convert between cellId buffer and string throughout the code
- implenment scss - done
- develop a clear understanding of how css variables will be used (and document if we can)
- convert all css files to scss - done
css notes:
- lots of duplications due to vanilla css and lack of nesting
- lots of overriding happening for some components using generic compenent templates
- need to switch to rem instead of pixel, as the screen resolution impacts its
- inconcistency between using _ (olrder class names) and - (newer claass names)
- colors dont have names so its difficult to assign a recurring color to a class name
- screen size related classes (and beak pints) are inefficient
- need to get rid of commented out lines
"According to the guideline, here are some common properties that will benefit from variables:
margin (gutters, grid gutters)
transition (duration, easing) – consider a mixin*
- decide which component stylings we are keeping