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Docker images for the EPICS Archiver Appliances

Docker containers holding the EPICS archiver appliances. This repository defines three images: a base image and two others that extend it. Folders images-single and docker-appliance-images provide images in which all servlets are deployed in either a single or 4 different containers, respectively.


  1. Execute to build the base image for all the containers which will hold the appliances.
  2. Change the working directory to docker-appliance-images (or images-single) and execute (or It will build 4 different images, one for each appliance (or a single one containing all appliances). Before doing that, you may change up with your LDAP connection settings. The following command changes the servlet authentication preferences and should be modified with your server settings in case you use it.
# Appends new realm
xmlstarlet ed -L -s '/Server/Service/Engine/Host' -t elem -n "Realm" \
                 -i '/Server/Service/Engine/Host/Realm' -t attr -n "connectionURL" -v "ldap://" \
                 -i '/Server/Service/Engine/Host/Realm' -t attr -n "alternativeURL" -v "ldap://" \
                 -i '/Server/Service/Engine/Host/Realm' -t attr -n "userSearch" -v "(sAMAccountName={0})" \
                 -i '/Server/Service/Engine/Host/Realm' -t attr -n "userSubtree" -v "true" \
                 -i '/Server/Service/Engine/Host/Realm' -t attr -n "userBase" -v "OU=LNLS,DC=abtlus,DC=org,DC=br" \
                 -i '/Server/Service/Engine/Host/Realm' -t attr -n "connectionName" -v "${CONNECTION_NAME}" \
                 -i '/Server/Service/Engine/Host/Realm' -t attr -n "connectionPassword" -v "${CONNECTION_PASSWORD}" \
                 -i '/Server/Service/Engine/Host/Realm' -t attr -n "className" -v "org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" \

Besides the LDAP settings, you may edit the following command with your certificate's right password (PASSWORD).

# Imports certificate into trusted keystore
keytool -import -alias tomcat -trustcacerts -storepass ${CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD} -noprompt -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts -file ${APPLIANCE_FOLDER}/build/cert/archiver-mgmt.crt

However, the suggested approach is to pass those parameters as environment variables when the containers are deployed. For further details, refer to this project.

  1. Another image containing all 4 appliances is available in images-single. To build it, execute The same considerations about the variables are kept for this case.

Environment variables

This image requires the following parameters when it is executed:

  1. USE_AUTHENTICATION (true or false): variable that determines if a LDAP server should be used.
  2. CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD is the self-signed certificate's password.
  3. CONNECTION_URL and ALTERNATIVE_URL are LDAP server addresses. Used when USE_AUTHENTICATION=true only.
  4. CONNECTION_USER_FILTER is the user filter. Used when USE_AUTHENTICATION=true only.
  5. CONNECTION_USER_BASE is the LDAP user base distinguished name. Used when USE_AUTHENTICATION=true only.
  6. CONNECTION_NAME is the binding distinguished name used for LDAP authentication. Used when USE_AUTHENTICATION=true only.
  7. CONNECTION_PASSWORD is the binding password. Used when USE_AUTHENTICATION=true only.
  8. MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DATABASE and MYSQL_PORT set the MySQL database connection.
  9. JAVA_OPTS should be used when eventual JVM parameters need to be used.
  10. APPLIANCE_BASE_MX_PORT base JMX port used when launching each appliance. For each appliance the port will increase by one.
  11. BASE_TOMCAT_SERVER_PORT tomcart starting port used on each appliance. Defaults to 1600, increase +1 per appliance.


Use these images with Docker Compose, Swarm or Kubernetes, according to this project. For development, we suggest to use the docker-compose tool, since no swarm is required. Enjoy!


All images described by this project were pushed into this Dockerhub repo.