The Celer Circle Bridge Facet works by forwarding transfers to Celer's Proxy contract of the official Circle Bridge Token Messenger contract. Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) is a permissionless on-chain utility that can burn native USDC on a source chain, and mint native USDC of the same amount on a destination chain. The Celer Proxy takes a small fee which will be used to claim the transfer on the destination chain for the user automatically.
graph LR;
D{LiFiDiamond}-- DELEGATECALL -->CelerCircleBridgeFacet;
CelerCircleBridgeFacet -- CALL --> CircleBridgeProxy
CircleBridgeProxy -- CALL --> M(Token Messenger)
function startBridgeTokensViaCelerCircleBridge(BridgeData calldata _bridgeData)
- Simply bridges tokens using Celer Circle Bridge
function swapAndStartBridgeTokensViaCelerCircleBridge(BridgeData memory _bridgeData, SwapData[] calldata _swapData)
- Performs swap(s) before bridging tokens using Celer Circle Bridge
Some methods accept a SwapData _swapData
Swapping is performed by a swap specific library that expects an array of calldata to can be run on various DEXs (i.e. Uniswap) to make one or multiple swaps before performing another action.
The swap library can be found here.
Some methods accept a BridgeData _bridgeData
This parameter is strictly for analytics purposes. It's used to emit events that we can later track and index in our subgraphs and provide data on how our contracts are being used. BridgeData
and the events we can emit can be found here.
In the following some sample calls are shown that allow you to retrieve a populated transaction that can be sent to our contract via your wallet.
All examples use our /quote endpoint to retrieve a quote which contains a transactionRequest
. This request can directly be sent to your wallet to trigger the transaction.
The quote result looks like the following:
const quoteResult = {
id: '0x...', // quote id
type: 'lifi', // the type of the quote (all lifi contract calls have the type "lifi")
tool: 'circle', // the bridge tool used for the transaction
action: {}, // information about what is going to happen
estimate: {}, // information about the estimated outcome of the call
includedSteps: [], // steps that are executed by the contract as part of this transaction, e.g. a swap step and a cross step
transactionRequest: {
// the transaction that can be sent using a wallet
data: '0x...',
to: '0x...',
value: '0x00',
chainId: 100,
gasLimit: '0x...',
gasPrice: '0x...',
A detailed explanation on how to use the /quote endpoint and how to trigger the transaction can be found here.
Hint: Don't forget to replace {YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS}
with your real wallet address in the examples.
To get a transaction for a transfer from 20 USDC on Ethereum to USDC on Avalanche you can execute the following request:
To get a transaction for a transfer from 10 USDT on Ethereum to USDC on Avalanche you can execute the following request: