drop support for flask 1.0.x. Thanks, @danmur
- #15 Fix to enable BaseModel with
property. Thanks, @tarcisiojr - #14 Custom parameters: doc_prefix, api_doc_url, swagger_url, redoc_url, rapidoc_url. Thanks, @barryrobison
- Upgrade swagger UI v4.6.2
- Upgrade Redoc v2.0.0-rc.63
- Upgrade RapiDoc v9.2.0
- add operation_id for OpenAPI Specification
- #10 Fix: header's title case. Thanks, @rrr34
- #9 Support for extra responses. Thanks, @blynn99
- #12 Support for path operation field deprecated. Thanks, @blynn99
- Add keyword parameters
- Add servers for OpenAPI
- Upgrade swagger UI v4.1.3
- Upgrade Redoc v2.0.0-rc.59
- Add rapidoc
- Renamed
- Renamed
- fix: default value in a query and form model
- fix: empty form and body
- support
from __future__ import annotations
- drop python36
- add Configuration
- query and form add array support
- fix: path $ref
- fix: markdown enum
- Export to markdown(Experimental)
- remove
- OpenAPI add responses and APIBlueprint add abp_responses
- fix: validate response error when responses is empty dict
- #3 endpoint and APIBlueprint add
. Thanks, @DerManoMann - #4 fix: response description. Thanks, @DerManoMann
- #5 add custom parameter
. Thanks, @DerManoMann - #6 support validation Flask Response. Thanks, @DerManoMann
- #7 fix: response validation does not work when uses http.HTTPStatus enums as status_code. Thanks, @DerManoMann
- APIBlueprint adds abp_tags and abp_security
- fix: tags de-duplication
- fix: operation summary and description
- fix: _do_decorator
- add doc_ui args. support close swagger UI and redoc
- fix:request data is None
- json-->body
- set 422 Content-Type application/json
- raise response validate exception
- fix: TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class
- first version