Instanews is a one-page, responsive website that allows a user to filter top news story categories via the New York Times API.
Apply HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax, Json and Sass.
- npm - to generate a package.json file
- gulp - tools for automating tasks
- jquery - a javascript library
- ajax - a way to exchange data between the browser and the server without reloading the page
- json -a way to encode both simple and more complex data structures
- api - user interfaces allow people to work with programs
- sass - preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- What is gulp for and how to install it.
- Use of jquery
- wrapping
- traversing the DOM
- chaining
- get element content
- animation
- How to create a error handling with the use of .fail() method
- Fetching content from an external API
- What an API is and how to interact with someone else's on the front-end of a website
- How to use Sass
- implement basic Sass techniques like nesting, variables, mixins, and operations.
- apply Sass language skills to writing Sass for responsive websites.
- install Sass locally and compile it into plain vanilla CSS.