- Fabric mixin conflict fixed
- Added Create metabolites
- Fabric Configs mod menu screen fixed
- Removed doTemperature gamerule
- Added server configs to disable heat & conversion of resources
- Fabric Configs now exist
- Metabolism HUD shows behind chat
- Added Decorative Blocks environment effects
- Appleskin compat & tooltips added for fabric
- Fixed stews and water bottles (fabric)
- Port to fabric
- Metabolite Tooltips for fabric will be implemented later.
- Changed values for all food items
- Metabolism effect amplifier works differently
- Metabolization reduces heat only when effect level is more than 0
- Metabolites for other mods are not OP anymore
- AdvancedLocationCheck can omit the type variable
- Fixed metabolization not generating warmth properly
- Changed display of warmth bar to flicker when regenerating
- Fixed base heat resistance being ignored.
- When there is no resource left to drain, the other resource starts draining.
- Hunger effect drains food & hydration.
- Nerfed high effects and added condition for having no blocks above. Multiplied by 1.5 at night.
- Water bottles give hydration & consume warmth
- Meats rebalanced
- Compat for Pagan's Blessing foods
- Metabolization will generate the resource being drained, if there's less of it than the other.
- Otherwise warmth will always be generated if not maxed(20)
- Metabolites can now specify a modifier object
- Modifiers can change stack size, ability to be eaten when full, and fast eating
- Stews and soup are stackable up to 16
- Cakes have metabolite data and can stack up to 64
- Cookies are always eatable
- Nerfed some environment effects, reduced resource drain to 80%
- Campfires give cold resistance, soul campfires give heat resistance
- Soul sand & soil are considered cold blocks
- Some changes to food values (more changes coming next version)
- AdvancedLocationCheck loot condition can now check for biome tags
- Added GameRule to disable temperature
- Added commands to get, set, add metabolism variables
- Fixes crash on server join (#2)
- Fixes crash on dedicated server (#1)
- Metabolism does not tick & show in gui when not on survival mode
- Water bottle tooltips added, gives 2 hydration
- Deep dark is cold
- Sprinting & swimming gives metabolism progress
- Other minor bug fixes