Examples of commonly requested functions/patterns. Required props/functions ommited for brevity.
Some of these examples use a ref to the component like this: ref={SectionedMultiSelect => (this.SectionedMultiSelect = SectionedMultiSelect)}
renderSelectText = () => {
const { selectedItemObjects } = this.state
return selectedItemObjects.length
? `I like ${selectedItemObjects
// list each selected item with custom separators.
.map((item, i) => {
let label = `${item.title}, `
if (i === selectedItemObjects.length - 2) label = `${item.title} and `
if (i === selectedItemObjects.length - 1) label = `${item.title}.`
return label
// nothing selected
: 'Select a fruit'
Add the props:
onSelectedItemObjectsChange={(selectedItemObjects) => this.setState({ selectedItemObjects })}
A basic example of using the confirm button text to show the user how many items they have selected / can select
// set the max you want
this.maxItem = 5;
onSelectedItemsChange = (selectedItems) => {
if (selectedItems.length >= this.maxItems) {
if (selectedItems.length === this.maxItems) {
this.setState({ selectedItems })
maxItems: true,
maxItems: false,
this.setState({ selectedItems })
Add the prop:
confirmText={`${this.state.selectedItems.length}/${this.maxItems} - ${
this.state.maxItems ? 'Max selected' : 'Confirm'
Renders a button that removes all items if anything is selected, or selects all items if nothing is selected.
SelectOrRemoveAll = () =>
this.SectionedMultiSelect && (
justifyContent: 'center',
height: 44,
borderWidth: 0,
paddingHorizontal: 10,
backgroundColor: 'darkgrey',
alignItems: 'center',
? this.SectionedMultiSelect._removeAllItems
: this.SectionedMultiSelect._selectAllItems
<Text style={{ color: 'white', fontWeight: 'bold' }}>
{this.state.selectedItems.length ? 'Remove' : 'Select'} all
You can add custom icons next to individual items/sub items by adding them to your items.
For the example below you would add the prop iconKey="icon"
to SectionedMultiSelect.
There are 3 ways to put a custom icon next to an item: locally required image, uri object, or icon component name.
// This is how you can load a local icon
const icon = require('./icon.png');
const items = [
name: 'Fruits',
id: 0,
// using local imported image:
icon: icon,
// using a web uri:
icon: { uri: 'https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/data/icons/free-crystal-icons/512/Gemstone.png' },
//using material icons icon name (or your own icons if using iconRenderer)
icon: 'filter_vintage',
Create your icon function
icon = ({ name, size = 18, style }) => {
// flatten the styles
const flat = StyleSheet.flatten(style);
// remove out the keys that aren't accepted on View
const { color, fontSize, ...styles } = flat;
let iconComponent;
// the colour in the url on this site has to be a hex w/o hash
const iconColor = color && color.substr(0, 1) === '#' ? `${color.substr(1)}/` : '';
const Search = (
source={{ uri: `https://png.icons8.com/search/${iconColor}ios/` }}
style={{ width: size, height: size }}
const Down = (
source={{ uri: `https://png.icons8.com/arrow-down/${iconColor}ios/` }}
style={{ width: size, height: size }}
const Up = (
source={{ uri: `https://png.icons8.com/arrow-up/${iconColor}ios/` }}
style={{ width: size, height: size }}
const Close = (
source={{ uri: `https://png.icons8.com/close-button/${iconColor}ios/` }}
style={{ width: size, height: size }}
const Check = (
source={{ uri: `https://png.icons8.com/check-mark/${iconColor}android/` }}
style={{ width: size / 1.5, height: size / 1.5 }}
const Cancel = (
source={{ uri: `https://png.icons8.com/cancel/${iconColor}ios/` }}
style={{ width: size, height: size }}
switch (name) {
case 'search':
iconComponent = Search;
case 'keyboard-arrow-up':
iconComponent = Up;
case 'keyboard-arrow-down':
iconComponent = Down;
case 'close':
iconComponent = Close;
case 'check':
iconComponent = Check;
case 'cancel':
iconComponent = Cancel;
iconComponent = null;
return <View style={styles}>{iconComponent}</View>;
Another example using a different icon font
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/SimpleLineIcons'
icon = ({ name, size = 18, style }) => {
switch (name) {
case 'search':
iconName = 'magnifier'
case 'keyboard-arrow-up':
iconName = 'arrow-up'
case 'keyboard-arrow-down':
iconName = 'arrow-down'
case 'close':
iconName = 'close
case 'check':
iconName = 'check'
case 'cancel':
iconName = 'close'
iconName = null
return <Icon style={style} size={size} name={iconName}/>
Add the prop:
<SectionedMultiSelect iconRenderer={this.icon} />
Adds a button next to search bar when searching something that doesn't exist in the items. The button adds a new item to the items list with the name being current search text.
this.termId = this.items[this.items.length - 1].id;
handleAddSearchTerm = (searchTerm) => {
// this is not how you'd want to generate an id in a real scenario.
const id = (this.termId += 1);
if (
searchTerm.length &&
!(this.state.items || []).some((item) => item.title.includes(searchTerm))
) {
const newItem = { id, title: searchTerm };
this.setState((prevState) => ({ items: [...(prevState.items || []), newItem] }));
this.onSelectedItemsChange([...this.state.selectedItems, id]);
searchAdornment = (searchTerm) =>
searchTerm.length ? (
style={{ alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}
onPress={() => this.handleAddSearchTerm(searchTerm)}
<View style={{}}>
source={{ uri: 'https://png.icons8.com/plus' }}
style={{ width: 16, height: 16, marginHorizontal: 15 }}
{/* <Icon size={18} style={{ marginHorizontal: 15 }} name="add" /> */}
) : null;
Add the prop:
<SectionedMultiSelect searchAdornment={(searchTerm) => this.searchAdornment(searchTerm)} />