- @oe
- @bnb
- @chowdhurian
- @fhemberger
- @amiller-gh
- @maddhruv
- @timothyis
- @franciscop
- @mrhinkle
- Prioritizing agenda
Olivia, Tierney: We should ensure that goals are long-term
Adam: Rediscussing the points listed in nodejs/nodejs.org#1534
Adam: Site Structure, Design, Implementation
Adam: In that order
Olivia: Previous discussions have been too implementation-focused
Olivia: before we get down the agenda, what cadence do we want the meetings to be on
General agreement: every 2 weeks
See also nodejs/nodejs.org#1534 (Assess current site structure, see what's needed and what's not).
Frederic: History of website. There never was a well defined content structure, it was made as needed.
Jeremiah: brief notes on iojs.org’s design
Adam: sounds like now’s a good time to do something more design focused
Tierney: an overview of some obstacles on the current website
Olivia: Make it easier to add information in a more structured manner.
Adam: Also a good opportunity to have a design-focused process for contribution review
Adam: Process for PR to add content to site, would help the different stakeholders who add content to site.
Olivia: Suggestion to start. What do we have now, a sort of site map. Then go from there.
Frederic: volunteers to write up a site map of the existing site (link)
Tierney, Jeremiah: discussion of how the node api docs are maintained somewhat separate.
Adam: Overview of his blog post write up which compares to other “competeting” websites in some detail: https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection/redesigning-nodejs-part-1-fac08a0e015a
Fransisco: what are the main goals of the current website?
Tierney: Primary uses of site to date: Downloads, information, Documentation, Getting involved.
- Olivia: How should we address documents in separate repositories?
- Frederic: I want to see the Code of Conduct, governance docs, etc, directly. Should be part of the website.
- Adam: I’d love to see some “Learn” page, a normal-language guided tour. Something more comprehensive and ergonomic.
- Adam: We may not need to write this content as it may already exist and we may be able to get it contributed back.
- Frederic: The getting started guides are currently at https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/getting-started-guide/, needs to be surfaced better. As does the introduction https://nodejs.org/en/about/.
- Adam: The site should feel more cohesive.
- Timothy: I don’t really agree - have seen other examples where the docs and main site work for different purposes.
- Adam: Some things should probably look the same as the home page, e.g. the ‘getting started’.
- Adam: So long as implementation doesn’t impact design
- Frederic: Let’s also think about the foundation website: They have a wordpress setup right now, but at the moment the foundation website looks totally different. (There could be a technical solution to keep the WP theme with the website layout in sync.)
- Olivia: We might need to figure that out as we go, we’ll need to stay in contact with the people who manage the foundation website.
- Tierney: We should avoid duplicating too much content between Foundation and Node.js website.
- Adam: Let’s invite the foundation site maintainers to these meetings.
- Adam: As for unifying theming and branding - I don’t think it is unreasonable to come from the design with a full process for theming Node.js branded websites.
There is a Foundation marketing committee. Check with Greg ([email protected])
Tierney: I sit on that committee as part of my job, and it is a pretty open group.
Discussion of existing consensus-seeking model, seems acceptable (lazy consensus).
Adam: documentation versions switcher (external)
Adam: Better release structure overview (LTS schedule, etc)
Adam: Robust community page
Adam: Present the blog better
Olivia: Is there a way we can consolidate the medium blog into the website when the time comes?
Adam: I think there needs to be a strong distinction between community content and official (changelog, etc) content. I think these should stay separate.
Split news into blog and release notes (and remove them from the regular blog)?
Some other related discussion
Francisco: Hard to search the docs.
Tierney: We should probably try to get a little higher level than the content in this planning.
Timothy: We probably need a collection of higher-level content needs, what general site functionality is required.
Frederic: Two previous attempts
Frederic: One was from Leo, but had no content/structure discussion, just design/mockups.
Frederic: The other time was something from the foundation, but never came to anything.
Frederic: Was poor communication with the foundation there.
Olivia: Neither really came from the community itself…
Tierney: Both were a single point of failure, didn’t have enough time and ultimately dropped it.
Timothy: It is clear we need to remember this is a really big challenge, we need to break it down into manageable chunks.
Olivia: We could actually hire a designer with foundation funds if necessary...
Mark: (Some discussion on how hiring someone would work between the foundation.)
Some discussion of previous design competitions e.g. the logo (mixed results regarding brand experience, overall design, etc.)
Olivia: Any other questions before we end?
Adam: If we have the ability to hire, are we able to do lower-level brand design e.g. the logo if necessary/desired?
Francisco: Should we estimate a timeline? Is getting a designer even possible this year?
Mark: (Some clarification of funds allocation.)
Olivia: As to general timeline… good question. Hard to pinpoint down at this point.
Jeremiah: No less than 6 months.