###v0.1.0 - July 14th, 2016
First cerebro release.
- cluster overview
- rest client
- aliases management
- index creation
###v0.2.0 - August 25th, 2016
- analysis api
- index template api
- cluster settings api
- notify regarding created/deleted indices and joining/leaving nodes
###v0.3.0 - November 3rd, 2016
- rest client format body button
- only display cluster changes if cluster name hasnt changed
- load default cluster settings values
- added index settings module
###v0.3.1 - November 17th, 2016
- displayed node roles
###v0.4.0 - December 2nd, 2016
- fix favicon for
- handle cpu / load info from both 2.X and 5.X
- pagination buttons unselectable
- display relocating / initializing shards on overview
- copy to curl to rest client
- repositories / snapshots module
###v0.4.1 - December 6th, 2016
- fix indices selection on snapshot creation