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Development Environment

Austen McDonald edited this page Nov 11, 2016 · 2 revisions

To ensure a consistent development environment, we encourage you to use Vagrant, which is a VM environment that runs on OS X, Linux or Windows.

Install Vagrant

# Create a project directory somewhere, like ~/vagrant for example:
mkdir ~/vagrant
cd ~/vagrant

# Create a vagrant instance with a basic Ubuntu setup:
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64

# Start your instance:
vagrant up

# Connect to your instance:
vagrant ssh

Install the necessary packages

# Install git:
sudo apt-get -y install git

# Install zip/unzip for composer's use
sudo apt-get -y install zip unzip

# Install php7:
sudo LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install php7.0 php7.0-fpm php7.0-mysql php7.0-mbstring php7.0-sqlite php-xml

# Install composer:
curl -sS | php
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

# Install phpunit:
chmod +x phpunit.phar
sudo mv phpunit.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit

Clone the repo and test

cd /vagrant
git clone
cd core
composer install
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