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226 lines (145 loc) · 17 KB


pucks: An environment for experiments and education in artificial intelligence and artificial life.


Assuming that you have installed leiningen, you can run a simulation by typing something with the following pattern at the command line:

$ lein run [world namespace] [parameter keyword/value pairs]

Alternatively, in an integrated development environment such as Counterclockwise, you can open a "world" file (in src/pucks/worlds/*), load the file into a new read-eval-print loop (REPL), and evaluate an expression such as:

(run-pucks (agents) (settings))


This will run one of the "development" worlds, containing an assortment of randomly placed agents, which serve mostly to test new agent types during development:

$ lein run

This will run a different "development" worlds, with modified settings:

$ lein run :screen-size 600 :max-velocity 40

The available settings and their defaults are in src/pucks/globals.clj.

This will run a simple world intended for use by AI students who are learning about pucks. It contains a few objects including one instance of the "user" agent:

$ lein run

Students should see if they can change the definition of the user agent (in src/pucks/agents/user/clj) to get it to survive indefinitely.


A blog for pucks-related posts, including videos, can be found at


Pucks are flat.

Pucks are round.

Every puck has a core, which may be solid, and a porous membrane.

Pucks have batteries, consume energy, and die (leaving corpses) if they run out of power.

Active pucks are oriented in the plane, facing a single direction at a time. An active puck can sense nearby pucks and accelerate in the direction that it is facing (or a different direction if it has changed its thrust angle).

Active pucks act by making proposals to the universe. The universe will accept proposals if they are permitted by physics and compatible with the proposals of other pucks. When conflicts arise the universe will arbitrate.

Among the proposals that pucks can make are to accelerate (or decelerate), to rotate, to remember things, and to engage in transactions involving energy, information, and inventory items with other pucks. Pucks can only conduct transactions with one another when their membranes overlap. Pucks can also propose to spawn new pucks.

A pucks world consists of a set of initial agents (pucks) and simulation settings. A simulation is conducted by loading a world and stepping forward a sequence of proposal generation and arbitration steps.

With a few exceptions, energy is maintained in pucks simulations.

Among the kinds of static (stationary, non-active) pucks that may appear in worlds are:

  • Vents: These pucks give away energy to all comers and get energy "free" from the universe at each time step, violating conservation of energy. They are named "vents" by analogy with the hydrothermal vents that provide energy for certain complex marine ecosystems. The size of the orange disk in a vent's core indicates the amount of energy that it contains at each point in time.

  • Beacons: These pucks have permeable cores and are entirely inert, but since they are stationary, can have unique identifiers, and can be sensed, they can serve as landmarks.

  • Stones: These pucks are also static and inert, but they have solid cores. They act only as barriers.

  • Zappers: These pucks steal energy from overlapping pucks, usually killing them pretty quickly. These also violate ordinary physics in the sense that the universe will allow their theft of energy without agreement from their victims; ordinarily, all transactions require the consent of both parties.

  • Nurseries: These pucks continuously spawn new agents, again violating conservation of energy.

Active pucks are characterized mainly by their proposal functions, which may be written by hand (possibly incorporating a variety of artificial intelligence techniques to make them "smart") or may, in certain system configurations, arise within simulations by random variation and natural selection.

Active pucks are generally drawn with an "eye" that indicates orientation and a colored green core disk that indicates the amount of energy that the puck contains. Red rings are drawn around active puck cores when they collide with other solid objects; these collisions incur extra energetic costs. A dot is shown in the center of an active puck's core if it has a non-empty inventory. A dot is shown in the center of a puck's eye if it has a non-empty memory.

Puck internals

Pucks are Clojure maps. All pucks have key/value pairs for at least the following keys:

Key Value Default
:id a symbol random symbol with name starting with "puck-"
:radius points from center to outer edge of membrane 20
:position an [x y] vector representing the puck's current location; this information is not accessible by proposal functions a random location in the world
:velocity an [x y] vector representing the number of points that the puck is moving in the x and y directions each time step each component is random between -2.5 and 2.5
:rotation a floating-point number indicating the puck's orientation, in radians rotating clockwise from straight up; 0 is straight up; pi/2 is to the right; pi is straight down; 3pi/2 is to the left random between 0 and 2pi
:thrust-angle a floating-point number indicating the angle of the puck's thruster, in radians rotating clockwise, relative to the puck's :rotation 0.0
:color a vector of integers, each between 0 and 255 (inclusive), for red, green, and blue 255 for each component (which makes white)
:core-color a vector of integers, each between 0 and 255 (inclusive), for red, green, and blue 255 for each component (which makes white)
:energy a floating-point number between 0 and 1 1
:steps the number of time steps that the agent has been alive 0
:neighbors other pucks within the neighborhood of this puck; this information is not accessible by proposal functions empty sequence
:sensed other pucks that can be sensed by this puck empty sequence
:overlaps other pucks with membranes overlapping with this puck empty sequence
:memory any information that the agent wants to store, in a map empty map
:inventory items held by the agent empty set
:draw-function a function that takes a puck and draws it to the screen a function that draws nothing and returns false
:bound-to a sequence of puck IDs empty sequence
:proposal-function a function that takes a puck and returns proposals in a map a function that returns an empty map
:spawn-function a function that takes either no arguments or a puck and returns a puck that is a potential child a function that returns an empty map

Pucks have additional key/value pairs that specify boolean properties of the puck. If the key is present with value true then the puck has that property. If it is either absent or present with value false then the puck does not have that property. The following are among the possible key/value pairs for boolean properties:

Key Value Default
:mobile boolean, indicating whether the puck can move false
:solid boolean, indicating whether the puck has a solid core true
:just-collided boolean, for active pucks only, indicating whether the puck had a collision in the immediately preceding time step false
(key corresponding to an agent type) boolean, indicating whether the agent is of that type false


Proposal functions should take a puck and return a collection of proposals in the form of a map. Among the key/value pairs that can be included in proposals are:

Key Value
:acceleration a floating-point number indicating the target acceleration, which may be limited by settings for :max-acceleration and :max-velocity
:rotation a floating-point number indicating the target rotation, which may be limited by the setting of :max-rotational-velocity
:thrust-angle a floating-point number indicating the target thrust-angle, which may be limited by the setting of :max-rotational-velocity
:spawn a sequence of pucks that are potential offspring (still under development)
:transfer a sequence of proposed transfers between pucks, each of which must be a map with four key/value pairs: :self, :other, :bid, and :ask. See below for details.
:memory a map of any keys to any values
:properties a map of puck property keys to values; currently only changes to the :color, :eye-color, :core-color and :solid properties are supported; all color-related change proposals will be accepted, but :solid change proposals will be accepted only for pucks that are not :mobile
:fire-torpedo true or false; if true, and if the proposing puck has enough energy, then a torpedo will be spawned

Proposal functions may refer to any elements of the pucks that they receive, although the :neighbors, :overlaps, :memory, and :inventory of those pucks will have been stripped, and the :positions of those pucks will have been relativized to the position of the puck making the proposal. Positions of offspring pucks specified in :spawn proposals will be interpreted relative to the positions of the parent pucks. Offspring will be given fresh ids, a small portion of the parent's energy, and empty memories and inventory, although subsequent transactions may transfer items or information from parent to child.


A transfer is a map with four key/value pairs:

Key Value
:self a puck ID
:other a puck ID
:bid a map with resources such as :energy or :inventory as keys, and offered amounts or items as values
:ask either a map of the same format as a bid, or a function of two bids

Transfers are used to establish transactions among agents. A transfer is considered one-sided if it requires no reciprocation from a second agent; this will rarely be the case for user-written agents, but it is the mechanism by which "vents" transfer energy unconditionally to overlapping agents, and by which "zappers" transfer energy unconditionally from overlapping agents.

Most other transfers will be two-sided, meaning that transfers proposed by two agents must be mutually acceptable (and each agent must be able to afford its bid) in order for the transaction specified by the two transfers to take place. Each agent will accept a transaction if its ask is compatible with the bid of the other agent. If an ask is map then the transaction will be accepted only if it matches the other agent's bid exactly. If an ask is a function then it will be called on two arguments, the bid made by the agent evaluating the ask and the bid made by the other agent; if the function call returns true then the transaction will be accepted.

When a transaction takes place all bids are "paid," which will mean something different depending on the resource involved in the bid. Among the bids that can be made are:

Key Value Condition Payment
:energy a number the bidding puck must have at least the specified amount of energy the specified amount of energy is transferred to the other puck
:inventory an inventory item the specified item must be present in the bidding puck's inventory the specified item is removed from the inventory of the bidding puck and added to the inventory of the other puck
:memory a map (presumably containing key/value pairs from the bidding puck's memory) none the specified map is merged into the other puck's memory; nothing is removed from the bidding puck's memory
:promise a map none the specified map is merged into the bidding puck's memory (which will presumably influence its future bids)
:request anything none nothing; this serves only to communicate an interest in the transfer proceeding
:bound-to a puck ID none the bidding-puck's ID is added to the other puck's :bound-to sequence; :bound-to transfers must be mutual to be accepted

Each step of a pucks simulation, the transactions that have proposed in that step are processed one at a time, in random order.

The pucks transfer system is still under development and will continue to change.


World files should define zero-argument functions named agents and settings. The agents function should return a sequence of agents, which will be used as the initial agents in simulations, and the settings function should return a map that maps settings keywords to desired values. Once a world file is loaded, evaluating (run-pucks (agents) (settings)) will run a simulation that starts with the agents produced by the call to agents, using the settings that result from merging the default settings with the results of the call to settings.

New worlds should be preloaded as namespaces in core.cljs and core.clj using using :require :as. This is due to namespaces not being able to be loaded during runtime in ClojureScript, so they must be preloaded using :require for both Clj and Cljs support.


The following simulation settings are set in src/pucks/globals.clj and can be reset in world files and/or on the leiningen command line:

Setting Description Default
:screen-size the height and width of the world in world units, and the screen in pixels if the :scale is 1.0 800
:scale the factor by which world units will be multiplied to yield numbers of pixels on screen; 1.0 will yield 1 unit/pixel, 0.5 will yield 2 units/pixel, etc. 1.0
:sensor-range the maximum distance from which a puck can sense another puck 100
:neighborhood-size the distance from a puck within which other pucks will be considered for sensing, collision, and overlap-dependent interactions; this should be at least the sensor range plus the largest radius of any puck in the simulation 200
:max-velocity the maximum distance that a puck with radius 1 can move in a single step; this is divided by the radius of a puck to determine its actual maximum velocity 80
:max-acceleration the maximum amount that a puck's velocity can change in one step 1
:max-rotational-velocity the maximum number of radians that a puck's rotation or thrust-angle can change in 1 step 0.05
:collision-resolution-acceleration the magnitude of the acceleration applied to resolve collisions (overlaps) of solid puck cores 100.0
:cost-of-living the amount of energy charged to a puck just for living each time step 0.001
:cost-of-collision the amount of energy charged to a puck for a collision 0.01
:single-thread-mode if true then the simulation uses only a single thread and processor core; if false then it runs in a multi-threaded mode using all available cores true
:nursery-threshold the number of active pucks below which nurseries may generate new pucks 1000
:torpedo-energy the amount of energy transferred from a puck to a torpedo that it fires 0.1
:ms-limit the number of milliseconds that the simulation should run; if nil then it will run forever or until manually terminated; if a number then the simulation will run for that many milliseconds, print the number of iterations completed, and exit nil
:pause-on-start if true then the simulation will be paused immediately when started false

Publishing a Quil Sketch

Before you publish your sketch, run lein do clean, cljsbuild once optimized. This will compile your code and run Google Closure Compiler with advanced optimizations.

##Using Github Pages Having run the Google Clojure Compiler, the files in the resources/public directory (index.html, style.css, js) can now be used to host the website.

If you are creating an independent repository, you will need to name the repository in the following format:<user> or <organization>

If you are using an existing repository, you will need to make a subtree first. Since public will be the folder that holds pucks, we will use that as an example.

git add public && git commit -m "Initial dist subtree commit"

Use subtree push to send it to the gh-pages branch on GitHub.

git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages

You could also copy the files and push them onto a new gh-pages branch using Github Desktop.

If you are creating an independent repository, you can push the files in the resources/public folder to your repository.

To find the link to your hosted website, go to your repository settings and look for the pages tab. You will see a section titled Source, where you will be able to set the source directory for your GitHub website. You should set your source directory to the branch where you pushed your code from resources/public. If you made an independent repository, then it should be the master branch, or the gh-pages branch if you used an existing repository.


Lee Spector (primary author)

Eddie Pantridge (testing, contributions to neighbor detection and timing code)

Justin Fong (Clojurescript compatibility)


Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Lee Spector

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.