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a ne ee A eT lense — ~ es OFFER WASHINGTON | 4 (hae here tah: 2 NS ee ; \ i { 7 ys : ~ BUILDING TO CITY), MES telog i : : } 3 3 | if ‘ A , NEGOTLATIC NS PENDING ig , 2 Sone of a a Gees ee! ik ‘Structure Is Permanent and . 7 wag : 4 Was Erected at Cost a dies 1h pee aly ® “IS OF UNIQUE CONSTRUCTION | * r | 4 | ee ‘SUGGESTED FOR FORESTRY AND OBSERVATION BUILDING-—TO — MAINE PAVILION. It now! rests weld | the city officials | whether or not St.| outs! will be endowed at the close of the forla’s Fair with one |, of the mre unique buildings ever erécted at an universal €¢xposition. An offer has | been made them |/through Charles M. | ° . Reeves, bot pe thd domestic’ exploitation ‘L ‘at the Fair, of th 4 permanent Washing: | t : ton state). pavilion for a- forestry and ob- i servation) building,| The—actual cost of | | the building fas Over $20,000. t Not a sll en ers the grounds and | t , Visits ‘the state section without inquiring | f about thi building pnd taking a look over | 1 the Fair Frees its -foot observation sta- } 5 tion, ft gy tolthe city was, made a |t short time ago by) Filmer E: Jphnston, | f the executive commissioner of the stato | § of aa gton, thrpugh Mr. Reeves; and |! considerable correspondence hay | passe: between |Mr. Johnston and Robert Aull, | - park Ror aerrey Rie on the subject. The ‘City authorities anq said to be nightly in favor of the. proje¢t, and the offer; will.| , prepenty | be aecepted. All that is asked f 8 that the name ofjthe state of Washing- ton be allowed to rf main on the building. | \Is Built on Concrete. | The bullding bbe! ast for years, as it 1s | | Te on ta SS sore foundation, and its | | > timbers bepre enti ithe finest lumber in Washington. > Eietit of the main beams run from the grovird to the top of the - Destin @hich is|An octagonal pyramid, not un an| im nse Indian tepee. In each one of heed! beams, all measuring | | — 19 feet’ in Iength)| is one mile of board L material, There are five stages in the || bullding where thel-visitor may step out |. on a veranda and iipok about him. Each |. of the stages aS apmcrecied of different | | * kinds of. jwood, andi the building thus has-| | an sidded value asia forestry exhibit, as | “well as ingot } equaled observation a tower. c1..8 eds) upon a hill, and its | height above ithe Sirrounding country ‘is -thus ile as a its base the building Jis 77 feetiin diametér, the total height be- ing Ii4 feet. A stairway to the first land- )ing is made ‘entirely of Washington gray marble, | | | erga | The Thadin cost of| erecting the building was iri the ‘freighta ge; On account of the reat distance-the lumber and marble had “to be ttansported,| the freight bill for building. afetial was larger than that of P, salmost ary other state. Not a hoard or “Shingle, Was. used |jn ‘its entire. construc- +tion that did ‘not fbme all the way from “the far-off Westers country, where trees “can be lowed put and used for houses. |' i*The exhibits ha th + building will go with it if they are: wanted. Mr. Johnston has bis office in ia tt e trunk, and half a dozen F, ple Can |¥isit him at the. same time without ¢avsinig any inconvenience, all . ' i ny Desire to Purchase. No difficulty whatever would be found in disposing of th# building if the com- 5 ome ired to|jkell it. Several offers have been mafle a feady, but the purpose in erecting it was (@ advertise the state of Washington, amd the commissioners think that no better way tould be found thar to! leave the, buildiag ds a lasting monument * to the size and spirit of the state. The papaete is the same jthat led to the sugges-| tion of the transferral of the Oregon? palling ° o the city) as told in yesterday's | Gucne-DeEmocra«r. || These t buildings and the Maine state pulang. south of the Texas buildirg, are the only co a t, structures ‘on bs comer states. ll are built of logs or lumber song from their respective /states, and all willbe left in St. Louis or ‘near It."} The Malhe building hag been - very mu¢h admired, and a number of ot- | feta Yave been made for it by St. Louis- ‘ars. Charles H. Hittig, president of the | he national bank of Sf.. Louis, is said tc be o of the} most enthusiastic .ad-¢ ame te of, the ptrag ure, and has the first Jre*weu: should he/desire to buy it. The “bullding & replica. of a typical hunting lodge in the Mal | woods, such as are .-owned b ch munls g clubs in New York, . ‘Philadelphia and Maine. : . Price Asked Is $10,000. ‘ )) The copt. of shes building. was $10,006, “and it is} expected|iby Mr. Philbrook, the secrotar ot {ine commission, that no difficulty will béjexperienced in getting ‘this ,pricé for the |building. -All negotia- tions for its purchase have been) made ‘through- Edward C})iSwett, the former sec- “retary, who was succéeded by Mr. Phil-. brook last week. |/The building is filled with a fine taxidermist exhibit; which will ( be sold with the pavilion. : :