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—_——_~<—.- Trumpets Proclaim the Start From Jefferson Hotel for the | World’s Fair. | Amid a clattering of hoofs, the blare of trumpets and the eclat of an auspicious’ occasion, the United tSates Senate party | left the Jefferson Hotel on Twelfth street. for the World's Fair at 9:10 o'clock. The party was joined at Twelfth and Lo- cust streets by the House committee, and preceded by Troop M of the Fourth er; alry from Jefferson Barracks proceeded weston Washington avenue. The House party left the Southern Hotel at 9 o’cloek sharp in six carriages and fell in behind the senators at the Jefferson. A party of 2% persons, 4 of whom were the: representatives of the lower House in Con- | gress, occupied the six carriages. | The six carriages assigned to the Senate party were occupied by Senator w. BE. Burnham, wife and daughter, of New Hampshire; Senator Clarence Clark of Wy-. orming, Senator Thomas Bard of California, and Mr. Herrris and sister of Georgia: Senator Fulton of Oregon, Mr. Ira E. Ben- nett of California. and Robert A. Davis: Senator John Daniel of Virginia and Miss Hawkins of age ee gga Seargeant-at- Arms D. M. Ramsdell und daughter, and Miss Duncan of Washington, D. C. Capt. J. W. Hughes was in, command of M shane ——_@— . Employes Show Appreciation. , The employes of Simmons Hardware Co. showed their appreciation of the full holi- day granted by that firm to all of its em- ployes for apening day, and also for the two 5f-cent pieces which each employe found in his pay envelope, by addressing a letter to him, written on ene continuous sheet of paper over 30 feet long, and signed by over a thousand of the ere. The letter was presented by Mr. BE. V. D. Per- ret, the manager of the stock departments and warehouses, who has been with the firm for over 28 years, and who made an appropriate speech In presentation of it. The letter is as follows: APRIL 29, 1904, To Mr. G. W. Simmons, General Manager Simmons Hardware Co.: Dear Sir—On this, the eve of the-holiday commemorating the ewes of the Louisi- ana Purchase Exposition, we, the employes of Simmons Hardware fo., collectively. de- sire to express to you our appreciation of the many extraordinary favors granted to us in the course of business and of yon kindly consideration of the welfare of all employes in —s We especially desire to express to you our vinaiktalnens for the holiday, the entire ‘day, on Saturday. April 30, which our firm wes the first to announce to its employrs. Sui again We must thank you for the y stra R27 to all at =. tr a rpose our ¢€ the y t ide Exposition... We remain, your very THe YES OF SIMMONS HARD- 4 = se ge eres LG): rr, > ces F ™ Fe. ry 2 eg tee. = SS ip Se ee RE ee