- Fixed minor sanitization of within the admin
- Fixed minor WPCS and PHPCS notices
- Updated plugin branding for .org
- Updated readme to link to the Classic Editor Plugin
- Updated deployment process to make releases easier
- Fixing an issue where http://translate.wordpress.org did not detect the stable version correctly.
- A few additional steps to make the plugin accessible to http://translate.wordpress.org.
- Move translations to http://translate.wordpress.org.
- Fixing PHP syntax error.
- Added ability for i18n using grunt-wp-i18n
- Added english default .pot
- Added minor security hardening so the class file would exit if called directly
- Updated code formatting to be more inline with WordPress coding standards
- Updated some method descriptions
- Updated plugin description to be more... descriptive.
- Add a setting to disable wpautop automatically on new posts.
- Add filter (lp_wpautop_show_private_pt) for enabling the plugin on private post types.
- Fixing bug that was preventing other settings on the writing page from saving.
- Fixing bug where users upgrading from 1.0 would not receive the defaults for settings that were introduced in 1.1.
- Adding the ability to choose which post types have the option to disable the wpautop filter on the Settings->Writing page.
- When activating the plugin for the first time, all post types are set to have the ability to disable the wpautop filter. This can be changed on the Settings->Writing page.
- Adding an uninstall hook to remove all traces of the plugin.
- Hello world!