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State Commission Accepts Date Assigned by Ceremonies Com- mittes of the Exposition, Francia, Vardaman and Commis. sioner Henry to Make Ad dresses—Mra,. Turner Ends Week as Hostess at Tex : as Vavillon. | Missinsipp! Tay at the World's ifatr will Oo Beptember 15. the Commission of that @tate having accepted the date aeigned. by the Coremnonies Committers of the lox Porltion. Executive Cormmiesioner BL TL” Henry returned vesterdey from Jackeon | where he attended a merting of the bowrd St which the programme for the cecuta tion was decided upon. A military parade and Ariil will be one of the features of the day, {lowed by a ree) ception in the evening The First, See | ond and Third reeiment= of the National Guard of Minsissipp!. Major General Kela ler commanding, will attend, and Govertier Vardaman and hie mounted staff wil head the parade to the State bulding, The guard will give a drill in front of the pa- vilion, Executive Commissioner Henry 2 make @ short address, turning the build.) fing over to the Governor, followed by President Francis, who will be responded to by Governor Vardaman. Addresses will also be made by Caplain Prank Bure | kett, secretary of the State Le , and by RT. Brownrigs. president of the Sie sissipp! Boclety of St. Iauie. which orzin- zation wil! participate in the celebrouen. | ba! pe eventns there will be a receplior tate bullding, at which Governor Fh nave will be the host. The Gover nor and Mrs. Varidaman, and the members of the Commission and their wives will be } in the receiving lise. ; Beginning with next Monday, Kentu ky | Will be represented at three points in the | daily programme. At IJ o'clock every morning there will be a demonstration in the State’s forestry exhibit of getting | quartered oak, From 2 ty 2 ofcleck p. tn a demonstration in tobacco culture will! be made in the State's tobacce space in} the Palace of Agriculture. Heginning at) 8 o'clock and extending an hour there will | be a demonstration i hemp culture at) Kentucky's general eericuitural exhibit | Mrs. E. P. Turner of Dallas ends de week as hostess at the Texus bullding to- day, with programmes for both morning end afternoon. In the morning Frederick V. Bowers of Kiralfy’s “(ulsiana’ pr I duction will appear in the role of # Jeciur- | er, giving a short talk on music. For the} afternoon Mra. Turner announces several | features. Miss Elberta Archer of Dalias ! will give a song recital and Miss Mary Ev- ! erette Kelffer of Lilinois will whistle. The | Kilties will give a band concert, coummenc- | ing Bae o'clock. AnobtheP large audience was at the State pavilion yesterday afternoon. Healy Wolf, , a BS pps Eskimo, gave a lecture on “The Manners and Customs of My Beo- | ple.” Hé was attired in his native cos- } tume and was Interesting. Miss Ollie- | wood Johneon of Paris gave a song recital, accompanied by Miss Lelia Scales. Hostesses and Commissioners of the Ex- Position were invited to the Georgia bulld- ing last night by Colonel and Mrs. Dudley, the occasion being a peach feast. The fruit was served in its natural state, and was the famous Georgia peach, which \s Mr. Barrett's great hobby. Everyone had their fill of peaches, and the evening was othérwise pleasantly spent, an impromptu programme Of vocal and music selections being given. Mies Fannye Alexander, 4aughter of Assistant Becretary C. H. Alexander of the Indlana Commission, has returned from a visit to Marion, and will be the deype! of her father at the State build- ng for several weeks privr tu her de- parture fur Colorads. At the Connecticut buliding last night an informal reception was given by the State Commission to the Bridgeton Even- ing Post party. The delegation from Bridgeton, twenty-five in number, arrived yesterday morning, and wili epend ten Gays at the Fair. oA were selected in @ popularity contest. ost of the memn- bers of the party are school teachers, Captain David McCoach of the Phidadel- Phia Reserves was a visitor at the Penn- eyivania building yesterday. He is spend- = @ few days st the Fair, accompanied his family. The reserves consist of 1% men, all 6 feet and more itn height, and are thea pride of Philadeiphia. K J. Smith and Earle Van Allen of — Mich., ere the = of Hel H mith, secretary of the Michigan Cor:miz- sion at the Btate pavilion. Members of the Executive Committee of the Iowa State Commission held @ confer- ence at the Btate building wyesterday. Those present were W. W. Witmer, chair- man, Des Moines; 8. M. Leach, treasurer, Ade’; 8. Balfley, Mount Ayr; and 8. §. Carruthers, Bloomfield. Miss Helen Wit- mer accompanies her father. State Aud!- tor B. F. Carroll and wife of Des Moines were also guests at the State building yesterday. Miss May Brockman of Cincinnati, O., ‘ve @ piano recital at the Kentucky Citiains yesterday afternoon. Nome’s e@ucational exhibit arrived yes- terday and has been Installed in the Alas- ka eee It was collected by Mrs. O. FP. Ki who will leave in a few days for her home in the far North. A_vaiuable collection of carved ar? f and native curlos is exhibited by Mrs. King. also ae gold from the Tundra and the ch fn the gina’ A of Nome. The lead- |. ing cities have creditable school exh!bits which are a surprise to most peaple, who |. imagine Alaska a veritablerice field with no climatic or social advantages. :