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Formalising mathematics in Lean

Mini-course at Swiss-French workshops in algebraic geometry, 14th edition, Charmey (FR), January 13-17, 2025

Lecture 1: Our first Lean theorem

import Mathlib

theorem Example1 (M : Type) [Monoid M] (a b c : M)
    (h1 : a * b = 1) (h2 : c * a = 1) : 
    b = c := by
  rw [← one_mul b]
  rw [← h2]
  rw [mul_assoc]
  rw [h1]
  rw [mul_one] -- hooray!

Getting access to Lean

If you use Method 2, then when you reach the step "Set up Lean 4 Project", I recommend you choose the option "Download an existing project" and use the URL for this Github page, Then you will get a pre-prepared project with the examples from the lectures and a recent version of "Mathlib" already installed.

Learning resources

Lecture 2: Proofs and tactics

See the example file in this GitHub project.

Useful tactics


  • rw (rewrite): replace sub-expressions of the goal. If h is a proof that X = Y, then rw [h] replaces all X's in the goal with Y's, and rw [<- h] replaces all Y's with X's. Also rw [...] at hyp to rewrite in a hypothesis (not the goal).
  • rw?: search for rewrites that work.
  • apply: use a theorem from the library -- if P is a theorem stating that the goal is true, then apply P closes the main goal and opens new goals for the hypotheses of P (if any). apply? searches for theorems that imply the goal.

Dealing with "exists" quantifiers

  • use: if the goal is that ∃ x satisfying some condition, then use q will change the goal to proving that x = q works.
  • obtain: if you have a hypothesis h that ∃ x satisfying some condition, then obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := h gets a specific x and a proof hx that x satisfies the condition.

Splitting proofs into steps

  • have: "I claim that..." -- introduce a claim, prove the claim, and then show that the claim implies the main goal.
  • suffices: "It suffices to prove that..." -- introduce a claim, prove that it implies the goal, and then prove the claim.

Finishing off

  • assumption: the goal is already there in the context
  • tauto: the goal follows from the assumptions by trivial logic (understands and, or, not and implies)


  • induction: if n is a natural number variable, then induction n with ... sets up a proof by induction on n.

See for a slightly longer list.

Lecture 3: Logical foundations

See slides: