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IFT6758 - Data Science Project Repository

This repository contains the Final Project of the IFT6758 course of team members

  • Fabrice Normandin
  • Marie St-Laurent
  • Rémi Dion
  • Isabelle Viarouge

In this project, our objective was to identify the age, gender, and Big-5 personality traits of users using some (anonymized) data gathered from their facebook activity, including image, text, and page likes.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

First of all, you will require the following packages:

  • Tensorflow
  • scikit-Learn
  • pandas
  • simple-parsing: A self-authored python package used to simplify argument parsing, which is included in the project/SimpleParsing repository. (Can be installed with pip install -e ./project/SimpleParsing)
  • orion: Hyperparameter tuning package from MILA)

These packages should be installed automatically by creating a new conda environment from the conda environment.yml file like so:

conda env create -f project/environment.yml

Project Structure

└── project
    ├──                 # contains the baseline implementation
    ├── environment.yml             # defines the 'datascience' conda environment used here.
    ├──    # Used to launch HyperParameter tuning experiments with Orion
    ├──                  # contains an improved baseline using facial hair
    ├──                # Contains an outdated model architecture as a backup
    ├──                    # ** Contains the general (multi-head) Model code **
    ├──       # Preprocessing pipeline for both test and train
    ├── SimpleParsing                   # Python module to simplify argument parsing
    ├──   # Script used to download and view experiment results
    ├── task_specific_models        # Contains backup (task-specific) models
    │   ├──            # backup age_group model
    │   ├──               # backup gender model
    ├──             # ** Test script invoked on server by ./ift6758 file **
    ├──            # Training Script
    ├──             # utility for describing a User as a dataclass
    ├──            # utility scripts
    |── workshop            
    └── workshop                # folder containing exploratory Jupyter notebooks
        ├── IsabelleWorkshop    # Jupyter notebooks of Isabelle Viarouge
        ├── Marie_tests         # Jupyter notebooks of Marie St-Laurent
        └── ws_rd               # Jupyter notebooks of Rémi Dion


To quickly launch a new training run with all default hyperparameters, use:

python ./project/

The model structure is defined in the script. The structure of the model can easily be changed by modifying any of the attributes of the model.HyperParameters class.

Under the current model architecture, each task (gender, age group, personality traits) share the same types of hyperparameters. Therefore, each task has a corresponding set of hyperparameters, represented as an instance of the model.TaskHyperParameters class, which can be found on the gender, age_group, and personality attributes of the HyperParameters class.

To see a list of all the possible HyperParameter values, call the with the --help option, like so:

(Note: we use the simple-parsing package to automatically create the all the following argparse arguments for us. Please contact Fabrice if interested).

$ python project/ --help
usage: [-h] [--batch_size int] [--activation str] [--optimizer str]
                [--learning_rate float] [--num_like_pages int]
                [--gender_loss_weight float] [--age_loss_weight float]
                [--max_number_of_likes int] [--embedding_dim int]
                [--shared_likes_embedding [str2bool]]
                [--use_custom_likes [str2bool]] [ str]
                [--gender.num_layers int] [--gender.num_units int]
                [--gender.activation str] [--gender.use_batchnorm [str2bool]]
                [--gender.use_dropout [str2bool]]
                [--gender.dropout_rate float]
                [--gender.use_image_features [str2bool]]
                [--gender.use_likes [str2bool]] [--gender.l1_reg float]
                [--gender.l2_reg float] [--gender.embed_likes [str2bool]]
                [ str] [--age_group.num_layers int]
                [--age_group.num_units int] [--age_group.activation str]
                [--age_group.use_batchnorm [str2bool]]
                [--age_group.use_dropout [str2bool]]
                [--age_group.dropout_rate float]
                [--age_group.use_image_features [str2bool]]
                [--age_group.use_likes [str2bool]] [--age_group.l1_reg float]
                [--age_group.l2_reg float]
                [--age_group.embed_likes [str2bool]] [ str]
                [--personality.num_layers int] [--personality.num_units int]
                [--personality.activation str]
                [--personality.use_batchnorm [str2bool]]
                [--personality.use_dropout [str2bool]]
                [--personality.dropout_rate float]
                [--personality.use_image_features [str2bool]]
                [--personality.use_likes [str2bool]]
                [--personality.l1_reg float] [--personality.l2_reg float]
                [--personality.embed_likes [str2bool]] [--experiment_name str]
                [--log_dir str] [--validation_data_fraction float]
                [--epochs int] [--early_stopping_patience int]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

HyperParameters ['hparams']:
  Hyperparameters of our model.

  --batch_size int      the batch size (default: 128)
  --activation str      the activation function used after each dense layer
                        (default: tanh)
  --optimizer str       Which optimizer to use during training. (default: sgd)
  --learning_rate float
                        Learning Rate (default: 0.001)
  --num_like_pages int  number of individual 'pages' that were kept during
                        preprocessing of the 'likes'. This corresponds to the
                        number of entries in the multi-hot like vector.
                        (default: 10000)
  --gender_loss_weight float
  --age_loss_weight float
  --max_number_of_likes int
  --embedding_dim int
  --shared_likes_embedding [str2bool]
  --use_custom_likes [str2bool]
                        Wether or not to use Rémis better kept like pages
                        (default: True)

TaskHyperParameters ['hparams.gender']:
  Gender model settings: str     name of the task (default: gender)
  --gender.num_layers int
                        number of dense layers (default: 1)
  --gender.num_units int
                        units per layer (default: 32)
  --gender.activation str
                        activation function (default: tanh)
  --gender.use_batchnorm [str2bool]
                        wether or not to use batch normalization after each
                        dense layer (default: False)
  --gender.use_dropout [str2bool]
                        wether or not to use dropout after each dense layer
                        (default: True)
  --gender.dropout_rate float
                        the dropout rate (default: 0.1)
  --gender.use_image_features [str2bool]
                        wether or not image features should be used as input
                        (default: True)
  --gender.use_likes [str2bool]
                        wether or not 'likes' features should be used as input
                        (default: True)
  --gender.l1_reg float
                        L1 regularization coefficient (default: 0.005)
  --gender.l2_reg float
                        L2 regularization coefficient (default: 0.005)
  --gender.embed_likes [str2bool]
                        Wether or not a task-specific Embedding layer should
                        be used on the 'likes' features. When set to 'True',
                        it is expected that there no shared embedding is used.
                        (default: False)

TaskHyperParameters ['hparams.age_group']:
  Age Group Model settings: str  name of the task (default: age_group)
  --age_group.num_layers int
                        number of dense layers (default: 2)
  --age_group.num_units int
                        units per layer (default: 64)
  --age_group.activation str
                        activation function (default: tanh)
  --age_group.use_batchnorm [str2bool]
                        wether or not to use batch normalization after each
                        dense layer (default: False)
  --age_group.use_dropout [str2bool]
                        wether or not to use dropout after each dense layer
                        (default: True)
  --age_group.dropout_rate float
                        the dropout rate (default: 0.1)
  --age_group.use_image_features [str2bool]
                        wether or not image features should be used as input
                        (default: True)
  --age_group.use_likes [str2bool]
                        wether or not 'likes' features should be used as input
                        (default: True)
  --age_group.l1_reg float
                        L1 regularization coefficient (default: 0.005)
  --age_group.l2_reg float
                        L2 regularization coefficient (default: 0.005)
  --age_group.embed_likes [str2bool]
                        Wether or not a task-specific Embedding layer should
                        be used on the 'likes' features. When set to 'True',
                        it is expected that there no shared embedding is used.
                        (default: False)

TaskHyperParameters ['hparams.personality']:
  Personality Model(s) settings: str
                        name of the task (default: personality)
  --personality.num_layers int
                        number of dense layers (default: 1)
  --personality.num_units int
                        units per layer (default: 8)
  --personality.activation str
                        activation function (default: tanh)
  --personality.use_batchnorm [str2bool]
                        wether or not to use batch normalization after each
                        dense layer (default: False)
  --personality.use_dropout [str2bool]
                        wether or not to use dropout after each dense layer
                        (default: True)
  --personality.dropout_rate float
                        the dropout rate (default: 0.1)
  --personality.use_image_features [str2bool]
                        wether or not image features should be used as input
                        (default: False)
  --personality.use_likes [str2bool]
                        wether or not 'likes' features should be used as input
                        (default: False)
  --personality.l1_reg float
                        L1 regularization coefficient (default: 0.005)
  --personality.l2_reg float
                        L2 regularization coefficient (default: 0.005)
  --personality.embed_likes [str2bool]
                        Wether or not a task-specific Embedding layer should
                        be used on the 'likes' features. When set to 'True',
                        it is expected that there no shared embedding is used.
                        (default: False)

TrainConfig ['train_config']:
  TrainConfig(experiment_name: str = 'debug', log_dir: str = '',
  validation_data_fraction: float = 0.2, epochs: int = 50,
  early_stopping_patience: int = 5)

  --experiment_name str
                        Name of the experiment (default: debug)
  --log_dir str         The directory where the model checkpoints, as well as
                        logs and event files should be saved at. (default: )
  --validation_data_fraction float
                        The fraction of all data corresponding to the
                        validation set. (default: 0.2)
  --epochs int          Number of passes through the dataset (default: 50)
  --early_stopping_patience int
                        Interrupt training if `val_loss` doesn't improving for
                        over `early_stopping_patience` epochs. (default: 5)

Hyperparameter Tuning

To launch a new HyperParameter tuning experiment, call the script, like so:


This uses the Orion package to set different combinations of values to the arguments detailed above, following a given optimization algorithm. In our case, the algorithm is purely random.

The results of all previous experiments can easily be obtained and then viewed using the script, like :


This will rsync to download the experiment checkpoints into a local server_checkpoints folder, as well as the logs of all experiments into a local server_logs folder.


The script is used to perform inference and construct the required <userid>.xml files. Its arguments are detailed below:

python ./project/ --help
usage: [-h] [--trained_model_dir TRAINED_MODEL_DIR] [-i I] [-o O]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --trained_model_dir TRAINED_MODEL_DIR
                        directory of the trained model to use for inference.
  -i I                  Input directory
  -o O                  Output directory

You can use a specific model by providing the --trained_model_dir argument. When not provided, the default value is used, which corresponds to the best_model_so_far set in