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A SS “At Sound of First Click on / Key From Washington Bunting Will Wave From Fair Build- ings. WILL BE EXACTLY AT NOON. } : Arrangements Completed for Electric Current From White : House to Exposition. 3 TO USE HISTORICAL KEY.) Ae eee ‘ Machinery Will Be Started Simul. |. taneously With the Signal |. . Coming From the Nation's Chief Executive. ‘ jf a. : , 1 / When President Roosevelt, in the| | i White House at Washington in the pres- ‘ "ence of the members of the Diplomatic . Corps, the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, members| | of the Cabinet, the President of tha Sen- | : ate, the Speaker of the House and others| , @stinguished in official life, shall press the button that opens the Exposition to- dey, he will use an instrument that is his-| | torical F { The telegraphic key that will be used by 1 _ the President is the same that was used | | : for the opening of the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 18%. The one] ! veed by President Francis this morning at the Exposition grounds is of gold, and F has been specially constructed for the] | -purpose by the Postal Telegraph Com- ; pany. { All of the arrangements for the clicking message from Washington which _-~, Claims the Exposition oper ae et _- e@mpleted by that company. two'elrcaite r ‘ . Tunhing between St. Louis and Washing- { ton have been set aside by the company | | E for-use in opening the World's Fair. They ‘ Tun over different routes, having been ar- ‘ ranged with a view to overcoming any | Possible interruption, so that it is reason- ] ably assured that one circult in almost ; any contingency may be in service. i -P, V. De Graw, Eastern representative of the Exposition Company, will test the . @reuft at St. Louis at 9 this morning. ! - Captain B. F. Montgomery of the United | | States Army, who is in charge of the 1 : telegraphic department at the White : Z - House, presiding at the key in Washing- ton. These expert telegrapherg will have | , charge of the circuit until President Roose- , velt starts the machinery of the Fair and it is formally declared opened. The arrangement perfected late yester- 1 a aay contemplates a Morse telegraphic stg- | ; , .. Hal from President Francis to President I -.RBosevelt, stating that the management of the Exposition awaits his pleasure. 1 According to the schedtled arrangement I ‘the President at Washington will then z | Press the Morse telegraphic key located tn t the east room of the White House, which | , | will transmit thé electrical energy to the t - Worid’s Fair instrument in the rostrum at ; the base of the Loulsiana monument, 4 { whence it will be instantly distributed to t Machinery Hall, the Cascades and other i Points throughout the vast area of the Ex- f While the band plays “The Star-Span- : d Banner” and the cheering crowds c with uncovered heads, the effect c 1-be briefly wired to President Roose- % ¢ by President Francis, standing with r -hand touching that of Mr. DeGraw, 3 2 will do the actual key work. rs TO UNFURL THE FLAGS. FP At the moment that the first click P “sounds on tiie key from Washington more t . than 1,000 flags on the palaces and bulld- | - . ings of the Fair will be simultaneously . ; unfurled. Two hundred men will be re- qa to loosen the 1,02) buntings on the t = exhib bolting and around the lagoons. p - The te and foreign pavilions will ar-{ | as range their parts in the flag ceremony | ,, themselves. ¥ Exactly at 12 o'clock, when the siftging a - #f the national anthem is finished, the 5 President will press the button. Colonel s ; Edmund Rice, Military Secretary of the ~. Conanittee of Ceremonies, will give @ sig- | 5. t nal to 3B. D, Allen, Superintendent of = Flags, who will be stationed between the c Loulsiana Purchase Monument and the ~ Varied Industries building. i z He in turn will wave to George Rush, ti . Foreman of Flags, who will pull the hal- yard tiled around a big American flag on = ‘ the seutheast corner of the Palace of E Varied Industries. P At the same instant flags on the cor- Cc .... Bers of Manufactures, Education and 5 g. \E-ectricity will drop, and as they descend | ,. -yhe 200 men on the roofs and along the | ¢. Bf oons will pull the ropes in their hands, U tach of the men has at least two ropes | » and in some cases, where the flags are |, “Close together, four and five. >. =e figg poles are about twenty feet b » Spart es a rule, and the flags are held in | 5 » by two strings. The jerking of the a FP nalyard breaks these strings and the flag B F.. is thus loosened. a F-> In the western Exposition palaces the =- men will not be so numerous, but will [a Start to run ss the signal te given, and | | ea may Toee a they pans the: poles. c Sc As s00n as men have fasten: . a ~pecurely in- -desce' F a= the. Fouts of” the, Dulldings, ew g released from work un o'clock, p When they will take them in for the night. je a: ee euianty tour men under General | g: Se Guperintendent J. & Tritie will Ba nige. c a tantly on the grounds to raise thé - Seas : anernnae O2 6 £m. and sewer be °° AAS throughot the Bair 2