Setup authentication documentation
After logging into salesforce, at the top right corner, go to:
- setup > apps > app manager
- look for the name of the app you want to connect with
- click on the arrow down > view
- under 'API (Enable Oath settings), click on 'manage consumer details' to get the consumer key and consumer secret
Note: In the database language, salesforce objects refer to tables/entity sets and fields refer to the attributes of the table/entity set.
After logging into salesforce, at the top right corner, go to:
- setup > object manager
There will be a list of objects and their respective API name (name of the entity set) - click on an object > "Fields & Relationships" tab to get its fields
After logging into salesforce, at the top right corner, go to Developer console to test queries in the query editor.
The query editor uses SOQL - Salesforce Object Query Language