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At a meeting of the Executive Commit- tee of the Lambermen’s Club yesterday ‘| in the office of the St. Louls Lumberman | it was decided to rebuild the World's Fair House of Hoo Hoo, which was burned yes- | terday. Work will begin at once and the | House of Hoo Hoo will be completed within thirty days. N. W. McLeod, president and chairman of the board, and J. A. Freeman, J. E. Long, Wi &. Bonsack, C. W. Jennings and Secretary W. E. Barnes of the com- mittee were present. F. C. Bonsack, the architect of the original building, has been re-engaged and the contract will be let at once, with the understanding that work will begin Monday. ‘A circular letter has been addressed to the members calling for the amount needed in excess of the money that will be received from the insurance. Several messages were received” yesterday after- noon promising assistance. All that is left of the unique structure, @ valuable part of the Wor'ld's Fair soresizy exhibtt, built of 160 varieties of wood m ali pazts of the country, is a shell. Practically nothing. was saved of the handsome furnishings 7 the interior. The loss to the restaurant in the building was $7,500. This is independent of the $50,000 loss on the Lena The insurance on the building and ihings is $19,500; on the restaurant $2,000. The books of the club, and all official records and accounts were saved by Cus- todian Hickey. : - - FOR ENTERTAINMENT. The House of Hoo-Hoo was designed for the entertainment of the members of the National Lumbermen’s -Association. and their wives an& fdmillés, who ‘visit’ the Fair. It/was baillt Deke ‘jo mernbers who encorporated as the Lumbermen’s Club. N. W. McLeod of St. Louis, is the President of the club; Benjamin I. Win- chell, president of the Rock Island Rail- ce president, and W. E. Barnes of St. , Secretary. The Board of Directors of the Temple of Fraternity oromh the secretary, C. F. pte) tendered the Board of Managers: of the House of Hoo-Hoo tem rary quar- ters in the Temple of Fraternity » and will affcrd the lumbermen acceptable juarters until their own building is restored. Besides Custodian Joseph §. Hickey there were in the building at the time the fire was discovered, Luther E. Jeffries, the chef, and the negro porter, John Brown and his wife. Hickey and Jeffries had no difficulty in escaping, but Brown and his wife, who were sireping in the second peg A of the building. had their exit eut off by the tlames, it was necessary for them to make their escape with the as- sistance of the firemz.-a by way of a tree that grew near their window. They es- caped only in their night ciothes WATCHMEN NOT PROVIDED. There is no .régular fire patrol Rt night of the buildings on the Piateau of States. Most of the buildings have night watch- men on duty, although this ig not com- pulsory. Colonel Kingsbury, commandant of the Jefferson Guards, Sait :csierday that the State buildings were oui of the jurisdic- tion of the guards, as fire Hen Sate was concerned. Beverai of the State Commis- sions, he stated, had requested that guards be detailed to duty at their respective pa- vilions, but he had replied to them that all State Commissions desiring such serv- ice could obtain it only ou the payment cf $2.50 per day for each guu:d. Nene of the commissions had accedeu 1o these terms. Within a compdratively store time after | the alarm was turned in Captain Conrad, | Adjutant of the guard, was on the scene | with 20 guards who did good service in | checking the flames. Another hundred | guards were put to work pouring streams | of water on the Education Palace tu pre- vent that structure from catching fire ; from the flying sparks. About half the entire force of guards were on Juty at or near the fire. Director of Works Tayivoy staved yes- terday that just at present 7t had not been decided to make any new regulatious for = protection as a result of the con- flagration. It !s said that recently 85 of the 100 In- spectors on duty at the World’s Fair had been aucuaseed. in the interest of econ- omy, and there is much speculation as to whether the force of fire inspectors would be again increased as a result of the disastrous blaze. ; < The official report concerning the fire which destroyed the House o7 fo00-Hoo, issued by the St. Louls Fire Prevention Bureau, through Electricai Inspect. r Jas. H, Fenton, is as follows: “There was no evidence as to what | started the fire. We found quite a quvu-1 tity of Teagroe + clothing that had been! left in the putting in a room known as! the pressroom and upon inquiry {t was: learned that the painters had been at work in this room yesterday, “T made an examination of the electric wiring, which had not been destroyed by the fire, and found it in good-condition. “The fuses in the branch circuit feed- ing the portion of the eeweny, Sao which the fire occurred were intact. These fuses were of the ayaa kind and size used for a@ safe installation.” ‘ LADY LILY SAVES MYSTERIOUS ASIA Elephant in Pike Concession Diacov- Fire in Her Stall and Trampets. “Lady Lily,” one of the elephantd be- longing to the “Mysterious Asia’ conces- sion on the Pike, saved that concession from being destroyed by fire early yester- day morning. “Lady Lily” occupies a stall in the con- cession, and just about the time that the fire broke out at the House of Hoo Hoo she discovered fire in her stall. She im- mediately began to stamp on the flames and her trumpeting attracted the attend- ants. An alarm was turned in, and thé rompt arrival of firemen prevented the Somes from deing much damage.