diff --git a/src/Std/Internal/Async.lean b/src/Std/Internal/Async.lean
index f0bc6fda4cd1..8d8e7db3e919 100644
--- a/src/Std/Internal/Async.lean
+++ b/src/Std/Internal/Async.lean
@@ -4,195 +4,5 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Henrik Böving
-import Std.Time
-import Std.Internal.UV
-namespace Std
-namespace Internal
-namespace IO
-namespace Async
-A `Task` that may resolve to a value or an `IO.Error`.
-def AsyncTask (α : Type u) : Type u := Task (Except IO.Error α)
-namespace AsyncTask
-protected def pure (x : α) : AsyncTask α := Task.pure <| .ok x
-instance : Pure AsyncTask where
-  pure := AsyncTask.pure
-protected def bind (x : AsyncTask α) (f : α → AsyncTask β) : AsyncTask β :=
-  Task.bind x fun r =>
-    match r with
-    | .ok a => f a
-    | .error e => Task.pure <| .error e
--- TODO: variants with explicit error handling
-def bindIO (x : AsyncTask α) (f : α → IO (AsyncTask β)) : BaseIO (AsyncTask β) :=
-  IO.bindTask x fun r =>
-    match r with
-    | .ok a => f a
-    | .error e => .error e
-def mapIO (f : α → β) (x : AsyncTask α) : BaseIO (AsyncTask β) :=
-  IO.mapTask (t := x) fun r =>
-    match r with
-    | .ok a => pure (f a)
-    | .error e => .error e
-Run the `AsyncTask` in `x` and block until it finishes.
-def spawnBlocking (x : IO (AsyncTask α)) : IO α := do
-  let t ← x
-  let res := t.get
-  match res with
-  | .ok a => return a
-  | .error e => .error e
-def spawn (x : IO α) : BaseIO (AsyncTask α) := do
-  IO.asTask x
-def ofPromise (x : IO.Promise α) : AsyncTask α :=
-  x.result.map pure
-def getState (x : AsyncTask α) : BaseIO IO.TaskState :=
-  IO.getTaskState x
-end AsyncTask
-`Sleep` can be used to sleep for some duration once.
-The underlying timer has millisecond resolution.
-structure Sleep where
-  private ofNative ::
-    native : Internal.UV.Timer
-namespace Sleep
-Set up a `Sleep` that waits for `duration` milliseconds.
-This function only initializes but does not yet start the timer.
-def mk (duration : Std.Time.Millisecond.Offset) : IO Sleep := do
-  let native ← Internal.UV.Timer.mk duration.toInt.toNat.toUInt64 false
-  return ofNative native
-- `s` is not yet running start it and return an `AsyncTask` that will resolve once the previously
-   configured `duration` has run out.
-- `s` is already or not anymore running return the same `AsyncTask` as the first call to `wait`.
-def wait (s : Sleep) : IO (AsyncTask Unit) := do
-  let promise ← s.native.next
-  return .ofPromise promise
-- `s` is still running this will delay the resolution of `AsyncTask`s created with `wait` by
-  `duration` milliseconds.
-- `s` is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
-def reset (s : Sleep) : IO Unit :=
-  s.native.reset
-- `s` is still running this stops `s` without resolving any remaing `AsyncTask` that were created
-  through `wait`. Note that if another `AsyncTask` is binding on any of these it is going hang
-  forever without further intervention.
-- `s` is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
-def stop (s : Sleep) : IO Unit :=
-  s.native.stop
-end Sleep
-Return an `AsyncTask` that resolves after `duration`.
-def sleep (duration : Std.Time.Millisecond.Offset) : IO (AsyncTask Unit) := do
-  let sleeper ← Sleep.mk duration
-  sleeper.wait
-`Interval` can be used to repeatedly wait for some duration like a clock.
-The underlying timer has millisecond resolution.
-structure Interval where
-  private ofNative ::
-    native : Internal.UV.Timer
-namespace Interval
-Setup up an `Interval` that waits for `duration` milliseconds.
-This function only initializes but does not yet start the timer.
-def mk (duration : Std.Time.Millisecond.Offset) : IO Interval := do
-  let native ← Internal.UV.Timer.mk duration.toInt.toNat.toUInt64 true
-  return ofNative native
-- `i` is not yet running start it and return an `AsyncTask` that resolves right away as the 0th
-  multiple of `duration` has elapsed.
-- `i` is already running and:
-  - the tick from the last call of `i` has not yet finished return the same `AsyncTask` as the last
-    call
-  - the tick frrom the last call of `i` has finished return a new `AsyncTask` that waits for the
-    closest next tick from the time of calling this function.
-- `i` is not running aymore this is a no-op.
-def tick (i : Interval) : IO (AsyncTask Unit) := do
-  let promise ← i.native.next
-  return .ofPromise promise
-- `Interval.tick` was called on `i` before the timer restarts counting from now and the next tick
-   happens in `duration`.
-- `i` is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
-def reset (i : Interval) : IO Unit :=
-  i.native.reset
-- `i` is still running this stops `i` without resolving any remaing `AsyncTask` that were created
-  through `tick`. Note that if another `AsyncTask` is binding on any of these it is going hang
-  forever without further intervention.
-- `i` is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
-def stop (i : Interval) : IO Unit :=
-  i.native.stop
-end Interval
-end Async
-end IO
-end Internal
-end Std
+import Std.Internal.Async.Basic
+import Std.Internal.Async.Timer
diff --git a/src/Std/Internal/Async/Basic.lean b/src/Std/Internal/Async/Basic.lean
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1b2774334969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Std/Internal/Async/Basic.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Copyright (c) 2024 Lean FRO, LLC. All rights reserved.
+Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
+Authors: Henrik Böving
+import Init.Core
+import Init.System.IO
+import Init.System.Promise
+namespace Std
+namespace Internal
+namespace IO
+namespace Async
+A `Task` that may resolve to a value or an `IO.Error`.
+def AsyncTask (α : Type u) : Type u := Task (Except IO.Error α)
+namespace AsyncTask
+Construct an `AsyncTask` that is already resolved with value `x`.
+protected def pure (x : α) : AsyncTask α := Task.pure <| .ok x
+instance : Pure AsyncTask where
+  pure := AsyncTask.pure
+Create a new `AsyncTask` that will run after `x` has finished.
+If `x`:
+- errors, return an `AsyncTask` that reolves to the error.
+- succeeds, run `f` on the result of `x` and return the `AsyncTask` produced by `f`.
+protected def bind (x : AsyncTask α) (f : α → AsyncTask β) : AsyncTask β :=
+  Task.bind x fun r =>
+    match r with
+    | .ok a => f a
+    | .error e => Task.pure <| .error e
+Create a new `AsyncTask` that will run after `x` has finished.
+If `x`:
+- errors, return an `AsyncTask` that reolves to the error.
+- succeeds, return an `AsyncTask` that resolves to `f x`.
+def map (f : α → β) (x : AsyncTask α) : AsyncTask β :=
+  Task.map (x := x) fun r =>
+    match r with
+    | .ok a => .ok (f a)
+    | .error e => .error e
+Similar to `bind`, however `f` has access to the `IO` monad. If `f` throws an error, the returned
+`AsyncTask` resolves to that error.
+def bindIO (x : AsyncTask α) (f : α → IO (AsyncTask β)) : BaseIO (AsyncTask β) :=
+  IO.bindTask x fun r =>
+    match r with
+    | .ok a => f a
+    | .error e => .error e
+Similar to `bind`, however `f` has access to the `IO` monad. If `f` throws an error, the returned
+`AsyncTask` resolves to that error.
+def mapIO (f : α → IO β) (x : AsyncTask α) : BaseIO (AsyncTask β) :=
+  IO.mapTask (t := x) fun r =>
+    match r with
+    | .ok a => f a
+    | .error e => .error e
+Block until the `AsyncTask` in `x` finishes.
+def block (x : AsyncTask α) : IO α := do
+  let res := x.get
+  match res with
+  | .ok a => return a
+  | .error e => .error e
+Create an `AsyncTask` that resolves to the value of `x`.
+def ofPromise (x : IO.Promise α) : AsyncTask α :=
+  x.result.map pure
+Obtain the `IO.TaskState` of `x`.
+def getState (x : AsyncTask α) : BaseIO IO.TaskState :=
+  IO.getTaskState x
+end AsyncTask
+end Async
+end IO
+end Internal
+end Std
diff --git a/src/Std/Internal/Async/Timer.lean b/src/Std/Internal/Async/Timer.lean
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fdaba3c0ec5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Std/Internal/Async/Timer.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+Copyright (c) 2024 Lean FRO, LLC. All rights reserved.
+Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
+Authors: Henrik Böving
+import Std.Time
+import Std.Internal.UV
+import Std.Internal.Async.Basic
+namespace Std
+namespace Internal
+namespace IO
+namespace Async
+`Sleep` can be used to sleep for some duration once.
+The underlying timer has millisecond resolution.
+structure Sleep where
+  private ofNative ::
+    native : Internal.UV.Timer
+namespace Sleep
+Set up a `Sleep` that waits for `duration` milliseconds.
+This function only initializes but does not yet start the timer.
+def mk (duration : Std.Time.Millisecond.Offset) : IO Sleep := do
+  let native ← Internal.UV.Timer.mk duration.toInt.toNat.toUInt64 false
+  return ofNative native
+- `s` is not yet running start it and return an `AsyncTask` that will resolve once the previously
+   configured `duration` has run out.
+- `s` is already or not anymore running return the same `AsyncTask` as the first call to `wait`.
+def wait (s : Sleep) : IO (AsyncTask Unit) := do
+  let promise ← s.native.next
+  return .ofPromise promise
+- `s` is still running this will delay the resolution of `AsyncTask`s created with `wait` by
+  `duration` milliseconds.
+- `s` is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
+def reset (s : Sleep) : IO Unit :=
+  s.native.reset
+- `s` is still running this stops `s` without resolving any remaing `AsyncTask` that were created
+  through `wait`. Note that if another `AsyncTask` is binding on any of these it is going hang
+  forever without further intervention.
+- `s` is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
+def stop (s : Sleep) : IO Unit :=
+  s.native.stop
+end Sleep
+Return an `AsyncTask` that resolves after `duration`.
+def sleep (duration : Std.Time.Millisecond.Offset) : IO (AsyncTask Unit) := do
+  let sleeper ← Sleep.mk duration
+  sleeper.wait
+`Interval` can be used to repeatedly wait for some duration like a clock.
+The underlying timer has millisecond resolution.
+structure Interval where
+  private ofNative ::
+    native : Internal.UV.Timer
+namespace Interval
+Setup up an `Interval` that waits for `duration` milliseconds.
+This function only initializes but does not yet start the timer.
+def mk (duration : Std.Time.Millisecond.Offset) : IO Interval := do
+  let native ← Internal.UV.Timer.mk duration.toInt.toNat.toUInt64 true
+  return ofNative native
+- `i` is not yet running start it and return an `AsyncTask` that resolves right away as the 0th
+  multiple of `duration` has elapsed.
+- `i` is already running and:
+  - the tick from the last call of `i` has not yet finished return the same `AsyncTask` as the last
+    call
+  - the tick frrom the last call of `i` has finished return a new `AsyncTask` that waits for the
+    closest next tick from the time of calling this function.
+- `i` is not running aymore this is a no-op.
+def tick (i : Interval) : IO (AsyncTask Unit) := do
+  let promise ← i.native.next
+  return .ofPromise promise
+- `Interval.tick` was called on `i` before the timer restarts counting from now and the next tick
+   happens in `duration`.
+- `i` is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
+def reset (i : Interval) : IO Unit :=
+  i.native.reset
+- `i` is still running this stops `i` without resolving any remaing `AsyncTask` that were created
+  through `tick`. Note that if another `AsyncTask` is binding on any of these it is going hang
+  forever without further intervention.
+- `i` is not yet or not anymore running this is a no-op.
+def stop (i : Interval) : IO Unit :=
+  i.native.stop
+end Interval
+end Async
+end IO
+end Internal
+end Std