From 350784aa8aed79bfee6b9da34792fc461aed5c61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Markus Himmel Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:45:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] chore: induction-friendly List.min?_cons --- src/Init/Data/List/MinMax.lean | 30 ++++-- src/Init/Data/List/Nat/Basic.lean | 165 ++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Init/Data/List/MinMax.lean b/src/Init/Data/List/MinMax.lean index 08c37a1c4fec..25fd1faebcb9 100644 --- a/src/Init/Data/List/MinMax.lean +++ b/src/Init/Data/List/MinMax.lean @@ -20,20 +20,28 @@ open Nat @[simp] theorem min?_nil [Min α] : ([] : List α).min? = none := rfl --- We don't put `@[simp]` on `min?_cons`, +-- We don't put `@[simp]` on `min?_cons'`, -- because the definition in terms of `foldl` is not useful for proofs. -theorem min?_cons [Min α] {xs : List α} : (x :: xs).min? = foldl min x xs := rfl +theorem min?_cons' [Min α] {xs : List α} : (x :: xs).min? = foldl min x xs := rfl + +@[simp] theorem min?_cons [Min α] [Std.Associative (min : α → α → α)] {xs : List α} : + (x :: xs).min? = some (xs.min?.elim x (min x)) := by + cases xs <;> simp [min?_cons', foldl_assoc] @[simp] theorem min?_eq_none_iff {xs : List α} [Min α] : xs.min? = none ↔ xs = [] := by cases xs <;> simp [min?] +theorem isSome_min?_of_mem {l : List α} [Min α] {a : α} (h : a ∈ l) : + l.min?.isSome := by + cases l <;> simp_all [List.min?_cons'] + theorem min?_mem [Min α] (min_eq_or : ∀ a b : α, min a b = a ∨ min a b = b) : {xs : List α} → xs.min? = some a → a ∈ xs := by intro xs match xs with | nil => simp | x :: xs => - simp only [min?_cons, Option.some.injEq, List.mem_cons] + simp only [min?_cons', Option.some.injEq, List.mem_cons] intro eq induction xs generalizing x with | nil => @@ -85,7 +93,7 @@ theorem min?_replicate [Min α] {n : Nat} {a : α} (w : min a a = a) : (replicate n a).min? = if n = 0 then none else some a := by induction n with | zero => rfl - | succ n ih => cases n <;> simp_all [replicate_succ, min?_cons] + | succ n ih => cases n <;> simp_all [replicate_succ, min?_cons'] @[simp] theorem min?_replicate_of_pos [Min α] {n : Nat} {a : α} (w : min a a = a) (h : 0 < n) : (replicate n a).min? = some a := by @@ -95,13 +103,21 @@ theorem min?_replicate [Min α] {n : Nat} {a : α} (w : min a a = a) : @[simp] theorem max?_nil [Max α] : ([] : List α).max? = none := rfl --- We don't put `@[simp]` on `max?_cons`, +-- We don't put `@[simp]` on `max?_cons'`, -- because the definition in terms of `foldl` is not useful for proofs. -theorem max?_cons [Max α] {xs : List α} : (x :: xs).max? = foldl max x xs := rfl +theorem max?_cons' [Max α] {xs : List α} : (x :: xs).max? = foldl max x xs := rfl + +@[simp] theorem max?_cons [Max α] [Std.Associative (max : α → α → α)] {xs : List α} : + (x :: xs).max? = some (xs.max?.elim x (max x)) := by + cases xs <;> simp [max?_cons', foldl_assoc] @[simp] theorem max?_eq_none_iff {xs : List α} [Max α] : xs.max? = none ↔ xs = [] := by cases xs <;> simp [max?] +theorem isSome_max?_of_mem {l : List α} [Max α] {a : α} (h : a ∈ l) : + l.max?.isSome := by + cases l <;> simp_all [List.max?_cons'] + theorem max?_mem [Max α] (min_eq_or : ∀ a b : α, max a b = a ∨ max a b = b) : {xs : List α} → xs.max? = some a → a ∈ xs | nil => by simp @@ -144,7 +160,7 @@ theorem max?_replicate [Max α] {n : Nat} {a : α} (w : max a a = a) : (replicate n a).max? = if n = 0 then none else some a := by induction n with | zero => rfl - | succ n ih => cases n <;> simp_all [replicate_succ, max?_cons] + | succ n ih => cases n <;> simp_all [replicate_succ, max?_cons'] @[simp] theorem max?_replicate_of_pos [Max α] {n : Nat} {a : α} (w : max a a = a) (h : 0 < n) : (replicate n a).max? = some a := by diff --git a/src/Init/Data/List/Nat/Basic.lean b/src/Init/Data/List/Nat/Basic.lean index fa760d499c18..e7780194352f 100644 --- a/src/Init/Data/List/Nat/Basic.lean +++ b/src/Init/Data/List/Nat/Basic.lean @@ -96,75 +96,22 @@ theorem min?_eq_some_iff' {xs : List Nat} : (min_eq_or := fun _ _ => Nat.min_def .. ▸ by split <;> simp) (le_min_iff := fun _ _ _ => Nat.le_min) --- This could be generalized, --- but will first require further work on order typeclasses in the core repository. -theorem min?_cons' {a : Nat} {l : List Nat} : - (a :: l).min? = some (match l.min? with - | none => a - | some m => min a m) := by - rw [min?_eq_some_iff'] - split <;> rename_i h m - · simp_all - · rw [min?_eq_some_iff'] at m - obtain ⟨m, le⟩ := m - rw [Nat.min_def] - constructor - · split - · exact mem_cons_self a l - · exact mem_cons_of_mem a m - · intro b m - cases List.mem_cons.1 m with - | inl => split <;> omega - | inr h => - specialize le b h - split <;> omega - -theorem foldl_min - {α : Type _} [Min α] [Std.IdempotentOp (min : α → α → α)] [Std.Associative (min : α → α → α)] - {l : List α} {a : α} : - l.foldl (init := a) min = min a (l.min?.getD a) := by - cases l with - | nil => simp [Std.IdempotentOp.idempotent] - | cons b l => - simp only [min?] - induction l generalizing a b with - | nil => simp - | cons c l ih => simp [ih, Std.Associative.assoc] - -theorem foldl_min_right {α β : Type _} - [Min β] [Std.IdempotentOp (min : β → β → β)] [Std.Associative (min : β → β → β)] - {l : List α} {b : β} {f : α → β} : - (l.foldl (init := b) fun acc a => min acc (f a)) = min b (( f).min?.getD b) := by - rw [← foldl_map, foldl_min] - -theorem foldl_min_le {l : List Nat} {a : Nat} : l.foldl (init := a) min ≤ a := by - induction l generalizing a with - | nil => simp - | cons c l ih => - simp only [foldl_cons] - exact Nat.le_trans ih (Nat.min_le_left _ _) - -theorem foldl_min_min_of_le {l : List Nat} {a b : Nat} (h : a ≤ b) : - l.foldl (init := a) min ≤ b := - Nat.le_trans (foldl_min_le) h - -theorem min?_getD_le_of_mem {l : List Nat} {a k : Nat} (h : a ∈ l) : - l.min?.getD k ≤ a := by - cases l with +theorem min?_get_le_of_mem {l : List Nat} {a : Nat} (h : a ∈ l) : + l.min?.get (isSome_min?_of_mem h) ≤ a := by + induction l with | nil => simp at h - | cons b l => - simp [min?_cons] - simp at h - rcases h with (rfl | h) - · exact foldl_min_le - · induction l generalizing b with - | nil => simp_all - | cons c l ih => - simp only [foldl_cons] - simp at h - rcases h with (rfl | h) - · exact foldl_min_min_of_le (Nat.min_le_right _ _) - · exact ih _ h + | cons b t ih => + simp only [min?_cons, Option.get_some] at ih ⊢ + rcases mem_cons.1 h with (rfl|h) + · cases t.min? with + | none => simp + | some b => simpa using Nat.min_le_left _ _ + · obtain ⟨q, hq⟩ := Option.isSome_iff_exists.1 (isSome_min?_of_mem h) + simp only [hq, Option.elim_some] at ih ⊢ + exact Nat.le_trans (Nat.min_le_right _ _) (ih h) + +theorem min?_getD_le_of_mem {l : List Nat} {a k : Nat} (h : a ∈ l) : l.min?.getD k ≤ a := + Option.get_eq_getD _ ▸ min?_get_le_of_mem h /-! ### max? -/ @@ -176,75 +123,23 @@ theorem max?_eq_some_iff' {xs : List Nat} : (max_eq_or := fun _ _ => Nat.max_def .. ▸ by split <;> simp) (max_le_iff := fun _ _ _ => Nat.max_le) --- This could be generalized, --- but will first require further work on order typeclasses in the core repository. -theorem max?_cons' {a : Nat} {l : List Nat} : - (a :: l).max? = some (match l.max? with - | none => a - | some m => max a m) := by - rw [max?_eq_some_iff'] - split <;> rename_i h m - · simp_all - · rw [max?_eq_some_iff'] at m - obtain ⟨m, le⟩ := m - rw [Nat.max_def] - constructor - · split - · exact mem_cons_of_mem a m - · exact mem_cons_self a l - · intro b m - cases List.mem_cons.1 m with - | inl => split <;> omega - | inr h => - specialize le b h - split <;> omega - -theorem foldl_max - {α : Type _} [Max α] [Std.IdempotentOp (max : α → α → α)] [Std.Associative (max : α → α → α)] - {l : List α} {a : α} : - l.foldl (init := a) max = max a (l.max?.getD a) := by - cases l with - | nil => simp [Std.IdempotentOp.idempotent] - | cons b l => - simp only [max?] - induction l generalizing a b with - | nil => simp - | cons c l ih => simp [ih, Std.Associative.assoc] - -theorem foldl_max_right {α β : Type _} - [Max β] [Std.IdempotentOp (max : β → β → β)] [Std.Associative (max : β → β → β)] - {l : List α} {b : β} {f : α → β} : - (l.foldl (init := b) fun acc a => max acc (f a)) = max b (( f).max?.getD b) := by - rw [← foldl_map, foldl_max] - -theorem le_foldl_max {l : List Nat} {a : Nat} : a ≤ l.foldl (init := a) max := by - induction l generalizing a with - | nil => simp - | cons c l ih => - simp only [foldl_cons] - exact Nat.le_trans (Nat.le_max_left _ _) ih - -theorem le_foldl_max_of_le {l : List Nat} {a b : Nat} (h : a ≤ b) : - a ≤ l.foldl (init := b) max := - Nat.le_trans h (le_foldl_max) +theorem le_max?_get_of_mem {l : List Nat} {a : Nat} (h : a ∈ l) : + a ≤ l.max?.get (isSome_max?_of_mem h) := by + induction l with + | nil => simp at h + | cons b t ih => + simp only [max?_cons, Option.get_some] at ih ⊢ + rcases mem_cons.1 h with (rfl|h) + · cases t.max? with + | none => simp + | some b => simpa using Nat.le_max_left _ _ + · obtain ⟨q, hq⟩ := Option.isSome_iff_exists.1 (isSome_max?_of_mem h) + simp only [hq, Option.elim_some] at ih ⊢ + exact Nat.le_trans (ih h) (Nat.le_max_right _ _) theorem le_max?_getD_of_mem {l : List Nat} {a k : Nat} (h : a ∈ l) : - a ≤ l.max?.getD k := by - cases l with - | nil => simp at h - | cons b l => - simp [max?_cons] - simp at h - rcases h with (rfl | h) - · exact le_foldl_max - · induction l generalizing b with - | nil => simp_all - | cons c l ih => - simp only [foldl_cons] - simp at h - rcases h with (rfl | h) - · exact le_foldl_max_of_le (Nat.le_max_right b a) - · exact ih _ h + a ≤ l.max?.getD k := + Option.get_eq_getD _ ▸ le_max?_get_of_mem h @[deprecated min?_eq_some_iff' (since := "2024-09-29")] abbrev minimum?_eq_some_iff' := @min?_eq_some_iff' @[deprecated min?_cons' (since := "2024-09-29")] abbrev minimum?_cons' := @min?_cons'