IMS Provides a very useful reference implementation of LTI advantage that can be useful for developer or QA testing. It is important to test with as many implementations as you can.
The setup order is a little weird because both Sakai and the Reference Implementation need to actually start the endpoint creation process before certain URLs are available. We solve this by starting the process onthe reference implementation and half-creating the tool end point, copying some URLs and then creating the Sakai end of the security contract.
It is best to use this with an IMS account to unlock the advanced features - but a lot of the test can be done without logging in. If you have an IMS log in, then login in your browser before you start the process.
This first version of the document only describes the "not logged into the RI" scenarios. Once you get thisgs going with the RI, and once you log in - just keep going and test more stuff. Remember that instructor / admin cannot recevie grades in Sakai so you need to make a Student / access account to test any grade passback feature.
Go to
If you have done this before, you can reuse an existing tool. These tools don't "belong" to anyone so you can edit any tool - but be cool and only edit your tools. Folks tend to put their name of the name of the software they are testing as the title of the tool.
If you need to add a tool just set it up with the minimum fields: (Image)
Name: Chuck
Client: 12345 (will change later)
Deployment: 1
Once you save the tool go back to and find your tool and copy these values (examples shown): (Image)
Tool Launch URL:
Tool end-point to receive Deep Link launches:
OIDC Login Initiation URL:
Tool JWT Key Set URL:
Back in Sakai, go to Admin -> Admin Workspace -> External Tools -> Install LTI 1.x Tool With the following values (watch for extra spaces while pasting):
Choose a title like "IMS RI Normal Launch"
Use "Tool Launch URL" as Launch URL in Sakai
Leave key / secret blank
Check: Send Names, Send Email, All services
Check Only: Allow the tool to be launched as a link
Don't check any other Placements.
Check : Always launch in debug mode
Check: Supports LTI 1.3
Launch type - Inherit
Copy these fields from the IMS RI to Sakai (don't add spaces at the end):
LTI 1.3 Tool Keyset URL <- Tool JWT Key Set URL
LTI 1.3 Tool OpenID Connect/Initialization Endpoint <- OIDC Login Initiation URL
LTI 1.3 Tool Redirect Endpoint(s) <- Tool Launch Url
The fact that the Tool Launch URL is the same as the Redirect URL is a oversimplification in the RI. These should be different for most tools. And if they are the same, the RI should at least document it as they are separate parts of the contract.
Press Save
to create the Sakai end of the Tool security contract. Then in Sakai
view the entry you just created.
Back in the IMS RI edit the your tool and transfer these fields from Sakai to the RI:
Client ID
Private key (leave blank - let the RI generate this)
Deployment - Set to 1
Keyset url <- LTI 1.3 Platform OAuth2 Well-Known/KeySet URL
Oauth2 url <- LTI 1.3 Platform OAuth2 Bearer Token Retrieval URL
Platform oidc auth url <- LTI 1.3 Platform OIDC Authentication URL
Update the tool. (Image)
Go back to and find your entry again - I like to keep this open in a separate tab.
Back in Sakai - find/make a site and find/add Lessons.
Lessons -> Add Content -> Add External Tool (way at the bottom of the pop up menu) (Image)
Find and install the tool you installed above - it should plug into Sakai and you should
be able to launch the tool.
You should see a page in the RI that says something like "Make Authentication Request back to Platform" - you may need to scroll down - press the "Send Request" button to get back to Sakai so we can do the real launch. (Image)
You actually need to press the "Send Request" button pretty quickly - this is part of the OIDC Connect Flow and Sakai has a pretty short window of time that it allows the OIDC Connect flow to come back nbefore it rejects it for taking too long. Normal tools don't pause at this point but the RI does this to allow debugging.
After you press the button to continue through the Sakai debug screen, you should add "Lauch Status - Valid". (Image)
When you are done, remove launch link from Lessons since we are going to switch our tool entry to Deep Linking which wil break normal launches.
Now we are going to adjust the entry in Sakai so we can test Deep Linking
- the
LTI Advantage version of Content Item
Go to Admin -> Admin Workspace -> External Tools -> Install LTI 1.x Tool Edit the tool you installed and make the following changes:
Change the title and button test to something like "IMS RI Deep Link"
Change Launch URL to the "Tool Deep Link URL" value
You don't have to change the redirect endpoint
Leave Checked: Send Names, Send Email, All four services,
Un-Check: Allow the tool to be launched as a link
Check: Allow tool to configure and Allow use in rich text editor
Don't check any other placements
Save the Tool. (Image)
At this point if you can, log in to web site with an IMS account in your browser.
Your Sakai site should have both Lessons and Gradebook.
Back in Lessons, use Add Content -> Add Learning App You should see the Reference Implementation tool you just edited in Sakai - choose it. It should launch in a modal. If there are debug buttons - just continue.
You should see a page in the RI that says something like "Make Authentication Request back to Platform" - you may need to scroll down - press the "Send Request" button to "Continue".
You actually need to press this button pretty quickly - this is part of the OIDC Connect Flow and Sakai has a pretty short window of time that it allows the OIDC Connect flow to come back.
The next screen you should see is also from the RI - it should say "Successful launch".
At this point if you have not logged in you have no more steps unless you log in. If you are logged in with your IMS account - keep going :)
After the Deep Link Launch has worked, scroll down and find "Select Deep Links" and click it.
Pick the LTI link and send it to the platform. It should appear in Lessons. Launch the link. It should launch and be "valid".
Test "Request Names and Roles" - it should work.
Test "Submit Score to Platform" - it should work (but actually it does not work because as of 28-May-2020 I think there is a bug in the reference implementation).
Make sure gradebook