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Serverless Framework Deprecations

How to disable a specific deprecation

To disable a deprecation, use the SLS_DEPRECATION_DISABLE=CODE environment variable. You can disable multiple deprecations via SLS_DEPRECATION_DISABLE=CODE1,CODE2 or disable them all via SLS_DEPRECATION_DISABLE=*.

Alternatively, you can set disabledDeprecations in serverless.yml:

service: myService
  - CODE_1 # To disable specific deprecation with code "CODE_1"
  - '*' # To disable all deprecation messages

Notification mode

By default, deprecations are logged after the command finalizes with a warning summary.

This notification mode can be changed via the SLS_DEPRECATION_NOTIFICATION_MODE=error environment variable or via serverless.yml:

deprecationNotificationMode: error

The error mode turns all deprecations into strict errors, the warn mode displays deprecations as they're discovered.


  • The serverless.yml setting is ineffective for deprecations reported before the configuration is read.
  • SLS_DEPRECATION_DISABLE and disabledDeprecations remain respected, and no errors will be thrown for mentioned deprecation codes.


Property console


Starting with v3.24.0, Serverless will no longer recognize inner console configuration. All Serverless Console related configuration is expected to be maintained at

Learn more about configuration validation here:


Property variablesResolutionMode


Starting with v4.0.0, Serverless will no longer recognize variablesResolutionMode, as supported configuration property. Drop it to avoid validation errors

Learn more about configuration validation here:


Property projectDir

Deprecation code: PROJECT_DIR

Starting with v4.0.0, Serverless will no longer recognize projectDir, as supported configuration property. Drop it to avoid validation errors

Learn more about configuration validation here:


CLI Options extensions, type requirement

Deprecation code: CLI_OPTIONS_SCHEMA_V3

Internal handling of CLI arguments was improved with type awareness for options. Now each option definition is expected have type defined in its settings.

Possible values are string, boolean and multiple. Check Defining options documentation for more info.

If you rely on a plugin which does not set types (yet) please report the issue at its issue tracker.

Starting with v4.0.0 any option extensions which does not have type defined will be communicated with a thrown error


Grouping IAM settings under provider.iam

Deprecation code: PROVIDER_IAM_SETTINGS_v3

All IAM-related settings of provider including iamRoleStatements, iamManagedPolicies, role and cfnRole are also now supported at iam property. Refer to the IAM Guide.

  • provider.role -> provider.iam.role
  • provider.rolePermissionsBoundary -> provider.iam.role.permissionsBoundary
  • provider.iamRoleStatements -> provider.iam.role.statements
  • provider.iamManagedPolicies -> provider.iam.role.managedPolicies
  • provider.cfnRole -> provider.iam.deploymentRole

In addition iam.role.permissionBoundary can also be set at iam.role.permissionsBoundary (which matches CloudFormation property name).

Starting with v4.0.0 old versions of settings will no longer be supported


configValidationMode: error will be new default


Starting with v4.0.0, Serverless will throw on configuration errors by default. This is changing from the previous default, configValidationMode: warn

Learn more about configuration validation here:


New way to define packaging patterns

Deprecation code: PACKAGE_PATTERNS

Support for package.include and package.exclude will be removed with v4.0.0. Instead please use package.patterns with which both include and exclude (prefixed with !) rules can be configured.

Check Packaging Patterns documentation for more info.


CLI --function/-f option for deploy command


Starting with v4.0.0, --function or -f option for deploy command will no longer be supported. In order to deploy a single function, please use deploy function command instead.


Property provider.websocket.useProviderTags


Starting with v4.0.0, provider.tags will be applied to Websocket Api Gateway by default Set provider.websocket.useProviderTags to true to adapt to the new behavior now.


Property provider.lambdaHashingVersion


Lambda version hashes were improved with a better algorithm (that fixed determinism issues). It is used by default starting with v3.0.0.

If you previously opted-in to use new algorithm by setting provider.lambdaHashingVersion: 20201221, you can safely remove that property from your configuration in v3.

To get more details, read the v3 upgrade guide.


AWS EventBridge lambda event triggers based on Custom Resources


Support for provisioning AWS EventBridge resources without native CloudFormation resources is deprecated and will no longer be maintained. If you want to upgrade to native CloudFormation, remove "eventBridge.useCloudFormation" setting from your configuration. If you are currently using "eventBridge.useCloudFormation" set to true to enable native CloudFormation, you can safely remove this setting from your configuration.

Note that to migrate away from the legacy behavior, you will need to remove (or comment) EventBridge triggers, deploy, re-add them and re-deploy in order to migrate from the legacy behavior.


Ineffective property provider.httpApi.useProviderTags


Starting with "v3.0.0", property provider.httpApi.useProviderTags is no longer effective as provider tags are applied to Http Api Gateway by default. You can safely remove this property from your configuration.


Attempt to enable S3 Transfer Acceleration on provided S3 buckets


Starting with "v3.0.0", attempt to enable S3 Transfer Acceleration on user provided bucket will result in error instead of a warning. To ensure seamless upgrade, please stop using "--aws-s3-accelerate" flag.


Duplicate plugin definition in configuration


Starting with "v3.0.0", duplicate plugin definition will result in an error instead of a warning. To ensure seamless upgrade, please remove duplicate plugins from your configuration.


CLI -v alias for --verbose option


Starting with v3.0.0, -v will no longer be supported as alias for --verbose option. Please use --verbose flag instead.


Default identitySource for http.authorizer


Starting with v3.0.0, functions[].events[].http.authorizer.identitySource will no longer be set to "method.request.header.Authorization" by default for authorizers of "request" type with caching disabled ("resultTtlInSeconds" set to "0"). If you want to keep this setting, please set it explicitly in your configuration. If you do not want this to be set, please set it explicitly to "null".


Disable default Output Export names


Starting with v3.0.0, it will not be possible to disable default export names for outputs. To hide this deprecation message and ensure seamless upgrade, please remove this flag.


CLI --function/-f option for deploy command


Note: We've resigned from this deprecation in the context of v2 (it'll be re-added in the context of v3). We continue to advise using deploy function -f command instead of deploy -f.

Starting with v3.0.0, --function or -f option for deploy command will be removed. In order to deploy a single function, please use deploy function command instead.


Change of default runtime to nodejs14.x


Starting with v3.0.0, the default runtime will change from nodejs12.x to nodejs14.x. In order to hide the deprecation message and ensure seamless upgrade, please set the runtime explicitly.


AWS API Gateway non-applicable settings configured


When external API Gateway resource is used and imported via provider.apiGateway.restApiId setting, both provider.logs.restApi and provider.tracing.apiGateway are ignored. In v3, an error will be thrown if these options are defined. Indeed, these settings are applicable only if API Gateway resource is provisioned by Serverless Framework.


CLI Options extensions, type requirement

Deprecation code: CLI_OPTIONS_SCHEMA

Note: We've resigned from this deprecation in the context of v2 (it'll be re-added in the context of v3). We continue to advise upgrade so schema for CLI options is provided.

Internal handling of CLI arguments was improved with type awareness for options. Now each option definition is expected have type defined in its settings.

Possible values are string, boolean and multiple. Check Defining options documentation for more info.

If you rely on a plugin which does not set types (yet) please report the issue at its issue tracker.

Starting with v3.0.0 any option extensions which does not have type defined will be communicated with a thrown error


New way to define packaging patterns

Deprecation code: NEW_PACKAGE_PATTERNS

Note: We've resigned from this deprecation in the context of v2 (it'll be re-added in the context of v3). We continue to advise upgrade of services, so they do not rely on package.include and package.exclude settings.

Support for package.include and package.exclude will be removed with v3.0.0. Instead please use package.patterns with which both include and exclude (prefixed with !) rules can be configured.

Check Packaging Patterns documentation for more info.


Handling of unrecognized CLI options


CLI options validation was introduced to detect typos and mistakes. That required dropping support for free-form CLI options in v3 (because free-form CLI options cannot be validated).

An alternative to free-form CLI options is to use environment variables. Another option is to use the --param option introduced in Serverless Framework v3.3.0:

    APP_DOMAIN: ${param:domain, ''}
sls deploy --param=""

Starting with v3.0.0, Serverless throws an error in case of unknown CLI options.


CLI command options should follow command


Starting with v3.0.0, Serverless will not support putting options before command, e.g. sls -v deploy will no longer be recognized as deploy command.

Ensure to always format CLI command as sls [command..] [options...]


configValidationMode: error will be new default


Note: We've resigned from this deprecation in the context of v2 (it'll be re-added in the context of v3). We continue to advise configuring services with configValidationMode: error setting.

Starting with v3.0.0, Serverless will throw on configuration errors by default. This is changing from the previous default, configValidationMode: warn

Learn more about configuration validation here:


AWS API Gateway schemas


Starting with v3.0.0, http.request.schema property will be replaced by http.request.schemas. In addition to supporting functionalities such as model name definition and reuse of existing schemas, http.request.schemas also supports the same notation as http.request.schema, so you can safely migrate your existing configuration to the new property. For more details about the new configuration, please refer to the API Gateway Event


AWS EventBridge lambda event triggers


Starting with v3.0.0, AWS EventBridge lambda event triggers and all associated EventBridge resources will be, by default, deployed using native CloudFormation resources instead of a custom resource that used a lambda to deploy them via the AWS SDK/API.

Adapt to this behavior now by setting provider.eventBridge.useCloudFormation: true.

If you want to keep using the old deployment method for your AWS EventBridge resources, set provider.eventBridge.useCloudFormation: false instead.


New variables resolver


A more robust and powerful variable resolver engine was introduced (disabled by default) in Serverless Framework v2. It is used by default in v3.

It supports the same variables with the same syntax. The main impacts are:

  • Some edge cases (ambiguous configuration) now throw errors
  • A very small share of unmaintained plugins haven't been updated to support the new engine

You can prepare the upgrade from v2 to v3 by enabling the new engine:

# serverless.yml
service: myapp
variablesResolutionMode: 20210326

In v3, the variablesResolutionMode option can be removed as the new engine becomes the default.


Http Api provider tags


Starting with v3.0.0, provider.tags will be applied to HTTP API Gateway stages by default Set provider.httpApi.useProviderTags to true to adapt to the new behavior now.


Serverless constructor config.commands and config.options requirement


Note: Applies only to eventual programmatic usage of the Framework

Serverless constructor was refactored to depend on CLI commands and arguments, to be resolved externally and passed to its constructor with config.commands and config.options. Starting from v3.0.0 CLI arguments will not be resolved internally.


Serverless constructor service configuration dependency


Note: Applies only to eventual programmatic usage of the Framework

Serverless constructor was refactored to depend on service configuration being resolved externally and passed to its constructor with following options:

  • configuration - Service configuration (JSON serializable plain object)
  • serviceDir - Directory in which service is placed (All path references in service configuration will be resolved against this path)
  • configurationFilename - Name of configuration file (e.g. serverless.yml).

Starting from v3.0.0 configuration data will not be resolved internally, and if Serverless is invoked in service context, all three options will have to be provided


Service configurations should not be nested in service sub directories


Note: Applies only to eventual programmatic usage of the Framework

Service configuration in all cases should be put at root folder of a service. All paths in this configuration are resolved against service directory, and it's also the case if configuration is nested in sub directory.

To avoid confusing behavior starting with v3.0.0 Framework will no longer permit to rely on configurations placed in sub directories


Serverless constructor service configuration dependency


Note: Applies only to eventual programmatic usage of the Framework

Serverless constructor was refactored to depend on service configuration being resolved externally and passed to its constructor with following options:

  • configuration - Service configuration (JSON serializable plain object)
  • serviceDir - Directory in which service is placed (All path references in service configuration will be resolved against this path)
  • configurationFilename - Name of configuration file (e.g. serverless.yml).

Starting from v3.0.0 configuration data will not be resolved internally, and if Serverless is invoked in service context, all three options will have to be provided


Erroring on unresolved variable references


Note: Starting with v3.0.0, Serverless Framework will switch exclusively to a new variables resolver. If you see this deprecation please upgrade to latest v2 release of Serverless Framework, as that will provide a more accurate insight on planned changes.

In context of v2 you may adapt old variables resolver so errors on unresolved variables are thrown by adding unresolvedVariablesNotificationMode: error to service configuration.


Grouping IAM settings under provider.iam


Note: Originally, support for the legacy IAM settings format was scheduled to be dropped in v3. However, it's no longer the case. If you see this deprecation notice please upgrade to the latest version of Serverless Framework v2.

All IAM-related settings of provider including iamRoleStatements, iamManagedPolicies, role and cfnRole are also now supported at iam property. Refer to the IAM Guide.

  • provider.role -> provider.iam.role
  • provider.rolePermissionsBoundary -> provider.iam.role.permissionsBoundary
  • provider.iamRoleStatements -> provider.iam.role.statements
  • provider.iamManagedPolicies -> provider.iam.role.managedPolicies
  • provider.cfnRole -> provider.iam.deploymentRole

In addition iam.role.permissionBoundary can also be set at iam.role.permissionsBoundary (which matches CloudFormation property name).


API Gateway specific configuration


Please use provider.apiGateway.apiKeys instead of provider.apiKeys. Please use provider.apiGateway.resourcePolicy instead of provider.resourcePolicy. Please use provider.apiGateway.usagePlan instead of provider.usagePlan.

Starting with v3.0.0, API Gateway-specific configuration keys apiKeys, resourcePolicy and usagePlan will be relocated from provider to provider.apiGateway.


Parameterized org, app, service, stage, and region usage

Org, app, service, stage, and region are required to resolve variables when logged in, variable resolution will not function without plaintext value. You may override values in serverless.yml for stage and region with command line arguments --stage and --region. The rest must be plain text.


Default provider.lambdaHashingVersion


Lambda version hashes were improved with a more robust algorithm (that fixes determinism issues). It is used by default starting with v3.0.0.

You can either:

  • keep using the deprecated algorithm in v3 (easy upgrade),
  • or upgrade to the new algorithm (recommended).

Read the instructions in the v3 upgrade guide.


Automatic loading environment variables from .env and .env.{stage} files


Starting with v3.0.0, environment variables will be automatically loaded from .env and .env.{stage} files if they're present. In addition, .env files will be excluded from package in order to avoid uploading sensitive data as a part of the package by mistake.

Adapt to this behavior now by adding useDotenv: true to service configuration.

Note that env vars are handled differently than with serverless-dotenv-plugin, check documentation for more info.


service property object notation


Starting with v3.0.0, object notation for service property will no longer be recognized. Set service property directly with service name.


cloudFront event behavior.ForwardedValues property


Cloudfront cache behavior ForwardedValues, MinTTL, MaxTTL and DefaultTTL fields are deprecated. We recommend that you use a cache policy instead of this field. Please follow cache policy documentation for implementation details.


API Gateway naming will be changed to ${service}-${stage}


Note: This deprecation notice has been removed and the behavior won't be enforced with next major. Below you can find original description of the deprecation. You can still continue using shouldStartNameWithService property to adapt to the new convention of API Gateway name.

Starting with v3.0.0, API Gateway naming will be changed from ${stage}-${service} to ${service}-${stage}.

Adapt to this convention now by setting provider.apiGateway.shouldStartNameWithService to true.

Eventually if you have a strong reason to stick to current convention, you may ensure it's kept after upgrading by setting: provider.apiName: ${sls:stage}


Kinesis consumer name will be changed to ensure more uniqueness


Starting with v4.0.0, Kinesis consumer name will be changed. This will lead to downtime during re-deployment. Specifically, the naming pattern will be changed from ${functionName}${streamName}Consumer to ${functionName}${streamName}${serviceName}${stage}Consumer.

Adapt to this convention now by setting provider.kinesis.consumerNamingMode to serviceSpecific in your serverless.yml file.

The consequence for consumer name change is there will be some downtime during deployment between the time the old consumer is deleted and the new consumer is created. While no data is supposed to be lost, there may be a delay in consuming stream data.


Support for alexaSkill event without appId is to be removed


Starting with v3.0.0, support for alexaSkill event without appId provided will be removed.


awsKmsKeyArn references

Deprecation code: AWS_KMS_KEY_ARN

Please use provider.kmsKeyArn and functions[].kmsKeyArn. service.awsKmsKeyArn and functions[].awsKmsKeyArn will be removed with v3.0.0


Defining extensions to nonexistent resources in resources.extensions


Note: This deprecation was replaced with a thrown error (adding a deprecation here, was a logical error). Please upgrade to latest version of the Framework

Starting with v3.0.0, extensions to nonexistent resources in resources.extensions will throw an error instead of passing silently.


Support for enableLocalInstallationFallback setting is to be removed


Starting with v3.0.0, framework will unconditionally run service local installation of serverless if it's found.


Fallback to a service local serverless installation


Starting with v2.0.0, globally installed CLI will by default run (fallback to) service local installation of serverless if it's found.

Adapt to this behavior now by adding enableLocalInstallationFallback: true to service configuration. Alternatively you may opt-out by setting it to false (note that'll be ineffective starting from v3.0.0, where support for this setting will be dropped, and CLI will unconditionally favor locally installed serverless installations when found)


AWS HTTP API timeout

Deprecation code: AWS_HTTP_API_TIMEOUT

provider.httpApi.timeout and functions[].events[].httpApi.timeout settings will no longer be recognized with v2.0.0.

Endpoints are configured to automatically follow timeout setting as configured on functions (with extra margin needed to process HTTP request on AWS side)


slss alias

Deprecation code: SLSS_CLI_ALIAS

Support for slss command will be removed with v2.0.0. Use sls or serverless instead.


AWS Lambda Function Destinations maximumEventAge & maximumRetryAttempts


maximumEventAge and maximumRetryAttempts should be defined directly at function level. Support for those settings on destinations level, will be removed with v2.0.0


AWS HTTP API payload format

Deprecation code: AWS_HTTP_API_VERSION

Default HTTP API Payload version will be switched to 2.0 with v3 (For more details see payload format documentation).

Configure httpApi.payload explicitly to ensure seamless migration.


Outdated Node.js version

Deprecation code: OUTDATED_NODEJS

Support for Node.js v8 was dropped with v2 release, while support for Node.js v10 will be dropped with v3 release

Ensure to rely on at least Node.js v12 (It's recommended to use LTS version, as listed at


AWS ALB allowUnauthenticated


Please use onUnauthenticatedRequest instead. allowUnauthenticated will be removed with v2.0.0



Deprecation code: BIN_SERVERLESS

Please use bin/serverless.js instead. bin/serverless will be removed with v2.0.0