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3 ee .| Cowboys. Will Give an Exhibition in Connection With the * Cattle Exhibit. ts ” |BRONCHGS TO BE “BUSTED. | Plainsmen Will Display Their Tricks in Roping Steers and Breaking Ponies in the Live-Stock Forum: A freo Wild West Show, with broncho ‘| busting, trick and fanev roping, tying of cattle, and all accompaniments of exhi- bitions of this kind, will close the World's | Pair Southern Breeding and Range Cattle Show to-day. The exhjbition will be civen In the Live- Stock Forum. and will begin at 1 o'clock Fifty of the must noted cowboys and Wild West performers in the country will par- ticipate, and the performance will be un- der the management of the Gabriel brothers, known the world over as daring riders and expert lasso artists. They wili be assisted by Miss Lucille Mulhall, the champion woman rider and roper of the world; dackson brothers of Chadron, Neb.; Charley Thumpson of ‘exas, Miss Mabel Good of Texus, Sam Scoy.lle of Cneyenne, Wyo.; J, P. Snell of Hamiitorm, -Tex.; Wil- iiam Rogers of Ciearmont, Okla.; Lew Young of Texas and others who are known, the country over. The Live-Stock Forum has been speclaily prepared for the biz verformance. ‘To guard against the escape of the wild range cattle, which will be used in the exh.bition the gates to the Live-Stock Forum have been built bicher and otherwise made se- cure. Lhe seats of the amphitheater are sufficiently high to prevent the pussibility of the wild steers leaping the 6-foot bar- rier that is between the ground ficor of the Ferum and the Amphitheater. « These steers were secured from Texas and Indian ‘Territory. The ponies to be used fn the broncho-busting were special- ily brought from Wyoming, Texas, Ukia- homa and the Indian Territory, and many of them have never had a saddle on their backs. These will be roped in the arena, and the cowboy experts will show how bronchos are ‘busted’ on the range, The performance will consist of twelve acts. A quadrilie of eight horsemen in daring evolutions,-a chase for a bride, a tournament in which the most expert of the riders will take part, a.quarter of a mile .race, exhibitions of how the “pony express’ before-the advent of the railroad tarricd the mail to-the West; trick riding by Charley Thompson, George Alser, Slim Higley of Wyoming. John France of Hi- dalgo, I. T.; Knox Simmons of the Indian Territory, and by Charley Mulhall of Ok- lahoma, will be some of the acts, Miss Lucille Mulhall, besides giving exhibitions of riding, will exhibit her famous high- schoo] horse, “Governor.” The Gabriel Brothers will also appedr In acts that have made them famous as Wild West show attractions. These brothers are noted, among other things, for the 2,500-mile ride against time, which they made from Sheridan, Wy.. to Chicago. In the last Sioux war, Jim, the elder, per- formed so qus work for General Miles, ca Pepacheh threugh the hosatle Sloux country. : Governor ‘Francis, members (of the World’s Fair Directory, the Texas Com- mission and World's Fair officials will at- tend. After the Wild West exhibition a re- View af the cattle that!) were shown in the Sony nert Breeding and Range Cattle Show will take place in the Forum.