Develop a Python package for PyPI following SQuaRE's standard practices.
- setuptools for packaging
- setuptools_scm for version string management
- Tox for development task orchestration
- Pre-commit for linting, with black, isort, flake8, and more
- Pytest for unit testing
- Mypy for type checking
- GitHub Actions for continuous integration and releases
- Sphinx for documentation
This is the name of the Python package on PyPI and also the name of the GitHub repository. Formatting tips:
- Use lower case.
- A single word is best (i.e.
). - If you need multiple words, use a hyphen as a separator rather than an underscore (i.e.
This is the name of the package's Python module, based on its PyPI package name. This should be all lower case, and ideally a single word. If there are multiple words in the PyPI name, consider squishing those words into a single word for the module name. If that doesn't work, as a last resort, use an underscore to concatenate words (however, we view underscores in package names as un-pythonic).
A one-sentence description of the package. This is used as the GitHub repository summary, in the README, and in the PyPI package summary.
The year, or years that the named institution made contributions.
For consecutive years, use a dash (2016-2018
For nonconsecutive years, use a comma (2016, 2018
The default is the current year.
Legal name of the institution that claims copyright. The choice list covers all DM institutions. If you need to assign a copyright to a different institution, you can modify the search-and-replace after the package is created. For more details, see Managing license and copyright in Stack packages.
The GitHub organization where the app resides.
For SQuaRE workers, this should be lsst-sqre
To test template production, use lsst-sqre-testing
The example directory is a package created using only the template defaults.