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-| [Cyber](https://luau.github.io/Executor-API-Docs/Cyber) | Unofficial, Archived | Author: greenmangaming.com ([Github](https://github.com/greenmancode), [Discord](https://discordapp.com/users/577282206079385610))
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diff --git a/docs/Raindrop.html b/docs/Raindrop.html
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Raindrop Documentation
+ +void Raindrop:AddCommand(string command, int arguments, function callback)
Adds a command to the Raindrop command system.
void Raindrop:MessageBox(string text, string title)
Sends a messagebox to the user.
WARNING: This will block execution flow until the message box is accepted (freezing ROBLOX!). If you do not want this, use Raindrop:MessageBoxAsync.
async void Raindrop:MessageBoxAsync(string text, string title)
Sends a messagebox to the user async.
NOTE: This method runs async, so this will NOT block execution flow! (aka your code will continue even after the message box is shown)
string Raindrop:DownloadString(string url)
Downloads data from the internet. This supports HTTPS and SSL/TLS.
void Raindrop:CopyString(string text)
Copies a string to the clipboard.
void Raindrop:ExecuteCommand(string command)
Executes a command from the Raindrop command system.
table<index, instance> Raindrop:FindPlayers(string player)
DEPRECATED: Gets a table of players from the input string (ex: "me", "others", "all"). This command is mostly only used internally/for legacy scripts. Do not use for new work.
table<RaindropConsoleLibrary> Raindrop:GetConsole()
Gets the Raindrop Console system. Look below for console system.
Raindrop Console Library
+ +void Raindrop:GetConsole():CreateConsole(string name)
Creates a console. If it already exists, it will rename the console.
void Raindrop:GetConsole():SetConsoleName(string name)
Sets name of a console. If it doesnt exist, it will error with "console not created".
void Raindrop:GetConsole():Write(string text)
Writes text to the console. NOTE: This does NOT add a newline to the end of the text!
void Raindrop:GetConsole():WriteLine(string text)
Writes text to the console and adds a newline to the end.
async string Raindrop:GetConsole():ReadLine()
Yields until a piece of text is entered to the console and enter is pressed. (returns the text entered)
void Raindrop:GetConsole():SetColor(Color color)
Sets console color. Color list (you can use Raindrop:GetConsole().ColorName to get the color):
+Black + Blue + Green + Cyan + Red + Magenta + Brown + LightGray + DarkGray + LightBlue + LightGreen + LightCyan + LightRed + LightMagenta + Yellow + White