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File metadata and controls

238 lines (200 loc) · 8.85 KB


ExBlox provides a plug-and-play ML experimentation framework, so you can rapidly iterate and test different models without writing and re-writing the same boilerplate ML code.


An ExBlox machine learning Experiment is built from 6 components:

  1. A DataSet, which not only holds the data and keeps track of the feature and target columns.
  2. A Stratifier, telling the experiment how to split the data into train/test partitions.
  3. A model Architecture to train.
  4. A Trainer that controls how the model is trained, for example sklearn or PyTorch.
  5. A Tuner, which governs hyperparameter search.
  6. A list of Metrics that the model is evaluated on.

Each of these components has a few flavors you can pick from. For example, you might choose either a TrainTestStratifier or a PartitionedLabelStratifier.

Each component also needs a config. For example, for a TrainTestStratifier, you'll need to tell it what test_split_size to use. Or, for the PartitionedLabelStratifier, the number of partitions.

Once you've selected each component's flavor and configured it, just mix them together in an Experiment, and call go()!

ExBlox Class Diagram

ExBlox provides the following component flavors out of the box (and it's easy to write and re-use your own!):

  • DataSet: just the base DataSet
  • Stratifier: You can pick from a TrainTestStratifier or PartitionedLabelStratifier that generates multiple partitions.
  • Architecture: Any sklearn model works as an Architecture, as well as sklearn Pipelines. If you prefer PyTorch, create a skorch model.
  • Trainer: The base Trainer works with all sklearn objects. For a skorch Architecture, use SkorchTrainer.
  • Tuner: You can pick from RandomSearchTuner or BayesianTuner. You can also not include a Tuner at all- it's optional.
  • Metric: F1_Macro, AUPRC, AUROC, LogLoss, and BrierScore are ready to go.

You can also pass Experiment a metadata dictionary to store whatever information you want to track.

Example usage

Define an Experiment

There are 2 ways to define an experiment: via object creation or via a config. If you are working in a notebook, you may want to use the object-creation method, and plug-and-play with different experiment components.

Once you have decided on a model definition you are happy with, you might find it helpful to write it as a configuration for readability and re-use. This approach has the advantage of providing a single point of truth for everything that contributes to the experiment as an easy-to-read configuration.

Create an Experiment from objects

import exblox
from exblox.dataset import DataSet
from exblox.stratifier import TrainTestStratifier
from exblox.sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from exblox.trainer import Trainer
from exblox.tuner import RandomSearchTuner
from exblox.metric import F1_Macro, AUPRC
from exblox.experiment import Experiment

# =====  1. DATASET =====
df = pd.read_csv(data_path)
dataset_config = {
    'features': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
    'target': 'E',
dataset = DataSet(dataset_config, df)

# =====  2. STRATIFIER =====
stratifier = TrainTestStratifier({'test_split_size': 0.3})

# =====  3. ARCHITECTURE =====
architecture = RandomForestClassifier()

# =====  5. TUNER (optional) =====
tuner_config = {
    'hyperparameters': {
        'n_estimators': range(200, 2000, 10),
        'max_features': ['auto', 'sqrt'],
        'max_depth': range(10, 110, 11),
        'min_samples_split': [2, 4, 6, 8, 10],
        'min_samples_leaf': [1, 2, 5, 10],
        'bootstrap': [True, False],
    'num_cv_folds': 3,
    'num_iters': 5,
    'scoring_function': 'f1_macro',
    'verbose': 1,
tuner = RandomSearchTuner(tuner_config)

# =====  4. TRAINER =====
trainer = Trainer(architecture=architecture, tuner=tuner)

# =====  6. METRICS =====
metrics = [F1_Macro, AUPRC]
metadata = {'name': 'random forest with hyperparam search'}

exp = Experiment(dataset, stratifier, trainer, metrics, metadata)

Create an Experiment from configuration

When defining an Experiment via a config, all components and their configurations are written out in the structure below. The only object that is not configured here is the dataframe- that is passed to Experiment separately.

from exblox.experiment import Experiment

config = {
        'DataSet': {
            'flavor': 'DataSet',
            'config': {
                'features': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
                'target': 'E',
        'Stratifier': {
            'flavor': 'TrainTestStratifier',
            'config': {
                'test_split_size': 0.3,
        'Architecture': {
            'flavor': 'RandomForestClassifier',
            'config': {}
        'Trainer': {
            'flavor': 'Trainer',
            'config': {}
        'Tuner': {
            'flavor': 'RandomSearchTuner',
            'config': {
                'hyperparameters': {
                    'n_estimators': range(200, 2000, 10),
                    'max_features': ['auto', 'sqrt'],
                    'max_depth': range(10, 110, 11),
                    'min_samples_split': [2, 4, 6, 8, 10],
                    'min_samples_leaf': [1, 2, 5, 10],
                    'bootstrap': [True, False],
                'num_cv_folds': 3,
                'num_iters': 5,
                'scoring_function': 'f1_macro',
                'verbose': 1,
        'Metrics': [
            {'flavor': 'F1_Macro', 'config': {'classification_cutoff': 0.5}},
            {'flavor': 'AUPRC', 'config': {}},
            {'flavor': 'AUROC', 'config': {}},
            {'flavor': 'LogLoss', 'config': {}},

exp = Experiment.configure(config, df)

Running an Experiment

To run an experiment, just call experiment.go().

After a completed go() is complete, `Experiment will contain the following data:

  • Experiment.evaluation: a dataframe with the evaluations of each partition's model on the specified metrics.
  • Experiment.partition_predictors: The predictors that were trained during each experiment.
  • Experiment.final_predictor: The predictor that was trained on the full dataset.
  • Experiment.partition_training_metadata: Metadata collected during the training processes of each partition.
  • Experiment.final_training_metadata: Metadata collected during the training processes of the final_predictor.

Saving and Loading Experiments


Before saving the Experiment to a file, it should be serialized. This exports the experiment definition to (mostly) a configuration dictionary. Serialization enables saved Experiments to be saved and re-opened with different versions of the Experiment library, which means it reduces the risk of your saved Experiment being un-openable in the future.

import pickle

serialized_exp = exp.serialize()
with open(experiment_file_path, "wb+") as f:  # TODO: check syntax
    pickle.dump(serialized_exp, f)


After loading a serialized experiment from a pickle, deserialize it:

with open(experiment_file_path, "rb+") as f:
    serialized_exp = pickle.load(f)
exp = Experiment.deserialize(serialized_exp)

Using an Experiment to make novel predictions

# create a new `DataSet` object from your new features_df using the Experiment's dataset configuration.
data_set = DataSet(exp.dataset.config, features_df)
preds_proba = exp.final_predictor.predict_proba(data_set.x)


Configuring an sklearn Pipeline

Example YAML configuration:

    flavor: Pipeline
          - flavor: sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer
            name: 'preprocessing'
                    - name: 'scaler'
                      flavor: sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler
                        with_mean: True
                            - 'no_show_before'
                            - 'sched_days_advanced'
                            - 'age'
                            - 'hour_sched'
                            - 'distance_to_usz'
                            - 'month'
                    - name: 'onehot'
                      flavor: sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder
                          handle_unknown: 'ignore'
                              - 'marital'
                              - 'modality'
                              - 'day_of_week_str'
          - flavor: LogisticRegression
            name: 'classifier'
                penalty: 'l1'
                solver: 'liblinear'
                class_weight: 'balanced'