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{ United States Army, Major Hammond; Committee on Foreign Relations of the. Board of Directors and Secretary of the | comunittee; Director of Exploitation and | Commissioners of the Exposition to for- eign countries, Commissioners and representatives of the | foreign countries in the following order: Commissioners and representatives of foreign Governments which have Ambas- sadors accredited to the United States, in the order of the presentation of creden- tials to the Exposition by said Commis- sioners and representatives. Commissioners and representatives of foreign Governments which have Minis- ters Resident accredited to the Govern- ment of the United States, in the order of the presentation of credentials to the Ex- position by said Commissioners and repre- sentatives. Other we Do a of foreign Govern- ments and colonies in the: order of the presentation of the credentials of said representatives and Commissioners to the Sete he Government Board, representatives of the State and Territorial Governments will assemble at 9:15 at the United States Government building, whence they will proceed on foot under escort to the places assigned them for the opening ceremo- nies on the Plaza St. Louls. Governors and their uniformed staffs will be escort- ed. by their respective State or Territorial commissions. The following is the order assigned for the march to the Plaza: Detachment Jefferson Guards. Innes’s Band. wo ede net United States Army, Captain ig. Committee on Legislation and Btate and Territorial Exhibits. of the Board of Di- rectors, and the Chief of the Department of Domestic Exploitation. United States Government Board. Commissioners and representatives of oe and Territories in the following or- ler: Commissioners and representatives of the States in the Loulsiana Purchase in the order of their admission into the Union. Commissioners and representatives of the Territories in the Louisiana Purchase in the order of their organization as Ter- ritories. Commissioners and representatives of the thirteen original States in the order of the sap ace of the Constitution of the United States. Representatives of other States and Ter- ritories in the order of admission into the Union or organization as Territories. ORDER OF ARRIVAL Arriving at the monument, the officials and guests will be conducted to their seats by General Edmund Rice, grand marshil, and ‘his rae while Sousa’s Band, taking its position in the east band stand, will offer its special programme. The crder of arrival will be as follows: President Francis and officials of the Exposition. Governors and Commissioners of the States and Territories. Foreign Commissionera City officials, comprising the Mayor, Counctl, House of Delegates, cfficers and rn bers of the Board of Education and Jucges of the several courts, escorted by a committee of Exposition Directors, and preceded by a band and a detachment of Jettersot Guards, entering by the parade gate. Prince Pu Lun and party in carriages enter by Parade Gate, escorted by com- mittee of Exposition Directors. Chief of Staff, United States Army, Gen- eral Adna R. Chaffee, escorted by General John C. Bates, official committee, and troop of United States Cavalry. Congresses delegates, escorted by committee and troop of cavalry. Secretary of War, William H. Taft, rep- resenting the President of the United States, escorted by committee and two troops of cavalry. ee f Palais du Costume. Chief Pike attrac- tion. pe $675,000.00. Paris artistic suc- cess. cents. a MANAGER OF WABASH BUREAU. I. A. O'Brien Will Be im Charge of Information Department. At the World’s Fair end of the Wabash shuttie train service, T. A. O’Brien is likely to become known as the “Barney Frauenthal of the Fair.” He received the appointment yesterday and will to-day take up the duties of manager of the Wabash's bureau at the World's Fair, and will be stationed near the gate. He has been in the information Bureau at the Union Station for two years and is we.l acquainted with the wants of the traveling public. SS - Take your “Want” ads. for The Sunday Repabis to your nearest druggist early