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| World’s Fair Commission Will Receive Subscription Made by Kirby Lumber Company. Receiver Appointed After List Had Been Signed—Indiana Building Is Without a Reg- ular Hostess. By an order tssued by Judge James R. Burnett, Master in Chancery, against the Kirby Lumber Company at Houston, the treasury of the Texas World's Fair Com- mission will be replenished to the extent of 3.00. Only recentiy twenty Commis- sioners signed their names to a note for $10,000 and so the news that the amount named will be paid was received with welcome yesterday. The Kirby Company subscribed $5,000 in April, 1908, to the fund for having Texas represented at the Fair, but last summer a receiver for the corporation was appointed, and the payment of the amount has been withheld. In his report, Judge Burnett states that it Is doubtful whether the lumber company was legally author- ized to make the subscription, but as it ®+~--—-+--_-++ + © —t-—-0-—-0-—-0--0-_@ ‘ | ‘Z é i fess. i 4 oN 4 ae, : ry r otiny & ie a7 5 Vi ‘ y >} * ; at aa oe eer ee —_ ere od f peas | 4 bY ee! - ‘ & A>, B ; Sy, tA 7 C 4 } MRS. JOHN M. MILLER OfMeLeansboro. With Mrs..J. J. Brown of Vandalia she is ence, as hostess this week at the Illinois bullding at the World's Fair. was made in good faith. the company should in equity pay it. John Henry Kirby, the president of the Kirby Lumber Company, is also the presi- . dent of the Texas World's Fair Commis- sion, and the amount subscribed by that corporation was one of the largest made te the commission, which, through the failure of the State of Texas,.on account of a constitutional provision, to make an appropriation, had to depend upon privte subscriptions with which to give the Lone Star State proper representation. Additional funds will be required to Maintain the building and the exhibits, but Commissioner Jesse Shain, who is in \ charge at present, has no fear that it will \beeome necessary to either close up-the building or the exhibits. He states that State pride will continue to assert itself, and that Texas will continue to be credit- ably represented. Just at present the Indiana building at the World’s Fair is without a hostess. The Hoosier State bas no regular hostess, the wives of the members of the State Commission taking turns at occupying the —— each for a term of-ten days. Mrs. Nelson F. Gladding, who was hostess from July 10 to 20, departed for her home at Indianapolis several days ago, while Mrs. S. B. Fleming of Fort Wayne, who Was due to take charge on the latter date, has not yet arrived. Meantime Mrs. M. W. Dunn, who is custodian of the art and literary exhibit in the State building, 1s geting as hostess. Miss Fanny Alexander, Gauge ter of Assistant Secretary Alexander of the Indian Commission, an assistant hostess, departs to-day for her home at Marion. Herb and Lewis's band of sixteen pieces, ef Houston, gave a cencert at the Texas building yesterday afternoon between 4 and 4 c'clock, which was attended by 100 persons. The organization, which ‘is :one of the crack bands of the Lone Star State, had been to Cincinnati with the Houston Lodge of Eiks, and a part of the audience were members of the order and their wives. The programme given by the Texas band was a varied one, and the im- Pression it made was most favorable. Charles Lewis is the leader of the band, and the member: are as follows: Frank J. Herb, 5. J. Paul, W. H. Beeler,. Ernest Haiti, J. S.. Valdes, Chris Moerieln, Emil Schmidt, William Diehl, Wilbur West, John Secrest, BE. Kuhnel, Joe Gomez, Otto Elberts and Al. Hart, Miss Shain’s term as hostess of the Texag building will -end this afternoon, and ths two-piano ensemble concert by Theodora Sturkow, the Russian — and Wilbur F. MacDonald of Dallas will be the final offering. Miss Ruby Blake of Dallas will ink and Miss Craig of Mar- shall will whistle. Mrs. Florence Long-of Beaumont will be the hostess next week. 8. T. Whitaker, Executive Commissioner for Utah, received and placed on exhibj- tion in the. State building-.yesterday the ver cup.won by A. Rhodes of Garland for the best sugar beets grown under irri- eeee exhibited at the eleventh Nationel rrigation ae at Ogden, Utah,. Bep- tember 15, 1 The cup was presented by H. O. Havemeyer in behalf of the American Sugar pacepes Papen Itch rather a pretentious affair. and is very valuable: . This fali the Utah exhibit of sugar beets will: be «a prominent feature of that State’s space in the Agricultural buliding. . Morton Ruthérford, Mayor of Muskogee, is at the head of a prominent party of In- dian Territory citizens now attending the Fair. Others.in the party are: Thomes P. Smith, former Mayor of Muskogee; R. P. Harrison. clerk ‘of the United States Court, and EB. :H. fo pees eet deputy for the United States shal of the Western District of the Indlan Territory; H. H. Butler, United States Clerk at af ami, and A. Z. English. president of the Muskogee Titie and Trust commpeny 2 Mr: Rutherford wes United States Marshal for the Territory under Soren hy Mecano administration, a! 3 -enforcemen at law is said to be largely responsi-