Slot: children_are_mutually_disjoint
+If true then all direct is_a children are mutually disjoint and share no instances in common
+URI: linkml:children_are_mutually_disjoint
+Domain and Range
+Definition → 0..1 Boolean
+diff --git a/docs/ClassDefinition/index.html b/docs/ClassDefinition/index.html index 22cfd677..4cd67734 100644 --- a/docs/ClassDefinition/index.html +++ b/docs/ClassDefinition/index.html @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
the definition of a class or interface
- +base class for definitions
URI: linkml:Definition
- ++ | + | + |
Aliases: | ++ | PV | +
the definition of a property or a slot
- +a collection of slots whose values uniquely identify an instance of a class
URI: linkml:UniqueKey
- ++ | + | + |
Aliases: | ++ | alternate definitions | +
If true then all direct is_a children are mutually disjoint and share no instances in common
+URI: linkml:children_are_mutually_disjoint
+Definition → 0..1 Boolean
+Two classes are disjoint if they have no instances in common, two slots are disjoint if they can never hold between the same two instances
+URI: linkml:class_definition_disjoint_with
+ClassDefinition → 0..* ClassDefinition
++ | + | + |
Aliases: | ++ | public ID | +
Two classes are disjoint if they have no instances in common, two slots are disjoint if they can never hold between the same two instances
+URI: linkml:disjoint_with
+Definition → 0..* Definition
++ | + | + |
Close Mappings: | ++ | owl:IrreflexiveProperty | +
+ | + | + |
Aliases: | ++ | high value | +
+ | + | + |
Aliases: | ++ | PV meaning | +
+ | + | + |
Aliases: | ++ | low value | +
agent that owns or is the steward of the element
+URI: linkml:owned_by
+Element → 0..1 Uriorcurie
++ | + | + |
Aliases: | ++ | steward | +
+ | + | owner | +
Close Mappings: | ++ | rdfs:isDefinedBy | +
Two classes are disjoint if they have no instances in common, two slots are disjoint if they can never hold between the same two instances
+URI: linkml:slot_definition_disjoint_with
+SlotDefinition → 0..* SlotDefinition
++ | + | + |
Aliases: | ++ | public ID | +
+ | + | + |
Close Mappings: | ++ | owl:SymmetricProperty | +
+ | + | + |
Aliases: | ++ | value | +
+ | + | + |
Close Mappings: | ++ | owl:TransitiveProperty | +
name of the unique key
+ +