A python port of ADW [1].
- Python 2.x
- NLTK, with the WordNet corpus
- Semantic Signatures database (see Installation)
- Offset2ID map (see Installation)
- Download the original Semantic Signatures database (for all the 118K concepts in WordNet 3.0, size ~ 1.4 GB) using the following link:
- Extract the folder ppvs.30g.5k from the downloaded tarball:
$ tar zxf ppvs.30g.5k.tar.bz2
- adwpy.config expects this database (a) to be called ‘ppvs’ and (b) to be located in the adwpy/data/ directory. You could either move the downloaded folder to the expected location:
$ mv ppvs.30g.5k adwpy/data/ppvs
Or create a symlink:
$ cd adwpy/data $ ln -s /path/to/ppvs.30g.5k ppvs
Or edit adwpy.config.py to point to your prefered location.
- Similarly with offset2ID.map.tsv from the ADW github page:
The default location is also in adwpy/data:
$ cd adwpy/data $ ln -s /path/to/offset2ID.map.tsv
adwpy ports the two disambiguation methods and three Semantic Signature comparison measures described in Pilehvar et al., 2013 [2], and implemented in [1]:
- Disambiguation methods:
- NONE (i.e., no disambiguation)
- ALIGNMENT_BASED (i.e., alignment-based disambiguation)
- Semantic Signature comparison measures
- Cosine
- WeightedOverlap
- Jaccard
The only input format supported by adwpy is “surface text”.
The main front-end function in the library is api.pair_similarity. ADWTest.py gives an example of this function in use. Essentially:
dm = config.DisambiguationMethod.ALIGNMENT_BASED sc = config.SignatureComparison.WEIGHTED_OVERLAP score = pair_similarity(text1, text2, dm, sc)
Where score is a floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0.
[1] ADW https://github.com/pilehvar/ADW
[2] M. T. Pilehvar, D. Jurgens and R. Navigli. Align, Disambiguate and Walk: A Unified Approach for Measuring Semantic Similarity. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2013), Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9, 2013, pp. 1341-1351.