based on rupture, but without their complex configuration to old devices
to avoid compilation conflicts, using other names
+belongsTo(min, max)
you can use them exactly as any block-mixin
colors android yahoo
border solid 1px amazon
colors react airbnb
border solid 2px angular
+belongsTo(100px, 150px)
colors svelte spotify
border solid 2px netflix
color snapchat
body {
background: #78c257;
color: #430297;
border: solid 1px #f90;
@media screen and (min-width: 540px) {
body {
background: #61dafb;
color: #ff5a5f;
border: solid 2px #dd0031;
@media screen and (min-width: 100px) and (max-width: 150px) {
body {
background: #ff3e00;
color: #1db954;
border: solid 2px #e50914;
h1 {
color: #fffc00;
shortcuts for @media (prefers-color-scheme <x>)