For the latest release notes, please see the GitHub releases page.
0.8.2 (2023-05-18)
- add for expr in outdated keys alert (b6c0866)
- add reference on in readme (51c9172)
- keys аlert outdated warn -> critical; validators alert outdated disable possibility. (5c037c6)
- README (6418e73)
- use shorthand for test (44edaba)
0.8.1 (2023-05-03)
- image (68ff8d9)
0.8.0 (2023-05-03)
- update execution lib (79651d7)
- add graceful shutdown and uncaught exception handler (7bb4baa)
0.7.3 (2023-04-27)
- cron -> interval; check of last updates (593d97e)
- timeout, names (e9a348b)
- timer name (873d366)
- unused commit (d2368bc)
0.7.2 (2023-04-21)
0.7.1 (2023-04-21)
0.7.0 (2023-04-17)
- 425 resp (dda3fa2)
- add 500 description for validators (a8f6405)
- add internal error response to swagger for /validators (419101a)
- add support of staking router (63045ae)
- add typechain to test flow (0f7be5a)
- comments (5b4e924)
- disableForeignKeys (4fb282c)
- disableForeignKeys by env (9f89923)
- dockerfile (ee2f0b4)
- dockerfile (dc8541b)
- error with validation pipe (37e2a31)
- file env validation (a3fd0c1)
- fix description in tooEarlyResp (4c8fb94)
- fix types (0f4c1f9)
- log (80b42c0)
- log (faf6c7f)
- logger names (b0a3283)
- message (9d800c9)
- port publishing in demo compose (5b59659)
- property name in validation (90e6a02)
- readme (08840dd)
- readme (dcca44d)
- registry and constants dependencies update (ae33bbc)
- remove trailing slash in endpoint (b2995a8)
- remove wrong log (cca2b2c)
- small fixes (55447a2)
- SR abi update (1a3b493)
- trailing slash from el cl providers (5d02c3e)
- unused (0a7a2f6)
- update contract. (0cf38a6)
- validation (687a920)
- validatorIndex -> validator_index as in eth doc; validator_index and epoch to string. (483fb3f)
- validators endpoints name. (29cf425)
0.6.0 (2023-03-07)
- add label (3c2039b)
- consensus fetch (1df5850)
- disable cl (a368b7d)
- remove unused env (3d716a4)
- version (080d92b)
- alerts fix, envs (b2e4371)
0.5.0 (2023-02-22)
- add grafana prometheus (0203180)
- bump max-old-space-size (d9ec404)
- bump max-old-space-size (612746f)
- bump memory limit (281e38b)
- catch job error (09166db)
- db config (950f38e)
- db config (ba741fd)
- metrics (6fe2bcb)
- mikroorm config (31280bf)
- README (eeab718)
- remove commenta (9fc7879)
- remove secrets from log (266879a)
- remove secrets from log (6356395)
- sample (74f2813)
- small fixes (04c5f01)
- updated packages (fe15201)
- used value in metrics (d92220a)
0.4.1 (2023-02-17)
- db config (e7a62aa)