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i, =. ~ THE CA Vea ‘N Ag (—~—F, AA 4 AM ED Lo } ae AP ‘ Ai yxvit AAT i ah | SDE CDANTY : | | ] LOE U IENG it . 3 l i ' BY REUBEN JASPER, Special World’s Fair Correspondent. © To the Editor of the Hayville Herald. ST. LOUIS, May 6.—As I was telling you yesterday when my letter was cut short for lack of space, this young fellow that I met on Market street, near Union Sta- tion, told me he could take me to a nice place to get shaved. i afterward found out that he meant “skinned,” for so I was, both literally and | figuratively. “Little haircut today?” the barber asked, | softly, as I settled down into the chair. I said_no, but he insisted on trimming it | up, and so I finally consented. Then he | shaved my face, scraped my neck, put | tonic on my hair and otherwise maltreated | me, and the whole bill, including a shine, was $4.90. ° O mamma, but I was crazy! But they made me pay—yes, sir, them tonsoria] ar- tists, as they call themselves, but who are ! really tonsorial robbers, made me cough up poe, Ee oe as oe OS FS a ——— c = x 7 (Aer So) es oh Af ay Bax § Re PALA i ie m1: jy ai oN Wes cS acd eeat | ee LS AB py ——| | nS NOY > < ¢ 8 , A ae ~ Ae lar 5 ; = es iP ms // Werense vd { y COW ATs a, OO RDAgaA 8 ££. A Ay iif xeyoap id: | ae ge Ee 4 a | a AQ uy Pe FABY a clio 5 =% a Meee = = | bea ay \ | hea x _ aa | IS YR es? Ra Lee —__— a : e ale, | CHB mT TD j REUBEN JASPER AND CONNIE MANN. (Reproduced from the Hayville Herald.) $4.80 for that little dab of work,'which Tom Yancey, at hore, would have been tickled to death to do for 40 cents. But worst of all—even worse than being gouged thataway—was the insulting re- mark made by the head robber. “Your bill would have been only $4.30 if | you hadn't ‘a’ had your hair combed,’ he said. . “Why so?’ I asked. “Why,” he said, ‘“‘we always charge farmers 50 cents extra for combing their hair.” “Why so?” I asked again. “Because they always have so much hay- seed in it,” he answered, and then they all | haw-hawed, while my new-found city friend and I snuck out of the place as fast as | we could. He seemed to sympathize with me deeply, | and I believe he did. He told me his name was Cornelius | ere and that his friends called him oe! for Connie Mann for short. | He said he knowed an elegant place | | where he could get good board cheap. He | meant a limber yard, I guess. We walked around for several blocks, and finally land- ed in what seemed to be a first-class board- ing house. In one window was this sign: ; TRANSIENTS TAKEN IN. : Well, I can testify as to the truthfulness . that sign, for I was a transient, and I lwas sure took in. For supper they filled me | | full of bad beef, stale bread and coffeé that | was too wenk to cry for assistance and de- mended $1.50 for the layout. I saw the land- lady wink at Connie Mann as I commenced to diz up, but Connié only looked wise. I commenced fto suspicion that everything was not exactly right, and so I says to Con- nie: “I guess I'll be on my way.” “What's your hurry?” he says. “Oh,” I says, “I @on'’t believe I like this part of St. Louis as well as I thought I yould.” I had heard about the free printed lsts_ of boarding houses furnished by the | World's Fair management, but they couldn't fool me. I didn’t propose to be taken in by no scheme like that, for these | World's. Fair people are out for the dough, 11 tell you, and will be satisfied with noth- ing less. You can bet your last cent that ‘Ithe World’s Fair directors and _ these ‘i blamed boarding house keepers are work- | ing right in together, and that they divvy up regular at the end of every week. I was determined not to let them get the pest of me on any such a scheme, and they |q@id not. It/is nothing more than right that I warn the people of Hayville, through ‘Il the yaluable columns of the Hayville Her- ald ($1 a year, in advance,) against the -lschemes of these men, who have built a - | $50,000,000 World’s Fair here in order that ;| they may entice people to the city from all over the map and make them spend their ‘|money. It is a shame. i] $n my next I will have a great deal to }/ tell you about the horrible street car sys- ,, tem of this town, where I have seen as ,j marty as 4000 human beings packed in a single car. ‘| Charles Wagner to Visit America. j Charles Wagner, whose volume of wise ; and kindly advice to the members of the sifamily. “By the Fireside.” has just been ti brought out by McClure-Phillips, has de- ,| cided to visit America, where he has s0 ¢} many friends, in October or November. He will deliver sermons and lectures, speeches i to children and young men's clubs, and will make addresses im the universities. ,| “Side by side with my jectures,”’ be says, _| “I intend to carry on @ discreet propa- ganda for my work here ih Pacis. This | work is the center of my activity, and con- s} gists essentially in the diffusion of the >| great principles of the oats te a . {simple and logical form “pprop to the » | mind and tlie nee“ o’ the Ume. I hope to find In the Uni. ‘es sympathy: for ip me tte.” e given my er- - . life.” a RT ee . tS ES i ane aad