diff --git a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/db2/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/db2/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql index 4cab7300b3e3..f684088e2053 100644 --- a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/db2/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql +++ b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/db2/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql @@ -1,4 +1,27 @@ alter table lesson_builder_items add groupOwned smallint; alter table lesson_builder_items add ownerGroups varchar(4000); +alter table lesson_builder_items add attributeString clob(255); alter table lesson_builder_pages add groupid varchar(36); + create table lesson_builder_qr_totals ( + id bigint generated by default as identity, + questionId bigint, + responseId bigint, + count bigint, + primary key (id) + ); + + create table lesson_builder_question_responses ( + id bigint generated by default as identity, + timeAnswered timestamp not null, + questionId bigint not null, + userId varchar(255) not null, + correct smallint not null, + shortanswer clob(255), + multipleChoiceId bigint, + originalText clob(255), + overridden smallint not null, + points double, + primary key (id) + ); + alter table lesson_builder_student_pages add groupid varchar(36); diff --git a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/derby/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/derby/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql index 4cab7300b3e3..fc9779c1996b 100644 --- a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/derby/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql +++ b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/derby/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql @@ -1,4 +1,27 @@ alter table lesson_builder_items add groupOwned smallint; alter table lesson_builder_items add ownerGroups varchar(4000); +alter table lesson_builder_items add attributeString clob(255); alter table lesson_builder_pages add groupid varchar(36); + create table lesson_builder_qr_totals ( + id bigint not null, + questionId bigint, + responseId bigint, + count bigint, + primary key (id) + ); + + create table lesson_builder_question_responses ( + id bigint not null, + timeAnswered timestamp not null, + questionId bigint not null, + userId varchar(255) not null, + correct smallint not null, + shortanswer clob(255), + multipleChoiceId bigint, + originalText clob(255), + overridden smallint not null, + points double, + primary key (id) + ); + alter table lesson_builder_student_pages add groupid varchar(36); diff --git a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/hsqldb/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/hsqldb/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql index c95e76d10903..e9a6434559bb 100644 --- a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/hsqldb/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql +++ b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/hsqldb/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql @@ -1,4 +1,27 @@ alter table lesson_builder_items add groupOwned bit; alter table lesson_builder_items add ownerGroups varchar(4000); +alter table lesson_builder_items add attributeString longvarchar; alter table lesson_builder_pages add groupid varchar(36); + create table lesson_builder_qr_totals ( + id bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1), + questionId bigint, + responseId bigint, + count bigint, + primary key (id) + ); + + create table lesson_builder_question_responses ( + id bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1), + timeAnswered timestamp not null, + questionId bigint not null, + userId varchar(255) not null, + correct bit not null, + shortanswer longvarchar, + multipleChoiceId bigint, + originalText longvarchar, + overridden bit not null, + points double, + primary key (id) + ); + alter table lesson_builder_student_pages add groupid varchar(36); diff --git a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/mssql/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/mssql/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql index 49ae36229f8c..146c232ffff2 100644 --- a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/mssql/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql +++ b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/mssql/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql @@ -1,4 +1,27 @@ alter table lesson_builder_items add groupOwned tinyint null; alter table lesson_builder_items add ownerGroups varchar(4000) null; +alter table lesson_builder_items add attributeString text null; alter table lesson_builder_pages add groupid varchar(36) null; + create table lesson_builder_qr_totals ( + id numeric(19,0) identity not null, + questionId numeric(19,0) null, + responseId numeric(19,0) null, + count numeric(19,0) null, + primary key (id) + ); + + create table lesson_builder_question_responses ( + id numeric(19,0) identity not null, + timeAnswered datetime not null, + questionId numeric(19,0) not null, + userId varchar(255) not null, + correct tinyint not null, + shortanswer text null, + multipleChoiceId numeric(19,0) null, + originalText text null, + overridden tinyint not null, + points double precision null, + primary key (id) + ); + alter table lesson_builder_student_pages add groupid varchar(36) null; diff --git a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/mysql/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/mysql/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql index 40947eb9b62f..34da894b7a07 100644 --- a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/mysql/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql +++ b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/mysql/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql @@ -1,4 +1,27 @@ alter table lesson_builder_items add groupOwned bit; alter table lesson_builder_items add ownerGroups text; +alter table lesson_builder_items add attributeString text; alter table lesson_builder_pages add groupid varchar(36); + create table lesson_builder_qr_totals ( + id bigint not null auto_increment, + questionId bigint, + responseId bigint, + count bigint, + primary key (id) + ); + + create table lesson_builder_question_responses ( + id bigint not null auto_increment, + timeAnswered datetime not null, + questionId bigint not null, + userId varchar(255) not null, + correct bit not null, + shortanswer text, + multipleChoiceId bigint, + originalText text, + overridden bit not null, + points double precision, + primary key (id) + ); + alter table lesson_builder_student_pages add groupid varchar(36); diff --git a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/oracle/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/oracle/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql index 2b69b8088959..821cf5adcc3f 100644 --- a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/oracle/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql +++ b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/oracle/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql @@ -1,4 +1,27 @@ alter table lesson_builder_items add groupOwned number(1,0); alter table lesson_builder_items add ownerGroups varchar2(4000); +alter table lesson_builder_items add attributeString clob; alter table lesson_builder_pages add groupid varchar2(36); + create table lesson_builder_qr_totals ( + id number(19,0) not null, + questionId number(19,0), + responseId number(19,0), + count number(19,0), + primary key (id) + ); + + create table lesson_builder_question_responses ( + id number(19,0) not null, + timeAnswered date not null, + questionId number(19,0) not null, + userId varchar2(255) not null, + correct number(1,0) not null, + shortanswer clob, + multipleChoiceId number(19,0), + originalText clob, + overridden number(1,0) not null, + points double precision, + primary key (id) + ); + alter table lesson_builder_student_pages add groupid varchar2(36); diff --git a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/postgres/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/postgres/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql index 1cd1ed1d9a3c..a1f22796ae51 100644 --- a/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/postgres/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql +++ b/lessonbuilder/hbm/src/ddl/postgres/lessonbuilder-1.4-1.5.sql @@ -1,4 +1,27 @@ alter table lesson_builder_items add groupOwned bool; alter table lesson_builder_items add ownerGroups varchar(4000); +alter table lesson_builder_items add attributeString text; alter table lesson_builder_pages add groupid varchar(36); + create table lesson_builder_qr_totals ( + id int8 not null, + questionId int8, + responseId int8, + count int8, + primary key (id) + ); + + create table lesson_builder_question_responses ( + id int8 not null, + timeAnswered timestamp not null, + questionId int8 not null, + userId varchar(255) not null, + correct bool not null, + shortanswer text, + multipleChoiceId int8, + originalText text, + overridden bool not null, + points float8, + primary key (id) + ); + alter table lesson_builder_student_pages add groupid varchar(36);