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ry THE SUNDAY POST-DISPATCH |. i , . * I It Illustrates the World’s Fair in Col-|s . * t ors and Is Rich In Interesting I Features. : In tomorrow's Sunday Post-Dispatch the ; “World’s Fair in Colors” is continued as a |, series in two color pages of combined |s beauty and informative value. t That any members of the human family |, should by preference burrow in the earth for their habitation and there live in thejs dark like moles or prairie dogs is a strange ¢ fact. Some of these people will be seen}; at the World's Fair, and their astenishing | \ underground homes promise to be one of|¢ the most curfous sights there witnessed. |* Tomorrow’s Sunday Post-Dispatch tells all |, about them and the story, copiously illus-]y trated, is full of the fascination that at- | taches to the primeval and mysterious. A certain young Ang!lo-American of dis- |¢ tinguished ancestry, well known in 6&t.]j Louis, and recently here, is the central fig- |, ure of a remarkable romance that has just | - reached its culmination. It is a story of ‘ two loves, two tasks and a man's choice], for happiness, and in some of its special |, aspects it is unique in sentiment. Two] beautiful and well-born young women fig- ure in the romance, and war and ambition ‘ play a prominent part. The material for a novel ts richly available in the story in|‘ 'tomorrow’s Sunday Post-Dispatch Sunday |! | Magasine. The most graceful of all arts, a recreative exercise in which the race of man has in- |‘ dulged almost since the dawn of creation, |‘ and which finds it best exponents in beau- |’ tiful girls, is to be bewiideringly illus-|' trated in the flesh at the World's Fair. All the nations have contributed famous vo- taries. Yet savagery will appear side by | side with civilization and there are likely | to be some barbaric surprises connected with this World's Fair feature. Tomorrow's | | Sunday Post-Dispatch telis all about them | en a page beautifully ilustrated with sat = em halftones. : The astonishing story of the solitary guest of the world’s largest hotel is told |, in tomorrow's Sunday Post-Dispatch. It is], amusing as well as astonishing—armies of |. servants were marshaled to welcome and} wait upon this lonely woman guest, thous- |’ ands of rooms were at her disposal, a for- tune was spent daily that she might bel] pleased with her quarters. No queen ever]. had a more striking experience in the line | ' of way of lonely splendor—but it was only } a “splendid isolation’ after all, and “its victim, or beneficlary, as you will, tells a vivid and humorous story of her sensa- tions bere in St Louis. A famous Frenchman, sent to St, Louis |. to make a study of the World's Fair, ran across the American ung, problem in its | most agarevated form. He has made a keen analys's of the situation, expressing | his views with typical Gailic lightness and vivacity, and, as a trained observer's com- ments on the quality of American domes- tics, his utterances are possessed of unus- ual interest. Every household will be amused und entertained by this kind Frenchman's story, which appears in full in tomorrow's Sunday Post-Dispatch, ac- companied by appropriate illustrations. ee reg story of the child-wife of a repuisive old man who made her a house- hold drudge and Cinderella of poignant ores is told in tomorrow's Sunday Post-Dispatch. Happily the story has a bright ending in fact, vet it tugs at the heart igor = Rae one reade of the little girl whose un ng mother condemned her to such an es age The scene of part of the story is tn Missouri and it is a real- are y a, — appeni. ome Will be f and illustrations of especial tavvincr es valu pegs st pew. strange and curi- ote; nd, about St. Louls is even lor - in) Roenic in. colors is EE mo , | row = Sune Ppst- ch | ZZ, and int a % So “> hes elma : - *