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Jakub Jedryszek edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 32 revisions

SVG support

SVG files are now working and support every FFImageLoading's feature. It uses SkiaSharp for rendering. If SVG file isn't loading, try to optimise file first using this: (or cmd only and add it to your pre-build scripts)

Data URLs support

FFImageLoading now supports loading data as data: urls or plain SVG.

  • data:image/svg+xml;base64,[BASE64ENCODEDSVGFILE]
  • data:image/svg+xml,<SVG>[NOT_ENCODED_SVGFILECONTENT</SVG>

Read more here:


It's very easy, just add Xamarin.FFImageLoading.Svg.Forms nuget and use SvgCachedImage instead CachedImage:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Class="FFImageLoading.Forms.Sample.SvgSamplePage"

		<ffimageloadingsvg:SvgCachedImage WidthRequest="200" HeightRequest="200" Source="sample.svg"/>	

		<!-- SECOND APPROACH (PCL EmbeddedResource): -->
		<ffimageloadingsvg:SvgCachedImage WidthRequest="200" HeightRequest="200" Source="resource://FFImageLoading.Forms.Sample.Resources.sample.svg"/>  

When loading from embedded resources, you can specify different assembly with following format: resource://FFImageLoading.Forms.Sample.Resources.sample.svg?assembly=[ASSEMBLY FULL NAME]

More advanced scenarios: use a custom SvgImageSource which enables SVG support. Please notice, that it has optional parameters for controlling renderered SVG size (automatic by default) IMPORTANT: Your projects also must reference System.Xml.Linq.

From code:

source = SvgImageSource.FromFile("image.svg")
source = SvgImageSource.FromUri("")
// etc...

Or use a provided converter (eg. when using XAML):

Source="{Binding SvgFileName, Converter={StaticResource SvgImageSourceConverter}}"


When loading images you have to configure custom data resolver which enables SVG support:

			.WithCustomDataResolver(new SvgDataResolver(200, 0, true))
			.WithCustomLoadingPlaceholderDataResolver(new SvgDataResolver(200, 0, true))

You can also load svg image from string:

	var svgString = @"<svg><rect width=""30"" height=""30"" style=""fill:blue"" /></svg>";

		.WithCustomDataResolver(new SvgDataResolver(64, 0, true))
		.WithCustomLoadingPlaceholderDataResolver(new SvgDataResolver(64, 0, true))

Converting svg string into UIImage:

	var svgString = @"<svg><rect width=""30"" height=""30"" style=""fill:blue"" /></svg>";

	UIImage img = await ImageService.Instance
		.WithCustomDataResolver(new SvgDataResolver(64, 0, true))

SVG string replacement (including colors)

You can replace svg string by using Dictionary<string, string> replacement map.


Specify / bind ReplaceStringMap parameter of SvgCachedImage object OR provide optional replaceStringMap parameter in SvgImageSource methods.


Provide replaceStringMap parameter in SvgDataResolver constructor.