Fixed bugs:
- A synthetic leave does not trigger the presence event listener callback #646
Closed issues:
Fixed bugs:
- Suspended connection goes to failed state on resume attempt #638
Closed issues:
- Flaky test - TestRealtimePresence_EnsureChannelIsAttached #508
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- ably-go doesn't retry requests to fallback hosts on a timeout #626
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- Implement no connection serial #612
- Potential go routine on blocking functions #623
- Client gives up on reconnect #606
- RTP5: Channel state change side effects on presence #259
- RTP18: Server-initiated presence sync #256
- RTP2, RTP17, RTP19: PresenceMap #255
- RTP1: HAS_PRESENCE flag #248
- RTP16: Presence connection state conditions #214
Merged pull requests:
- [SDK-222] [no connection serial ] + implement missing internal presence map + presencequeue #621 (sacOO7)
- [SDK-3746] Feature/integration 2.0 #613 (sacOO7)
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- [SDK-3731] Fix websocket read limits #614 (sacOO7)
- Fix README for ablytest package usage #604 (sacOO7)
This release adds a new experimental RealtimeChannels.GetDerived
method which allows you to create custom realtime data feeds by selectively subscribing to receive only part of the data from the channel. See the announcement post for more information.
Merged pull requests:
- Support Go 1.20, drop support for Go 1.18 #586 (amnonbc)
- Add new GetDerived method to support subscription filters #594 (mschristensen)
- Add new async publishing methods PublishAsync and PublishMultipleAsync #596 (andydunstall)
- Fix docs for transient publishing #595 (andydunstall)
- Add support for setting agents option #590 (andydunstall)
This release updates docstring API commentaries for public interfaces.
Merged pull requests:
Implemented enhancements:
- Implement
(retry requests on Cloudfront HTTP error) #571, in #572 (owenpearson, sacOO7)
Merged pull requests:
Full Changelog (2022-07-01)
Closed issues:
- Use the net/http/httptest package to write unit test(s) for websockets #541
- Migrate from deprecated websocket package #368
Merged pull requests:
- Add unit tests for websocket.go #549 (Rosalita)
- Update action #548 (Morganamilo)
- Replace obsolete websocket library -- allows WebAssembly #433 (Jmgr)
1.2.7 (2022-06-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support to get channel lifecycle status #509
Fixed bugs:
- Missing pointer safety when creating a new Realtime Client #537
- realtime: missing test for sync resume (disconnection while sync is in progress) #34
Closed issues:
- Remove dependency on bash script to run the tests #530
- Unstable test TestStats_Direction_RSC6b2 #520
- Remove flaky unit tests TestAfterOK and TestAfterCanceled in package ablyutil #514
- Tests for packages ablyutil and ablytest are running more than once in the CI pipeline #504
- Flaky POST /apps: "Unable to modify existing channel namespace" #354
- Document ably/generate.go #351
- Document the project structure in our contributing guide #350
- Lint code, probably using
#346 - Conform ReadMe and create Contributing Document #340
Merged pull requests:
- fix nil pointer issue #543 (mohyour)
- Use pointers to mock types which contain embedded sync.mutex #542 (Rosalita)
- Increased unit test coverage #534 (Rosalita)
- Chore/update readme #533 (mohyour)
- Remove dependency on bash script to run the tests #531 (Rosalita)
- revert git commit 787e6e98e5dfc2bf848e2cfdbe64bcff901ded2a #528 (Rosalita)
- Fix small capitalisation error in function name #527 (Rosalita)
- Fix flakey test by using a subtest to separate test set-up from test execution #525 (Rosalita)
- Fixes test failure in scenario where test is retried as app already exists with namespace. #524 (Rosalita)
- log request time outs when attempting retry #523 (Rosalita)
- #509 add support to get lifecycle status #521 (mohyour)
- Remove unstable time based unit tests from package ablyutil #518 (Rosalita)
- Add code formatting check to CI pipeline and format all files #517 (Rosalita)
- update dependency stretchr/testify from 1.4.0 to 1.7.1 #516 (Rosalita)
- Split integration tests into separate workflow #515 (owenpearson)
- Increased internal unit test coverage for error.go #510 (Rosalita)
- #342 - update codec dependency #506 (mohyour)
- Tests/add tags #505 (Rosalita)
1.2.6 (2022-5-10)
Fixed bugs:
- AblyREST.Request() does not work #486
- Callback not invoked, despite message being received from server #434
- Undescriptive errors; possible broken fallback functionality #125
- HTTPPaginatedResult and PaginatedResult are missing some methods #120
- ID and Client ID is blank on realtime incoming messages. #58
- Do not persist authorise attributes force & timestamp #54
Closed issues:
- go Update urls in readme #491
- Research a new API Design that allows Ably to be mocked in unit tests. #488
- Once test observability is in place try to turn all tests back on. #479
- Support Go 1.18 #474
- Test improvements - Standardise test assertions #456
- Investigate re-enabling flaky tests. #438
- Skipped Test: TestPresenceGet_RSP3_RSP3a1 #415
- Skipped Test: TestPresenceHistory_RSP4_RSP4b3 #414
- Skipped Test: TestHistory_Direction_RSL2b2 #413
- Skipped Test: TestRealtimePresence_EnsureChannelIsAttached #412
- Skipped Test: TestRealtimePresence_Sync250 #411
- Skipped Test: TestRealtimeConn_BreakConnLoopOnInactiveState #410
- Skipped Test: TestRealtimeConn_RTN19b #407
- Skipped Test: TestRealtimeConn_RTN23 #405
- Skipped Test: TestRealtimeConn_RTN15d_MessageRecovery #404
- Skipped Test: TestRealtimeConn_RTN12_Connection_Close RTN12d #403
- Skipped Test: TestRealtime_DontCrashOnCloseWhenEchoOff #400
- Skipped Test: TestRealtimeChannel_RTL4_Attach RTL4j2 #398
- Skipped Test: TestAuth_RSA7c #393
- Document ably/export_test.go #352
- Rename ClientOption type to something better describing its purpose #348
- Clean up ably/doc_test.go Example_paginatedResults() #345
- Update dependency (January 2019 > June 2021) #341
- Flaky test in 1.2 branch: TestRealtimePresence_Sync250 #338
- Flaky test in 1.2 branch: TestRealtimeConn_RTN19b #333
- ably-go: add logging to rest & realtime clients #38
Merged pull requests:
- Refactored code and tests for TM3 message encoding/decoding #501 (Morganamilo)
- fix failing test #500 (mohyour)
- Fix sync250 #499 (Morganamilo)
- update documentation links from to #497 (Rosalita)
- Enable and fix some skipped tests #495 (Morganamilo)
- Change secret name #494 (Morganamilo)
- Turn flaky tests on and fix failing tests #493 (mohyour)
- Fix Request() #492 (Morganamilo)
- Test observe action #490 (Morganamilo)
- Do not persist authorise attributes force & timestamp #489 (mohyour)
- Add missing documentation comment for REST.Time() #487 (Rosalita)
- Handle errors in Request() #485 (Morganamilo)
- Move examples to their own file #482 (Morganamilo)
- Update empty message fields on receive #481 (Morganamilo)
- Update Go version to 1.17 in go.mod, add Go 1.18 to versions tested #480 (Rosalita)
- Add missing pagination methods #478 (mohyour)
- Added some unit tests for realtime presence. #477 (Rosalita)
- Standardise integration test assertions #476 (Rosalita)
- Remove named returns to increase code readability. #475 (Rosalita)
- Tests/standardise assertions pt4 #473 (Rosalita)
- Subscribe before attaching #471 (Morganamilo)
1.2.5 (2022-03-09)
Fixed bugs:
- Failure to get channel with slash #463
- Hang when joining presence #462
- Frequently, a client can not get their own presence from a channel after making one call to
. #436
Closed issues:
- Test improvements - Move integration tests to their own package. #458
- SPIKE : Find a way to run a single integration test with a CLI command #449
- Test improvements - Separate unit tests and integration tests. #447
- Release ably-go #440
Merged pull requests:
- Expand docs on some functions #468 (Morganamilo)
- Tests/standardise assertions pt2 #467 (Rosalita)
- Fix / not being escaped by rest client #466 (Morganamilo)
- Part 1 of standardising test assertions #465 (Rosalita)
- Increased unit test coverage for auth.go #461 (Rosalita)
- Add detailed description of project tests to #460 (Rosalita)
- Split existing tests into unit and integration, add tags and add to CI #457 (Rosalita)
- Fix hang when joining existing channel with no presence #455 (Morganamilo)
- Add presence message to presence map on enter #454 (Morganamilo)
- Remove useless switch #453 (Morganamilo)
- Add examples of publishing for both REST and realtime client. #444 (Rosalita)
1.2.4 (2022-02-10)
Fixed bugs:
- Subscribe(), Attach() are either counterintuitive or broken #155
Closed issues:
- Running tests locally, one test always fails. #445
- Add ConnectionKey to message #442
- Follow the lead of the Go team and support the last two major versions of Go #431
- Remove
#428 - Refine the documented release procedure #427
- Assess suitability of go 1.13 in our go.mod #344
Merged pull requests:
- Deprecate RESTChannel.PublishMultipleWithOptions #450 (lmars)
- Fix unit test that always failed when run locally. #446 (Rosalita)
- Add connection key to messages. #443 (Rosalita)
- Disable flaky tests. #439 (Rosalita)
- Add
to message #437 (ken8203) - Documentation improvements for RealtimePresence. #435 (Rosalita)
- examples: Remove go.mod and go.sum #430 (lmars)
- Update Go version to 1.16 in go.mod, drop < 1.16 from versions tested, update fixes #431 #426 (Rosalita)
v1.2.3 (2021-10-27)
Sorry for the noise but we made a mistake when we released version 1.2.2 of this library. 🤦
The v1.2.2
tag was pushed against the wrong commit, meaning that the library was announcing itself as at version 1.2.1 to the Ably service.
This release (assuming we get the tag push right this time 😜) will correctly identify itself as version 1.2.3.
v1.2.2 (2021-10-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Implement RSC7d (Ably-Agent header) #302
Closed issues:
- Ablytest #358
- RTN6: CONNECTED when connection is established #232
- RSA1, RSA2, RSA11: Basic auth #216
Merged pull requests:
- Ably Agent Refresh #424 (tomkirbygreen)
- Fix/216 basic auth refresh #421 (tomkirbygreen)
- Avoid a panic handling incoming ACK messages #418 (lmars)
- Fix incorrect usage of 'fmt.Sprintf' #392 (tomkirbygreen)
- Fix various method contracts #387 (tomkirbygreen)
- Update examples #376 (sacOO7)
- Clarify event emitter concurrency documentation #365 (tcard)
- Ably agent header #360 (sacOO7)
v1.2.1 (2021-08-09)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
- Update generated files #371 (lmars)
- Don't set message encoding for valid utf-8 string data #370 (lmars)
- Export the ablytest package #366 (tcard)
- Migration guide 1.1.5 to 1.2.0 #364 (QuintinWillison)
- Update #362 (AndyNicks)
- RTC8a: client-requested reauthorization while CONNECTED (to
branch) #357 (tcard) - RTC8a: client-requested reauthorization while CONNECTED #336 (tcard)
v1.2.0 (2021-07-09)
Version 1.2.0 is out of pre-release!
Full Changelog since v1.2.0-apipreview.6
Implemented enhancements:
- Add enough logs to troubleshoot problems #160
Closed issues:
- Create code snippets for homepage (go) #324
- Unexport package proto, ablycrypto, ablytest #291
- API compliance - Go 1.2 #271
- RTN7: ACK and NACK #215
Merged pull requests:
- Fix conflicts from integration-1.2 to main #353 (sacOO7)
- Don't reuse IV between encryptions #331 (tcard)
- Integration/1.2 #322 (QuintinWillison)
v1.2.0-apipreview.6 (2021-06-17)
Fixed bugs:
- IV shouldn't be reused between messages #330
Closed issues:
- RTN21: Overriding connectionDetails #227
Merged pull requests:
v1.2.0-apipreview.5 (2021-06-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Common design for PaginatedResult-related methods #278
- Add Connection Error Handling - 0.8 feature #51
Fixed bugs:
- API completeness #50
- Passing tests appear to have failed in Travis #47
- Go JSON / Binary / String support #9
Closed issues:
- Fix RTN14c test to include full connection establishment #315
- Flaky test in 1.2 branch: TestStatsPagination_RSC6a_RSCb3 #313
- Flaky test in 1.2 branch: TestPresenceHistory_Direction_RSP4b2 #310
- Flaky test in 1.2 branch: TestRealtimeChannel_Detach #309
- Fix channel iteration methods #307
- RTN12: Connection.close #262
- RTL2f: ChannelEvent RESUMED flag #243
- RTL17: Only dispatch messages when ATTACHED #240
- RTL14: ERROR message for channel #238
- RTL12: Random incoming ATTACHED message #237
- RTN3: Connection.autoConnect #229
- RTN2: WebSocket query params #226
- RTN10: Connection.serial #224
- RTN24: Handle random CONNECTED message #223
- RTL5: Channel.detach #212
- RTL4: Channel.attach #211
- Bring back reverted README examples #207
Merged pull requests:
- Unexport CipherParams.IV, useful only for tests #334 (tcard)
- Unexport package proto, ablycrypto, ablytest #332 (tcard)
- Fix/conflict integration 1.2 #329 (sacOO7)
- [FIX CONFLICTS] Merge env. fallbacks to 1.2 #328 (sacOO7)
- Replace all
ts \*testing.T
instances witht
#326 (tcard) - Simplify and uniformize logging #321 (tcard)
- Websocket query params #320 (sacOO7)
- Use persisted namespace for history tests #319 (tcard)
- Avoid current stats period interference with fixtures in tests #318 (tcard)
- Rewrite RTN14c to test full connection establishment #317 (tcard)
- Allow setting connection and request timeouts separately #312 (Jmgr)
- Remove flaky TestRealtimeChannel_Detach #311 (tcard)
- Fix channel iteration #308 (sacOO7)
- Connection Autoconnect #306 (sacOO7)
- Connection serial #305 (sacOO7)
- Override connectionDetails #304 (sacOO7)
- Rename PublishBatch -> PublishMultiple #303 (tcard)
- Migrate Presence.get and REST.request to new paginated results #301 (tcard)
- Remove Ping public Interface #300 (sacOO7)
- Channel Attach #299 (sacOO7)
- Channel Detach #298 (sacOO7)
- Connection Close #297 (sacOO7)
- Conform license and copyright #296 (QuintinWillison)
- RTN24, Handle Random Connected Message #295 (sacOO7)
- Channel message dispatch only when it's attached #294 (sacOO7)
- Adapt History to follow new paginated result design #292 (tcard)
- FailedChannelState on error message #289 (sacOO7)
- Channel resume #288 (sacOO7)
- Ensure generated code is up-to-date in CI #287 (tcard)
- Added H2 with Resources #285 (ramiro-nd)
- Amend workflow branch name #284 (owenpearson)
- Ably 1.2 examples #283 (sacOO7)
- Adapt Stats to follow new paginated result design #281 (tcard)
- Add scripts/ for running tests #279 (lmars)
- TestFixConnLeak_ISSUE89: Change the way it detects closed conns #277 (tcard)
- Generate env fallbacks #268 (sacOO7)
v1.2.0-apipreview.4 (2021-02-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add missing context.Context arguments #275
- Defaults: Generate environment fallbacks #198
- Implement support for connection recovery and resume #52
Closed issues:
- 'Account disabled' error gets sent as DISCONNECTED #269
- ttl seems to be set to null in a created token request? #266
- v1.2 API design #197
Merged pull requests:
- Bump the version constants #280 (lmars)
- Propagate contexts everywhere #276 (tcard)
- Merge main into 1.2 #274 (tcard)
- Replace Travis with GitHub workflow #273 (QuintinWillison)
- Fix regression in TestAuth_ClientID's flakiness. #272 (tcard)
- Minor changes for 1.2 API compliance #270 (tcard)
- Add maintainers file #267 (niksilver)
- add RTN19 - Transport state side effect #170 (gernest)
v1.2.0-apipreview.3 (2020-11-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- RTL9: Channel presence #264
Closed issues:
- Missing lib=go-<version> querystring param in connections #209
Merged pull requests:
v1.2.0-apipreview.2 (2020-11-09)
Merged pull requests:
- RTL6c: Publish while not connected #208 (tcard)
- Update README for 1.2 preview, with associated fixes #206 (tcard)
- add rtn14 - Connection opening failures: #172 (gernest)
v1.2.0-apipreview.1 (2020-10-21)
Merged pull requests:
- Implement options as package-level functions #205 (tcard)
- v1.2-compliant message and presence publish and subscribe #202 (tcard)
v1.2.0-apipreview.0 (2020-10-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Rest.request call timing out doesn't result in the errorMessage being set in the httpPaginatedResponse? #192
- Channel attach fails in the DISCONNECTED state #189
- TestFixConnLeak_ISSUE89 is flaky #132
Closed issues:
- Reauthentication with Presence #164
Merged pull requests:
- Remove things from public API that aren't in the spec #201 (tcard)
- Explicitly annotate enum vars so that godoc places them with the type #200 (tcard)
- Introduce ErrorCode type for predefined error codes #199 (tcard)
- Merge main into 1.2 #196 (tcard)
- Always include serial values in encoded protocol messages #195 (lmars)
- Handle non-PaginatedResult but otherwise valid HTTP error responses #194 (tcard)
- Add HTTPRequestTimeout option with 10s default #193 (tcard)
- Ad-hoc fix for enqueuing attach attempt when DISCONNECTED. #191 (tcard)
- RTL2: EventEmitter for channel events; remove old State #190 (tcard)
- RTN15e: Check that Connection.Key changes on reconnections. #188 (tcard)
- RTN15d: Add a test for message delivery on connection recovery. #187 (tcard)
- RTL13: Handle DETACHED while not DETACHING. #185 (tcard)
- Fix test for Heartbeat #183 (gernest)
- Fix race condition in RTN15i test #182 (tcard)
- RTN15g: Don't attempt resume after server has discarded state #181 (tcard)
- RTN15i: Add test for already existing functionality. #180 (tcard)
- RTN15h*: Handle incoming DISCONNECTED while CONNECTED #179 (tcard)
- Temporarily skip test for RTN23. #178 (tcard)
- Fix data race in RTN23 test. #177 (tcard)
- Have a single Travis build as originally intended. #176 (tcard)
- proto: Decode ms durations as a time.Duration wrapper. #174 (tcard)
- Fix instances of old nil *ChannelOptions becoming nil option func. #173 (tcard)
- remove unused fields from Connection #171 (gernest)
- Add RTN23- heartbeats #169 (gernest)
- Rename master to main #167 (QuintinWillison)
- Add rtn16 #165 (gernest)
- v1.2 ChannelOptions #146 (tcard)
- v1.2 ClientOptions #145 (tcard)
- v1.2 event emitter for connection (RTN4) #144 (tcard)
v1.1.5 (2020-05-27)
Merged pull requests:
- Add logs to help in troubleshooting RestClient http api calls #162 (gernest)
- Remove unused fields definition on RealtimeClient #161 (gernest)
- add implementation for RTN15b-c spec #159 (gernest)
v1.1.4 (2020-04-24)
Fixed bugs:
- Lib failing to retrying on 5xx if it can't parse the body #154
- Flaky TestAuth_ClientID test #80
- Likely leaking goroutines in multiple places #68
Closed issues:
- Implementing reauthentication before or after token expires #153
Merged pull requests:
- Properly set Error.StatusCode #157 (gernest)
- Use ClientOptions.TLSPort for tls connections #156 (gernest)
- RTN15a: Reconnect after networking error. #152 (tcard)
- Fix goroutine leaks #151 (tcard)
- Remove fmt.Println leftovers. #150 (tcard)
- Don't read from connection on inactive state. #149 (tcard)
- RTN23a: Receive from WebSocket with a timeout. #148 (tcard)
v1.1.3 (2020-04-01)
Fixed bugs:
- Drop dependency on subpackage #134
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix flaky tests #139 (tcard)
- bug: TestRestClient Stats failure due to race cond with sandbox #138 (audiolion)
- bug: unpinned range scope variables in tests #137 (audiolion)
- Update to v1.1.7 #136 (lmars)
Fixed bugs:
- Unhelpful error message when failing to parse an HTTP response #127
Merged pull requests:
- REST client tests: a few fixes for test regressions #130 (paddybyers)
- First fix for issue 127 #129 (paddybyers)
- Fixed some typos in comments #124 (Jmgr)
v1.1.1 (2019-02-06)
Closed issues:
- 'Readme' not up to date #112
Merged pull requests:
- fix go.mod #119 (gernest)
- Use modules to remove vendored websocket library #117 (paddybyers)
- Specify msgpack decode option to return strings for appropriate types #116 (paddybyers)
- Proper Usage for RestChannels.Get Method in #115 (lacriment)
- Make IdempotentRestPublishing default to false for 1.1 #114 (paddybyers)
- Add 1.1 feature support matrix #111 (paddybyers)
v1.1.0 (2018-11-09)
Merged pull requests:
- remember successful fallback host #110 (gernest)
- Add idempotent publishing #105 (gernest)
- RSA7 #99 (gernest)
v0.8.2 (2018-11-01)
Closed issues:
- Revert broken encoding on 0.8.1 #106
Merged pull requests:
- release 0.8.2 #108 (gernest)
- don't set message data encoding to utf-8 when it is a string #107 (gernest)
- add Request() API (RSC19) #104 (gernest)
- add href attribute to ErrorInfo #103 (gernest)
- add RSE2 GenerateRandomKey #102 (gernest)
- rsa10k cache server time offset #95 (gernest)
- Update message encoding and encrypt channel message #88 (gernest)
v0.8.1 (2018-10-12)
Fixed bugs:
- Client appears to be leaking TCP connections/file descriptors #89
- Library not sending X-Ably-Lib header (RSC7b) #69
Merged pull requests:
- Release v0.8.1 #101 (gernest)
- ensure client's response body is closed #100 (gernest)
- remove ginkgo and improve test runtime #97 (gernest)
- add Auth.Authorize #96 (gernest)
- removed unused code #94 (gernest)
- prefer the ably error codes generated by scripts/errors.go #93 (gernest)
- Fix conn leak #91 (gernest)
- fix Channel.Get API change in tests #86 (gernest)
- add ChannelOptions #85 (gernest)
- add support for rest channels #84 (gernest)
- RSA9h update Auth.CreateTokenRequest #83 (gernest)
- add more tests for rsc15 #81 (gernest)
- Release 0.8.0 beta.1 #79 (ORBAT)
- add rsc15 support host fallback #78 (gernest)
v0.8.0-beta.1 (2018-09-05)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
- use constants for message encoding strings #77 (gernest)
- RSC7b add lib header #75 (gernest)
- call Close on sandbox when exiting TestRSC7 test #74 (gernest)
- Update stats object to 1.1 spec #73 (gernest)
- Generate ably error status code #72 (gernest)
- RSC4 accept custom logger #71 (gernest)
- rsc7a add version header #70 (gernest)
- RSC7a add version header #67 (gernest)
- Update .travis.yml to a working state #66 (gernest)
- Use new msgpack package #65 (gernest)
- Fix resource count value types #61 (gernest)
v0.8.0-beta.0 (2017-08-26)
Implemented enhancements:
- Switch arity of auth methods #44
- Spec validation #31
- add ably.Error error type #30
- proto: improve Stats struct #29
- rest: add support for token auth for requests #28
- Consistent README #21
- API changes Apr 2015 #19
- API changes #15
- Update imports to reference vendored packages #3 (lmars)
Fixed bugs:
- Tests for Go 1.4.3 hang #46
- Switch arity of auth methods #44
- rest: add tests for URL-escaping channel names #42
- realtime: Presence.Get() should attach instead of raising error #36
- rest: check (*http.Response).StatusCode codes for != 200 #27
- rest: make ProtocolMsgPack default #26
- rest: set proper request headers for msgpack protocol #25
- rest: proto.Stat serialization failure #23
- Fix REST/Presence tests to not fail randomly. #20
- API changes Apr 2015 #19
- API changes #15
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- A few fixes to README. #55 (tcard)
- auth: latest spec additions #45 (rjeczalik)
- realtime: increase test coverage for Connection / Channel #43 (rjeczalik)
- auth: add token authentication #41 (rjeczalik)
- Add Makefile #40 (lmars)
- MsgPack support; reworked Stat data type; updated deps #39 (rjeczalik)
- realtime: attach to channel on Presence.Get #37 (rjeczalik)
- fix RealtimePresence race; add StateEnum type #35 (rjeczalik)
- ably: add RealtimePresence #33 (rjeczalik)
- realtime client - first working version #32 (rjeczalik)
- rest: improve RestClient API #24 (rjeczalik)
- Auth API changes #22 (rjeczalik)
- Refactor proto to use []byte for binary data. #18 (rjeczalik)
- Refactor Params -> ClientOptions and logging #17 (rjeczalik)
- Test ably/proto with ably-common fixtures #16 (rjeczalik)
- Merge config, rest and realtime into one ably package #13 (rjeczalik)
- Add (*PaginatedResource).Items() for accessing interface{} items #11 (rjeczalik)
- Rework proto.PaginatedResource API #10 (rjeczalik)
- Race fixes plus updated Travis CI configuration #8 (rjeczalik)
- Don't verify hostname if HTTP_PROXY is set #7 (rjeczalik)
- Fix capability #6 (rjeczalik)
- Add support to encode data in messages #5 (kouno)
- Rest presence #4 (kouno)
- Structure change #2 (kouno)
- Move to Ginkgo and add Godep for dependencies management #1 (kouno)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator