Minimalistic Admin Panel built with Bootstrap 5
- No bloat, only what's strictly required to get a decent admin panel
- A nice, modern, Bootstrap 5 based interface
- A friendly dashboard
- A powerful action system that supports many use cases (multiple actions, drops, navigation, offcanvas panel...)
- Smart tabs that are fully responsive based on their content and that can deep link specific parts of the UI
- A sane default layout for forms (includes tabbed form support and responsive by default)
- Toast notifications
- A nice default set of colors that are more accessible
- Carefully selected form components (cleave, flatpickr, bootstrap 5 tags, superfile)
- Super cool modals inspired by Sweetalert, but using Bootstrap Modals
- Super lightweight (140kb with form components, 40kb just for the UI)
Icons are powered by Last Icon
Default set is material icons
Images are from undraw
Admini use esbuild to compile the js assets. After cloning this repo, simply run
npm start
And you will get a fully functional local demo to play with.
If you want to work on the css, run in another terminal the following
npm run watch-css
And your css will be compiled automatically.
No complicated build pipe :-)