Special thanks to:
These websites are all dependencies or utilized
in the deployment of the bitsharesQUANT platform
exchange and market specific crypto candle data
used by bitshareQUANT backtest engine
aggregated altcoin:altcoin crypto price candle data
used by bitshareQUANT backtest engine
forex:forex, stock:usd, and forex:crypto candle data
used by bitshareQUANT backtest engine
free hosting of the bitsharesQUANT platform code repository
Cloud hosting of ASCII art; sharing of latency data
a place to sell text documents in exchange for BTC
marketplace/escrow to sell extinctionEVENT algorithm tunes
free image upload api used by latencyTEST to share node maps
no registration required
Free data upload and api creation utility for hosting JSON
Used by latencyTEST to share live results
free multi party live code editing environment
no registration required
Support Group for the BitShares DEX and Community
Public RPC Nodes of the bitshares network
used by metaNODE and proxyDEX to gather live Distributed Exchange data
used by manualSIGNING to execute smart contracts