diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d91c934..621b764 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,3 +18,81 @@ A new Story environment with a different approach. Finely tuned to work directly
- Themeable
- Use your real data
- Simple
+### Setting up your project
+You'll need to create this route structure
+1. First step is to create this new route structure
+ ```diff
+ src/routes/
+ ├─ +layout.svelte
+ ├─ ... // other routes
+ +└─ (book)/
+ + ├─ +layout.svelte
+ + ├─ +layout.ts
+ + └─ book/
+ + └─ [parent]-[title]/
+ + ├─ +page.svelte
+ + └─ +page.ts
+ ```
+ - In `src/routes/(book)/+layout.svelte`
+ ```html
+ ```
+ - In `src/routes/(book)/+layout.svelte`
+ ```js
+ export { layoutLoad as load } from '@leveluptuts/bookit';
+ ```
+ - In `src/routes/(book)/book/[parent][title]/+page.svelte`
+ ```html
+ ```
+ - In `src/routes/(book)/book/[parent]-[title]/+page.ts`
+ ```js
+ export { load } from '@leveluptuts/bookit';
+ ```
+2. Now your project is set up, let's now create our first story file that has a name like this `MyButton.story.svelte`
+3. Import and wrap your component with `Canvas` and `Frame`
+ ```html
+ ```
+4. To view the story in the browser, navigate to `/book/Library-Button`.
+**Note:** Both variables in the story `parent` and `title` are used for the paramterized route in `/book/[parent]-[title]`
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