- c21c2c2 Updating the changelog (@eriksargent)
- deb8d94 bumping the version (@eriksargent)
- 1df5aca Changing the test device to an iPhone 7 (@eriksargent)
- b119b9e Fixing codesigning and clean up (@eriksargent)
- #41 Merge pull request #41 from nitrag/master (@nitrag)
- dc12ad3 Add Required(Bool) to Textfield (@nitrag)
- 91fe786 Updating the changelog (@eriksargent)
- e9a1557 Bumping version (@eriksargent)
- #37 Merge pull request #37 from lightningkite/DiscardableResult (@lightningkite)
- 3ca4db1 Whoops, added it in too many places (@eriksargent)
- 66d3e60 Adding @discardableResult where appropriate (@eriksargent)
- #36 Merge pull request #36 from JamesPerlman/patch-1 (@JamesPerlman)
- 9c4d5a0 Set SWIFT_VERSION = 3.0 (@JamesPerlman)
- 017a261 Updating the changelog (@eriksargent)
- #35 Merge pull request #35 from lightningkite/ControllerTint (@lightningkite)
- e216e88 Updating the changelog (@eriksargent)
- 4873b52 Bumping the version number (@eriksargent)
- 48d1272 Adding the ability to tint the controller (@eriksargent)
- #34 Merge pull request #34 from lightningkite/DocumentationCleanUp (@lightningkite)
- 30b5c9a Removing extra space (@eriksargent)
- fd4fbf0 Cleaning up documentation (@eriksargent)
- b772106 Fixing swift version (@eriksargent)
- #33 Merge pull request #33 from lightningkite/swift3 (@lightningkite)
- 4e48bf7 Bumping the version number (@eriksargent)
- 9ba45d9 Adding .swift-version (@eriksargent)
- 9de2710 Cleaning up the dispatch time with swift 3 (@eriksargent)
- a919149 Adding a test for the textfield text being set properly (@eriksargent)
- #32 Merge pull request #32 from skofgar/master (@skofgar)
- 9bf15f1 updated circle.yml (@skofgar)
- 44983c9 updated to Swift 3 (@skofgar)
- 3393ae7 Updating changes (@eriksargent)
- #31 Merge pull request #31 from lightningkite/DispatchMainThread (@lightningkite)
- 49bc1a9 Making sure the presenting of the controller always happens in the main thread (@eriksargent)
- 9be2316 Updating changelog (@eriksargent)
- 4c204f2 Updating build number (@eriksargent)
- #30 Merge pull request #30 from lightningkite/AsynchronousPresentation (@lightningkite)
- 94a19de More improvements to the delay test (@eriksargent)
- 4762a47 Fixing issue with delay test (@eriksargent)
- 01cd5f0 Adding test for the delay (@eriksargent)
- 27a1ee3 Updating LKAlertController to present on views that are not being dismissed, and adding presentIn and delay functions (@eriksargent)
- 2f77791 Fixing issue with carthage (@eriksargent)
- #28 Merge pull request #28 from hardikdevios/master (@hardikdevios)
- 475982f - Updated README.md (@hardikdevios)
- b02bd18 - Fix Shared Schema (@hardikdevios)
- 825f4aa - Remove shared schema (@hardikdevios)
- d9de4a5 - Fix (@hardikdevios)
- 26db67a - Fix Support version for Carthage (@hardikdevios)
- 15c980d Carthage support (@hardikdevios)
- d3eaa8e Updating hcangelog (@eriksargent)
- 184c0c6 Incrementing the version on LKAlertController for swift 2.2 release (@eriksargent)
- ce49f5e Fixing github issue 26 and cleaning up the action handler with a typealias (@eriksargent)
- e0a7122 Adding test for github issue 26, and cleaning up a test that was in the wrong place (@eriksargent)
- d0c79a6 Updating changelog (@eriksargent)
- 7b19d08 Bumping version number (@eriksargent)
- #24 Merge pull request #24 from magnusottosson/master (@magnusottosson)
- ae01805 Removed unused assets reference causing issues with cocoapods beta 1.0.0beta6
- c444fd7 Updating changelog (@eriksargent)
- 36c5fb8 Updating documentation with how to add your own shortcut show method on alert (@eriksargent)
- 3384ddc Adding a changelog (@eriksargent)
- 769be7e Fixing another issue in circle.yml (@eriksargent)
- efeb691 Fixing issue in circle.yml (@eriksargent)
- 608be00 Bump cocoapods version number (@eriksargent)
- 379a0ef Updating circle config (@eriksargent)
- 6779509 Adding preferredAction to README (@eriksargent)
- 7f658e4 Fixing tests for preferredAction and cleaning up preferredAction code and documentation (@eriksargent)
- #23 Merge pull request #23 from andela-aonawale/feature/preferred-action (@andela-aonawale)
- d9208f2 override addAction method from super class and hardcoded the preferredAction argument to be false because its applicable to alerts only
- c25c587 add preferredAction feature to LKAlertController
- 09cc527 Making circle use xcode 7 (@eriksargent)
- 770c237 Bumping version for cocoapods (@eriksargent)
- 126f0b1 Converting tests and project to swift 2 (@eriksargent)
- #22 Merge pull request #22 from willia15/Swift2update (@willia15)
- 3816605 Update parameters to adhere to Swift 2 syntax (@akwilliamson)
- 15d6442 Adding auto capitalization and correction configuration to text field (@eriksargent)
- bb7a35a Updating pod version and adding keyboard type to text field (@eriksargent)
- #20 Merge pull request #20 from lightningkite/textField (@lightningkite)
- e0f3c2a Updating documentation (@eriksargent)
- 1fc55dd Making it easier to use text fields (@eriksargent)
- #19 Merge pull request #19 from willia15/Update-README-addTextField (@willia15)
- #18 Merge pull request #18 from willia15/Fix-addTextField-chaining (@willia15)
- 486a38a Allow method chaining on addTextField (@akwilliamson)
- c65eb3b Update README.md for using text fields in alerts (@akwilliamson)
- #13 Merge pull request #13 from willia15/add-textfield-to-alert (@willia15)
- 51c4fb9 Prevent addTextField method from being accessible in ActionSheet class (@akwilliamson)
- 7bf5f45 Return self in addTextField functions to allow for stacked functions (@akwilliamson)
- e35fffa Merge https://github.com/lightningkite/LKAlertController into add-textfield-to-alert (@akwilliamson)
- #14 Merge pull request #14 from lightningkite/ActionSheetiPadCrash (@lightningkite)
- 6b57199 Add ability to set the presentationController's BarButtonItem or source view for iPad support on ActionSheets (@eriksargent)
- 3ddbde1 Add quick documentation for adding text field methods (@akwilliamson)
- 7210ab4 Add text field methods to Alert class (@akwilliamson)
- 72780ca Add textfield method to superclass (@akwilliamson)
- #11 Merge pull request #11 from lightningkite/CircleCI (@lightningkite)
- 177bc08 Updated README with CircleCI badge and removed travis config (@eriksargent)
- 9588b24 Fixing indents in travis yml (@eriksargent)
- 0940f31 Fixing travis tests (@eriksargent)
- ec5bb4c Fixing circle config (@eriksargent)
- 71f164b Adding circle.yml (@eriksargent)
- f2dff3c Fixing issue when title is not set, message shows up as the title (@eriksargent)
- cb8b079 Adding more tests (@eriksargent)
- 95e5816 Bumping version (@eriksargent)
- #10 Merge pull request #10 from willia15/master (@willia15)
- dde5485 Initialize UIAlertAction when invoked (@akwilliamson)
- e869dd6 Bumping version (@eriksargent)
- #9 Merge pull request #9 from lightningkite/OkayAlert (@lightningkite)
- 90589f8 Adding showOkay function (@eriksargent)
- 066b559 Finishing some documentation and tests and adding functionality to override the show method for testingG (@eriksargent)
- eeb1cbd Bumping version number (@eriksargent)
- #8 Merge pull request #8 from lightningkite/Documentation (@lightningkite)
- 4c52be4 Added documentation (@eriksargent)
- #7 Merge pull request #7 from lightningkite/FixStyleAddPlainInit (@lightningkite)
- 87d0084 Fixes the style and adds a plain init to the alert and action sheet (@eriksargent)
- 4a84a0e Set version to 1.0.0 (@eriksargent)
- #1 Merge pull request #1 from lightningkite/travisXcode63 (@lightningkite)
- fc84cb3 Change travis to use xcode 6.3 (@eriksargent)
- 7f334a0 Fixing travis xctool script (@eriksargent)
- 1119e9f Fixing link to travis (@eriksargent)
- 0a021c5 updating podspec (@eriksargent)
- 84efe6a Adding descriptioN (@eriksargent)
- 4d030cf Adding documentation to the readme (@eriksargent)
- 775506b Creating LKAlertController and corresponding tests (@eriksargent)
- c7b735d Initial commit (@eriksargent)