From b68636bb1a96e48dd36882b85e9cfb3d20cdae3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Riccardo Brasca Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2024 10:55:23 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] bump --- FltRegular.json | 38571 ++++++++++++++++ FltRegular/CaseII/InductionStep.lean | 8 +- .../NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/CyclRat.lean | 4 +- .../Cyclotomic/CyclotomicUnits.lean | 7 +- .../NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/Factoring.lean | 3 +- .../Cyclotomic/GaloisActionOnCyclo.lean | 2 +- .../NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/UnitLemmas.lean | 30 +- FltRegular/NumberTheory/GaloisPrime.lean | 7 +- FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert90.lean | 1 - FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean | 7 +- .../NumberTheory/KummersLemma/Field.lean | 4 +- lake-manifest.json | 34 +- lean-toolchain | 2 +- unseen.lean | 120 + 14 files changed, 38750 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-) create mode 100644 FltRegular.json create mode 100644 unseen.lean diff --git a/FltRegular.json b/FltRegular.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..364c833b --- /dev/null +++ b/FltRegular.json @@ -0,0 +1,38571 @@ +[{"references": + ["Ne", + "Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.zero_ne_one", + "Nontrivial", + "Exists.intro", + "", + "instOfNat", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.instNontrivial", + "constType": "Nontrivial ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "Monoid", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Eq.refl", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "Exists.intro", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Eq.mpr", + "mul_assoc", + "Eq.ndrec", + "HMul.hMul", + "Eq.symm", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "mul_dvd_mul_left", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] {b c : α} (a : α), b ∣ c → a * b ∣ a * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Eq.refl", + "Neg.neg", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq", + "add_neg_cancel_right", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddGroup", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "add_sub_cancel_right", + "constType": "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] (a b : G), a + b - b = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "Nat.casesAuxOn", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "HEq", + "instSubNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Eq.refl", + "Nat.elimOffset", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "Nat.add", + "Iff", + "Eq.ndrec", + "HEq.refl", + "Nat.noConfusion", + "instOfNatNat", + "Eq.casesOn", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Nat.succ"], + "name": "Nat.pred_eq_succ_iff", + "constType": "∀ {m n : ℕ}, n - 1 = m + 1 ↔ n = m + 2", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "CharZero", + "propext", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.cast_eq_zero", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] {n : ℕ}, (↑n = 0) = (n = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["LinearOrderedCommMonoid", "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toLinearOrderedCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [self : LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero α] → LinearOrderedCommMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "IsDomain", + "Module.Finite", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "FractionRing.field", + "Ideal.span", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "FractionRing.liftAlgebra", + "Algebra", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Set.image", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "IsIntegrallyClosed", + "Eq.symm", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Algebra.intNorm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Function.comp", + "OreLocalization.instRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "MonoidHom", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "FractionRing", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Ideal.map_spanIntNorm", + "FractionRing.instNoZeroSMulDivisors", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Ideal.spanIntNorm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Algebra.IsSeparable", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.11", + "constType": + "∀ (R : Type u_1) [inst : CommRing R] {S : Type u_2} [inst_1 : CommRing S] [inst_2 : Algebra R S]\n [inst_3 : IsIntegrallyClosed R] [inst_4 : IsDomain R] [inst_5 : IsDomain S] [inst_6 : NoZeroSMulDivisors R S]\n [hRS : Module.Finite R S] [inst_7 : IsIntegrallyClosed S]\n [inst_8 : Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing R) (FractionRing S)] (I : Ideal S) {T : Type u_3} [inst_9 : CommRing T]\n (f : R →+* T), Ideal.span (⇑f ∘ ⇑(Algebra.intNorm R S) '' ↑I) = f (Ideal.spanIntNorm R I)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_5", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_10", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_6._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Ideal.prod_span_singleton", + "Set", + "CommSemiring", + "", + "Finset", + "Submodule.instIdemCommSemiring", + "Singleton.singleton", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Ideal.span", + "", + "Eq.symm", + "Ideal", + "IdemCommSemiring.toCommSemiring", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring R] {ι : Type u_2} (s : Finset ι) (I : ι → R),\n Ideal.span {∏ i ∈ s, I i} = ∏ i ∈ s, Ideal.span {I i}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Submodule.instBot", + "", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Ideal.span", + "Submodule.span_singleton_eq_bot", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Iff", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Singleton.singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "Ideal.span_singleton_eq_bot", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Semiring α] {x : α}, Ideal.span {x} = ⊥ ↔ x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_5", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.namespace"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_7._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "add_right_injective", + "Add", + "Function.Injective.eq_iff", + "IsLeftCancelAdd", + "Eq"], + "name": "add_right_inj", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : Add G] [inst_1 : IsLeftCancelAdd G] (a : G) {b c : G}, a + b = a + c ↔ b = c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", "False.elim", "False", "propext", "Not", "absurd", "Eq"], + "name": "eq_false", + "constType": "∀ {p : Prop}, ¬p → p = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "DecidablePred", + "And", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.mem_filter", + "Finset.filter", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {p : α → Prop} [inst : DecidablePred p] {s : Finset α} {a : α}, (a ∈ Finset.filter p s) = (a ∈ s ∧ p a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Function.Embedding", + "DFunLike.coe", + "", + "Function.instFunLikeEmbedding"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → {β : Type u_2} → (α ↪ β) → Finset α → Finset β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["List.cons", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_39", + "_obj", + "List.nil", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_40._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "RingHom", + "Polynomial.coeff_map", + "Semiring", + "RingHom.comp", + "Polynomial.coeff", + "implies_true", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "", + "True", + "Eq", + "Polynomial", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Polynomial.ext", + "of_eq_true", + "forall_congr", + "congr", + "Nat", + "DFunLike.coe", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Polynomial.map_map", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} {T : Type w} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring S] (f : R →+* S) [inst_2 : Semiring T]\n (g : S →+* T) (p : Polynomial R), g ( f p) = (g.comp f) p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_12", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_34", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_35._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Classical.not_not", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.8", + "constType": "∀ {a : Prop}, (¬¬a) = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_44._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Group.toDivisionMonoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Iff.rfl", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "", + "Subgroup.Normal", + "Subgroup", + "", + "Iff.trans", + "Group", + "QuotientGroup.eq", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "InvOneClass.toInv", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "Subgroup.inv_mem_iff", + "QuotientGroup.instHasQuotientSubgroup", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "One.toOfNat1", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "InvOneClass.toOne", + "instHMul", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "propext", + "HMul.hMul", + "mul_one", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Subgroup.instSetLike", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "QuotientGroup.eq_one_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u} [inst : Group G] {N : Subgroup G} [nN : N.Normal] (x : G), ↑x = 1 ↔ x ∈ N", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_true", + "PNat.pos", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "True", + "Eq", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.Field._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ+), (0 < ↑n) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam"], + "name": "HAdd", + "constType": "Type u → Type v → outParam (Type w) → Type (max (max u v) w)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["And", "Iff", "iff_of_eq", "and_true", "True"], + "name": "and_true_iff", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), p ∧ True ↔ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "LinearOrderedAddCommMonoid.toLinearOrder", + "IsLeftCancelAdd.covariant_add_lt_of_covariant_add_le", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toOrderedCancelAddCommMonoid", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "OrderedSemiring.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "", + "ExistsAddOfLE", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid.toCancelAddCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "strictMono_mul_left_of_pos", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toMulPosStrictMono", + "Preorder.toLT", + "AddCancelCommMonoid.toAddCancelMonoid", + "LinearOrderedSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "LinearOrderedSemiring.toLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "contravariant_swap_add_of_contravariant_add", + "strictAnti_mul_left", + "", + "Ne.lt_or_lt", + "Ne", + "Or", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsLeftCancelAdd", + "StrictAnti.injective", + "strictMono_mul_right_of_pos", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toCovariantClassLeft", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Or.casesOn", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "instHMul", + "OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid.toContravariantClassLeft", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toNontrivial", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "", + "LinearOrderedSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPosMulStrictMono", + "StrictMono.injective", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "strictAnti_mul_right", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "LinearOrderedRing.isDomain", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LinearOrderedSemiring α] [inst_1 : ExistsAddOfLE α], IsDomain α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MvPolynomial.commSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "MvPolynomial", + "CommSemiring", + "LinearMap.instFunLike", + "MvPolynomial.totalDegree", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MvPolynomial.homogeneousComponent", + "DFunLike.coe", + "", + "LinearMap", + "Semiring.toModule", + "MvPolynomial.module"], + "name": "MvPolynomial.leadingTerms", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} → {ι : Type u_2} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → MvPolynomial ι R → MvPolynomial ι R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", "Nat.pow.match_1", "Unit", "instOfNatNat", "Nat"], + "name": "Nat.pred", + "constType": "ℕ → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["", "Nat.le", "LE", "Nat"], + "name": "instLENat", + "constType": "LE ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "pow_eq_zero_iff", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "propext", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.Field._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_2} [inst : MonoidWithZero M₀] {a : M₀} {n : ℕ} [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M₀],\n n ≠ 0 → (a ^ n = 0) = (a = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Subalgebra.toCommRing", + "Subalgebra", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "algebraInt", + "integralClosure", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "CommRing", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Field", + "inferInstanceAs", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Subtype"], + "name": "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "constType": + "(K : Type u_1) → [inst : Field K] → CommRing (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Decidable.decide", + "decide_eq_false", + "Bool.true", + "Decidable", + "of_decide_eq_true.match_1", + "ne_true_of_eq_false", + "Not", + "Bool", + "absurd", + "Eq"], + "name": "of_decide_eq_true", + "constType": "∀ {p : Prop} [inst : Decidable p], decide p = true → p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["DivisionRing", "Ring"], + "name": "DivisionRing.toRing", + "constType": "{α : Type u_4} → [self : DivisionRing α] → Ring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "instOfNat", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_raw_eq", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap", + "Int.instRing", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "eq_true", + "Int.instCharZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "Int", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "sub_nonpos_of_le", + "Int.instSemiring", + "", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Int.rawCast", + "Eq.refl", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "IsRightCancelAdd.covariant_swap_add_lt_of_covariant_swap_add_le", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsRightCancelAdd", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "Int.instAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "zero_lt_one", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "covariant_swap_add_of_covariant_add", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_pos", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_add", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "LE.le", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.zero_mul", + "instNatCastInt", + "Bool.false", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_mul", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.instAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_congr", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "instLTNat", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "StrictOrderedRing.toOrderedAddCommGroup", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap_zero", + "Nat", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_isNat", + "neg_neg_of_pos", + "OrderedSemiring.zeroLEOneClass", + "Nat.rawCast", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "lt_of_not_ge", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "Int.instLTInt", + "Int.instAddCommSemigroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "instHMul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "of_eq_true", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "", + "congrArg", + "Int.instLEInt", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.toAddCommGroup", + "Int.ofNat", + "StrictOrderedRing.toRing", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "Linarith.lt_irrefl", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.2", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instLENat", + "Preorder.toLT", + "instHPow", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_lt_true", + "Linarith.mul_neg", + "instOfNatNat", + "NeZero.charZero_one", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "add_lt_of_neg_of_le", + "id", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_ofNat", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "Nat.instLinearOrder", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "HMul.hMul", + "Bool", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Int.instCommSemiring"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.two_lt", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, 5 ≤ p → 2 < p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "PNat"], + "name": "PNat.pos", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ+), 0 < ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Membership.mem", "Exists", "Finset", "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.Nonempty", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → Finset α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["String", "Lean.Name"], + "name": "Lean.Name.str", + "constType": "Lean.Name → String → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["", "LE", "Int.le", "Int"], + "name": "Int.instLEInt", + "constType": "LE ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["And", + "instHMul", + "", + "Int.instSemiring", + "Int.instMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "Odd", + "And.left", + "Int.odd_mul", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.Odd.of_mul_left", + "constType": "∀ {m n : ℤ}, Odd (m * n) → Odd m", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "", + "NormedRing.toNorm", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_6", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_3", + "NormedCommRing.mul_comm", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_12", + "Ring.toNeg", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_4", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_8", + "Ring.toSub", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_1", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_9", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_7", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "", + "", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_10", + "", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "NormedRing.toMetricSpace", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "", + "", + "Ring.zsmul", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_13", + "NormedCommRing", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_2", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_11", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalNormedCommRing", + "", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing.proof_5"], + "name": "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [β : NormedCommRing α] → NonUnitalNormedCommRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instENatCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "Equiv", + "PartENat.instLE", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "PartENat.withTopEquiv_le", + "PartENat", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "PartENat.withTopEquiv", + "propext", + "ENat", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "Equiv.instFunLike", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {x y : PartENat}, (x ≤ y) = (PartENat.withTopEquiv x ≤ PartENat.withTopEquiv y)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "SetLike", + "Iff", + "Iff.rfl", + "Set", + "Set.instMembership", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "SetLike.mem_coe", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [i : SetLike A B] {p : A} {x : B}, x ∈ ↑p ↔ x ∈ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "MonoidHom.ker.proof_2", + "MulOneClass", + "Subgroup", + "Submonoid", + "Group", + "MonoidHom.ker.proof_1", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "MonoidHom", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "MonoidHom.mker", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass"], + "name": "MonoidHom.ker", + "constType": + "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : Group G] → {M : Type u_7} → [inst_1 : MulOneClass M] → (G →* M) → Subgroup G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["inferInstance", + "AddCommSemigroup", + "Int.instAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.instAddCommSemigroup", + "constType": "AddCommSemigroup ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.ofNat", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "instOfNatNat", + "Int.cast_negSucc", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "instOfNat", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id", + "Nat.cast_eq_zero", + "Int.casesOn", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "congr_arg", + "neg_eq_zero", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Int.cast_zero", + "Iff.intro", + "Eq.ndrec", + "CharZero", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Nat.noConfusion", + "Int.negSucc", + "Int.cast", + "", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "congrArg", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.cast_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroupWithOne α] [inst_1 : CharZero α] {n : ℤ}, ↑n = 0 ↔ n = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.card", "Finset.range", "Multiset.card_range", "Nat", "Eq"], + "name": "Finset.card_range", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ), (Finset.range n).card = n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "instHSub", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "add_assoc", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "add_comm", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "SubtractionCommMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "add_left_comm", + "True", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "of_eq_true", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "congr", + "congrArg", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "add_sub_right_comm", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : SubtractionCommMonoid α] (a b c : α), a + b - c = a - c + b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Classical.propDecidable.proof_1", "Decidable", "Classical.choice"], + "name": "Classical.propDecidable", + "constType": "(a : Prop) → Decidable a", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "Units", + "Units.instMul.proof_2", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "Mul", + "Units.instMul.proof_1", + "Units.inv", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "", + ""], + "name": "Units.instMul", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Monoid α] → Mul αˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toDivisionSemiring", + "DivisionRing", + "Module.Finite", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "Module", + "AddCommGroup"], + "name": "FiniteDimensional", + "constType": + "(K : Type u_1) → (V : Type u_2) → [inst : DivisionRing K] → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup V] → [inst : Module K V] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.SourceInfo.none", + "Bool.false", + "Bool.true", + "Unit", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef.match_2", + "Lean.Syntax.getTailPos?", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef.match_1", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "Lean.SourceInfo.synthetic", + "optParam", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Syntax.getPos?", + "String.Pos", + "Option"], + "name": "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "constType": "Lean.Syntax → optParam Bool false → Lean.SourceInfo", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Or", + "Finset.instInsert", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Insert.insert", + "Finset.mem_insert", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.7", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {a b : α}, (a ∈ insert b s) = (a = b ∨ a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Associated", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "propext", + "Ideal.span_singleton_eq_span_singleton", + "Set", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Ideal.span", + "Eq.symm", + "Ideal", + "CommRing", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.14", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CommRing α] [inst_1 : IsDomain α] {x y : α}, Associated x y = (Ideal.span {x} = Ideal.span {y})", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Group.toDivisionMonoid", + "Membership.mem", + "InvOneClass.toOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "Subgroup.mem_bot", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "propext", + "Subgroup", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Group", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "Subgroup.instSetLike", + "Subgroup.instBot", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert90._auxLemma.6", + "constType": "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Group G] {x : G}, (x ∈ ⊥) = (x = 1)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Ring", "Neg"], + "name": "Ring.toNeg", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : Ring R] → Neg R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Exists.choose", + "Set", + "Algebra", + "Singleton.singleton", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta.proof_1", + "CommRing", + "PNat"], + "name": "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta", + "constType": + "(n : ℕ+) →\n (A : Type w) →\n (B : Type z) →\n [inst : CommRing A] → [inst_1 : CommRing B] → [inst_2 : Algebra A B] → [inst : IsCyclotomicExtension {n} A B] → B", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "False", + "instSubNat", + "Nat.decLt", + "HSub.hSub", + "instDecidableAnd", + "instLTNat", + "LE.le", + "Eq", + "ite", + "And", + "Nat.div_rec_lemma.match_1", + "instHMod", + "Nat.mod_eq", + "instLENat", + "Nat.not_le_of_gt", + "Eq.rec", + "", + "letFun", + "HMod.hMod", + "Not", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "absurd", + "Nat.instMod", + "if_neg", + "Nat.decLe"], + "name": "Nat.mod_eq_of_lt", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℕ}, a < b → a % b = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Nonempty", + "constType": "Sort u → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["LE", "Preorder"], + "name": "Preorder.toLE", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Preorder α] → LE α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_zero_of_add_right", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddUnits", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "And", + "Iff", + "Eq.ndrec", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Subsingleton", + "And.intro", + "Eq.symm", + "add_zero", + "And.casesOn", + "AddCommMonoid", + "eq_zero_of_add_left"], + "name": "add_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : AddCommMonoid α] [inst_1 : Subsingleton (AddUnits α)] {a b : α}, a + b = 0 ↔ a = 0 ∧ b = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Ne", "Not", "rfl", "Eq"], + "name": "ne_eq", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} (a b : α), (a ≠ b) = ¬a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.ofNat", "UInt8", "Bool.casesOn", "_obj", "Nat.decEq", "Int.sub"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₂._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["AddCommGroup", "LieRing"], + "name": "LieRing.toAddCommGroup", + "constType": "{L : Type v} → [self : LieRing L] → AddCommGroup L", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["MulOneClass", "MulZeroOneClass"], + "name": "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "constType": "{M₀ : Type u} → [self : MulZeroOneClass M₀] → MulOneClass M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Zero", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "Finsupp", + "LE", + "DFunLike.coe", + "LE.le"], + "name": "Finsupp.instLEFinsupp", + "constType": + "{ι : Type u_1} → {α : Type u_2} → [inst : Zero α] → [inst_1 : LE α] → LE (ι →₀ α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_26"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_30._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_9._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff", "iff_true_intro", "Subsingleton", "True", "Subsingleton.elim", "Eq"], + "name": "eq_iff_true_of_subsingleton", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} [inst : Subsingleton α] (x y : α), x = y ↔ True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Units", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_false", + "False", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Units.val", + "Nontrivial", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Units.ne_zero", + "Eq", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.18", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_2} [inst : MonoidWithZero M₀] [inst_1 : Nontrivial M₀] (u : M₀ˣ), (↑u = 0) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["And", + "instHMul", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "CommMonoid", + "propext", + "HMul.hMul", + "IsUnit", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "IsUnit.mul_iff"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.KummersLemma._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_1} [inst : CommMonoid M] {x y : M}, IsUnit (x * y) = (IsUnit x ∧ IsUnit y)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "'", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Subtype.val", + "", + "Nat.instLinearOrder", + "instOfNatNat", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "PNat"], + "name": "PNat.ne_zero", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ+), ↑n ≠ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "MulHomClass", + "FunLike", + "map_mul", + "HMul.hMul", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Mul", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.QuotientTrace._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_4} {N : Type u_5} {F : Type u_9} [inst : Mul M] [inst_1 : Mul N] [inst_2 : FunLike F M N]\n [inst_3 : MulHomClass F M N] (f : F) (x y : M), f x * f y = f (x * y)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", + "InvolutiveNeg", + "Iff", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "Eq.rec", + "Neg.neg", + "neg_neg", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "neg_eq_iff_eq_neg", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : InvolutiveNeg G] {a b : G}, -a = b ↔ a = -b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PartENat.instLE", + "PartENat.orderedAddCommMonoid", + "PartENat.partialOrder", + "Nat.cast_le", + "instLENat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "Iff", + "PartENat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toCovariantClassLeft", + "PartENat", + "PartENat.instCharZero", + "Nat", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "LE.le", + "PartENat.instZeroLEOneClass"], + "name": "PartENat.coe_le_coe", + "constType": "∀ {x y : ℕ}, ↑x ≤ ↑y ↔ x ≤ y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "add_comm", + "instHAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Neg.neg", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "True", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Ring", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "congrArg", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "Eq.trans", + "neg_add_rev"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_2} [inst : Ring R] {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ : R}, -a₁ = b₁ → -a₂ = b₂ → -(a₁ + a₂) = b₁ + b₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Exists", "instHAdd", "HAdd.hAdd", "Add", "Eq"], + "name": "Even", + "constType": "{α : Type u_2} → [inst : Add α] → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Quot.liftOn", + "Setoid.r", + "List.Nodup", + "Multiset.Nodup.proof_1", + "List", + "List.isSetoid", + "Multiset"], + "name": "Multiset.Nodup", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → Multiset α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Or", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Fin.castSucc", + "Or.casesOn", + "instLTFin", + "Eq", + "Fin.succAbove_of_castSucc_lt", + "Fin.ne_of_lt", + "Eq.mpr", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Fin.succAbove_of_lt_succ", + "Fin.ne_of_gt", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Fin.succ", + "Fin.castSucc_lt_or_lt_succ", + "Nat.succ", + "Fin", + "Fin.succAbove", + "id"], + "name": "Fin.succAbove_ne", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} (p : Fin (n + 1)) (i : Fin n), p.succAbove i ≠ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["And", + "lt_of_le_not_le", + "le_not_le_of_lt", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "le_trans", + "Not", + "lt_of_lt_of_le.match_2", + "Preorder", + "lt_of_lt_of_le.match_1", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE"], + "name": "lt_of_lt_of_le", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Preorder α] {a b c : α}, a < b → b ≤ c → a < c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["False", "Not"], + "name": "Not.intro", + "constType": "∀ {a : Prop}, (a → False) → ¬a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_9._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "CommGroupWithZero.toGroupWithZero", + "DivisionMonoid.inv_inv", + "CommGroupWithZero", + "CommGroupWithZero.toInv", + "CommGroupWithZero.zpow", + "CommGroupWithZero.zpow_neg'", + "GroupWithZero.toDivisionMonoid", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoid", + "", + "DivisionMonoid.inv_eq_of_mul", + "", + "CommGroupWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "CommGroupWithZero.toDivisionCommMonoid.proof_1", + "CommGroupWithZero.zpow_succ'", + "DivisionMonoid", + "CommGroupWithZero.div_eq_mul_inv", + "DivisionMonoid.mul_inv_rev", + "CommGroupWithZero.toDiv", + "DivisionCommMonoid", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "CommGroupWithZero.zpow_zero'"], + "name": "CommGroupWithZero.toDivisionCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{G₀ : Type u_3} → [inst : CommGroupWithZero G₀] → DivisionCommMonoid G₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Submonoid.instSetLike.proof_1", + "Subsemigroup.carrier", + "SetLike", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "", + "MulOneClass", + "Submonoid.toSubsemigroup", + "Submonoid"], + "name": "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "constType": + "{M : Type u_1} → [inst : MulOneClass M] → SetLike (Submonoid M) M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "NonUnitalRing.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "semigroupDvd", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonUnitalRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "NonUnitalRing", + "Dvd.dvd.add", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + "instHSub", + "instHAdd", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Divisibility.Basic._auxLemma.6", + "HSub.hSub", + "Neg.neg", + "Dvd.dvd", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "Dvd.dvd.neg_right", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "congrArg"], + "name": "dvd_sub", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : NonUnitalRing α] {a b c : α}, a ∣ b → a ∣ c → a ∣ b - c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "SetLike.instPartialOrder", + "SetLike", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "propext", + "SetLike.le_def", + "LE.le", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.8", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [i : SetLike A B] {S T : A}, (S ≤ T) = ∀ ⦃x : B⦄, x ∈ S → x ∈ T", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["OrderedAddCommMonoid", "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [self : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] → OrderedAddCommMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Multiset.cons", + "Finset.cons.proof_1", + "Not", + "", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.cons", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → (a : α) → (s : Finset α) → a ∉ s → Finset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "Eq", + "PProd", + "Eq.mpr", + "FunLike", + "instHPow", + "PUnit", + "MonoidHomClass.toOneHomClass", + "map_mul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "id", + "HPow.hPow", + "Nat.below", + "Nat.brecOn", + "Monoid", + "instAddNat", + "MonoidHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "instHAdd", + "Unit", + "map_one", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_zero", + "MonoidHomClass", + "instHMul", + "Nat.rec", + "PProd.fst", + "map_pow.match_1", + "HMul.hMul", + "pow_succ", + "congrArg"], + "name": "map_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_7} {H : Type u_8} {F : Type u_9} [inst : FunLike F G H] [inst_1 : Monoid G] [inst_2 : Monoid H]\n [inst_3 : MonoidHomClass F G H] (f : F) (a : G) (n : ℕ), f (a ^ n) = f a ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CompleteLattice.le_sInf", + "Membership.mem", + "CompleteLattice.le_sSup", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Set", + "Set.Nonempty", + "CompleteLattice.sInf_le", + "Set.instMembership", + "ConditionallyCompleteLattice", + "BddAbove", + "", + "CompleteLattice.toLattice", + "upperBounds", + "CompleteLattice", + "CompleteLattice.sSup_le", + "CompleteLattice.toInfSet", + "BddBelow", + "lowerBounds", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeSup", + "CompleteLattice.toSupSet", + "SemilatticeSup.toPartialOrder"], + "name": "CompleteLattice.toConditionallyCompleteLattice", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : CompleteLattice α] → ConditionallyCompleteLattice α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Not", "IsEmpty", "not_isEmpty_iff", "Iff.mpr", "Nonempty"], + "name": "not_isEmpty_of_nonempty", + "constType": "∀ (α : Sort u_1) [h : Nonempty α], ¬IsEmpty α", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "RingHom", + "", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "", + "", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring", + "id"], + "name": "", + "constType": "(α : Type u_5) → [inst : NonAssocSemiring α] → α →+* α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["cond.match_1", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "List.cons", + "Lean.MacroScopesView", + "Unit", + "", + "Lean.Name.hasMacroScopes", + "Lean.Name.instBEq", + "Lean.MacroScopesView.mainModule", + "", + "List.foldl", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "BEq.beq", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "", + "List.nil", + "Bool", + "Lean.MacroScopesView.imported", + "Lean.Name.appendCore", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.extractMacroScopes", + "Nat", + "Lean.MacroScopesView.scopes"], + "name": "Lean.addMacroScope", + "constType": "Lean.Name → Lean.Name → Lean.MacroScope → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Ideal.Quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "CommRing", + "Submodule.Quotient.instZeroQuotient", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Ideal", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Submodule.setLike", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.QuotientTrace._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommRing R] {a : R} {I : Ideal R}, (( I) a = 0) = (a ∈ I)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_10", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_33"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_34._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_12", + "_obj", + "String.toSubstring'"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_13._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Iff.mpr", + "", + "PartialOrder", + "CovariantClass.elim", + "Function.swap", + "LE.le.lt_of_ne", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "add_ne_add_left", + "IsRightCancelAdd", + "CovariantClass", + "Add", + ""], + "name": "IsRightCancelAdd.covariant_swap_add_lt_of_covariant_swap_add_le", + "constType": + "∀ (N : Type u_2) [inst : Add N] [inst_1 : IsRightCancelAdd N] [inst_2 : PartialOrder N]\n [inst_3 : CovariantClass N N (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x ≤ x_1],\n CovariantClass N N (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Subtype"], + "name": "Subtype.val", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → {p : α → Prop} → Subtype p → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["String", "Lean.Name", "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "constType": "Lean.Name → String → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["inferInstance", + "AddGroup", + "Int.instAddCommGroup", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.instAddGroup", + "constType": "AddGroup ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "MulAction.toSMul", + "instHSMul", + "Iff", + "Iff.rfl", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "MulAction.stabilizer", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "MulAction", + "Subgroup.instSetLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "MulAction.mem_stabilizer_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [inst : Group G] [inst_1 : MulAction G α] {a : α} {g : G},\n g ∈ MulAction.stabilizer G a ↔ g • a = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Submodule", + "Semiring", + "Set", + "", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Module", + "Submodule.IsPrincipal.rec", + "Submodule.span", + "Submodule.IsPrincipal", + "Eq", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Submodule.IsPrincipal.casesOn", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n {M : Type u_4} →\n [inst : Semiring R] →\n [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] →\n [inst_2 : Module R M] →\n {S : Submodule R M} →\n {motive : S.IsPrincipal → Sort u} →\n (t : S.IsPrincipal) → ((principal' : ∃ a, S = Submodule.span R {a}) → motive ⋯) → motive t", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Inv"], + "name": "Inv.inv", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Inv α] → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Fintype.finite", "Fintype", "Finite"], + "name": "Finite.of_fintype", + "constType": "∀ (α : Type u_4) [inst : Fintype α], Finite α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["DivisionMonoid", + "DivInvOneMonoid", + "", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid.proof_1", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "DivInvMonoid"], + "name": "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : DivisionMonoid α] → DivInvOneMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "ite", + "Finset.instMembership", + "DecidablePred", + "Finset.sum_range", + "instOfNat", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_raw_eq", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf_zero", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Finset.filter_filter", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "Finset.sum_neg_distrib", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "And", + "Int.instCharZero", + "False.elim", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "congr", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toAddGroupWithOne", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Int.instSemiring", + "HEq", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "sub_nonpos_of_le", + "Nat.decLt", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Eq.refl", + "Int.rawCast", + "zero_sub", + "semigroupDvd", + "NeZero.pnat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsRightCancelAdd", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "Int.instAddMonoid", + "Int.instCommSemigroup", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "zero_lt_one", + "FltRegular.CaseI.aux_cong0k₁", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_add", + "Neg.neg", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "instDecidableAnd", + "LE.le", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.zero_mul", + "instNatCastInt", + "letFun", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_congr", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "instHSMul", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "instSubsingletonForall", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Finset.sum_const_zero", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "AddCommGroup.intModule", + "SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "StrictOrderedRing.toOrderedAddCommGroup", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap_zero", + "dvd_coeff_cycl_integer", + "Eq.trans", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "ite_smul", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "Int.instDvd", + "neg_neg_of_pos", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Fin.fintype", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "pow_zero", + "Int.instLTInt", + "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₁", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Nat.instOrderedSemiring", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "Finset.univ", + "MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "HEq.refl", + "of_eq_true", + "Int.cast", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "mul_one", + "Singleton.singleton", + "instSubsingletonDecidable", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection", + "Int.ofNat", + "StrictOrderedRing.toRing", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "Linarith.lt_irrefl", + "instSubNat", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Dvd.dvd.mul_right", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.2", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "instDecidableNot", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_lt_true", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "ite_cond_eq_true", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "NeZero.charZero_one", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "sub_eq_zero_of_eq", + "Membership.mem", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "False", + "instAddNat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Dvd.dvd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Nat.pred_lt", + "ite_congr", + "CommSemigroup.toSemigroup", + "Nat.sub_lt", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Eq.casesOn", + "Bool", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Finset.range_filter_eq", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "FltRegular.CaseI.auxf0k₁", + "pow_one", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "Finset.range", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Int.instSub", + "Linarith.lt_of_lt_of_eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "zsmul_eq_mul", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Order.ZeroLEOne._auxLemma.2", + "eq_of_heq", + "Int.instRing", + "Module.toMulActionWithZero", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "CyclotomicField", + "Nat.cast_add", + "ne_and_eq_iff_right", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "eq_true", + "", + "", + "Finset.sum_ite", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "Int", + "Fin", + "neg_smul", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "Subtype.val", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "IsRightCancelAdd.covariant_swap_add_lt_of_covariant_swap_add_le", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "True", + "Subsingleton.elim", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "Eq.rec", + "Finset", + "Decidable", + "Finset.filter", + "NeZero.charZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "covariant_swap_add_of_covariant_add", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "Int.instMul", + "Finset.sum", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_pos", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Ne.symm", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "Bool.false", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_mul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.instAddMonoidWithOne", + "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "AddGroup.intSMulWithZero", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "instLTNat", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.1", + "Nat.Prime.ne_zero", + "Dvd.dvd.mul_left", + "Finset.sum_singleton", + "Nat", + "Finset.sum_congr", + "Ne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_isNat", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "Fin.val", + "Int.ModEq", + "Nat.rawCast", + "OrderedSemiring.zeroLEOneClass", + "SubNegMonoid.SMulInt", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "Int.instAddCommSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "add_sub_cancel_left", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "Not", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "Int.instLEInt", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.toAddCommGroup", + "zero_smul", + "NonAssocRing.toAddCommGroupWithOne", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "PNat.val", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instLENat", + "Nat.pred", + "Preorder.toLT", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "Linarith.mul_neg", + "Int.instNegInt", + "add_lt_of_neg_of_le", + "Eq.symm", + "NeZero.succ", + "Rat.instField", + "funext", + "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Rat", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_ofNat", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "OrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.3", + "Nat.pred_eq_succ_iff", + "Dvd"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.aux0k₁", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} (hpri : Nat.Prime p) {a b c : ℤ} {ζ : NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField ⟨p, ⋯⟩ ℚ)},\n 5 ≤ p →\n IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p →\n ¬↑p ∣ a * b * c →\n ∀ {k₁ k₂ : Fin p}, ↑↑k₂ ≡ ↑↑k₁ - 1 [ZMOD ↑p] → ↑p ∣ ↑a + ↑b * ζ - ↑a * ζ ^ ↑k₁ - ↑b * ζ ^ ↑k₂ → 0 ≠ ↑k₁", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Exists", "Exists.intro", "rfl", "Eq"], + "name": "exists_apply_eq_apply", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_2} {β : Sort u_1} (f : α → β) (a' : α), ∃ a, f a = f a'", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "eq_self", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "True", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "zero_add", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (b : R), 0 + b = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.card", + "instHSub", + "Finset.instHasSubset", + "instAddNat", + "instSubNat", + "instHAdd", + "Union.union", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Eq.refl", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "Finset.sdiff_disjoint", + "SDiff.sdiff", + "Finset.card_union_of_disjoint", + "Finset.instSDiff", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Finset.instUnion", + "Finset.sdiff_union_of_subset", + "DecidableEq", + "", + "Finset", + "letFun", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Nat.add_sub_cancel_right", + "id"], + "name": "Finset.card_sdiff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s t : Finset α} [inst : DecidableEq α], s ⊆ t → (t \\ s).card = t.card - s.card", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_5", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_4"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_6._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_12._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Insert.insert", + "LawfulSingleton", + "EmptyCollection", + "Singleton", + "Insert", + "Eq"], + "name": "LawfulSingleton.insert_emptyc_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [inst : EmptyCollection β] [inst_1 : Insert α β] [inst_2 : Singleton α β]\n [self : LawfulSingleton α β] (x : α), insert x ∅ = {x}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Field", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Polynomial.SplittingField", + "Polynomial.cyclotomic", + "PNat"], + "name": "CyclotomicField", + "constType": "ℕ+ → (K : Type w) → [inst : Field K] → Type w", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["trivial", "Decidable", "Decidable.isTrue", "True"], + "name": "instDecidableTrue", + "constType": "Decidable True", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["StrictOrderedCommSemiring", "LinearOrderedCommSemiring"], + "name": "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [self : LinearOrderedCommSemiring α] → StrictOrderedCommSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["AddZeroClass"], + "name": "DistribSMul", + "constType": + "Type u_10 → (A : Type u_11) → [inst : AddZeroClass A] → Type (max u_10 u_11)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Semiring", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff", + "neg_zero", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "Function.Injective.eq_iff'", + "neg_injective", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "SubtractionMonoid", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "SubtractionMonoid.toInvolutiveNeg", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "neg_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : SubtractionMonoid α] {a : α}, -a = 0 ↔ a = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "Submodule", + "RingHomClass", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "Ideal.mapHom", + "Eq.refl", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "FunLike", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "DFunLike.coe", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "MonoidWithZeroHom.funLike", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "Ideal.mapHom_apply", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} {F : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing R] [inst_1 : CommRing S] [inst_2 : FunLike F R S]\n [rc : RingHomClass F R S] (f : F) (I : Ideal R), (Ideal.mapHom f) I = f I", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "HPow"], + "name": "HPow.hPow", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → {γ : outParam (Type w)} → [self : HPow α β γ] → α → β → γ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_16", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_14"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_17._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MonoidWithZeroHom.funLike.proof_1", + "MonoidWithZeroHom.toZeroHom", + "FunLike", + "ZeroHom.toFun", + "MulZeroOneClass.toZero", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "", + "MulZeroOneClass"], + "name": "MonoidWithZeroHom.funLike", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → {β : Type u_3} → [inst : MulZeroOneClass α] → [inst_1 : MulZeroOneClass β] → FunLike (α →*₀ β) α β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Option.getD", + "Lean.Omega.tidyConstraint", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs", + "Lean.Omega.normalize", + "Eq.refl", + "Lean.Omega.tidyCoeffs", + "True", + "Eq", + "Lean.Omega.positivizeCoeffs", + "_private.Init.Omega.Constraint.0.Lean.Omega.tidy?.match_1.splitter", + "Lean.Omega.normalize_sat", + "Option.none", + "Lean.Omega.normalizeCoeffs", + "Bool.true", + "Lean.Omega.normalize?", + "Option.some", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint", + "Eq.symm", + "And.casesOn", + "Eq.trans", + "Lean.Omega.positivize?", + "Option", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Prod.snd", + "Lean.Omega.positivize_sat", + "Unit", + "Lean.Omega.positivize?_eq_some", + "Prod.fst", + "Lean.Omega.normalize?_eq_some", + "And", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "Lean.Omega.tidy?.match_1", + "", + "Lean.Omega.normalizeConstraint", + "Prod", + "Bool", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.sat'", + "congrArg", + "Lean.Omega.positivizeConstraint"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.tidy_sat", + "constType": + "∀ {s : Lean.Omega.Constraint} {x v : Lean.Omega.Coeffs},\n s.sat' x v = true → (Lean.Omega.tidyConstraint s x).sat' (Lean.Omega.tidyCoeffs s x) v = true", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "EquivLike", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "propext", + "AddEquivClass", + "EquivLike.toFunLike", + "AddEquivClass.map_eq_zero_iff", + "DFunLike.coe", + "AddZeroClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.11", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_1} {M : Type u_12} {N : Type u_13} [inst : AddZeroClass M] [inst_1 : AddZeroClass N]\n [inst_2 : EquivLike F M N] [inst_3 : AddEquivClass F M N] (h : F) {x : M}, (h x = 0) = (x = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Nat", + "Nat.gcd_assoc", + "Int", + "Int.gcd", + "Eq", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.gcd_assoc", + "constType": "∀ (i j k : ℤ), (↑(i.gcd j)).gcd k = i.gcd ↑(j.gcd k)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "HSMul"], + "name": "HSMul.hSMul", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → {γ : outParam (Type w)} → [self : HSMul α β γ] → α → β → γ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_19"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_20._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["SubNegMonoid", "Sub"], + "name": "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : SubNegMonoid G] → Sub G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "mul_pow.match_1", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "CommMonoid.toCommSemigroup", + "Eq", + "PProd", + "Eq.mpr", + "one_mul", + "instHPow", + "PUnit", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "id", + "HPow.hPow", + "Nat.below", + "Nat.brecOn", + "instAddNat", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "instHAdd", + "Unit", + "One.toOfNat1", + "pow_succ'", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_zero", + "instHMul", + "PProd.fst", + "Nat.rec", + "mul_mul_mul_comm", + "CommMonoid", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "HMul.hMul", + "congrArg"], + "name": "mul_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_4} [inst : CommMonoid M] (a b : M) (n : ℕ), (a * b) ^ n = a ^ n * b ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "two_mul", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "semigroupDvd", + "True", + "Eq", + "iff_self", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "funext", + "instHAdd", + "Semiring", + "Even", + "Dvd.dvd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNatCast", + "HMul.hMul", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "congrArg"], + "name": "even_iff_two_dvd", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Semiring α] {a : α}, Even a ↔ 2 ∣ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["And", "Exists", "propext", "exists_prop", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.11", + "constType": "∀ {b a : Prop}, (∃ (_ : a), b) = (a ∧ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finsupp.support_single_subset", + "Finsupp.single", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Finsupp.instLEFinsupp", + "Eq.refl", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Finsupp.le_iff'", + "implies_congr", + "Preorder.toLE", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Iff", + "forall_congr", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finset", + "Iff.trans", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.trans", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "Membership.mem", + "Finsupp", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "LE.le", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.28", + "of_eq_true", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Singleton.singleton", + "congrArg", + "Init.PropLemmas._auxLemma.14", + "Finsupp.single_eq_same", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Finsupp.single_le_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] {i : ι} {x : α} {f : ι →₀ α},\n Finsupp.single i x ≤ f ↔ x ≤ f i", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_true", + "PNat.pos", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "True", + "Eq", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.KummersLemma._auxLemma.4", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ+), (0 < ↑n) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Units", "Monoid", "propext", "Units.val", "Units.ext_iff", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.9", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Monoid α] {a b : αˣ}, (a = b) = (↑a = ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Sub", "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.sub", ""], + "name": "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.instSub", + "constType": "Sub Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Lean.Name", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Fin.ext_iff", "Fin.val", "propext", "Nat", "Fin", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert90._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} {a b : Fin n}, (a = b) = (↑a = ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_1", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_9", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_7", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_13", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_14", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_10", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_2", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_11", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Nat.eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_5", + "Semiring.npow", + "Nat.instCanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "", + "Nat", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_3", + "", + "Nat.le_add_right", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderBot", + "", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_12", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_8", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_6", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.proof_4"], + "name": "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "constType": "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "instHMul", + "mul_eq_zero", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "propext", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "MulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.17", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_1} [inst : MulZeroClass M₀] [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M₀] {a b : M₀}, (a * b = 0) = (a = 0 ∨ b = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["And", + "Eq.mpr", + "", + "Bool.true", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.combine_sat", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.combine", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.sat", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs", + "And.intro", + "Bool", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.sat'", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint", + "Eq"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Constraint.combine_sat'", + "constType": + "∀ {s t : Lean.Omega.Constraint} {x y : Lean.Omega.Coeffs},\n s.sat' x y = true → t.sat' x y = true → (s.combine t).sat' x y = true", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "One.toOfNat1", + "MonoidHom", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "MonoidHom.mem_ker", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "MonoidHom.ker", + "Eq", + "propext", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Subgroup.instSetLike"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Group G] {M : Type u_7} [inst_1 : MulOneClass M] (f : G →* M) {x : G}, (x ∈ f.ker) = (f x = 1)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "Nat.pred", + "", + "Nat.le_refl", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat.lt_succ_of_le", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "rfl", + "absurd", + "instLTNat", + "Eq", + "Nat.pred_lt.match_1"], + "name": "Nat.pred_lt", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, n ≠ 0 → n.pred < n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Distrib.rightDistribClass", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Int.instNormedCommRing", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.1", + "MulZeroClass.mul_zero", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Insert.insert", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Finset.image_id", + "mul_pow", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Finset.gcd_eq_gcd_image", + "true_or", + "Int.instDiv", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "Nat", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toLinearOrderedSemiring", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "Int.instDistrib", + "instHDiv", + "Or", + "pow_eq_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "or_true", + "Or.casesOn", + "Finset.gcd_div_id_eq_one", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "mul_left_inj'", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "Finset.image_singleton", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "And", + "instHMul", + "False.elim", + "of_eq_true", + "propext", + "", + "Int.instCommMonoid", + "congr", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "And.intro", + "CancelMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Finset.gcd_eq_zero_iff", + "LinearOrderedSemiring.noZeroDivisors", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "Int.instSemiring", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.64", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Finset.gcd", + "rfl", + "True", + "add_mul", + "mul_comm", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toCommMagma", + "instHPow", + "Finset.image", + "Finset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "LinearOrderedSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "LinearOrderedRing.isDomain", + "Eq.symm", + "Int.eq_zero_of_ediv_eq_zero", + "Int.instMulDivCancelClass", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Membership.mem", + "Int.mul_ediv_cancel_left", + "funext", + "False", + "instHAdd", + "Int.instMul", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "IsDomain.toCancelMonoidWithZero", + "AddGroup.existsAddOfLE", + "Finset.image_insert", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "NormedCommRing.toSeminormedCommRing", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.28", + "eq_false", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "letFun", + "HMul.hMul", + "Finset.gcd_dvd", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing", + "not_true_eq_false"], + "name": "FltRegular.MayAssume.coprime", + "constType": + "∀ {a b c : ℤ} {n : ℕ},\n a ^ n + b ^ n = c ^ n →\n a * b * c ≠ 0 →\n let d := {a, b, c}.gcd id;\n (a / d) ^ n + (b / d) ^ n = (c / d) ^ n ∧ {a / d, b / d, c / d}.gcd id = 1 ∧ a / d * (b / d) * (c / d) ≠ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "algebraRat", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "exists_ideal_pow_eq_c", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Nat", + "Subtype", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "Exists.choose_spec", + "root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "NumberField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Ideal", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "semigroupDvd", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instHPow", + "Finset", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Eq.symm", + "NeZero.succ", + "Membership.mem", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Exists.choose", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "PNat"], + "name": "root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd_spec", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} {p : ℕ+} [hpri : Fact p.Prime] [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NumberField K]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] (hp : p ≠ 2) {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p)\n {x y z : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K} {ε : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} {m : ℕ}\n (e : x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = ↑ε * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ ↑p) (hy : ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y)\n (η : { x // x ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset (↑p) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) }),\n root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd hp hζ e hy η ^ ↑p = div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd hp hζ e hy η", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.Prime", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.Prime.two_le", + "instLTNat"], + "name": "Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p → 1 < p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "id", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_15", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_16._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "MulHomClass", + "FunLike", + "map_mul", + "HMul.hMul", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Mul", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.17", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_4} {N : Type u_5} {F : Type u_9} [inst : Mul M] [inst_1 : Mul N] [inst_2 : FunLike F M N]\n [inst_3 : MulHomClass F M N] (f : F) (x y : M), f x * f y = f (x * y)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.mem_singleton", + "Membership.mem", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.2", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a b : α}, (b ∈ {a}) = (b = a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "AlgEquiv", + "Semiring", + "AlgEquiv.map_mul'", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "AlgEquiv.map_add'", + "", + "AlgEquiv.commutes'", + "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike", + "AlgEquivClass"], + "name": "AlgEquiv.instAlgEquivClass", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type uR} {A₁ : Type uA₁} {A₂ : Type uA₂} [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring A₁] [inst_2 : Semiring A₂]\n [inst_3 : Algebra R A₁] [inst_4 : Algebra R A₂], AlgEquivClass (A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₂) R A₁ A₂", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_13"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_14._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "Ne", + "Fin.exists_succAbove_eq", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Fin.succAbove_ne", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Iff", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Fin", + "Fin.succAbove"], + "name": "Fin.exists_succAbove_eq_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {n : ℕ} {x y : Fin (n + 1)}, (∃ z, x.succAbove z = y) ↔ y ≠ x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_12", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_6", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_7._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Or", + "Finset.instInsert", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Insert.insert", + "Finset.mem_insert", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {a b : α}, (a ∈ insert b s) = (a = b ∨ a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_false", + "False", + "PNat.ne_zero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.13", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ+), (↑n = 0) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_8", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_10"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_11._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["True.intro", "forall_true_left", "propext", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.12", + "constType": "∀ (p : True → Prop), (∀ (x : True), p x) = p True.intro", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "RingHom.comp.proof_4", + "NonUnitalRingHom", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "RingHom.comp.proof_3", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Function.comp", + "RingHom.comp.proof_1", + "RingHom.toNonUnitalRingHom", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "NonAssocSemiring", + "RingHom.comp.proof_2", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "", + "DFunLike.coe", + "NonUnitalRingHom.comp"], + "name": "RingHom.comp", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} →\n {β : Type u_3} →\n {γ : Type u_4} →\n {x : NonAssocSemiring α} →\n {x_1 : NonAssocSemiring β} → {x_2 : NonAssocSemiring γ} → (β →+* γ) → (α →+* β) → α →+* γ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Nat.sub", "Sub", "Nat", ""], + "name": "instSubNat", + "constType": "Sub ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_5", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_2"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_2", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "sub_self", + "HSub.hSub", + "eq_of_sub_eq_zero", + "Eq.refl", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "AddGroup", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "congrArg", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id"], + "name": "sub_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] {a b : G}, a - b = 0 ↔ a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.le_succ_of_le", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instLENat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Nat.le_refl", + "Nat.leRec", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "LE.le"], + "name": "Nat.le_induction", + "constType": + "∀ {m : ℕ} {P : (n : ℕ) → m ≤ n → Prop},\n P m ⋯ → (∀ (n : ℕ) (hmn : m ≤ n), P n hmn → P (n + 1) ⋯) → ∀ (n : ℕ) (hmn : m ≤ n), P n hmn", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Iff.intro", "Iff", "Eq.rec", "Eq.symm", "rfl", "Eq"], + "name": "forall_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a' : α}, (∀ (a : α), a = a' → p a) ↔ p a'", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["propext", "", "ge_iff_le", "LE", "LE.le", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.2", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LE α] {x y : α}, (x ≥ y) = (y ≤ x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "of_decide_eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Eq.refl", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Nat.cast_add", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Eq", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Bool.true", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "instOfNatNat", + "Bool", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "congrArg", + "Nat.cast_one", + "id", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo"], + "name": "one_add_one_eq_two", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R], 1 + 1 = 2", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["List.mem_finRange", + "Fintype", + "", + "List.finRange", + "List.nodup_finRange", + "Multiset.ofList", + "", + "Nat", + "Fin"], + "name": "Fin.fintype", + "constType": "(n : ℕ) → Fintype (Fin n)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "inferInstance", + "Nat.instCommSemiring", + "Semiring", + "Nat"], + "name": "Nat.instSemiring", + "constType": "Semiring ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Fintype", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Set.Elem", + "Set", + "Finset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Fintype.ofFinset", + "Set.fintypeSingleton.proof_1"], + "name": "Set.fintypeSingleton", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → (a : α) → Fintype ↑{a}", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "IsLeftCancelAdd.covariant_add_lt_of_covariant_add_le", + "OrderedAddCommGroup", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsLeftCancelAdd", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.toPartialOrder", + "neg_neg_iff_pos", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Neg.neg", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Iff.mpr", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.to_covariantClass_left_le", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.toAddCommGroup"], + "name": "neg_neg_of_pos", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : OrderedAddCommGroup α] {a : α}, 0 < a → -a < 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero", + "Finsupp", + "FunLike", + "Finsupp.instFunLike.proof_1", + "Finsupp.toFun", + ""], + "name": "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → {M : Type u_5} → [inst : Zero M] → FunLike (α →₀ M) α M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Or", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "CommMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "And", + "instHMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Prime", + "And.right", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "Not", + "IsUnit", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "Prime.dvd_or_dvd", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CommMonoidWithZero α] {p : α}, Prime p → ∀ {a b : α}, p ∣ a * b → p ∣ a ∨ p ∣ b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_43._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Units.instOne", + "Nat.units_eq_one", + "Eq.refl", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Exists.intro", + "Exists.casesOn", + "rfl", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "Units", + "Iff", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Nat.instMonoid", + "Units.val", + "Eq.rec", + "instOfNatNat", + "IsUnit", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm"], + "name": "Nat.isUnit_iff", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, IsUnit n ↔ n = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Exists.intro", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "LE.le", + "Iff.mpr", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "zero_add", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "le_iff_exists_add", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "zero_le", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] (a : α), 0 ≤ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_7"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_8._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Part.Dom", "Part"], + "name": "Part.get", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → (self : Part α) → self.Dom → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "UInt8", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "inferInstance", + "IdemCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Submodule.instIdemCommSemiring", + "", + "Ideal"], + "name": "Ideal.instIdemCommSemiring", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → IdemCommSemiring (Ideal R)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.not_prime_one", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.Prime", + "False.elim", + "instLENat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "le_add_self", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.not_prime_zero", + "LE.le", + "Nat.Prime.two_le.match_1"], + "name": "Nat.Prime.two_le", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p → 2 ≤ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["GCDMonoid", "NormalizedGCDMonoid", "CancelCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toGCDMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → [self : NormalizedGCDMonoid α] → GCDMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_false", + "Nat.AtLeastTwo", + "False", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "CharZero", + "OfNat.ofNat_ne_one", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Nat", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] (n : ℕ) [inst_2 : n.AtLeastTwo],\n (OfNat.ofNat n = 1) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["CommSemiring", "Semifield"], + "name": "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "constType": "{α : Type u_4} → [self : Semifield α] → CommSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "SubtractionCommMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.add_comm", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "SubtractionCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{G : Type u} → [self : SubtractionCommMonoid G] → AddCommMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Eq.refl", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_congr", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a a' b b' c : R}, a = a' → b = b' → a' * b' = c → a * b = c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["MulOneClass.toMul", + "Nat.prime_iff_prime_int", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Finset.instInsert", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Int.instNormedCommRing", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toNormalizationMonoid", + "IsRegularPrime", + "NonUnitalNormedRing.toNonUnitalRing", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toGCDMonoid", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Insert.insert", + "NonUnitalRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.Prime", + "", + "Nat.cast", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "isUnit_iff_dvd_one", + "Nat.Prime.ne_zero", + "FltRegular.not_exists_Int_solution", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "Nat", + "And.casesOn", + "MonoidWithZeroHom.funLike", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Divisibility.Units._auxLemma.2", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "dvd_pow", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "instHMul", + "And", + "eq_true", + "Prime", + "of_eq_true", + "propext", + "NormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedCommRing", + "", + "NonUnitalNormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedRing", + "congr", + "Int.instCommMonoid", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "Finset.gcd_singleton", + "And.intro", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Int", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Exists", + "NonUnitalRing.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Units._auxLemma.29", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "Prime.dvd_of_dvd_pow", + "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.3", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Fact.out", + "normalize", + "Exists.intro", + "semigroupDvd", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Finset.gcd", + "True", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "NormalizationMonoid.normUnit", + "instHPow", + "Finset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "DFunLike.coe", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "dvd_sub", + "id", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "False", + "instHAdd", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "HSub.hSub", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.instMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Prime.not_unit", + "instNatCastInt", + "Units.val", + "Finset.gcd_insert", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "letFun", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "IsUnit", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "and_self", + "add_sub_cancel_right"], + "name": "FltRegular.not_exists_Int_solution'", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} [hpri : Fact (Nat.Prime p)],\n IsRegularPrime p → p ≠ 2 → ¬∃ x y z, {x, y, z}.gcd id = 1 ∧ ↑p ∣ z ∧ z ≠ 0 ∧ x ^ p + y ^ p = z ^ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "Finsupp", "Finset"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_13} → {M : Type u_14} → [inst : Zero M] → (α →₀ M) → Finset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["propext", "", "ge_iff_le", "LE", "LE.le", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.KummersLemma._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LE α] {x y : α}, (x ≥ y) = (y ≤ x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["IdemCommSemiring", "CommSemiring"], + "name": "IdemCommSemiring.toCommSemiring", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : IdemCommSemiring α] → CommSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "dite", + "ClassGroup.mk0", + "ClassGroup", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "SubmonoidClass.mk_pow", + "Nat.dvd_one", + "Eq.mpr", + "Fintype", + "Nat.Prime", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "IsDomain.to_noZeroDivisors", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "DivisionCommMonoid.toDivisionMonoid", + "Nat.instDvd", + "orderOf_dvd_card", + "Nat", + "Subtype", + "pow_mem", + "HPow.hPow", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "MonoidHom", + "IsDedekindDomain.toIsDomain", + "IsDedekindDomain", + "And", + "ClassGroup.mk0_eq_one_iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "mem_nonZeroDivisors_of_ne_zero", + "Submonoid.instSubmonoidClass", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Nat.gcd", + "Not", + "And.intro", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "", + "SubmonoidClass.nPow", + "Fact", + "congrArg", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "Ideal", + "CommGroup.toDivisionCommMonoid", + "Nat.dvd_gcd_iff", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "instCommGroupClassGroup", + "Ideal.instNoZeroDivisors", + "CommRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "map_pow", + "instHPow", + "MonoidHom.instMonoidHomClass", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "orderOf", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "orderOf_dvd_iff_pow_eq_one", + "Submodule.IsPrincipal", + "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Submonoid.toMonoid", + "id", + "Submonoid.toMulOneClass", + "Membership.mem", + "CommGroup.toGroup", + "bot_isPrincipal", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Fintype.card", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Submodule.pointwiseZero", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "orderOf_eq_one_iff", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_ne_zero", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "InvOneClass.toOne", + "Nat.Coprime", + "Submonoid", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + ""], + "name": "IsPrincipal_of_IsPrincipal_pow_of_Coprime", + "constType": + "∀ (A : Type u_1) [inst : CommRing A] [inst_1 : IsDedekindDomain A] [inst_2 : Fintype (ClassGroup A)] (p : ℕ)\n [inst_3 : Fact (Nat.Prime p)],\n p.Coprime (Fintype.card (ClassGroup A)) → ∀ (I : Ideal A), Submodule.IsPrincipal (I ^ p) → Submodule.IsPrincipal I", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "a_eta_zero_dvd_p_pow", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Ideal.span", + "algebraRat", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Nat", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "Exists.choose_spec", + "root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "NumberField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "semigroupDvd", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "zeta_sub_one_dvd_root", + "Eq.symm", + "p_pow_dvd_a_eta_zero", + "NeZero.succ", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Exists.choose", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "PNat"], + "name": "a_eta_zero_dvd_p_pow_spec", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} {p : ℕ+} [hpri : Fact p.Prime] [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NumberField K]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] (hp : p ≠ 2) {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p)\n {x y z : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K} {ε : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} {m : ℕ}\n (e : x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = ↑ε * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ ↑p) (hy : ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y),\n Ideal.span {↑hζ.unit' - 1} ^ m * a_eta_zero_dvd_p_pow hp hζ e hy =\n root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd hp hζ e hy (zeta_sub_one_dvd_root hp hζ e hy)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Sup"], + "name": "Sup.sup", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [self : Sup α] → α → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "And", + "Iff", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "Finset", + "LocallyFiniteOrder", + "Preorder", + "Finset.Ioo", + "Finset.instMembership", + "LocallyFiniteOrder.finset_mem_Ioo"], + "name": "Finset.mem_Ioo", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Preorder α] [inst_1 : LocallyFiniteOrder α] {a b x : α}, x ∈ Finset.Ioo a b ↔ a < x ∧ x < b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoid.toOrderedCommMonoid", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "propext", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OrderedCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "le_zero_iff", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toLinearOrderedCommMonoid", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero α] {a : α}, (a ≤ 0) = (a = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Set", + "Ideal.dvd_span_singleton", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Ideal.span", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "CommRing", + "Ideal.instIdemCommSemiring", + "Eq", + "IsDedekindDomain", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Submodule.setLike", + "IdemCommSemiring.toCommSemiring"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_2} [inst : CommRing A] [inst_1 : IsDedekindDomain A] {I : Ideal A} {x : A}, (I ∣ Ideal.span {x}) = (x ∈ I)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NormedRing.toNorm", + "NormedCommRing.toSeminormedCommRing.proof_2", + "NormedCommRing", + "MetricSpace.toPseudoMetricSpace", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "NormedRing.toMetricSpace", + "SeminormedCommRing", + "NormedCommRing.mul_comm", + "NormedCommRing.toSeminormedCommRing.proof_1", + "", + "NormedRing.toRing", + ""], + "name": "NormedCommRing.toSeminormedCommRing", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [β : NormedCommRing α] → SeminormedCommRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Multiset.count", + "Multiset", + "instOfNatNat", + "Multiset.Nodup", + "Nat", + "Multiset.nodup_iff_count_eq_one", + "Eq", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.7", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s : Multiset α} [inst : DecidableEq α], s.Nodup = ∀ a ∈ s, Multiset.count a s = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "Monoid", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulOneClass", + "Monoid.one_mul", + "Monoid.mul_one", + ""], + "name": "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : Monoid M] → MulOneClass M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["LE"], + "name": "LE.le", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : LE α] → α → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "Nat.prime_iff_prime_int", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "instPNatDecidableEq", + "Int.instNormedCommRing", + "dite", + "algebraRat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Eq", + "Nat.Prime", + "AddCommGroup.intModule", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Iff", + "Nat.cast", + "norm_Int_zeta_sub_one", + "Set.Elem", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Nat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHSub", + "Module.IsNoetherian.finite", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDedekindDomain", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "Set.fintypeSingleton", + "Int.instDvd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "prime_neg_iff", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instNontrivial", + "MonoidHom", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsNoetherianInt", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "Prime", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instFreeInt", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "propext", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Int.cast", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Finite.of_fintype", + "Int", + "Int.instSemigroup", + "Int.instSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.numberField", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Iff.rfl", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Fact.out", + "semigroupDvd", + "algebraInt", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Algebra.norm", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "Ideal.norm_dvd_iff", + "Ring.toSub", + "Int.instNegInt", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "Rat.numberField", + "id", + "NeZero.succ", + "Rat.instField", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "neg_dvd", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Dvd.dvd", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "norm_Int_zeta_sub_one'", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "NormedCommRing.toSeminormedCommRing", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "CharZero", + "instNatCastInt", + "Units.val", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "PNat"], + "name": "zeta_sub_one_dvd_Int_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} {p : ℕ+} [hpri : Fact p.Prime] [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) {n : ℤ}, ↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ ↑n ↔ ↑↑p ∣ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "propext", + "Finset.toSet", + "Set", + "Finset", + "Set.instMembership", + "Finset.mem_coe", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.5", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a : α} {s : Finset α}, (a ∈ s) = (a ∈ ↑s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "eq_false", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "False", + "One", + "one_ne_zero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.25", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : NeZero 1], (1 = 0) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Top"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [self : Top α] → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.cast_one", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "ite_cond_eq_false", + "Fin.ext", + "instLTNat", + "ZMod.val_cast_of_lt", + "ZMod.instField", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Eq", + "ite", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.Prime", + "", + "Nat.cast", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Int.cast_neg", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "ZMod.decidableEq", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat.Prime.ne_zero", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "ZMod.nontrivial", + "", + "instHSub", + "Fin.val", + "Int.ModEq", + "ZMod", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "of_eq_true", + "Int.cast", + "propext", + "", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Fin", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "instSubNat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "", + "Fin.is_lt", + "ZMod.neg_val", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "ZMod.val_natCast", + "True", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.pred", + "ZMod.val", + "Int.instNegInt", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "Fin.isLt", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "ZMod.val_one", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Nat.pred_eq_sub_one", + "Nat.pred_lt", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Fin.val_mk", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "instHMod", + "", + "instNatCastInt", + "Mathlib.Algebra.NeZero._auxLemma.4", + "letFun", + "HMod.hMod", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Nat.instMod", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.aux_cong0k₁", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} (hpri : Nat.Prime p) {k : Fin p}, ↑↑k ≡ -1 [ZMOD ↑p] → k = ⟨p.pred, ⋯⟩", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["HasQuotient.quotient'", "outParam", "HasQuotient"], + "name": "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "constType": + "(A : outParam (Type u)) → {B : Type v} → [inst : HasQuotient A B] → B → Type (max u v)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["SemilatticeSup", "Lattice"], + "name": "Lattice.toSemilatticeSup", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Lattice α] → SemilatticeSup α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "instHDiv", + "DivInvMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "mul_div_assoc", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "DivInvMonoid.toDiv"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.Field._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : DivInvMonoid G] (a b c : G), a * (b / c) = a * b / c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_26._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff", + "Submodule", + "Iff.rfl", + "", + "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "Ring", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Module", + "AddCommGroup", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "SModEq", + "Eq"], + "name": "SModEq.def", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : Ring R] {M : Type u_3} [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] [inst_2 : Module R M] {U : Submodule R M}\n {x y : M}, x ≡ y [SMOD U] ↔ x = y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_1", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_2"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Semiring", + "algebraMap", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "IsScalarTower", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.18", + "constType": + "∀ (R : Type u) (S : Type v) (A : Type w) [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : CommSemiring S] [inst_2 : Semiring A]\n [inst_3 : Algebra R S] [inst_4 : Algebra S A] [inst_5 : Algebra R A] [inst_6 : IsScalarTower R S A] (x : R),\n (algebraMap S A) ((algebraMap R S) x) = (algebraMap R A) x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "IsDomain", + "Module.Finite", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "FractionRing.field", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "FractionRing.liftAlgebra", + "Algebra", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "IsIntegrallyClosed", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "Algebra.intNorm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "Algebra.toModule", + "OreLocalization.instRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "MonoidHom", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "FractionRing", + "propext", + "CommRing.toRing", + "FractionRing.instNoZeroSMulDivisors", + "Algebra.intNorm_eq_zero", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Algebra.IsSeparable"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.7", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_4} [inst : CommRing A] [inst_1 : CommRing B] [inst_2 : Algebra A B] [inst_3 : IsDomain A]\n [inst_4 : IsIntegrallyClosed A] [inst_5 : IsDomain B] [inst_6 : IsIntegrallyClosed B] [inst_7 : Module.Finite A B]\n [inst_8 : NoZeroSMulDivisors A B] [inst_9 : Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing A) (FractionRing B)] {x : B},\n ((Algebra.intNorm A B) x = 0) = (x = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", "Iff", "Subtype.forall.match_1", "", "Subtype"], + "name": "Subtype.forall", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {q : { a // p a } → Prop}, (∀ (x : { a // p a }), q x) ↔ ∀ (a : α) (b : p a), q ⟨a, b⟩", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "algebraMap", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Field.toSemifield", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "NumberField.Units.coe_zpow", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "Eq", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "Units.val", + "Field", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Eq.symm", + "DivisionRing.toDivInvMonoid", + "Int", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.27", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] (x : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ) (n : ℤ),\n (algebraMap (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) K) ↑x ^ n = (algebraMap (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) K) ↑(x ^ n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "SubNegMonoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HSub.hSub", + "neg_eq_zero_sub", + "Neg.neg", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "zero_sub", + "constType": "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : SubNegMonoid G] (a : G), 0 - a = -a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["EquivLike", "outParam", "Add"], + "name": "AddEquivClass", + "constType": + "(F : Type u_12) →\n (A : outParam (Type u_13)) →\n (B : outParam (Type u_14)) → [inst : Add A] → [inst : Add B] → [inst : EquivLike F A B] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Semiring"], + "name": "IsDomain", + "constType": "(α : Type u) → [inst : Semiring α] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_2", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_1", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_1", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_3"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddCommGroup.add_comm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring", + "", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "NonUnitalRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.left_distrib", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.zero_mul", + "", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalRing", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.right_distrib", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.mul_zero", + "NonUnitalRing.mul_assoc", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup"], + "name": "NonUnitalRing.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [self : NonUnitalRing α] → NonUnitalSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "CommSemiring", "Algebra"], + "name": "AlgEquiv", + "constType": + "(R : Type u) →\n (A : Type v) →\n (B : Type w) →\n [inst : CommSemiring R] →\n [inst_1 : Semiring A] → [inst_2 : Semiring B] → [inst_3 : Algebra R A] → [inst : Algebra R B] → Type (max v w)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "HPow.hPow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "mul_add", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "True", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a b c : R} (x : R) (e : ℕ), a + b = c → x ^ e * a + x ^ e * b = x ^ e * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "constType": "{M₀ : Type u} → [self : MonoidWithZero M₀] → Zero M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["And"], + "name": "And.intro", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, a → b → a ∧ b", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Nat.gcd._unary", "", "Nat"], + "name": "Nat.gcd", + "constType": "ℕ → ℕ → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["GCDMonoid.gcd", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "rfl", + "Int", + "Int.instGCDMonoid", + "Eq", + "Int.gcd"], + "name": "Int.coe_gcd", + "constType": "∀ (i j : ℤ), ↑(i.gcd j) = gcd i j", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Submodule.prod_span_singleton", + "Set", + "CommSemiring", + "", + "Finset", + "Submodule.instIdemCommSemiring", + "Singleton.singleton", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Ideal.span", + "", + "Ideal", + "IdemCommSemiring.toCommSemiring", + "Eq"], + "name": "Ideal.prod_span_singleton", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring R] {ι : Type u_2} (s : Finset ι) (I : ι → R),\n ∏ i ∈ s, Ideal.span {I i} = Ideal.span {∏ i ∈ s, I i}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff", + "Subtype.val", + "Subtype.coe_injective", + "Function.Injective.eq_iff", + "Subtype", + "Eq"], + "name": "Subtype.coe_inj", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a b : Subtype p}, ↑a = ↑b ↔ a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.instCommRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "CharZero", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Int.ofNat.inj", + "Nat", + "", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.instCharZero", + "constType": "CharZero ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Polynomial.ofFinsupp", + "Polynomial.toFinsupp", + "", + "instHSMul", + "AddMonoidAlgebra.semiring", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "SMulZeroClass", + "Nat.instAddMonoid", + "Polynomial.smulZeroClass.proof_1", + "AddMonoidAlgebra", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "AddMonoidAlgebra.smulZeroClass", + "", + "Polynomial", + "", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat"], + "name": "Polynomial.smulZeroClass", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → [inst : Semiring R] → {S : Type u_1} → [inst_1 : SMulZeroClass S R] → SMulZeroClass S (Polynomial R)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["SubtractionCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "SubtractionCommMonoid", + "Finset.sum", + "Multiset.sum_map_neg", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Neg.neg", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "Finset.sum_neg_distrib", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} {f : α → β} [inst : SubtractionCommMonoid β],\n ∑ x ∈ s, -f x = -∑ x ∈ s, f x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Subtype.coe_inj", "propext", "Subtype.val", "Eq.symm", "Subtype", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert90._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a b : Subtype p}, (a = b) = (↑a = ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "IsEmpty", + "constType": "Sort u_4 → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "PartENat.coe_lt_coe", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "Monoid", + "PartENat.partialOrder", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "PartENat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "instLTNat", + "multiplicity.Finite", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "instHPow", + "propext", + "PartENat.natCast_get", + "PartENat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "Part.get", + "", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Not", + "multiplicity", + "multiplicity.is_greatest", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "congrArg", + "DecidableRel"], + "name": "multiplicity.is_greatest'", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] [inst_1 : DecidableRel fun x x_1 => x ∣ x_1] {a b : α} {m : ℕ}\n (h : multiplicity.Finite a b), (multiplicity a b).get h < m → ¬a ^ m ∣ b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["List.cons", + "_obj", + "List.nil", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_21", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_22._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["not_or", "And", "Or", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.5", + "constType": "∀ {p q : Prop}, (¬(p ∨ q)) = (¬p ∧ ¬q)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Or", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Insert.insert", + "Multiset.mem_ndinsert", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.mem_insert", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {a b : α}, a ∈ insert b s ↔ a = b ∨ a ∈ s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_41"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_42._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["List.cons", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_37", + "List.nil", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_38._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "MulHomClass", + "FunLike", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulHomClass.map_mul", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Mul", + "Eq"], + "name": "map_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_4} {N : Type u_5} {F : Type u_9} [inst : Mul M] [inst_1 : Mul N] [inst_2 : FunLike F M N]\n [inst_3 : MulHomClass F M N] (f : F) (x y : M), f (x * y) = f x * f y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Membership.mem", "Set", "Set.instMembership", "Subtype"], + "name": "Set.Elem", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → Set α → Type u", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "setOf", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "nonZeroDivisors.proof_1", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "instHMul", + "nonZeroDivisors.proof_2", + "", + "Submonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "nonZeroDivisors", + "constType": "(R : Type u_2) → [inst : MonoidWithZero R] → Submonoid R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Finset.instInsert", + "GCDMonoid", + "Finset.erase_subset", + "IsDomain", + "Finset.insert_erase", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "IsCoprime", + "Finset.prod_insert", + "Insert.insert", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Finset.not_mem_erase", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "Finset", + "Finset.erase", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "IsCoprime.prod_right", + "Membership.mem", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "IsDomain.toCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Unique", + "exists_eq_pow_of_mul_eq_pow_of_coprime", + "Units", + "instHMul", + "", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "congrArg"], + "name": "Finset.exists_eq_pow_of_mul_eq_pow_of_coprime", + "constType": + "∀ {ι : Type u_2} {R : Type u_3} [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : IsDomain R] [inst_2 : GCDMonoid R]\n [inst_3 : Unique Rˣ] {n : ℕ} {c : R} {s : Finset ι} {f : ι → R},\n (∀ i ∈ s, ∀ j ∈ s, i ≠ j → IsCoprime (f i) (f j)) → ∏ i ∈ s, f i = c ^ n → ∀ i ∈ s, ∃ d, f i = d ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_12._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_eq_false.match_1", + "Eq", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "CharZero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "Bool.false", + "Nat.ne_of_beq_eq_false", + "Not", + "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.2", + "Bool", + "Nat.beq", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_eq_false", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne α] [inst_1 : CharZero α] {a b : α} {a' b' : ℕ},\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat a a' → Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat b b' → a'.beq b' = false → ¬a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Polynomial.C", + "dite", + "map_sum", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "ite", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Nat", + "Finset.sum_congr", + "Eq.trans", + "HPow.hPow", + "Polynomial.coeff_C_mul_X_pow", + "Semiring", + "RingHom.map_zero", + "MulZeroOneClass.toZero", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "", + "instHMul", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Polynomial.eval₂", + "congr", + "Not", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg", + "Polynomial.semiring", + "RingHom", + "Polynomial.coeff_sum", + "RingHom.comp", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Polynomial.sum.eq_1", + "rfl", + "True", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Polynomial", + "RingHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "instHPow", + "Eq.rec", + "Finset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "if_neg", + "id", + "Polynomial.sum_C_mul_X_pow_eq", + "Membership.mem", + "eq_self", + "Polynomial.X", + "Finset.sum", + "Polynomial.coeff", + "Polynomial.sum", + "Polynomial.eval₂_def", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "", + "if_pos", + "Polynomial.mul'", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Polynomial.coeff_map", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [inst : Semiring R] {p : Polynomial R} [inst_1 : Semiring S] (f : R →+* S) (n : ℕ),\n ( f p).coeff n = f (p.coeff n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", + "Exists", + "Iff", + "Prod.exists.match_2", + "", + "Prod", + "Exists.intro", + "Prod.exists.match_1"], + "name": "Prod.exists", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {p : α × β → Prop}, (∃ x, p x) ↔ ∃ a b, p (a, b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "MonoidHomClass", + "Monoid", + "FunLike", + "map_pow", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.13", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_7} {H : Type u_8} {F : Type u_9} [inst : FunLike F G H] [inst_1 : Monoid G] [inst_2 : Monoid H]\n [inst_3 : MonoidHomClass F G H] (f : F) (a : G) (n : ℕ), f a ^ n = f (a ^ n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Lean.Name.num", "Nat", "Lean.Name"], + "name": "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "constType": "Lean.Name → ℕ → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Equiv", + "Monoid", + "MonoidHom.mrange", + "Nat.instAddMonoid", + "MonoidHom", + "Submonoid.powers.proof_1", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "powersHom", + "Set.range", + "Submonoid.copy", + "Multiplicative", + "Submonoid.powers.proof_2", + "instHPow", + "Submonoid", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Equiv.instFunLike", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Nat", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Multiplicative.mulOneClass"], + "name": "Submonoid.powers", + "constType": "{M : Type u_1} → [inst : Monoid M] → M → Submonoid M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "HSub"], + "name": "HSub.hSub", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → {γ : outParam (Type w)} → [self : HSub α β γ] → α → β → γ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Unit", + "", + "Lean.Name.mkStr1", + "Pure.pure", + "Lean.Syntax", + "", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "instMonadWithReaderOfReaderT", + "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "instMonadReaderOfReaderTOfMonad", + "", + "Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM", + "instOfNatNat", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.MonadQuotation", + "instMonadReaderOfMonadReaderOf", + "MonadWithReader.withReader", + "instMonadWithReaderOfMonadWithReaderOf", + "Applicative.toPure", + "id"], + "name": "Lean.PrettyPrinter.instMonadQuotationUnexpandM", + "constType": "Lean.MonadQuotation Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NeZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Zero.ofOfNat0", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Nat.succ_ne_zero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat"], + "name": "NeZero.succ", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, NeZero (n + 1)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "ContravariantClass", + "constType": + "(M : Type u_1) → (N : Type u_2) → (M → N → N) → (N → N → Prop) → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Classical.not_forall", "Exists", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.28", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop}, (¬∀ (x : α), p x) = ∃ x, ¬p x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "Submodule", + "", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal.Quotient.mk_eq_mk", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "Ideal", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.8", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommRing R] {I : Ideal R} (x : R), ( I) x = x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Units", + "Monoid", + "instHPow", + "Units.instMonoid", + "Units.val", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat", + "rfl", + "Eq"], + "name": "Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Monoid α] (a : αˣ) (n : ℕ), ↑(a ^ n) = ↑a ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Int", "Neg", "Int.neg", ""], + "name": "Int.instNegInt", + "constType": "Neg ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "MulZeroClass"], + "name": "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "constType": "{M₀ : Type u} → [self : MulZeroClass M₀] → Zero M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.Prime", + "Bool.true", + "of_decide_eq_true", + "Eq.refl", + "Nat.decidablePrime1", + "instOfNatNat", + "Bool", + "Nat"], + "name": "Nat.prime_three", + "constType": "Nat.Prime 3", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Setoid.r", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "List", + "List.isSetoid", + "Multiset", + "Quot.induction_on", + "List.mem_dedup", + "Multiset.dedup", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "Multiset.mem_dedup", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {a : α} {s : Multiset α}, a ∈ s.dedup ↔ a ∈ s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", "Subtype.exists", "propext", "", "Subtype", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.15", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {q : { a // p a } → Prop}, (∃ x, q x) = ∃ a, ∃ (b : p a), q ⟨a, b⟩", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name._impl", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "UInt64.size", + "Lean.Name.hash.proof_4", + "Nat.decLt", + "dite", + "Lean.Name.num._impl", + "instLTNat", + "", + "Not", + "instOfNatNat", + "UInt64", + "Lean.Name", + "Nat", + "UInt64.ofNatCore", + "mixHash", + "unsafeCast", + "Lean.Name.hash"], + "name": "Lean.Name.num._override", + "constType": "Lean.Name → ℕ → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "CommMagma", + "HMul.hMul", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "CommMagma.mul_comm", + "Eq"], + "name": "mul_comm", + "constType": "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : CommMagma G] (a b : G), a * b = b * a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_false", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "False", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Fin.succAbove_ne", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Fin.succAbove", + "Fin", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {n : ℕ} (p : Fin (n + 1)) (i : Fin n), (p.succAbove i = p) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_3", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring", + "CommMonoid.mul_comm", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_5", + "", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_1", + "CommMonoid", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_2", + "CommSemiring", + "", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_4", + "inferInstanceAs", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [inst : CommSemiring α] → NonUnitalCommSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "OrderedSemiring", + "OrderedSemiring.add_le_add_left", + "OrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder"], + "name": "OrderedSemiring.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : OrderedSemiring α] → OrderedAddCommMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_add.match_1", + "Nat.cast_add", + "Eq", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "Nat.add", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Nat", + "", + "Eq.symm"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_add", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne α] {f : α → α → α} {a b : α} {a' b' c : ℕ},\n f = HAdd.hAdd →\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat a a' →\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat b b' → a'.add b' = c → Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat (f a b) c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Group.toDivisionMonoid", + "DivisionMonoid", + "CommGroup.toGroup", + "DivisionMonoid.mul_inv_rev", + "DivisionMonoid.inv_inv", + "CommGroup", + "CommGroup.mul_comm", + "DivisionCommMonoid", + "", + "DivisionMonoid.inv_eq_of_mul", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid"], + "name": "CommGroup.toDivisionCommMonoid", + "constType": "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : CommGroup G] → DivisionCommMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Submodule", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Semiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "Ideal", + "constType": "(R : Type u) → [inst : Semiring R] → Type u", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "And", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "propext", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Subsingleton", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "add_eq_zero", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddUnits", + "Eq", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.24", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : AddCommMonoid α] [inst_1 : Subsingleton (AddUnits α)] {a b : α}, (a + b = 0) = (a = 0 ∧ b = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["and_imp", "And", "propext", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.5", + "constType": "∀ {a b c : Prop}, (a ∧ b → c) = (a → b → c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Fact", + "constType": "Prop → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["CancelMonoidWithZero", "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "CancelMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "constType": + "{M₀ : Type u_4} → [self : CancelMonoidWithZero M₀] → MonoidWithZero M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "MulAction.stabilizer.proof_1", + "Subgroup", + "Submonoid", + "Group", + "MulAction.stabilizerSubmonoid", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "MulAction", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass"], + "name": "MulAction.stabilizer", + "constType": + "(G : Type u_1) → {α : Type u_2} → [inst : Group G] → [inst_1 : MulAction G α] → α → Subgroup G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.sub_lt_self", + "Nat.mod_lt", + "Int.ofNat_lt", + "instLTNat", + "Int.instLTInt", + "Iff.mpr", + "Eq", + "Int.eq_succ_of_zero_lt", + "instHMod", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "", + "HMod.hMod", + "Nat", + "Int.instMod", + "Int.emod_lt_of_pos.match_1", + "Nat.instMod", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "Nat.succ", + "Nat.succ_pos", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.emod_lt_of_pos", + "constType": "∀ (a : ℤ) {b : ℤ}, 0 < b → a % b < b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AlgEquiv", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "unitsGal", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Set", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AlgHomClass.toAlgHom", + "unitGalConj.proof_1", + "algebraRat", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "Units.instMulOneClass", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "Rat", + "Field.toSemifield", + "MonoidHom", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "AlgEquiv.instFunLike", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CharZero", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "galConj", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "PNat"], + "name": "unitGalConj", + "constType": + "(K : Type u_1) →\n (p : ℕ+) →\n [inst : Field K] →\n [inst_1 : CharZero K] →\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] → (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ →* (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["DivInvMonoid", "Inv"], + "name": "DivInvMonoid.toInv", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : DivInvMonoid G] → Inv G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Decidable.decide", + "eq_false", + "False", + "of_decide_eq_false", + "Bool.false", + "Decidable", + "Bool", + "Eq"], + "name": "eq_false_of_decide", + "constType": "∀ {p : Prop} {x : Decidable p}, decide p = false → p = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Or", "Or.inl", "Or.inr", "Or.rec"], + "name": "Or.casesOn", + "constType": + "∀ {a b : Prop} {motive : a ∨ b → Prop} (t : a ∨ b), (∀ (h : a), motive ⋯) → (∀ (h : b), motive ⋯) → motive t", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Lean.MacroM", "Lean.Syntax"], + "name": "Lean.Macro", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoidWithOne", "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", "Nat.cast", "Nat"], + "name": "Nat.rawCast", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : AddMonoidWithOne α] → ℕ → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["BEq.beq", + "Lean.Syntax.getKind", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.Name.instBEq", + "Bool", + "Lean.Syntax"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "constType": "Lean.Syntax → Lean.SyntaxNodeKind → Bool", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "algebraMap", + "RingHom.comp", + "Ideal.Quotient.algebra.proof_3", + "CommRing", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Submodule.Quotient.instSMul'", + "Ideal.Quotient.algebra.proof_2", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "Ideal.Quotient.algebra.proof_1", + "Ideal", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "Ideal.Quotient.algebra", + "constType": + "(R₁ : Type u_1) →\n {A : Type u_3} →\n [inst : CommSemiring R₁] → [inst_1 : CommRing A] → [inst_2 : Algebra R₁ A] → {I : Ideal A} → Algebra R₁ (A ⧸ I)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Bot", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "Submodule", + "", + "Semiring", + "Set", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddSubmonoid", + "Submodule.instBot.proof_3", + "AddSubmonoid.instBot", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Submodule.instBot.proof_2", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "", + "", + "", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Module", + "Submodule.instBot.proof_1", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Submodule.instBot", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n {M : Type u_3} → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → Bot (Submodule R M)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsRegularPrime", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Insert.insert", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "ite", + "Finset.instMembership", + "DecidablePred", + "FltRegular.CaseI.aux1k₁", + "Finset.sum_range", + "instOfNat", + "", + "Subtype", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "Finset.filter_filter", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "And", + "Finset.sum_neg_distrib", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "congr", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.instSemigroup", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "HEq", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Set", + "Nat.decLt", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Eq.refl", + "Int.rawCast", + "semigroupDvd", + "NeZero.pnat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Finset.gcd", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "zero_ne_one", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pf_left", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pow", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_add", + "Neg.neg", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "instDecidableAnd", + "LE.le", + "if_true", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.zero_mul", + "instNatCastInt", + "letFun", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.one_mul", + "FltRegular.f", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "", + "PNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_congr", + "instHSMul", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "instSubsingletonForall", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Finset.sum_const_zero", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "FltRegular.ex_fin_div", + "FltRegular.CaseI.auxk₁k₂", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass", + "AddCommGroup.intModule", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.ring_of_integers'", + "dvd_coeff_cycl_integer", + "And.casesOn", + "Eq.trans", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "ite_smul", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta_spec", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Fin.fintype", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "pow_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "Finset.univ", + "MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "HEq.refl", + "Int.cast", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "mul_one", + "instSubsingletonDecidable", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection", + "Int.ofNat", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Dvd.dvd.mul_right", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "instDecidableNot", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "ite_cond_eq_true", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_congr", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Membership.mem", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "False", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Dvd.dvd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "ite_congr", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Eq.casesOn", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.one_pow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Finset.range_filter_eq", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "pow_one", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "Finset.range", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_add", + "Int.instSub", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "zsmul_eq_mul", + "eq_of_heq", + "Int.instRing", + "Module.toMulActionWithZero", + "CyclotomicField", + "ne_and_eq_iff_right", + "instDecidableTrue", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "eq_true", + "", + "", + "Finset.sum_ite", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pf_right", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "FltRegular.CaseI.aux0k₁", + "Int", + "Fin", + "neg_smul", + "Exists", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "algebraInt", + "True", + "Subsingleton.elim", + "Eq.rec", + "Finset", + "Decidable", + "Finset.filter", + "NeZero.charZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "Int.instMul", + "Finset.sum", + "One.toOfNat1", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.11", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "FltRegular.CaseI.aux0k₂", + "FltRegular.auxf", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_mul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "AddGroup.intSMulWithZero", + "Exists.casesOn", + "instLTNat", + "Int.instAdd", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Finset.sum_singleton", + "Nat", + "Finset.sum_congr", + "Ne", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "Fin.val", + "Int.ModEq", + "Nat.rawCast", + "SubNegMonoid.SMulInt", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "instHMul", + "FltRegular.CaseI.aux1k₂", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "Not", + "Fact", + "congrArg", + "add_zero", + "zero_smul", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "NonAssocRing.toAddCommGroupWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Fact.out", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "PNat.val", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instLENat", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Eq.symm", + "NeZero.succ", + "Rat.instField", + "funext", + "instHAdd", + "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "HSub.hSub", + "Rat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.single_pow", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "HMul.hMul", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.10", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Dvd"], + "name": "FltRegular.caseI_easier", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} [hpri : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] {a b c : ℤ},\n IsRegularPrime p → 5 ≤ p → {a, b, c}.gcd id = 1 → ¬a ≡ b [ZMOD ↑p] → ¬↑p ∣ a * b * c → a ^ p + b ^ p ≠ c ^ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.prime_iff_natAbs_prime", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Nat.exists_prime_and_dvd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "IsCoprime", + "Insert.insert", + "Exists.casesOn", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Int.instAdd", + "Iff.mpr", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "mul_assoc", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.Prime", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Finset.dvd_gcd", + "Nat.instDvd", + "Nat", + "And.casesOn", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "Or", + "Int.instDistrib", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Or.casesOn", + "dvd_pow", + "Int.gcd", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "And", + "instHMul", + "Prime", + "eq_true", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "dvd_add", + "", + "Int.instCommMonoid", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Int.instSemigroup", + "Exists", + "Prime.dvd_of_dvd_pow", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Int.instSemiring", + "isUnit_of_dvd_one", + "semigroupDvd", + "Exists.intro", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.1", + "Int.gcd_eq_one_iff_coprime", + "Finset.gcd", + "True", + "Nat.cast_mul", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.2", + "Finset", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Decidable.byContradiction", + "Eq.symm", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "eq_self", + "False", + "instHAdd", + "Int.instMul", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.instMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Int.gcd_dvd_left", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "Prime.not_unit", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.gcd_dvd_right", + "letFun", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNatCast", + "instMulNat", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "FltRegular.ab_coprime", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} {a b c : ℤ}, a ^ p + b ^ p = c ^ p → p ≠ 0 → {a, b, c}.gcd id = 1 → IsCoprime a b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "Finset.sum", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Finset.fold_congr", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finset", + "AddCommMagma.to_isCommutative", + "AddSemigroup.to_isAssociative", + "congrArg", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "AddCommMonoid", + "id"], + "name": "Finset.sum_congr", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α} {f g : α → β} [inst : AddCommMonoid β],\n s₁ = s₂ → (∀ x ∈ s₂, f x = g x) → s₁.sum f = s₂.sum g", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Odd.proof_1", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Semiring.toOne", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo"], + "name": "Odd", + "constType": "{α : Type u_2} → [inst : Semiring α] → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Nat", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "HMul.hMul", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "CommSemigroup", + "dvd_mul_of_dvd_right", + "CommSemigroup.toSemigroup"], + "name": "Dvd.dvd.mul_left", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemigroup α] {a b : α}, a ∣ b → ∀ (c : α), a ∣ c * b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "instHMul", + "pow_mul", + "Monoid", + "instHPow", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instMulNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.15", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : Monoid M] (a : M) (m n : ℕ), (a ^ m) ^ n = a ^ (m * n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Eq.rec", "Eq.symm", "Eq"], + "name": "Eq.mpr", + "constType": "{α β : Sort u} → α = β → β → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["propext", "", "ge_iff_le", "LE", "LE.le", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.5", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LE α] {x y : α}, (x ≥ y) = (y ≤ x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Eq.refl", + "One.toOfNat1", + "pow_one", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "Eq.ndrec", + "CommMonoid", + "instHPow", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_eq_one", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Eq.symm", + "id"], + "name": "IsPrimitiveRoot.one_right_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_1} [inst : CommMonoid M] {ζ : M}, IsPrimitiveRoot ζ 1 ↔ ζ = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Eq.refl", + "instLTNat", + "Nat.mod_eq_of_lt", + "ZMod.val_natCast", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "instHMod", + "Nat.cast", + "ZMod.val", + "", + "HMod.hMod", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Nat.instMod", + "ZMod.commRing", + "id"], + "name": "ZMod.val_cast_of_lt", + "constType": "∀ {n a : ℕ}, a < n → (↑a).val = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid", + "MulAction.toSMul", + "instHSMul", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulAction", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "MulAction.mul_smul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_11} {β : Type u_12} [inst : Monoid α] [self : MulAction α β] (x y : α) (b : β), (x * y) • b = x • y • b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.eval", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate_eval", + "True", + "Eq", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.ofList", + "of_eq_true", + "List", + "instOfNatNat", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.get", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate_eval_0", + "constType": + "∀ {a0 : ℤ} {t : List ℤ}, (Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate 0).eval (Lean.Omega.Coeffs.ofList (a0 :: t)) = a0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toOne", + "MvPolynomial.commSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MvPolynomial.C_1", + "MvPolynomial", + "CommSemiring", + "One.toOfNat1", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "Eq", + "MvPolynomial.C"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.29", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {σ : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R], 1 = MvPolynomial.C 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["and_assoc.match_2", + "Iff.intro", + "And", + "Iff", + "and_assoc.match_1", + "And.intro"], + "name": "and_assoc", + "constType": "∀ {a b c : Prop}, (a ∧ b) ∧ c ↔ a ∧ b ∧ c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Module", + "DistribMulAction", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Module.toDistribMulAction", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} →\n {M : Type v} → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [self : Module R M] → DistribMulAction R M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CyclotomicField.algebra", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "algebraMap", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "ValuationRing.localRing", + "Field.toSemifield", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "CyclotomicField", + "RingHom.injective", + "LocalRing.toNontrivial", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "Field.isDomain", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "ValuationRing.of_field", + "CharZero", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Field", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "PNat", + "charZero_of_injective_algebraMap"], + "name": "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "constType": + "∀ (n : ℕ+) (K : Type w) [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K], CharZero (CyclotomicField n K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.cast", + "Iff", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.cast", + "Int.ModEq", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "ZMod.charP", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Nat", + "Int", + "ZMod", + "CharP.intCast_eq_intCast", + "Eq", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "constType": "∀ (a b : ℤ) (c : ℕ), ↑a = ↑b ↔ a ≡ b [ZMOD ↑c]", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Rat.instNormedField.proof_1", + "NormedAddCommGroup.toMetricSpace", + "NormedAddCommGroup", + "Rat.instField", + "Rat.instNormedAddCommGroup", + "NormedField", + "", + "Field", + "Rat", + "NormedAddCommGroup.dist_eq", + "NormedAddCommGroup.toNorm"], + "name": "Rat.instNormedField", + "constType": "NormedField ℚ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Fin.val", + "Exists.intro", + "Exists.casesOn", + "instLTNat", + "LE.le", + "FltRegular.auxf'", + "Finset.mem_range", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "And", + "", + "instLENat", + "Finset.range", + "", + "Finset", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "FltRegular.f", + "And.casesOn", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "", + "Fin"], + "name": "FltRegular.auxf", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ}, 5 ≤ p → ∀ (a b : ℤ) (k₁ k₂ : Fin p), ∃ i, FltRegular.f a b ↑k₁ ↑k₂ ↑i = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Fact"], + "name": "", + "constType": "∀ {p : Prop}, p → Fact p", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Set.mem_singleton_iff", + "propext", + "Set", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Set.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} {a b : α}, (a ∈ {b}) = (a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["True.intro", "forall_prop_of_true", "Iff", "True"], + "name": "forall_true_left", + "constType": "∀ (p : True → Prop), (∀ (x : True), p x) ↔ p True.intro", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "", + "Int.zero_mul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_3", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_6", + "CommSemigroup", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_11", + "", + "", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_2", + "CommRing", + "", + "Int.mul_one", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_12", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "", + "Nat.cast", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_5", + "Int.one_mul", + "Int.instCommSemigroup", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_7", + "Nat", + "HPow.hPow", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_10", + "AddCommGroup.add_comm", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.mul_add", + "Int.instMonoid", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_9", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_1", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_8", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "CommSemigroup.toSemigroup", + "Int.mul_zero", + "CommSemigroup.mul_comm", + "", + "instNatCastInt", + "", + "Int.instAddCommGroup", + "SubNegMonoid.zsmul", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Int.add_mul", + "", + "AddCommGroup", + "Int", + "Int.instCommRing.proof_4"], + "name": "Int.instCommRing", + "constType": "CommRing ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_7", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_2", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_1", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_3"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_8._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["add_lt_add_iff_right", + "Function.swap", + "propext", + "instHAdd", + "", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "CovariantClass", + "LT", + "Add", + "ContravariantClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.18", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Add α] [inst_1 : LT α]\n [inst_2 : CovariantClass α α (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1]\n [inst_3 : ContravariantClass α α (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1] (a : α) {b c : α},\n (b + a < c + a) = (b < c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "EStateM.tryCatch", + "EStateM.Backtrackable", + "MonadExceptOf", + "EStateM.throw", + ""], + "name": "EStateM.instMonadExceptOfOfBacktrackable", + "constType": + "{ε σ δ : Type u} → [inst : EStateM.Backtrackable δ σ] → MonadExceptOf ε (EStateM ε σ)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Monoid", "DivInvMonoid"], + "name": "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : DivInvMonoid G] → Monoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddGroupWithOne.toSub", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Int.cast_add", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Int.instAdd", + "True", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Int.cast_neg", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Int.instSub", + "Eq.trans", + "instHSub", + "eq_self", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "of_eq_true", + "Int.cast", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "congr", + "congrArg", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.cast_sub", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : AddGroupWithOne R] (m n : ℤ), ↑(m - n) = ↑m - ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_true", + "Fin.val", + "", + "Fin.is_lt", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "True", + "Fin", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.11", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} (a : Fin n), (↑a < n) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["One", "OfNat", "", ""], + "name": "One.toOfNat1", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : One α] → OfNat α 1", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_33", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_12", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_34._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "String.toSubstring'", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_12"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_13._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Units", + "Units.instOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Units.val", + "One.toOfNat1", + "rfl", + "Eq"], + "name": "Units.val_one", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Monoid α], ↑1 = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Lean.TSyntax", "Lean.SyntaxNodeKinds", "Lean.Syntax"], + "name": "Lean.TSyntax.raw", + "constType": "{ks : Lean.SyntaxNodeKinds} → Lean.TSyntax ks → Lean.Syntax", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "DivInvMonoid", + "Eq.refl", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "pow_one", + "Eq", + "zpow_ofNat", + "Eq.mpr", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "id"], + "name": "zpow_one", + "constType": "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : DivInvMonoid G] (a : G), a ^ 1 = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Polynomial", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "Finsupp", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat", + "", + "AddMonoidAlgebra"], + "name": "Polynomial.coeff", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [inst : Semiring R] → Polynomial R → ℕ → R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_15", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_16._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["And", "Exists", "exists_eq_right", "propext", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a' : α}, (∃ a, p a ∧ a = a') = p a'", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Prod.exists", "Exists", "", "propext", "Prod", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.12", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {p : α × β → Prop}, (∃ x, p x) = ∃ a b, p (a, b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Zero.ofOfNat0", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Nat.cast_ne_zero", + "Iff.mpr", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "NeZero", + "", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "CharZero", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "NeZero.out"], + "name": "NeZero.charZero", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} {n : ℕ} [inst : NeZero n] [inst : AddMonoidWithOne M] [inst_1 : CharZero M], NeZero ↑n", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddCancelCommMonoid", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "AddCancelMonoid", + "IsRightCancelAdd", + "AddCancelCommMonoid.toAddCancelMonoid.proof_1", + "AddCancelCommMonoid.toAddLeftCancelMonoid", + "", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "AddCancelCommMonoid.toAddCancelMonoid.proof_2", + "AddCancelCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "AddCancelCommMonoid.toAddCancelMonoid", + "constType": + "(M : Type u) → [inst : AddCancelCommMonoid M] → AddCancelMonoid M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "AddGroupWithOne", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "ZeroLEOneClass", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "One", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "One.toOfNat1", + "zero_lt_one", + "Preorder.toLE", + "PartialOrder"], + "name": "one_pos", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : PartialOrder α] [inst_3 : ZeroLEOneClass α]\n [inst_4 : NeZero 1], 0 < 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Subgroup", "Group"], + "name": "Subgroup.Normal", + "constType": "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : Group G] → Subgroup G → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Bool.false", + "Lean.replaceRef.match_1", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Syntax.getPos?", + "String.Pos", + "Option"], + "name": "Lean.replaceRef", + "constType": "Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "mul_pow", + "instHMul", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "CommMonoid", + "instHPow", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.20", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_4} [inst : CommMonoid M] (a b : M) (n : ℕ), a ^ n * b ^ n = (a * b) ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["InvolutiveNeg", "Neg"], + "name": "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "constType": "{A : Type u_2} → [self : InvolutiveNeg A] → Neg A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.withRef", + "Lean.Syntax.matchesNull", + "EStateM", + "cond", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.Name.mkStr1", + "Pure.pure", + "Monad.toBind", + "Eq", + "ite", + "Lean.TSyntax", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getCurrMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Bool.true", + "Unit.unit", + "PUnit", + "instOfNatNat", + "List.nil", + "Bind.bind", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Applicative.toPure", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "Lean.PrettyPrinter.instMonadQuotationUnexpandM", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Unit", + "Lean.TSyntax.raw", + "", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.toMonadRef", + "instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "ReaderT.instMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "Lean.Syntax", + "EStateM.instMonadExceptOfOfBacktrackable", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos", + "or", + "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getMainModule", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM", + "letFun", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "EStateM.nonBacktrackable", + "MonadExcept.throw", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "ReaderT.instMonad", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1", + "constType": "Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Multiset.mem_product", + "And", + "Prod.snd", + "Iff", + "Finset.instSProd", + "SProd.sprod", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Prod", + "Prod.fst", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.mem_product", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {s : Finset α} {t : Finset β} {p : α × β}, p ∈ s ×ˢ t ↔ p.1 ∈ s ∧ p.2 ∈ t", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Ne", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Units", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Units.instInv", + "left_ne_zero_of_mul_eq_one", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Units.val", + "Nontrivial", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Units.mul_inv", + "Inv.inv", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "Units.ne_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_2} [inst : MonoidWithZero M₀] [inst_1 : Nontrivial M₀] (u : M₀ˣ), ↑u ≠ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "CharZero", + "propext", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.cast_eq_zero", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] {n : ℕ}, (↑n = 0) = (n = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["algebraInt.proof_2", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.castRingHom", + "algebraInt.proof_1", + "Algebra", + "Ring", + "", + "SubNegMonoid.SMulInt", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Int", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup"], + "name": "algebraInt", + "constType": "(R : Type u_1) → [inst : Ring R] → Algebra ℤ R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Exists", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "StarOrderedRing.toExistsAddOfLE.match_1", + "NonUnitalSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "StarOrderedRing.le_iff", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Exists.intro", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "ExistsAddOfLE", + "Preorder.toLE", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "AddSubmonoid.closure", + "Eq", + "Set.range", + "", + "InvolutiveStar.toStar", + "StarRing", + "Membership.mem", + "", + "StarOrderedRing", + "instHAdd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddSubmonoid.instSetLike", + "AddSubmonoid", + "LE.le", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "PartialOrder", + "And", + "instHMul", + "StarRing.toStarAddMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "", + "StarAddMonoid.toInvolutiveStar", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "StarOrderedRing.toExistsAddOfLE", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : NonUnitalSemiring R] [inst_1 : PartialOrder R] [inst_2 : StarRing R]\n [inst_3 : StarOrderedRing R], ExistsAddOfLE R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddLeftCancelMonoid.toZero", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.add_zero", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.nsmul_zero", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.nsmul", + "AddLeftCancelSemigroup.toAddSemigroup", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.zero_add", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.nsmul_succ", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toAddLeftCancelSemigroup", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid", + "AddMonoid", + ""], + "name": "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : AddLeftCancelMonoid M] → AddMonoid M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Exists", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → (α → Prop) → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Membership.mem", + "ZeroMemClass", + "Zero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "SetLike", + "", + "ZeroMemClass.zero_mem", + "", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Subtype"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{A : Type u_4} →\n {M₁ : Type u_5} → [inst : SetLike A M₁] → [inst_1 : Zero M₁] → [hA : ZeroMemClass A M₁] → (S' : A) → Zero ↥S'", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "AddCommGroup", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Monoid.toOne", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "True", + "Nat.cast_mul", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Eq", + "PProd", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "PUnit", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.succ", + "Nat.cast_one", + "id", + "HPow.hPow", + "eq_self", + "Nat.below", + "Nat.brecOn", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Semiring", + "Unit", + "Nat.cast_pow.match_1", + "One.toOfNat1", + "pow_succ'", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_zero", + "instHMul", + "Nat.rec", + "PProd.fst", + "Nat.instMonoid", + "of_eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNatCast", + "HMul.hMul", + "congr", + "instMulNat", + "congrArg"], + "name": "Nat.cast_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Semiring α] (m n : ℕ), ↑(m ^ n) = ↑m ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "instLTNat", + "CommRing", + "Iff.mpr", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Polynomial.mem_nthRootsFinset", + "instHPow", + "", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_eq_one", + "Finset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat"], + "name": "IsPrimitiveRoot.mem_nthRootsFinset", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_4} {k : ℕ} {ζ : R} [inst : CommRing R] [inst_1 : IsDomain R],\n IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k → 0 < k → ζ ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset k R", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toCommSemigroup", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Eq.ndrec", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "mul_left_comm", + "id"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pf_right", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a b₃ c : R} (b₁ : R) (b₂ : ℕ), a * b₃ = c → a * (b₁ ^ b₂ * b₃) = b₁ ^ b₂ * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Int.ofNat", "_obj"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₁._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_true", + "PNat.pos", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "True", + "Eq", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.12", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ+), (0 < ↑n) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Quot.liftOn", + "", + "Setoid.r", + "List", + "List.isSetoid", + "Multiset", + "", + "Multiset.ofList"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → {β : Type v} → (α → β) → Multiset α → Multiset β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["CommMagma", "Mul"], + "name": "CommMagma.toMul", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : CommMagma G] → Mul G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MulAction.mem_stabilizer_iff", + "Membership.mem", + "MulAction.toSMul", + "instHSMul", + "propext", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "MulAction.stabilizer", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "MulAction", + "Subgroup.instSetLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.15", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [inst : Group G] [inst_1 : MulAction G α] {a : α} {g : G},\n (g ∈ MulAction.stabilizer G a) = (g • a = a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "IsUnit.dvd_mul_right", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid", + "propext", + "HMul.hMul", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "IsUnit", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Algebra.Divisibility.Units._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] {a b u : α}, IsUnit u → (a ∣ b * u) = (a ∣ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["cast", "HEq", "letFun", "HEq.rec", "rfl", "Eq"], + "name": "eq_of_heq", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} {a a' : α}, HEq a a' → a = a'", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "ZeroLEOneClass", + "eq_true", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "One", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "zero_lt_one", + "One.toOfNat1", + "True", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "PartialOrder"], + "name": "Mathlib.Algebra.Order.ZeroLEOne._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : PartialOrder α] [inst_3 : ZeroLEOneClass α]\n [inst_4 : NeZero 1], (0 < 1) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Or", + "constType": "Prop → Prop → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Array.mkArray2", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Syntax.node"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "constType": + "Lean.SourceInfo → Lean.SyntaxNodeKind → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "MonoidWithZero", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNonAssocRing", "AddCommGroup"], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalNonAssocRing α] → AddCommGroup α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Fin.decLt", + "instOfNatNat", + "Fin.castSucc", + "Nat", + "Fin.succ", + "instLTFin", + "Fin", + "ite"], + "name": "Fin.succAbove", + "constType": "{n : ℕ} → Fin (n + 1) → Fin n → Fin (n + 1)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalSemiring", "NonUnitalCommSemiring"], + "name": "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalCommSemiring α] → NonUnitalSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NoZeroDivisors", + "IsDomain.toIsCancelMulZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "IsCancelMulZero.toIsRightCancelMulZero", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "IsRightCancelMulZero.to_noZeroDivisors", + "Ring", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing"], + "name": "IsDomain.to_noZeroDivisors", + "constType": + "∀ (α : Type u_2) [inst : Ring α] [inst_1 : IsDomain α], NoZeroDivisors α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NatCast", "Nat", "NatCast.natCast"], + "name": "Nat.cast", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [inst : NatCast R] → ℕ → R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.natCast_zero", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.cast_zero", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R], ↑0 = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["MulZeroClass", "Mul"], + "name": "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "constType": "{M₀ : Type u} → [self : MulZeroClass M₀] → Mul M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["DecidableEq", "Nat", "Nat.decEq"], + "name": "instDecidableEqNat", + "constType": "DecidableEq ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "EStateM.Result", + "constType": "Type u → Type u → Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["AddCommMagma", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "AddCommSemigroup", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddSemigroup", + "", + "AddCommSemigroup.add_comm"], + "name": "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : AddCommSemigroup G] → AddCommMagma G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_12", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_11"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_13._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Equiv", + "constType": "Sort u_1 → Sort u_2 → Sort (max (max 1 u_1) u_2)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Bot", + "", + "", + "Submonoid", + "Subgroup", + "", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Submonoid.instBot", + "Subgroup.instBot.proof_1"], + "name": "Subgroup.instBot", + "constType": "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : Group G] → Bot (Subgroup G)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", "trivial", "Set", "Set.instMembership", "Set.univ"], + "name": "Set.mem_univ", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} (x : α), x ∈ Set.univ", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Nat.mod", "", "Nat", "Mod"], + "name": "Nat.instMod", + "constType": "Mod ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Bool", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "eq_false", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "False", + "One", + "one_ne_zero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.28", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : NeZero 1], (1 = 0) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "Equiv", + "Equiv.exists_congr_left", + "Exists", + "funext", + "mul_neg", + "HasDistribNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Iff", + "of_eq_true", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Equiv.neg", + "HMul.hMul", + "Equiv.instFunLike", + "Iff.trans", + "DFunLike.coe", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "Semigroup", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Ring.Divisibility.Basic._auxLemma.3", + "Equiv.symm"], + "name": "dvd_neg", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Semigroup α] [inst_1 : HasDistribNeg α] {a b : α}, a ∣ -b ↔ a ∣ b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "List", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["OrderTop.toTop", + "eq_true", + "", + "le_top", + "OrderTop", + "LE", + "LE.le", + "True", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LE α] [inst_1 : OrderTop α] {a : α}, (a ≤ ⊤) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonAssocRing", + "Int.instSemiring", + "NonAssocRing.toAddCommGroupWithOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "RingHomClass", + "map_one", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toOne", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "RingHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "FunLike", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "Int.cast", + "MonoidHomClass.toOneHomClass", + "DFunLike.coe", + "eq_intCast'", + "NonAssocRing.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Int", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toAddGroupWithOne"], + "name": "eq_intCast", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} [inst : NonAssocRing α] [inst_1 : FunLike F ℤ α] [inst_2 : RingHomClass F ℤ α] (f : F)\n (n : ℤ), f n = ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Int.neg.match_1", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.neg", + "constType": "ℤ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "of_decide_eq_true", + "Nat.cast_ne_zero", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Eq.refl", + "One.toOfNat1", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "NeZero", + "", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "CharZero", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "instDecidableNot", + "propext", + "Bool.true", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Bool", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "congrArg", + "Nat.cast_one", + "id"], + "name": "NeZero.charZero_one", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne M] [inst_1 : CharZero M], NeZero 1", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_congr", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a a' c : R} {b b' : ℕ}, a = a' → b = b' → a' ^ b' = c → a ^ b = c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Subtype.coe_inj", "propext", "Subtype.val", "Eq.symm", "Subtype", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.9", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a b : Subtype p}, (a = b) = (↑a = ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["AddGroup", "AddCommGroup"], + "name": "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : AddCommGroup G] → AddGroup G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["False", + "instDecidableAnd.match_1", + "Decidable.isFalse", + "Decidable", + "Decidable.isTrue", + "Not", + "absurd"], + "name": "instDecidableNot", + "constType": "{p : Prop} → [dp : Decidable p] → Decidable ¬p", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Subalgebra", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "algebraInt", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.toInteger.proof_1", + "integralClosure", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "PNat.val", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Field", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "", + "PNat"], + "name": "IsPrimitiveRoot.toInteger", + "constType": + "{K : Type u} → [inst : Field K] → {ζ : K} → {k : ℕ+} → IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑k → NumberField.RingOfIntegers K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Polynomial.smulZeroClass", + "", + "Polynomial", + "instHSMul", + "Semiring", + "Polynomial.coeff", + "Polynomial.coeff_smul", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "SMulZeroClass", + "Nat", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.Field._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : SMulZeroClass S R] (r : S) (p : Polynomial R) (n : ℕ),\n r • p.coeff n = (r • p).coeff n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "AddGroup", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["propext", "forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_2} {β : Sort u_1} {f : α → β} {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop},\n (∀ (b : β) (a : α), p a → f a = b → q b) = ∀ (a : α), p a → q (f a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Monoid.toSemigroup", + "eq_true", + "Monoid", + "dvd_refl", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "True", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.10", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] (a : α), (a ∣ a) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Int.add_le_add_right", + "HSub.hSub", + "Neg.neg", + "LE.le", + "Int.instAdd", + "letFun", + "", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Int.add_right_neg", + "Int.instSub", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "Int.instLEInt"], + "name": "Int.sub_nonneg_of_le", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, b ≤ a → 0 ≤ a - b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedRing", + "", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.mul_comm", + "NonUnitalSeminormedRing.toNonUnitalRing"], + "name": "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [β : NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing α] → NonUnitalCommRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Submodule", + "", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Submodule.Quotient.instZeroQuotient", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "propext", + "Ring", + "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "Submodule.Quotient.mk_eq_zero", + "AddCommGroup", + "Module", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Submodule.setLike"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.10", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} {x : M} [inst : Ring R] [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] [inst_2 : Module R M]\n (p : Submodule R M), ( x = 0) = (x ∈ p)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FermatLastTheoremFor", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "FermatLastTheoremForThreeGen.Solution.isMinimal", + "algebraRat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Iff.mpr", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "Set.Elem", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "instOfNat", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf_zero", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Int.instRing", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "CyclotomicField", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "FermatLastTheoremForThreeGen.Solution.exists_Solution_multiplicity_lt", + "False.elim", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "NumberField", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Finite.of_fintype", + "Int", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Exists", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "sub_nonpos_of_le", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Int.instSemiring", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.numberField", + "Set", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "Int.rawCast", + "IsRightCancelAdd.covariant_swap_add_lt_of_covariant_swap_add_le", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "", + "semigroupDvd", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NeZero.pnat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsRightCancelAdd", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "Field.toCommRing", + "FermatLastTheoremForThreeGen.Solution'.multiplicity", + "Int.add_one_le_iff", + "Int.instAddMonoid", + "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "zero_lt_one", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "NeZero.charZero", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "covariant_swap_add_of_covariant_add", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_pos", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "FermatLastTheoremForThreeGen.Solution'.mk", + "LE.le", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "instNatCastInt", + "letFun", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "FermatLastTheoremForThreeGen.proof_1", + "PNat", + "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "IsCoprime", + "Exists.casesOn", + "instLTNat", + "Preorder.toLE", + "FermatLastTheoremForThreeGen.Solution.multiplicity", + "Int.instAdd", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "StrictOrderedRing.toOrderedAddCommGroup", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap_zero", + "FermatLastTheoremForThree_of_FermatLastTheoremThreeGen", + "Nat", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_isNat", + "Ne", + "neg_neg_of_pos", + "Set.fintypeSingleton", + "FermatLastTheoremForThreeGen.Solution'", + "OrderedSemiring.zeroLEOneClass", + "Nat.rawCast", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta_spec", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.3", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "Int.instLTInt", + "Int.instAddCommSemigroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "congrArg", + "Int.instLEInt", + "FermatLastTheoremForThreeGen.exists_Solution_of_Solution'", + "FermatLastTheoremForThreeGen.Solution", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.toAddCommGroup", + "Int.ofNat", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "Linarith.lt_irrefl", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "FermatLastTheoremForThreeGen.Solution.exists_minimal", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.2", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instLENat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.toInteger", + "instHPow", + "Preorder.toLT", + "Ring.toSub", + "instOfNatNat", + "add_lt_of_neg_of_le", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "id", + "Rat.numberField", + "NeZero.succ", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "Rat.instField", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "False", + "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Rat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_ofNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "Units.val", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Int.instNontrivial"], + "name": "fermatLastTheoremThree", + "constType": "FermatLastTheoremFor 3", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "", + "Finset.univ", + "Fintype", + "Set.Elem", + "Set", + "Finset", + "Function.Embedding.subtype", + "Set.instMembership", + "Subtype"], + "name": "Set.toFinset", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → (s : Set α) → [inst : Fintype ↑s] → Finset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "_neutral", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "UInt8", + "Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "Bool.casesOn", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Function.swap", + "Iff", + "instHAdd", + "", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "rel_iff_cov", + "CovariantClass", + "LT", + "Add", + "ContravariantClass"], + "name": "add_lt_add_iff_right", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Add α] [inst_1 : LT α]\n [inst_2 : CovariantClass α α (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1]\n [inst_3 : ContravariantClass α α (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1] (a : α) {b c : α},\n b + a < c + a ↔ b < c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Exists", + "Finset.instHasSubset", + "HasSubset.Subset.trans", + "Finset.mem_biUnion", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "Finset.subset_biUnion_of_mem", + "Finset.disjiUnion_cons.match_1", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Finset.instIsTransSubset", + "Iff.intro", + "And", + "Finset.biUnion", + "", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "Finset"], + "name": "Finset.biUnion_subset_iff_forall_subset", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} [inst : DecidableEq β] {s : Finset α} {t : Finset β} {f : α → Finset β},\n s.biUnion f ⊆ t ↔ ∀ x ∈ s, f x ⊆ t", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["LinearOrderedAddCommMonoid.toLinearOrder", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "IsLeftCancelAdd.covariant_add_lt_of_covariant_add_le", + "'", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toOrderedCancelAddCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "OrderedSemiring.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "", + "Eq.refl", + "And.left", + "ExistsAddOfLE", + "implies_congr", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Preorder.toLE", + "", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid.toCancelAddCommMonoid", + "And.right", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "mul_pos_of_neg_of_neg", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toMulPosStrictMono", + "Preorder.toLT", + "mul_neg_of_pos_of_neg", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "AddCancelCommMonoid.toAddCancelMonoid", + "LinearOrderedSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "LinearOrderedSemiring.toLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "mul_neg_of_neg_of_pos", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "contravariant_swap_add_of_contravariant_add", + "id", + "Ne.lt_or_lt", + "Ne", + "Or", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsLeftCancelAdd", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toCovariantClassLeft", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Or.casesOn", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "instHMul", + "And", + "Mathlib.Tactic.PushNeg.not_or_eq", + "OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid.toContravariantClassLeft", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "LinearOrderedSemiring", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Not", + "mul_pos", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPosMulStrictMono", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "LinearOrderedSemiring.noZeroDivisors", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LinearOrderedSemiring α] [inst_1 : ExistsAddOfLE α], NoZeroDivisors α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["OrderedAddCommMonoid", "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_3} → [self : OrderedAddCommMonoid α] → AddCommMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", "NonUnitalSemiring"], + "name": "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalSemiring α] → NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Finset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toNormalizationMonoid", + "Singleton.singleton", + "normalize", + "Multiset.gcd_singleton", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "DFunLike.coe", + "MonoidWithZeroHom.funLike", + "Finset.gcd", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq"], + "name": "Finset.gcd_singleton", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : NormalizedGCDMonoid α] {f : β → α}\n {b : β}, {b}.gcd f = normalize (f b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "Associated", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "Units.instInv", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Ideal.span", + "Exists.casesOn", + "algebraRat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "instLTNat", + "ClassGroup", + "Eq", + "mul_assoc", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Fintype", + "Nat.Prime", + "Set.Elem", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "Subtype", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HPow.hPow", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDedekindDomain", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "congr_arg", + "Set.fintypeSingleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "Ideal.submodule_span_eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "of_eq_true", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "Int.cast", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "", + "congr", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Finite.of_fintype", + "Int", + "Ideal", + "Inv.inv", + "Submodule.IsPrincipal.casesOn", + "Exists", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Submodule", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.numberField", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Set", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "Fact.out", + "Exists.intro", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Submodule.span", + "True", + "mul_comm", + "Field.toCommRing", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "one_mul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toCommMagma", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.5", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Ideal.span_singleton_pow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Eq.symm", + "Submodule.IsPrincipal", + "Semiring.toModule", + "id", + "Rat.numberField", + "eq_self", + "Rat.instField", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "instHAdd", + "Rat", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Fintype.card", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CharZero", + "Units.val", + "letFun", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Nat.Coprime", + "HMul.hMul", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "IsPrincipal_of_IsPrincipal_pow_of_Coprime", + "Units.inv_mul", + "", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.is_principal_aux", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} [hpri : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] (K' : Type u_1) [inst : Field K'] [inst_1 : CharZero K']\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {⟨p, ⋯⟩} ℚ K'] [inst_3 : Fintype (ClassGroup (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K'))]\n {a b : ℤ} {ζ : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K'},\n p.Coprime (Fintype.card (ClassGroup (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K'))) →\n ∀ (I : Ideal (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K')), Ideal.span {↑a + ζ * ↑b} = I ^ p → ∃ u α, ↑u * α ^ p = ↑a + ζ * ↑b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "Exists", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "mul_div_assoc'", + "MulZeroClass.mul_zero", + "dite", + "", + "Semifield.toCommGroupWithZero", + "Exists.intro", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "True", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Field", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "DivisionRing.toDivInvMonoid", + "Eq.trans", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "DivInvMonoid.toDiv", + "eq_self", + "instHDiv", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Or", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "Or.inr", + "EuclideanDomain.toMulDivCancelClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "Field.toSemifield", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "mul_div_cancel_left₀", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Field.toInv", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "CommGroupWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "DivInvMonoid.toInv", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "instHMul", + "Field.isDomain", + "inv_eq_one_div", + "Or.inl", + "of_eq_true", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "HMul.hMul", + "congr", + "mul_one", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Not", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "congrArg", + "ValuationRing", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "ValuationRing.of_field", + "constType": "∀ (K : Type u) [inst : Field K], ValuationRing K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.mul_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "True", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_zero", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (a : R), a * 0 = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Fintype", "Finset", "Fintype.elems"], + "name": "Finset.univ", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Fintype α] → Finset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "NormalizationMonoid", + "Multiset", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid.factors", + "normalize", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "DFunLike.coe", + "MonoidWithZeroHom.funLike", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "UniqueFactorizationMonoid.normalizedFactors", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} →\n [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] →\n [inst_1 : NormalizationMonoid α] → [inst : UniqueFactorizationMonoid α] → α → Multiset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "MulZeroClass", + "MulZeroOneClass.mul_zero", + "MulZeroOneClass.zero_mul", + "MulZeroOneClass.toZero", + "MulZeroOneClass"], + "name": "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "constType": "{M₀ : Type u} → [self : MulZeroOneClass M₀] → MulZeroClass M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Classical.not_forall", "Exists", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.14", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop}, (¬∀ (x : α), p x) = ∃ x, ¬p x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "Semifield.toCommGroupWithZero", + "", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "DivisionCommMonoid.toDivisionMonoid", + "instHPow", + "Field", + "MonoidHom.instMonoidHomClass", + "Units.instMulOneClass", + "DFunLike.coe", + "DivisionRing.toDivInvMonoid", + "CommGroupWithZero.toDivisionCommMonoid", + "HPow.hPow", + "Units.coeHom", + "algebraMap", + "Field.toSemifield", + "MonoidHom.comp", + "MonoidHomClass.toMonoidHom", + "MonoidHom", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "Units.val", + "letFun", + "map_zpow", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "", + "Units.instGroup", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1"], + "name": "NumberField.Units.coe_zpow", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] (x : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ) (n : ℤ),\n (algebraMap (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) K) ↑(x ^ n) = (algebraMap (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) K) ↑x ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Prod"], + "name": "Prod.fst", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → α × β → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "AddZeroClass", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "inferInstance", + "Ring", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid"], + "name": "Ring.toSubtractionMonoid", + "constType": "{S : Type u_1} → [inst : Ring S] → SubtractionMonoid S", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["eq_true", "False.elim", "False", "Not", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "not_false_eq_true", + "constType": "(¬False) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["And.rec", "And", "And.intro"], + "name": "And.casesOn", + "constType": + "{a b : Prop} → {motive : a ∧ b → Sort u} → (t : a ∧ b) → ((left : a) → (right : b) → motive ⋯) → motive t", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_9", + "_obj", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_10._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam"], + "name": "HPow", + "constType": "Type u → Type v → outParam (Type w) → Type (max (max u v) w)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Int.ofNat", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Decidable.casesOn", + "Decidable", + "Not", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.decEq", + "Int", + "Int.sub", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₂._cstage1", + "constType": "ℤ → ℤ → ℕ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "Nat.succ_pred_prime", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "integralClosure", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.val", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Finset.sum_range", + "RelIso", + "lt_trans", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.integralPowerBasis'_gen", + "Function.Embedding", + "instOfNat", + "", + "Subtype", + "RingHomInvPair.ids", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.coe_submonoidClass_iff", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_sub_one_eq", + "Nat.totient_prime", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Fin.last", + "Set.instMembership", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "Finset.sum_neg_distrib", + "False.elim", + "Nat.le_pred_of_lt", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "congr", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Function.instFunLikeEmbedding", + "Int.instSemigroup", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Int.instSemiring", + "Set", + "Nat.decLt", + "Eq.refl", + "semigroupDvd", + "Fin.cast", + "rfl", + "Basis.repr", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Pi.Function.module", + "Basis.equivFun_symm_apply", + "Decidable.byContradiction", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Neg", + "Basis.coord_apply", + "OrderIso", + "Fin.coe_orderIso_apply", + "Field.toSemifield", + "SubmonoidClass.toCommMonoid", + "Neg.neg", + "Int.instMonoid", + "LE.le", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "letFun", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "not_true_eq_false", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "", + "PNat", + "instHSMul", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Subalgebra.SubsemiringClass", + "dvd_mul_right", + "dite", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.toInteger.proof_1", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.isIntegral", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "AddCommGroup.intModule", + "SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "RelIso.instFunLike", + "HPow", + "Eq.trans", + "LinearMap.map_sub", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "Finset.sum_sub_distrib", + "smul_neg", + "Int.instDvd", + "Fin.fintype", + "Fin.sum_univ_castSucc", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Fin.castSucc", + "Finsupp.module", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Finset.univ", + "PowerBasis", + "MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Int.cast", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "instSubNat", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "dvd_last_coeff_cycl_integer", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Basis.equivFun", + "LinearEquiv.instFunLike", + "Pi.addCommMonoid", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.toInteger", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "smul_eq_mul", + "instOfNatNat", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Fin.isLt", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "eq_self", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.power_basis_int'_dim", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Finsupp", + "False", + "instAddNat", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Basis", + "LinearEquiv", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Nat.pred_lt", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "CharZero", + "zsmul_eq_smul_cast", + "Nat.instLinearOrder", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Equiv", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "instDecidableEqFin", + "Nat.sub", + "algebraRat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.PushNeg.not_lt_eq", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Iff.mpr", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Nat.Prime", + "DistribSMul.toSMulZeroClass", + "Finset.range", + "Field", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "LinearMap", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "SubsemiringClass.toSubmonoidClass", + "Mul.toSMul", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "Int.instDistrib", + "PowerBasis.basis", + "instLEFin", + "Module.toMulActionWithZero", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "dvd_add", + "", + "Int.instAddCommGroup", + "le_antisymm", + "Finite.of_fintype", + "Int", + "Fin", + "SetLike.coe", + "Exists", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "Subtype.val", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Fin.is_lt", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "algebraInt", + "", + "True", + "RelIso.toEquiv", + "Eq.rec", + "PowerBasis.coe_basis", + "Basis.coord", + "Finset", + "Equiv.sum_comp", + "Nat.succ", + "Semiring.toModule", + "PowerBasis.dim", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "congr_fun", + "AddRightCancelMonoid.toZero", + "Finset.sum", + "LinearEquiv.symm", + "Nat.pred_eq_sub_one", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Fin.castSuccEmb", + "Int.instCommRing", + "", + "Finset.smul_sum", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.12", + "Module.toDistribMulAction", + "Fin.ext", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "Exists.casesOn", + "instLTNat", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Finset.sum_add_distrib", + "Eq.mpr", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Nat.Prime.ne_zero", + "Nat", + "Finset.sum_congr", + "Basis.dvd_coord_smul", + "Nat.totient", + "DistribMulAction.toDistribSMul", + "AddCommMonoid", + "congr_arg", + "instModuleRingOfIntegers_fltRegular", + "Fin.val", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "SubNegMonoid.SMulInt", + "Basis.coord_equivFun_symm", + "instHMul", + "Not", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.integralPowerBasis'", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "PNat.pos", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Fact.out", + "Subalgebra", + "LinearMap.instFunLike", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.toInteger.eq_1", + "Basis.instFunLike", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "PowerBasis.gen", + "PNat.val", + "Nat.pred", + "instHPow", + "Preorder.toLT", + "AddCancelMonoid.toAddRightCancelMonoid", + "Equiv.instFunLike", + "Eq.symm", + "HAdd", + "Fin.castOrderIso", + "funext", + "HSMul", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Rat", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Fin.cast_mk", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Finsupp.instAddCommMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "NegZeroClass.toZero"], + "name": "dvd_coeff_cycl_integer", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} {L : Type u} [inst : Field L] [inst_1 : CharZero L] [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ L],\n Nat.Prime ↑p →\n ∀ {ζ : NumberField.RingOfIntegers L},\n IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p →\n ∀ {f : Fin ↑p → ℤ}, (∃ i, f i = 0) → ∀ {m : ℤ}, ↑m ∣ ∑ j : Fin ↑p, f j • ζ ^ ↑j → ∀ (j : Fin ↑p), m ∣ f j", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "instAddNat", + "DecidableEq", + "instHAdd", + "ZMod.match_1", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Unit", + "instDecidableEqFin", + "inferInstanceAs", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Int", + "Fin", + "ZMod"], + "name": "ZMod.decidableEq", + "constType": "(n : ℕ) → DecidableEq (ZMod n)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["trivial", "Or", "eq_true", "Or.inl", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "true_or", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), (True ∨ p) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Iff"], + "name": "", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, (a ↔ b) → a → b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.natCast_zero", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Semiring.natCast_succ", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.mul_one", + "Semiring.one_mul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring", + "", + "Semiring.toNatCast"], + "name": "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Semiring α] → NonAssocSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["And", "Exists", "propext", "exists_prop", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.16", + "constType": "∀ {b a : Prop}, (∃ (_ : a), b) = (a ∧ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Classical.not_not", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.3", + "constType": "∀ {a : Prop}, (¬¬a) = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Units", + "Units.isUnit", + "eq_true", + "Monoid", + "Units.val", + "IsUnit", + "True", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.KummersLemma._auxLemma.7", + "constType": "∀ {M : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid M] (u : Mˣ), IsUnit ↑u = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_2", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_5", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["funext", "Subsingleton.intro", "Subsingleton", "Subsingleton.elim"], + "name": "instSubsingletonForall", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u} {β : α → Sort v} [inst : ∀ (a : α), Subsingleton (β a)], Subsingleton ((a : α) → β a)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "", + "", + "Subalgebra", + "AddSubmonoidClass.toAddMemClass", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "Subsemiring.instSetLike", + "", + "ZeroMemClass.zero_mem", + "SubsemiringClass.addSubmonoidWithOneClass", + "SubsemiringClass.toSubmonoidClass", + "SubsemiringClass", + "Semiring", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Subsemiring.instSubsemiringClass", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Subsemiring", + "SubsemiringClass.toAddSubmonoidClass", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "", + "", + "AddMemClass.add_mem", + "AddSubmonoidClass.toZeroMemClass", + "OneMemClass.one_mem", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "SubmonoidClass.toMulMemClass", + "MulMemClass.mul_mem", + "AddSubmonoidWithOneClass.toOneMemClass", + "Subalgebra.toSubsemiring"], + "name": "Subalgebra.SubsemiringClass", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {A : Type v} [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring A] [inst_2 : Algebra R A],\n SubsemiringClass (Subalgebra R A) A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "HAdd"], + "name": "HAdd.hAdd", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → {γ : outParam (Type w)} → [self : HAdd α β γ] → α → β → γ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["CommMonoid", "Nat"], + "name": "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "constType": "{M : Type u_1} → [inst : CommMonoid M] → M → ℕ → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "GCDMonoid", + "propext", + "GCDMonoid.lcm", + "lcm_eq_zero_iff", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : GCDMonoid α] (a b : α), (lcm a b = 0) = (a = 0 ∨ b = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.const", + "", + "instHAdd", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coeffs", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs", + "Int", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", + "Int.instAdd"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.eval", + "constType": "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo → Lean.Omega.Coeffs → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["cond.match_1", "Unit", "Bool"], + "name": "cond", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → Bool → α → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset.univ", + "eq_true", + "Fintype", + "Finset", + "Finset.mem_univ", + "True", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.9", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Fintype α] (x : α), (x ∈ Finset.univ) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Nat.rawCast", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "True", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "one_mul", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.cast_one"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.one_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (a : R), Nat.rawCast 1 * a = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "propext", + "mem_nonZeroDivisors_iff_ne_zero", + "Submonoid", + "Nontrivial", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.QuotientTrace._auxLemma.8", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : MonoidWithZero M] [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M] [inst_2 : Nontrivial M] {x : M},\n (x ∈ nonZeroDivisors M) = (x ≠ 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "a_eta_zero_dvd_p_pow", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Ideal.span", + "algebraRat", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Nat", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "NumberField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "semigroupDvd", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "zeta_sub_one_dvd_root", + "Eq.symm", + "NeZero.succ", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "a_eta_zero_dvd_p_pow_spec", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.16", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} {p : ℕ+} [hpri : Fact p.Prime] [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NumberField K]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] (hp : p ≠ 2) {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p)\n {x y z : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K} {ε : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} {m : ℕ}\n (e : x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = ↑ε * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ ↑p) (hy : ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y),\n root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd hp hζ e hy (zeta_sub_one_dvd_root hp hζ e hy) =\n Ideal.span {↑hζ.unit' - 1} ^ m * a_eta_zero_dvd_p_pow hp hζ e hy", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Bool.false", "Bool.true", "Bool.rec", "Bool"], + "name": "Bool.casesOn", + "constType": + "{motive : Bool → Sort u} → (t : Bool) → motive false → motive true → motive t", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Finsupp.single", + "Finsupp.instAddCommMonoid", + "Finsupp", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finsupp.sum", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Finsupp.mapDomain", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → {β : Type u_2} → {M : Type u_5} → [inst : AddCommMonoid M] → (α → β) → (α →₀ M) → β →₀ M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["GroupWithZero", "Div"], + "name": "GroupWithZero.toDiv", + "constType": "{G₀ : Type u} → [self : GroupWithZero G₀] → Div G₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Polynomial", + "RingHom", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Polynomial.X", + "Polynomial.C", + "Semiring", + "RingHom.comp", + "Polynomial.eval₂", + "Polynomial.semiring"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → {S : Type v} → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : Semiring S] → (R →+* S) → Polynomial R → Polynomial S", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Finset.instInsert", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "ite_cond_eq_false", + "Nat.succ_le_succ", + "Finset.card_pos", + "Insert.insert", + "Iff.mpr", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add", + "ite", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "Finset.range", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "instOfNat", + "false_or", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "Or", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_raw_eq", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap", + "SDiff.sdiff", + "or_true", + "Int.instRing", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "And", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "Int.instCharZero", + "eq_true", + "", + "False.elim", + "Finset.card_sdiff", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "congr", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "And.intro", + "Nat.instCharZero", + "Int", + "Fin", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "Exists", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "sub_nonpos_of_le", + "Int.instSemiring", + "", + "Init.Data.Fin.Lemmas._auxLemma.1", + "", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Int.rawCast", + "Eq.refl", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "IsRightCancelAdd.covariant_swap_add_lt_of_covariant_swap_add_le", + "Exists.intro", + "", + "Fin.is_lt", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.154", + "rfl", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsRightCancelAdd", + "True", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Finset.card_insert_le", + "Int.instAddMonoid", + "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "Finset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "zero_lt_one", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Nat.sub_pos_of_lt", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "covariant_swap_add_of_covariant_add", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "lt_of_lt_of_le", + "Mathlib.Algebra.NeZero._auxLemma.3", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_pos", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_add", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "LE.le", + "Finset.instSDiff", + "Finset.mem_range", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.28", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.zero_mul", + "instNatCastInt", + "Bool.false", + "Mathlib.Algebra.NeZero._auxLemma.4", + "letFun", + "not_true_eq_false", + "FltRegular.f", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_mul", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "Finset.insert_subset_iff", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.instAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_congr", + "Finset.instHasSubset", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "Exists.casesOn", + "instLTNat", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "StrictOrderedRing.toOrderedAddCommGroup", + "true_or", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap_zero", + "le_trans", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.cast_one", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "Ne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_isNat", + "neg_neg_of_pos", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.116", + "Fin.val", + "OrderedSemiring.zeroLEOneClass", + "Nat.rawCast", + "Finset.singleton_subset_iff", + "Finset.card_range", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "lt_of_not_ge", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "Int.instLTInt", + "Int.instAddCommSemigroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Nat.instOrderedSemiring", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "instHMul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "of_eq_true", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "congrArg", + "Int.instLEInt", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.toAddCommGroup", + "Finset.card", + "StrictOrderedRing.toRing", + "Int.ofNat", + "Finset.Nonempty", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "Linarith.lt_irrefl", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "instSubNat", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.64", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.2", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instLENat", + "and_false", + "Preorder.toLT", + "instHPow", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_lt_true", + "Linarith.mul_neg", + "Int.instNegInt", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "add_lt_of_neg_of_le", + "Eq.symm", + "id", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "NeZero.succ", + "eq_self", + "Membership.mem", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "False", + "instAddNat", + "lt_of_le_of_lt", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_ofNat", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "eq_false", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "Finset.sdiff_subset", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.instLinearOrder", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "HMul.hMul", + "Bool", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Int.instNontrivial"], + "name": "FltRegular.auxf'", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ}, 5 ≤ p → ∀ (a b : ℤ) (k₁ k₂ : Fin p), ∃ i ∈ Finset.range p, FltRegular.f a b (↑k₁) (↑k₂) i = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["GroupWithZero", "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "GroupWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "constType": "{G₀ : Type u} → [self : GroupWithZero G₀] → MonoidWithZero G₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "LeftCancelMonoid", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["NormedField.toNormedCommRing.proof_2", + "NormedField.toField", + "Field.toCommRing", + "NormedCommRing", + "NormedField.toMetricSpace", + "NormedField.dist_eq", + "NormedField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing.proof_1", + "NormedField.toNorm"], + "name": "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : NormedField α] → NormedCommRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "Nat.le_of_dvd", + "Finset.Ico", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "instSubsingletonForall", + "Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Divisibility._auxLemma.2", + "instLTNat", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "DecidablePred", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "Finset.range", + "Nat.instDvd", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "Ne", + "Or", + "eq_or_ne", + "Mathlib.Order.Basic._auxLemma.1", + "Mathlib.NumberTheory.Divisors._auxLemma.10", + "Nat.filter_dvd_eq_divisors", + "Mathlib.NumberTheory.Divisors._auxLemma.2", + "Or.casesOn", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.20", + "instDecidableTrue", + "Ne.bot_lt", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder", + "And", + "of_eq_true", + "", + "congr", + "Finset.filter_empty", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Mathlib.NumberTheory.Divisors._auxLemma.11", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection", + "instSubsingletonDecidable", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "Eq.refl", + "Mathlib.NumberTheory.Divisors._auxLemma.8", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "semigroupDvd", + "Nat.instAddMonoid", + "SemigroupWithZero.toZero", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Subsingleton.elim", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "zero_add", + "instLENat", + "and_false", + "Eq.rec", + "Finset", + "Decidable", + "Finset.filter", + "instOfNatNat", + "Eq.symm", + "Mathlib.NumberTheory.Divisors._auxLemma.9", + "Nat.succ", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Membership.mem", + "funext", + "False", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Nat.instOrderBot", + "LE.le", + "Nat.divisors", + "eq_false", + "Nat.instCommSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "Mathlib.NumberTheory.Divisors._auxLemma.1", + "Nat.decidable_dvd", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "not_true_eq_false", + "Finset.Ico_eq_empty_of_le"], + "name": "Nat.mem_divisors", + "constType": "∀ {n m : ℕ}, n ∈ m.divisors ↔ n ∣ m ∧ m ≠ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Algebra.toRingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Semiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra"], + "name": "algebraMap", + "constType": + "(R : Type u) → (A : Type v) → [inst : CommSemiring R] → [inst_1 : Semiring A] → [inst_2 : Algebra R A] → R →+* A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "instHMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "mul_sub_right_distrib", + "HSub.hSub", + "HMul.hMul", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + "Eq"], + "name": "sub_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : NonUnitalNonAssocRing α] (a b c : α), (a - b) * c = a * c - b * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "IsDomain", + "CommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "IsDomain.toCancelCommMonoidWithZero.proof_1", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + ""], + "name": "IsDomain.toCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : CommSemiring α] → [inst : IsDomain α] → CancelCommMonoidWithZero α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Units.instMul", + "instHMul", + "Units", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "Units.val_mul", + "Eq.symm", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.21", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Monoid α] (a b : αˣ), ↑a * ↑b = ↑(a * b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "add_assoc", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "add_left_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddGroup", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "neg_add_cancel_right", + "constType": "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup G] (a b : G), a + -b + b = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid", + "MulAction.toSMul", + "instHSMul", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulAction.mul_smul", + "Eq.symm", + "MulAction", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.18", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_11} {β : Type u_12} [inst : Monoid α] [self : MulAction α β] (x y : α) (b : β), x • y • b = (x * y) • b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.symm", "Units", "Monoid", "Iff", "Units.val", "Units.eq_iff", "Eq"], + "name": "Units.ext_iff", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Monoid α] {a b : αˣ}, a = b ↔ ↑a = ↑b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "FractionalIdeal.coeIdeal", + "Exists", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "algebraMap", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "CommRing", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "And", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "Algebra", + "Submonoid", + "FractionalIdeal", + "FractionalIdeal.mem_coeIdeal", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Ideal", + "FractionalIdeal.instSetLike", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Submodule.setLike"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Different._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing R] (S : Submonoid R) {P : Type u_2} [inst_1 : CommRing P] [inst_2 : Algebra R P]\n {x : P} {I : Ideal R}, (x ∈ ↑I) = ∃ x' ∈ I, (algebraMap R P) x' = x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["trivial", + "Part.ext'", + "Part.Dom", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "PartENat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Part.get", + "PartENat", + "iff_of_true", + "Nat", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "rfl", + "Eq"], + "name": "PartENat.natCast_get", + "constType": "∀ {x : PartENat} (h : x.Dom), ↑(x.get h) = x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_10._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.card", + "Membership.mem", + "Finset.insert_eq_of_mem", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Finset.decidableMem", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeInf", + "instAddNat", + "Finset.card_insert_of_not_mem", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder", + "dite", + "Insert.insert", + "LE.le", + "instDistribLatticeNat", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "DistribLattice.toLattice", + "Eq.mpr", + "instLENat", + "DecidableEq", + "le_refl", + "Finset", + "Nat.le_succ", + "Not", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "Finset.card_insert_le", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] (a : α) (s : Finset α), (insert a s).card ≤ s.card + 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["QuotientGroup.instHasQuotientSubgroup", + "''", + "QuotientGroup.leftRel", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "HasQuotient.Quotient"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Group α] → {s : Subgroup α} → α → α ⧸ s", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["LE", "Sub", "Add"], + "name": "OrderedSub", + "constType": + "(α : Type u_3) → [inst : LE α] → [inst : Add α] → [inst : Sub α] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Units", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Multiset", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid.factors", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid.factors_eq_normalizedFactors", + "Eq.symm", + "normalizationMonoidOfUniqueUnits", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid.normalizedFactors", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Unique"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.9", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero M] [inst_1 : UniqueFactorizationMonoid M] [inst_2 : Unique Mˣ]\n (x : M), UniqueFactorizationMonoid.normalizedFactors x = UniqueFactorizationMonoid.factors x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.dvd_of_mod_eq_zero", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.mod_two_eq_zero_or_one", + "of_decide_eq_true", + "Eq.refl", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Eq", + "Or.resolve_left", + "Nat.Prime", + "Or.imp_left", + "instHMod", + "instDecidableNot", + "Bool.true", + "HMod.hMod", + "instOfNatNat", + "Not", + "Bool", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Nat.Prime.eq_one_or_self_of_dvd", + "Nat.instMod"], + "name": "Nat.Prime.eq_two_or_odd", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p → p = 2 ∨ p % 2 = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "EquivLike", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MulEquivClass.map_mul", + "AlgEquivClass.toRingEquivClass", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidWithZeroHomClass", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "MonoidHomClass.toOneHomClass", + "EquivLike.toFunLike", + "", + "", + "RingEquivClass.toRingHomClass", + "", + "AlgHomClass", + "Semiring", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AlgEquivClass.commutes", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "", + "RingEquivClass.map_add", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "RingEquivClass.toMulEquivClass", + "AlgEquivClass", + "MonoidWithZeroHomClass.toZeroHomClass"], + "name": "AlgEquivClass.toAlgHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ (F : Type u_1) (R : Type u_2) (A : Type u_3) (B : Type u_4) [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring A]\n [inst_2 : Semiring B] [inst_3 : Algebra R A] [inst_4 : Algebra R B] [inst_5 : EquivLike F A B]\n [h : AlgEquivClass F R A B], AlgHomClass F R A B", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instCommGroupRelativeUnits", + "CommGroup.toGroup", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "LieRing.toAddCommGroup", + "Field.toSemifield", + "Eq.refl", + "RelativeUnits", + "MonoidHom", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "AlgHom", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "relativeUnitsMap", + "relativeUnitsMapHom", + "AlgHom.End", + "Monoid.End.inst", + "Field", + "NumberField", + "Algebra", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "LieRing.ofAssociativeRing", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Monoid.End", + "FiniteDimensional"], + "name": "relativeUnitsMapHom_apply", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NumberField K] {k : Type u_2} [inst_2 : Field k] [inst_3 : NumberField k]\n [inst_4 : Algebra k K] [inst_5 : FiniteDimensional k K] (σ : K →ₐ[k] K), relativeUnitsMapHom σ = relativeUnitsMap σ", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["PNat.val", "Nat.Prime", "PNat"], + "name": "PNat.Prime", + "constType": "ℕ+ → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "inferInstance", + "Semiring", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.instSemiring", + "constType": "Semiring ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff.rfl", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.covconv_swap", + "Iff.mpr", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Function.swap", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "zero_add", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddGroup", + "Iff", + "LE", + "add_le_add_iff_right", + "Eq.symm", + "neg_add_cancel_right", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id", + "instHSub", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "LE.le", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "propext", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "CovariantClass", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "congrArg"], + "name": "sub_nonpos_of_le", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : AddGroup α] [inst_1 : LE α]\n [inst_2 : CovariantClass α α (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x ≤ x_1] {a b : α}, a ≤ b → a - b ≤ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMod", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Int.ModEq", + "Decidable", + "HMod.hMod", + "Int.instMod", + "decEq", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.instDecidableModEq", + "constType": "{n a b : ℤ} → Decidable (a ≡ b [ZMOD n])", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Field.zpow_succ'", + "DivisionRing", + "Field.qsmul_def", + "", + "Field.zpow_zero'", + "Field.nnqsmul", + "Field.toNontrivial", + "Field.toInv", + "Field.zpow", + "Field.zpow_neg'", + "Field.nnqsmul_def", + "Field.toNNRatCast", + "Field.toRatCast", + "Field.ratCast_def", + "Field.toCommRing", + "Field.mul_inv_cancel", + "Field", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Field.inv_zero", + "Field.toDiv", + "Field.qsmul", + "Field.nnratCast_def", + "Field.div_eq_mul_inv"], + "name": "Field.toDivisionRing", + "constType": "{K : Type u} → [self : Field K] → DivisionRing K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Exists", + "propext", + "MonoidHom.mem_range", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "MonoidHom", + "DFunLike.coe", + "MonoidHom.range", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Subgroup.instSetLike", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.8", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Group G] {N : Type u_5} [inst_1 : Group N] {f : G →* N} {y : N}, (y ∈ f.range) = ∃ x, f x = y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Submodule.instBot", + "", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Ideal.span", + "Set.instMembership", + "Ideal.span_eq_bot", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Semiring α] {s : Set α}, (Ideal.span s = ⊥) = ∀ x ∈ s, x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Set", + "IsDomain", + "Module.Finite", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "FractionRing.field", + "Ideal.span", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Set.image_image", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "FractionRing.liftAlgebra", + "Algebra", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Set.image", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "IsIntegrallyClosed", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Algebra.intNorm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "id", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Function.comp", + "Ideal.spanIntNorm.eq_1", + "OreLocalization.instRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "MonoidHom", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "FractionRing", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommRing.toRing", + "FractionRing.instNoZeroSMulDivisors", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Ideal.spanIntNorm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Algebra.IsSeparable", + "congrArg", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike", + "Ideal.map_span", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "Ideal.map_spanIntNorm", + "constType": + "∀ (R : Type u_1) [inst : CommRing R] {S : Type u_2} [inst_1 : CommRing S] [inst_2 : Algebra R S]\n [inst_3 : IsIntegrallyClosed R] [inst_4 : IsDomain R] [inst_5 : IsDomain S] [inst_6 : NoZeroSMulDivisors R S]\n [hRS : Module.Finite R S] [inst_7 : IsIntegrallyClosed S]\n [inst_8 : Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing R) (FractionRing S)] (I : Ideal S) {T : Type u_3} [inst_9 : CommRing T]\n (f : R →+* T), f (Ideal.spanIntNorm R I) = Ideal.span (⇑f ∘ ⇑(Algebra.intNorm R S) '' ↑I)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["LinearOrder", "PartialOrder"], + "name": "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : LinearOrder α] → PartialOrder α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.AtLeastTwo", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Nat.succ_le_succ", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat.zero_le", + "Nat"], + "name": "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, (n + 2).AtLeastTwo", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MonoidHomClass", + "outParam", + "FunLike", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "RingHomClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "NonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_5} {α : outParam (Type u_6)} {β : outParam (Type u_7)} [inst : NonAssocSemiring α]\n [inst_1 : NonAssocSemiring β] [inst_2 : FunLike F α β] [self : RingHomClass F α β], MonoidHomClass F α β", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "And", + "constType": "Prop → Prop → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "Mul"], + "name": "NoZeroDivisors", + "constType": "(M₀ : Type u_4) → [inst : Mul M₀] → [inst : Zero M₀] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Nat.gcd", "Nat", "Int", "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.gcd", + "constType": "ℤ → ℤ → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "SMul", "SMulZeroClass"], + "name": "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "constType": + "{M : Type u_10} → {A : Type u_11} → [inst : Zero A] → [self : SMulZeroClass M A] → SMul M A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_10._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Ne", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "Finsupp", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "MvPolynomial", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Data.Finsupp.Defs._auxLemma.1", + "MvPolynomial.coeff", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "", + "Iff", + "of_eq_true", + "CommSemiring", + "Finset", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Not", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + ""], + "name": "MvPolynomial.mem_support_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {σ : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {p : MvPolynomial σ R} {m : σ →₀ ℕ},\n m ∈ ↔ MvPolynomial.coeff m p ≠ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["One", "MulOneClass"], + "name": "MulOneClass.toOne", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : MulOneClass M] → One M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroClass.mul_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf_zero.match_1", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "True", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.Basic._auxLemma.1", + "", + "Eq.trans", + "eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "instHAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "instHMul", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "congr", + "HMul.hMul", + "congrArg"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a b : R} (x : R) (e : ℕ),\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat (a + b) 0 → Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat (x ^ e * a + x ^ e * b) 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Multiset.mem_singleton", + "Iff", + "Finset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.mem_singleton", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a b : α}, b ∈ {a} ↔ b = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "PartENat.instLE", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "PartENat.partialOrder", + "Monoid", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "PartENat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "LE.le", + "Eq", + "multiplicity.Finite", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "instHPow", + "PartENat.natCast_get", + "PartENat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Part.get", + "le_refl", + "multiplicity.pow_dvd_of_le_multiplicity", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "multiplicity", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "id", + "DecidableRel"], + "name": "multiplicity.pow_multiplicity_dvd", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] [inst_1 : DecidableRel fun x x_1 => x ∣ x_1] {a b : α} (h : multiplicity.Finite a b),\n a ^ (multiplicity a b).get h ∣ b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Subtype", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → (α → Prop) → Sort (max 1 u)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Multiset", "Finset"], + "name": "Finset.val", + "constType": "{α : Type u_4} → Finset α → Multiset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["InvolutiveNeg", "HasDistribNeg", "Mul"], + "name": "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Mul α] → [self : HasDistribNeg α] → InvolutiveNeg α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.gcd_image", + "DecidableEq", + "Finset.image", + "Finset", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "Finset.gcd", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq", + "id"], + "name": "Finset.gcd_eq_gcd_image", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : NormalizedGCDMonoid α] {s : Finset β}\n {f : β → α} [inst_2 : DecidableEq α], s.gcd f = (Finset.image f s).gcd id", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["And"], + "name": "And.right", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, a ∧ b → b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Decidable"], + "name": "DecidablePred", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → (α → Prop) → Sort (max 1 u)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Multiset", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "", + "Membership", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.instMembership", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → Membership α (Finset α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Decidable.isFalse", + "Bool.false", + "Bool.true", + "Nat.eq_of_beq_eq_true", + "Decidable", + "Nat.ne_of_beq_eq_false", + "Decidable.isTrue", + "Nat.beq", + "Bool", + "Nat.decEq.match_1", + "Nat", + "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.decEq", + "constType": "(n m : ℕ) → Decidable (n = m)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["And"], + "name": "And.left", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, a ∧ b → a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Semiring", + "algebraMap", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "IsScalarTower", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.10", + "constType": + "∀ (R : Type u) (S : Type v) (A : Type w) [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : CommSemiring S] [inst_2 : Semiring A]\n [inst_3 : Algebra R S] [inst_4 : Algebra S A] [inst_5 : Algebra R A] [inst_6 : IsScalarTower R S A] (x : R),\n (algebraMap S A) ((algebraMap R S) x) = (algebraMap R A) x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Iff.intro", "Iff", "Eq.rec", "rfl", "Eq"], + "name": "forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_2} {β : Sort u_1} {f : α → β} {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop},\n (∀ (b : β) (a : α), p a → f a = b → q b) ↔ ∀ (a : α), p a → q (f a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["OfNat", "Nat"], + "name": "OfNat.ofNat", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → (x : ℕ) → [self : OfNat α x] → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", "CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid"], + "name": + "CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [self : CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid α] → CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "NegZeroClass"], + "name": "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "constType": "{G : Type u_2} → [self : NegZeroClass G] → Zero G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["MulOneClass"], + "name": "Submonoid", + "constType": "(M : Type u_4) → [inst : MulOneClass M] → Type u_4", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["NatCast", "NonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "NonAssocSemiring.toNatCast", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : NonAssocSemiring α] → NatCast α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Max"], + "name": "Max.max", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Max α] → α → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", + "Exists", + "Iff", + "Subtype.exists.match_2", + "Exists.intro", + "Subtype.exists.match_1", + "", + "Subtype"], + "name": "Subtype.exists", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {q : { a // p a } → Prop}, (∃ x, q x) ↔ ∃ a, ∃ (b : p a), q ⟨a, b⟩", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "eq_self", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "True", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (a : R), a + 0 = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["One", "Semiring"], + "name": "Semiring.toOne", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Semiring α] → One α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_7"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_8._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["", "LT"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : LT α] → α → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Multiset.mem_dedup", + "Multiset", + "Eq", + "Multiset.dedup", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.Field._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {a : α} {s : Multiset α}, (a ∈ s.dedup) = (a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoidWithOne", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_ofNat", + "constType": + "∀ (α : Type u) [inst : AddMonoidWithOne α] {a : α} {n : ℕ}, ↑n = a → Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat a n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["And", + "lt_of_le_not_le", + "lt_of_le_of_lt.match_1", + "le_not_le_of_lt", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "le_trans", + "Not", + "Preorder", + "lt_of_lt_of_le.match_1", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE"], + "name": "lt_of_le_of_lt", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Preorder α] {a b c : α}, a ≤ b → b < c → a < c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Membership.mem", "setOf", "Set", "Set.instMembership"], + "name": "Set.preimage", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → (α → β) → Set β → Set α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Quot.liftOn", "letFun", "Quot", "congrArg", "Quot.sound", "", "Eq"], + "name": "funext", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u} {β : α → Sort v} {f g : (x : α) → β x}, (∀ (x : α), f x = g x) → f = g", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "IsDomain", + "Module.Finite", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "FractionRing.field", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "Algebra.intNorm.proof_1", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "FractionRing.liftAlgebra", + "Algebra", + "Algebra.intNorm.proof_2", + "Algebra.intNorm.proof_4", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "IsIntegrallyClosed", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "Algebra.toModule", + "OreLocalization.instRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "MonoidHom", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "Algebra.intNormAux", + "Algebra.intNorm.proof_5", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "FractionRing", + "CommRing.toRing", + "FractionRing.instNoZeroSMulDivisors", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Algebra.IsSeparable", + "", + "Algebra.intNorm.proof_3"], + "name": "Algebra.intNorm", + "constType": + "(A : Type u_1) →\n (B : Type u_4) →\n [inst : CommRing A] →\n [inst_1 : CommRing B] →\n [inst_2 : Algebra A B] →\n [inst_3 : IsDomain A] →\n [inst_4 : IsIntegrallyClosed A] →\n [inst_5 : IsDomain B] →\n [inst_6 : IsIntegrallyClosed B] →\n [inst_7 : Module.Finite A B] →\n [inst_8 : NoZeroSMulDivisors A B] →\n [inst_9 : Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing A) (FractionRing B)] → B →* A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Applicative", "Pure"], + "name": "Applicative.toPure", + "constType": "{f : Type u → Type v} → [self : Applicative f] → Pure f", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Int.instNormedCommRing", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "Ideal.span", + "algebraRat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Exists.casesOn", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.Prime", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "DivisionCommMonoid.toDivisionMonoid", + "Field", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "Monoid", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "eq_of_heq", + "Units.instMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "instHMul", + "zpow_mul", + "HEq.refl", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Int.cast", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "congrArg", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Ideal", + "CommGroup.toDivisionCommMonoid", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid", + "Submodule.setLike", + "Exists", + "HEq", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Eq.refl", + "Exists.intro", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Membership", + "zpow_ofNat", + "mul_comm", + "PNat.val", + "outParam", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toCommMagma", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Int.instNegInt", + "instOfNatNat", + "Eq.symm", + "Semiring.toModule", + "id", + "NeZero.succ", + "Membership.mem", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.instMul", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Rat", + "Neg.neg", + "FltRegular.CaseI.exists_int_sum_eq_zero'", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "NormedCommRing.toSeminormedCommRing", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Units.instCommGroupUnits", + "instNatCastInt", + "CharZero", + "Units.val", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing", + "HSub", + "Eq.casesOn", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "HMul", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.exists_int_sum_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K] [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] {ζ : K}\n (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p),\n p ≠ 2 →\n Nat.Prime ↑p →\n ∀ (x y i : ℤ) {u : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} {α : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K},\n ↑x + ↑y * ↑(hζ.unit' ^ i) = ↑u * α ^ ↑p →\n ∃ k, ↑x + ↑y * ↑(hζ.unit' ^ i) - ↑(hζ.unit' ^ (2 * k)) * (↑x + ↑y * ↑(hζ.unit' ^ (-i))) ∈ Ideal.span {↑↑p}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_27._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Units.instMul", + "Units", + "Units.instOne", + "Monoid", + "Units.instMulOneClass.proof_1", + "MulOneClass", + "Units.instMulOneClass.proof_2", + ""], + "name": "Units.instMulOneClass", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Monoid α] → MulOneClass αˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_5", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_4"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_6._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_8", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_7"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_9._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Fin.ext_iff", "Fin.val", "propext", "Nat", "Fin", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.26", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} {a b : Fin n}, (a = b) = (↑a = ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["LT", "Preorder"], + "name": "Preorder.toLT", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Preorder α] → LT α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Lean.Macro.State", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_3", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Function.swap", + "constType": + "{α : Sort u₁} → {β : Sort u₂} → {φ : α → β → Sort u₃} → ((x : α) → (y : β) → φ x y) → (y : β) → (x : α) → φ x y", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "OfNat", "", ""], + "name": "Zero.toOfNat0", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Zero α] → OfNat α 0", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero"], + "name": "FermatLastTheoremWith", + "constType": "(α : Type u_1) → [inst : Semiring α] → ℕ → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Nat.mod_self", + "dite", + "Mathlib.Tactic.PushNeg.not_lt_eq", + "instLTNat", + "implies_congr", + "ZMod.val_eq_zero", + "Nat.mod_eq_of_lt", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "ite", + "Eq.mpr", + "Ring.toNeg", + "ZMod.decidableEq", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat", + "instHSub", + "Nat.instOrderedSub", + "ZMod.val_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.PushNeg.not_not_eq", + "ZMod", + "tsub_zero", + "propext", + "", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Not", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "", + "congrArg", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "instSubNat", + "Eq.refl", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoid", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "NeZero", + "instLENat", + "ZMod.val", + "Preorder.toLT", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Nat.le_zero", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "if_neg", + "id", + "NeZero.pos", + "HSub.hSub", + "Neg.neg", + "LE.le", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "if_pos", + "instHMod", + "Nat.sub_lt", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.instLinearOrder", + "HMod.hMod", + "ZMod.neg_val'", + "Nat.instMod", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.neg_val", + "constType": + "∀ {n : ℕ} [inst : NeZero n] (a : ZMod n), (-a).val = if a = 0 then 0 else n - a.val", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Or", "Iff", "or_true", "iff_of_eq", "True"], + "name": "or_true_iff", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), p ∨ True ↔ True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "pow_eq_zero", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "Iff.intro", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Iff", + "Eq.ndrec", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Eq.symm", + "zero_pow", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "pow_eq_zero_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_2} [inst : MonoidWithZero M₀] {a : M₀} {n : ℕ} [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M₀], n ≠ 0 → (a ^ n = 0 ↔ a = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "Finsupp", + "Classical.decEq", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "Finset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Finsupp.single.proof_1", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection", + "Pi.single", + "Eq", + "ite"], + "name": "Finsupp.single", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → {M : Type u_5} → [inst : Zero M] → α → M → α →₀ M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Zero", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["OrderedAddCommGroup", "AddCommGroup"], + "name": "OrderedAddCommGroup.toAddCommGroup", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : OrderedAddCommGroup α] → AddCommGroup α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["add_right_inj", + "instHAdd", + "propext", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Add", + "IsLeftCancelAdd", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CaseI._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : Add G] [inst_1 : IsLeftCancelAdd G] (a : G) {b c : G}, (a + b = a + c) = (b = c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["False"], + "name": "Not", + "constType": "Prop → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termR._@.FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Mul", "Mul.mul", "HMul", ""], + "name": "instHMul", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Mul α] → HMul α α α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Iff"], + "name": "Iff.intro", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, (a → b) → (b → a) → (a ↔ b)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_23._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Omega.Constraint.combo", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.combo", + "", + "Int.instMul", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.sat", + "Lean.Omega.IntList", + "Lean.Omega.IntList.instAdd", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.dot_smul_left", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.combo_eq_smul_add_smul", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.sat'.eq_1", + "Eq.mpr", + "Bool.true", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.dot_distrib_left", + "HMul.hMul", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.combo_sat", + "Bool", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.sat'", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Lean.Omega.IntList.instHMulInt", + "id"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.combo_sat'", + "constType": + "∀ (s t : Lean.Omega.Constraint) (a : ℤ) (x : Lean.Omega.Coeffs) (b : ℤ) (y v : Lean.Omega.Coeffs),\n s.sat' x v = true →\n t.sat' y v = true → (Lean.Omega.Constraint.combo a s b t).sat' (Lean.Omega.Coeffs.combo a x b y) v = true", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "Nat.pred", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "rfl", + "Nat.succ", + "Nat.pred_lt_self.match_1", + "instLTNat", + "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, 0 < n → n.pred.succ = n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Nat", "Fin"], + "name": "Fin.val", + "constType": "{n : ℕ} → Fin n → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_26._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "one_nsmul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Multiset.prod_add", + "instHSMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "pow_one", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "zero_nsmul", + "PProd", + "Eq.mpr", + "instHPow", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "PUnit", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "Multiset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Multiset.instCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "id", + "HPow.hPow", + "Multiset.prod_nsmul.match_1", + "Nat.brecOn", + "Nat.below", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Unit", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Multiset.instAdd", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_zero", + "pow_add", + "AddMonoid.toNatSMul", + "instHMul", + "Nat.rec", + "PProd.fst", + "CommMonoid", + "add_nsmul", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "congrArg", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Multiset.prod_nsmul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} [inst : CommMonoid α] (m : Multiset α) (n : ℕ), (n • m).prod = ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.pos_of_ne_zero", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat.Prime.ne_zero", + "Nat", + "instLTNat"], + "name": "Nat.Prime.pos", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p → 0 < p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["StrictOrderedRing.toRing", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "EuclideanDomain.to_principal_ideal_domain", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Rat.isFractionRing", + "NumberField.to_finiteDimensional", + "algebraInt", + "algebraRat", + "IsPrincipalIdealRing.isDedekindDomain", + "Preorder.toLE", + "IsIntegralClosure.isDedekindDomain", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "PerfectField.ofCharZero", + "Field", + "LinearOrderedSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "LinearOrderedRing.isDomain", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toLinearOrderedSemiring", + "Rat.instField", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "AddGroup.existsAddOfLE", + "Rat", + "Algebra.IsAlgebraic.of_finite", + "Field.toSemifield", + "AddCommGroup.intIsScalarTower", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "Int.euclideanDomain", + "IsDedekindDomain", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "Int.instCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsIntegralClosureInt", + "NumberField", + "Algebra.IsAlgebraic.isSeparable_of_perfectField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "", + "Rat.instLinearOrderedRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1"], + "name": "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDedekindDomain", + "constType": + "∀ (K : Type u_1) [inst : Field K] [nf : NumberField K], IsDedekindDomain (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["DistribLattice.toLattice", + "Int.instLinearOrder", + "inferInstance", + "Lattice", + "instDistribLatticeOfLinearOrder", + "Int"], + "name": "instLatticeInt", + "constType": "Lattice ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["PUnit"], + "name": "PUnit.unit", + "constType": "PUnit.{u}", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Set", + "Dvd.dvd", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Ideal.span", + "semigroupDvd", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Ideal.mem_span_singleton", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring α] {x y : α}, (x ∈ Ideal.span {y}) = (y ∣ x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_10"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_11._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_15", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_16._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["LT", "", "Nat", ""], + "name": "instLTNat", + "constType": "LT ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", "Lean.Name"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.namespace", + "constType": "Lean.Name → Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["False", "propext", "Not", "not_true", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert90._auxLemma.7", + "constType": "(¬True) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "SubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HSub.hSub", + "Neg.neg", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubNegMonoid.sub_eq_add_neg", + "Eq"], + "name": "sub_eq_add_neg", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : SubNegMonoid G] (a b : G), a - b = a + -b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.biUnion_subset_iff_forall_subset", + "Membership.mem", + "Finset.instHasSubset", + "Finset.biUnion", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} [inst : DecidableEq β] {s : Finset α} {t : Finset β} {f : α → Finset β},\n (s.biUnion f ⊆ t) = ∀ x ∈ s, f x ⊆ t", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Fin.eq_of_val_eq", "Fin.val", "Nat", "Fin", "Eq"], + "name": "Fin.ext", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} {a b : Fin n}, ↑a = ↑b → a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "instHDiv", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "Int.ediv_mul_cancel_of_emod_eq_zero", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.instDiv", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "Int.emod_eq_zero_of_dvd", + "Int", + "Eq"], + "name": "Int.ediv_mul_cancel", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, b ∣ a → a / b * b = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Add", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Distrib.rightDistribClass", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "True", + "add_mul", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a₁ a₂ b c₁ c₂ d : R},\n a₁ * b = c₁ → a₂ * b = c₂ → c₁ + c₂ = d → (a₁ + a₂) * b = d", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Finset.range_filter_eq", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "pow_one", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "ite", + "Finset.instMembership", + "DecidablePred", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Nat.Prime", + "One", + "Nat.cast", + "Finset.sum_range", + "Finset.range", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Int.instSub", + "instOfNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + "", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "zsmul_eq_mul", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "eq_of_heq", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Finset.filter_filter", + "Int.ModEq.symm", + "Int.instRing", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff_dvd_sub", + "instDecidableTrue", + "ne_and_eq_iff_right", + "CyclotomicField", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "And", + "Int.instCharZero", + "eq_true", + "", + "propext", + "", + "Finset.sum_ite", + "congr", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int", + "Fin", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "HEq", + "Subtype.val", + "Nat.decLt", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "semigroupDvd", + "NeZero.pnat", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "FltRegular.CaseI.auxf0k₂", + "True", + "Subsingleton.elim", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "NeZero", + "zero_ne_one", + "Eq.rec", + "Finset", + "Decidable", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Finset.filter", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "NeZero.charZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "sub_mul", + "Finset.sum", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Int.cast_sub", + "Ne.symm", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "instDecidableAnd", + "LE.le", + "if_true", + "Fin.val_mk", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "", + "instNatCastInt", + "letFun", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "", + "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₂", + "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "instHSMul", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "AddGroupWithOne.toSub", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "instSubsingletonForall", + "AddGroup.intSMulWithZero", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Finset.sum_const_zero", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "instLTNat", + "ZMod.instField", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "dvd_coeff_cycl_integer", + "Finset.sum_singleton", + "Nat", + "Finset.sum_congr", + "Eq.trans", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "ite_smul", + "Ne", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "Int.instDvd", + "Fin.val", + "add_sub_right_comm", + "Int.ModEq", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Fin.fintype", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "SubNegMonoid.SMulInt", + "pow_zero", + "ZMod", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Int.cast_zero", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Finset.univ", + "instHMul", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "of_eq_true", + "HEq.refl", + "Int.cast", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "mul_one", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "sub_eq_zero", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection", + "instSubsingletonDecidable", + "zero_smul", + "Zero", + "NonAssocRing.toAddCommGroupWithOne", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "PNat.val", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instLENat", + "instHPow", + "instDecidableNot", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Ring.toSub", + "ite_cond_eq_true", + "instOfNatNat", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "id", + "eq_self", + "NeZero.succ", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "Membership.mem", + "FltRegular.CaseI.aux_cong0k₂", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Rat.instField", + "funext", + "False", + "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "instHAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Dvd.dvd", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "ite_congr", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Eq.casesOn", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.3", + "ZMod.commRing", + "add_sub_assoc", + "Dvd"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.aux0k₂", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} (hpri : Nat.Prime p) {a b : ℤ} {ζ : NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField ⟨p, ⋯⟩ ℚ)},\n 5 ≤ p →\n IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p →\n ¬a ≡ b [ZMOD ↑p] →\n ∀ {k₁ k₂ : Fin p}, ↑↑k₂ ≡ ↑↑k₁ - 1 [ZMOD ↑p] → ↑p ∣ ↑a + ↑b * ζ - ↑a * ζ ^ ↑k₁ - ↑b * ζ ^ ↑k₂ → 0 ≠ ↑k₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "MonadExcept"], + "name": "MonadExcept.throw", + "constType": + "{ε : outParam (Type u)} → {m : Type v → Type w} → [self : MonadExcept ε m] → {α : Type v} → ε → m α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Submodule", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "", + "Submodule.addSubgroupClass", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Submodule.Quotient.instZeroQuotient", + "Eq", + "Submodule.Quotient.eq'", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Subgroup.Basic._auxLemma.2", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Iff", + "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "Ring", + "AddSubgroupClass.toNegMemClass", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Module", + "Eq.trans", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Membership.mem", + "instHAdd", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "SubtractionMonoid.toInvolutiveNeg", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommGroup", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "add_zero", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "congrArg", + "Submodule.setLike"], + "name": "Submodule.Quotient.mk_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} {x : M} [inst : Ring R] [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] [inst_2 : Module R M]\n (p : Submodule R M), x = 0 ↔ x ∈ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Iff.intro", "Nonempty.elim", "Iff", "Nonempty"], + "name": "forall_const", + "constType": "∀ {b : Prop} (α : Sort u_1) [i : Nonempty α], α → b ↔ b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.casesOn", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.eval", + "", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs", + "", + "Lean.Omega.IntList.instAdd", + "Int.add_left_comm", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.instAdd", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Eq.rec", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.dot_distrib_left", + "Int.add_assoc", + "congr", + "congrArg", + "HAdd", + "Eq.trans", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", + "Int", + "id"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.add_eval", + "constType": + "∀ (l₁ l₂ : Lean.Omega.LinearCombo) (v : Lean.Omega.Coeffs), (l₁ + l₂).eval v = l₁.eval v + l₂.eval v", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.casesAuxOn", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "IsDomain", + "Eq.refl", + "Field.toSemifield", + "Fact.out", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "ZMod.instField", + "Field.isDomain", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Nat.Prime", + "Eq.ndrec", + "False.elim", + "Field", + "inferInstanceAs", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Fact", + "Nat.not_prime_zero"], + "name": "ZMod.instIsDomain", + "constType": "∀ (p : ℕ) [hp : Fact (Nat.Prime p)], IsDomain (ZMod p)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["setOf", "Set", "True"], + "name": "Set.univ", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → Set α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instSubNat", + "Nat.pred", + "HSub.hSub", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "rfl", + "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.pred_eq_sub_one", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, n.pred = n - 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "", + "instOfNat", + "LE.le", + "Int", + "Int.instAdd", + "Int.instLEInt", + "Int.instLTInt"], + "name": "Int.add_one_le_of_lt", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, a < b → a + 1 ≤ b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", "Multiset.sum", "Finset", "Finset.val", "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Finset.sum", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_3} → {β : Type u_4} → [inst : AddCommMonoid β] → Finset α → (α → β) → β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Or"], + "name": "Or.inr", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, b → a ∨ b", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Function.swap", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "Covariant", + "covariant_flip_iff", + "flip", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "CovariantClass", + "AddCommSemigroup", + "AddCommMagma.to_isCommutative", + "isSymmOp_of_isCommutative", + "", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "Iff.mpr", + "CovariantClass.elim"], + "name": "covariant_swap_add_of_covariant_add", + "constType": + "∀ (N : Type u_2) (r : N → N → Prop) [inst : AddCommSemigroup N] [inst_1 : CovariantClass N N (fun x x_1 => x + x_1) r],\n CovariantClass N N (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) r", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNonAssocRing", "Mul"], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalNonAssocRing α] → Mul α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Iff.intro", "And", "Iff", "and_imp.match_1", "And.intro"], + "name": "and_imp", + "constType": "∀ {a b c : Prop}, a ∧ b → c ↔ a → b → c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "GCDMonoid", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toNormalizationMonoid", + "Insert.insert", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Finset.instMembership", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "instOfNat", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_raw_eq", + "add_comm", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "or_true", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "Int.gcd", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "And", + "Int.instCharZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "neg_add_eq_iff_eq_add", + "Int.coe_gcd", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "congr", + "Nat.gcd", + "And.intro", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "Int.instDecidableModEq", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Int.instSemiring", + "sub_nonpos_of_le", + "HEq", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Eq.refl", + "Int.rawCast", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Finset.gcd", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsRightCancelAdd", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "Int.instAddMonoid", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "zero_lt_one", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pf_left", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_add", + "Neg.neg", + "Int.instMonoid", + "LE.le", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Int.normalizationMonoid", + "NormedCommRing.toSeminormedCommRing", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.28", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.zero_mul", + "Eq.ndrec", + "instNatCastInt", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.one_mul", + "letFun", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "FltRegular.p_dvd_c_of_ab_of_anegc", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_congr", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "dite", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toGCDMonoid", + "Units.isUnit", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "StrictOrderedRing.toOrderedAddCommGroup", + "Finset.ext", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap_zero", + "true_or", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.nat_rawCast_1", + "Eq.trans", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "neg_neg_of_pos", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "ZMod", + "Int.instLTInt", + "Int.instGCDMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "Or.resolve_left", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "of_eq_true", + "HEq.refl", + "Int.cast", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "mul_one", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Finset.gcd_singleton", + "Int.ofNat", + "StrictOrderedRing.toRing", + "Linarith.lt_irrefl", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.2", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Basic._auxLemma.18", + "normalize", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_lt_true", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "id", + "sub_eq_zero_of_eq", + "Membership.mem", + "eq_self", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "False", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Dvd.dvd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "Units.val", + "Finset.gcd_insert", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing", + "Bool", + "Eq.casesOn", + "Int.isUnit_iff", + "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "Int.natAbs", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "mul_neg", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Finset.instInsert", + "neg_pow", + "pow_one", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Nat.Prime", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "Int.natAbs_neg", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "Linarith.lt_of_lt_of_eq", + "MonoidWithZeroHom.funLike", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.7", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "Or", + "eq_of_heq", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.4", + "Int.instRing", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.5", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "eq_true", + "", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pf_right", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "Int", + "Exists", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.6", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "IsRightCancelAdd.covariant_swap_add_lt_of_covariant_swap_add_le", + "Exists.intro", + "", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "True", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "Eq.rec", + "Finset", + "neg_mul", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Not.intro", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "covariant_swap_add_of_covariant_add", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Int.instMul", + "Odd.neg_one_pow", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_pos", + "One.toOfNat1", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "Bool.false", + "IsUnit", + "Int.gcd_eq_natAbs", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_mul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.instAddMonoidWithOne", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Int.instNormedCommRing", + "Exists.casesOn", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.8", + "Int.instAdd", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.mul_assoc_rev", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.1", + "Nat.Prime.eq_two_or_odd'", + "Nat", + "Odd", + "Ne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_isNat", + "Nat.rawCast", + "Int.ModEq", + "OrderedSemiring.zeroLEOneClass", + "Or.casesOn", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "Int.instAddCommSemigroup", + "Iff.intro", + "instHMul", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "Not", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "Int.instLEInt", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.toAddCommGroup", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.64", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instLENat", + "one_mul", + "NormalizationMonoid.normUnit", + "instHPow", + "Preorder.toLT", + "Linarith.mul_neg", + "Int.instNegInt", + "add_lt_of_neg_of_le", + "Eq.symm", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_ofNat", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "Nat.instCommSemiring", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "OrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "ZMod.commRing", + "Int.instNontrivial"], + "name": "FltRegular.a_not_cong_b", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} {a b c : ℤ},\n Nat.Prime p →\n 5 ≤ p →\n a * b * c ≠ 0 →\n a ^ p + b ^ p = c ^ p →\n {a, b, c}.gcd id = 1 →\n ¬↑p ∣ a * b * c →\n ∃ x y z, x ^ p + y ^ p = z ^ p ∧ {x, y, z}.gcd id = 1 ∧ ¬x ≡ y [ZMOD ↑p] ∧ x * y * z ≠ 0 ∧ ¬↑p ∣ x * y * z", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Finset", + "constType": "Type u_4 → Type u_4", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Decidable", + "constType": "Prop → Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["propext", "forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Different._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_2} {β : Sort u_1} {f : α → β} {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop},\n (∀ (b : β) (a : α), p a → f a = b → q b) = ∀ (a : α), p a → q (f a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_9", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_10._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "LT", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "MulOneClass", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "Module", "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Submodule", + "constType": + "(R : Type u) → (M : Type v) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Type v", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "dvd_gcd_iff", + "And", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "GCDMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "propext", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : GCDMonoid α] (a b c : α), (a ∣ gcd b c) = (a ∣ b ∧ a ∣ c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "SetLike", "Set"], + "name": "SetLike.coe", + "constType": + "{A : Type u_1} → {B : outParam (Type u_2)} → [self : SetLike A B] → A → Set B", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "instHMul", + "pow_mul", + "Monoid", + "instHPow", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instMulNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Different._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : Monoid M] (a : M) (m n : ℕ), (a ^ m) ^ n = a ^ (m * n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Nat"], + "name": "Fin", + "constType": "ℕ → Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "Submodule", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Algebra.toModule", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Algebra", + "IsFractional", + "Submonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Subtype", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "FractionalIdeal", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n [inst : CommRing R] → Submonoid R → (P : Type u_2) → [inst_1 : CommRing P] → [inst : Algebra R P] → Type u_2", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Field"], + "name": "NumberField", + "constType": "(K : Type u_1) → [inst : Field K] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["LT"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : LT α] → α → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "LeftDistribClass", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "Dvd.intro", + "True", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "of_eq_true", + "Dvd.elim", + "HMul.hMul", + "congr", + "Add", + "congrArg", + "left_distrib", + "Eq.trans", + "Semigroup"], + "name": "dvd_add", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Add α] [inst_1 : Semigroup α] [inst_2 : LeftDistribClass α] {a b c : α},\n a ∣ b → a ∣ c → a ∣ b + c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "String.toSubstring'", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_24"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_25._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "ZeroLEOneClass", + "eq_true", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "One", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "one_pos", + "One.toOfNat1", + "True", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "PartialOrder"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.11", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : PartialOrder α] [inst_3 : ZeroLEOneClass α]\n [inst_4 : NeZero 1], (0 < 1) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["AddMonoidWithOne", "One"], + "name": "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "constType": "{R : Type u_2} → [self : AddMonoidWithOne R] → One R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "FiniteField.pow_card", + "DivisionSemiring.toGroupWithZero", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Field.toSemifield", + "NeZero.of_gt'", + "Fintype.card", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "ZMod.card", + "GroupWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "ZMod.instField", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt'", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "letFun", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "ZMod.fintype", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Fact"], + "name": "ZMod.pow_card", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ} [inst : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] (x : ZMod p), x ^ p = x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "Monoid.toOne", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Monoid.one_mul", + "MonoidWithZero.mul_zero", + "MonoidWithZero.zero_mul", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Monoid.mul_one", + "", + "MulZeroOneClass", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "constType": + "{M₀ : Type u} → [self : MonoidWithZero M₀] → MulZeroOneClass M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Unique", + "constType": "Sort u → Sort (max 1 u)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "AddGroup", + "instHAdd", + "propext", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HSub.hSub", + "sub_eq_iff_eq_add", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] {a b c : G}, (a - b = c) = (a = c + b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.add_succ", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "True", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "Nat.recAux", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Nat.cast_succ", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.succ", + "id", + "eq_self", + "add_assoc", + "instAddNat", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "of_eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "congrArg", + "add_zero"], + "name": "Nat.cast_add", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] (m n : ℕ), ↑(m + n) = ↑m + ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "Int.instDvd", + "Iff.rfl", + "Int.ModEq", + "HSub.hSub", + "Dvd.dvd", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Int.modEq_iff_dvd", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Int.instSub", + "Int", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "id", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff_dvd_sub", + "constType": "∀ (a b : ℤ) (c : ℕ), ↑a = ↑b ↔ ↑c ∣ b - a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Nat.gcd_comm", "Nat", "Int", "Int.gcd", "Eq", "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.gcd_comm", + "constType": "∀ (i j : ℤ), i.gcd j = j.gcd i", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "Submonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass"], + "name": "IsLocalization", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n [inst : CommSemiring R] → Submonoid R → (S : Type u_2) → [inst_1 : CommSemiring S] → [inst : Algebra R S] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Exists", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "IsDomain", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Exists.casesOn", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "True", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toSub", + "LocalRing.of_isUnit_or_isUnit_one_sub_self", + "IsDomain.toNontrivial", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "add_sub_cancel", + "Eq.trans", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "eq_self", + "instHSub", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Or", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "mul_add", + "Or.inr", + "isUnit_of_mul_eq_one", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "One.toOfNat1", + "LocalRing", + "Or.casesOn", + "ValuationRing.cond", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "Semiring.toOne", + "sub_add_cancel", + "instHMul", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "Or.inl", + "of_eq_true", + "congr", + "HMul.hMul", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "mul_one", + "IsUnit", + "congrArg", + "ValuationRing"], + "name": "ValuationRing.localRing", + "constType": + "∀ (A : Type u) [inst : CommRing A] [inst_1 : IsDomain A] [inst_2 : ValuationRing A], LocalRing A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Set", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Eq.refl", + "Nat.instAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "algebraRat", + "pow_one", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "PNat.val", + "zero_add", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Nat.Prime", + "Eq.mpr", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.toInteger", + "instHPow", + "Field", + "LinearOrderedCancelCommMonoid.toLinearOrderedCommMonoid", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Nat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.trans", + "id", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoid.toOrderedCommMonoid", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "One.toOfNat1", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "Semiring.toOne", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "OrderedCommMonoid.toCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Prime", + "CharZero", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "instPNatLinearOrderedCancelCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.zeta_sub_one_prime", + "PNat"], + "name": "IsPrimitiveRoot.zeta_sub_one_prime'", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} {K : Type u} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K] {ζ : K} [hp : Fact (Nat.Prime ↑p)]\n [h : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p), Prime (hζ.toInteger - 1)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Function.comp", + "constType": + "{α : Sort u} → {β : Sort v} → {δ : Sort w} → (β → δ) → (α → β) → α → δ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["And", "propext", "and_true_iff", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.12", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), (p ∧ True) = p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["not_or", "And", "Or", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.5", + "constType": "∀ {p q : Prop}, (¬(p ∨ q)) = (¬p ∧ ¬q)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EquivLike", + "Equiv.toFun", + "AlgEquiv", + "Equiv.invFun", + "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike.proof_2", + "AlgEquiv.toEquiv", + "Semiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike.proof_3", + "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike.proof_1", + ""], + "name": "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike", + "constType": + "{R : Type uR} →\n {A₁ : Type uA₁} →\n {A₂ : Type uA₂} →\n [inst : CommSemiring R] →\n [inst_1 : Semiring A₁] →\n [inst_2 : Semiring A₂] → [inst_3 : Algebra R A₁] → [inst_4 : Algebra R A₂] → EquivLike (A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₂) A₁ A₂", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Monoid"], + "name": "MulAction", + "constType": + "(α : Type u_11) → Type u_12 → [inst : Monoid α] → Type (max u_11 u_12)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [self : LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero α] → Zero α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.instMonoid", + "propext", + "instOfNatNat", + "IsUnit", + "Nat", + "Nat.isUnit_iff", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.7", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, IsUnit n = (n = 1)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.negSucc", + "Unit", + "Int.natAbs_neg.match_1", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Neg.neg", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "instOfNat", + "rfl", + "Int", + "Int.natAbs", + "Eq"], + "name": "Int.natAbs_neg", + "constType": "∀ (a : ℤ), (-a).natAbs = a.natAbs", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "StrictOrderedRing.toRing", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring.proof_10", + "", + "", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring.proof_3", + "LinearOrderedRing.decidableEq", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring.proof_6", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring.proof_9", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring.proof_1", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring.proof_8", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring.proof_2", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "LinearOrderedRing.decidableLE", + "", + "LinearOrderedRing.toOrd", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring.proof_5", + "LinearOrderedSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommRing", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring.proof_7", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.mul_comm", + "LinearOrderedRing.toLinearOrderedSemiring", + "LinearOrderedRing.toMin", + "LinearOrderedRing.toMax", + "LinearOrderedRing.decidableLT", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring.proof_4"], + "name": "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [d : LinearOrderedCommRing α] → LinearOrderedCommSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.lt_or_ge.match_2", + "Or", + "instLENat", + "", + "", + "Nat.lt_or_ge", + "Not", + "Nat", + "Nat.le_antisymm", + "absurd", + "instLTNat", + "LE.le", + "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.lt_of_le_of_ne", + "constType": "∀ {n m : ℕ}, n ≤ m → ¬n = m → n < m", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Monad", + "EStateM", + "Function.comp", + "Unit", + "Function.const", + "", + "", + "", + "EStateM.seqRight", + "EStateM.bind", + "EStateM.pure", + "", + "Unit.unit", + "", + "", + "", + "", + ""], + "name": "EStateM.instMonad", + "constType": "{ε σ : Type u} → Monad (EStateM ε σ)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_35"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_36._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["DistribLattice.toLattice", + "And", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "LinearOrder", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeInf", + "Preorder.toLT", + "propext", + "", + "LinearOrder.toMax", + "Max.max", + "SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder", + "max_lt_iff", + "instDistribLatticeOfLinearOrder", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.22", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LinearOrder α] {a b c : α}, (max a b < c) = (a < c ∧ b < c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["List", "String", "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", "Lean.Name"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "constType": "Lean.Name → List String → Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Classical.not_not", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.KummersLemma._auxLemma.9", + "constType": "∀ {a : Prop}, (¬¬a) = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Group.toDivisionMonoid", + "Membership.mem", + "InvOneClass.toOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "Iff", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "Iff.rfl", + "Subgroup", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Group", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "Subgroup.instSetLike", + "Subgroup.instBot", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "Subgroup.mem_bot", + "constType": "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Group G] {x : G}, x ∈ ⊥ ↔ x = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Or.resolve_left", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat.Prime.eq_two_or_odd'", + "Odd", + "Nat", + "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.Prime.odd_of_ne_two", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p → p ≠ 2 → Odd p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Iff.mpr", + "", + "PartialOrder", + "CovariantClass.elim", + "LE.le.lt_of_ne", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "CovariantClass", + "Add", + "", + "add_ne_add_right", + "IsLeftCancelAdd"], + "name": "IsLeftCancelAdd.covariant_add_lt_of_covariant_add_le", + "constType": + "∀ (N : Type u_2) [inst : Add N] [inst_1 : IsLeftCancelAdd N] [inst_2 : PartialOrder N]\n [inst_3 : CovariantClass N N (fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x ≤ x_1],\n CovariantClass N N (fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Subtype.ext_iff", "propext", "Subtype.val", "Eq.symm", "Subtype", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.17", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a1 a2 : { x // p x }}, (↑a1 = ↑a2) = (a1 = a2)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.mkStr3", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_26", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_27", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_28"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_29._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Nat.rawCast", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "one_pow", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "True", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "of_eq_true", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "congr", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.cast_one"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.one_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (b : ℕ), Nat.rawCast 1 ^ b = Nat.rawCast 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Int.neg.match_1", "Nat", "Nat.succ", "Int"], + "name": "Int.natAbs", + "constType": "ℤ → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "add_assoc", + "SubNegMonoid", + "instHAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Eq.refl", + "Neg.neg", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "add_sub_assoc", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : SubNegMonoid G] (a b c : G), a + b - c = a + (b - c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Units", "Monoid", "propext", "Units.val", "Units.eq_iff", "Eq.symm", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert90._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Monoid α] {a b : αˣ}, (a = b) = (↑a = ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Mul", "Nat", "Nat.mul", ""], + "name": "instMulNat", + "constType": "Mul ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_9"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_10._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OreLocalization.OreSet", + "RingHom", + "Module.toDistribMulAction", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "RingHom.comp", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "OreLocalization.instModuleOfIsScalarTower", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra.proof_1", + "OreLocalization.instAddCommMonoidOreLocalization", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra.proof_2", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "CommSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulActionWithZero", + "Algebra", + "OreLocalization.numeratorRingHom", + "Module", + "MulActionWithZero.toMulAction", + "Semiring.toModule", + "DistribMulAction.toMulAction", + "IsScalarTower.right", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Semiring", + "algebraMap", + "MulAction.toSMul", + "OreLocalization", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Submonoid", + "inferInstanceAs", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + ""], + "name": "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n [inst : Semiring R] →\n {S : Submonoid R} →\n [inst_1 : OreLocalization.OreSet S] →\n {R₀ : Type u_3} → [inst_2 : CommSemiring R₀] → [inst_3 : Algebra R₀ R] → Algebra R₀ (OreLocalization S R)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "DivInvMonoid", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_19", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_20._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "instHSMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Submodule.hasSMul'", + "Mul", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule", + ""], + "name": "Ideal.instMul", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → Mul (Ideal R)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "False", + "constType": "Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Zero"], + "name": "Finsupp", + "constType": + "Type u_13 → (M : Type u_14) → [inst : Zero M] → Type (max u_13 u_14)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "RingCon.Quotient", + "Ideal.Quotient.ringCon", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "CommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "RingCon.instCommRingQuotient", + "inferInstanceAs", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Ideal", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → [inst : CommRing R] → (I : Ideal R) → CommRing (R ⧸ I)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "Membership"], + "name": "Membership.mem", + "constType": + "{α : outParam (Type u)} → {γ : Type v} → [self : Membership α γ] → α → γ → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "DFunLike"], + "name": "DFunLike.coe", + "constType": + "{F : Sort u_1} → {α : outParam (Sort u_2)} → {β : outParam (α → Sort u_3)} → [self : DFunLike F α β] → F → (a : α) → β a", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_39._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "AddMonoid"], + "name": "AddMonoid.toZero", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : AddMonoid M] → Zero M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "ZMod.val.match_1", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Fin.val", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Unit", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "ZMod", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "ZMod.val", + "constType": "{n : ℕ} → ZMod n → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Pure"], + "name": "Pure.pure", + "constType": + "{f : Type u → Type v} → [self : Pure f] → {α : Type u} → α → f α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "algebraRat", + "algebraInt", + "integralClosure", + "AlgHom.codRestrict", + "intGal.proof_1", + "Field", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "gal_map_mem_subtype", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "AlgHom.restrictScalars", + "Rat", + "Field.toSemifield", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "AlgHom.restrictDomain", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "AlgHom", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "intGal.proof_2", + "CharZero", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1"], + "name": "intGal", + "constType": + "{K : Type u_1} →\n [inst : Field K] →\n [inst_1 : CharZero K] → (K →ₐ[ℚ] K) → NumberField.RingOfIntegers K →ₐ[ℤ] NumberField.RingOfIntegers K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["SubtractionCommMonoid", "SubtractionMonoid"], + "name": "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "constType": + "{G : Type u} → [self : SubtractionCommMonoid G] → SubtractionMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "HMul.hMul", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "mul_left_inv", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "DivInvMonoid.toInv", + "Inv.inv", + "Eq"], + "name": "inv_mul_self", + "constType": "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Group G] (a : G), a⁻¹ * a = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.Prime.pos", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.Prime", + "", + "", + "Fact.out", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Fact", + "instLTNat"], + "name": "instFactLtNatOfNatOfPrime_fltRegular", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ} [hp : Fact (Nat.Prime p)], Fact (0 < p)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["String", "String.toSubstring", "Substring"], + "name": "String.toSubstring'", + "constType": "String → Substring", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["AddGroupWithOne", "IntCast"], + "name": "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : AddGroupWithOne R] → IntCast R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "DecidablePred", + "And", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.mem_filter", + "Finset.filter", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.18", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {p : α → Prop} [inst : DecidablePred p] {s : Finset α} {a : α}, (a ∈ Finset.filter p s) = (a ∈ s ∧ p a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "MvPolynomial.monomial", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "MvPolynomial.C.proof_3", + "LinearMap.instFunLike", + "Nat.instAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "", + "", + "AddMonoidAlgebra", + "MvPolynomial.commSemiring", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "AddMonoidAlgebra.singleZeroRingHom", + "CommSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "", + "MvPolynomial.C.proof_1", + "", + "Nat", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Finsupp.instZero", + "LinearMap", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Finsupp", + "MvPolynomial.C.proof_2", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "MvPolynomial.C.proof_4", + "MvPolynomial", + "AddMonoidAlgebra.nonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Finsupp.instAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MvPolynomial.module"], + "name": "MvPolynomial.C", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → {σ : Type u_1} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → R →+* MvPolynomial σ R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "inv_one", + "True", + "DivInvMonoid.zpow_neg'", + "Eq", + "DivisionMonoid", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Int.instNegInt", + "InvolutiveInv.toInv", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "DivisionMonoid.toInvolutiveInv", + "InvOneClass.toInv", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "zpow_negSucc", + "id", + "HPow.hPow", + "eq_self", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Unit", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "inv_inv", + "zpow_natCast", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "DivInvMonoid.toInv", + "InvOneClass.toOne", + "instNatCastInt", + "of_eq_true", + "Int.negSucc", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "letFun", + "congr", + "zpow_zero", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "zpow_neg.match_1", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "zpow_neg", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DivisionMonoid α] (a : α) (n : ℤ), a ^ (-n) = (a ^ n)⁻¹", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "HPow.hPow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "instLTNat", + "CommRing", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Polynomial.mem_nthRootsFinset", + "propext", + "instHPow", + "", + "Finset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommRing R] [inst_1 : IsDomain R] {n : ℕ},\n 0 < n → ∀ {x : R}, (x ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset n R) = (x ^ n = 1)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNormedRing", "NonUnitalNormedCommRing"], + "name": "NonUnitalNormedCommRing.toNonUnitalNormedRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_5} → [self : NonUnitalNormedCommRing α] → NonUnitalNormedRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["HEq"], + "name": "HEq.refl", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} (a : α), HEq a a", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "CommMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "And", + "instHMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "Not", + "IsUnit", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "Prime", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : CommMonoidWithZero α] → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Module.toDistribMulAction", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "map_smul", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AlgHomClass.linearMapClass", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AlgHomClass.toRingHomClass", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "", + "", + "outParam", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "RingHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "FunLike", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "DistribSMul.toSMulZeroClass", + "CommSemiring", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Algebra", + "", + "DFunLike.coe", + "", + "NonUnitalAlgHomClass", + "DistribMulAction.toDistribSMul", + "AlgHomClass", + "Algebra.toModule", + "MonoidHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "Semiring", + "MonoidHom", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "SemilinearMapClass.toMulActionSemiHomClass", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike"], + "name": "AlgHom.instNonUnitalAlgHomClassOfAlgHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_1} {R : Type u_2} [inst : CommSemiring R] {A : Type u_3} {B : Type u_4} [inst_1 : Semiring A]\n [inst_2 : Semiring B] [inst_3 : Algebra R A] [inst_4 : Algebra R B] [inst_5 : FunLike F A B]\n [inst_6 : AlgHomClass F R A B], NonUnitalAlgHomClass F R A B", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Semigroup", "SemigroupWithZero"], + "name": "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "constType": "{S₀ : Type u} → [self : SemigroupWithZero S₀] → Semigroup S₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Add", "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.add", "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", ""], + "name": "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.instAdd", + "constType": "Add Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "Finsupp", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "MvPolynomial", + "CommSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat"], + "name": "MvPolynomial.coeff", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → {σ : Type u_1} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → (σ →₀ ℕ) → MvPolynomial σ R → R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["lt_of_le_not_le", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "LinearOrder", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "", + "Or.resolve_right", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Not", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "le_total"], + "name": "lt_of_not_ge", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LinearOrder α] {a b : α}, ¬a ≥ b → a < b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_6", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_7._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NonAssocRing", "NonUnitalNonAssocRing"], + "name": "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [self : NonAssocRing α] → NonUnitalNonAssocRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_8", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_32"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_33._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "List.nil", + "Nat", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.set", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", + "instOfNat", + "Int"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate", + "constType": "ℕ → Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Iff", "iff_true_intro", "rfl", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "eq_self_iff_true", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} (a : α), a = a ↔ True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["not_exists", "Exists", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.19", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop}, (¬∃ x, p x) = ∀ (x : α), ¬p x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "CompleteSemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "CompleteLattice", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.Chain", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder.proof_2", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.Chain.instFunLikeNat", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder.proof_1", + "iSup", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat", + "CompleteLattice.toCompleteSemilatticeInf", + "CompleteLattice.toSupSet"], + "name": "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "constType": + "(α : Type u) → [inst : CompleteLattice α] → OmegaCompletePartialOrder α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "MulZeroClass.mul_zero", + "pow_eq_zero.match_1", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "PProd", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "PUnit", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "Eq.trans", + "Or.elim", + "id", + "MonoidWithZero", + "HPow.hPow", + "mul_eq_zero", + "Or", + "Nat.below", + "Nat.brecOn", + "congr_arg", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "pow_zero", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "instHMul", + "Nat.rec", + "PProd.fst", + "propext", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "congr", + "pow_succ", + "mul_one", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg"], + "name": "pow_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_2} [inst : MonoidWithZero M₀] {a : M₀} [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M₀] {n : ℕ}, a ^ n = 0 → a = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AlgEquiv", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "AlgEquivClass.toAlgHomClass", + "AlgHomClass.toAlgHom", + "intGal", + "algebraInt", + "algebraRat", + "rfl", + "AlgEquiv.instAlgEquivClass", + "Eq", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "Units.instMulOneClass", + "DFunLike.coe", + "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "Rat", + "Field.toSemifield", + "MonoidHom", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "AlgHom", + "AlgEquiv.instFunLike", + "unitGalConj", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CharZero", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "AlgHom.funLike", + "Units.val", + "CommRing.toRing", + "galConj", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Singleton.singleton", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Int", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.coe_unitGalConj", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K] [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K]\n (x : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ), ↑((unitGalConj K p) x) = (intGal ↑(galConj K p)) ↑x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["ENat", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.instNontrivial", + "WithTop.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiringOfNontrivial", + "Nat", + "instDecidableEqNat"], + "name": "instENatCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "constType": "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring ℕ∞", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "DivisionRing", + "", + "DivisionRing.div_eq_mul_inv", + "NonUnitalSemiring.mul_assoc", + "DivisionRing.zpow_succ'", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "DivisionRing.zpow_zero'", + "DivInvMonoid", + "Semiring.mul_one", + "Semiring.npow_succ", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Semiring.npow_zero", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.one_mul", + "DivisionRing.zpow_neg'", + "DivisionRing.zpow", + "DivisionRing.toInv", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Semiring.npow", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toDiv", + ""], + "name": "DivisionRing.toDivInvMonoid", + "constType": "{α : Type u_4} → [self : DivisionRing α] → DivInvMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["MulZeroOneClass"], + "name": "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "constType": + "(α : Type u_7) → (β : Type u_8) → [inst : MulZeroOneClass α] → [inst : MulZeroOneClass β] → Type (max u_7 u_8)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["", "Div", "Int.ediv", "Int"], + "name": "Int.instDiv", + "constType": "Div ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Monoid", "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "constType": "{M₀ : Type u} → [self : MonoidWithZero M₀] → Monoid M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "Fact.out", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Fact", + "instLTNat"], + "name": "IsRegularNumber.proof_1", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ) [hn : Fact (0 < n)], 0 < n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "instHPow", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Not", + "semigroupDvd", + "Nat"], + "name": "multiplicity.Finite", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Monoid α] → α → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Units.instInv", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "Semifield.toCommGroupWithZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "algebraRat", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.val", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidWithZeroHomClass", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "map_mul", + "", + "InvOneClass.toInv", + "instOfNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike", + "HPow.hPow", + "Or", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "AlgEquiv.instFunLike", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "congr", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "Int", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1", + "Inv.inv", + "NonUnitalAlgHomClass.instLinearMapClass", + "AlgEquiv", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "AlgEquivClass.toAlgHomClass", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "algebraInt", + "", + "RingHomClass.toNonUnitalRingHomClass", + "galConj_zeta_runity", + "map_intCast", + "RingHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "intGal_apply_coe", + "Eq.rec", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "inv_zpow", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "CommGroupWithZero.toDivisionCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "NonUnitalAlgSemiHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "algebraMap", + "Field.toSemifield", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AlgHom", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Or.inl", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "AddMonoidHomClass.toAddHomClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "PNat", + "Module.toDistribMulAction", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CaseI._auxLemma.3", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "NonUnitalRingHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "AlgHomClass.toRingHomClass", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "DivisionCommMonoid.toDivisionMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "HPow", + "DivisionRing.toDivInvMonoid", + "Eq.trans", + "DivisionSemiring.toGroupWithZero", + "NumberField.Units.coe_zpow", + "GroupWithZero.toDivInvMonoid", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "instHMul", + "SemilinearMapClass.toAddHomClass", + "AlgHom.instNonUnitalAlgHomClassOfAlgHomClass", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "Int.cast", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "zpow_neg", + "", + "map_zpow₀", + "CancelMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "congrArg", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CaseI._auxLemma.1", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid", + "CommGroup.toDivisionCommMonoid", + "RingHom", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CaseI._auxLemma.2", + "AlgHomClass.toAlgHom", + "intGal", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "AlgEquiv.instAlgEquivClass", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "PNat.val", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "AlgHom.algHomClass", + "instHPow", + "Int.instNegInt", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "id", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsLeftCancelAdd", + "Algebra.toModule", + "instHAdd", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "IsDomain.toCancelMonoidWithZero", + "Rat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "map_add", + "Field.isDomain", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.ext", + "CharZero", + "Units.instCommGroupUnits", + "Units.val", + "AlgHom.funLike", + "HMul.hMul", + "galConj", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "map_units_inv"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.exists_int_sum_eq_zero'_aux", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K] [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] {ζ : K}\n (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) (x y i : ℤ),\n (intGal ↑(galConj K p)) (↑x + ↑y * ↑(hζ.unit' ^ i)) = ↑x + ↑y * ↑(hζ.unit' ^ (-i))", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "propext", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "dvd_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "Dvd.dvd", + "HasDistribNeg", + "semigroupDvd", + "Semigroup", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.KummersLemma._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Semigroup α] [inst_1 : HasDistribNeg α] {a b : α}, (a ∣ -b) = (a ∣ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Eq.rec", "LE", "LE.le", "Eq"], + "name": "le_of_le_of_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {a b c : α} [inst : LE α], a ≤ b → b = c → a ≤ c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_43", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_44._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toOne", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "instHMul", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "CommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Eq"], + "name": "IsCoprime", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → R → R → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddGroup", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid.proof_1", + "SubtractionMonoid", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "_private.Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Defs.0.neg_eq_of_add", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid.proof_2", + ""], + "name": "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "constType": "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : AddGroup G] → SubtractionMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero"], + "name": "SMulZeroClass", + "constType": + "Type u_10 → (A : Type u_11) → [inst : Zero A] → Type (max u_10 u_11)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["ZeroLEOneClass", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "One", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "zero_le", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "Preorder.toLE", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "canonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toZeroLeOneClass", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] [inst_1 : One α], ZeroLEOneClass α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.symm", "Iff", "Fin.val", "Nat", "Fin.val_inj", "Fin", "Eq"], + "name": "Fin.ext_iff", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} {a b : Fin n}, a = b ↔ ↑a = ↑b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "CancelMonoidWithZero", + "constType": "Type u_4 → Type u_4", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Nat"], + "name": "Nat.AtLeastTwo", + "constType": "ℕ → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["MulOneClass", "Mul"], + "name": "MulOneClass.toMul", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : MulOneClass M] → Mul M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.1", + "Or.resolve_right", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add", + "pow_one", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "IsDomain.to_noZeroDivisors", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "Int.cast_neg", + "Int.instSub", + "instOfNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Or", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Int.instRing", + "ZMod.pow_card", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "congr", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Int.rawCast", + "Eq.refl", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "ZMod.natCast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Int.instAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Or.inr", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "Int.instMul", + "Field.toSemifield", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Int.cast_sub", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "ZMod.instIsDomain", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Or.inl", + "instNatCastInt", + "", + "letFun", + "Nat.dvd_prime", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.2", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.int_rawCast_neg", + "Int.cast_pow", + "AddGroupWithOne.toSub", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "Int.cast_add", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "ZMod.instField", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.3", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Ring.toNeg", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Int.cast_mul", + "Nat.instDvd", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.nat_rawCast_1", + "Ne", + "congr_arg", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.ModEq", + "Nat.rawCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.mul_neg", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Or.casesOn", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "ZMod", + "Int.cast_ofNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "instHMul", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "of_eq_true", + "Int.cast", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "sub_eq_zero", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "Int.ofNat", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Nat.Prime.ne_one", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHPow", + "Nat.prime_three", + "Ring.toSub", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "Int.instNegInt", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "id", + "eq_self", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "False", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "Dvd.dvd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Semiring.toOne", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Nat.instCommSemiring", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "HMul.hMul", + "ZMod.intCast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "FltRegular.p_dvd_c_of_ab_of_anegc", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} {a b c : ℤ}, Nat.Prime p → p ≠ 3 → a ^ p + b ^ p = c ^ p → a ≡ b [ZMOD ↑p] → b ≡ -c [ZMOD ↑p] → ↑p ∣ c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommRing.toCommSemiring", "Algebra", "Ring", "Ring.toSemiring", "CommRing"], + "name": "Algebra.IsSeparable", + "constType": + "(F : Type u_1) → (K : Type u_2) → [inst : CommRing F] → [inst_1 : Ring K] → [inst : Algebra F K] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Nontrivial", + "constType": "Type u_3 → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "OreLocalization.instZero", + "IsScalarTower.algebraMap_eq", + "IsDomain", + "RingHom.comp", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "FractionRing.field", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors.of_algebraMap_injective", + "CommRing", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "Eq", + "FractionRing.instNontrivial", + "Monoid.toMulAction", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "IsDomain.to_noZeroDivisors", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "OreLocalization.instSemiring", + "Algebra", + "IsDomain.toNontrivial", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "MulActionWithZero.toMulAction", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing", + "id", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "IsScalarTower.right", + "OreLocalization.instIsScalarTower", + "IsFractionRing.instNoZeroSMulDivisorsOfNoZeroDivisors", + "Algebra.toModule", + "algebraMap", + "OreLocalization.instRing", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors.algebraMap_injective", + "Localization.isLocalization", + "Module.toMulActionWithZero", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instSMulOfIsScalarTower", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Field.isDomain", + "MulAction.toSMul", + "FractionRing", + "Function.Injective", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Function.Injective.comp", + "CommRing.toRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "", + "congrArg"], + "name": "FractionRing.instNoZeroSMulDivisors", + "constType": + "∀ (R : Type u_1) [inst : CommRing R] (A : Type u_4) [inst_1 : CommRing A] [inst_2 : IsDomain A] [inst_3 : Algebra R A]\n [inst_4 : NoZeroSMulDivisors R A], NoZeroSMulDivisors R (FractionRing A)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "constType": "Type u_1 → Type u_1", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Membership.mem", + "And", + "Exists", + "propext", + "Multiset", + "Multiset.mem_map", + "Eq", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.Field._auxLemma.7", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type v} {f : α → β} {b : β} {s : Multiset α}, (b ∈ f s) = ∃ a ∈ s, f a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Exists", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Subtype.val", + "'", + "Set", + "'_eq_zero_iff", + "IsLocalization", + "Set.instMembership", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "HMul.hMul", + "Submonoid", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "Subtype", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.14", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {M : Submonoid R} {S : Type u_2} [inst_1 : CommSemiring S]\n [inst_2 : Algebra R S] [inst_3 : IsLocalization M S] (x : R) (s : ↥M),\n (' S x s = 0) = ∃ m, ↑m * x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_6", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_7._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "propext", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "instOfNatNat", + "Fin.exists_succAbove_eq_iff", + "Nat", + "Fin.succAbove", + "Fin", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.20", + "constType": + "∀ {n : ℕ} {x y : Fin (n + 1)}, (∃ z, x.succAbove z = y) = (y ≠ x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Quot.liftOn", + "Setoid.r", + "DecidableEq", + "List.dedup", + "List", + "List.isSetoid", + "Multiset", + "Multiset.dedup.proof_1", + "Multiset.ofList"], + "name": "Multiset.dedup", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : DecidableEq α] → Multiset α → Multiset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "", + "DecidableEq", + "Multiset", + "HSub.hSub", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "", + "SDiff", + "Multiset.instSub", + "Finset.instSDiff.proof_1"], + "name": "Finset.instSDiff", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : DecidableEq α] → SDiff (Finset α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_3", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_5._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Neg"], + "name": "Neg.neg", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Neg α] → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "mul_add", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "True", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "congr", + "HMul.hMul", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_add", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a b₁ b₂ c₁ c₂ d : R},\n a * b₁ = c₁ → a * b₂ = c₂ → c₁ + 0 + c₂ = d → a * (b₁ + b₂) = d", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid.proof_4", + "NormalizationMonoid", + "Ideal.cancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid.proof_3", + "Inf.inf", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid.proof_1", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid", + "", + "Submodule.instInf", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid.proof_6", + "CommRing", + "Ideal.normalizationMonoid", + "Ideal.instIdemCommSemiring", + "IsDedekindDomain", + "IdemCommSemiring.toSemilatticeSup", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid.proof_8", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid.proof_2", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "SemilatticeSup.toSup", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid.proof_5", + "Sup.sup", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid.proof_7", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "constType": + "{A : Type u_2} → [inst : CommRing A] → [inst_1 : IsDedekindDomain A] → NormalizedGCDMonoid (Ideal A)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MulHomClass", + "NonUnitalAlgSemiHomClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "outParam", + "Monoid", + "FunLike", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidHom", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "DistribMulAction"], + "name": "NonUnitalAlgSemiHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_1} {R : outParam (Type u_2)} {S : outParam (Type u_3)} [inst : Monoid R] [inst_1 : Monoid S]\n {φ : outParam (R →* S)} {A : outParam (Type u_4)} {B : outParam (Type u_5)} [inst_2 : NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring A]\n [inst_3 : NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring B] [inst_4 : DistribMulAction R A] [inst_5 : DistribMulAction S B]\n [inst_6 : FunLike F A B] [self : NonUnitalAlgSemiHomClass F φ A B], MulHomClass F A B", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["List"], + "name": "List.cons", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → α → List α → List α", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Monoid", "Semigroup"], + "name": "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : Monoid M] → Semigroup M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["SubNegMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegZeroMonoid", + "", + "SubtractionMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid.proof_1"], + "name": "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : SubtractionMonoid α] → SubNegZeroMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["StrictOrderedSemiring", "LinearOrderedSemiring"], + "name": "LinearOrderedSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : LinearOrderedSemiring α] → StrictOrderedSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.decLe", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Int.eq_iff_le_and_ge", + "Eq.refl", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs", + "Lean.Omega.Int.add_le_zero_iff_le_neg'", + "Int.instAdd", + "Subsingleton.elim", + "Eq", + "Decidable.decide", + "Lean.Omega.UpperBound.sat", + "Eq.mpr", + "Lean.Omega.Int.add_nonnneg_iff_neg_le'", + "", + "Bool.true", + "Eq.rec", + "Decidable", + "Lean.Omega.LowerBound.sat", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Option.some", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.lowerBound", + "id", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "decide_eq_true_eq", + "instHAdd", + "Neg.neg", + "instDecidableAnd", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.upperBound", + "LE.le", + "and_comm", + "And", + "Eq.ndrec", + "propext", + "and", + "", + "congr", + "Bool.and_eq_true", + "Bool", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.sat'", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Bool.decide_and", + "instSubsingletonDecidable", + "Int.instLEInt"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Constraint.addEquality_sat", + "constType": + "∀ {c : ℤ} {x y : Lean.Omega.Coeffs},\n c + y = 0 → { lowerBound := some (-c), upperBound := some (-c) }.sat' x y = true", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid.proof_3", + "AddMonoid.nsmul", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid.proof_1", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid.proof_6", + "AddGroup", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid.proof_5", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "AddCancelMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "", + "", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid.proof_2", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid.proof_4"], + "name": "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "constType": "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : AddGroup G] → AddCancelMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["PUnit.unit", "Unit"], + "name": "Unit.unit", + "constType": "Unit", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "instHMul", + "mul_eq_zero", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "propext", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "MulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.QuotientTrace._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_1} [inst : MulZeroClass M₀] [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M₀] {a b : M₀}, (a * b = 0) = (a = 0 ∨ b = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "FltRegular.CaseI.two_lt", + "Subtype.val", + "Eq.refl", + "Exists.intro", + "instLTNat", + "True", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "ite", + "Eq", + "Decidable.decide", + "Nat.Prime", + "instLENat", + "eq_false'", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Int.instSub", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNat", + "absurd", + "if_false", + "", + "eq_self", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "False", + "Fin.val", + "of_decide_eq_false", + "HSub.hSub", + "LE.le", + "ite_congr", + "instDecidableFalse", + "eq_false", + "False.elim", + "of_eq_true", + "Nat.noConfusion", + "", + "letFun", + "", + "Not", + "Bool", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₂", + "", + "Fin"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.auxf0k₂", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} (hpri : Nat.Prime p), 5 ≤ p → ∀ (a b : ℤ), ∃ i, FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₂ a b ↑i = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Eq.refl", "Eq"], + "name": "rfl", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} {a : α}, a = a", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NonAssocSemiring.mul_one", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.zero_mul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toOne", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.one_mul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.mul_zero", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring", + "MulZeroOneClass"], + "name": "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : NonAssocSemiring α] → MulZeroOneClass α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CyclotomicField.classGroupFinite", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Rat.instField", + "Rat", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Fintype.card", + "instLTNat", + "CyclotomicField", + "ClassGroup", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "IsRegularNumber.proof_1", + "IsRegularNumber.proof_2", + "", + "Nat.Coprime", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Fact", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + ""], + "name": "IsRegularNumber", + "constType": "(n : ℕ) → [hn : Fact (0 < n)] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_false", + "Nat.AtLeastTwo", + "False", + "OfNat.one_ne_ofNat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "CharZero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Nat", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.10", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] (n : ℕ) [inst_2 : n.AtLeastTwo],\n (1 = OfNat.ofNat n) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Submodule", + "", + "Semiring", + "", + "AddSubmonoid.toAddSubsemigroup", + "Set", + "AddSubmonoid.instTop", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Set.instMembership", + "Submodule.instTop.proof_2", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Set.univ", + "AddSubmonoid", + "trivial", + "Top", + "Submodule.instTop.proof_1", + "", + "", + "Module", + "AddSubsemigroup.carrier", + "", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Submodule.instTop", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n {M : Type u_3} → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → Top (Submodule R M)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Multiset.countP", "DecidableEq", "Multiset", "Nat", "Eq"], + "name": "Multiset.count", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : DecidableEq α] → α → Multiset α → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommRing", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_3", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_1", + "NonUnitalCommRing.mul_comm", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_2", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring", + "", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "NonUnitalRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalRing", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_6", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_5", + "", + "", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring.proof_4", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup"], + "name": "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [s : NonUnitalCommRing α] → NonUnitalCommSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Units", + "Units.isUnit", + "eq_true", + "Monoid", + "Units.val", + "IsUnit", + "True", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Units._auxLemma.29", + "constType": "∀ {M : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid M] (u : Mˣ), IsUnit ↑u = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddCommGroup.add_comm", + "SubtractionCommMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.neg_eq_of_add", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "SubtractionMonoid.neg_neg", + "SubtractionMonoid", + "AddCommGroup", + "", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.neg_add_rev", + ""], + "name": "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : AddCommGroup G] → SubtractionCommMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["List.cons", + "_obj", + "List.nil", + "_neutral", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_7"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_8._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Monoid.toSemigroup", "inferInstance", "Int.instMonoid", "Int", "Semigroup"], + "name": "Int.instSemigroup", + "constType": "Semigroup ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Multiset.mem_toFinset", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Multiset", + "Multiset.toFinset", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.8", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {a : α} {s : Multiset α}, (a ∈ s) = (a ∈ s.toFinset)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra.proof_1", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Subalgebra", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra.proof_2", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "algebraInt", + "", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "integralClosure", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra.proof_5", + "Field", + "Algebra", + "", + "", + "DFunLike.coe", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra.proof_3", + "RingHom.toAlgebra", + "Membership.mem", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "algebraMap", + "Field.toSemifield", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra.proof_4", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1", + ""], + "name": "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "constType": + "(K : Type u_1) →\n (L : Type u_2) →\n [inst : Field K] →\n [inst_1 : Field L] →\n [inst_2 : Algebra K L] → Algebra (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers L)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoidWithOne", + "Iff", + "Nat.cast_injective", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "CharZero", + "Nat", + "Function.Injective.eq_iff", + "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.cast_inj", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] {m n : ℕ}, ↑m = ↑n ↔ m = n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["WithTop", "Nat"], + "name": "ENat", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_27", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_26"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_28._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Semiring", + "RingHomClass", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "Set", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Set.instHasSubset", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "Ideal.span", + "Ideal.comap", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "FunLike", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff.trans", + "Set.image_subset_iff", + "Ideal.span_le", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Set.image", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike", + "Semiring.toModule", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "Ideal.map_le_iff_le_comap", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} {F : Type u_1} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring S] [inst_2 : FunLike F R S]\n [rc : RingHomClass F R S] {f : F} {I : Ideal R} {K : Ideal S}, f I ≤ K ↔ I ≤ Ideal.comap f K", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "propext", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finset.sum", + "Finset", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Finset.sum_eq_zero_iff", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Finset.instMembership", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.21", + "constType": + "∀ {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_4} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid M] {f : ι → M} {s : Finset ι},\n (∑ x ∈ s, f x = 0) = ∀ x ∈ s, f x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Int.ofNat", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt.match_1", + "True", + "Eq", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "of_eq_true", + "instNatCastInt", + "", + "Int.cast", + "Ring", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "Int"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Ring α] {a : α} {n : ℕ},\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat a n → Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt a (Int.ofNat n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "le_rfl", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "Field", + "Algebra", + "Semiring.toModule", + "IsFractionRing", + "FractionalIdeal.coeIdeal", + "Submodule.instBot", + "", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "Field.toSemifield", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "FractionalIdeal.instZero", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Submonoid.instCompleteLattice", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Submonoid", + "FractionalIdeal", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal", + "FractionalIdeal.coeIdeal_eq_zero'"], + "name": "FractionalIdeal.coeIdeal_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing R] {K : Type u_3} [inst_1 : Field K] [inst_2 : Algebra R K]\n [inst_3 : IsFractionRing R K] {I : Ideal R}, ↑I = 0 ↔ I = ⊥", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Iff", + "Multiset.range", + "List.mem_range", + "", + "Multiset", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "Multiset.mem_range", + "constType": "∀ {m n : ℕ}, m ∈ Multiset.range n ↔ m < n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "LinearOrderedAddCommGroup.toOrderedAddCommGroup", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.toPartialOrder", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Int.abs_eq_natAbs.match_1", + "Int.linearOrderedAddCommGroup", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "abs", + "abs_of_nonneg", + "abs_of_nonpos", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "Int.negSucc", + "Int.negSucc_lt_zero", + "le_of_lt", + "Nat", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Int.ofNat_zero_le", + "Int", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "instLatticeInt", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.abs_eq_natAbs", + "constType": "∀ (a : ℤ), |a| = ↑a.natAbs", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["propext", "eq_self_iff_true", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclotomicUnits._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} (a : α), (a = a) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "List.nil", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_20", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_21._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NeZero.charZero", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Rat.instField", + "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.numberField", + "Set.fintypeSingleton", + "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "Set", + "Rat", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "NeZero.pnat", + "algebraRat", + "CyclotomicField", + "PNat.val", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Set.Elem", + "NumberField", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "Finite.of_fintype", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "PNat", + "Rat.numberField"], + "name": "safe", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ+}, NumberField (CyclotomicField p ℚ)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddCommMagma.add_comm", + "AddCommMagma", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "Eq"], + "name": "add_comm", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : AddCommMagma G] (a b : G), a + b = b + a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["GroupWithZero", "Inv"], + "name": "GroupWithZero.toInv", + "constType": "{G₀ : Type u} → [self : GroupWithZero G₀] → Inv G₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", "Or", "False", "Or.inr", "false_or.match_1", "propext", "Eq"], + "name": "false_or", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), (False ∨ p) = p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OrderedSemiring", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring.proof_2", + "", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "OrderedSemiring.mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left", + "OrderedCommSemiring", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.mul_comm", + "OrderedSemiring.mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring.proof_1"], + "name": "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [inst : StrictOrderedCommSemiring α] → OrderedCommSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "Submodule", + "Algebra.toModule", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "FractionalIdeal.instSetLike.proof_1", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "SetLike", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "Algebra", + "Submonoid", + "FractionalIdeal", + "FractionalIdeal.coeToSubmodule", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Submodule.setLike", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "FractionalIdeal.instSetLike", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n [inst : CommRing R] →\n {S : Submonoid R} →\n {P : Type u_2} → [inst_1 : CommRing P] → [inst_2 : Algebra R P] → SetLike (FractionalIdeal S P) P", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["DecidableEq", "Finset", "Finset.val", "Multiset.toFinset", "Multiset.bind"], + "name": "Finset.biUnion", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → {β : Type u_2} → [inst : DecidableEq β] → Finset α → (α → Finset β) → Finset β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Monad", "Bind"], + "name": "Monad.toBind", + "constType": "{m : Type u → Type v} → [self : Monad m] → Bind m", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "instHMul", + "mul_eq_zero", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "propext", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "MulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_1} [inst : MulZeroClass M₀] [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M₀] {a b : M₀}, (a * b = 0) = (a = 0 ∨ b = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.Prime", + "instFactLtNatOfNatOfPrime_fltRegular", + "IsRegularNumber", + "Nat", + "Fact"], + "name": "IsRegularPrime", + "constType": "(p : ℕ) → [inst : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "String.toSubstring'", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "_neutral", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.namespace", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "UInt8", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "List.nil"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.symm", + "Nat.prime_iff_prime_int", + "Nat.Prime", + "Prime", + "Iff", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.associated_natAbs", + "Associated.prime_iff", + "Iff.trans", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Int", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.prime_iff_natAbs_prime", + "constType": "∀ {k : ℤ}, Prime k ↔ Nat.Prime k.natAbs", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["not_lt", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "LinearOrder", + "Preorder.toLT", + "propext", + "", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Not", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LinearOrder α] {a b : α}, (¬a < b) = (b ≤ a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Substring", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.pred", + "", + "Nat.lt_pred_iff", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "instLTNat", + "Iff.mpr"], + "name": "Nat.Prime.pred_pos", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p → 0 < p.pred", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "eq_false", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "False", + "zero_ne_one", + "One", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.13", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : NeZero 1], (0 = 1) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_true", + "Semiring", + "linearIndependent_empty_type", + "Module", + "IsEmpty", + "True", + "Eq", + "LinearIndependent", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {ι : Type u'} {R : Type u_2} {M : Type u_4} {v : ι → M} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M]\n [inst_2 : Module R M] [inst_3 : IsEmpty ι], LinearIndependent R v = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finsupp.single", + "Finsupp", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Finsupp.instLEFinsupp", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Finsupp.single_le_iff", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "propext", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.10", + "constType": + "∀ {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] {i : ι} {x : α} {f : ι →₀ α},\n (Finsupp.single i x ≤ f) = (x ≤ f i)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name._impl", + "String.hash", + "Lean.Name.str._impl", + "String", + "Lean.Name", + "mixHash", + "unsafeCast", + "Lean.Name.hash"], + "name": "Lean.Name.str._override", + "constType": "Lean.Name → String → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["inferInstance", "Nat.instCommSemiring", "CommSemiring", "Nat"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "constType": "CommSemiring ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OneHom.toFun", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "FunLike", + "MonoidHom.toOneHom", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Semiring", + "CommSemiring", + "AlgHom.funLike.proof_1", + "AlgHom.toRingHom", + "Algebra", + "RingHom.toMonoidHom", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "AlgHom", + ""], + "name": "AlgHom.funLike", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} →\n {A : Type v} →\n {B : Type w} →\n [inst : CommSemiring R] →\n [inst_1 : Semiring A] →\n [inst_2 : Semiring B] → [inst_3 : Algebra R A] → [inst_4 : Algebra R B] → FunLike (A →ₐ[R] B) A B", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "Monoid.toOne", + "", + "Nat.instCommSemiring.proof_3", + "Nat.instCommSemiring.proof_6", + "CommMonoid.mul_comm", + "Nat.instCommSemiring.proof_1", + "Nat.pow_zero", + "", + "Nat.instCommSemiring.proof_2", + "", + "Nat.mul_zero", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoid", + "Nat.right_distrib", + "Nat.instMonoid", + "CommMonoid", + "instHPow", + "Nat.instCommSemiring.proof_5", + "CommSemiring", + "Nat.instCommMonoid", + "", + "Nat.zero_mul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Nat.left_distrib", + "Nat.instCommSemiring.proof_4"], + "name": "Nat.instCommSemiring", + "constType": "CommSemiring ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Fin.ext", + "Fin.is_lt", + "ZMod.val_cast_of_lt", + "ZMod.val_natCast", + "True", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.Prime", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "ZMod.val", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNat", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "", + "Fin.isLt", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Fin.val", + "Int.ModEq", + "ZMod.val_zero", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "ZMod", + "Int.cast_zero", + "Fin.val_mk", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "instHMod", + "of_eq_true", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "", + "letFun", + "HMod.hMod", + "CommRing.toRing", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "congrArg", + "Nat.instMod", + "Int", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "Fin", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.aux_cong1k₁", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} (hpri : Nat.Prime p) {k : Fin p}, ↑↑k ≡ 0 [ZMOD ↑p] → k = ⟨0, ⋯⟩", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["SubNegMonoid", "AddGroup"], + "name": "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "constType": "{A : Type u} → [self : AddGroup A] → SubNegMonoid A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_10", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_9"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_11._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.mem_singleton", + "Membership.mem", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.13", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a b : α}, (b ∈ {a}) = (b = a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "MulZeroClass", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Submodule.instBot", + "", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Ideal.span", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Ideal.span_singleton_eq_bot", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Singleton.singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Semiring α] {x : α}, (Ideal.span {x} = ⊥) = (x = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Rat.commGroupWithZero", + "CommGroupWithZero.zpow_neg'", + "CommGroupWithZero.zpow", + "CommGroupWithZero", + "CommRing", + "CommGroupWithZero.zpow_succ'", + "Rat.instField.proof_4", + "CommGroupWithZero.div_eq_mul_inv", + "NNRat", + "Rat.commRing", + "CommGroupWithZero.toDiv", + "Field", + "Rat.cast", + "Rat.instField.proof_3", + "Rat.instField.proof_1", + "CommGroupWithZero.zpow_zero'", + "instRatCastRat", + "CommGroupWithZero.mul_inv_cancel", + "CommGroupWithZero.toInv", + "", + "Rat", + "CommGroupWithZero.inv_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "CommGroupWithZero.toNontrivial", + "instHMul", + "Rat.instNNRatCast", + "HMul.hMul", + "CommRing.toRing", + "NNRat.cast", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Rat.instField.proof_2"], + "name": "Rat.instField", + "constType": "Field ℚ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "", + "Nat", + "Int.ofNat_lt", + "Int", + "instLTNat", + "Int.instLTInt", + "Iff.mpr"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Int.ofNat_lt_of_lt", + "constType": "∀ {x y : ℕ}, x < y → ↑x < ↑y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Eq.mpr", + "Int.sub_self", + "HSub.hSub", + "Eq.refl", + "congrArg", + "Int.instSub", + "instOfNat", + "Int", + "id", + "Eq"], + "name": "Int.sub_eq_zero_of_eq", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, a = b → a - b = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddCommMonoid.add_comm", + "AddCommSemigroup", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : AddCommMonoid M] → AddCommSemigroup M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["String", "Lean.ParserDescr"], + "name": "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol", + "constType": "String → Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Monoid", "CommMonoid"], + "name": "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : CommMonoid M] → Monoid M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_2", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Ring", "Sub"], + "name": "Ring.toSub", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : Ring R] → Sub R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "algebraRat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "Field", + "map_mul", + "", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "AlgEquiv.instFunLike", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Submodule.setLike", + "NonUnitalAlgHomClass.instLinearMapClass", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AlgEquiv", + "Exists", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AlgEquivClass.toAlgHomClass", + "semigroupDvd", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "algebraInt", + "", + "map_intCast", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Semiring.toModule", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "NonUnitalAlgSemiHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "Field.toSemifield", + "AlgHom", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "", + "letFun", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal.mem_span_singleton", + "map_natCast", + "PNat", + "Module.toDistribMulAction", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "dvd_mul_right", + "sub_eq_iff_eq_add", + "Ideal.span", + "AlgHomClass.toRingHomClass", + "Exists.casesOn", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddCommGroup.intModule", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.ring_of_integers'", + "Nat", + "exists_int_sub_pow_prime_dvd", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "SemilinearMapClass.toAddHomClass", + "AlgHom.instNonUnitalAlgHomClassOfAlgHomClass", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Int.cast", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Fact", + "congrArg", + "Ideal", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "AlgHomClass.toAlgHom", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "intGal", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "AlgEquiv.instAlgEquivClass", + "PNat.val", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "AlgHom.algHomClass", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "add_sub_add_right_eq_sub", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "instHAdd", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Dvd.dvd", + "map_add", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "mul_sub", + "CharZero", + "AlgHom.funLike", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNatCast", + "galConj", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.pow_sub_intGalConj_mem", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K] [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K],\n Nat.Prime ↑p → ∀ (α : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K), α ^ ↑p - (intGal ↑(galConj K p)) (α ^ ↑p) ∈ Ideal.span {↑↑p}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "outParam", + "constType": "Sort u → Sort u", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["ite_eq_left_iff", "propext", "Decidable", "Not", "ite", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {a b : α} {P : Prop} [inst : Decidable P], ((if P then a else b) = a) = (¬P → b = a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Finsupp", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "MvPolynomial", + "MvPolynomial.support_eq_empty", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "MvPolynomial.commSemiring", + "", + "propext", + "CommSemiring", + "Finset", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.16", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {σ : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {p : MvPolynomial σ R}, (p = 0) = ( = ∅)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam"], + "name": "Membership", + "constType": "outParam (Type u) → Type v → Type (max u v)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Fact"], + "name": "Fact.out", + "constType": "∀ {p : Prop} [self : Fact p], p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "CommSemiring", "Algebra"], + "name": "Subalgebra", + "constType": + "(R : Type u) → (A : Type v) → [inst : CommSemiring R] → [inst_1 : Semiring A] → [inst : Algebra R A] → Type v", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Subtype.ext_iff", "propext", "Subtype.val", "Eq.symm", "Subtype", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.8", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a1 a2 : { x // p x }}, (↑a1 = ↑a2) = (a1 = a2)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.cast", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Ring", + "Int.rawCast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq.match_1", + "Int", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {a : α} {n : ℤ} [inst : Ring α], Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt a n → a = n.rawCast", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Multiset.card", + "Multiset", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Nat.instAddMonoid", + "Multiset.instCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Nat", + "DFunLike.coe", + "AddMonoidHom.instFunLike", + "AddMonoidHom", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Finset.card", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → Finset α → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "mul_neg", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "neg_pow", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "pow_sub_pow_eq_prod_sub_zeta_runity_mul", + "pow_one", + "Iff.mpr", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Odd.pos", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Ring.toNeg", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Finset.prod_congr", + "Nat", + "Odd", + "Eq.trans", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "neg_one_pow_eq_pow_mod_two", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "instHMul", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "sub_neg_eq_add", + "congrArg", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Nat.odd_iff", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "Nat.instNontrivial", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "one_mul", + "instHPow", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "Finset", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "neg_mul", + "Membership.mem", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "Semiring.toOne", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "instHMod", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "", + "letFun", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "HMod.hMod", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "Nat.instMod"], + "name": "pow_add_pow_eq_prod_add_zeta_runity_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing K] [inst_1 : IsDomain K] {ζ : K} {n : ℕ},\n n % 2 = 1 → IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n → ∀ (x y : K), x ^ n + y ^ n = ∏ ζ ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset n K, (x + ζ * y)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam"], + "name": "Singleton", + "constType": "outParam (Type u) → Type v → Type (max u v)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddZeroClass.add_zero", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddZeroClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "add_zero", + "constType": "∀ {M : Type u} [inst : AddZeroClass M] (a : M), a + 0 = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "String.toSubstring'", + "Lean.MacroM", + "String", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "Lean.Name.mkStr1", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadQuotationMacroM", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "Pure.pure", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.namespace", + "Monad.toBind", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadRefMacroM", + "Eq", + "ite", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getCurrMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Bool.true", + "PUnit", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "instOfNatNat", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "List.nil", + "Bind.bind", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Applicative.toPure", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.TSyntax.raw", + "Lean.Macro", + "", + "instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "ReaderT.instMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "EStateM.instMonadExceptOfOfBacktrackable", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos", + "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getMainModule", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "letFun", + "EStateM.nonBacktrackable", + "MonadExcept.throw", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "ReaderT.instMonad", + "Lean.Name"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_false", + "False", + "PNat.ne_zero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.34", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ+), (↑n = 0) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["SMul", "Monoid", "MulAction"], + "name": "MulAction.toSMul", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_11} → {β : Type u_12} → [inst : Monoid α] → [self : MulAction α β] → SMul α β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "inv_inj", + "Int.negSucc_mul_negSucc", + "Eq", + "DivisionMonoid", + "Eq.mpr", + "pow_mul", + "Nat.cast", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Int.instNegInt", + "instOfNatNat", + "InvolutiveInv.toInv", + "Nat", + "DivisionMonoid.toInvolutiveInv", + "InvOneClass.toInv", + "Eq.symm", + "Nat.succ", + "id", + "zpow_negSucc", + "HPow.hPow", + "inv_pow", + "instAddNat", + "Int.instMul", + "instHAdd", + "Neg.neg", + "inv_inv", + "Int.ofNat_mul_negSucc", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "zpow_natCast", + "Int.negSucc_mul_ofNat", + "DivInvMonoid.toInv", + "instHMul", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "Int.negSucc", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "zpow_neg", + "instMulNat", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "zpow_mul.match_1", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "zpow_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DivisionMonoid α] (a : α) (m n : ℤ), a ^ (m * n) = (a ^ m) ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "RingHom", + "outParam", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "FunLike", + "AddHomClass", + "SemilinearMapClass", + "Semiring", + "Module", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "SemilinearMapClass.toAddHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_17} {R : outParam (Type u_18)} {S : outParam (Type u_19)} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring S]\n {σ : outParam (R →+* S)} {M : outParam (Type u_20)} {M₂ : outParam (Type u_21)} [inst_2 : AddCommMonoid M]\n [inst_3 : AddCommMonoid M₂] [inst_4 : Module R M] [inst_5 : Module S M₂] [inst_6 : FunLike F M M₂]\n [self : SemilinearMapClass F σ M M₂], AddHomClass F M M₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["DistribLattice", "Lattice"], + "name": "DistribLattice.toLattice", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [self : DistribLattice α] → Lattice α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Sub", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "tsub_eq_zero_iff_le", + "OrderedSub", + "propext", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.9", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] [inst_1 : Sub α] [inst_2 : OrderedSub α] {a b : α},\n (a - b = 0) = (a ≤ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Monad", + "Monad.toApplicative", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.MonadRef", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "Bind.bind", + "Pure.pure", + "Lean.MonadRef.getRef", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Monad.toBind", + "Applicative.toPure"], + "name": "Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos", + "constType": + "{m : Type → Type} → [inst : Monad m] → [inst : Lean.MonadRef m] → m Lean.SourceInfo", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "true_and", + "Mathlib.Data.Subtype._auxLemma.2", + "Subtype.val", + "Set.toFinset", + "Init.PropLemmas._auxLemma.33", + "Set", + "Eq.refl", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Iff.of_eq", + "exists_prop_congr", + "Fintype", + "Iff", + "Set.Elem", + "Finset", + "Function.Embedding", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.trans", + "Subtype", + "Membership.mem", + "funext", + "Init.PropLemmas._auxLemma.19", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Image._auxLemma.1", + "Function.Embedding.subtype", + "Set.instMembership", + "Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Basic._auxLemma.1", + "", + "Finset.univ", + "And", + "of_eq_true", + "propext", + "congrArg", + "Function.instFunLikeEmbedding", + ""], + "name": "Set.mem_toFinset", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s : Set α} [inst : Fintype ↑s] {a : α}, a ∈ s.toFinset ↔ a ∈ s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "CommSemiring", + "Eq.refl", + "Eq.symm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a a' b b' c : R}, a = a' → b = b' → a' + b' = c → a + b = c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["SMul"], + "name": "IsScalarTower", + "constType": + "(M : Type u_11) → (N : Type u_12) → (α : Type u_13) → [inst : SMul M N] → [inst : SMul N α] → [inst : SMul M α] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "le_iff_exists_nonneg_add", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddSubmonoid.closure", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toLinearOrderedSemiring", + "Eq.trans", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "", + "AddSubmonoid.instSetLike", + "", + "AddSubmonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Init.Core._auxLemma.6", + "instHMul", + "And", + "IsLeftCancelAdd.contravariant_add_le_of_contravariant_add_lt", + "of_eq_true", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid.toContravariantClassLeft", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "congr", + "StarAddMonoid.toInvolutiveStar", + "Int.instStarRing", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Int", + "Exists", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "Int.instSemiring", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toOrderedCancelAddCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Monoid.Submonoid._auxLemma.2", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Set.range", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "InvolutiveStar.toStar", + "Int.instAddMonoid", + "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "LinearOrderedSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "Int.addSubmonoid_closure_range_mul_self", + "TrivialStar.star_trivial", + "Membership.mem", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "AddSubmonoid.nonneg", + "funext", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsLeftCancelAdd", + "StarOrderedRing", + "instHAdd", + "AddGroup.existsAddOfLE", + "Int.instTrivialStar", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "LE.le", + "StarRing.toStarAddMonoid", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Int.instStarOrderedRing", + "constType": "StarOrderedRing ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Part", "Nat"], + "name": "PartENat", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "instHSMul", + "Semiring", + "algebraMap", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra.smul_def'", + "Algebra", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Algebra.toSMul"], + "name": "Algebra.smul_def", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {A : Type w} [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring A] [inst_2 : Algebra R A] (r : R) (x : A),\n r • x = (algebraMap R A) r * x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Finite", + "constType": "Sort u_1 → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Finset.instInsert", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "IsRegularPrime", + "Insert.insert", + "Finset.gcd", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "Nat.Prime", + "instLENat", + "Nat.cast", + "Finset", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "id", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instMul", + "instHAdd", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Int.ModEq", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "LE.le", + "instHMul", + "instNatCastInt", + "HMul.hMul", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "Fact", + "Int"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.SlightlyEasier", + "constType": "Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_10", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_11._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termP._@.FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OreLocalization.OreSet", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "OreLocalization.instCommMonoid", + "OreLocalization.instRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "", + "CommRing", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "CommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "OreLocalization", + "Ring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulActionWithZero", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Submonoid", + "inferInstanceAs", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing.proof_1", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "MulActionWithZero.toMulAction"], + "name": "OreLocalization.instCommRing", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n [inst : CommRing R] → {S : Submonoid R} → [inst_1 : OreLocalization.OreSet S] → CommRing (OreLocalization S R)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Exists", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "Trans.trans", + "Eq.refl", + "Exists.intro", + "", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "instLTNat", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "zero_ne_one", + "ZMod.val", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Nat", + "id", + "NeZero.succ", + "Ne", + "ZMod.val_one", + "congr_arg", + "ZMod.val_zero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "ZMod", + "Semiring.toOne", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "", + "", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "instTransEq", + "Nontrivial", + "Fact", + "congrArg", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.nontrivial", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ) [inst : Fact (1 < n)], Nontrivial (ZMod n)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["OrderedAddCommMonoid", "PartialOrder"], + "name": "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_3} → [self : OrderedAddCommMonoid α] → PartialOrder α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["propext", "", "ge_iff_le", "LE", "LE.le", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.22", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LE α] {x y : α}, (x ≥ y) = (y ≤ x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Mul", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Irreducible.ne_zero"], + "name": "Nat.Prime.ne_zero", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, Nat.Prime n → n ≠ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.card", + "Nat.card_eq_zero_of_infinite", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Set.finite_or_infinite", + "Set.infinite_coe_iff", + "Set", + "Set.toFinset", + "Eq.refl", + "Iff.mpr", + "Set.toFinite", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Fintype", + "Nat.card_eq_fintype_card", + "Nat.cast", + "Set.Infinite.encard_eq", + "Set.toFinset_card", + "Set.Elem", + "Set.encard", + "Finset", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "ENat.toNat_top", + "Set.toFinite_toFinset", + "Set.Infinite", + "id", + "instENatCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "Or", + "Infinite", + "", + "Set.ncard.eq_1", + "Fintype.card", + "instENatTop", + "Or.casesOn", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toNatCast", + "ENat.toNat_coe", + "Set.Finite", + "ENat", + "letFun", + "Set.Finite.fintype", + "Set.ncard", + "ENat.toNat", + "Nat.card", + "congrArg", + "Finite.of_fintype", + "Set.Finite.toFinset", + "Set.Finite.encard_eq_coe_toFinset_card"], + "name": "Set.Nat.card_coe_set_eq", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} (s : Set α), Nat.card ↑s = s.ncard", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Ring", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Int.ofNat", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Decidable.casesOn", + "Nat.pred", + "Decidable", + "Not", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.decEq", + "Int", + "Int.neg", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₁._cstage1", + "constType": "ℤ → ℕ → ℕ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Mathlib.Tactic.Zify.natCast_eq", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Nat", + "Int", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ (a b : ℕ), (a = b) = (↑a = ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Membership.mem", + "And", + "Exists", + "propext", + "Multiset", + "Multiset.mem_map", + "Eq", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.19", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type v} {f : α → β} {b : β} {s : Multiset α}, (b ∈ f s) = ∃ a ∈ s, f a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Iff", "Classical.propDecidable", "Not", "Decidable.not_not"], + "name": "Classical.not_not", + "constType": "∀ {a : Prop}, ¬¬a ↔ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNonAssocRing", "NonUnitalRing"], + "name": "NonUnitalRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [self : NonUnitalRing α] → NonUnitalNonAssocRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_9._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["AddMonoid"], + "name": "AddUnits", + "constType": "(α : Type u) → [inst : AddMonoid α] → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_8", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_4", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_5._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["add_lt_add_iff_right", + "Function.swap", + "propext", + "instHAdd", + "", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "CovariantClass", + "LT", + "Add", + "ContravariantClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.23", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Add α] [inst_1 : LT α]\n [inst_2 : CovariantClass α α (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1]\n [inst_3 : ContravariantClass α α (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1] (a : α) {b c : α},\n (b + a < c + a) = (b < c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Iff", + "Set.preimage", + "Iff.rfl", + "Set", + "Set.instMembership"], + "name": "Set.mem_preimage", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {f : α → β} {s : Set β} {a : α}, a ∈ f ⁻¹' s ↔ f a ∈ s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Int.cast_eq_zero", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "CharZero", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CaseI._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroupWithOne α] [inst_1 : CharZero α] {n : ℤ}, (↑n = 0) = (n = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.natCast_ne_zero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime.Basic._auxLemma.6", + "And.left", + "implies_congr", + "instLTNat", + "Iff.mpr", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "And.right", + "Nat.Prime", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "Nat.cast", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Nat.instDvd", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNat", + "Nat.isUnit_iff", + "Nat.cast_one", + "Int.isUnit_iff_natAbs_eq", + "Ne", + "Or", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instRing", + "Nat.prime_iff", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Associated.Basic._auxLemma.2", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Iff.intro", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "instHMul", + "And", + "Prime", + "False.elim", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "Int.dvd_natAbs", + "Nat.instMonoid", + "propext", + "", + "", + "congr", + "Not", + "And.intro", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Int.natCast_dvd_natCast", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "Int.natCast_ne_zero_iff_pos", + "semigroupDvd", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Nat.Prime.ne_one", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "id", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "False", + "Int.instMul", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.instMonoid", + "mt", + "instNatCastInt", + "Nat.Prime.dvd_mul", + "HMul.hMul", + "IsUnit", + "Int.ofNat_mul", + "instMulNat", + "Int.natAbs_mul", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Nat.prime_iff_prime_int", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p ↔ Prime ↑p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["EStateM.Result"], + "name": "EStateM", + "constType": "Type u → Type u → Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Set.mem_singleton_iff", + "propext", + "Set", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Set.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} {a b : α}, (a ∈ {b}) = (a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Add"], + "name": "IsLeftCancelAdd", + "constType": "(G : Type u) → [inst : Add G] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "instHMul", + "mul_eq_zero", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "propext", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "MulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_1} [inst : MulZeroClass M₀] [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M₀] {a b : M₀}, (a * b = 0) = (a = 0 ∨ b = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_5", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_2", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "Int.ModEq", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Int", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "ZMod", + "ZMod.commRing", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.2", + "constType": "∀ (a b : ℤ) (c : ℕ), (a ≡ b [ZMOD ↑c]) = (↑a = ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "FunLike", + "AddHomClass", + "AddMonoidHomClass", + "AddZeroClass"], + "name": "AddMonoidHomClass.toAddHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_10} {M : Type u_11} {N : Type u_12} [inst : AddZeroClass M] [inst_1 : AddZeroClass N]\n [inst_2 : FunLike F M N] [self : AddMonoidHomClass F M N], AddHomClass F M N", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Prod"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → α → β → α × β", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["instHSMul", + "Finset.sum", + "AddMonoidHom.instAddMonoidHomClass", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "DistribSMul", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "map_sum", + "Eq", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "DistribSMul.toAddMonoidHom", + "DistribSMul.toSMulZeroClass", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finset", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "AddMonoidHom", + "AddMonoidHom.instFunLike", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Finset.smul_sum", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {γ : Type u_3} [inst : AddCommMonoid β] [inst_1 : DistribSMul α β] {r : α} {f : γ → β}\n {s : Finset γ}, r • ∑ x ∈ s, f x = ∑ x ∈ s, r • f x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["PNat.val", "propext", "PNat.coe_inj", "Nat", "Eq", "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.8", + "constType": "∀ {m n : ℕ+}, (↑m = ↑n) = (m = n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "GCDMonoid", + "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "semigroupDvd", + "GCDMonoid.gcd_dvd_right", + "zero_dvd_iff", + "SemigroupWithZero.toZero", + "gcd_eq_zero_iff.match_3", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "gcd_eq_zero_iff.match_1", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "Eq.symm", + "GCDMonoid.dvd_gcd", + "gcd_eq_zero_iff.match_2", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "id", + "dvd_refl", + "GCDMonoid.gcd_dvd_left", + "Dvd.dvd", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Iff.intro", + "And", + "instHMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "propext", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "And.intro", + "congrArg"], + "name": "gcd_eq_zero_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : GCDMonoid α] (a b : α), gcd a b = 0 ↔ a = 0 ∧ b = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["One", "InvOneClass"], + "name": "InvOneClass.toOne", + "constType": "{G : Type u_2} → [self : InvOneClass G] → One G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Set", + "Algebra", + "CommRing", + "PNat"], + "name": "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "constType": + "Set ℕ+ → (A : Type u) → (B : Type v) → [inst : CommRing A] → [inst_1 : CommRing B] → [inst : Algebra A B] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "Membership.mem", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "Exists", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Set", + "Algebra", + "Set.instMembership", + "CommRing", + "PNat"], + "name": "IsCyclotomicExtension.exists_prim_root", + "constType": + "∀ {S : Set ℕ+} (A : Type u) {B : Type v} [inst : CommRing A] [inst_1 : CommRing B] [inst_2 : Algebra A B]\n [self : IsCyclotomicExtension S A B] {n : ℕ+}, n ∈ S → ∃ r, IsPrimitiveRoot r ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Ne", "Eq.symm", "Eq"], + "name": "Ne.symm", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} {a b : α}, a ≠ b → b ≠ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Lattice", "ConditionallyCompleteLattice"], + "name": "ConditionallyCompleteLattice.toLattice", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_5} → [self : ConditionallyCompleteLattice α] → Lattice α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Lean.TSyntax", "Lean.SyntaxNodeKinds", "Lean.Syntax"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{ks : Lean.SyntaxNodeKinds} → Lean.Syntax → Lean.TSyntax ks", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Int.mul", "Mul", "Int", ""], + "name": "Int.instMul", + "constType": "Mul ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_14", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_5", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_15._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Multiset.range", + "propext", + "", + "Multiset", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "Eq", + "Multiset.mem_range", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.Field._auxLemma.8", + "constType": "∀ {m n : ℕ}, (m ∈ Multiset.range n) = (m < n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "LinearOrder", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.Name.mkStr3", + "String.toSubstring'", + "Lean.MacroM", + "String", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "Lean.Name.mkStr1", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadQuotationMacroM", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "Pure.pure", + "Monad.toBind", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadRefMacroM", + "Eq", + "ite", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getCurrMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Bool.true", + "PUnit", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "instOfNatNat", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "List.nil", + "Bind.bind", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Syntax.node3", + "Applicative.toPure", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.TSyntax.raw", + "Lean.Macro", + "", + "instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "Lean.Syntax.node5", + "ReaderT.instMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "EStateM.instMonadExceptOfOfBacktrackable", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos", + "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getMainModule", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "letFun", + "EStateM.nonBacktrackable", + "MonadExcept.throw", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "ReaderT.instMonad", + "Lean.Name"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "IsRegularPrime", + "Insert.insert", + "Finset.gcd", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "Nat.Prime", + "instLENat", + "Nat.cast", + "Finset", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "id", + "FltRegular.caseI_easier", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instMul", + "instHAdd", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Int.ModEq", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Dvd.dvd", + "LE.le", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "instHMul", + "FltRegular.CaseI.may_assume", + "instNatCastInt", + "HMul.hMul", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Fact", + "Int"], + "name": "FltRegular.caseI", + "constType": + "∀ {a b c : ℤ} {p : ℕ} [inst : Fact (Nat.Prime p)], IsRegularPrime p → ¬↑p ∣ a * b * c → a ^ p + b ^ p ≠ c ^ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_5._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_3", + "_obj", + "String.toSubstring'"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Membership.mem", + "Exists", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Set", + "ConditionallyCompleteLattice.toLattice", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "Ideal.span", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "And", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "SemilatticeSup.toSup", + "CompleteLattice.toConditionallyCompleteLattice", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Sup.sup", + "Ideal.mem_span_singleton_sup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeSup", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {S : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring S] {x y : S} {I : Ideal S}, (x ∈ Ideal.span {y} ⊔ I) = ∃ a, ∃ b ∈ I, a * y + b = x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "SProd"], + "name": "SProd.sprod", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → {γ : outParam (Type w)} → [self : SProd α β γ] → α → β → γ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.add_le_add_left", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "CovariantClass", + "", + "LE.le", + "Int", + "Int.instLEInt", + "Int.instAdd"], + "name": "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "constType": "CovariantClass ℤ ℤ (fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x ≤ x_1", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_12._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero"], + "name": "NeZero", + "constType": "{R : Type u_1} → [inst : Zero R] → R → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Multiset.Mem", "Multiset", "", "Membership"], + "name": "Multiset.instMembership", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → Membership α (Multiset α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["ZeroLEOneClass", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "lt_add_one", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "PartialOrder", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "Eq.mpr", + "NeZero", + "one_add_one_eq_two", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "Preorder.toLT", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "", + "CovariantClass", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "congrArg", + "id", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo"], + "name": "one_lt_two", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne α] [inst_1 : PartialOrder α] [inst_2 : ZeroLEOneClass α] [inst_3 : NeZero 1]\n [inst_4 : CovariantClass α α (fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1], 1 < 2", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["setOf", + "Submodule", + "Semiring", + "Set", + "Set.instHasSubset", + "Submodule.instInfSet", + "InfSet.sInf", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "Module", + "Submodule.setLike", + "SetLike.coe", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Submodule.span", + "constType": + "(R : Type u_1) →\n {M : Type u_4} → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → Set M → Submodule R M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1._closed_1", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "AddMonoid.zero_add", + "", + "AddZeroClass", + "AddMonoid.add_zero", + "AddMonoid"], + "name": "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : AddMonoid M] → AddZeroClass M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Submodule.quotientRel", + "Submodule", + "''", + "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "Ring", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Module", + "AddCommGroup", + "Ring.toSemiring"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n {M : Type u_2} → [inst : Ring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → {p : Submodule R M} → M → M ⧸ p", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_12", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_6"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_7._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["CommMonoidWithZero", "CancelCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "constType": + "{M₀ : Type u_4} → [self : CancelCommMonoidWithZero M₀] → CommMonoidWithZero M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["inferInstance", + "StrictOrderedSemiring", + "LinearOrderedSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "Nat", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedSemiring"], + "name": "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "constType": "StrictOrderedSemiring ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["propext", + "instHAdd", + "", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "CovariantClass", + "LT", + "add_lt_add_iff_left", + "Add", + "ContravariantClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.24", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Add α] [inst_1 : LT α]\n [inst_2 : CovariantClass α α (fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1]\n [inst_3 : ContravariantClass α α (fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1] (a : α) {b c : α},\n (a + b < a + c) = (b < c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "isUnit_of_dvd_one", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "semigroupDvd", + "Eq", + "Nat.recAux", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "absurd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "HPow.hPow", + "Prime.dvd_or_dvd", + "Or", + "Or.inr", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoid", + "Dvd.dvd", + "One.toOfNat1", + "pow_succ'", + "Or.casesOn", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "CommMonoidWithZero", + "pow_zero", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "Prime", + "Prime.not_unit", + "Or.inl", + "letFun", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "Not", + "IsUnit", + "congrArg"], + "name": "Prime.dvd_of_dvd_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CommMonoidWithZero α] {p : α}, Prime p → ∀ {a : α} {n : ℕ}, p ∣ a ^ n → p ∣ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["propext", "Not", "not_imp_self", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.20", + "constType": "∀ {a : Prop}, (¬a → a) = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Int", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Set.encard", "Set", "Nat", "ENat.toNat"], + "name": "Set.ncard", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → Set α → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Monoid.toOne", + "eq_top_iff", + "Iff.rfl", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "Submodule.instTop", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Ideal.span", + "semigroupDvd", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "OrderTop.toTop", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "CommSemiring", + "isUnit_iff_dvd_one", + "Ideal.span_singleton_one", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "Semiring.toModule", + "id", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "", + "Dvd.dvd", + "One.toOfNat1", + "LE.le", + "Semiring.toOne", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "IsUnit", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.instOrderTop", + "Ideal.span_singleton_le_span_singleton"], + "name": "Ideal.span_singleton_eq_top", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring α] {x : α}, Ideal.span {x} = ⊤ ↔ IsUnit x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Iff", + "Iff.rfl", + "Set", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Set.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "Set.mem_singleton_iff", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} {a b : α}, a ∈ {b} ↔ a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Or", + "Multiset.mem_cons", + "Iff", + "Finset", + "Finset.cons", + "Finset.val", + "Not", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.mem_cons", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s : Finset α} {a b : α} {h : a ∉ s}, b ∈ Finset.cons a s h ↔ b = a ∨ b ∈ s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "CommMonoid", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "propext", + "One.toOfNat1", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Nat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.one_right_iff", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.13", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_1} [inst : CommMonoid M] {ζ : M}, IsPrimitiveRoot ζ 1 = (ζ = 1)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_7._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "WfDvdMonoid.wellFounded_dvdNotUnit", + "Set.range_nonempty", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "MulZeroClass.mul_zero", + "Exists.casesOn", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "CommMonoid.toCommSemigroup", + "Classical.byContradiction", + "Eq", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toIsLeftCancelMulZero", + "multiplicity.Finite", + "Eq.mpr", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Nat", + "And.casesOn", + "Eq.trans", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoid", + "Set.instMembership", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "And", + "instHMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "of_eq_true", + "propext", + "", + "instInhabitedNat", + "congr", + "FltRegular.CaseII.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.2", + "Not", + "And.intro", + "congrArg", + "Classical.choose_spec", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Exists", + "Classical.choose", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "FltRegular.CaseII.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.1", + "Set", + "WellFounded.has_min", + "Eq.refl", + "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "semigroupDvd", + "Exists.intro", + "rfl", + "True", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Set.range", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "mul_comm", + "Classical.not_exists_not", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Eq.symm", + "multiplicity.Finite.eq_1", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "id", + "eq_self", + "DvdNotUnit", + "Membership.mem", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "WfDvdMonoid", + "False", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "instNonemptyOfInhabited", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Function.Injective.eq_iff", + "Eq.ndrec", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "mul_right_injective₀", + "HMul.hMul", + "IsUnit"], + "name": "WfDvdMonoid.multiplicity_finite", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero M] [inst_1 : WfDvdMonoid M] {x y : M},\n ¬IsUnit x → y ≠ 0 → multiplicity.Finite x y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder.proof_6", + "instHSub", + "Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder.proof_1", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeInf", + "List.range'", + "instSubNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder", + "LocallyFiniteOrder", + "instDistribLatticeNat", + "", + "Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder.proof_7", + "DistribLattice.toLattice", + "Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder.proof_3", + "Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder.proof_4", + "Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder.proof_8", + "Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder.proof_2", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "", + "Multiset.ofList", + "Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder.proof_5"], + "name": "Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder", + "constType": "LocallyFiniteOrder ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AlgEquiv.instFunLike.proof_1", + "AlgEquiv", + "FunLike", + "Semiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "EquivLike.toFunLike", + "DFunLike.coe", + "", + "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike"], + "name": "AlgEquiv.instFunLike", + "constType": + "{R : Type uR} →\n {A₁ : Type uA₁} →\n {A₂ : Type uA₂} →\n [inst : CommSemiring R] →\n [inst_1 : Semiring A₁] →\n [inst_2 : Semiring A₂] → [inst_3 : Algebra R A₁] → [inst_4 : Algebra R A₂] → FunLike (A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₂) A₁ A₂", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Int.ofNat", "_obj"], + "name": "FltRegular.f._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["SDiff"], + "name": "SDiff.sdiff", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : SDiff α] → α → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.brecOn", + "Nat.below", + "List.cons", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "optParam", + "PProd", + "PProd.fst", + "Nat.rec", + "List", + "List.range'.match_1", + "PUnit", + "instOfNatNat", + "List.nil", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ"], + "name": "List.range'", + "constType": "ℕ → ℕ → optParam ℕ 1 → List ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHSMul", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Distrib.rightDistribClass", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Eq", + "natCast_zsmul", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "negSucc_zsmul", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "nsmul_eq_mul", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Nat", + "NonAssocRing.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.trans", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "SubNegMonoid.SMulInt", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "instHMul", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Int.cast", + "Int.negSucc", + "congr", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toAddGroupWithOne", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "NonAssocRing", + "NonAssocRing.toAddCommGroupWithOne", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.refl", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "True", + "add_mul", + "one_mul", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Nat.cast_succ", + "instOfNatNat", + "Int.cast_negSucc", + "neg_mul", + "Nat.succ", + "id", + "eq_self", + "zsmul_eq_mul.match_1", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toNatSMul", + "instNatCastInt", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNatCast", + "HMul.hMul", + "neg_add_rev"], + "name": "zsmul_eq_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} [inst : NonAssocRing α] (a : α) (n : ℤ), n • a = ↑n * a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["SubsemiringClass", + "SetLike", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "SubmonoidClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "NonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "SubsemiringClass.toSubmonoidClass", + "constType": + "∀ {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u} [inst : NonAssocSemiring R] [inst_1 : SetLike S R] [self : SubsemiringClass S R],\n SubmonoidClass S R", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["MulOneClass", "MonoidHom"], + "name": "Monoid.End", + "constType": "(M : Type u_4) → [inst : MulOneClass M] → Type u_4", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["InvOneClass", "Inv"], + "name": "InvOneClass.toInv", + "constType": "{G : Type u_2} → [self : InvOneClass G] → Inv G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "PUnit", + "constType": "Sort u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Monoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "instAddNat", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "One.toOfNat1", + "pow_zero", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Eq.mpr", + "one_mul", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "HMul.hMul", + "pow_succ", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "pow_one", + "constType": "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : Monoid M] (a : M), a ^ 1 = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "AddGroup", + "AddGroupWithOne.zsmul_succ'", + "AddGroupWithOne.toSub", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "AddGroupWithOne.zsmul", + "AddGroupWithOne.zsmul_zero'", + "AddGroupWithOne.zsmul_neg'", + "", + "AddGroupWithOne.add_left_neg", + "AddGroupWithOne.sub_eq_add_neg"], + "name": "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : AddGroupWithOne R] → AddGroup R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["DivisionRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "DivisionRing.toDivisionSemiring", + "", + "Rat.cast_commute", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "instHSMul", + "Rat.castHom", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "Rat.instDistribSMul", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Rat", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CharZero", + "DistribSMul.toSMulZeroClass", + "Algebra", + "Rat.smul_def", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero"], + "name": "algebraRat", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : DivisionRing α] → [inst_1 : CharZero α] → Algebra ℚ α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["forall_const", "propext", "Nonempty", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.14", + "constType": "∀ {b : Prop} (α : Sort u_1) [i : Nonempty α], (α → b) = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommSemiring.mul_comm", + "", + "NonUnitalSemiring.mul_assoc", + "CommGroupWithZero", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.npow_succ", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Semifield.mul_inv_cancel", + "Semiring.npow_zero", + "Semiring.one_mul", + "Semifield", + "Semifield.toInv", + "Semiring.npow", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.zero_mul", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Semifield.toNontrivial", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "Semiring.mul_one", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Semifield.zpow", + "Semifield.zpow_neg'", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Semifield.zpow_zero'", + "Semifield.zpow_succ'", + "Semifield.div_eq_mul_inv", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.mul_zero", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Semifield.toDiv", + "Semifield.inv_zero"], + "name": "Semifield.toCommGroupWithZero", + "constType": "{α : Type u_4} → [self : Semifield α] → CommGroupWithZero α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_private.Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Submodule.Lattice.0.Submodule.le_sInf'", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_5", + "_private.Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Submodule.Lattice.0.Submodule.sInf_le'", + "", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Submodule", + "Inf.inf", + "Set", + "", + "InfSet.sInf", + "", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_11", + "", + "OrderBot", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_2", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_6", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_13", + "Preorder.toLE", + "OrderTop.toTop", + "inferInstance", + "", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_9", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_1", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_4", + "", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeSup", + "Module", + "SemilatticeSup.toPartialOrder", + "AddCommMonoid", + "Membership.mem", + "setOf", + "Semiring", + "", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_8", + "Set.instMembership", + "Submodule.instInf", + "LE.le", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_12", + "SetLike.instPartialOrder", + "And", + "CompleteLattice", + "Submodule.instOrderBot", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_10", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_3", + "OrderBot.toBot", + "", + "Submodule.instInfSet", + "Set.iInter", + "OrderTop", + "Submodule.completeLattice.proof_7", + "Submodule.instOrderTop", + "Submodule.setLike", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "Submodule.completeLattice", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n {M : Type u_3} →\n [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → CompleteLattice (Submodule R M)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Monoid", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "neg_one_mul", + "HasDistribNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Commute.neg_one_left", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "instHPow", + "Eq.rec", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Commute.mul_pow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "HMul.hMul", + "Nat"], + "name": "neg_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type x} [inst : Monoid R] [inst_1 : HasDistribNeg R] (a : R) (n : ℕ), (-a) ^ n = (-1) ^ n * a ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "And", + "Ne", + "Nat.Prime", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.minFac_dvd", + "Nat.minFac_prime", + "Dvd.dvd", + "instOfNatNat", + "And.intro", + "Nat.instDvd", + "Exists.intro", + "Nat.minFac", + "Nat"], + "name": "Nat.exists_prime_and_dvd", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, n ≠ 1 → ∃ p, Nat.Prime p ∧ p ∣ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "AddCommMonoid.add_comm", + "NonAssocSemiring.natCast_zero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toOne", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNatCast", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne", + "NonAssocSemiring.natCast_succ", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonAssocSemiring α] → AddCommMonoidWithOne α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg.proof_2", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "", + "HasDistribNeg", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "Neg.neg", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg.proof_1", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg.proof_3", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + ""], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [inst : NonUnitalNonAssocRing α] → HasDistribNeg α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "NonUnitalSemiring"], + "name": "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Semiring α] → NonUnitalSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Neg.neg", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubtractionMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.neg_add_rev", + "Eq"], + "name": "neg_add_rev", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : SubtractionMonoid G] (a b : G), -(a + b) = -b + -a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "instHMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "mul_sub_left_distrib", + "HSub.hSub", + "HMul.hMul", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + "Eq"], + "name": "mul_sub", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : NonUnitalNonAssocRing α] (a b c : α), a * (b - c) = a * b - a * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instSubNat", + "instAddNat", + "Nat.sub_le", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Nat.lt_succ_of_le", + "instLTNat", + "Eq", + "Nat.sub_lt.match_1", + "", + "Eq.rec", + "letFun", + "Nat.lt_irrefl", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Nat.succ_sub_succ_eq_sub", + "Nat.succ", + "absurd"], + "name": "Nat.sub_lt", + "constType": "∀ {n m : ℕ}, 0 < n → 0 < m → n - m < n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "instAddNat", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "instHAdd", + "Finset.Ico", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Finset", + "Nat.decidable_dvd", + "Finset.filter", + "instOfNatNat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Nat.instDvd", + "Nat"], + "name": "Nat.divisors", + "constType": "ℕ → Finset ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["IsDomain.toIsCancelMulZero", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toDivisionSemiring", + "", + "IsDomain", + "Field", + "Field.toSemifield", + "IsDomain.toNontrivial", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "DivisionRing.isDomain"], + "name": "Field.isDomain", + "constType": "∀ {K : Type u_3} [inst : Field K], IsDomain K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["String", "Lean.Name", "Lean.Name.anonymous", "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "constType": "String → String → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Submodule.smul_mem", + "Semiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "Ideal.mul_mem_left", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Semiring α] (I : Ideal α) (a : α) {b : α}, b ∈ I → a * b ∈ I", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["CommSemigroup", "Semigroup"], + "name": "CommSemigroup.toSemigroup", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : CommSemigroup G] → Semigroup G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_23._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "", + "Set.preimage", + "Semiring", + "RingHomClass", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Ideal.comap.proof_2", + "FunLike", + "Ideal.comap.proof_1", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ideal.comap.proof_3", + "", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike", + "Semiring.toModule", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "Ideal.comap", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} →\n {S : Type v} →\n {F : Type u_1} →\n [inst : Semiring R] →\n [inst_1 : Semiring S] → [inst_2 : FunLike F R S] → [rc : RingHomClass F R S] → F → Ideal S → Ideal R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid.proof_2", + "inferInstance", + "NormalizationMonoid", + "GCDMonoid", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid.proof_1", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid", + "", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Int", + "Int.instGCDMonoid", + "Int.normalizationMonoid"], + "name": "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "constType": "NormalizedGCDMonoid ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Union"], + "name": "Union.union", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Union α] → α → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["IsCancelAdd", "Add", "IsLeftCancelAdd"], + "name": "IsCancelAdd.toIsLeftCancelAdd", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u} [inst : Add G] [self : IsCancelAdd G], IsLeftCancelAdd G", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoid.toOrderedCommMonoid", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "propext", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OrderedCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "le_zero_iff", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toLinearOrderedCommMonoid", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclotomicUnits._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero α] {a : α}, (a ≤ 0) = (a = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "instHDiv", + "Eq.mpr", + "Int.ediv_mul_cancel", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instMul", + "Eq.refl", + "HMul.hMul", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.instDiv", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Int.mul_comm", + "id", + "Eq"], + "name": "Int.mul_ediv_cancel'", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, a ∣ b → a * (b / a) = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["DivisionRing.toDivisionSemiring", + "Rat.instField", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "FiniteDimensional.finiteDimensional_self", + "Rat", + "Eq.refl", + "Field.toSemifield", + "algebraRat", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "inferInstance", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Rat.instDivisionRing", + "Rat.addCommGroup", + "CharZero", + "NumberField", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Semiring.toModule", + "FiniteDimensional"], + "name": "Rat.numberField", + "constType": "NumberField ℚ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Or", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toOne", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "Ring.toNeg", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "propext", + "instHPow", + "Ring", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "sq_eq_one_iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type x} [inst : Ring R] {a : R} [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors R], (a ^ 2 = 1) = (a = 1 ∨ a = -1)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero.proof_2", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CommSemiring", + "inferInstanceAs", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "CommMonoidWithZero", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero.proof_1"], + "name": "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : CommSemiring α] → CommMonoidWithZero α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Syntax.matchesNull", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Unit", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "EStateM.Result", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "Lean.Syntax", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "PUnit.unit", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.replaceRef", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "Bool", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["OfNat", "", "Nat"], + "name": "instOfNatNat", + "constType": "(n : ℕ) → OfNat ℕ n", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["GCDMonoid", "CancelCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "GCDMonoid.lcm", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → [self : GCDMonoid α] → α → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", "DecidableEq", "Finset", "Finset.val", "Multiset.toFinset"], + "name": "Finset.image", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → {β : Type u_2} → [inst : DecidableEq β] → (α → β) → Finset α → Finset β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_12._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_5", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "List.nil", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_6._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["eq_false", "False", "Eq"], + "name": "eq_false'", + "constType": "∀ {p : Prop}, (p → False) → p = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "constType": "Type u_4 → Type u_4", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["LinearOrder.toLattice", + "DistribLattice", + "LinearOrder", + "instDistribLatticeOfLinearOrder.proof_1", + "", + "inferInstanceAs", + "Lattice"], + "name": "instDistribLatticeOfLinearOrder", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : LinearOrder α] → DistribLattice α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "SubtractionMonoid", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.cast", + "instLENat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify.natCast_le", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Nat", + "Int", + "LE.le", + "Int.instLEInt", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.2", + "constType": "∀ (a b : ℕ), (a ≤ b) = (↑a ≤ ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "instHMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "Semigroup", + "dvd_mul_of_dvd_left"], + "name": "Dvd.dvd.mul_right", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Semigroup α] {a b : α}, a ∣ b → ∀ (c : α), a ∣ b * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_8", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_16"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_17._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "Semiring", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Eq.refl", + "Even", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Exists.intro", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "one_add_one_eq_two", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "id", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo"], + "name": "even_two", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Semiring α], Even 2", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Insert.insert", + "Eq.symm", + "LawfulSingleton", + "EmptyCollection", + "LawfulSingleton.insert_emptyc_eq", + "Singleton", + "Insert", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.11", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [inst : EmptyCollection β] [inst_1 : Insert α β] [inst_2 : Singleton α β]\n [self : LawfulSingleton α β] (x : α), {x} = insert x ∅", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSMul", + "DistribSMul.toSMulZeroClass", + "Finset.smul_sum", + "Finset.sum", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "Finset", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "DistribSMul", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.17", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {γ : Type u_3} [inst : AddCommMonoid β] [inst_1 : DistribSMul α β] {r : α} {f : γ → β}\n {s : Finset γ}, ∑ x ∈ s, r • f x = r • ∑ x ∈ s, f x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["propext", "eq_self_iff_true", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.6", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} (a : α), (a = a) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset.nodup", + "And", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "Multiset.mem_sub_of_nodup", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Not", + "SDiff.sdiff", + "Finset.instSDiff", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.mem_sdiff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s t : Finset α} {a : α}, a ∈ s \\ t ↔ a ∈ s ∧ a ∉ t", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_5", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_2"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Prime.irreducible", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "a_eta_zero_dvd_p_pow", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toCommSemigroup", + "Ideal.span", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toGCDMonoid", + "algebraRat", + "pow_one", + "Ideal.instIdemCommSemiring", + "Iff.mpr", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Nat", + "Subtype", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDedekindDomain", + "Ne", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "instHMul", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "propext", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "NumberField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "dvd_gcd_mul_iff_dvd_mul", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ideal", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Submodule.instIdemCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "semigroupDvd", + "Irreducible.gcd_eq_one_iff", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "p_ne_zero", + "rfl", + "mul_comm", + "PNat.val", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "one_mul", + "instLENat", + "instHPow", + "Finset", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "zeta_sub_one_dvd_root", + "id", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Membership.mem", + "NeZero.succ", + "Ideal.cancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "pow_dvd_pow_iff", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "not_p_div_a_zero", + "LE.le", + "p_dvd_a_iff", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Prime.not_unit", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.prime_span_sub_one", + "Units.val", + "letFun", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "a_eta_zero_dvd_p_pow_spec", + "IdemCommSemiring.toCommSemiring", + "PNat"], + "name": "one_le_m", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} {p : ℕ+} [hpri : Fact p.Prime] [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NumberField K]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K],\n p ≠ 2 →\n ∀ {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) {x y z : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K} {ε : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ}\n {m : ℕ},\n x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = ↑ε * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ ↑p → ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y → ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ z → 1 ≤ m", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["trivial", "Eq.rec", "Eq.symm", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "of_eq_true", + "constType": "∀ {p : Prop}, p = True → p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Image._auxLemma.23", + "Exists", + "funext", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Image._auxLemma.38", + "eq_comm", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Image._auxLemma.37", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "And", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "Finset.ext", + "Finset.image", + "Finset", + "congr", + "Singleton.singleton", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "id"], + "name": "Finset.image_singleton", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [inst : DecidableEq β] (f : α → β) (a : α), Finset.image f {a} = {f a}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["True"], + "name": "True.intro", + "constType": "True", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Or", "Not", "absurd", "Or.elim", "id"], + "name": "Or.resolve_left", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, a ∨ b → ¬a → b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.pred", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Neg.neg", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "Int", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Eq", + "ite"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₁", + "constType": "ℤ → ℕ → ℕ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "CancelMonoidWithZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsCancelMulZero.toIsRightCancelMulZero", + "Function.Injective.eq_iff", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "CancelMonoidWithZero.toIsCancelMulZero", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Iff", + "HMul.hMul", + "mul_left_injective₀", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CancelMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "mul_left_inj'", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_1} [inst : CancelMonoidWithZero M₀] {a b c : M₀}, c ≠ 0 → (a * c = b * c ↔ a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["EmptyCollection", "Singleton", "Insert"], + "name": "LawfulSingleton", + "constType": + "(α : Type u) → (β : Type v) → [inst : EmptyCollection β] → [inst : Insert α β] → [inst : Singleton α β] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_false", + "False", + "PNat.ne_zero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.5", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ+), (↑n = 0) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "String.toSubstring'", + "Lean.MacroM", + "String", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "Lean.Name.mkStr1", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadQuotationMacroM", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "Pure.pure", + "Monad.toBind", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadRefMacroM", + "Eq", + "ite", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getCurrMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Bool.true", + "PUnit", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "instOfNatNat", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "List.nil", + "Bind.bind", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Syntax.node3", + "Applicative.toPure", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.TSyntax.raw", + "Lean.Macro", + "", + "instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "Lean.Syntax.node5", + "ReaderT.instMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "EStateM.instMonadExceptOfOfBacktrackable", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos", + "Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getMainModule", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "letFun", + "EStateM.nonBacktrackable", + "MonadExcept.throw", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "ReaderT.instMonad", + "Lean.Name"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["HasSubset"], + "name": "HasSubset.Subset", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : HasSubset α] → α → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Finsupp", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "CommSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat", + "AddMonoidAlgebra"], + "name": "MvPolynomial", + "constType": + "Type u_1 → (R : Type u_2) → [inst : CommSemiring R] → Type (max u_1 u_2)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "instHSub", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "instHAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HSub.hSub", + "Neg.neg", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Ring.toSub", + "Ring", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Eq.symm"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.add_neg", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_2} [inst : Ring R] (a b : R), a + -b = a - b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff.rfl", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "CharZero", + "propext", + "Nat.cast_inj", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.symm", + "id"], + "name": "Nat.cast_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] {n : ℕ}, ↑n = 0 ↔ n = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Eq.refl", + "One.toOfNat1", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "zero_add", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Nat.cast_succ", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Nat.succ", + "id"], + "name": "Nat.cast_one", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R], ↑1 = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["NormedRing", "Ring"], + "name": "NormedRing.toRing", + "constType": "{α : Type u_5} → [self : NormedRing α] → Ring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Eq.rec", "Eq"], + "name": "Eq.trans", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} {a b c : α}, a = b → b = c → a = c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "instHDiv", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "div_eq_mul_inv", + "DivInvMonoid", + "Eq.refl", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "DivInvMonoid.toInv", + "instHMul", + "mul_assoc", + "Eq.mpr", + "HMul.hMul", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "congrArg", + "DivInvMonoid.toDiv", + "Inv.inv", + "id"], + "name": "mul_div_assoc", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : DivInvMonoid G] (a b c : G), a * b / c = a * (b / c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EquivLike.coe", + "EquivLike", + "FunLike", + "EquivLike.toFunLike.proof_1", + ""], + "name": "EquivLike.toFunLike", + "constType": + "{E : Sort u_1} → {α : Sort u_3} → {β : Sort u_4} → [iE : EquivLike E α β] → FunLike E α β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_5", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_14"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_15._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["And", "propext", "true_and_iff", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.11", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), (True ∧ p) = p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam"], + "name": "SetLike", + "constType": "Type u_1 → outParam (Type u_2) → Type (max u_1 u_2)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "zpowRec", + "", + "ZMod.instInv", + "npowRec", + "", + "ZMod.instField.proof_6", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "ZMod.instField.proof_13", + "NNRat", + "Nat.Prime", + "Semiring.npow", + "ZMod.instField.proof_8", + "", + "Field", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "ZMod.instField.proof_4", + "Rat.cast", + "Nat", + "", + "ZMod.inv_zero", + "NNRat.castRec", + "Rat.castRec", + "", + "_private.Mathlib.Data.ZMod.Basic.0.ZMod.mul_inv_cancel_aux", + "", + "Rat", + "ZMod.instField.proof_1", + "ZMod.instField.proof_9", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "DivInvMonoid.div'", + "ZMod.instField.proof_5", + "ZMod", + "ZMod.instField.proof_12", + "Semiring.toOne", + "instHMul", + "ZMod.instField.proof_14", + "ZMod.instField.proof_10", + "ZMod.instField.proof_11", + "ZMod.instField.proof_2", + "HMul.hMul", + "CommRing.toRing", + "ZMod.instField.proof_3", + "ZMod.instField.proof_7", + "NNRat.cast", + "Fact", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.instField", + "constType": "(p : ℕ) → [inst : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] → Field (ZMod p)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Iff", + "Iff.rfl", + "Multiset", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.mem_val", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a : α} {s : Finset α}, a ∈ s.val ↔ a ∈ s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "List.instMembership", + "Multiset.count", + "List.isSetoid", + "Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Basic._auxLemma.5", + "Multiset.Nodup", + "Multiset.coe_count", + "implies_congr", + "instBEqOfDecidableEq", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Setoid.r", + "Eq.mpr", + "List.Nodup", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "forall_congr", + "List", + "List.nodup_iff_count_eq_one", + "Mathlib.Data.Multiset.Nodup._auxLemma.1", + "Multiset", + "congr", + "instOfNatNat", + "Multiset.ofList", + "Quot.induction_on", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "List.count", + "id", + ""], + "name": "Multiset.nodup_iff_count_eq_one", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s : Multiset α} [inst : DecidableEq α], s.Nodup ↔ ∀ a ∈ s, Multiset.count a s = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Nat.add_assoc", + "Nat.add_comm", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.cast_add.match_1", + "AddGroupWithOne.toSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "eq_neg_add_iff_add_eq", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Eq.refl", + "sub_eq_iff_eq_add", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Int.instAdd", + "True", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "instOfNatNat", + "Int.cast_negSucc", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.succ", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id", + "eq_self", + "instHSub", + "add_assoc", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "instAddNat", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Nat.cast_add", + "instNatCastInt", + "of_eq_true", + "Nat.add_right_comm", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "Int.negSucc", + "letFun", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "congr", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "neg_add_rev", + "Int.subNatNat", + "Int.cast_subNatNat"], + "name": "Int.cast_add", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : AddGroupWithOne R] (m n : ℤ), ↑(m + n) = ↑m + ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "instHMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "Dvd.intro", + "rfl", + "Semigroup"], + "name": "dvd_mul_right", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Semigroup α] (a b : α), a ∣ a * b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "Exists.casesOn", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "algebraRat", + "ClassGroup", + "Eq", + "Fintype", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "And.casesOn", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "exists_solution'", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "OrderedSemiring.zeroLEOneClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Nat.instOrderedSemiring", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "And", + "", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "Nat.le_induction", + "one_le_m", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "NumberField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Exists", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "semigroupDvd", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instLENat", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "zero_lt_one", + "instOfNatNat", + "NeZero.succ", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "False", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Fintype.card", + "Dvd.dvd", + "One.toOfNat1", + "", + "LE.le", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "Units.val", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "Nat.Coprime", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.not_exists_solution", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} {p : ℕ+} [hpri : Fact p.Prime] [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NumberField K]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K],\n p ≠ 2 →\n ∀ [inst_3 : Fintype (ClassGroup (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K))],\n (↑p).Coprime (Fintype.card (ClassGroup (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K))) →\n ∀ {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) {m : ℕ},\n 1 ≤ m →\n ¬∃ x' y' z' ε₃,\n ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y' ∧ ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ z' ∧ x' ^ ↑p + y' ^ ↑p = ↑ε₃ * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ m * z') ^ ↑p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["HSMul", "", "SMul", "SMul.smul"], + "name": "instHSMul", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → {β : Type u_2} → [inst : SMul α β] → HSMul α β β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_31", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_32._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "One", "LE"], + "name": "ZeroLEOneClass", + "constType": + "(α : Type u_2) → [inst : Zero α] → [inst : One α] → [inst : LE α] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Subtype"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → {p : α → Prop} → (val : α) → p val → Subtype p", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Units", + "Units.instOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NormalizationMonoid", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "", + "normalizationMonoidOfUniqueUnits.proof_2", + "One.toOfNat1", + "normalizationMonoidOfUniqueUnits.proof_3", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "normalizationMonoidOfUniqueUnits.proof_1", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Unique"], + "name": "normalizationMonoidOfUniqueUnits", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → [inst_1 : Unique αˣ] → NormalizationMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NegZeroClass", "Neg"], + "name": "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "constType": "{G : Type u_2} → [self : NegZeroClass G] → Neg G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "Monad", + "ReaderT", + "ReaderT.bind", + "", + ""], + "name": "ReaderT.instMonad", + "constType": + "{ρ : Type u} → {m : Type u → Type v} → [inst : Monad m] → Monad (ReaderT ρ m)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "PartENat.instLE", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "Monoid", + "PartENat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "LE.le", + "Iff.intro", + "Iff", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "instHPow", + "PartENat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "multiplicity.pow_dvd_of_le_multiplicity", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "multiplicity.le_multiplicity_of_pow_dvd", + "multiplicity", + "Nat", + "DecidableRel"], + "name": "multiplicity.pow_dvd_iff_le_multiplicity", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] [inst_1 : DecidableRel fun x x_1 => x ∣ x_1] {a b : α} {k : ℕ},\n a ^ k ∣ b ↔ ↑k ≤ multiplicity a b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Semifield.mul_inv_cancel", + "Semifield", + "Semifield.toInv", + "Semifield.zpow", + "Semifield.zpow_neg'", + "Semifield.nnqsmul", + "Semifield.nnqsmul_def", + "Semifield.toNNRatCast", + "Semifield.zpow_zero'", + "", + "Semifield.toNontrivial", + "Semifield.zpow_succ'", + "Semifield.div_eq_mul_inv", + "Semifield.nnratCast_def", + "Semifield.toDiv", + "Semifield.inv_zero"], + "name": "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "constType": "{α : Type u_4} → [self : Semifield α] → DivisionSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instDecidableFalse", + "False", + "instDecidableNot", + "Bool.true", + "of_decide_eq_true", + "Eq.refl", + "Not", + "Bool", + "instDecidableIff", + "instDecidableTrue", + "instDecidableEqOfIff", + "True", + "Eq"], + "name": "not_true_eq_false", + "constType": "(¬True) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Membership.mem", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Finset.dvd_gcd_iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Finset", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid", + "dvd_rfl", + "Finset.gcd", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.gcd_dvd", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : NormalizedGCDMonoid α] {s : Finset β}\n {f : β → α} {b : β}, b ∈ s → s.gcd f ∣ f b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "rfl", + "instLTNat", + "", + "Eq"], + "name": "PNat.mk_coe", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ) (h : 0 < n), ↑⟨n, h⟩ = n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["DivisionMonoid", "DivInvMonoid"], + "name": "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : DivisionMonoid G] → DivInvMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "True", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.zero_mul", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (b : R), 0 * b = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["ite_eq_left_iff", "propext", "Decidable", "Not", "ite", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.15", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {a b : α} {P : Prop} [inst : Decidable P], ((if P then a else b) = a) = (¬P → b = a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_6._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero", + "Membership.mem", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Subtype.ext_iff", + "Subtype.val", + "Set", + "Set.instMembership", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "ZeroMemClass", + "Iff.symm", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "SetLike", + "Iff", + "", + "Subtype", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "ZeroMemClass.coe_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_4} {M₁ : Type u_5} [inst : SetLike A M₁] [inst_1 : Zero M₁] [hA : ZeroMemClass A M₁] {S' : A} {x : ↥S'},\n ↑x = 0 ↔ x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Polynomial.ofFinsupp", + "Polynomial", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddMonoidAlgebra.semiring", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "", + "Nat.instAddMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat", + "AddMonoidAlgebra"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [inst : Semiring R] → Zero (Polynomial R)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Units.instInv", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "algebraRat", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Nat.Prime", + "mul_assoc", + "Nat.cast", + "Set.Elem", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "Field", + "map_mul", + "", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Units.instMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "MonoidHom", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "AlgEquiv.instFunLike", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Finite.of_fintype", + "Submodule.setLike", + "Inv.inv", + "Exists", + "AlgEquiv", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.numberField", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AlgEquivClass.toAlgHomClass", + "Exists.intro", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "algebraInt", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Semiring.toModule", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "NonUnitalAlgSemiHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "Units.val_one", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "AlgHom", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "", + "letFun", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "PNat", + "Module.toDistribMulAction", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Ideal.span", + "Units.val_mul", + "Exists.casesOn", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "FltRegular.CaseI.exists_int_sum_eq_zero'_aux", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Nat", + "FltRegular.CaseI.coe_unitGalConj", + "Ne", + "Units.instMul", + "Units.instOne", + "Set.fintypeSingleton", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "DivInvMonoid.toInv", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "unitGalConj", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "AlgHom.instNonUnitalAlgHomClassOfAlgHomClass", + "instHMul", + "Int.cast", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "unit_inv_conj_is_root_of_unity", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Fact", + "congrArg", + "Ideal", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "inv_mul_self", + "AlgHomClass.toAlgHom", + "intGal", + "AlgEquiv.instAlgEquivClass", + "PNat.val", + "FltRegular.CaseI.pow_sub_intGalConj_mem", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "one_mul", + "AlgHom.algHomClass", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "instOfNatNat", + "Int.instNegInt", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "Units.instMulOneClass", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "Rat.numberField", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "NeZero.succ", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Rat.instField", + "Algebra.toModule", + "instHAdd", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Ideal.mul_mem_left", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "mul_sub", + "CharZero", + "Units.val", + "AlgHom.funLike", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "galConj", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "Units.instGroup", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Int.instCommSemiring"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.exists_int_sum_eq_zero'", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K] [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] {ζ : K}\n (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p),\n p ≠ 2 →\n Nat.Prime ↑p →\n ∀ (x y i : ℤ) {u : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} {α : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K},\n ↑x + ↑y * ↑(hζ.unit' ^ i) = ↑u * α ^ ↑p →\n ∃ k, ↑x + ↑y * ↑(hζ.unit' ^ i) - ↑((hζ.unit' ^ k) ^ 2) * (↑x + ↑y * ↑(hζ.unit' ^ (-i))) ∈ Ideal.span {↑↑p}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["SModEq.def", + "Submodule", + "propext", + "", + "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "Ring", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Module", + "AddCommGroup", + "Eq.symm", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "SModEq", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.10", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : Ring R] {M : Type u_3} [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] [inst_2 : Module R M] {U : Submodule R M}\n {x y : M}, ( x = y) = (x ≡ y [SMOD U])", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_24._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Field.zpow_succ'", + "Field.zpow_zero'", + "Field.nnqsmul", + "", + "Field.toSemifield.proof_1", + "Field.toNontrivial", + "Field.toInv", + "Field.zpow", + "Field.zpow_neg'", + "Field.nnqsmul_def", + "Field.toNNRatCast", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Semifield", + "Field.toCommRing", + "Field.mul_inv_cancel", + "Field", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Field.inv_zero", + "", + "Field.toDiv", + "Field.nnratCast_def", + "Field.div_eq_mul_inv"], + "name": "Field.toSemifield", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Field α] → Semifield α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["List.cons", "List", "List.Mem"], + "name": "List.Mem.tail", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {a : α} (b : α) {as : List α}, List.Mem a as → List.Mem a (b :: as)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "PartENat.instLE", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "algebraRat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "pow_one", + "Nat.cast", + "Nat.lt_succ_self", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "Field", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "multiplicity.pow_multiplicity_dvd", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.zeta_sub_one_prime'", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "IsDedekindDomain.toIsDedekindRing", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "multiplicity.is_greatest'", + "WfDvdMonoid.multiplicity_finite", + "And", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "propext", + "NumberField", + "multiplicity", + "And.intro", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "IsNoetherianRing.wfDvdMonoid", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Exists", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Set", + "PNat.Prime", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "semigroupDvd", + "Exists.intro", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "PartENat.natCast_get", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat.succ", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "IsDomain.toCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Units.val_one", + "One.toOfNat1", + "LE.le", + "PartENat.coe_le_coe", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units", + "Prime.not_unit", + "Eq.ndrec", + "letFun", + "multiplicity.pow_dvd_iff_le_multiplicity", + "PNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "FltRegular.not_exists_solution", + "Exists.casesOn", + "ClassGroup", + "Eq", + "Fintype", + "multiplicity.Finite", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Part.get", + "Nat", + "And.casesOn", + "Ne", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDedekindDomain", + "Units.instOne", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "PartENat", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "pow_succ", + "Fact", + "congrArg", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "PNat.val", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "one_mul", + "instLENat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.toInteger", + "instHPow", + "PartENat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toSub", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "id", + "NeZero.succ", + "False", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Rat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Fintype.card", + "IsDedekindRing.toIsNoetherian", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units.val", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Nat.Coprime", + "HMul.hMul", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "mul_dvd_mul_left"], + "name": "FltRegular.not_exists_solution'", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} {p : ℕ+} [hpri : Fact p.Prime] [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NumberField K]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K],\n p ≠ 2 →\n ∀ [inst_3 : Fintype (ClassGroup (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K))],\n (↑p).Coprime (Fintype.card (ClassGroup (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K))) →\n ∀ {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p),\n ¬∃ x y z, ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y ∧ ↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ z ∧ z ≠ 0 ∧ x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = z ^ ↑p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["False", "propext", "Not", "not_true", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.7", + "constType": "(¬True) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Set.mem_singleton_iff", + "propext", + "Set", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Set.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} {a b : α}, (a ∈ {b}) = (a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["propext", "eq_self_iff_true", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.7", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} (a : α), (a = a) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Eq", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "mul_assoc", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Eq.ndrec", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pf_left", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a₃ b c : R} (a₁ : R) (a₂ : ℕ), a₃ * b = c → a₁ ^ a₂ * a₃ * b = a₁ ^ a₂ * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["CommGroup", "Group"], + "name": "CommGroup.toGroup", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : CommGroup G] → Group G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["False", "Decidable", "if_neg", "ite", "Eq", "id"], + "name": "if_false", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {x : Decidable False} (t e : α), (if False then t else e) = e", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_10._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Submodule.mem_sup", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Exists", + "Submodule", + "Set", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "Exists.intro", + "Ideal.span", + "Exists.casesOn", + "rfl", + "Iff.mpr", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "", + "SemilatticeSup.toSup", + "Iff", + "CompleteLattice.toConditionallyCompleteLattice", + "CommSemiring", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeSup", + "And.casesOn", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "Semiring.toModule", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "instHAdd", + "ConditionallyCompleteLattice.toLattice", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Iff.intro", + "And", + "instHMul", + "Ideal.mem_span_singleton'", + "Eq.ndrec", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "Sup.sup", + "Singleton.singleton", + "And.intro", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike"], + "name": "Ideal.mem_span_singleton_sup", + "constType": + "∀ {S : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring S] {x y : S} {I : Ideal S}, x ∈ Ideal.span {y} ⊔ I ↔ ∃ a, ∃ b ∈ I, a * y + b = x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "ZeroLEOneClass", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "LE.le.lt_of_ne", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "One", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "'", + "zero_le_one", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Preorder.toLE", + "PartialOrder"], + "name": "zero_lt_one", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : PartialOrder α] [inst_3 : ZeroLEOneClass α]\n [inst_4 : NeZero 1], 0 < 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Monoid", "", "Nat", "Pow", "Monoid.npow"], + "name": "Monoid.toNatPow", + "constType": "{M : Type u_2} → [inst : Monoid M] → Pow M ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Rat", + "Field.toSemifield", + "intGal", + "algebraInt", + "AlgHom", + "algebraRat", + "rfl", + "Eq", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.val", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CharZero", + "AlgHom.funLike", + "Field", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Int"], + "name": "intGal_apply_coe", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K] (σ : K →ₐ[ℚ] K) (x : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K),\n ↑((intGal σ) x) = σ ↑x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.mem_product", + "Membership.mem", + "And", + "Prod.snd", + "Finset.instSProd", + "propext", + "SProd.sprod", + "Finset", + "Prod", + "Prod.fst", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.26", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {s : Finset α} {t : Finset β} {p : α × β}, (p ∈ s ×ˢ t) = (p.1 ∈ s ∧ p.2 ∈ t)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "", + "FunLike", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "MonoidHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "RingHomClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "NonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalRingHomClass"], + "name": "RingHomClass.toNonUnitalRingHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [inst : FunLike F α β] {x : NonAssocSemiring α}\n {x_1 : NonAssocSemiring β} [inst_1 : RingHomClass F α β], NonUnitalRingHomClass F α β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "eq_true", + "even_two", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Semiring", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "instOfNatNat", + "Even", + "Nat", + "True", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.12", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Semiring α], Even 2 = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.modEq_zero_iff_dvd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Iff.rfl", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Nat.ModEq", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "ZMod.natCast_eq_natCast_iff", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "propext", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CommRing.toRing", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat.instDvd", + "Nat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "congrArg", + "id", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.natCast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd", + "constType": "∀ (a b : ℕ), ↑a = 0 ↔ b ∣ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_40._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset.range", + "propext", + "", + "Finset", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "Eq", + "Finset.mem_range", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.154", + "constType": "∀ {n m : ℕ}, (m ∈ Finset.range n) = (m < n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["IsRightCancelAdd", "IsCancelAdd", "Add"], + "name": "IsCancelAdd.toIsRightCancelAdd", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u} [inst : Add G] [self : IsCancelAdd G], IsRightCancelAdd G", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_1", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_15"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_16._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["LE", "LE.le"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : LE α] → α → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_10", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_9"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_11._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Add", "AddZeroClass"], + "name": "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : AddZeroClass M] → Add M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "And", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "and_iff_left", + "Even", + "Iff.trans", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Int.even_pow", + "Int", + "Int.instAdd"], + "name": "Int.even_pow'", + "constType": "∀ {m : ℤ} {n : ℕ}, n ≠ 0 → (Even (m ^ n) ↔ Even m)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FermatLastTheoremFor", + "List.cons", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instSemiring", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "Rat", + "Eq.refl", + "Rat.semiring", + "fermatLastTheoremWith_nat_int_rat_tfae", + "FermatLastTheoremWith", + "List.TFAE.out", + "Iff", + "instOfNatNat", + "List.nil", + "Nat", + "List.get?", + "Int", + "Option"], + "name": "fermatLastTheoremFor_iff_int", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, FermatLastTheoremFor n ↔ FermatLastTheoremWith ℤ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "String.toSubstring'", + "Lean.MacroM", + "String", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "Lean.Name.mkStr1", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadQuotationMacroM", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "Pure.pure", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.namespace", + "Monad.toBind", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadRefMacroM", + "Eq", + "ite", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getCurrMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Bool.true", + "PUnit", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "instOfNatNat", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "List.nil", + "Bind.bind", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Applicative.toPure", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.TSyntax.raw", + "Lean.Macro", + "", + "instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "ReaderT.instMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "EStateM.instMonadExceptOfOfBacktrackable", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos", + "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getMainModule", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "letFun", + "EStateM.nonBacktrackable", + "MonadExcept.throw", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "ReaderT.instMonad", + "Lean.Name"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.noConfusionType", "Eq.ndrec", "Eq.refl", "Nat", "Nat.casesOn", "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.noConfusion", + "constType": + "{P : Sort u} → {v1 v2 : ℕ} → v1 = v2 → Nat.noConfusionType P v1 v2", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["False", "Decidable.isFalse", "Decidable", "not_false"], + "name": "instDecidableFalse", + "constType": "Decidable False", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_5", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_10", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_6._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "CharZero", + "Field", + "NumberField", + "Field.toDivisionRing"], + "name": "NumberField.to_charZero", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] [self : NumberField K], CharZero K", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["IsDedekindDomain", "IsDedekindRing", "CommRing"], + "name": "IsDedekindDomain.toIsDedekindRing", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_2} [inst : CommRing A] [self : IsDedekindDomain A], IsDedekindRing A", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["NormedRing", "NormedCommRing"], + "name": "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "constType": "{α : Type u_5} → [self : NormedCommRing α] → NormedRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_3", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_2"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.withRef", + "Lean.Syntax.matchesNull", + "EStateM", + "cond", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.Name.mkStr1", + "Pure.pure", + "Monad.toBind", + "Eq", + "ite", + "Lean.TSyntax", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getCurrMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Bool.true", + "Unit.unit", + "PUnit", + "instOfNatNat", + "List.nil", + "Bind.bind", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Applicative.toPure", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "Lean.PrettyPrinter.instMonadQuotationUnexpandM", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Unit", + "Lean.TSyntax.raw", + "", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.toMonadRef", + "instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "ReaderT.instMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "Lean.Syntax", + "EStateM.instMonadExceptOfOfBacktrackable", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos", + "or", + "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getMainModule", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM", + "letFun", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "EStateM.nonBacktrackable", + "MonadExcept.throw", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "ReaderT.instMonad", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1", + "constType": "Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Prod"], + "name": "Prod.snd", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → α × β → β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_raw_eq.match_1", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "Nat.rawCast", + "Nat", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_raw_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {a : α} {n : ℕ} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne α], Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat a n → a = n.rawCast", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Array.mkArray3", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Syntax.node"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.node3", + "constType": + "Lean.SourceInfo → Lean.SyntaxNodeKind → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.min_def", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.le_total", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toMax", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toMin", + "LinearOrderedSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.max_def", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.decidableLT", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toOrd", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.decidableEq", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.decidableLE", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring"], + "name": "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toLinearOrderedSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [self : LinearOrderedCommSemiring α] → LinearOrderedSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Set.mem_singleton", + "IsRegularPrime", + "algebraRat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "Iff", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "instOfNat", + "Subtype", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "safe", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "CyclotomicField", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "And", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCharZero_1", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "propext", + "", + "congr", + "And.intro", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Exists", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "semigroupDvd", + "Exists.intro", + "NeZero.pnat", + "True", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "NeZero.charZero", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "FltRegular.not_exists_solution'", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "zeta_sub_one_dvd_Int_iff", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.exists_prim_root", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "instNatCastInt", + "letFun", + "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.1", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "", + "PNat", + "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "PNat.coe_injective", + "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.2", + "ne_eq", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Exists.casesOn", + "instLTNat", + "Int.instAdd", + "ClassGroup", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Nat", + "And.casesOn", + "Eq.trans", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "CyclotomicField.classGroupFinite", + "Ne", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.cast_eq_zero", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "of_eq_true", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Int.cast", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "Function.Injective.ne_iff", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Fact.out", + "PNat.val", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "id", + "eq_self", + "NeZero.succ", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Rat.instField", + "funext", + "False", + "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Fintype.card", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units.val", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Nat.Coprime", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "NegZeroClass.toZero"], + "name": "FltRegular.not_exists_Int_solution", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} [hpri : Fact (Nat.Prime p)],\n IsRegularPrime p → p ≠ 2 → ¬∃ x y z, ¬↑p ∣ y ∧ ↑p ∣ z ∧ z ≠ 0 ∧ x ^ p + y ^ p = z ^ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "MulOneClass", + "", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "", + "MonoidHom", + ""], + "name": "", + "constType": "(M : Type u_10) → [inst : MulOneClass M] → M →* M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.univ", + "Finset.range", + "Fin.val", + "Finset.sum", + "Fin.fintype", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Fin.sum_univ_eq_sum_range", + "Fin", + "Eq", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Finset.sum_range", + "constType": + "∀ {β : Type u_2} [inst : AddCommMonoid β] {n : ℕ} (f : ℕ → β), ∑ i ∈ Finset.range n, f i = ∑ i : Fin n, f ↑i", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["", "", "Nat", "Nat.succ", "instLTNat"], + "name": "Nat.lt_succ_self", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ), n < n.succ", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "IsScalarTower.algebraMap_eq", + "Semiring", + "algebraMap", + "RingHom.comp", + "Eq.refl", + "IsScalarTower", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "Eq", + "RingHom.comp_apply", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply", + "constType": + "∀ (R : Type u) (S : Type v) (A : Type w) [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : CommSemiring S] [inst_2 : Semiring A]\n [inst_3 : Algebra R S] [inst_4 : Algebra S A] [inst_5 : Algebra R A] [inst_6 : IsScalarTower R S A] (x : R),\n (algebraMap R A) x = (algebraMap S A) ((algebraMap R S) x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.ofNat", "UInt8", "Bool.casesOn", "_obj", "Nat.decEq", "Int.neg"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.f1k₂._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNonAssocRing", "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing"], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing α] → NonUnitalNonAssocRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNormedRing", "NonUnitalRing"], + "name": "NonUnitalNormedRing.toNonUnitalRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_5} → [self : NonUnitalNormedRing α] → NonUnitalRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["DivInvMonoid", "", "Pow", "Int", "DivInvMonoid.zpow"], + "name": "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "constType": "{M : Type u_2} → [inst : DivInvMonoid M] → Pow M ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.brecOn", + "Nat.below", + "Nat.le", + "Nat.le.step", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Unit", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Nat.le.refl", + "LE.le", + "Nat.succ_le_succ.match_1", + "PProd", + "Nat.rec", + "PProd.fst", + "instLENat", + "PUnit", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ"], + "name": "Nat.succ_le_succ", + "constType": "∀ {n m : ℕ}, n ≤ m → n.succ ≤ m.succ", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Finsupp", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "MvPolynomial", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq", + "MvPolynomial.commSemiring", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Iff", + "", + "Finsupp.support_eq_empty", + "CommSemiring", + "Finset", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Nat", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection"], + "name": "MvPolynomial.support_eq_empty", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {σ : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {p : MvPolynomial σ R}, = ∅ ↔ p = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Fintype", + "Set.Elem", + "propext", + "Set.toFinset", + "Set", + "Finset", + "Set.instMembership", + "Set.mem_toFinset", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s : Set α} [inst : Fintype ↑s] {a : α}, (a ∈ s.toFinset) = (a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "Module", "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Module.Finite", + "constType": + "(R : Type u_1) → (M : Type u_4) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Units.val_inv", + "Units", + "Monoid", + "Units.inv_val", + "Units.val", + "Units.inv", + "", + "Inv", + ""], + "name": "Units.instInv", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Monoid α] → Inv αˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["GCDMonoid.gcd", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.coe_gcd", + "Eq.symm", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Int", + "Int.instGCDMonoid", + "Eq", + "Int.gcd"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.9", + "constType": "∀ (i j : ℤ), gcd i j = ↑(i.gcd j)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["FermatLastTheoremWith", "Nat.instSemiring", "Nat"], + "name": "FermatLastTheoremFor", + "constType": "ℕ → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Mul", "Semigroup"], + "name": "Semigroup.toMul", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : Semigroup G] → Mul G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_12", + "", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_17", + "", + "Int.instAdd", + "", + "Nat.cast", + "Semiring.npow", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Sub.sub", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_1", + "Nat", + "Int.instSub", + "Fin.instOfNatOfNeZeroNat", + "instOfNat", + "", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_13", + "Fin.instNatCast", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_14", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_2", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_16", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_4", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_18", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_7", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_22", + "ZMod", + "", + "Add.add", + "", + "Int.cast", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_15", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_5", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Int", + "Fin", + "", + "", + "AddMonoid.nsmul", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_8", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_24", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_3", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Fin.neg", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_21", + "", + "", + "CommRing", + "", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_25", + "Int.instNegInt", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_9", + "Fin.instSub", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_6", + "Nat.succ", + "Fin.instCommRing", + "NeZero.succ", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_23", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_10", + "", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_11", + "Int.instMul", + "", + "Neg.neg", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_20", + "Ring.zsmul", + "Int.instCommRing", + "instNatCastInt", + "ZMod.commRing.proof_19", + "", + "inferInstanceAs", + "Fin.instAdd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Fin.instMul", + "Mul.mul", + "Nat.casesOn"], + "name": "ZMod.commRing", + "constType": "(n : ℕ) → CommRing (ZMod n)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Dvd", + "constType": "Type u_1 → Type u_1", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["And", "and_assoc", "propext", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.10", + "constType": "∀ {a b c : Prop}, ((a ∧ b) ∧ c) = (a ∧ b ∧ c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "FractionalIdeal.coeIdeal", + "Exists", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "algebraMap", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "CommRing", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "And", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "IsLocalization.mem_coeSubmodule", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Algebra", + "Submonoid", + "FractionalIdeal", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Ideal", + "FractionalIdeal.instSetLike", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Submodule.setLike"], + "name": "FractionalIdeal.mem_coeIdeal", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing R] (S : Submonoid R) {P : Type u_2} [inst_1 : CommRing P] [inst_2 : Algebra R P]\n {x : P} {I : Ideal R}, x ∈ ↑I ↔ ∃ x' ∈ I, (algebraMap R P) x' = x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "DecidablePred", + "And", + "Iff", + "Finset", + "Finset.filter", + "Finset.val", + "Multiset.mem_filter", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.mem_filter", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {p : α → Prop} [inst : DecidablePred p] {s : Finset α} {a : α}, a ∈ Finset.filter p s ↔ a ∈ s ∧ p a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Dvd.dvd", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "ZMod.intCast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Nat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "Int", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.8", + "constType": "∀ (a : ℤ) (b : ℕ), (↑b ∣ a) = (↑a = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["SubNegMonoid", "SubtractionMonoid"], + "name": "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : SubtractionMonoid G] → SubNegMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "CommMonoid", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["", "Mod.mod", "HMod", "Mod"], + "name": "instHMod", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Mod α] → HMod α α α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["ite_eq_right_iff", "propext", "Decidable", "ite", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {a b : α} {P : Prop} [inst : Decidable P], ((if P then a else b) = b) = (P → a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "True", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "congr", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Nat", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.single_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a c : R} {b : ℕ}, a ^ b = c → (a + 0) ^ b = c + 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.le", + "Iff", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "SetCoe.ext_iff", + "Eq", + "PNat"], + "name": "PNat.coe_inj", + "constType": "∀ {m n : ℕ+}, ↑m = ↑n ↔ m = n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Finset.card", "Finset.univ", "Fintype", "Nat"], + "name": "Fintype.card", + "constType": "(α : Type u_4) → [inst : Fintype α] → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["AddGroupWithOne", "Neg"], + "name": "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : AddGroupWithOne R] → Neg R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Rat", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["and_imp", "And", "propext", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.5", + "constType": "∀ {a b c : Prop}, (a ∧ b → c) = (a → b → c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["List.cons", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_6", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_8", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_9._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "MulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulOneClass.one_mul", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Eq"], + "name": "one_mul", + "constType": "∀ {M : Type u} [inst : MulOneClass M] (a : M), 1 * a = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "InvolutiveNeg", + "constType": "Type u_2 → Type u_2", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHPow", + "DivInvMonoid", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "Nat", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "zpow_natCast", + "instOfNat", + "Int", + "Eq"], + "name": "zpow_ofNat", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : DivInvMonoid G] (a : G) (n : ℕ), a ^ OfNat.ofNat n = a ^ OfNat.ofNat n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "Ideal.Quotient.algebra", + "RingHom", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "algebraMap", + "", + "", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Eq.symm", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Ideal", + "Ideal.Quotient.algebraMap_eq", + "CommRing", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.11", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommRing R] (I : Ideal R), I = algebraMap R (R ⧸ I)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "AlgHomClass", + "", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Semiring", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "AlgHomClass.toAlgHom.proof_2", + "RingHomClass.toRingHom", + "AlgHomClass.toRingHomClass", + "AlgHom", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "FunLike", + "AlgHomClass.toAlgHom.proof_1", + "AlgHomClass.toAlgHom.proof_3", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "AlgHomClass.toAlgHom.proof_4", + "AlgHomClass.commutes", + "", + "", + "DFunLike.coe"], + "name": "AlgHomClass.toAlgHom", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n {A : Type u_2} →\n {B : Type u_3} →\n [inst : CommSemiring R] →\n [inst_1 : Semiring A] →\n [inst_2 : Semiring B] →\n [inst_3 : Algebra R A] →\n [inst_4 : Algebra R B] →\n {F : Type u_5} → [inst_5 : FunLike F A B] → [inst_6 : AlgHomClass F R A B] → F → A →ₐ[R] B", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", "propext", "Exists.intro", "forall_exists_index", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Different._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {q : (∃ x, p x) → Prop}, (∀ (h : ∃ x, p x), q h) = ∀ (x : α) (h : p x), q ⋯", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["NonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "RingHom", + "constType": + "(α : Type u_5) → (β : Type u_6) → [inst : NonAssocSemiring α] → [inst : NonAssocSemiring β] → Type (max u_5 u_6)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Eq.refl", + "Int.gcd_comm", + "Int.gcd_assoc", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "id", + "Int.gcd", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.Int.gcd_left_comm", + "constType": "∀ (a b c : ℤ), a.gcd ↑(b.gcd c) = b.gcd ↑(a.gcd c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Monoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "HMul.hMul", + "instOfNatNat", + "pow_succ", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : Monoid M] (a : M) (n : ℕ), a ^ n * a = a ^ (n + 1)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "", + "", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "", + "CommRing", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "", + "", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Ideal", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → [inst : CommRing R] → (I : Ideal R) → R →+* R ⧸ I", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Rat.instField", + "IsDomain", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Rat", + "Fact.out", + "instLTNat", + "CyclotomicField", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Fact", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + ""], + "name": "IsRegularNumber.proof_2", + "constType": + "∀ (n : ℕ) [hn : Fact (0 < n)], IsDomain (NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField ⟨n, ⋯⟩ ℚ))", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Eq.refl", + "Neg.neg", + "neg_add_cancel_left", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Eq.mpr", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "AddCommGroup", + "congrArg", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "sub_eq_neg_add", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id"], + "name": "add_sub_cancel_left", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddCommGroup G] (a b : G), a + b - a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Mathlib.Tactic.Zify.natCast_lt", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "", + "Nat", + "Int", + "instLTNat", + "Int.instLTInt", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.3", + "constType": "∀ (a b : ℕ), (a < b) = (↑a < ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_1", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_1", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_3", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_2"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Membership.mem", + "ZeroMemClass", + "Zero", + "ZeroMemClass.coe_eq_zero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "SetLike", + "Subtype.val", + "propext", + "Set", + "Set.instMembership", + "", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Subtype", + "SetLike.coe", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_4} {M₁ : Type u_5} [inst : SetLike A M₁] [inst_1 : Zero M₁] [hA : ZeroMemClass A M₁] {S' : A} {x : ↥S'},\n (↑x = 0) = (x = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Iff.intro", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "instHMul", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff", + "mul_eq_zero_of_left", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "MulZeroClass", + "NoZeroDivisors.eq_zero_or_eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero", + "mul_eq_zero_of_right", + "Or.elim", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq"], + "name": "mul_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_1} [inst : MulZeroClass M₀] [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M₀] {a b : M₀}, a * b = 0 ↔ a = 0 ∨ b = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Exists", "Iff", "False", "Not", "exists_imp"], + "name": "not_exists", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop}, (¬∃ x, p x) ↔ ∀ (x : α), ¬p x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Not", "Eq"], + "name": "Ne", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → α → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_12._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "AddCommMonoid", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Trans.trans", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Iff.rfl", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddLeftCancelSemigroup.toIsLeftCancelAdd", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "add_left_cancel_iff", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "instTransIff_mathlib", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toAddLeftCancelSemigroup", + "id"], + "name": "add_right_eq_self", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u} [inst : AddLeftCancelMonoid M] {a b : M}, a + b = a ↔ b = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "Finset.sum", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Finset.fold_singleton", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finset", + "Singleton.singleton", + "AddCommMagma.to_isCommutative", + "AddSemigroup.to_isAssociative", + "add_zero", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "Eq.trans", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Finset.sum_singleton", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [inst : AddCommMonoid β] (f : α → β) (a : α), ∑ x ∈ {a}, f x = f a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Syntax.matchesNull", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Unit", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "EStateM.Result", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "Lean.Syntax", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "PUnit.unit", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.replaceRef", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "Bool", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Exists", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Image._auxLemma.23", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Image._auxLemma.33", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "And", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "of_eq_true", + "Finset.ext", + "Finset.image", + "Finset", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "id"], + "name": "Finset.image_id", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s : Finset α} [inst : DecidableEq α], Finset.image id s = s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "add_assoc", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "Neg.neg", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "zero_add", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "add_right_neg", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddGroup", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Eq.symm", + "id"], + "name": "add_neg_cancel_left", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : AddGroup G] (a b : G), a + (-a + b) = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finsupp.instAddCommMonoid", + "Finsupp", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "MvPolynomial", + "CommSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat", + "AddMonoidAlgebra.commSemiring", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "MvPolynomial.commSemiring", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → {σ : Type u_1} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → CommSemiring (MvPolynomial σ R)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_15._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Eq.rec", "rfl", "Eq"], + "name": "implies_congr", + "constType": + "∀ {p₁ p₂ : Sort u} {q₁ q₂ : Sort v}, p₁ = p₂ → q₁ = q₂ → (p₁ → q₁) = (p₂ → q₂)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["not_or", "And", "Or", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.4", + "constType": "∀ {p q : Prop}, (¬(p ∨ q)) = (¬p ∧ ¬q)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "AddGroup", + "SMulWithZero", + "Zero.ofOfNat0", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddGroup.intSMulWithZero.proof_1", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "SubNegMonoid.SMulInt", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "instOfNat", + "Int", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "AddGroup.intSMulWithZero.proof_2"], + "name": "AddGroup.intSMulWithZero", + "constType": "{M : Type u_3} → [inst : AddGroup M] → SMulWithZero ℤ M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "ReaderT", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Lean.Macro.Exception"], + "name": "Lean.MacroM", + "constType": "Type → Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Polynomial", + "RingHom", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Semiring", + "RingHom.comp", + "Eq.symm", + "Polynomial.map_map", + "", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.12", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} {T : Type w} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring S] (f : R →+* S) [inst_2 : Semiring T]\n (g : S →+* T) (p : Polynomial R), (g.comp f) p = g ( f p)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_42._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_37", + "List.cons", + "_obj", + "_neutral", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_27"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_38._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Nat.gcd", "Nat", "rfl", "Int", "Int.natAbs", "Eq", "Int.gcd"], + "name": "Int.gcd_eq_natAbs", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, a.gcd b = a.natAbs.gcd b.natAbs", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "EquivLike", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff", + "map_eq_zero_iff", + "AddEquivClass.instAddMonoidHomClass", + "AddMonoidHomClass.toZeroHomClass", + "AddEquivClass", + "EquivLike.toFunLike", + "DFunLike.coe", + "EquivLike.injective", + "AddZeroClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "AddEquivClass.map_eq_zero_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_1} {M : Type u_12} {N : Type u_13} [inst : AddZeroClass M] [inst_1 : AddZeroClass N]\n [inst_2 : EquivLike F M N] [inst_3 : AddEquivClass F M N] (h : F) {x : M}, h x = 0 ↔ x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "", + "Ring.zsmul_neg'", + "Ring.zsmul_zero'", + "Ring.zsmul", + "Ring.toNeg", + "AddCommMonoid.add_comm", + "Ring", + "Ring.toSub", + "Ring.zsmul_succ'", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ring.sub_eq_add_neg", + "Ring.add_left_neg", + ""], + "name": "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : Ring R] → AddCommGroup R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Prod", + "constType": "Type u → Type v → Type (max u v)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "HMod"], + "name": "HMod.hMod", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → {γ : outParam (Type w)} → [self : HMod α β γ] → α → β → γ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Bool"], + "name": "Bool.false", + "constType": "Bool", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Int.instLinearOrder", + "LinearOrder.decidableLE", + "LinearOrder", + "Int.mul_pos", + "LinearOrder.max_def", + "", + "LinearOrder.min_def", + "LinearOrder.le_total", + "CommRing.mul_comm", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing.proof_1", + "CommRing", + "Int.add_le_add_left", + "LinearOrder.toOrd", + "Int.instCommRing", + "", + "LinearOrder.compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq", + "LinearOrder.decidableLT", + "LinearOrder.toMax", + "CommRing.toRing", + "LinearOrder.toMin", + "LinearOrderedCommRing", + "LinearOrder.decidableEq", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "", + "Int", + "Int.instNontrivial"], + "name": "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "constType": "LinearOrderedCommRing ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", "Iff", "Classical.propDecidable", "Not", "Decidable.not_forall"], + "name": "Classical.not_forall", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop}, (¬∀ (x : α), p x) ↔ ∃ x, ¬p x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Monoid"], + "name": "Units", + "constType": "(α : Type u) → [inst : Monoid α] → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Iff", + "Finset.range", + "", + "Finset", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Multiset.mem_range"], + "name": "Finset.mem_range", + "constType": "∀ {n m : ℕ}, m ∈ Finset.range n ↔ m < n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Lean.Macro.Exception"], + "name": "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "constType": "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["And", "and_imp", "Iff", "False", "Not"], + "name": "not_and", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, ¬(a ∧ b) ↔ a → ¬b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "CommSemiring", "Algebra"], + "name": "AlgHom", + "constType": + "(R : Type u) →\n (A : Type v) →\n (B : Type w) →\n [inst : CommSemiring R] →\n [inst_1 : Semiring A] → [inst_2 : Semiring B] → [inst_3 : Algebra R A] → [inst : Algebra R B] → Type (max v w)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.negSucc", + "Unit", + "Int.negOfNat.match_1", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.negOfNat", + "constType": "ℕ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Set", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Ideal.one_eq_top", + "Submodule.instTop", + "Ideal.span", + "Ideal.span_one", + "True", + "Eq", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Nat.recAux", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Ideal.span_singleton_mul_span_singleton", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "Semiring.toModule", + "eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_zero", + "instHMul", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "congr", + "pow_succ", + "Singleton.singleton", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "", + "congrArg", + "Ideal"], + "name": "Ideal.span_singleton_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring R] (s : R) (n : ℕ), Ideal.span {s} ^ n = Ideal.span {s ^ n}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Associated", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Classical.choose", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoid", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "dite", + "Multiset.instZero", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid", + "And", + "Prime", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "", + "Multiset", + "Not", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid.exists_prime_factors", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "UniqueFactorizationMonoid.factors", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → [inst : UniqueFactorizationMonoid α] → α → Multiset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_12"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_14._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.succ_mul", + "Nat.add_assoc", + "Nat.add_comm", + "", + "", + "", + "AddCancelCommMonoid", + "Nat.add_left_cancel", + "Nat.zero_add", + "instHMul", + "Nat.add", + "", + "Nat.zero_mul", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "", + "Nat", + "instMulNat", + "Nat.add_zero", + ""], + "name": "Nat.instAddCancelCommMonoid", + "constType": "AddCancelCommMonoid ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["InvolutiveNeg", + "neg_eq_iff_eq_neg", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "propext", + "Neg.neg", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.10", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : InvolutiveNeg G] {a b : G}, (-a = b) = (a = -b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Set", + "Ideal.span", + "semigroupDvd", + "Ideal.Quotient.eq_zero_iff_dvd", + "CommRing", + "Submodule.Quotient.instZeroQuotient", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "DFunLike.coe", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Eq.symm", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "Dvd.dvd", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "propext", + "CommRing.toRing", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "Ideal"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.7", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommRing R] (x y : R), (x ∣ y) = (( (Ideal.span {x})) y = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Exists"], + "name": "Exists.intro", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} {p : α → Prop} (w : α), p w → Exists p", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Ring.toSub", + "HSub.hSub", + "Ring", + "Eq.refl", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_2} [inst : Ring R] {a a' b b' c : R}, a = a' → b = b' → a' - b' = c → a - b = c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Monoid.toSemigroup", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "CommMonoid", + "isUnit_iff_dvd_one", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "IsUnit", + "semigroupDvd", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Iff.mpr"], + "name": "isUnit_of_dvd_one", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CommMonoid α] {a : α}, a ∣ 1 → IsUnit a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Or", + "Finset.instInsert", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Insert.insert", + "Finset.mem_insert", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {a b : α}, (a ∈ insert b s) = (a = b ∨ a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_8", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_4"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_5._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["EStateM.Result"], + "name": "EStateM.Result.ok", + "constType": "{ε σ α : Type u} → α → σ → EStateM.Result ε σ α", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Finset.mem_def", + "Exists.intro", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Multiset.gcd", + "Finset.gcd", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "True", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "", + "Iff", + "Finset.gcd_def", + "Finset", + "Multiset", + "Multiset.mem_map", + "Finset.val", + "And.casesOn", + "Eq.trans", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Membership.mem", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid", + "", + "Iff.intro", + "And", + "eq_true", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "propext", + "", + "congr", + "congrArg", + "Mathlib.Algebra.GCDMonoid.Finset._auxLemma.1", + "and_self", + "Multiset.gcd_eq_zero_iff"], + "name": "Finset.gcd_eq_zero_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : NormalizedGCDMonoid α] {s : Finset β}\n {f : β → α}, s.gcd f = 0 ↔ ∀ x ∈ s, f x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["LocallyFiniteOrder.finsetIoo", "Finset", "LocallyFiniteOrder", "Preorder"], + "name": "Finset.Ioo", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Preorder α] → [inst : LocallyFiniteOrder α] → α → α → Finset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "nonZeroDivisors.ne_zero", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "Iff.intro", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "mem_nonZeroDivisors_of_ne_zero", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Iff", + "Submonoid", + "Nontrivial", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "mem_nonZeroDivisors_iff_ne_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : MonoidWithZero M] [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M] [inst_2 : Nontrivial M] {x : M},\n x ∈ nonZeroDivisors M ↔ x ≠ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AlgHom.End.proof_5", + "", + "Monoid", + "", + "Semiring", + "", + "npowRec", + "AlgHom.End.proof_4", + "AlgHom", + "AlgHom.End.proof_3", + "CommSemiring", + "AlgHom.End.proof_1", + "Algebra", + "AlgHom.End.proof_2", + "", + "", + "AlgHom.comp"], + "name": "AlgHom.End", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} →\n {A : Type v} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → [inst_1 : Semiring A] → [inst_2 : Algebra R A] → Monoid (A →ₐ[R] A)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_10._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "NonAssocSemiring", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["CommGroupWithZero", "CommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "CommGroupWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "constType": + "{G₀ : Type u_4} → [self : CommGroupWithZero G₀] → CommMonoidWithZero G₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Module.zero_smul", + "DistribMulAction.toMulAction", + "inferInstance", + "Module.toDistribMulAction", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "", + "Semiring", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "MulActionWithZero", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Module", + "MulAction", + "Module.toMulActionWithZero.proof_1", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Module.toMulActionWithZero", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_2} →\n {M : Type u_5} → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → MulActionWithZero R M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["inferInstance", "Int.instCommRing", "Ring", "CommRing.toRing", "Int"], + "name": "Int.instRing", + "constType": "Ring ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Unit", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "rfl", + "ZMod.val_zero.match_1", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "ZMod.val", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.val_zero", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, ZMod.val 0 = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Submodule", + "Semiring", + "Set", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Module", + "Submodule.span", + "Submodule.IsPrincipal", + "Eq", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_4} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] [inst_2 : Module R M]\n {S : Submodule R M}, (∃ a, S = Submodule.span R {a}) → S.IsPrincipal", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_36", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_38", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_39._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_6", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_12", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_7._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_10._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "True", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "OrderedSemiring", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "eq_true", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "of_eq_true", + "Preorder.toLT", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "OrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder"], + "name": "Linarith.lt_of_lt_of_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : OrderedSemiring α] {a b : α}, a < 0 → b = 0 → a + b < 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "True", + "pow_add", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "HMul.hMul", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_add", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a c₁ c₂ : R} {b₁ b₂ : ℕ} {d : R},\n a ^ b₁ = c₁ → a ^ b₂ = c₂ → c₁ * c₂ = d → a ^ (b₁ + b₂) = d", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termR._@.FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "HDiv"], + "name": "HDiv.hDiv", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → {γ : outParam (Type w)} → [self : HDiv α β γ] → α → β → γ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Field", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "IsUnit.dvd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Eq.refl", + "Exists.intro", + "semigroupDvd", + "rfl", + "CommMonoid.toCommSemigroup", + "Eq", + "mul_comm", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "isUnit_iff_dvd_one.match_1", + "", + "id", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Iff.intro", + "instHMul", + "Units", + "CommMonoid", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "IsUnit", + "congrArg"], + "name": "isUnit_iff_dvd_one", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CommMonoid α] {x : α}, IsUnit x ↔ x ∣ 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toZero", "SMulZeroClass", "DistribSMul", "AddZeroClass"], + "name": "DistribSMul.toSMulZeroClass", + "constType": + "{M : Type u_10} → {A : Type u_11} → [inst : AddZeroClass A] → [self : DistribSMul M A] → SMulZeroClass M A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "add_left_comm", + "True", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "congrArg", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a b₂ c : R} (b₁ : R), a + b₂ = c → a + (b₁ + b₂) = b₁ + c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.card", + "Ne", + "Finset.Nonempty", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff", + "Finset.card_ne_zero", + "", + "Finset", + "Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Iff.trans", + "Nat", + "instLTNat"], + "name": "Finset.card_pos", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s : Finset α}, 0 < s.card ↔ s.Nonempty", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "CharZero", + "propext", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.cast_eq_zero", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.33", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] {n : ℕ}, (↑n = 0) = (n = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Equiv", + "instENatCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "PartENat.instLE", + "Part.Dom", + "PartENat.toWithTop", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "PartENat", + "LE.le", + "True", + "Preorder.toLE", + "iff_self", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "PartENat.withTopEquiv", + "Iff", + "of_eq_true", + "Mathlib.Data.Nat.PartENat._auxLemma.29", + "ENat", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "Equiv.instFunLike", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder"], + "name": "PartENat.withTopEquiv_le", + "constType": + "∀ {x y : PartENat}, PartENat.withTopEquiv x ≤ PartENat.withTopEquiv y ↔ x ≤ y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "HMul.hMul", + "Neg.neg", + "HasDistribNeg.mul_neg", + "HasDistribNeg", + "Mul", + "Eq"], + "name": "mul_neg", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Mul α] [inst_1 : HasDistribNeg α] (a b : α), a * -b = -(a * b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "CommSemiring"], + "name": "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : CommSemiring R] → Semiring R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Cardinal.toNat", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "OrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "Cardinal", + "", + "Nat", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "DFunLike.coe", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "MonoidWithZeroHom.funLike", + "Cardinal.canonicallyOrderedCommSemiring"], + "name": "Nat.card", + "constType": "Type u_3 → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["isUnit_one", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Monoid.toOne", + "of_decide_eq_true", + "Eq.refl", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "Int.instMonoid", + "Exists.intro", + "Or.casesOn", + "rfl", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "instHMul", + "Units", + "Iff", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Int.isUnit_eq_one_or", + "Bool.true", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Bool", + "IsUnit", + "Eq.symm", + "", + "Int", + "instOfNat"], + "name": "Int.isUnit_iff", + "constType": "∀ {u : ℤ}, IsUnit u ↔ u = 1 ∨ u = -1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_1", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_9", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_3", + "SeminormedRing.toPseudoMetricSpace", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "SeminormedCommRing", + "SeminormedCommRing.toSeminormedRing", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_5", + "Ring.toNeg", + "SeminormedRing.toNorm", + "", + "Ring.toSub", + "", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_8", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_6", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_13", + "", + "SeminormedCommRing.mul_comm", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_10", + "", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_4", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "", + "", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_7", + "Ring.zsmul", + "SeminormedRing.toRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_2", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_11", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.proof_12"], + "name": "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [β : SeminormedCommRing α] → NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalSemiring.mul_assoc", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.zero_mul", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "NonUnitalSemiring", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.mul_zero", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "SemigroupWithZero"], + "name": "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalSemiring α] → SemigroupWithZero α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Finset.insert_eq_of_mem", + "Finset.instInsert", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "instAssociativeGcd", + "Eq.refl", + "dite", + "semigroupDvd", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toGCDMonoid", + "Multiset.normalize_gcd", + "Insert.insert", + "Finset.gcd", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Iff.mpr", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Finset.fold_insert", + "id", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Membership.mem", + "Finset.decidableMem", + "instCommutativeGcd", + "Dvd.dvd", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "gcd_eq_right_iff", + "", + "DecidableEq", + "Finset.gcd_dvd", + "Not", + "congrArg"], + "name": "Finset.gcd_insert", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : NormalizedGCDMonoid α] {s : Finset β}\n {f : β → α} [inst_2 : DecidableEq β] {b : β}, (insert b s).gcd f = gcd (f b) (s.gcd f)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.instLinearOrder.proof_3", + "", + "Nat.instLinearOrder.proof_1", + "Nat.le", + "Nat.instMax", + "LinearOrder", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "", + "Nat.decLt", + "", + "", + "Nat.instLinearOrder.proof_2", + "LE.le", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Nat.lt_iff_le_not_le", + "", + "Nat.le_total", + "inferInstance", + "DecidableEq", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "", + "Nat.le_refl", + "Nat.le_trans", + "instOrdNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.le_antisymm", + "instMinNat", + "Nat.decLe", + "DecidableRel"], + "name": "Nat.instLinearOrder", + "constType": "LinearOrder ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_16", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_14"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_17._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Units", "Monoid"], + "name": "Units.val", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Monoid α] → αˣ → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.le_iff_subset", + "Finset.instHasSubset", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "", + "GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra", + "DecidableEq", + "sdiff_le", + "Finset", + "Finset.instGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "SDiff.sdiff", + "Finset.partialOrder", + "LE.le", + "Finset.instSDiff", + "Preorder.toLE"], + "name": "Finset.sdiff_subset", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s t : Finset α}, s \\ t ⊆ s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["List.cons", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_21", + "_obj", + "List.nil", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_22._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["And", + "Exists", + "Iff", + "And.comm", + "exists_congr", + "Iff.trans", + "exists_eq_left", + "Eq"], + "name": "exists_eq_right", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a' : α}, (∃ a, p a ∧ a = a') ↔ p a'", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instCommGroupRelativeUnits", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "LieRing.toAddCommGroup", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "QuotientGroup.lift", + "RelativeUnits", + "relativeUnitsMap.proof_3", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "relativeUnitsMap.proof_2", + "", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "RelativeUnits.proof_1", + "instIsIntegralClosureRingOfIntegers_fltRegular", + "Field", + "Algebra", + "instIsScalarTowerRingOfIntegers_fltRegular", + "Subgroup", + "EquivLike.toFunLike", + "", + "DFunLike.coe", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "LieRing.ofAssociativeRing", + "FiniteDimensional", + "CommGroup.toGroup", + "QuotientGroup.instHasQuotientSubgroup", + "Algebra.toModule", + "algebraMap", + "MulEquiv.instEquivLike", + "Field.toSemifield", + "MonoidHom.comp", + "MonoidHomClass.toMonoidHom", + "MonoidHom", + "MulEquiv", + "relativeUnitsMap.proof_1", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "AlgHom", + "MonoidHom.range", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "Units", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "galRestrictHom", + "AlgHom.End", + "'", + "AlgHom.funLike", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "NumberField", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Units.instGroup", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsFractionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1", + "relativeUnitsMap.proof_4"], + "name": "relativeUnitsMap", + "constType": + "{K : Type u_1} →\n [inst : Field K] →\n [inst_1 : NumberField K] →\n {k : Type u_2} →\n [inst_2 : Field k] →\n [inst_3 : NumberField k] →\n [inst_4 : Algebra k K] →\n [inst_5 : FiniteDimensional k K] → (K →ₐ[k] K) → RelativeUnits k K →* RelativeUnits k K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Subtype.ext", + "Subalgebra", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "algebraInt", + "integralClosure", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.val", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Field", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int"], + "name": "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.ext", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] {x y : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K}, ↑x = ↑y → x = y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Iff.rfl", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "tsub_le_iff_left", + "nonpos_iff_eq_zero", + "Sub", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "OrderedSub", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "id", + "instHSub", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "LE.le", + "propext", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "congrArg", + "add_zero", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "tsub_eq_zero_iff_le", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] [inst_1 : Sub α] [inst_2 : OrderedSub α] {a b : α},\n a - b = 0 ↔ a ≤ b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["not_lt", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "LinearOrder", + "Preorder.toLT", + "propext", + "", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Not", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclotomicUnits._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LinearOrder α] {a b : α}, (¬a < b) = (b ≤ a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "Ring"], + "name": "Ring.toSemiring", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : Ring R] → Semiring R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Eq", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "one_add_one_eq_two", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.4", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R], 2 = 1 + 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["List"], + "name": "List.Mem", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → α → List α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Multiset.mem_ndunion", + "Or", + "Finset.instUnion", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "Union.union", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.mem_union", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s t : Finset α} {a : α}, a ∈ s ∪ t ↔ a ∈ s ∨ a ∈ t", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "Int.ModEq", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Int", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "ZMod", + "ZMod.commRing", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.7", + "constType": "∀ (a b : ℤ) (c : ℕ), (a ≡ b [ZMOD ↑c]) = (↑a = ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Or", + "Finset.instUnion", + "DecidableEq", + "Finset.mem_union", + "propext", + "Union.union", + "Finset", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s t : Finset α} {a : α}, (a ∈ s ∪ t) = (a ∈ s ∨ a ∈ t)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["LinearOrderedCommMonoid", "OrderedCommMonoid"], + "name": "LinearOrderedCommMonoid.toOrderedCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_3} → [self : LinearOrderedCommMonoid α] → OrderedCommMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Ring", + "Int.rawCast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt", + "rfl", + "Int"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "constType": + "∀ (α : Type u_1) [inst : Ring α] (n : ℤ), Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt n.rawCast n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.mem_singleton", + "Membership.mem", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.6", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a b : α}, (b ∈ {a}) = (b = a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "Ne", + "instHDiv", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instMul", + "Eq.rec", + "HMul.hMul", + "Int.instDiv", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "Int.mul_ediv_cancel", + "instOfNat", + "Int", + "Int.mul_comm", + "Eq"], + "name": "Int.mul_ediv_cancel_left", + "constType": "∀ {a : ℤ} (b : ℤ), a ≠ 0 → a * b / a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NatCast", "Nat.AtLeastTwo", "Nat.cast", "OfNat", "", "Nat"], + "name": "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} → {n : ℕ} → [inst : NatCast R] → [inst : n.AtLeastTwo] → OfNat R n", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Fin.val", "", "Nat", "instLTNat", "Fin"], + "name": "Fin.isLt", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} (self : Fin n), ↑self < n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_8", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_4", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_5._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Function.minimalPeriod", + "HMul.hMul", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Nat", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass"], + "name": "orderOf", + "constType": "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : Monoid G] → G → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "of_eq_true", + "Decidable", + "Eq.refl", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "instDecidableTrue", + "Eq.trans", + "ite_congr", + "True", + "ite", + "Eq"], + "name": "ite_cond_eq_true", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u} {c : Prop} {x : Decidable c} (a b : α), c = True → (if c then a else b) = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Membership.mem", + "Zero", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "Finsupp", + "propext", + "Finset", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Finsupp.mem_support_iff", + "Eq", + "", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {M : Type u_5} [inst : Zero M] {f : α →₀ M} {a : α}, (a ∈ = (f a ≠ 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", "Nat", "Lean.ParserDescr"], + "name": "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "constType": "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind → ℕ → Lean.ParserDescr → Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "", + "Rat.commRing.proof_14", + "Rat.commRing.proof_10", + "Monoid.toOne", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "Rat.instIntCast", + "CommMonoid.mul_comm", + "Rat.commRing.proof_9", + "Rat.commRing.proof_1", + "Rat.commRing.proof_8", + "", + "", + "CommRing", + "", + "Rat.commRing.proof_13", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "", + "Nat.cast", + "Rat.addCommGroup", + "Rat.commMonoid", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Nat", + "Rat.commRing.proof_4", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "AddCommGroup.add_comm", + "Rat", + "Rat.mul_add", + "Rat.commRing.proof_3", + "Rat.commRing.proof_6", + "Rat.commRing.proof_11", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Rat.commRing.proof_2", + "Rat.commRing.proof_12", + "Rat.mul_zero", + "", + "Rat.zero_mul", + "CommMonoid", + "instNatCastInt", + "Rat.commRing.proof_5", + "Int.cast", + "", + "SubNegMonoid.zsmul", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Rat.commRing.proof_7", + "", + "AddCommGroup", + "Rat.add_mul", + "Int", + "Monoid.npow"], + "name": "Rat.commRing", + "constType": "CommRing ℚ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Lean.MonadQuotation", "Lean.MacroScope"], + "name": "Lean.MonadQuotation.getCurrMacroScope", + "constType": + "{m : Type → Type} → [self : Lean.MonadQuotation m] → m Lean.MacroScope", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Lean.SyntaxNodeKinds"], + "name": "Lean.TSyntax", + "constType": "Lean.SyntaxNodeKinds → Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.cast", + "instLENat", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.ofNat_le", + "Nat", + "Int", + "LE.le", + "Int.instLEInt", + "Iff.mpr"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Int.ofNat_le_of_le", + "constType": "∀ {x y : ℕ}, x ≤ y → ↑x ≤ ↑y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Semiring", + "algebraMap", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "IsScalarTower", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "IsScalarTower.algebraMap_apply", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert94._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ (R : Type u) (S : Type v) (A : Type w) [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : CommSemiring S] [inst_2 : Semiring A]\n [inst_3 : Algebra R S] [inst_4 : Algebra S A] [inst_5 : Algebra R A] [inst_6 : IsScalarTower R S A] (x : R),\n (algebraMap S A) ((algebraMap R S) x) = (algebraMap R A) x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_2", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_4", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_1", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_3"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_5._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OrderTop.toTop", "", "OrderTop.le_top", "OrderTop", "LE", "LE.le"], + "name": "le_top", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LE α] [inst_1 : OrderTop α] {a : α}, a ≤ ⊤", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "RingHomClass", + "", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "Ideal.mapHom.proof_1", + "MulZeroOneClass.toZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "FunLike", + "Ideal.map_mul", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "", + "Ideal", + "", + "Ideal.mapHom.proof_2"], + "name": "Ideal.mapHom", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} →\n {S : Type v} →\n {F : Type u_1} →\n [inst : CommRing R] →\n [inst_1 : CommRing S] → [inst_2 : FunLike F R S] → [rc : RingHomClass F R S] → F → Ideal R →*₀ Ideal S", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.eval", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate_eval", + "True", + "Eq", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.ofList", + "of_eq_true", + "List", + "instOfNatNat", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.get", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate_eval_1", + "constType": + "∀ {a0 a1 : ℤ} {t : List ℤ}, (Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate 1).eval (Lean.Omega.Coeffs.ofList (a0 :: a1 :: t)) = a1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Preorder.toLT", "", "lt_irrefl", "Not", "Preorder"], + "name": "Linarith.lt_irrefl", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Preorder α] {a : α}, ¬a < a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["StrictOrderedRing", "Ring"], + "name": "StrictOrderedRing.toRing", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : StrictOrderedRing α] → Ring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["IsDedekindDomain", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Ideal.cancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "IsDomain", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "", + "IsDomain.toNontrivial", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "CancelMonoidWithZero.toIsCancelMulZero", + "Ideal", + "CommRing", + "IsDedekindDomain.toIsDomain", + "Ideal.instNontrivial", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCancelMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "Ideal.isDomain", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_2} [inst : CommRing A] [inst_1 : IsDedekindDomain A], IsDomain (Ideal A)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Or", "False", "propext", "or_false_iff", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.6", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), (p ∨ False) = p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff", + "instHAdd", + "", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "rel_iff_cov", + "CovariantClass", + "LT", + "Add", + "ContravariantClass"], + "name": "add_lt_add_iff_left", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Add α] [inst_1 : LT α]\n [inst_2 : CovariantClass α α (fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1]\n [inst_3 : ContravariantClass α α (fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1] (a : α) {b c : α}, a + b < a + c ↔ b < c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["and_imp", "And", "propext", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Different._auxLemma.5", + "constType": "∀ {a b c : Prop}, (a ∧ b → c) = (a → b → c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "IsCoprime", + "dite", + "Int.instAdd", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Ideal.instIdemCommSemiring", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Nat.Prime", + "fltIdeals", + "Nat.cast", + "OrderedCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "Nat", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "CyclotomicField", + "instHMul", + "IsCoprime.symm", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "", + "Init.Classical._auxLemma.2", + "Not", + "Fact", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Ideal", + "aux_lem_flt", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "PNat.val", + "instDecidableNot", + "Finset", + "LinearOrderedCancelCommMonoid.toLinearOrderedCommMonoid", + "instOfNatNat", + "fltIdeals_coprime2", + "Membership.mem", + "NeZero.succ", + "Rat.instField", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoid.toOrderedCommMonoid", + "instHAdd", + "Int.instMul", + "Rat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Ne.symm", + "LE.le", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "Semiring.toOne", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "instNatCastInt", + "", + "instPNatLinearOrderedCancelCommMonoid", + "letFun", + "HMul.hMul", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "IdemCommSemiring.toCommSemiring", + "PNat"], + "name": "fltIdeals_coprime", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} (hpri : Nat.Prime ↑p),\n 5 ≤ p →\n ∀ {x y z : ℤ},\n x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = z ^ ↑p →\n ∀ {η₁ η₂ : NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField p ℚ)},\n IsCoprime x y →\n ∀ (hη₁ : η₁ ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset (↑p) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField p ℚ)))\n (hη₂ : η₂ ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset (↑p) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField p ℚ))),\n η₁ ≠ η₂ →\n ¬↑↑p ∣ x * y * z →\n let_fun this := ⋯;\n IsCoprime (fltIdeals p x y hη₁) (fltIdeals p x y hη₂)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "DecidablePred", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "Finset.filter_eq_empty_iff", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.filter", + "Not", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.15", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {p : α → Prop} [inst : DecidablePred p] {s : Finset α},\n (Finset.filter p s = ∅) = ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x ∈ s → ¬p x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Eq.ndrec", "Eq.refl", "Eq.symm", "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} {a b c : R}, a = c → b = c → a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.ofNat", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Decidable.casesOn", + "Decidable", + "Not", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.decEq", + "Int", + "Int.neg", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.f._cstage1", + "constType": "ℤ → ℤ → ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "mul_neg", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Neg.neg", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "True", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "instHPow", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Ring", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_2} [inst : Ring R] (a₁ : R) (a₂ : ℕ) {a₃ b : R}, -a₃ = b → -(a₁ ^ a₂ * a₃) = a₁ ^ a₂ * b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.AtLeastTwo", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "Int.cast", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "Int", + "AddGroupWithOne.intCast_ofNat", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "Eq", + "id"], + "name": "Int.cast_ofNat", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : AddGroupWithOne R] (n : ℕ) [inst_1 : n.AtLeastTwo], ↑(OfNat.ofNat n) = OfNat.ofNat n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instFunLike.proof_1", + "OneHom.toFun", + "RingHom", + "FunLike", + "MonoidHom.toOneHom", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "RingHom.toMonoidHom", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "RingHom.instFunLike", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → {β : Type u_3} → {x : NonAssocSemiring α} → {x_1 : NonAssocSemiring β} → FunLike (α →+* β) α β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "GroupWithZero.zpow_succ'", + "DivInvMonoid", + "GroupWithZero.zpow_zero'", + "GroupWithZero", + "GroupWithZero.div_eq_mul_inv", + "", + "GroupWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "GroupWithZero.zpow_neg'", + "GroupWithZero.zpow", + "GroupWithZero.toDiv", + "GroupWithZero.toInv"], + "name": "GroupWithZero.toDivInvMonoid", + "constType": "{G₀ : Type u} → [self : GroupWithZero G₀] → DivInvMonoid G₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["LeftCancelMonoid.toMonoid", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHMod", + "instHPow", + "propext", + "pow_inj_mod", + "HMod.hMod", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "orderOf", + "Nat", + "LeftCancelMonoid", + "Nat.instMod", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert90._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : LeftCancelMonoid G] {x : G} {n m : ℕ}, (x ^ n = x ^ m) = (n % orderOf x = m % orderOf x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["StrictOrderedRing", "PartialOrder"], + "name": "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : StrictOrderedRing α] → PartialOrder α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Bind"], + "name": "Bind.bind", + "constType": + "{m : Type u → Type v} → [self : Bind m] → {α β : Type u} → m α → (α → m β) → m β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Or", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "propext", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "add_pos_iff", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.10", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] {a b : α}, (0 < a + b) = (0 < a ∨ 0 < b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_3", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_5._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "StrictOrderedRing.toRing", + "OrderedAddCommGroup", + "", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "", + "", + "Ring.zsmul_neg'", + "Ring.zsmul_zero'", + "Ring.zsmul", + "Ring.toNeg", + "AddCommMonoid.add_comm", + "StrictOrderedRing", + "StrictOrderedRing.add_le_add_left", + "Ring.toSub", + "Ring.zsmul_succ'", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ring.add_left_neg", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ring.sub_eq_add_neg", + ""], + "name": "StrictOrderedRing.toOrderedAddCommGroup", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : StrictOrderedRing α] → OrderedAddCommGroup α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_5._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "SMulWithZero", "SMulZeroClass"], + "name": "SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} → {M : Type u_3} → [inst : Zero R] → [inst_1 : Zero M] → [self : SMulWithZero R M] → SMulZeroClass R M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MulHomClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "outParam", + "FunLike", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonUnitalRingHomClass"], + "name": "NonUnitalRingHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_5} {α : outParam (Type u_6)} {β : outParam (Type u_7)} [inst : NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α]\n [inst_1 : NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring β] [inst_2 : FunLike F α β] [self : NonUnitalRingHomClass F α β],\n MulHomClass F α β", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["And", + "instHMul", + "And.right", + "", + "Int.instSemiring", + "Int.instMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "Odd", + "Int.odd_mul", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.Odd.of_mul_right", + "constType": "∀ {m n : ℤ}, Odd (m * n) → Odd n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Decidable.casesOn", "Decidable", "Not"], + "name": "dite", + "constType": + "{α : Sort u} → (c : Prop) → [h : Decidable c] → (c → α) → (¬c → α) → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.74", + "Or", + "Finset.instHasSubset", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.45", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.64", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.46", + "Eq.refl", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "Insert.insert", + "implies_congr", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "And", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "of_eq_true", + "forall_congr", + "Finset", + "congr", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.47", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Finset.insert_subset_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s t : Finset α} {a : α}, insert a s ⊆ t ↔ a ∈ t ∧ s ⊆ t", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Multiset.mem_toFinset", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Multiset", + "Multiset.toFinset", + "Eq", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {a : α} {s : Multiset α}, (a ∈ s.toFinset) = (a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "MvPolynomial.IsWeightedHomogeneous", + "Pi.instOne", + "MvPolynomial", + "CommSemiring", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Nat", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "MvPolynomial.IsHomogeneous", + "constType": + "{σ : Type u_1} → {R : Type u_3} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → MvPolynomial σ R → ℕ → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Eq.ndrec", "instHAdd", "HAdd.hAdd", "Eq.refl", "Int", "Int.instAdd", "Eq"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Int.add_congr", + "constType": "∀ {a b c d : ℤ}, a = b → c = d → a + c = b + d", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_10", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_32", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_33._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset.instInsert", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "LawfulSingleton", + "Insert.insert", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.28", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "of_eq_true", + "Finset.ext", + "Finset", + "congr", + "Singleton.singleton", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection"], + "name": "Finset.instLawfulSingleton", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α], LawfulSingleton α (Finset α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Or", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "And.left", + "CommMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "And", + "instHMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "And.right", + "Prime", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "Not", + "IsUnit", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "Prime.not_unit", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CommMonoidWithZero α] {p : α}, Prime p → ¬IsUnit p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "CharZero", + "propext", + "instOfNatNat", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Nat", + "Nat.cast_eq_one", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] {n : ℕ}, (↑n = 1) = (n = 1)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "AddMonoidWithOne", + "constType": "Type u_2 → Type u_2", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "CommRing.mul_comm", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "CommRing"], + "name": "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [s : CommRing α] → CommSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["And", "Or", "Iff", "False", "Not", "or_imp"], + "name": "not_or", + "constType": "∀ {p q : Prop}, ¬(p ∨ q) ↔ ¬p ∧ ¬q", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["trivial", "if_pos", "Decidable", "True", "ite", "Eq"], + "name": "if_true", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {x : Decidable True} (t e : α), (if True then t else e) = t", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Union.union", + "Finset.image_union", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Insert.insert", + "True", + "Eq", + "Finset.image_singleton", + "Finset.instUnion", + "DecidableEq", + "of_eq_true", + "Finset.image", + "Finset", + "Singleton.singleton", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Finset.image_insert", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [inst : DecidableEq β] [inst_1 : DecidableEq α] (f : α → β) (a : α) (s : Finset α),\n Finset.image f (insert a s) = insert (f a) (Finset.image f s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instMul", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "IsRegularPrime", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.instAdd", + "instHMul", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "HMul.hMul", + "Not", + "Nat", + "Fact", + "Int"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement", + "constType": "Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Omega.Constraint.not_sat_of_isImpossible", + "", + "Bool.true", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.isImpossible", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs", + "Not", + "Bool", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.sat'", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint", + "Eq"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Constraint.not_sat'_of_isImpossible", + "constType": + "∀ {c : Lean.Omega.Constraint}, c.isImpossible = true → ∀ {x y : Lean.Omega.Coeffs}, ¬c.sat' x y = true", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_41._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Associated", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "GCDMonoid", + "MulZeroClass.mul_zero", + "Associated.symm", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "gcd_mul_lcm", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "GCDMonoid.lcm", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "Eq.symm", + "Associated.refl", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "id", + "Or", + "mul_eq_zero", + "GCDMonoid.lcm_zero_right", + "Or.casesOn", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "Iff.intro", + "instHMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Associated.trans", + "propext", + "letFun", + "HMul.hMul", + "associated_zero_iff_eq_zero", + "GCDMonoid.lcm_zero_left", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCancelMonoidWithZero", + "CancelMonoidWithZero.to_noZeroDivisors"], + "name": "lcm_eq_zero_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : GCDMonoid α] (a b : α), lcm a b = 0 ↔ a = 0 ∨ b = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["False", "Not", "False.rec"], + "name": "absurd", + "constType": "{a : Prop} → {b : Sort v} → a → ¬a → b", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["List"], + "name": "List.nil", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → List α", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "Monoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsUnit.pow", + "isUnit_pow_iff.match_1", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "Units", + "Units.isUnit", + "Iff", + "instHPow", + "Units.val", + "Units.ofPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "IsUnit", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm"], + "name": "isUnit_pow_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid M] {n : ℕ} {a : M}, n ≠ 0 → (IsUnit (a ^ n) ↔ IsUnit a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Array.mkArray1", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Syntax.node"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "constType": + "Lean.SourceInfo → Lean.SyntaxNodeKind → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["GCDMonoid", "CancelCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → [self : GCDMonoid α] → α → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", + "IsUnit.mul", + "And", + "instHMul", + "And.right", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Iff", + "isUnit_of_mul_isUnit_left", + "CommMonoid", + "isUnit_of_mul_isUnit_right", + "HMul.hMul", + "And.intro", + "IsUnit", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "And.left", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass"], + "name": "IsUnit.mul_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_1} [inst : CommMonoid M] {x y : M}, IsUnit (x * y) ↔ IsUnit x ∧ IsUnit y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "MulZeroClass.mul_zero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "True", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.recAux", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.cast_one", + "eq_self", + "mul_add", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "instAddNat", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Nat.instDistrib", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Nat.cast_add", + "NonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "instHMul", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNatCast", + "congr", + "mul_one", + "instMulNat", + "congrArg"], + "name": "Nat.cast_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : NonAssocSemiring α] (m n : ℕ), ↑(m * n) = ↑m * ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Eq"], + "name": "Eq.refl", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} (a : α), a = a", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Int.instMul", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Int.mul", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "", + "Int.cast", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Ring", + "HMul.hMul", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul.match_1", + "Int.cast_mul", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt", + "Eq.symm", + "Int"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Ring α] {f : α → α → α} {a b : α} {a' b' c : ℤ},\n f = HMul.hMul →\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt a a' →\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt b b' → a'.mul b' = c → Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt (a * b) c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Eq.le", "Preorder", "Eq.symm", "LE.le", "Preorder.toLE", "Eq"], + "name": "", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Preorder α] {x y : α}, x = y → y ≤ x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Set", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.ofNat", "UInt8", "Bool.casesOn", "_obj", "Nat.decEq", "Int.neg"], + "name": "FltRegular.f._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Syntax.matchesNull", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "_neutral", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "UInt8", + "PUnit.unit", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.replaceRef", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Semiring", + "RingHomClass", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "Ideal.comap", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "FunLike", + "Ideal.map_le_iff_le_comap", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} {F : Type u_1} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring S] [inst_2 : FunLike F R S]\n [rc : RingHomClass F R S] {f : F} {I : Ideal R} {K : Ideal S}, ( f I ≤ K) = (I ≤ Ideal.comap f K)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Function.instFunLikeEmbedding.proof_1", + "FunLike", + "Function.Embedding.toFun", + "Function.Embedding", + ""], + "name": "Function.instFunLikeEmbedding", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → {β : Sort v} → FunLike (α ↪ β) α β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "Monoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "PartENat.find", + "PartENat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "instHPow", + "instDecidableNot", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Not", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "DecidableRel"], + "name": "multiplicity", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Monoid α] → [inst : DecidableRel fun x x_1 => x ∣ x_1] → α → α → PartENat", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", "NonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonAssocSemiring α] → NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Iff", "Eq"], + "name": "propext", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, (a ↔ b) → a = b", + "constCategory": "Axiom"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_45._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["not_or", "And", "Or", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.21", + "constType": "∀ {p q : Prop}, (¬(p ∨ q)) = (¬p ∧ ¬q)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.zero_mul", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "MulZeroClass", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.mul_zero"], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α] → MulZeroClass α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "Zero.ofOfNat0", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat.proof_1", + "", + "OfNat", + "instOfNatNat", + "", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "", + "PNat"], + "name": "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "constType": "(n : ℕ) → [inst : NeZero n] → OfNat ℕ+ n", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Div.div", "Div", "HDiv", ""], + "name": "instHDiv", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Div α] → HDiv α α α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Lean.Macro.Context", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Module.Finite", + "FractionRing.field", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "FractionRing.liftAlgebra", + "Algebra", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "IsIntegrallyClosed", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "Semiring.toModule", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing", + "Submodule.instBot", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "", + "Algebra.toModule", + "OreLocalization.instRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Ideal.spanIntNorm_eq_bot_iff", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "Module.Free", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "FractionRing", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "CommRing.toRing", + "FractionRing.instNoZeroSMulDivisors", + "Ideal.spanIntNorm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Algebra.IsSeparable", + "Ideal"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.9", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing R] {S : Type u_2} [inst_1 : CommRing S] [inst_2 : Algebra R S]\n [inst_3 : IsIntegrallyClosed R] [inst_4 : IsDomain R] [inst_5 : IsDomain S] [inst_6 : NoZeroSMulDivisors R S]\n [inst_7 : IsIntegrallyClosed S] [inst_8 : Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing R) (FractionRing S)] [inst_9 : IsDomain R]\n [inst_10 : IsDomain S] [inst_11 : Module.Free R S] [inst_12 : Module.Finite R S] {I : Ideal S},\n (Ideal.spanIntNorm R I = ⊥) = (I = ⊥)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "HasQuotient", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule", + "CommRing"], + "name": "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [inst : CommRing R] → HasQuotient R (Ideal R)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Group"], + "name": "Subgroup", + "constType": "(G : Type u_5) → [inst : Group G] → Type u_5", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Iff", + "constType": "Prop → Prop → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Mul"], + "name": "HasDistribNeg", + "constType": "(α : Type u_1) → [inst : Mul α] → Type u_1", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Set", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Set.instMembership", + "rfl"], + "name": "Set.mem_singleton", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} (a : α), a ∈ {a}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Preorder", "PartialOrder"], + "name": "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : PartialOrder α] → Preorder α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.Prime.pos", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.pred", + "Nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.succ_pred_prime", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p → p.pred.succ = p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "Eq.refl", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.cast", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "Nat.cast_one", + "id"], + "name": "Int.cast_one", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : AddGroupWithOne R], ↑1 = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "_neutral", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "UInt8", + "Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "Bool.casesOn", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Eq.ndrec", "List", "Eq.refl", "List.casesOn", "List.noConfusionType", "Eq"], + "name": "List.noConfusion", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → {P : Sort u_1} → {v1 v2 : List α} → v1 = v2 → List.noConfusionType P v1 v2", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["OrderedSemiring", "Semiring"], + "name": "OrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : OrderedSemiring α] → Semiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["SubNegMonoid", "AddMonoid"], + "name": "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : SubNegMonoid G] → AddMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Lean.Name", "Lean.MonadQuotation"], + "name": "Lean.MonadQuotation.getMainModule", + "constType": + "{m : Type → Type} → [self : Lean.MonadQuotation m] → m Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "String.toSubstring'", + "String", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "EStateM.Result", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.namespace", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "List.nil", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Macro", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Bool.false", + "List", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "Lean.Name", + "Substring", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Monoid", + "LeftCancelMonoid.npow", + "", + "LeftCancelMonoid.one_mul", + "LeftCancelMonoid.npow_zero", + "LeftCancelMonoid.toLeftCancelSemigroup", + "LeftCancelMonoid.toOne", + "LeftCancelMonoid.mul_one", + "LeftCancelSemigroup.toSemigroup", + "LeftCancelMonoid", + "LeftCancelMonoid.npow_succ"], + "name": "LeftCancelMonoid.toMonoid", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : LeftCancelMonoid M] → Monoid M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "congr_arg", + "Rat", + "Rat.num", + "Int.instRing", + "Eq", + "Rat.commRing", + "Int.instCharZero", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "CharZero", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.2", + "Nat", + "", + "Int"], + "name": "Rat.instCharZero", + "constType": "CharZero ℚ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toOne", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Classical.decEq", + "IsDomain", + "Finset", + "Polynomial.nthRoots", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Multiset.toFinset", + "Nat", + "CommRing"], + "name": "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "constType": + "ℕ → (R : Type u_1) → [inst : CommRing R] → [inst : IsDomain R] → Finset R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Name.mkStr3", + "String.toSubstring'", + "String", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "EStateM.Result", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "List.nil", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Syntax.node3", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Macro", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "Lean.Syntax.node5", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Bool.false", + "List", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "Lean.Name", + "Substring", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero.proof_1", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Int", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + ""], + "name": "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "constType": "CancelCommMonoidWithZero ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["DecidableEq", + "Finset", + "Multiset", + "Multiset.nodup_dedup", + "", + "Multiset.dedup"], + "name": "Multiset.toFinset", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : DecidableEq α] → Multiset α → Finset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["IsDomain.toIsCancelMulZero", + "CancelMonoidWithZero", + "", + "Semiring", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "IsDomain.toCancelMonoidWithZero", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Semiring α] → [inst : IsDomain α] → CancelMonoidWithZero α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "NeZero.nat_of_injective", + "Algebra.instCompleteLatticeSubalgebra", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Polynomial.IsRoot", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "'", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Polynomial.degree_cyclotomic_pos", + "", + "Semifield.toCommGroupWithZero", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "LocalRing.toNontrivial", + "implies_congr", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Polynomial.cyclotomic", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "HPow.hPow", + "Polynomial.rootSet", + "setOf", + "Polynomial.exists_root_of_splits", + "eq_comm", + "ValuationRing.localRing", + "", + "Set.instMembership", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "CommGroupWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "CyclotomicField", + "And", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "ValuationRing.of_field", + "propext", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Polynomial.eval₂", + "", + "Mathlib.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.Basic._auxLemma.16", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Polynomial.SplittingField.adjoin_rootSet", + "Polynomial.SplittingField.commRing", + "RingHom", + "Exists", + "CyclotomicField.algebra", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "DivisionRing.toDivisionSemiring", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "PNat.pos", + "Polynomial.map_cyclotomic", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Subalgebra", + "Eq.refl", + "Exists.intro", + "RingHom.injective", + "Polynomial.SplittingField.algebra'", + "Mathlib.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.Basic._auxLemma.6", + "Polynomial.SplittingField.instField", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "PNat.val", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "Polynomial", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "NeZero", + "Polynomial.isRoot_cyclotomic_iff", + "WithBot.preorder", + "instHPow", + "forall_congr", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Eq.symm", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "Polynomial.SplittingField.splits", + "", + "algebraMap", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.adjoin_roots_cyclotomic_eq_adjoin_nth_roots", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Polynomial.SplittingField", + "Polynomial.eval", + "", + "Semiring.toOne", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Field.isDomain", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "Polynomial.eval_map", + "Polynomial.IsRoot.def", + "CompleteLattice.toTop", + "Algebra.eq_top_iff", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "WithBot", + "", + "Algebra.adjoin", + "PNat"], + "name": "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "constType": + "∀ (n : ℕ+) (K : Type w) [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NeZero ↑↑n], IsCyclotomicExtension {n} K (CyclotomicField n K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Add", "AddSemigroup"], + "name": "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : AddSemigroup G] → Add G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_1", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_7", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_3", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_2"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_8._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Iff", "Decidable", "dite_eq_right_iff", "ite", "Eq"], + "name": "ite_eq_right_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {a b : α} {P : Prop} [inst : Decidable P], (if P then a else b) = b ↔ P → a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.ble", + "instLENat", + "Decidable.isFalse", + "Bool.true", + "Decidable", + "Not", + "Decidable.isTrue", + "dite", + "Bool", + "Nat.not_le_of_not_ble_eq_true", + "Nat.le_of_ble_eq_true", + "Nat", + "LE.le", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.decLe", + "constType": "(n m : ℕ) → Decidable (n ≤ m)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Eq.rec", "rfl", "Eq"], + "name": "Eq.symm", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} {a b : α}, a = b → b = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Module", + "constType": + "(R : Type u) → (M : Type v) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst : AddCommMonoid M] → Type (max u v)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["List", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Substring"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "constType": + "Lean.SourceInfo → Substring → Lean.Name → List Lean.Syntax.Preresolved → Lean.Syntax", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Equiv", + "Equiv.toFun", + "FunLike", + "Equiv.instFunLike.proof_1", + ""], + "name": "Equiv.instFunLike", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → {β : Sort v} → FunLike (α ≃ β) α β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "IsLeftCancelAdd.covariant_add_lt_of_covariant_add_le", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "mul_pos_of_neg_of_neg", + "Ring.toNeg", + "StrictOrderedRing.toOrderedAddCommGroup", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Eq.trans", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "neg_neg_of_pos", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Init.Core._auxLemma.7", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "instHMul", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid.toContravariantClassLeft", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "neg_of_neg_pos", + "", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "StrictOrderedRing.toRing", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Group.Unbundled.Basic._auxLemma.10", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toOrderedCancelAddCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "OrderedSemiring.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "StrictOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toMulPosStrictMono", + "Preorder.toLT", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "StrictOrderedRing", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "neg_mul", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.to_covariantClass_left_le", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "contravariant_swap_add_of_contravariant_add", + "id", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsLeftCancelAdd", + "AddGroup.existsAddOfLE", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "", + "letFun", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg"], + "name": "Linarith.mul_neg", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : StrictOrderedRing α] {a b : α}, a < 0 → 0 < b → b * a < 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "LE", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["HPow", "Pow.pow", "Pow", ""], + "name": "instHPow", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → {β : Type u_2} → [inst : Pow α β] → HPow α β α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_18", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_12", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_19._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toOne", + "MvPolynomial.commSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MvPolynomial", + "CommSemiring", + "One.toOfNat1", + "DFunLike.coe", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "rfl", + "Eq", + "MvPolynomial.C"], + "name": "MvPolynomial.C_1", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {σ : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R], MvPolynomial.C 1 = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Subtype.val", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "PNat"], + "name": "PNat.val", + "constType": "ℕ+ → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "add_assoc", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "True", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "CommSemiring", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a₂ b c : R} (a₁ : R), a₂ + b = c → a₁ + a₂ + b = a₁ + c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Or", + "Finset.instInsert", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Insert.insert", + "Finset.mem_insert", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.64", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s : Finset α} {a b : α}, (a ∈ insert b s) = (a = b ∨ a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toMin", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.proof_2", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.max_def", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedSemiring", + "", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.proof_6", + "inferInstance", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.min_def", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.le_total", + "Semiring.npow", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Nat.mul_le_mul_left", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.proof_4", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Nat", + "", + "", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toMax", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.proof_3", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.proof_9", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.proof_1", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.proof_8", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toOrd", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.decidableEq", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoidWithZero", + "LE.le", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.decidableLE", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.proof_5", + "Nat.instCommSemiring", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.decidableLT", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.proof_7"], + "name": "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "constType": "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_46._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Multiset.foldr", + "CommMonoid", + "Multiset", + "HMul.hMul", + "One.toOfNat1", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{α : Type u_3} → [inst : CommMonoid α] → Multiset α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "RingHom.comp", + "DFunLike.coe", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "rfl", + "NonAssocSemiring", + "Eq"], + "name": "RingHom.comp_apply", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} {γ : Type u_4} {x : NonAssocSemiring α} {x_1 : NonAssocSemiring β}\n {x_2 : NonAssocSemiring γ} (hnp : β →+* γ) (hmn : α →+* β) (x_3 : α), (hnp.comp hmn) x_3 = hnp (hmn x_3)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["EuclideanDomain", "CommRing"], + "name": "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : EuclideanDomain R] → CommRing R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Equiv", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "Subgroup.zpowers.proof_1", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "MonoidHom", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "MonoidHom.range", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "zpowersHom", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Set.range", + "Subgroup.copy", + "Multiplicative", + "Int.instAddMonoid", + "instHPow", + "", + "Subgroup", + "Equiv.instFunLike", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Int", + "Multiplicative.mulOneClass"], + "name": "Subgroup.zpowers", + "constType": "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : Group G] → G → Subgroup G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["InvolutiveNeg", + "Iff", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "neg_injective", + "Neg.neg", + "Function.Injective.eq_iff", + "Eq"], + "name": "neg_inj", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : InvolutiveNeg G] {a b : G}, -a = -b ↔ a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["congrArg", "Eq"], + "name": "congr_arg", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} {a₁ a₂ : α} (f : α → β), a₁ = a₂ → f a₁ = f a₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Units", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid", + "One", + "Monoid.toOne", + "", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Units.instOne.proof_1", + ""], + "name": "Units.instOne", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Monoid α] → One αˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "SMul"], + "name": "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "constType": + "(R : Type u_9) → (M : Type u_10) → [inst : Zero R] → [inst : Zero M] → [inst : SMul R M] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Exists.intro", + "Or.imp_right", + "Odd.proof_1", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Nat.Prime.eq_two_or_odd", + "Nat.Prime", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "instOfNatNat", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "Odd", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "Or", + "instHDiv", + "congr_arg", + "Nat.instDiv", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Semiring.toOne", + "instHMul", + "instHMod", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.div_add_mod", + "HMod.hMod", + "HMul.hMul", + "instMulNat", + "Nat.instMod"], + "name": "Nat.Prime.eq_two_or_odd'", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p → p = 2 ∨ Odd p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["And", "Exists", "propext", "exists_eq_left", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a' : α}, (∃ a, a = a' ∧ p a) = p a'", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["DivisionMonoid", "DivisionCommMonoid"], + "name": "DivisionCommMonoid.toDivisionMonoid", + "constType": + "{G : Type u} → [self : DivisionCommMonoid G] → DivisionMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Finsupp", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "MvPolynomial", + "CommSemiring", + "Finset", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat", + ""], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → {σ : Type u_1} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → MvPolynomial σ R → Finset (σ →₀ ℕ)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam"], + "name": "EquivLike", + "constType": + "Sort u_1 → outParam (Sort u_2) → outParam (Sort u_3) → Sort (max (max (max 1 u_1) u_2) u_3)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "AddZeroClass"], + "name": "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : AddZeroClass M] → Zero M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_29", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_5", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_30._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "mul_assoc", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.mul_assoc_rev", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (a b c : R), a * (b * c) = a * b * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Eq", + "constType": "{α : Sort u_1} → α → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "QuotientGroup.instHasQuotientSubgroup", + "IsDomain", + "FractionalIdeal.commSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Field.toSemifield", + "FractionRing.field", + "MonoidHom.range", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "CommRing", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "toPrincipalIdeal", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "FractionRing", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "Subgroup", + "FractionalIdeal", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "", + "Units.instGroup", + "ClassGroup.proof_1", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing"], + "name": "ClassGroup", + "constType": + "(R : Type u_1) → [inst : CommRing R] → [inst : IsDomain R] → Type u_1", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NormedAddCommGroup.toMetricSpace", + "Int.instNormedAddCommGroup", + "Int.instNormedCommRing.proof_1", + "NormedAddCommGroup", + "Int.instCommRing", + "NormedCommRing", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "CommRing.mul_comm", + "NormedAddCommGroup.dist_eq", + "NormedAddCommGroup.toNorm", + "", + "Int", + "CommRing"], + "name": "Int.instNormedCommRing", + "constType": "NormedCommRing ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Ne", + "And", + "Nat.divisors", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Nat.mem_divisors", + "instOfNatNat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Nat.instDvd", + "Nat", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.9", + "constType": "∀ {n m : ℕ}, (n ∈ m.divisors) = (n ∣ m ∧ m ≠ 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_12", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_18"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_19._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["AddGroupWithOne", "Sub"], + "name": "AddGroupWithOne.toSub", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : AddGroupWithOne R] → Sub R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Monoid", "One"], + "name": "Monoid.toOne", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : Monoid M] → One M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Name.mkStr3", + "String.toSubstring'", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "Lean.Syntax.node5", + "_neutral", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "UInt8", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "List.nil", + "Lean.Syntax.node3"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", "Eq.ndrec", "HSub.hSub", "Eq.refl", "Int.instSub", "Int", "Eq"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Int.sub_congr", + "constType": "∀ {a b c d : ℤ}, a = b → c = d → a - c = b - d", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM", "Lean.Syntax"], + "name": "Lean.PrettyPrinter.Unexpander", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "Units", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Units.instInv", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Units.inv_val", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Inv.inv", + "Eq"], + "name": "Units.inv_mul", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Monoid α] (a : αˣ), ↑a⁻¹ * ↑a = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "pow_one", + "True", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Nat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.cast_one", + "eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHAdd", + "Nat.rawCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "instHMul", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "congr", + "HMul.hMul", + "mul_one", + "add_zero", + "congrArg"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (a : R), a = a ^ Nat.rawCast 1 * Nat.rawCast 1 + 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Units", "Exists", "Monoid", "Units.val", "Eq"], + "name": "IsUnit", + "constType": "{M : Type u_1} → [inst : Monoid M] → M → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Or"], + "name": "Or.inl", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, a → a ∨ b", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Subgroup.zpowers", + "Finite", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Submonoid.powers", + "Eq", + "mem_powers_iff_mem_zpowers", + "propext", + "Submonoid", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "Subgroup.instSetLike"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert90._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Group G] [inst_1 : Finite G] {x y : G}, (y ∈ Subgroup.zpowers x) = (y ∈ Submonoid.powers x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Group.toDivisionMonoid", + "Membership.mem", + "QuotientGroup.instHasQuotientSubgroup", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "One.toOfNat1", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "InvOneClass.toOne", + "", + "propext", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "Subgroup.Normal", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "Subgroup.instSetLike", + "QuotientGroup.eq_one_iff"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.7", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u} [inst : Group G] {N : Subgroup G} [nN : N.Normal] (x : G), (↑x = 1) = (x ∈ N)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_true", + "PNat.pos", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "True", + "Eq", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ+), (0 < ↑n) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "eq_false", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "False", + "zero_ne_one", + "One", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Algebra.NeZero._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : NeZero 1], (0 = 1) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Nat.rawCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "True", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "of_eq_true", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "congr", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_pos.match_1", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Nat", + "add_zero", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_pos", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a : R} {n : ℕ}, Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat a n → a = n.rawCast + 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "propext", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat.lt_one_iff", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.27", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, (n < 1) = (n = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Submodule", "Semiring", "Module", "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Submodule.IsPrincipal", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n {M : Type u_4} → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → Submodule R M → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Nat"], + "name": "Nat.succ", + "constType": "ℕ → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "And", + "Exists", + "Iff", + "Iff.rfl", + "Set", + "Set.instMembership", + "Set.image", + "Eq"], + "name": "Set.mem_image", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (f : α → β) (s : Set α) (y : β), y ∈ f '' s ↔ ∃ x ∈ s, f x = y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "instHSMul", + "Semiring", + "algebraMap", + "Algebra.smul_def", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "Algebra.toSMul"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.QuotientTrace._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {A : Type w} [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring A] [inst_2 : Algebra R A] (r : R) (x : A),\n (algebraMap R A) r * x = r • x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff.rfl", + "Polynomial.mem_nthRoots", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "instLTNat", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "Finset", + "Multiset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "id", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset_def", + "HPow.hPow", + "Membership.mem", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "Polynomial.nthRoots", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Multiset.toFinset", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "Semiring.toOne", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Multiset.mem_toFinset", + "propext", + "", + "congrArg"], + "name": "Polynomial.mem_nthRootsFinset", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommRing R] [inst_1 : IsDomain R] {n : ℕ},\n 0 < n → ∀ {x : R}, x ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset n R ↔ x ^ n = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.Prime", + "", + "", + "Fact.out", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Fact", + "instLTNat"], + "name": "Nat.Prime.one_lt'", + "constType": "∀ (p : ℕ) [hp : Fact (Nat.Prime p)], Fact (1 < p)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "And", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "gcd_eq_zero_iff", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "GCDMonoid", + "propext", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : GCDMonoid α] (a b : α), (gcd a b = 0) = (a = 0 ∧ b = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["outParam", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "FunLike", + "RingHomClass", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoidHomClass", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "RingHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_5} {α : outParam (Type u_6)} {β : outParam (Type u_7)} [inst : NonAssocSemiring α]\n [inst_1 : NonAssocSemiring β] [inst_2 : FunLike F α β] [self : RingHomClass F α β], AddMonoidHomClass F α β", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Field", "CommRing"], + "name": "Field.toCommRing", + "constType": "{K : Type u} → [self : Field K] → CommRing K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Subsingleton.allEq", "Subsingleton", "Eq"], + "name": "Subsingleton.elim", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} [h : Subsingleton α] (a b : α), a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "True", + "constType": "Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Fin.val", "", "Nat", "instLTNat", "Fin.isLt", "Fin"], + "name": "Fin.is_lt", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} (a : Fin n), ↑a < n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NeZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "One", + "Preorder.toLT", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Fact.out", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NeZero.of_gt", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Fact", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "NeZero.of_gt'", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_1} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid M] [inst_1 : One M] {y : M} [inst_2 : Fact (1 < y)], NeZero y", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "eq_true", + "Set", + "Set.instMembership", + "Set.univ", + "Set.mem_univ", + "True", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.10", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} (x : α), (x ∈ Set.univ) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["DivisionMonoid", + "_private.Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Defs.0.inv_eq_of_mul", + "Group.toDivisionMonoid.proof_1", + "Group.toDivisionMonoid.proof_2", + "", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid"], + "name": "Group.toDivisionMonoid", + "constType": "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : Group G] → DivisionMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MonoidHomClass", + "FunLike", + "CommMonoid", + "", + "Finset", + "map_prod", + "DFunLike.coe", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [inst : CommMonoid β] [inst_1 : CommMonoid γ] {G : Type u_6}\n [inst_2 : FunLike G β γ] [inst_3 : MonoidHomClass G β γ] (g : G) (f : α → β) (s : Finset α),\n ∏ x ∈ s, g (f x) = g (∏ x ∈ s, f x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Subalgebra.toCommSemiring", + "Field.toSemifield", + "Subalgebra", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "algebraInt", + "integralClosure", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Field", + "Ring", + "Algebra", + "inferInstanceAs", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Subalgebra.toAlgebra", + "Int", + "Subtype"], + "name": "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1", + "constType": + "(K : Type u_1) →\n [inst : Field K] →\n {L : Type u_3} → [inst_1 : Ring L] → [inst_2 : Algebra K L] → Algebra (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) L", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MvPolynomial.leadingTerms", + "MvPolynomial.homogeneousComponent_isHomogeneous", + "MvPolynomial.IsHomogeneous", + "MvPolynomial", + "CommSemiring", + "MvPolynomial.totalDegree"], + "name": "MvPolynomial.isHomogeneous_leadingTerms", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_2} {ι : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (p : MvPolynomial ι R),\n p.leadingTerms.IsHomogeneous p.totalDegree", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "Int.instCommRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "StarRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Int", + "starRingOfComm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "Int.instStarRing", + "constType": "StarRing ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "", + "One", + "One.toOfNat1"], + "name": "one_ne_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : NeZero 1], 1 ≠ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_9._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_8", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_4"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_5._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["trivial", "Iff.intro", "propext", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "eq_true", + "constType": "∀ {p : Prop}, p → p = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "String.toSubstring'", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "Lean.Syntax.node5", + "_neutral", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "UInt8", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "List.nil", + "Lean.Syntax.node3"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoid.toOrderedCommMonoid", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "propext", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OrderedCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "le_zero_iff", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toLinearOrderedCommMonoid", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.30", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero α] {a : α}, (a ≤ 0) = (a = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Monoid.toSemigroup", + "eq_true", + "Monoid", + "dvd_refl", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "True", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.31", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] (a : α), (a ∣ a) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "inferInstance", + "Int.instCommRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Int", + "Distrib", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib"], + "name": "Int.instDistrib", + "constType": "Distrib ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.ofNat", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Decidable.casesOn", + "Decidable", + "Not", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.decEq", + "Int", + "Int.neg", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.f1k₂._cstage1", + "constType": "ℤ → ℕ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["DecidableEq", "Bool.decEq", "Bool"], + "name": "instDecidableEqBool", + "constType": "DecidableEq Bool", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring"], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring α] → NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Sub", "Int", "Int.sub", ""], + "name": "Int.instSub", + "constType": "Sub ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.MacroM", + "Lean.Name.mkStr1", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadQuotationMacroM", + "Pure.pure", + "Monad.toBind", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadRefMacroM", + "Eq", + "ite", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getCurrMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Bool.true", + "PUnit", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "instOfNatNat", + "List.nil", + "Bind.bind", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Applicative.toPure", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.TSyntax.raw", + "Lean.Macro", + "", + "instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "ReaderT.instMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "EStateM.instMonadExceptOfOfBacktrackable", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos", + "Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getMainModule", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "letFun", + "EStateM.nonBacktrackable", + "MonadExcept.throw", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "ReaderT.instMonad", + "Lean.Name"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "CommSemiring", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Bool"], + "name": "Bool.true", + "constType": "Bool", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Eq.ndrec", "Ring.toNeg", "Ring", "Eq.refl", "Neg.neg", "Eq.symm", "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_2} [inst : Ring R] {a a' b : R}, a = a' → -a' = b → -a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "One", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "instHMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "Semigroup.mul_assoc", + "Semigroup", + "Eq"], + "name": "mul_assoc", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Semigroup G] (a b c : G), a * b * c = a * (b * c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "instHAdd", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add.match_1", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Int.cast_add", + "Int.instAdd", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "", + "Int.cast", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Ring", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt", + "Int.add", + "Eq.symm", + "Int"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Ring α] {f : α → α → α} {a b : α} {a' b' c : ℤ},\n f = HAdd.hAdd →\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt a a' →\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt b b' → a'.add b' = c → Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt (f a b) c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Omega.Int.sub_congr", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.eval", + "Lean.Omega.Int.ofNat_sub_dichotomy", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.2", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate_eval_0", + "le_of_le_of_eq", + "And.left", + "implies_congr", + "instLTNat", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Int.instAdd", + "ite", + "Eq", + "Decidable.decide", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.ofList", + "Eq.mpr", + "And.right", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "Option.none", + "Bool.true", + "Nat", + "Ring.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Int.instSub", + "Lean.Omega.tidy_sat", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", + "", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "Or", + "Fin.val", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate", + "Int.instRing", + "Or.casesOn", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.instAdd", + "Lean.Omega.combo_sat'", + "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₁", + "instDecidableFalse", + "And", + "False.elim", + "of_eq_true", + "", + "", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "Not", + "Nat.instCharZero", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Int.instLEInt", + "Fin", + "Exists", + "FltRegular.CaseI.two_lt", + "instSubNat", + "Subtype.val", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.coordinate_eval_1", + "of_decide_eq_true", + "Eq.refl", + "Lean.Omega.Int.ofNat_congr", + "Exists.intro", + "Int.sub_nonneg_of_le", + "True", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.sub_eval", + "Lean.Omega.Int.ofNat_le_of_le", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.addInequality_sat", + "instLENat", + "Nat.pred", + "", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.addEquality_sat", + "instOfNatNat", + "Option.some", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "List.nil", + "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.4", + "Eq.symm", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Lean.Omega.Int.ofNat_lt_of_lt", + "Int.sub_eq_zero_of_eq", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.not_sat'_of_isImpossible", + "List.cons", + "False", + "instHAdd", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.isImpossible", + "HSub.hSub", + "Neg.neg", + "", + "Int.add_one_le_of_lt", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Nat.pred_eq_sub_one", + "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.3", + "LE.le", + "ite_congr", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.add_eval", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.combine_sat'", + "instNatCastInt", + "Lean.Omega.Int.add_congr", + "letFun", + "Bool", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.instSub", + ""], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.auxf0k₁", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} (hpri : Nat.Prime p), 5 ≤ p → ∀ (b : ℤ), ∃ i, FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₁ b p ↑i = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_10._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "String.toSubstring'", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_24"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_25._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["EmptyCollection"], + "name": "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : EmptyCollection α] → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Add", "Distrib"], + "name": "Distrib.toAdd", + "constType": "{R : Type u_1} → [self : Distrib R] → Add R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_9"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_10._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_8._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff.rfl", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "Nat.cast", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Int.modEq_zero_iff_dvd", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "instOfNat", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.ModEq", + "Dvd.dvd", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "ZMod", + "Int.cast_zero", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.cast", + "propext", + "CommRing.toRing", + "congrArg", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Int", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.intCast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd", + "constType": "∀ (a : ℤ) (b : ℕ), ↑a = 0 ↔ ↑b ∣ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["OrderedSemiring", "OrderedCommSemiring"], + "name": "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : OrderedCommSemiring α] → OrderedSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_12._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MonoidHom.comp_assoc", + "Monoid", + "", + "MulOneClass", + "Monoid.End.instMul", + "Nat.iterate", + "", + "MonoidHom.comp_id", + "Monoid.End.instFunLike", + "MonoidHom.comp", + "npowRec", + "Monoid.End.inst.proof_2", + "MonoidHom.id_comp", + "Monoid.End.inst.proof_1", + "Monoid.End.instOne", + "MonoidHom.copy", + "", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat", + "Monoid.End", + "", + "Monoid.End.inst.proof_3", + ""], + "name": "Monoid.End.inst", + "constType": + "(M : Type u_4) → [inst : MulOneClass M] → Monoid (Monoid.End M)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["StrictOrderedSemiring", "PartialOrder"], + "name": "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : StrictOrderedSemiring α] → PartialOrder α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["AddMonoidWithOne"], + "name": "CharZero", + "constType": "(R : Type u_1) → [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "String.toSubstring'", + "String", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "EStateM.Result", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.namespace", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "List.nil", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Macro", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Bool.false", + "List", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "Lean.Name", + "Substring", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["CancelCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "UniqueFactorizationMonoid", + "constType": "(α : Type u_2) → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Membership.mem", + "SetLike.instPartialOrder.proof_1", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeInf", + "Set", + "SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "PartialOrder", + "CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra", + "", + "BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra", + "SetLike", + "SetLike.instPartialOrder.proof_3", + "Set.instBooleanAlgebraSet", + "Preorder.toLT", + "SetLike.instPartialOrder.proof_2", + "PartialOrder.lift", + "PartialOrder.le_antisymm", + "GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice", + "BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra", + "SetLike.coe", + "SetLike.coe_injective"], + "name": "SetLike.instPartialOrder", + "constType": + "{A : Type u_1} → {B : Type u_2} → [i : SetLike A B] → PartialOrder A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Decidable.em", + "Or", + "Or.inr", + "Eq.refl", + "Or.casesOn", + "Eq", + "ite", + "Eq.mpr", + "if_pos", + "Or.inl", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Decidable", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Eq.symm", + "if_neg", + "id"], + "name": "ite_congr", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {b c : Prop} {x y u v : α} {s : Decidable b} [inst : Decidable c],\n b = c → (c → x = u) → (¬c → y = v) → (if b then x else y) = if c then u else v", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finsupp", + "Finset.instHasSubset", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "MvPolynomial.Finsupp.support_mapDomain", + "True", + "Eq", + "", + "eq_true", + "Finsupp.mapDomain", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finset", + "Function.Embedding", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Function.instFunLikeEmbedding", + "AddCommMonoid", + ""], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {M : Type u_3} [inst : AddCommMonoid M] (f : α ↪ β) (v : α →₀ M),\n ((Finsupp.mapDomain (⇑f) v).support ⊆ f = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.gcd_dvd_left", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.ofNat_dvd", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.natAbs_dvd_self", + "Int.gcd", + "Int.dvd_trans", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "letFun", + "", + "Nat.gcd", + "Nat.instDvd", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.symm", + "Int", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.gcd_dvd_left", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, ↑(a.gcd b) ∣ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Ideal.dvd_iff_le", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Set", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Set.instHasSubset", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "Ideal.span", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "semigroupDvd", + "Ideal.instIdemCommSemiring", + "CommRing", + "Preorder.toLE", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "Iff.trans", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Membership.mem", + "Set.singleton_subset_iff", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "Dvd.dvd", + "LE.le", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "IsDedekindDomain", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Ideal.span_le", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal", + "IdemCommSemiring.toCommSemiring", + "Submodule.setLike", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "Ideal.dvd_span_singleton", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_2} [inst : CommRing A] [inst_1 : IsDedekindDomain A] {I : Ideal A} {x : A}, I ∣ Ideal.span {x} ↔ x ∈ I", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Polynomial.ofFinsupp", + "AddMonoidAlgebra.semiring", + "instHSMul", + "Semiring", + "Polynomial.coeff", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "SMulZeroClass", + "Nat.instAddMonoid", + "AddMonoidAlgebra.smulZeroClass", + "Eq", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "AddMonoidAlgebra", + "Polynomial", + "", + "Polynomial.smulZeroClass", + "Finsupp.smul_apply", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat", + "Polynomial.casesOn", + "id"], + "name": "Polynomial.coeff_smul", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : SMulZeroClass S R] (r : S) (p : Polynomial R) (n : ℕ),\n (r • p).coeff n = r • p.coeff n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["PUnit"], + "name": "Unit", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "inferInstance", + "Rat.commRing", + "CommSemiring", + "Rat"], + "name": "Rat.commSemiring", + "constType": "CommSemiring ℚ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", + "Iff", + "congr_arg", + "Subtype.val", + "Subtype.ext", + "Subtype", + "Eq"], + "name": "Subtype.ext_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a1 a2 : { x // p x }}, a1 = a2 ↔ ↑a1 = ↑a2", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Nat.add", "Add", "Nat", ""], + "name": "instAddNat", + "constType": "Add ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "Int.cast", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "Nat", + "Int", + "Eq", + "AddGroupWithOne.intCast_ofNat"], + "name": "Int.cast_natCast", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : AddGroupWithOne R] (n : ℕ), ↑↑n = ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.cast_one", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "Fin.ext", + "Fin.is_lt", + "ZMod.val_cast_of_lt", + "ZMod.val_natCast", + "True", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.Prime", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt'", + "ZMod.val", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNat", + "", + "Fin.isLt", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "ZMod.val_one", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Fin.val", + "Int.ModEq", + "One.toOfNat1", + "ZMod", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Fin.val_mk", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "instHMod", + "", + "of_eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "", + "letFun", + "HMod.hMod", + "CommRing.toRing", + "congrArg", + "Nat.instMod", + "Int", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "Fin", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.aux_cong0k₂", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} (hpri : Nat.Prime p) {k : Fin p}, ↑↑k ≡ 1 [ZMOD ↑p] → k = ⟨1, ⋯⟩", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "sub_self", + "HSub.hSub", + "eq_of_sub_eq_zero", + "Eq.refl", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Iff.mpr", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Iff.intro", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddGroup", + "congrArg", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id"], + "name": "sub_eq_zero_of_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] {a b : G}, a = b → a - b = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["eq_true", "rfl", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "eq_self", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} (a : α), (a = a) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "FermatLastTheoremFor", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Int.instNormedCommRing", + "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "fermatLastTheoremThree", + "MulZeroClass.mul_zero", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "True", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "FermatLastTheoremWith", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "Eq.rec", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "False", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "instHAdd", + "Int.instMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "instHMul", + "NormedCommRing.toSeminormedCommRing", + "False.elim", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "fermatLastTheoremFor_iff_int", + "letFun", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "not_true_eq_false", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Int"], + "name": "FltRegular.MayAssume.p_ne_three", + "constType": + "∀ {a b c : ℤ} {n : ℕ}, a * b * c ≠ 0 → a ^ n + b ^ n = c ^ n → n ≠ 3", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Top", "OrderTop", "LE"], + "name": "OrderTop.toTop", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : LE α] → [self : OrderTop α] → Top α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["List.cons", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_27", + "_obj", + "List.nil", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_36._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["InvolutiveNeg", + "neg_inj", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "propext", + "Neg.neg", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Basic._auxLemma.18", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : InvolutiveNeg G] {a b : G}, (-a = -b) = (a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_5", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_30"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_31._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "And", + "Exists", + "propext", + "Set", + "Set.mem_image", + "Set.instMembership", + "Set.image", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (f : α → β) (s : Set α) (y : β), (y ∈ f '' s) = ∃ x ∈ s, f x = y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHAdd", "HAdd.hAdd", "Int.instNegInt", "Neg.neg", "Int", "Int.instAdd"], + "name": "Int.sub", + "constType": "ℤ → ℤ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", + "Ne", + "Iff", + "congr_arg", + "Function.Injective", + "", + "mt", + "Eq"], + "name": "Function.Injective.ne_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {β : Sort u_2} {f : α → β}, Function.Injective f → ∀ {x y : α}, f x ≠ f y ↔ x ≠ y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "IsDomain", + "Module.Finite", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "FractionRing.field", + "Ideal.span", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "FractionRing.liftAlgebra", + "Algebra", + "DFunLike.coe", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "IsIntegrallyClosed", + "Set.image", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Algebra.intNorm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "Algebra.toModule", + "OreLocalization.instRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "MonoidHom", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "FractionRing", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommRing.toRing", + "FractionRing.instNoZeroSMulDivisors", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Algebra.IsSeparable", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "Ideal.spanIntNorm", + "constType": + "(R : Type u_1) →\n [inst : CommRing R] →\n {S : Type u_2} →\n [inst_1 : CommRing S] →\n [inst_2 : Algebra R S] →\n [inst_3 : IsIntegrallyClosed R] →\n [inst_4 : IsDomain R] →\n [inst_5 : IsDomain S] →\n [inst_6 : NoZeroSMulDivisors R S] →\n [hRS : Module.Finite R S] →\n [inst_7 : IsIntegrallyClosed S] →\n [inst_8 : Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing R) (FractionRing S)] → Ideal S → Ideal R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OneHom.toFun", + "FunLike", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike.proof_1", + "MonoidHom.toOneHom", + "MulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "MonoidHom", + ""], + "name": "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "constType": + "{M : Type u_4} → {N : Type u_5} → [inst : MulOneClass M] → [inst_1 : MulOneClass N] → FunLike (M →* N) M N", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Multiset.mem_toFinset", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Multiset", + "Multiset.toFinset", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.9", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {a : α} {s : Multiset α}, (a ∈ s) = (a ∈ s.toFinset)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Ring", "CommRing"], + "name": "CommRing.toRing", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : CommRing α] → Ring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Field.toNontrivial", + "", + "Semifield.toCommGroupWithZero", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain.proof_3", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Eq", + "Field.toCommRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain.proof_4", + "Field", + "Ring.toSub", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain.proof_1", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "instHDiv", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "CommGroupWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "instHMul", + "And", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain.proof_2", + "HMul.hMul", + "Field.toDiv", + "EuclideanDomain", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain.proof_5"], + "name": "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "constType": "{K : Type u_1} → [inst : Field K] → EuclideanDomain K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Int", "IntCast.intCast", "IntCast"], + "name": "Int.cast", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [inst : IntCast R] → ℤ → R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "True", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_zero.match_1", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "of_eq_true", + "CommSemiring", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a : R}, Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat a 0 → a = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["False", "propext", "Not", "not_true", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclotomicUnits._auxLemma.2", + "constType": "(¬True) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Eq", + "AddGroupWithOne.intCast_ofNat", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.cast", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "Int", + "IntCast.intCast", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid"], + "name": "Int.cast_zero", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : AddGroupWithOne R], ↑0 = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OrderedSemiring", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toOrderedSemiring'", + "Nat", + "Nat.decLe"], + "name": "Nat.instOrderedSemiring", + "constType": "OrderedSemiring ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.right_distrib", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Distrib", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.left_distrib"], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α] → Distrib α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Monoid.toSemigroup", + "Ne", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Dvd.dvd.mul_right", + "Dvd.dvd", + "pow_succ'", + "semigroupDvd", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "rfl", + "Eq", + "dvd_pow.match_1", + "instHMul", + "Eq.mpr", + "False.elim", + "instHPow", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "dvd_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] {a b : α}, a ∣ b → ∀ {n : ℕ}, n ≠ 0 → a ∣ b ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_34", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_35._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["", "LT", "", "Int"], + "name": "Int.instLTInt", + "constType": "LT ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.lcm", + "Nat.cast", + "GCDMonoid", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.gcd_dvd_right", + "Int.instGCDMonoid.proof_2", + "Int.dvd_gcd", + "Int.gcd_dvd_left", + "", + "Int.instGCDMonoid.proof_3", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Int", + "Int.instGCDMonoid.proof_1", + "Int.gcd"], + "name": "Int.instGCDMonoid", + "constType": "GCDMonoid ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid", + "Monoid.toOne", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Monoid.npow_zero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq"], + "name": "pow_zero", + "constType": "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : Monoid M] (a : M), a ^ 0 = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["tryCatchThe", + "ReaderT", + "liftM", + "instMonadLiftT", + "instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf", + "MonadExcept.throw", + "ReaderT.instMonadLift", + "", + "MonadExceptOf", + "instMonadLiftTOfMonadLift"], + "name": "ReaderT.instMonadExceptOf", + "constType": + "{ρ : Type u} → {m : Type u → Type v} → (ε : Type u_1) → [inst : MonadExceptOf ε m] → MonadExceptOf ε (ReaderT ρ m)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Submodule.Quotient.instZeroQuotient", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Submodule.Quotient.mk_eq_zero", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Ideal", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Submodule.setLike", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "Ideal.Quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommRing R] {a : R} {I : Ideal R}, ( I) a = 0 ↔ a ∈ I", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", + "exists_prop.match_2", + "And", + "Exists", + "Iff", + "Exists.intro", + "And.intro", + "exists_prop.match_1"], + "name": "exists_prop", + "constType": "∀ {b a : Prop}, (∃ (_ : a), b) ↔ a ∧ b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "And", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.mem_sdiff", + "Not", + "SDiff.sdiff", + "Finset.instSDiff", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.116", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s t : Finset α} {a : α}, (a ∈ s \\ t) = (a ∈ s ∧ a ∉ t)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "Exists", + "", + "Int.instMul", + "HMul.hMul", + "Int", + "Dvd", + "Eq"], + "name": "Int.instDvd", + "constType": "Dvd ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_10"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_11._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.rawCast", + "One.toOfNat1", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "True", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "of_eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "CommSemiring", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.cast_one"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.nat_rawCast_1", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R], Nat.rawCast 1 = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Preorder.le_trans", "Preorder", "LE.le", "Preorder.toLE"], + "name": "le_trans", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Preorder α] {a b c : α}, a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Finset.dvd_gcd_iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Finset", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Finset.gcd", + "Iff.mpr", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Finset.instMembership", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "Finset.dvd_gcd", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : NormalizedGCDMonoid α] {s : Finset β}\n {f : β → α} {a : α}, (∀ b ∈ s, a ∣ f b) → a ∣ s.gcd f", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "constType": "Type u_1 → Type u_1", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "And", + "Exists", + "Finset.biUnion", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset.mem_biUnion", + "Finset", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {s : Finset α} {t : α → Finset β} [inst : DecidableEq β] {b : β},\n (b ∈ s.biUnion t) = ∃ a ∈ s, b ∈ t a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_1", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_2"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Set.preimage", + "propext", + "Set", + "Set.mem_preimage", + "Set.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.10", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {f : α → β} {s : Set β} {a : α}, (a ∈ f ⁻¹' s) = (f a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Units", "Monoid", "Units.val", "IsUnit", "Exists.intro", "rfl", "Eq"], + "name": "Units.isUnit", + "constType": "∀ {M : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid M] (u : Mˣ), IsUnit ↑u", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.cast_one", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toSub", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Eq", + "ZMod.instField", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.Prime", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt'", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Int.instSub", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNat", + "ZMod.nontrivial", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "False", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Fin.val", + "Int.ModEq", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Int.cast_sub", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "ZMod", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "False.elim", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "instNatCastInt", + "", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "Mathlib.Algebra.NeZero._auxLemma.4", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "congr", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "sub_eq_zero", + "sub_sub_cancel", + "congrArg", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Int", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "Fin", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.auxk₁k₂", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} {k₁ k₂ : Fin p}, Nat.Prime p → ↑↑k₂ ≡ ↑↑k₁ - 1 [ZMOD ↑p] → ↑k₁ ≠ ↑k₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "neg_eq_zero", + "propext", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "SubtractionMonoid", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : SubtractionMonoid α] {a : α}, (-a = 0) = (a = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_3", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["One", "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring"], + "name": "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [self : CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring α] → One α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Units.instMul", + "instHMul", + "Units", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "rfl", + "Eq"], + "name": "Units.val_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Monoid α] (a b : αˣ), ↑(a * b) = ↑a * ↑b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "propext", + "Multiset", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Finset.mem_val", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.20", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a : α} {s : Finset α}, (a ∈ s.val) = (a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Function.Injective", + "", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Subtype.coe_injective", + "instLTNat", + "PNat"], + "name": "PNat.coe_injective", + "constType": "Function.Injective fun a => ↑a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.cast_one", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "True", + "Eq", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Nat.recAux", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Ring", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Int.cast_mul", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "HPow.hPow", + "eq_self", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Int.instMonoid", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_zero", + "instHMul", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "of_eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "Int.cast", + "HMul.hMul", + "congr", + "pow_succ", + "congrArg", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.cast_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : Ring R] (n : ℤ) (m : ℕ), ↑(n ^ m) = ↑n ^ m", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.negOfNat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "Nat.rawCast", + "Int.rawCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "True", + "Eq", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "of_eq_true", + "Int.cast_negOfNat", + "Int.cast", + "Ring", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.int_rawCast_neg", + "constType": + "∀ {n : ℕ} {R : Type u_2} [inst : Ring R], (Int.negOfNat n).rawCast = -n.rawCast", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "Units", + "Exists", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "Associated", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Monoid α] → α → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Syntax.isNodeOf", "Bool", "Lean.nullKind", "Nat", "Lean.Syntax"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.matchesNull", + "constType": "Lean.Syntax → ℕ → Bool", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", "", "instOfNatNat", "Nat", "instLTNat", "Subtype"], + "name": "PNat", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Iff.intro", "And", "propext", "And.intro", "And.left", "Eq"], + "name": "and_self", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), (p ∧ p) = p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["map_natCast'", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "RingHomClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "map_one", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "NonAssocSemiring", + "Eq", + "RingHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "FunLike", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "Nat.cast", + "MonoidHomClass.toOneHomClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNatCast", + "Nat", + "DFunLike.coe"], + "name": "map_natCast", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_3} {S : Type u_4} {F : Type u_5} [inst : NonAssocSemiring R] [inst_1 : NonAssocSemiring S]\n [inst_2 : FunLike F R S] [inst_3 : RingHomClass F R S] (f : F) (n : ℕ), f ↑n = ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroup", + "propext", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "sub_eq_zero", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] {a b : G}, (a - b = 0) = (a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Eq.rec", "Eq"], + "name": "Eq.ndrec", + "constType": + "{α : Sort u2} → {a : α} → {motive : α → Sort u1} → motive a → {b : α} → a = b → motive b", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.decLe", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Units.instOne", + "NormalizationMonoid", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Int.normalizationMonoid.proof_2", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Int.normalizationMonoid.proof_3", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "LE.le", + "ite", + "Units", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Units.instNeg", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "Int.instLEInt", + "Int.normalizationMonoid.proof_1", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "Int.normalizationMonoid", + "constType": "NormalizationMonoid ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instDecidableAnd.proof_2", + "And", + "instDecidableAnd.match_1", + "Decidable.isFalse", + "Decidable", + "Not", + "Decidable.isTrue", + "And.intro", + "instDecidableAnd.proof_1"], + "name": "instDecidableAnd", + "constType": + "{p q : Prop} → [dp : Decidable p] → [dq : Decidable q] → Decidable (p ∧ q)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["inferInstance", + "Monoid", + "Int.instCommMonoid", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.instMonoid", + "constType": "Monoid ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "True", + "Eq", + "mul_pow", + "instHMul", + "pow_mul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "of_eq_true", + "instHPow", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "congr", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Nat", + "instMulNat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a₂ c₂ : R} {ea₁ b c₁ : ℕ} {xa₁ : R},\n ea₁ * b = c₁ → a₂ ^ b = c₂ → (xa₁ ^ ea₁ * a₂) ^ b = xa₁ ^ c₁ * c₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Finset.instInsert", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "IsRegularPrime", + "Ideal.span", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Insert.insert", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "instLTNat", + "ClassGroup", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Nat.Prime", + "IsRegularNumber.proof_1", + "Nat.cast", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "IsRegularNumber.eq_1", + "IsRegularPrime.eq_1", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CyclotomicField.classGroupFinite", + "HPow.hPow", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "CyclotomicField", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "instHMul", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "FltRegular.is_principal_aux", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "IsRegularNumber.proof_2", + "Int.cast", + "", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.mem_nthRootsFinset", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Ideal", + "Int", + "Exists", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "Set", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "instFactLtNatOfNatOfPrime_fltRegular", + "Fact.out", + "IsRegularNumber", + "FltRegular.exists_ideal", + "NeZero.pnat", + "Finset.gcd", + "PNat.val", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "instLENat", + "instHPow", + "Finset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "id", + "NeZero.charZero", + "Membership.mem", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Rat.instField", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "Int.instMul", + "instHAdd", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Rat", + "Fintype.card", + "Dvd.dvd", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "LE.le", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "instNatCastInt", + "Units.val", + "letFun", + "Nat.Coprime", + "HMul.hMul", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Rat.instNormedField", + ""], + "name": "FltRegular.is_principal", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} [hpri : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] {a b c : ℤ} {ζ : NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField ⟨p, ⋯⟩ ℚ)},\n IsRegularPrime p →\n 5 ≤ p →\n {a, b, c}.gcd id = 1 →\n ¬↑p ∣ a * b * c → a ^ p + b ^ p = c ^ p → IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p → ∃ u α, ↑u * α ^ p = ↑a + ζ * ↑b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Fact.out", + "One.toOfNat1", + "instLTNat", + "Nat.mod_eq_of_lt", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toOne", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "instHMod", + "ZMod.val", + "", + "HMod.hMod", + "instOfNatNat", + "ZMod.val_one_eq_one_mod", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Nat.instMod", + "id", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.val_one", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ) [inst : Fact (1 < n)], ZMod.val 1 = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Bot"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [self : Bot α] → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "inferInstance", + "Nat.instCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Nat", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne"], + "name": "Nat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "constType": "AddCommMonoidWithOne ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Option"], + "name": "Option.some", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → α → Option α", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["QuotientGroup.instHasQuotientSubgroup", + "Subgroup.Normal", + "QuotientGroup.con", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + ""], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{G : Type u} → [inst : Group G] → (N : Subgroup G) → [nN : N.Normal] → Group (G ⧸ N)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "inv_pow", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "zpow_natCast", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "DivInvMonoid.toInv", + "Eq", + "DivisionMonoid", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.negSucc", + "instHPow", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "InvOneClass.toInv", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "Int", + "one_zpow.match_1", + "zpow_negSucc", + "id", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "inv_zpow", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DivisionMonoid α] (a : α) (n : ℤ), a⁻¹ ^ n = (a ^ n)⁻¹", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.decLe", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "", + "Eq.refl", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs", + "True", + "Int.instAdd", + "Subsingleton.elim", + "Eq", + "Decidable.decide", + "Lean.Omega.UpperBound.sat", + "Eq.mpr", + "", + "Option.none", + "Eq.rec", + "Bool.true", + "Decidable", + "Lean.Omega.LowerBound.sat", + "Option.some", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Eq.symm", + "Int.instSub", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.lowerBound", + "Int.zero_sub", + "id", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "instHSub", + "eq_self", + "Int.sub_left_le_of_le_add", + "decide_eq_true_eq", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Neg.neg", + "instDecidableAnd", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.upperBound", + "and_true", + "LE.le", + "And", + "Eq.ndrec", + "congr", + "Bool", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.sat'", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "instSubsingletonDecidable", + "Int.instLEInt"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Constraint.addInequality_sat", + "constType": + "∀ {c : ℤ} {x y : Lean.Omega.Coeffs}, c + y ≥ 0 → { lowerBound := some (-c), upperBound := none }.sat' x y = true", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["DFunLike"], + "name": "FunLike", + "constType": + "Sort u_1 → Sort u_2 → Sort u_3 → Sort (max (max (max 1 u_1) u_2) u_3)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Equiv", + "Part.Dom", + "PartENat.toWithTop", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "ENat", + "PartENat", + "", + "PartENat.withTopEquiv.proof_1", + "PartENat.ofENat", + "Nat", + "PartENat.withTopEquiv.proof_2"], + "name": "PartENat.withTopEquiv", + "constType": "PartENat ≃ ℕ∞", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Semiring"], + "name": "Polynomial", + "constType": "(R : Type u_1) → [inst : Semiring R] → Type u_1", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "div_eq_mul_inv", + "GroupWithZero.toDivisionMonoid", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "Int.instAdd", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "instHPow", + "Int.instNegInt", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "InvOneClass.toInv", + "Int.instSub", + "DivInvMonoid.toDiv", + "id", + "Int.sub_eq_add_neg", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "instHDiv", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Neg.neg", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "GroupWithZero.toDivInvMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "GroupWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "DivInvMonoid.toInv", + "GroupWithZero.toDiv", + "instHMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "GroupWithZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "zpow_neg", + "zpow_add₀", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "zpow_sub₀", + "constType": + "∀ {G₀ : Type u_3} [inst : GroupWithZero G₀] {a : G₀}, a ≠ 0 → ∀ (m n : ℤ), a ^ (m - n) = a ^ m / a ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "QuotientGroup.instHasQuotientSubgroup", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "algebraMap", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Field.toSemifield", + "MonoidHomClass.toMonoidHom", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "MonoidHom.range", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "RelativeUnits.proof_1", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "Algebra", + "Subgroup", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Units.instGroup"], + "name": "RelativeUnits", + "constType": + "(k : Type u_5) → (K : Type u_6) → [inst : Field k] → [inst_1 : Field K] → [inst : Algebra k K] → Type u_6", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", "Decidable", "Nat", "instLTNat", "Nat.succ", "Nat.decLe"], + "name": "Nat.decLt", + "constType": "(n m : ℕ) → Decidable (n < m)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "HEq", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → α → {β : Sort u} → β → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["IsScalarTower.smul_assoc", + "RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "instHSMul", + "RingHom.comp", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "True", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "one_smul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "CommSemiring", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "Algebra", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "Eq.trans", + "MulActionWithZero.toMulAction", + "id", + "eq_self", + "RingHom.ext", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Semiring", + "algebraMap", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Module.toMulActionWithZero", + "IsScalarTower", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "Algebra.algebraMap_eq_smul_one", + "Semiring.toOne", + "MulAction.toSMul", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "congr", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg"], + "name": "IsScalarTower.algebraMap_eq", + "constType": + "∀ (R : Type u) (S : Type v) (A : Type w) [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : CommSemiring S] [inst_2 : Semiring A]\n [inst_3 : Algebra R S] [inst_4 : Algebra S A] [inst_5 : Algebra R A] [inst_6 : IsScalarTower R S A],\n algebraMap R A = (algebraMap S A).comp (algebraMap R S)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "RelativeUnits", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "", + "inferInstance", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "RelativeUnits.proof_1", + "QuotientGroup.Quotient.commGroup", + "Field", + "Algebra", + "Subgroup", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "id", + "QuotientGroup.instHasQuotientSubgroup", + "CommGroup", + "algebraMap", + "Field.toSemifield", + "MonoidHomClass.toMonoidHom", + "MonoidHom.range", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Units.instCommGroupUnits", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Units.instGroup"], + "name": "instCommGroupRelativeUnits", + "constType": + "{K : Type u_1} →\n [inst : Field K] → {k : Type u_2} → [inst_1 : Field k] → [inst_2 : Algebra k K] → CommGroup (RelativeUnits k K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.natAbs_pos", + "Nat.mod_lt", + "Int.emod_nonneg.match_1", + "Int.sub_nonneg_of_le", + "instLTNat", + "LE.le", + "Iff.mpr", + "instHMod", + "instLENat", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.ofNat_le", + "", + "HMod.hMod", + "instOfNatNat", + "Int.instMod", + "Nat", + "Int.ofNat_zero_le", + "Nat.succ", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "Nat.instMod", + "Int.instLEInt", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.emod_nonneg", + "constType": "∀ (a : ℤ) {b : ℤ}, b ≠ 0 → 0 ≤ a % b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.natCast_succ", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toAddCommGroup", + "SubNegMonoid.zsmul_neg'", + "AddCommGroupWithOne", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.intCast_ofNat", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toNatCast", + "SubNegMonoid.sub_eq_add_neg", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toOne", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "AddGroup.add_left_neg", + "SubNegMonoid.zsmul_succ'", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.intCast_negSucc", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.zsmul", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.natCast_zero", + "", + "SubNegMonoid.zsmul_zero'"], + "name": "AddCommGroupWithOne.toAddGroupWithOne", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → [self : AddCommGroupWithOne R] → AddGroupWithOne R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Classical.not_not", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.7", + "constType": "∀ {a : Prop}, (¬¬a) = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Ne", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "not_and_or", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "pos_iff_ne_zero", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "And", + "add_eq_zero_iff", + "Iff", + "of_eq_true", + "propext", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "congr", + "Not", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "add_pos_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] {a b : α}, 0 < a + b ↔ 0 < a ∨ 0 < b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Lean.Name"], + "name": "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "IsDomain", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Subalgebra", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "algebraInt", + "integralClosure", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Field.isDomain", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Field", + "inferInstanceAs", + "instIsDomainSubtypeMemSubalgebraIntegralClosure", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Subtype", + "Subalgebra.toSemiring"], + "name": "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "constType": + "∀ (K : Type u_1) [inst : Field K], IsDomain (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "Module", "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Module.Free", + "constType": + "(R : Type u) → (M : Type v) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "PartialOrder", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Ne", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "instHDiv", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Finset.gcd", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "MulDivCancelClass", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Finset", + "Div", + "Finset.gcd_div_eq_one", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "id", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "Finset.gcd_div_id_eq_one", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : NormalizedGCDMonoid α] [inst_2 : Div α]\n [inst_3 : MulDivCancelClass α] {s : Finset α} {a : α}, a ∈ s → a ≠ 0 → (s.gcd fun b => b / s.gcd id) = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddCommGroup.add_comm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.left_distrib", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.mul_comm", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.zero_mul", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.right_distrib", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.mul_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup"], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing α] → NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["QuotientGroup.leftRel", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "HasQuotient", + "Quotient", + ""], + "name": "QuotientGroup.instHasQuotientSubgroup", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Group α] → HasQuotient α (Subgroup α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Int.ofNat", "OfNat", "", "Nat", "Int"], + "name": "instOfNat", + "constType": "{n : ℕ} → OfNat ℤ n", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.le_zero_eq", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff.rfl", + "instLTNat", + "LE.le", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "instLENat", + "Iff", + "", + "Nat.lt_succ_iff", + "Iff.trans", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Nat.succ", + "id"], + "name": "Nat.lt_one_iff", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ}, n < 1 ↔ n = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Membership.mem", + "And", + "Exists", + "Setoid.r", + "List.mem_map", + "Iff", + "List", + "List.isSetoid", + "Multiset", + "Quot.inductionOn", + "Eq", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "Multiset.mem_map", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type v} {f : α → β} {b : β} {s : Multiset α}, b ∈ f s ↔ ∃ a ∈ s, f a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["outParam", + "RingHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "FunLike", + "RingHomClass", + "AddMonoidHomClass.toZeroHomClass", + "MonoidWithZeroHomClass", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "NonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "RingHomClass.toMonoidWithZeroHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_5} {α : outParam (Type u_6)} {β : outParam (Type u_7)} [inst : NonAssocSemiring α]\n [inst_1 : NonAssocSemiring β] [inst_2 : FunLike F α β] [self : RingHomClass F α β], MonoidWithZeroHomClass F α β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Associated", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Iff.rfl", + "Set", + "IsDomain", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Ideal.span", + "semigroupDvd", + "CommRing", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Eq.symm", + "le_antisymm_iff", + "Semiring.toModule", + "id", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "IsDomain.toCancelMonoidWithZero", + "dvd_dvd_iff_associated", + "Dvd.dvd", + "LE.le", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "and_comm", + "And", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "and_congr", + "CancelMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "congrArg", + "Ideal", + "Ideal.span_singleton_le_span_singleton"], + "name": "Ideal.span_singleton_eq_span_singleton", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CommRing α] [inst_1 : IsDomain α] {x y : α}, Ideal.span {x} = Ideal.span {y} ↔ Associated x y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "Nat.mul_zero", + "Eq", + "PProd", + "Eq.mpr", + "instHPow", + "PUnit", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "id", + "HPow.hPow", + "Nat.mul_succ", + "Nat.below", + "Nat.brecOn", + "Monoid", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Unit", + "One.toOfNat1", + "pow_zero", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_add", + "instHMul", + "Nat.rec", + "PProd.fst", + "HMul.hMul", + "pow_succ'.match_1", + "pow_succ", + "instMulNat", + "congrArg"], + "name": "pow_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : Monoid M] (a : M) (m n : ℕ), a ^ (m * n) = (a ^ m) ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "sub_self", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "instLTNat", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Nat", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Int.instSub", + "instOfNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "Fin.val", + "Int.ModEq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Int.instRing", + "CyclotomicField", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "instHMul", + "Int.instCharZero", + "Int.cast", + "", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Fin", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "semigroupDvd", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "instLENat", + "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.1", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Eq.symm", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Rat.instField", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "False", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Rat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ne.symm", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "LE.le", + "FltRegular.CaseI.aux_cong1k₁", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.5", + "instNatCastInt", + "letFun", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "FltRegular.CaseI.aux0k₂", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + ""], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.aux1k₁", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} (hpri : Nat.Prime p) {a b : ℤ} {ζ : NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField ⟨p, ⋯⟩ ℚ)},\n 5 ≤ p →\n IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p →\n ¬a ≡ b [ZMOD ↑p] →\n ∀ {k₁ k₂ : Fin p}, ↑↑k₂ ≡ ↑↑k₁ - 1 [ZMOD ↑p] → ↑p ∣ ↑a + ↑b * ζ - ↑a * ζ ^ ↑k₁ - ↑b * ζ ^ ↑k₂ → 1 ≠ ↑k₁", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["NatCast", "Semiring"], + "name": "Semiring.toNatCast", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Semiring α] → NatCast α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "Insert"], + "name": "Insert.insert", + "constType": + "{α : outParam (Type u)} → {γ : Type v} → [self : Insert α γ] → α → γ → γ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["SemilatticeSup.toSup", + "AddGroup", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Neg.neg", + "Sup.sup", + "Lattice", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeSup", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid"], + "name": "abs", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Lattice α] → [inst : AddGroup α] → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "Monad.toApplicative", + "Lean.Macro.Context.currMacroScope", + "Lean.MacroM", + "", + "Pure.pure", + "Lean.Macro.withFreshMacroScope", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadRefMacroM", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Lean.Macro.Context.mainModule", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.MonadQuotation", + "Applicative.toPure"], + "name": "Lean.Macro.instMonadQuotationMacroM", + "constType": "Lean.MonadQuotation Lean.MacroM", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Monoid.toOne", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "True", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.cast_one", + "eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHAdd", + "Nat.rawCast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "pow_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "of_eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "congr", + "add_zero", + "congrArg"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (a : R), a ^ 0 = Nat.rawCast 1 + 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "instHMul", + "mul_eq_zero", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "propext", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "MulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_1} [inst : MulZeroClass M₀] [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors M₀] {a b : M₀}, (a * b = 0) = (a = 0 ∨ b = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset.univ", + "eq_true", + "Fintype", + "Finset", + "Finset.mem_univ", + "True", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.11", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Fintype α] (x : α), (x ∈ Finset.univ) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["mul_comm", + "instHMul", + "Eq.mpr", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "Dvd.dvd.mul_right", + "HMul.hMul", + "Dvd.dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "congrArg", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "CommSemigroup", + "Eq", + "id", + "CommSemigroup.toSemigroup"], + "name": "dvd_mul_of_dvd_right", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemigroup α] {a b : α}, a ∣ b → ∀ (c : α), a ∣ c * b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "inferInstance", + "Int.instCommRing", + "CommSemiring", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.instCommSemiring", + "constType": "CommSemiring ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Monoid.toSemigroup", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_true", + "Monoid", + "Monoid.toOne", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "one_dvd", + "semigroupDvd", + "True", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.30", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] (a : α), (1 ∣ a) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "HMul"], + "name": "HMul.hMul", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → {γ : outParam (Type w)} → [self : HMul α β γ] → α → β → γ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "CovariantClass", + "constType": + "(M : Type u_1) → (N : Type u_2) → (M → N → N) → (N → N → Prop) → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Units", + "", + "CommMonoid", + "CommGroup", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Units.instGroup", + "Units.instCommGroupUnits.proof_1"], + "name": "Units.instCommGroupUnits", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : CommMonoid α] → CommGroup αˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "DivisionSemiring"], + "name": "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "constType": "{α : Type u_4} → [self : DivisionSemiring α] → Semiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Applicative", + "Applicative.toSeqRight", + "Monad", + "ReaderT", + "Monad.toApplicative", + "Unit", + "SeqLeft.seqLeft", + "Applicative.toSeqLeft", + "", + "ReaderT.instFunctorOfMonad", + "Seq.seq", + "", + "Unit.unit", + "", + "Applicative.toSeq", + "", + "ReaderT.pure", + "", + "SeqRight.seqRight"], + "name": "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "constType": + "{ρ : Type u} → {m : Type u → Type v} → [inst : Monad m] → Applicative (ReaderT ρ m)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", "propext", "Exists.intro", "forall_exists_index", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {q : (∃ x, p x) → Prop}, (∀ (h : ∃ x, p x), q h) = ∀ (x : α) (h : p x), q ⋯", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Neg.neg", + "Exists.intro", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "ExistsAddOfLE", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "LE.le", + "Eq", + "add_neg_cancel_left", + "AddGroup", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "LE", + "", + "Eq.symm", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid"], + "name": "AddGroup.existsAddOfLE", + "constType": + "∀ (α : Type u) [inst : AddGroup α] [inst_1 : LE α], ExistsAddOfLE α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset.range", + "propext", + "", + "Finset", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "Eq", + "Finset.mem_range", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.6", + "constType": "∀ {n m : ℕ}, (m ∈ Finset.range n) = (m < n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroup", + "propext", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "sub_eq_zero", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] {a b : G}, (a - b = 0) = (a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Trans.trans", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Preorder", + "instTransLtLe_mathlib", + "add_lt_add_right", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "zero_add", + "instTransEq_1", + "Function.swap", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "CovariantClass", + "AddZeroClass"], + "name": "add_lt_of_neg_of_le", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : AddZeroClass α] [inst_1 : Preorder α]\n [inst_2 : CovariantClass α α (Function.swap fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x < x_1] {a b c : α},\n a < 0 → b ≤ c → a + b < c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Iff", + "Iff.rfl", + "Finset.toSet", + "Set", + "Finset", + "Set.instMembership", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.mem_coe", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a : α} {s : Finset α}, a ∈ ↑s ↔ a ∈ s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Monoid.toSemigroup", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid", + "one_mul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Dvd.dvd", + "One.toOfNat1", + "semigroupDvd", + "Dvd.intro", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass"], + "name": "one_dvd", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] (a : α), 1 ∣ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Fin.ext_iff", "Fin.val", "propext", "Nat", "Fin", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} {a b : Fin n}, (a = b) = (↑a = ↑b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Units", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "NormalizationMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "NormalizationMonoid.normUnit", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → [self : NormalizationMonoid α] → α → αˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Associated", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "propext", + "Ideal.span_singleton_eq_span_singleton", + "Set", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Ideal.span", + "Ideal", + "CommRing", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CommRing α] [inst_1 : IsDomain α] {x y : α}, (Ideal.span {x} = Ideal.span {y}) = Associated x y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "", + "MonoidHom.map_mul'", + "AlgHom.toRingHom", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "AlgHom.commutes'", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "RingHom.map_add'", + "RingHom.toMonoidHom", + "", + "", + "", + "AlgHomClass", + "OneHom.map_one'", + "Semiring", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AlgHom", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "", + "", + "MonoidHom.toOneHom", + "RingHom.map_zero'", + "AlgHom.funLike"], + "name": "AlgHom.algHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {A : Type v} {B : Type w} [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring A] [inst_2 : Semiring B]\n [inst_3 : Algebra R A] [inst_4 : Algebra R B], AlgHomClass (A →ₐ[R] B) R A B", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["List.cons", + "_obj", + "List.nil", + "_neutral", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_28"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_37._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "algebraRat", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Nat", + "Subtype", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "NumberField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Ideal", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "semigroupDvd", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instHPow", + "Finset", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Eq.symm", + "NeZero.succ", + "Membership.mem", + "root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd_spec", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "PNat"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.15", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} {p : ℕ+} [hpri : Fact p.Prime] [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NumberField K]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] (hp : p ≠ 2) {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p)\n {x y z : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K} {ε : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} {m : ℕ}\n (e : x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = ↑ε * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ ↑p) (hy : ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y)\n (η : { x // x ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset (↑p) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) }),\n div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd hp hζ e hy η = root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd hp hζ e hy η ^ ↑p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Submodule.mul_sup", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "Submodule.sup_mul", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Submodule.idemSemiring.proof_4", + "Submodule", + "Submodule.toAddSubmonoid", + "Submodule.pointwiseAddCommMonoid", + "Submodule.mul_bot", + "npowRec", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Function.Injective.semigroup", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Submodule.idemSemiring.proof_6", + "Submodule.bot_mul", + "Submodule.idemSemiring.proof_8", + "inferInstance", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "", + "CompleteLattice.toConditionallyCompleteLattice", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "Submodule.idemSemiring.proof_5", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeSup", + "SemilatticeSup.toPartialOrder", + "AddCommMonoid", + "", + "Submodule.mul", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Submodule.idemSemiring.proof_3", + "Semiring", + "Submodule.idemSemiring.proof_9", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Submodule.idemSemiring.proof_1", + "ConditionallyCompleteLattice.toLattice", + "Submodule.one_mul", + "AddSubmonoid.semigroup", + "AddSubmonoid", + "AddMonoidWithOne.unary", + "", + "Submodule.mul_one", + "Submodule.idemSemiring.proof_2", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "Submodule.instOrderBot", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "", + "OrderBot.toBot", + "IdemSemiring", + "Submodule.mul_toAddSubmonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Lattice", + "Submodule.idemSemiring.proof_7", + "Semigroup"], + "name": "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} →\n [inst : CommSemiring R] → {A : Type v} → [inst_1 : Semiring A] → [inst_2 : Algebra R A] → IdemSemiring (Submodule R A)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.117", + "False", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "Init.SimpLemmas._auxLemma.5", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.139", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.20", + "iff_false", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "DecidablePred", + "And", + "Iff", + "of_eq_true", + "forall_congr", + "Finset", + "congr", + "Finset.filter", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection"], + "name": "Finset.filter_eq_empty_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {p : α → Prop} [inst : DecidablePred p] {s : Finset α}, Finset.filter p s = ∅ ↔ ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x ∈ s → ¬p x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "FunLike", "NonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "RingHomClass", + "constType": + "(F : Type u_5) →\n (α : outParam (Type u_6)) →\n (β : outParam (Type u_7)) →\n [inst : NonAssocSemiring α] → [inst : NonAssocSemiring β] → [inst : FunLike F α β] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_8._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass", + "instHSMul", + "SMulWithZero", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "SMulWithZero.zero_smul", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "Eq"], + "name": "zero_smul", + "constType": + "∀ (R : Type u_1) {M : Type u_3} [inst : Zero R] [inst_1 : Zero M] [inst_2 : SMulWithZero R M] (m : M), 0 • m = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.toAlgebra", + "Mul.toSMul", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "", + "", + "", + ""], + "name": "", + "constType": "(R : Type u) → [inst : CommSemiring R] → Algebra R R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termP._@.FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset.univ", + "Fintype.complete", + "Fintype", + "Finset", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.mem_univ", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Fintype α] (x : α), x ∈ Finset.univ", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["EStateM", "ReaderT", "Unit", "Lean.Syntax"], + "name": "Lean.PrettyPrinter.UnexpandM", + "constType": "Type → Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Exists", "eq_true", "exists_apply_eq_apply", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.10", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_2} {β : Sort u_1} (f : α → β) (a' : α), (∃ a, f a = f a') = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Iff", + "DecidableEq", + "Multiset.mem_dedup", + "Finset", + "Multiset", + "Multiset.toFinset", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Multiset.mem_toFinset", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {a : α} {s : Multiset α}, a ∈ s.toFinset ↔ a ∈ s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_eq_false", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Finset.instMembership", + "ite", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "DecidablePred", + "Finset.sum_range", + "instOfNat", + "", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf_zero", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "Finset.filter_filter", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Int.ModEq.symm", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "And", + "Finset.sum_neg_distrib", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "Int.instCharZero", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "congr", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat.instCharZero", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.instSemigroup", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Nat.decLt", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Eq.refl", + "Int.rawCast", + "semigroupDvd", + "NeZero.pnat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pf_left", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pow", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_add", + "Neg.neg", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "instDecidableAnd", + "LE.le", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.5", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.zero_mul", + "instNatCastInt", + "letFun", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.one_mul", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_congr", + "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.int_rawCast_neg", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "instHSMul", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "instSubsingletonForall", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "sub_eq_iff_eq_add", + "Finset.sum_const_zero", + "Int.cast_add", + "ZMod.instField", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass", + "AddCommGroup.intModule", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap_zero", + "dvd_coeff_cycl_integer", + "Eq.trans", + "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.nat_rawCast_1", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "ite_smul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.add_neg", + "Int.instDvd", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.mul_neg", + "Fin.fintype", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "pow_zero", + "ZMod", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "Finset.univ", + "MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "of_eq_true", + "Int.cast", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "mul_one", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection", + "instSubsingletonDecidable", + "Int.ofNat", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "Dvd.dvd.mul_right", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "instDecidableNot", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "ite_cond_eq_true", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_congr", + "id", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "eq_self", + "Membership.mem", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "False", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Dvd.dvd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "ite_congr", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Bool", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.one_pow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Finset.range_filter_eq", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add", + "pow_one", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "Finset.range", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_add", + "Int.instSub", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "zsmul_eq_mul", + "Int.instRing", + "Module.toMulActionWithZero", + "ne_and_eq_iff_right", + "CyclotomicField", + "instDecidableTrue", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "eq_true", + "Finset.sum_ite", + "", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pf_right", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "Int", + "Fin", + "neg_smul", + "Subtype.val", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "FltRegular.CaseI.f1k₂", + "True", + "Subsingleton.elim", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Eq.rec", + "Decidable", + "Finset", + "Finset.filter", + "FltRegular.CaseI.auxf1k₂", + "NeZero.charZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "Int.instMul", + "Finset.sum", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_pos", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Ne.symm", + "Int.cast_sub", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "", + "Bool.false", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_mul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "AddGroupWithOne.toSub", + "AddGroup.intSMulWithZero", + "instLTNat", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Finset.sum_singleton", + "Nat", + "Finset.sum_congr", + "Ne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_isNat", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "Fin.val", + "Int.ModEq", + "Nat.rawCast", + "FltRegular.CaseI.aux_cong1k₂", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "SubNegMonoid.SMulInt", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "instHMul", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "add_zero", + "zero_smul", + "FltRegular.CaseI.two_lt", + "NonAssocRing.toAddCommGroupWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "PNat.val", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instLENat", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Eq.symm", + "funext", + "Rat.instField", + "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Rat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.single_pow", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_ofNat", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "Nat.instCommSemiring", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.aux1k₂", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} (hpri : Nat.Prime p) {a b c : ℤ} {ζ : NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField ⟨p, ⋯⟩ ℚ)},\n 5 ≤ p →\n IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p →\n ¬↑p ∣ a * b * c →\n ∀ {k₁ k₂ : Fin p}, ↑↑k₂ ≡ ↑↑k₁ - 1 [ZMOD ↑p] → ↑p ∣ ↑a + ↑b * ζ - ↑a * ζ ^ ↑k₁ - ↑b * ζ ^ ↑k₂ → 1 ≠ ↑k₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["SubNegMonoid", "SMul", "", "SubNegMonoid.zsmul", "Int"], + "name": "SubNegMonoid.SMulInt", + "constType": "{M : Type u_2} → [inst : SubNegMonoid M] → SMul ℤ M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Membership.mem", + "Finset.sum_eq_zero_iff_of_nonneg", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finset.sum", + "Finset", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "zero_le", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.sum_eq_zero_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_4} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid M] {f : ι → M} {s : Finset ι},\n ∑ x ∈ s, f x = 0 ↔ ∀ x ∈ s, f x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Ideal.span", + "Eq", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Ideal.span_singleton_pow", + "Singleton.singleton", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "Nat", + "", + "Eq.symm", + "Ideal"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.8", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring R] (s : R) (n : ℕ), Ideal.span {s ^ n} = Ideal.span {s} ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Int.cast_one", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.succ_pred_prime", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "instOfNat", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_raw_eq", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Int.instRing", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.cast_add", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "eq_true", + "Int.instCharZero", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "congr", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Fin", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "sub_nonpos_of_le", + "Int.instSemiring", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "", + "Eq.refl", + "Int.rawCast", + "IsRightCancelAdd.covariant_swap_add_lt_of_covariant_swap_add_le", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "NeZero.of_gt'", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Fin.is_lt", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsRightCancelAdd", + "ZMod.val_natCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt'", + "Int.instAddMonoid", + "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "zero_lt_one", + "Nat.mod_add_mod", + "Nat.one_mod", + "Nat.succ", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "covariant_swap_add_of_covariant_add", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "ZMod.val_one", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_add", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_pos", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "LE.le", + "Fin.val_mk", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.zero_mul", + "instNatCastInt", + "", + "Bool.false", + "letFun", + "HMod.hMod", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_mul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_congr", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.instAddMonoidWithOne", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Fin.ext", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Int.cast_add", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "ZMod.val_cast_of_lt", + "Int.instAdd", + "Nat.mod_eq_of_lt", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "ZMod.instField", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "StrictOrderedRing.toOrderedAddCommGroup", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap_zero", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.cast_one", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_isNat", + "congr_arg", + "neg_neg_of_pos", + "Fin.val", + "OrderedSemiring.zeroLEOneClass", + "Int.ModEq", + "Nat.rawCast", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "lt_of_not_ge", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "Int.instLTInt", + "Int.instAddCommSemigroup", + "ZMod", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "instHMul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "of_eq_true", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "Int.cast", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "congrArg", + "Int.instLEInt", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.toAddCommGroup", + "StrictOrderedRing.toRing", + "Int.ofNat", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "FltRegular.CaseI.two_lt", + "Linarith.lt_irrefl", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_add", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.2", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instLENat", + "Nat.pred", + "instHPow", + "ZMod.val", + "Preorder.toLT", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_lt_true", + "Linarith.mul_neg", + "instOfNatNat", + "NeZero.charZero_one", + "add_lt_of_neg_of_le", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "Fin.isLt", + "id", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "instAddNat", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "HSub.hSub", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_ofNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "instHMod", + "ZMod.val_add", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.instLinearOrder", + "HMul.hMul", + "Bool", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Nat.instMod", + "Nat.Prime.pred_pos", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.aux_cong1k₂", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} {k : Fin p}, Nat.Prime p → ∀ (hp5 : 5 ≤ p), ↑↑k ≡ 1 + 1 [ZMOD ↑p] → k = ⟨2, ⋯⟩", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["instHMod", "HMod.hMod", "Int.instMod", "Int", "Eq"], + "name": "Int.ModEq", + "constType": "ℤ → ℤ → ℤ → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Monoid", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "SubNegMonoid", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Int.ofNat", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "True", + "Eq", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "of_eq_true", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.cast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_isNat.match_1", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Ring", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "", + "Eq.trans", + "Int"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_isNat", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Ring α] {a : α} {n : ℕ},\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt a (Int.ofNat n) → Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat a n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "CyclotomicField.classGroupFinite.proof_3", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Rat.isFractionRing", + "AbsoluteValue.abs", + "algebraInt", + "algebraRat", + "ClassGroup", + "CyclotomicField.classGroupFinite.proof_5", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "Fintype", + "ClassGroup.fintypeOfAdmissibleOfFinite", + "AbsoluteValue.absIsAdmissible", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "Rat.instField", + "safe'", + "CyclotomicField.classGroupFinite.proof_4", + "Rat", + "CyclotomicField.classGroupFinite.proof_2", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "Field.toSemifield", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "Int.euclideanDomain", + "Int.infinite", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "CyclotomicField", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "CyclotomicField.classGroupFinite.proof_1", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "CommRing.toRing", + "CyclotomicField.algebra'", + "", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "Int", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1", + "PNat"], + "name": "CyclotomicField.classGroupFinite", + "constType": + "{p : ℕ+} → Fintype (ClassGroup (NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField p ℚ)))", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Lean.Name"], + "name": "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "constType": "Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["eq_true", + "MvPolynomial.leadingTerms", + "MvPolynomial.IsHomogeneous", + "MvPolynomial", + "CommSemiring", + "MvPolynomial.totalDegree", + "MvPolynomial.isHomogeneous_leadingTerms", + "True", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.25", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_2} {ι : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] (p : MvPolynomial ι R),\n p.leadingTerms.IsHomogeneous p.totalDegree = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "LinearOrder", + "Preorder.toLT", + "propext", + "", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Not", + "not_le", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.KummersLemma._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LinearOrder α] {a b : α}, (¬a ≤ b) = (b < a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["not_exists", "Exists", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.21", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop}, (¬∃ x, p x) = ∀ (x : α), ¬p x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_7"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_8._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_26", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_29._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "SetLike", + "Set", + "", + "Set.instMembership", + "Membership", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "SetLike.instMembership", + "constType": + "{A : Type u_1} → {B : Type u_2} → [i : SetLike A B] → Membership B A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Add", "Int.add", "Int", ""], + "name": "Int.instAdd", + "constType": "Add ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Exists.rec", "Exists", "Exists.intro"], + "name": "Exists.casesOn", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u} {p : α → Prop} {motive : Exists p → Prop} (t : Exists p), (∀ (w : α) (h : p w), motive ⋯) → motive t", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", + "And", + "Exists", + "Iff", + "Eq.rec", + "exists_eq_left.match_1", + "And.intro", + "Exists.intro", + "rfl", + "Eq"], + "name": "exists_eq_left", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a' : α}, (∃ a, a = a' ∧ p a) ↔ p a'", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["ite_eq_right_iff", "propext", "Decidable", "ite", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.19", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {a b : α} {P : Prop} [inst : Decidable P], ((if P then a else b) = b) = (P → a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "propext", + "Finset.toSet", + "Set", + "Finset", + "Set.instMembership", + "Finset.mem_coe", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.4", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a : α} {s : Finset α}, (a ∈ ↑s) = (a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq"], + "name": "MulZeroClass.mul_zero", + "constType": "∀ {M₀ : Type u} [self : MulZeroClass M₀] (a : M₀), a * 0 = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "Int.cast", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "Int.cast_add", + "Eq.symm", + "Int", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : AddGroupWithOne R] (m n : ℤ), ↑m + ↑n = ↑(m + n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "CancelMonoidWithZero", + "Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "False", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "dite", + "or_true", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "True", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "iff_self", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "eq_false", + "Iff", + "of_eq_true", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "congr", + "HMul.hMul", + "or_false", + "Not", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "not_false_eq_true", + "congrArg", + "CancelMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.trans", + "Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Basic._auxLemma.8"], + "name": "mul_eq_mul_left_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_2} [inst : CancelMonoidWithZero M₀] {a b c : M₀}, a * b = a * c ↔ b = c ∨ a = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instCommGroupRelativeUnits", + "CommGroup.toGroup", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Algebra.toModule", + "relativeUnitsMapHom_apply", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "LieRing.toAddCommGroup", + "Field.toSemifield", + "RelativeUnits", + "MonoidHom", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "AlgHom", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "relativeUnitsMap", + "relativeUnitsMapHom", + "AlgHom.End", + "Monoid.End.inst", + "Field", + "NumberField", + "Algebra", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "LieRing.ofAssociativeRing", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Eq.symm", + "Monoid.End", + "FiniteDimensional"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.12", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NumberField K] {k : Type u_2} [inst_2 : Field k] [inst_3 : NumberField k]\n [inst_4 : Algebra k K] [inst_5 : FiniteDimensional k K] (σ : K →ₐ[k] K), relativeUnitsMap σ = relativeUnitsMapHom σ", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Iff", "False", "iff_true_intro", "Not", "not_false", "True"], + "name": "not_false_iff", + "constType": "¬False ↔ True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_27._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Int.cast_pow", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "instHPow", + "Int.cast", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Ring", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Eq.symm", + "Int", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : Ring R] (n : ℤ) (m : ℕ), ↑n ^ m = ↑(n ^ m)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α] → AddCommMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "eq_false", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "False", + "One", + "one_ne_zero", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Algebra.NeZero._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : NeZero 1], (1 = 0) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_8", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_16", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_17._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["SubNegZeroMonoid.neg_zero", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "SubNegZeroMonoid", + "NegZeroClass"], + "name": "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "constType": "{G : Type u_2} → [self : SubNegZeroMonoid G] → NegZeroClass G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "mul_neg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HasDistribNeg", + "Exists.casesOn", + "True", + "pow_one", + "Odd.proof_1", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "pow_mul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "instHPow", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Odd", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq.trans", + "neg_sq", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "id", + "eq_self", + "HPow.hPow", + "Monoid", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_add", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Semiring.toOne", + "instHMul", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "congr", + "HMul.hMul", + "instMulNat", + "congrArg"], + "name": "Odd.neg_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Monoid α] [inst_1 : HasDistribNeg α] {n : ℕ}, Odd n → ∀ (a : α), (-a) ^ n = -a ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Monoid", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "Odd.neg_pow", + "Eq.refl", + "HasDistribNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "one_pow", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "instHPow", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat", + "Odd", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "Odd.neg_one_pow", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Monoid α] [inst_1 : HasDistribNeg α] {n : ℕ}, Odd n → (-1) ^ n = -1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "String.toSubstring'", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "_neutral", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.namespace", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "UInt8", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "List.nil"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.mul_zero", + "CommMonoidWithZero.zero_mul", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoid", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "CommMonoidWithZero", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "constType": + "{M₀ : Type u_4} → [self : CommMonoidWithZero M₀] → MonoidWithZero M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "Subtype.val", + "Eq.refl", + "Exists.intro", + "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.10", + "FltRegular.CaseI.f1k₂", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "instLTNat", + "True", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "ite", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Nat.Prime", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Int.instNegInt", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNat", + "if_false", + "", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "eq_self", + "NeZero.succ", + "Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "Ne", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "False", + "Fin.val", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "ite_congr", + "instDecidableFalse", + "eq_false", + "", + "False.elim", + "of_eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "Mathlib.Algebra.NeZero._auxLemma.4", + "", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "letFun", + "", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Nat.instCharZero", + "Int", + "", + "Fin"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.auxf1k₂", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} (hpri : Nat.Prime p) (a : ℤ), ∃ i, FltRegular.CaseI.f1k₂ a ↑i = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Equiv", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Ideal.span", + "algebraRat", + "div_zeta_sub_one_Bijective", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Nat", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Subtype", + "Equiv.symm", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "NumberField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Ideal", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "RingHom", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "semigroupDvd", + "Equiv.ofBijective", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instHPow", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finset", + "Ring.toSub", + "Equiv.instFunLike", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "DFunLike.coe", + "div_zeta_sub_one", + "NeZero.succ", + "Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "Membership.mem", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "instAddNat", + "zeta_sub_one_dvd_root.proof_1", + "instHAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "PNat"], + "name": "zeta_sub_one_dvd_root", + "constType": + "{K : Type u_1} →\n {p : ℕ+} →\n [hpri : Fact p.Prime] →\n [inst : Field K] →\n [inst_1 : NumberField K] →\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] →\n p ≠ 2 →\n {ζ : K} →\n (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) →\n {x y z : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K} →\n {ε : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} →\n {m : ℕ} →\n x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = ↑ε * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ ↑p →\n ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y →\n { x // x ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset (↑p) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) }", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "neg_eq_zero", + "propext", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "SubtractionMonoid", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : SubtractionMonoid α] {a : α}, (-a = 0) = (a = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Iff.rfl", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Commute.one_right", + "one_pow", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "Ring.toNeg", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "Ring", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Commute.sq_eq_sq_iff_eq_or_eq_neg", + "id", + "HPow.hPow", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Or", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "NoZeroDivisors", + "Semiring.toOne", + "propext", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg"], + "name": "sq_eq_one_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type x} [inst : Ring R] {a : R} [inst_1 : NoZeroDivisors R], a ^ 2 = 1 ↔ a = 1 ∨ a = -1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHDiv", + "instAddNat", + "Nat.instDiv", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "instHMod", + "Nat.add_mul_mod_self_left", + "Nat.add_right_comm", + "Nat.mod_add_div", + "", + "letFun", + "HMod.hMod", + "HMul.hMul", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "Nat", + "instMulNat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.symm", + "Nat.instMod"], + "name": "Nat.mod_add_mod", + "constType": "∀ (m n k : ℕ), (m % n + k) % n = (m + k) % n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["DecidablePred", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Multiset.filter", + "Finset.filter.proof_1", + ""], + "name": "Finset.filter", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → (p : α → Prop) → [inst : DecidablePred p] → Finset α → Finset α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Ideal.mapHom_apply", + "", + "Submodule", + "RingHomClass", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "Ideal.mapHom", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "FunLike", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "DFunLike.coe", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "Eq.symm", + "MonoidWithZeroHom.funLike", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} {F : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing R] [inst_1 : CommRing S] [inst_2 : FunLike F R S]\n [rc : RingHomClass F R S] (f : F) (I : Ideal R), f I = (Ideal.mapHom f) I", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "FractionRing.liftAlgebra.proof_2", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "IsDomain", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "IsFractionRing.lift", + "FractionRing.field", + "Semifield.toCommGroupWithZero", + "CommRing", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "Field", + "Algebra", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "RingHom.toAlgebra", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "algebraMap", + "Field.toSemifield", + "OreLocalization.instCommSemiring", + "CommGroupWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "FractionRing", + "FractionRing.liftAlgebra.proof_1", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "", + "Field.toDivisionRing"], + "name": "FractionRing.liftAlgebra", + "constType": + "(R : Type u_1) →\n [inst : CommRing R] →\n (K : Type u_5) →\n [inst_1 : IsDomain R] →\n [inst_2 : Field K] → [inst_3 : Algebra R K] → [inst_4 : NoZeroSMulDivisors R K] → Algebra (FractionRing R) K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["AddSemigroup", "AddMonoid"], + "name": "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : AddMonoid M] → AddSemigroup M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_5", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.namespace"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_7._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["NatCast", "AddMonoidWithOne"], + "name": "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "constType": "{R : Type u_2} → [self : AddMonoidWithOne R] → NatCast R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommGroupWithZero", + "AlgHomClass.toRingHomClass", + "Exists.casesOn", + "algebraRat", + "instLTNat", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "DivisionCommMonoid.toDivisionMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_eq_one", + "Nat", + "And.casesOn", + "InvOneClass.toInv", + "AlgEquiv.instEquivLike", + "HPow.hPow", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta_spec", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "galConj_zeta", + "AlgEquiv.instFunLike", + "And", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "congrArg", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "Inv.inv", + "Exists", + "AlgEquiv", + "PNat.pos", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "AlgEquivClass.toAlgHomClass", + "AlgEquiv.instAlgEquivClass", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instHPow", + "map_pow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "DFunLike.coe", + "CommGroupWithZero.toDivisionCommMonoid", + "id", + "inv_pow", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "Rat", + "Field.toSemifield", + "Field.toInv", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Field.isDomain", + "Eq.ndrec", + "CharZero", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "galConj", + "PNat"], + "name": "galConj_zeta_runity", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} {p : ℕ+} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K] [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] {ζ : K},\n IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p → (galConj K p) ζ = ζ⁻¹", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Associated", + "Monoid", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Units.instOne", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "units_eq_one", + "Eq.refl", + "Units.val_one", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Unique", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "Units", + "instHMul", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "mul_one", + "congrArg", + "Associated.refl", + "id"], + "name": "associated_iff_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] [inst_1 : Unique αˣ] {x y : α}, Associated x y ↔ x = y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "instHSub", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.eval", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Lean.Omega.Coeffs", + "Neg.neg", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.instAdd", + "Int.instAdd", + "True", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.add_eval", + "Eq", + "of_eq_true", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Int.instSub", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.instSub", + "congrArg", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", + "Int", + "Eq.trans", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.instNeg", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.neg_eval", + "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.sub_eq_add_neg"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo.sub_eval", + "constType": + "∀ (l₁ l₂ : Lean.Omega.LinearCombo) (v : Lean.Omega.Coeffs), (l₁ - l₂).eval v = l₁.eval v - l₂.eval v", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoidWithOne", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "CharZero", + "propext", + "Nat.cast_inj", + "Nat", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.10", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] {m n : ℕ}, (↑m = ↑n) = (m = n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Neg.neg", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "Int", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Eq", + "ite"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.f1k₂", + "constType": "ℤ → ℕ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "Ne", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "False", + "Trans.trans", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "exists_pair_ne", + "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "Eq.refl", + "One.toOfNat1", + "MulZeroOneClass.toZero", + "Exists.casesOn", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "MulZeroOneClass", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHMul", + "NeZero", + "Eq.mpr", + "", + "one_mul", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "instTransEq", + "Nontrivial", + "congrArg", + "id"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_1} [inst : MulZeroOneClass M₀] [inst_1 : Nontrivial M₀], NeZero 1", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Ideal.uniqueUnits", + "Finset.exists_eq_pow_of_mul_eq_pow_of_coprime", + "Insert.insert", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "algebraRat", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "instOfNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HPow.hPow", + "safe", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "CyclotomicField", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "False.elim", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "", + "congr", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "Exists", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Submodule.instIdemCommSemiring", + "Eq.refl", + "NeZero.pnat", + "algebraInt", + "Finset.gcd", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "Field.toCommRing", + "Nat.Prime.eq_two_or_odd", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Finset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.4", + "NeZero.charZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "IsDomain.toCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Int.instMul", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "algebraMap", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "LE.le", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "instNatCastInt", + "Bool.false", + "letFun", + "HMod.hMod", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "IdemCommSemiring.toCommSemiring", + "", + "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "Int.cast_pow", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Ideal.span", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toGCDMonoid", + "Int.cast_add", + "instLTNat", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Nat.Prime.ne_zero", + "Nat", + "Eq.trans", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "FltRegular.ab_coprime", + "Ne", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDedekindDomain", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "congr_arg", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta_spec", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "eq_false_of_decide", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'_coe", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Or.resolve_left", + "instHMul", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "Int.cast", + "fltIdeals_coprime", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "", + "Fact", + "congrArg", + "Ideal", + "Ideal.isDomain", + "pow_add_pow_eq_prod_add_zeta_runity_mul", + "RingHom", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Fact.out", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instLENat", + "instHPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat.decLe", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "Rat.instField", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "False", + "instHAdd", + "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Rat", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "eq_intCast", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "instHMod", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.3", + "Units.val", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "Bool", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Nat.instMod"], + "name": "FltRegular.exists_ideal", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} [hpri : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] {a b c : ℤ},\n 5 ≤ p →\n a ^ p + b ^ p = c ^ p →\n {a, b, c}.gcd id = 1 →\n ¬↑p ∣ a * b * c →\n ∀ {ζ : NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField ⟨p, ⋯⟩ ℚ)},\n ζ ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset p (NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField ⟨p, ⋯⟩ ℚ)) →\n ∃ I, Ideal.span {↑a + ζ * ↑b} = I ^ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "", + "NonUnitalSemiring.mul_assoc", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.mul_one", + "Semiring.npow_succ", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Semiring.npow_zero", + "Semiring.one_mul", + "Semiring.toOne", + "", + "Semiring.npow", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.zero_mul", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.mul_zero", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Semiring α] → MonoidWithZero α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["InvolutiveNeg", + "neg_inj", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "propext", + "Neg.neg", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.8", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : InvolutiveNeg G] {a b : G}, (-a = -b) = (a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["DivisionRing.toDivisionSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Set", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "NumberField.to_finiteDimensional", + "algebraRat", + "RingHom.injective", + "LocalRing.toNontrivial", + "Set.Elem", + "Field", + "Algebra", + "", + "IsScalarTower.rat", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "algebraMap", + "Finite", + "Rat", + "Field.toSemifield", + "ValuationRing.localRing", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Field.isDomain", + "Rat.instDivisionRing", + "ValuationRing.of_field", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Module.Finite.trans", + "NumberField", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.finite", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "charZero_of_injective_algebraMap", + "PNat"], + "name": "IsCyclotomicExtension.numberField", + "constType": + "∀ (S : Set ℕ+) (K : Type w) (L : Type z) [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : Field L] [inst_2 : Algebra K L] [h : NumberField K]\n [inst_3 : Finite ↑S] [inst : IsCyclotomicExtension S K L], NumberField L", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "Submodule", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "HEq", + "IsDomain", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Set", + "Eq.refl", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "IsNoetherianRing", + "Ideal.span", + "InvImage", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Preorder.toLT", + "WellFounded", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Ideal.span_singleton_lt_span_singleton", + "DvdNotUnit", + "WfDvdMonoid", + "funext", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "eq_of_heq", + "", + "wellFounded_submodule_gt", + "", + "Iff.symm", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "HEq.refl", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "Singleton.singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Eq.casesOn", + "Ideal"], + "name": "IsNoetherianRing.wfDvdMonoid", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing α] [inst_1 : IsDomain α] [inst_2 : IsNoetherianRing α], WfDvdMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_3", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["LE"], + "name": "OrderTop", + "constType": "(α : Type u) → [inst : LE α] → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "Finset.sum", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "True", + "Eq", + "ite", + "DecidablePred", + "Finset.sum_apply_ite", + "of_eq_true", + "instDecidableNot", + "Finset", + "Finset.filter", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Finset.sum_ite", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [inst : AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset α} {p : α → Prop} {hp : DecidablePred p}\n (f g : α → β),\n (∑ x ∈ s, if p x then f x else g x) = ∑ x ∈ Finset.filter p s, f x + ∑ x ∈ Finset.filter (fun x => ¬p x) s, g x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Decidable", "Eq"], + "name": "DecidableEq", + "constType": "Sort u → Sort (max 1 u)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Sub", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "tsub_eq_zero_iff_le", + "OrderedSub", + "propext", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.KummersLemma._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] [inst_1 : Sub α] [inst_2 : OrderedSub α] {a b : α},\n (a - b = 0) = (a ≤ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "neg_zero", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "True", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Ring.toNeg", + "of_eq_true", + "Ring", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Eq.trans", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_2} [inst : Ring R], -0 = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["forall_eq", "propext", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {a' : α}, (∀ (a : α), a = a' → p a) = p a'", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["And", + "Ne", + "Iff", + "Eq.rec", + "and_iff_right_of_imp", + "Ne.symm", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "ne_and_eq_iff_right", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {a b c : α}, b ≠ c → (a ≠ b ∧ a = c ↔ a = c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff", "Classical.propDecidable", "Not", "Decidable.not_imp_self"], + "name": "not_imp_self", + "constType": "∀ {a : Prop}, ¬a → a ↔ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["MonadExcept", "tryCatchThe", "", "throwThe", "MonadExceptOf"], + "name": "instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf", + "constType": + "(ε : Type u) → (m : Type v → Type w) → [inst : MonadExceptOf ε m] → MonadExcept ε m", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "SubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HSub.hSub", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : SubNegMonoid G] (a b : G), a + -b = a - b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "Submodule", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Algebra.toModule", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "IsLocalization.coeSubmodule", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "IsFractional", + "Algebra", + "FractionalIdeal", + "Submonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "FractionalIdeal.coeIdeal.proof_1", + "Ideal", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "FractionalIdeal.coeIdeal", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n [inst : CommRing R] →\n {S : Submonoid R} → {P : Type u_2} → [inst_1 : CommRing P] → [inst_2 : Algebra R P] → Ideal R → FractionalIdeal S P", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.mem_singleton", + "Membership.mem", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.7", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a b : α}, (b ∈ {a}) = (b = a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Submodule.span_mul_span", + "Submodule", + "Submodule.mul", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Set.mul", + "Ideal.instMul", + "Set", + "Set.singleton_mul_singleton", + "Eq.refl", + "Ideal.span", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Submodule.span", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "Singleton.singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "", + "congrArg", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule", + "id"], + "name": "Ideal.span_singleton_mul_span_singleton", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring R] (r s : R), Ideal.span {r} * Ideal.span {s} = Ideal.span {r * s}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "CommSemiring"], + "name": "Algebra", + "constType": + "(R : Type u) → (A : Type v) → [inst : CommSemiring R] → [inst : Semiring A] → Type (max u v)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["List", "List.isSetoid", "Quotient"], + "name": "Multiset", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CyclotomicField.classGroupFinite", + "Rat.instField", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Rat", + "Eq.refl", + "Fintype.card", + "IsRegularNumber", + "instLTNat", + "CyclotomicField", + "ClassGroup", + "Eq", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "IsRegularNumber.proof_1", + "IsRegularNumber.proof_2", + "", + "Nat.Coprime", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Fact", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + ""], + "name": "IsRegularNumber.eq_1", + "constType": + "∀ (n : ℕ) [hn : Fact (0 < n)],\n IsRegularNumber n = n.Coprime (Fintype.card (ClassGroup (NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField ⟨n, ⋯⟩ ℚ))))", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Multiset.nodup_range", "Multiset.range", "Finset", "", "Nat"], + "name": "Finset.range", + "constType": "ℕ → Finset ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero.toOfNat0", "Zero", "Ne", "NeZero", "OfNat.ofNat"], + "name": "", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : Zero R] {n : R}, n ≠ 0 → NeZero n", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "instHMul", + "mul_assoc", + "HMul.hMul", + "Eq.symm", + "Semigroup", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.19", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Semigroup G] (a b c : G), a * (b * c) = a * b * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddCommGroup.add_comm", + "", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "AddCommGroup", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : AddCommGroup G] → AddCommMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.eq_ofNat_of_zero_le", + "Exists", + "Int.natAbs_of_nonneg.match_1", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Nat", + "rfl", + "instOfNat", + "LE.le", + "Int", + "Int.instLEInt", + "Int.natAbs", + "Eq"], + "name": "Int.natAbs_of_nonneg", + "constType": "∀ {a : ℤ}, 0 ≤ a → ↑a.natAbs = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "instDecidableFalse", + "False", + "of_eq_true", + "Decidable", + "Eq.refl", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "ite_congr", + "True", + "ite", + "Eq"], + "name": "ite_cond_eq_false", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u} {c : Prop} {x : Decidable c} (a b : α), c = False → (if c then a else b) = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_10", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_5"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_6._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "HEq", + "Iff.rfl", + "Nat.decLt", + "Eq.refl", + "heq_of_eq", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.154", + "instLTNat", + "True", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "iff_self", + "Finset.instMembership", + "ite", + "Eq", + "DecidablePred", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "Lean.Meta.FastSubsingleton.elim", + "Finset.range", + "Finset", + "Decidable", + "Finset.filter", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq.trans", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "Finset.decidableMem", + "funext", + "Finset.filter_eq", + "eq_of_heq", + "eq_comm", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "ite_congr", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "HEq.refl", + "Lean.Meta.instFastSubsingletonDecidable", + "propext", + "", + "HEq.casesOn", + "Lean.Meta.instFastSubsingletonForall", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Eq.casesOn", + "congrArg", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection"], + "name": "Finset.range_filter_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {n m : ℕ}, Finset.filter (fun x => x = m) (Finset.range n) = if m < n then {m} else ∅", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Ne", "Preorder.toLT", "", "Ne.symm", "Preorder", ""], + "name": "'", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Preorder α] {x y : α}, x < y → y ≠ x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_12", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_6", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_7._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.comp_apply", + "RingHom", + "RingHom.comp", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "NonAssocSemiring", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.11", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} {γ : Type u_4} {x : NonAssocSemiring α} {x_1 : NonAssocSemiring β}\n {x_2 : NonAssocSemiring γ} (hnp : β →+* γ) (hmn : α →+* β) (x_3 : α), hnp (hmn x_3) = (hnp.comp hmn) x_3", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Field", + "Subalgebra", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "algebraInt", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "integralClosure", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "Int", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Subtype"], + "name": "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "constType": "(K : Type u_1) → [inst : Field K] → Type u_1", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Units", + "Monoid", + "Units.instGroup.proof_1", + "", + "Group", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid"], + "name": "Units.instGroup", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Monoid α] → Group αˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["DivInvMonoid", "Group"], + "name": "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : Group G] → DivInvMonoid G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "propext", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "nonpos_iff_eq_zero", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "LE.le", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.23", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] {a : α}, (a ≤ 0) = (a = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", "CommMonoid", "", "Finset", "Finset.val"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_3} → {β : Type u_4} → [inst : CommMonoid β] → Finset α → (α → β) → β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.gcd_dvd_right", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.ofNat_dvd", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.natAbs_dvd_self", + "Int.gcd", + "Int.dvd_trans", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "letFun", + "", + "Nat.gcd", + "Nat.instDvd", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.symm", + "Int", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.gcd_dvd_right", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, ↑(a.gcd b) ∣ b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_20", + "_obj", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "List.nil", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_21._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Nat"], + "name": "Lean.MacroScope", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "instHAdd", + "propext", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "add_right_eq_self", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.8", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u} [inst : AddLeftCancelMonoid M] {a b : M}, (a + b = a) = (b = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "Submodule", + "", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "rfl", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "Ideal.Quotient.mk_eq_mk", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommRing R] {I : Ideal R} (x : R), x = ( I) x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", "Mul"], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring α] → Mul α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["SemilatticeInf", "PartialOrder"], + "name": "SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : SemilatticeInf α] → PartialOrder α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_28._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["AddMonoidWithOne", "AddMonoid"], + "name": "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "constType": "{R : Type u_2} → [self : AddMonoidWithOne R] → AddMonoid R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ideal.instMul", + "Set", + "CommSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Ideal.span", + "Ideal.span_singleton_mul_span_singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Eq.symm", + "Ideal", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.9", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring R] (r s : R), Ideal.span {r * s} = Ideal.span {r} * Ideal.span {s}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_15._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_6._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Lean.Name._impl"], + "name": "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "constType": "Lean.Name._impl", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["AddMonoidWithOne", "AddGroupWithOne"], + "name": "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : AddGroupWithOne R] → AddMonoidWithOne R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "FunLike", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Semiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal.span", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Set.image", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Submodule.setLike", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} →\n {S : Type v} →\n {F : Type u_1} → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : Semiring S] → [inst_2 : FunLike F R S] → F → Ideal R → Ideal S", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "FunLike", "Mul"], + "name": "MulHomClass", + "constType": + "(F : Type u_10) →\n (M : outParam (Type u_11)) →\n (N : outParam (Type u_12)) → [inst : Mul M] → [inst : Mul N] → [inst : FunLike F M N] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "AddLeftCancelMonoid"], + "name": "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toZero", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : AddLeftCancelMonoid M] → Zero M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Associated", + "Units", + "Monoid", + "propext", + "Eq.symm", + "associated_iff_eq", + "Eq", + "Unique"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.7", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] [inst_1 : Unique αˣ] {x y : α}, (x = y) = Associated x y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.cast", "instNatCastInt", "Nat", "Int", "rfl", "Eq", "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.natAbs_ofNat", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ), (↑n).natAbs = n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["LieRing.ofAssociativeRing.proof_2", + "LieRing.ofAssociativeRing.proof_4", + "", + "Ring", + "Ring.instBracket", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "LieRing", + "LieRing.ofAssociativeRing.proof_3", + "LieRing.ofAssociativeRing.proof_1", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing"], + "name": "LieRing.ofAssociativeRing", + "constType": "{A : Type v} → [inst : Ring A] → LieRing A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Function.comp", + "Eq.refl", + "Multiset.map_map", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "", + "MonoidHomClass", + "Eq.mpr", + "FunLike", + "CommMonoid", + "Multiset", + "Finset", + "", + "", + "Finset.val", + "map_multiset_prod", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "id"], + "name": "map_prod", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {γ : Type u_5} [inst : CommMonoid β] [inst_1 : CommMonoid γ] {G : Type u_6}\n [inst_2 : FunLike G β γ] [inst_3 : MonoidHomClass G β γ] (g : G) (f : α → β) (s : Finset α),\n g (∏ x ∈ s, f x) = ∏ x ∈ s, g (f x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Nat.cast_lt", + "OrderedSemiring.zeroLEOneClass", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toCovariantClassLeft", + "OrderedSemiring.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "instLTNat", + "Iff.mpr", + "Eq", + "OrderedSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.ble", + "", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_lt_true.match_1", + "CharZero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "Bool.false", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "OrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "Bool", + "Nat", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.ble_eq_false", + "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_lt_true", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : OrderedSemiring α] [inst_1 : CharZero α] {a b : α} {a' b' : ℕ},\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat a a' → Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat b b' → b'.ble a' = false → a < b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "AddCommMonoid.add_comm", + "PartENat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne.proof_2", + "PartENat.addCommMonoid", + "", + "PartENat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne.proof_1", + "PartENat", + "One.toOfNat1", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "PartENat.some", + "", + "", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne", + "", + "PartENat.instOne", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "PartENat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "constType": "AddCommMonoidWithOne PartENat", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instCommGroupRelativeUnits", + "CommGroup.toGroup", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Algebra.toModule", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "LieRing.toAddCommGroup", + "Field.toSemifield", + "RelativeUnits", + "MonoidHom", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "AlgHom", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "relativeUnitsMap", + "AlgHom.End", + "Monoid.End.inst", + "relativeUnitsMapHom.proof_1", + "Field", + "NumberField", + "Algebra", + "relativeUnitsMapHom.proof_2", + "", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "", + "LieRing.ofAssociativeRing", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Monoid.End", + "FiniteDimensional"], + "name": "relativeUnitsMapHom", + "constType": + "{K : Type u_1} →\n [inst : Field K] →\n [inst_1 : NumberField K] →\n {k : Type u_2} →\n [inst_2 : Field k] →\n [inst_3 : NumberField k] →\n [inst_4 : Algebra k K] → [inst_5 : FiniteDimensional k K] → (K →ₐ[k] K) →* Monoid.End (RelativeUnits k K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Set.singleton", "Set", "Singleton", ""], + "name": "Set.instSingletonSet", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → Singleton α (Set α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.Prime.one_lt", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "'", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat"], + "name": "Nat.Prime.ne_one", + "constType": "∀ {p : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p → p ≠ 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "IsCoprime", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Iff.mpr", + "Int.instAdd", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "mul_assoc", + "Nat.Prime", + "Iff", + "Nat.cast", + "", + "Int.natCast_dvd", + "Dvd.dvd.mul_left", + "Nat.instDvd", + "Nat", + "And.casesOn", + "instOfNat", + "Int.instDistrib", + "Int.instDvd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Nat.Prime.not_coprime_iff_dvd", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Int.gcd", + "Iff.intro", + "instHMul", + "And", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "dvd_add", + "Nat.gcd", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Int.natCast_dvd_natCast", + "Int.exists_unit_of_abs", + "Int.instSemigroup", + "Exists", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Eq.refl", + "Exists.intro", + "mul_comm", + "Nat.gcd_eq_gcd_ab", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toCommMagma", + "Int.ofNat_one", + "Int.instCommSemigroup", + "Nat.Prime.not_dvd_one", + "instOfNatNat", + "Eq.symm", + "Decidable.byContradiction", + "id", + "Nat.gcdB", + "False", + "instHAdd", + "Int.instMul", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.instMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Nat.gcdA", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Int.instCommRing", + "instNatCastInt", + "HMul.hMul", + "Nat.Coprime", + "IsUnit", + "Int.gcd_eq_natAbs", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.gcd_eq_one_iff_coprime", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, a.gcd b = 1 ↔ IsCoprime a b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Sub", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["normalize.proof_3", + "NormalizationMonoid", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "", + "MulZeroOneClass.toZero", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "instHMul", + "normalize.proof_1", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "NormalizationMonoid.normUnit", + "normalize.proof_2", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "normalize", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → [inst_1 : NormalizationMonoid α] → α →*₀ α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["OmegaCompletePartialOrder", "PartialOrder"], + "name": "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.toPartialOrder", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [self : OmegaCompletePartialOrder α] → PartialOrder α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_4", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_11", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_8", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_2", + "", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_9", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_1", + "CommRing.mul_comm", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_7", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_5", + "CommRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_10", + "Ring.zsmul", + "Ring.toNeg", + "", + "Ring.toSub", + "CommRing.toRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_6", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing.proof_3", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + ""], + "name": "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [s : CommRing α] → NonUnitalCommRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["LinearOrderedRing", "StrictOrderedRing"], + "name": "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : LinearOrderedRing α] → StrictOrderedRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_35", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_36", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_37._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Nat", "Int"], + "name": "Int.ofNat", + "constType": "ℕ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["if_pos.match_1", + "Subsingleton.intro", + "Decidable.isFalse", + "Subsingleton", + "Decidable", + "Not", + "Decidable.isTrue", + "absurd", + "rfl", + "Eq"], + "name": "instSubsingletonDecidable", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), Subsingleton (Decidable p)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_41._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "MulOneClass.mul_one", + "MulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "HMul.hMul", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Eq"], + "name": "mul_one", + "constType": "∀ {M : Type u} [inst : MulOneClass M] (a : M), a * 1 = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "instHMul", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "instHPow", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HMul.hMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Monoid.npow_succ", + "Nat", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "pow_succ", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : Monoid M] (a : M) (n : ℕ), a ^ (n + 1) = a ^ n * a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Eq.rec", "Eq"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{α β : Sort u} → α = β → α → β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["LinearOrder", "Max"], + "name": "LinearOrder.toMax", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : LinearOrder α] → Max α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "instHAdd", + "propext", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "add_right_eq_self", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.32", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u} [inst : AddLeftCancelMonoid M] {a b : M}, (a + b = a) = (b = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "SetLike.mem_coe", + "SetLike", + "propext", + "Set", + "Set.instMembership", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [i : SetLike A B] {p : A} {x : B}, (x ∈ ↑p) = (x ∈ p)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Nat.cast", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Nat.instMonoid", + "instHPow", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat.cast_pow", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.16", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Semiring α] (m n : ℕ), ↑m ^ n = ↑(m ^ n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_iff_true_of_subsingleton", "propext", "Subsingleton", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.RegularPrimes._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} [inst : Subsingleton α] (x y : α), (x = y) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "ZMod.match_1", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Unit", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Int", + "Fin"], + "name": "ZMod", + "constType": "ℕ → Type", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Multiset", + "Finset", + "Multiset.nodup_singleton", + "Multiset.instSingleton", + "Singleton.singleton", + "", + "Singleton", + ""], + "name": "Finset.instSingleton", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → Singleton α (Finset α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["IsCyclotomicExtension.exists_prim_root", + "PNat.val", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "Classical.choose_spec", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Set.mem_singleton", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Set", + "Algebra", + "Singleton.singleton", + "CommRing", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta", + "PNat"], + "name": "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta_spec", + "constType": + "∀ (n : ℕ+) (A : Type w) (B : Type z) [inst : CommRing A] [inst_1 : CommRing B] [inst_2 : Algebra A B]\n [inst_3 : IsCyclotomicExtension {n} A B], IsPrimitiveRoot (IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta n A B) ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Exists", + "Iff", + "Iff.rfl", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "MonoidHom", + "DFunLike.coe", + "MonoidHom.range", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Subgroup.instSetLike", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "MonoidHom.mem_range", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Group G] {N : Type u_5} [inst_1 : Group N] {f : G →* N} {y : N}, y ∈ f.range ↔ ∃ x, f x = y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Or", "propext", "or_true_iff", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.32", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), (p ∨ True) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_12", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_14._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lattice.toInf", + "Lattice", + "Lattice.le_inf", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeSup", + "Lattice.inf_le_right", + "Lattice.inf_le_left", + "SemilatticeInf", + "SemilatticeSup.toPartialOrder", + ""], + "name": "Lattice.toSemilatticeInf", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : Lattice α] → SemilatticeInf α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "GCDMonoid", + "Dvd.dvd", + "GCDMonoid.gcd_dvd_left", + "semigroupDvd", + "GCDMonoid.gcd_dvd_right", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Iff.intro", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "And", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "Iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "dvd_gcd_iff.match_1", + "And.intro", + "Dvd.dvd.trans", + "GCDMonoid.dvd_gcd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "dvd_gcd_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [inst_1 : GCDMonoid α] (a b c : α), a ∣ gcd b c ↔ a ∣ b ∧ a ∣ c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Int.emod", "", "Mod", "Int"], + "name": "Int.instMod", + "constType": "Mod ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "Exists", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "instMulNat", + "Nat", + "Dvd", + "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.instDvd", + "constType": "Dvd ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.cast_one", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "neg_zero", + "Distrib.rightDistribClass", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Int.cast_add", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Exists.casesOn", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "Eq", + "Int.eq_nat_or_neg", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "Nat.recAux", + "Int.cast_neg", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Nat", + "NonAssocRing.toNonAssocSemiring", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.cast_one", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Or", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Or.casesOn", + "Nat.cast_add", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Int.cast_zero", + "instHMul", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "of_eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "Int.cast", + "Int.instAddCommGroup", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "congr", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "AddCommGroupWithOne.toAddGroupWithOne", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "Exists", + "NonAssocRing", + "NonAssocRing.toAddCommGroupWithOne", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Basic._auxLemma.18", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "True", + "add_mul", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "one_mul", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "forall_congr", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Int.instNegInt", + "neg_mul", + "Eq.symm", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id", + "eq_self", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "instAddNat", + "Int.instMul", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "implies_true", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Eq.ndrec", + "instNatCastInt", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "neg_add_rev"], + "name": "Int.cast_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : NonAssocRing α] (m n : ℤ), ↑(m * n) = ↑m * ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Set", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Subalgebra", + "algebraRat", + "algebraInt", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta", + "PNat.val", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.adjoinEquivRingOfIntegers'", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Nat.Prime", + "Field", + "Polynomial.instCommRingAdjoinSingleton", + "Subtype", + "Membership.mem", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.zeta_spec", + "Rat", + "Field.toSemifield", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.equiv", + "Int.instCommRing", + "CharZero", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Subalgebra.algebra", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Singleton.singleton", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.adjoin_isCyclotomicExtension", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Algebra.adjoin", + "Int", + "PNat"], + "name": "IsCyclotomicExtension.ring_of_integers'", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} {K : Type u} [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K] [hp : Fact (Nat.Prime ↑p)]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K], IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℤ (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Option"], + "name": "Option.none", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → Option α", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Int.instSemiring", + "", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommGroup.intModule.proof_3", + "AddCommGroup.intModule.proof_6", + "AddCommGroup.intModule.proof_1", + "SubNegMonoid.SMulInt", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "AddCommGroup.intModule.proof_2", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "", + "AddCommGroup.intModule.proof_5", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "Module", + "AddCommGroup", + "Int", + "", + "AddCommGroup.intModule.proof_4"], + "name": "AddCommGroup.intModule", + "constType": "(M : Type u_5) → [inst : AddCommGroup M] → Module ℤ M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_6", + "List.cons", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_8", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_9._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", + "Int.eq_ofNat_of_zero_le", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.le_of_lt", + "Int.natAbs_lt_natAbs_of_nonneg_of_lt.match_1", + "Int.ofNat_lt", + "LE.le", + "instLTNat", + "Int.instLTInt", + "Eq", + "Int.le_trans", + "", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "", + "Nat", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "Int.instLEInt", + "Int.natAbs"], + "name": "Int.natAbs_lt_natAbs_of_nonneg_of_lt", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, 0 ≤ a → a < b → a.natAbs < b.natAbs", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.cast_one", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "Units.instInv", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "IsRegularPrime", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.ne_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Insert.insert", + "integralClosure", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.val", + "Decidable.decide", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.zpow_eq_one_iff_dvd", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "map_mul", + "instOfNat", + "ZMod.intCast_mod", + "Subtype", + "", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "GroupWithZero.toInv", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.coe_submonoidClass_iff", + "instHDiv", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "Units.instMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NormedCommRing.toNormedRing", + "Set.instMembership", + "And", + "Int.instCharZero", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "congr", + "And.intro", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int.emod_nonneg", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "HEq", + "Set", + "Eq.refl", + "semigroupDvd", + "NeZero.pnat", + "zpow_sub₀", + "Finset.gcd", + "RingHomClass.toNonUnitalRingHomClass", + "CyclotomicField.instField", + "Mathlib.Data.Nat.Cast.Order.Ring._auxLemma.5", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "absurd", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "mul_add", + "FltRegular.is_principal", + "of_decide_eq_false", + "algebraMap", + "Field.toSemifield", + "SubmonoidClass.toCommMonoid", + "Neg.neg", + "NormedField.toNormedCommRing", + "GroupWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "LE.le", + "GroupWithZero.toDiv", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "instNatCastInt", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "letFun", + "PNat.mk_coe", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "HSub", + "", + "PNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Subalgebra.SubsemiringClass", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Ideal.span", + "NonUnitalRingHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "LocalRing.toNontrivial", + "Int.natAbs_lt_natAbs_of_nonneg_of_lt", + "ZMod.instField", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Int.cast_mul", + "Int.instMod", + "not_false_eq_true", + "DivisionRing.toDivInvMonoid", + "Eq.trans", + "NormedRing.toRing", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "NumberField.Units.coe_zpow", + "GroupWithZero.toDivInvMonoid", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "Int.instLTInt", + "ZMod", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "ValuationRing.of_field", + "of_eq_true", + "HEq.refl", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Int.cast", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "zpow_neg", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toCommMagma", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Int.natAbs_ofNat", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "eq_self", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "False", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.7", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Field.isDomain", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.ext", + "Units.val", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Bool", + "Eq.casesOn", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "map_units_inv", + "Int.natAbs", + "add_sub_assoc", + "RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "sub_self", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Int.natAbs_of_nonneg", + "Semifield.toCommGroupWithZero", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Iff.mpr", + "pow_one", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Nat.Prime", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "mul_assoc", + "Nat.cast", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Int.instSub", + "InvOneClass.toInv", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "SubsemiringClass.toSubmonoidClass", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "eq_of_heq", + "ValuationRing.localRing", + "Int.instRing", + "CommGroupWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "CyclotomicField", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "Int", + "Fin", + "Submodule.setLike", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1", + "SetLike.coe", + "Inv.inv", + "Exists", + "Subtype.val", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Exists.intro", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "algebraInt", + "True", + "Field.toCommRing", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "map_pow", + "Eq.rec", + "Finset", + "CommGroupWithZero.toDivisionCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toModule", + "DivInvMonoid.toDiv", + "NeZero.charZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.instMul", + "zpow_one", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Int.cast_sub", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "zpow_natCast", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "InvOneClass.toOne", + "Units", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "", + "HMod.hMod", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Rat.instNormedField", + "sub_sub", + "CyclotomicField.instCharZero", + "Monoid.toOne", + "AddGroupWithOne.toSub", + "Exists.casesOn", + "instLTNat", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "eq_of_div_eq_one", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.6", + "Eq.mpr", + "DivisionCommMonoid.toDivisionMonoid", + "Nat.Prime.ne_zero", + "Nat", + "Ne", + "Nat.Prime.pos", + "DivisionSemiring.toGroupWithZero", + "Fin.val", + "Int.ModEq", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "instHMul", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "Int.emod_lt_of_pos", + "Not", + "", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Ideal", + "CommGroup.toDivisionCommMonoid", + "RingHom", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Subalgebra", + "Fact.out", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "PNat.val", + "mul_comm", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "outParam", + "instLENat", + "instHPow", + "Preorder.toLT", + "Ring.toSub", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Eq.symm", + "HAdd", + "Nat.decLe", + "FltRegular.CaseI.exists_int_sum_eq_zero", + "NeZero.succ", + "Rat.instField", + "instHAdd", + "CyclotomicField.isCyclotomicExtension", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "PNat.coe_inj", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Rat.instCharZero", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "eq_false", + "instHMod", + "Units.instCommGroupUnits", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.8", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "OrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "zpow_sub_one₀", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs._auxLemma.3", + "HMul", + "Int.instNontrivial", + "ZMod.commRing", + "Dvd"], + "name": "FltRegular.ex_fin_div", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ} [hpri : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] {a b c : ℤ} {ζ : NumberField.RingOfIntegers (CyclotomicField ⟨p, ⋯⟩ ℚ)},\n 5 ≤ p →\n IsRegularPrime p →\n IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p →\n {a, b, c}.gcd id = 1 →\n ¬↑p ∣ a * b * c →\n a ^ p + b ^ p = c ^ p → ∃ k₁ k₂, ↑↑k₂ ≡ ↑↑k₁ - 1 [ZMOD ↑p] ∧ ↑p ∣ ↑a + ↑b * ζ - ↑a * ζ ^ ↑k₁ - ↑b * ζ ^ ↑k₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_24._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Iff.rfl", + "instHAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddGroup", + "Iff", + "propext", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "congrArg", + "add_neg_eq_iff_eq_add", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id"], + "name": "sub_eq_iff_eq_add", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] {a b c : G}, a - b = c ↔ a = c + b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_true", + "Dvd.dvd", + "dvd_zero", + "semigroupDvd", + "SemigroupWithZero.toZero", + "True", + "Eq", + "SemigroupWithZero"], + "name": "Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Divisibility._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : SemigroupWithZero α] (a : α), (a ∣ 0) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Syntax.matchesNull", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "_neutral", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "UInt8", + "PUnit.unit", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.replaceRef", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___unexpand_CyclotomicField_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Neg.neg", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instOfNat", + "Int", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Eq", + "ite"], + "name": "FltRegular.f", + "constType": "ℤ → ℤ → ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "IdemSemiring"], + "name": "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : IdemSemiring α] → Semiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam"], + "name": "HSub", + "constType": "Type u → Type v → outParam (Type w) → Type (max (max u v) w)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Or", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "Nat.Prime", + "Iff", + "Nat.instMonoid", + "Eq.rec", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat.instDvd", + "one_dvd", + "Nat", + "dvd_rfl", + "Nat.Prime.eq_one_or_self_of_dvd", + "Eq.symm", + "Or.elim"], + "name": "Nat.dvd_prime", + "constType": "∀ {p m : ℕ}, Nat.Prime p → (m ∣ p ↔ m = 1 ∨ m = p)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "letFun", + "constType": + "{α : Sort u} → {β : α → Sort v} → (v : α) → ((x : α) → β x) → β v", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Submodule.instBot", + "FractionalIdeal.coeIdeal", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Field.toSemifield", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "FractionalIdeal.instZero", + "CommRing", + "Eq", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "FractionalIdeal.coeIdeal_eq_zero", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "propext", + "Field", + "Algebra", + "FractionalIdeal", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule", + "IsFractionRing"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Different._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing R] {K : Type u_3} [inst_1 : Field K] [inst_2 : Algebra R K]\n [inst_3 : IsFractionRing R K] {I : Ideal R}, (↑I = 0) = (I = ⊥)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.mem_singleton", + "Membership.mem", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.28", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a b : α}, (b ∈ {a}) = (b = a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "", + "LeftDistribClass", + "Distrib.left_distrib", + "Distrib", + "Distrib.toMul"], + "name": "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "constType": "∀ (R : Type u_1) [inst : Distrib R], LeftDistribClass R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Submodule.instBot", + "", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Semiring", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Submodule.span_eq_bot", + "Ideal.span", + "Set.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "Ideal.span_eq_bot", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Semiring α] {s : Set α}, Ideal.span s = ⊥ ↔ ∀ x ∈ s, x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Preorder.toLT", + "", + "not_le_of_lt", + "Not", + "Preorder", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE"], + "name": "", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Preorder α] {a b : α}, a < b → ¬b ≤ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["String", "Lean.SourceInfo", "Lean.Syntax"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "constType": "Lean.SourceInfo → String → Lean.Syntax", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Subtype.val", + "Set", + "Function.Injective.commMonoid", + "SubmonoidClass.toCommMonoid.proof_1", + "Set.instMembership", + "SubmonoidClass.toCommMonoid.proof_3", + "SubmonoidClass", + "SubmonoidClass.toCommMonoid.proof_4", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "SubmonoidClass.toMonoid", + "SetLike", + "CommMonoid", + "SubmonoidClass.toCommMonoid.proof_5", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "SubmonoidClass.nPow", + "Subtype", + "SubmonoidClass.toCommMonoid.proof_2", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "SubmonoidClass.toCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{M : Type u_6} →\n [inst : CommMonoid M] →\n {A : Type u_5} → [inst_1 : SetLike A M] → [inst : SubmonoidClass A M] → (S : A) → CommMonoid ↥S", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Decidable.decide", + "Bool.false", + "", + "Int.decLt", + "Bool", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint", + "Int", + "Lean.Omega.Constraint.isImpossible.match_1", + "Int.instLTInt"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Constraint.isImpossible", + "constType": "Lean.Omega.Constraint → Bool", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Decidable.decide", + "Bool.false", + "decide_eq_true", + "Decidable", + "of_decide_eq_true.match_1", + "Not", + "Bool", + "absurd", + "ne_false_of_eq_true", + "Eq"], + "name": "of_decide_eq_false", + "constType": "∀ {p : Prop} [inst : Decidable p], decide p = false → ¬p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HMul.hMul", + "LeftDistribClass", + "Add", + "Mul", + "left_distrib", + "Eq"], + "name": "mul_add", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type x} [inst : Mul R] [inst_1 : Add R] [inst_2 : LeftDistribClass R] (a b c : R), a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "Nat.Prime.odd_of_ne_two", + "EmptyCollection.emptyCollection", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HasDistribNeg", + "IsRegularPrime", + "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.4", + "Insert.insert", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toLinearOrderedSemiring", + "instOfNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HPow.hPow", + "Or", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.5", + "neg_eq_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Int.instRing", + "Int.gcd", + "And", + "propext", + "congr", + "Int.instStarRing", + "And.intro", + "Int", + "Int.instSemigroup", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Exists", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "semigroupDvd", + "Exists.intro", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "StarOrderedRing.toExistsAddOfLE", + "Finset.gcd", + "True", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "Finset", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "neg_add_cancel_right", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "Int.instMul", + "Int.neg_gcd", + "Odd.neg_pow", + "Neg.neg", + "Int.instMonoid", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "NormedCommRing.toSeminormedCommRing", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "Finset.instLawfulSingleton", + "instNatCastInt", + "letFun", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "FltRegular.not_exists_Int_solution'", + "Nat.prime_iff_prime_int", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Int.instNormedCommRing", + "ne_eq", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toGCDMonoid", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "add_neg_cancel_left", + "Eq.mpr", + "", + "Nat", + "Odd", + "And.casesOn", + "Ring.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Eq.trans", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "Ne", + "Monoid", + "Prime.dvd_or_dvd", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "Int.instStarOrderedRing", + "Or.casesOn", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "Prime", + "of_eq_true", + "", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "FltRegular.CaseII.Statement._auxLemma.11", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Finset.instEmptyCollection", + "LinearOrderedSemiring.noZeroDivisors", + "FltRegular.Int.gcd_left_comm", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "Fact.out", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHPow", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Int.instNegInt", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "id", + "eq_self", + "False", + "instHAdd", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Finset.gcd_insert", + "HMul.hMul", + "dvd_neg", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "neg_add_rev"], + "name": "FltRegular.caseII", + "constType": + "∀ {a b c : ℤ} {p : ℕ} [hpri : Fact (Nat.Prime p)],\n IsRegularPrime p → p ≠ 2 → a * b * c ≠ 0 → {a, b, c}.gcd id = 1 → ↑p ∣ a * b * c → a ^ p + b ^ p ≠ c ^ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.sub_ne_zero_of_lt", + "instSubNat", + "", + "HSub.hSub", + "Nat.pos_iff_ne_zero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "Iff.mpr"], + "name": "Nat.sub_pos_of_lt", + "constType": "∀ {m n : ℕ}, m < n → 0 < n - m", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMod", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HMod.hMod", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Nat.instMod", + "Nat.succ", + "Nat.add_lt_add_right", + "Nat.mod_eq_of_lt", + "Eq", + "Nat.succ_pos"], + "name": "Nat.one_mod", + "constType": "∀ (n : ℕ), 1 % (n + 2) = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["False.elim", "False", "Decidable", "Not", "Decidable.byCases", "id"], + "name": "Decidable.byContradiction", + "constType": "∀ {p : Prop} [dec : Decidable p], (¬p → False) → p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Set", + "Dvd.dvd", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Ideal.span", + "semigroupDvd", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Ideal.mem_span_singleton", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.7", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring α] {x y : α}, (x ∈ Ideal.span {y}) = (y ∣ x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Membership.mem", + "Zero", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "Finsupp", + "propext", + "Finset", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Finsupp.mem_support_iff", + "Eq", + "", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {M : Type u_5} [inst : Zero M] {f : α →₀ M} {a : α}, (a ∈ = (f a ≠ 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.symm", + "Iff", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "LinearOrder", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "", + "Not", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "lt_iff_not_ge"], + "name": "not_le", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LinearOrder α] {a b : α}, ¬a ≤ b ↔ b < a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["False", "propext", "Not", "True", "Eq", "not_false_iff"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.13", + "constType": "(¬False) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["inferInstance", + "Int.instAddCommGroup", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Int", + "AddMonoid"], + "name": "Int.instAddMonoid", + "constType": "AddMonoid ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Iff", + "instHAdd", + "Iff.rfl", + "", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "instOfNat", + "LE.le", + "Int", + "Int.instLTInt", + "Int.instAdd", + "Int.instLEInt"], + "name": "Int.add_one_le_iff", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, a + 1 ≤ b ↔ a < b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Zero", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NeZero", + "One", + "'", + "One.toOfNat1"], + "name": "zero_ne_one", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Zero α] [inst_1 : One α] [inst_2 : NeZero 1], 0 ≠ 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring.proof_4", + "", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring.proof_2", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toMul", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.natCast_succ", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.npow", + "", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.mul_comm", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.right_distrib", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toNatCast", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring.proof_1", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOne", + "OrderedCommSemiring", + "", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.npow_zero", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.mul_one", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.npow_succ", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.mul_zero", + "", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.left_distrib", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.mul_assoc", + "", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.one_mul", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.natCast_zero", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.zero_mul", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring.proof_3", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [inst : CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring α] → OrderedCommSemiring α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "inferInstance", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Field", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "CyclotomicField", + "Polynomial.SplittingField", + "Polynomial.SplittingField.instField", + "Polynomial.cyclotomic", + "id", + "PNat"], + "name": "CyclotomicField.instField", + "constType": + "(n : ℕ+) → (K : Type w) → [inst : Field K] → Field (CyclotomicField n K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_9._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "instHSub", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HSub.hSub", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "True", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Ring", + "Ring.toSub", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_2} [inst : Ring R] {a b c d : R}, -b = c → a + c = d → a - b = d", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "CommRing", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_2", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "instAssociativeGcd", + "instCommutativeGcd", + "Finset", + "Finset.fold", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toGCDMonoid", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "Finset.gcd", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} →\n {β : Type u_3} → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → [inst : NormalizedGCDMonoid α] → Finset β → (β → α) → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["PNat.val", + "NeZero", + "", + "Zero.ofOfNat0", + "PNat.ne_zero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "PNat"], + "name": "NeZero.pnat", + "constType": "∀ {a : ℕ+}, NeZero ↑a", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["String", "Lean.Name", "Lean.Name.anonymous", "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "Lean.Name.mkStr1", + "constType": "String → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Iff", "Iff.rfl", "", "LE", "LE.le"], + "name": "ge_iff_le", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LE α] {x y : α}, x ≥ y ↔ y ≤ x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_true", + "Fin.val", + "", + "Fin.is_lt", + "Nat", + "instLTNat", + "True", + "Fin", + "Eq"], + "name": "Init.Data.Fin.Lemmas._auxLemma.1", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} (a : Fin n), (↑a < n) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "instHMul", + "mul_assoc", + "HMul.hMul", + "Eq.symm", + "Semigroup", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Semigroup G] (a b c : G), a * (b * c) = a * b * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_17", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_10", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_18._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_10", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_8"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_11._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["And", "Exists", "propext", "exists_prop", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Finrank._auxLemma.11", + "constType": "∀ {b a : Prop}, (∃ (_ : a), b) = (a ∧ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Eq.rec", "rfl", "Eq"], + "name": "congr", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} {f₁ f₂ : α → β} {a₁ a₂ : α}, f₁ = f₂ → a₁ = a₂ → f₁ a₁ = f₂ a₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Neg.neg", + "neg_add_cancel_left", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq", + "add_neg_cancel_left", + "Iff.intro", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "AddGroup", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "congrArg", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id"], + "name": "neg_add_eq_iff_eq_add", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] {a b c : G}, -a + b = c ↔ b = a + c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroup", + "propext", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "sub_eq_zero", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.14", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] {a b : G}, (a - b = 0) = (a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["False", "False.rec"], + "name": "False.elim", + "constType": "{C : Sort u} → False → C", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Macro", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "EStateM.Result", + "Lean.Syntax", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Module.Finite", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "Ideal.span", + "implies_congr", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Preorder.toLE", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "Algebra", + "Set.image", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "Eq.trans", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "Submodule.instBot", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "OreLocalization.instRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Set.instMembership", + "MonoidHom", + "Module.Free", + "And", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.3", + "FractionRing", + "Submodule.instOrderBot", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "OrderBot.toBot", + "CommRing.toRing", + "congr", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.1", + "Ideal.spanIntNorm", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.5", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike", + "SetLike.coe", + "Exists", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Iff.rfl", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Set", + "IsDomain", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "FractionRing.field", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.7", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.6", + "eq_bot_iff", + "forall_congr", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "FractionRing.liftAlgebra", + "IsIntegrallyClosed", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.8", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Algebra.intNorm", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "funext", + "", + "Algebra.toModule", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.4", + "LE.le", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.2", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "FractionRing.instNoZeroSMulDivisors", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Algebra.IsSeparable"], + "name": "Ideal.spanIntNorm_eq_bot_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing R] {S : Type u_2} [inst_1 : CommRing S] [inst_2 : Algebra R S]\n [inst_3 : IsIntegrallyClosed R] [inst_4 : IsDomain R] [inst_5 : IsDomain S] [inst_6 : NoZeroSMulDivisors R S]\n [inst_7 : IsIntegrallyClosed S] [inst_8 : Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing R) (FractionRing S)] [inst_9 : IsDomain R]\n [inst_10 : IsDomain S] [inst_11 : Module.Free R S] [inst_12 : Module.Finite R S] {I : Ideal S},\n Ideal.spanIntNorm R I = ⊥ ↔ I = ⊥", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["AddCommMagma", "Add"], + "name": "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : AddCommMagma G] → Add G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Array", + "Lean.Syntax.missing", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.Syntax.setKind.match_1", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Nat", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Array.getD"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "constType": "Lean.Syntax → ℕ → Lean.Syntax", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["MulOneClass"], + "name": "MonoidHom", + "constType": + "(M : Type u_10) → (N : Type u_11) → [inst : MulOneClass M] → [inst : MulOneClass N] → Type (max u_10 u_11)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Set", "Set.Mem", "", "Membership"], + "name": "Set.instMembership", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → Membership α (Set α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["trivial", "Or", "eq_true", "Or.inr", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "or_true", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), (p ∨ True) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHMod", "Int.ModEq", "HMod.hMod", "Int.instMod", "Eq.symm", "Int"], + "name": "Int.ModEq.symm", + "constType": "∀ {n a b : ℤ}, a ≡ b [ZMOD n] → b ≡ a [ZMOD n]", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Exists", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Iff.rfl", + "Subtype.val", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "'_spec", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Iff", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "Subtype", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "IsLocalization.map_units", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "'", + "algebraMap", + "IsLocalization", + "Set.instMembership", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "IsUnit.mul_left_inj", + "IsLocalization.map_eq_zero_iff", + "instHMul", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Submonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "congrArg", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "'_eq_zero_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {M : Submonoid R} {S : Type u_2} [inst_1 : CommSemiring S]\n [inst_2 : Algebra R S] [inst_3 : IsLocalization M S] (x : R) (s : ↥M),' S x s = 0 ↔ ∃ m, ↑m * x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_13"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_14._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "add_assoc", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "add_left_comm", + "True", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "congr", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "congrArg", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ c₁ c₂ : R},\n a₁ + b₁ = c₁ → a₂ + b₂ = c₂ → a₁ + a₂ + (b₁ + b₂) = c₁ + c₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Nat", "Lean.Name"], + "name": "Lean.Name.num", + "constType": "Lean.Name → ℕ → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Algebra", + "IsLocalization", + "CommRing", + "nonZeroDivisors"], + "name": "IsFractionRing", + "constType": + "(R : Type u_1) → [inst : CommRing R] → (K : Type u_5) → [inst_1 : CommRing K] → [inst : Algebra R K] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.ModEq", + "Int.mod_modEq", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "instHMod", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "CommRing.toRing", + "HMod.hMod", + "Nat", + "Int.instMod", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "ZMod.intCast_eq_intCast_iff", + "ZMod.commRing", + "id"], + "name": "ZMod.intCast_mod", + "constType": "∀ (a : ℤ) (b : ℕ), ↑(a % ↑b) = ↑a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_12", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_11"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_13._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Submodule.instTop", + "Ideal.span", + "Eq", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Ideal.span_singleton_eq_top", + "Singleton.singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "IsUnit", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.CyclotomicRing._auxLemma.1", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring α] {x : α}, (Ideal.span {x} = ⊤) = IsUnit x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommSemiring.mul_comm", + "", + "NonUnitalSemiring.mul_assoc", + "Semiring.mul_one", + "Semiring.npow_succ", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Semiring.npow_zero", + "Semiring.one_mul", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Semiring.npow", + "CommMonoid", + "CommSemiring", + "", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + ""], + "name": "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : CommSemiring R] → CommMonoid R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Subsingleton", + "constType": "Sort u → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'.proof_2", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Subalgebra", + "Field.toInv", + "algebraInt", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "integralClosure", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "PNat.val", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'.proof_4", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'.proof_3", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'.proof_1", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Int", + "", + "", + "Inv.inv", + "PNat"], + "name": "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "constType": + "{p : ℕ+} → {K : Type u_1} → [inst : Field K] → {ζ : K} → IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p → (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "dite", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "inv_one", + "inv_inj", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "Iff", + "DivisionCommMonoid.toDivisionMonoid", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "DivisionCommMonoid.toCommMonoid", + "DivisionCommMonoid", + "Nat.instDvd", + "le_of_lt", + "Nat", + "Mathlib.RingTheory.RootsOfUnity.Basic._auxLemma.22", + "InvOneClass.toInv", + "instOfNat", + "HPow.hPow", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "instCanLiftIntNatCastLeOfNat", + "Mathlib.RingTheory.RootsOfUnity.Basic._auxLemma.21", + "Int.instDvd", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_eq_one_iff_dvd", + "propext", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "", + "", + "zpow_neg", + "Not", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Int.instLEInt", + "Inv.inv", + "Int.instSemigroup", + "Int.decLe", + "Exists", + "Int.instLinearOrder", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "Iff.rfl", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "CanLift.prf", + "semigroupDvd", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "instHPow", + "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "Preorder.toLT", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Init.Data.Int.DivModLemmas._auxLemma.1", + "Int.instNegInt", + "InvolutiveInv.toInv", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "DivisionMonoid.toInvolutiveInv", + "Eq.symm", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "Dvd.dvd", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "zpow_natCast", + "LE.le", + "InvOneClass.toOne", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "Eq.ndrec", + "instNatCastInt", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "letFun", + "dvd_neg", + "NegZeroClass.toZero"], + "name": "IsPrimitiveRoot.zpow_eq_one_iff_dvd", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : DivisionCommMonoid G] {k : ℕ} {ζ : G}, IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k → ∀ (l : ℤ), ζ ^ l = 1 ↔ ↑k ∣ l", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["List", "Lean.Omega.Coeffs", "Int"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Coeffs.ofList", + "constType": "List ℤ → Lean.Omega.Coeffs", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["propext", "Subtype.forall", "", "Subtype", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.13", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {q : { a // p a } → Prop}, (∀ (x : { a // p a }), q x) = ∀ (a : α) (b : p a), q ⟨a, b⟩", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Decidable.casesOn", "Decidable", "Not"], + "name": "ite", + "constType": "{α : Sort u} → (c : Prop) → [h : Decidable c] → α → α → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["or_self", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Or", + "False", + "True", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "And", + "eq_false", + "Nat.Prime", + "of_eq_true", + "and_false", + "congr", + "HMul.hMul", + "instOfNatNat", + "Not", + "Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime.Defs._auxLemma.5", + "Nat", + "instMulNat", + "not_false_eq_true", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Nat.not_prime_mul", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℕ}, a ≠ 1 → b ≠ 1 → ¬Nat.Prime (a * b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "algebraMap", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Field.toSemifield", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Field", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "DFunLike.coe", + "", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1"], + "name": "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.val", + "constType": + "{K : Type u_1} → [inst : Field K] → NumberField.RingOfIntegers K → K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "Ideal.Quotient.algebra", + "RingHom", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "algebraMap", + "", + "", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "rfl", + "Ideal", + "CommRing", + "Eq"], + "name": "Ideal.Quotient.algebraMap_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommRing R] (I : Ideal R), algebraMap R (R ⧸ I) = I", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "integralClosure.proof_1", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "integralClosure.proof_3", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "setOf", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "", + "IsIntegral.add", + "Subalgebra", + "IsIntegral.mul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "Algebra", + "CommRing.toRing", + "integralClosure.proof_2", + "IsIntegral"], + "name": "integralClosure", + "constType": + "(R : Type u_1) → (A : Type u_2) → [inst : CommRing R] → [inst_1 : CommRing A] → [inst_2 : Algebra R A] → Subalgebra R A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Ne", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Eq.rec", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoid", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unique", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nontrivial", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "mt", + "", + "CommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq"], + "name": "IsPrimitiveRoot.ne_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {k : ℕ} {M₀ : Type u_7} [inst : CommMonoidWithZero M₀] [inst_1 : Nontrivial M₀] {ζ : M₀},\n IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k → k ≠ 0 → ζ ≠ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Iff", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "LE.le.le_iff_eq", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "zero_le", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "Eq", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "nonpos_iff_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] {a : α}, a ≤ 0 ↔ a = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NormalizationMonoid", "NormalizedGCDMonoid", "CancelCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toNormalizationMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → [self : NormalizedGCDMonoid α] → NormalizationMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Or", "Not", "absurd", "Or.elim", "id"], + "name": "Or.resolve_right", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, a ∨ b → ¬b → a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "String", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "RightDistribClass", + "", + "Distrib", + "Distrib.right_distrib", + "Distrib.toMul"], + "name": "Distrib.rightDistribClass", + "constType": "∀ (R : Type u_1) [inst : Distrib R], RightDistribClass R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.ofNat", + "UInt8", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Nat.pred", + "_obj", + "Nat.decEq", + "Int.neg"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₁._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj → _obj → _obj → _obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Int.instAddGroup", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.abs_eq_natAbs", + "abs", + "Eq.symm", + "Int", + "Eq", + "Int.natAbs", + "instLatticeInt"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.15", + "constType": "∀ (a : ℤ), ↑a.natAbs = |a|", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing", + "NonUnitalCommRing.mul_comm", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "NonUnitalRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalRing"], + "name": "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalCommRing α] → NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam"], + "name": "HMul", + "constType": "Type u → Type v → outParam (Type w) → Type (max (max u v) w)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": ["Or", "Iff", "False", "or_false", "iff_of_eq"], + "name": "or_false_iff", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), p ∨ False ↔ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.MacroM", + "Lean.Name.mkStr1", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadQuotationMacroM", + "Pure.pure", + "Monad.toBind", + "Lean.Macro.instMonadRefMacroM", + "Eq", + "ite", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getCurrMacroScope", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Bool.true", + "PUnit", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "instOfNatNat", + "List.nil", + "Bind.bind", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Applicative.toPure", + "instDecidableEqBool", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.TSyntax.raw", + "Lean.Macro", + "", + "instMonadExceptOfMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "ReaderT.instMonadExceptOf", + "Lean.Syntax.getArg", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "EStateM.instMonadExceptOfOfBacktrackable", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Lean.MonadRef.mkInfoFromRefPos", + "Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "Lean.MonadQuotation.getMainModule", + "Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "letFun", + "EStateM.nonBacktrackable", + "MonadExcept.throw", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "ReaderT.instMonad", + "Lean.Name"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Trans.trans", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Int.sub_add_cancel", + "zpow_add_one₀", + "Eq.refl", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "Int.instAdd", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "mul_assoc", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Eq.symm", + "Int.instSub", + "mul_inv_cancel", + "instOfNat", + "GroupWithZero.toInv", + "id", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "instHAdd", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "HSub.hSub", + "One.toOfNat1", + "GroupWithZero.toDivInvMonoid", + "GroupWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "GroupWithZero", + "instTransEq", + "HMul.hMul", + "mul_one", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "zpow_sub_one₀", + "constType": + "∀ {G₀ : Type u_3} [inst : GroupWithZero G₀] {a : G₀}, a ≠ 0 → ∀ (n : ℤ), a ^ (n - 1) = a ^ n * a⁻¹", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "AlgEquiv.aut", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "AlgEquiv", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "galConj.proof_1", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Set", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "algebraRat", + "PNat.val", + "Units.instNeg", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "EquivLike.toFunLike", + "DFunLike.coe", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.autEquivPow", + "Units.instMul", + "Units.instOne", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Rat.instField", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Rat.commSemiring", + "Rat", + "MulEquiv.instEquivLike", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "MulEquiv", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "ZMod", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Field.isDomain", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CharZero", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "MulEquiv.symm", + "PNat", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "galConj", + "constType": + "(K : Type u_1) →\n (p : ℕ+) → [inst : Field K] → [inst_1 : CharZero K] → [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] → K ≃ₐ[ℚ] K", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["OfNat.ofNat", "instOfNatNat", "Nat.gcd", "Nat", "Eq"], + "name": "Nat.Coprime", + "constType": "ℕ → ℕ → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_10", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_17"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_18._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Nat.casesAuxOn", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "False", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "instAddNat", + "Fin.val_add", + "instHAdd", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "rfl", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHMod", + "NeZero", + "Eq.ndrec", + "ZMod.val", + "False.casesOn", + "HMod.hMod", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Nat.instMod", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.val_add", + "constType": + "∀ {n : ℕ} [inst : NeZero n] (a b : ZMod n), (a + b).val = (a.val + b.val) % n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "CommMagma", + "", + "CommSemigroup.mul_comm", + "CommSemigroup", + "CommSemigroup.toSemigroup"], + "name": "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : CommSemigroup G] → CommMagma G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Units", + "Monoid", + "Iff", + "Units.ext", + "Units.val", + "Function.Injective.eq_iff", + "Eq"], + "name": "Units.eq_iff", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Monoid α] {a b : αˣ}, ↑a = ↑b ↔ a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "EmptyCollection", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "IsNoetherian", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "IsDedekindRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toModule", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommRing"], + "name": "IsDedekindRing.toIsNoetherian", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_2} [inst : CommRing A] [self : IsDedekindRing A], IsNoetherian A A", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FunLike", + "instHAdd", + "AddHomClass", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Add", + "AddHomClass.map_add", + "Eq"], + "name": "map_add", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_4} {N : Type u_5} {F : Type u_9} [inst : Add M] [inst_1 : Add N] [inst_2 : FunLike F M N]\n [inst_3 : AddHomClass F M N] (f : F) (x y : M), f (x + y) = f x + f y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_10", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_11._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Add.add", "", "Add", "HAdd"], + "name": "instHAdd", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Add α] → HAdd α α α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "propext", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "dvd_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "Dvd.dvd", + "HasDistribNeg", + "semigroupDvd", + "Semigroup", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.11", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Semigroup α] [inst_1 : HasDistribNeg α] {a b : α}, (a ∣ -b) = (a ∣ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHDiv", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Int.instMul", + "Eq.refl", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Eq", + "Int.mul_zero", + "instHMul", + "Eq.mpr", + "HMul.hMul", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "Int.instDiv", + "congrArg", + "Eq.symm", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "id", + "Int.mul_ediv_cancel'"], + "name": "Int.eq_zero_of_ediv_eq_zero", + "constType": "∀ {d n : ℤ}, d ∣ n → n / d = 0 → n = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "instHSub", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "True", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddGroup", + "of_eq_true", + "sub_add_eq_sub_sub_swap", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "add_sub_cancel_right", + "id"], + "name": "add_sub_add_right_eq_sub", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] (a b c : G), a + c - (b + c) = a - b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["And", "And.right", "eq_false", "False", "Eq"], + "name": "and_false", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), (p ∧ False) = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "OreLocalization.OreSet", + "CommMonoid", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm.proof_2", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm.proof_1", + "Submonoid", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Subtype"], + "name": "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_2} → [inst : CommMonoid R] → (S : Submonoid R) → OreLocalization.OreSet S", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Sub", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "tsub_pos_iff_lt", + "OrderedSub", + "propext", + "Preorder.toLT", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "", + "CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid α] [inst_1 : Sub α] [inst_2 : OrderedSub α] {a b : α},\n (0 < a - b) = (b < a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["dite_eq_left_iff", "Iff", "Decidable", "Not", "ite", "Eq"], + "name": "ite_eq_left_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {a b : α} {P : Prop} [inst : Decidable P], (if P then a else b) = a ↔ ¬P → b = a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing.proof_5", + "NonAssocRing", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing.proof_2", + "Ring.intCast_ofNat", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing.proof_3", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Ring.toSub", + "Ring", + "Ring.add_left_neg", + "", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing.proof_7", + "", + "Ring.intCast_negSucc", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing.proof_8", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing.proof_4", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "", + "", + "Ring.zsmul_neg'", + "Ring.zsmul_zero'", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Ring.zsmul", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing.proof_6", + "Ring.zsmul_succ'", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ring.sub_eq_add_neg", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing.proof_1", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing.proof_9"], + "name": "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Ring α] → NonAssocRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Submodule", + "Submodule.quotientRel", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "''", + "Ring", + "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "", + "AddCommGroup", + "Module", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid"], + "name": "Submodule.Quotient.instZeroQuotient", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n {M : Type u_2} →\n [inst : Ring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → (p : Submodule R M) → Zero (M ⧸ p)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["AddMonoid", "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "constType": "{M : Type u} → [self : AddCommMonoid M] → AddMonoid M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "instHMul", + "mul_eq_mul_left_iff", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Or", + "CancelMonoidWithZero", + "propext", + "HMul.hMul", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CancelMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CaseI._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {M₀ : Type u_2} [inst : CancelMonoidWithZero M₀] {a b c : M₀}, (a * b = a * c) = (b = c ∨ a = 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "NonAssocRing", + "NonAssocRing.intCast_negSucc", + "", + "NonAssocRing.natCast_succ", + "NonAssocRing.intCast_ofNat", + "AddCommGroupWithOne", + "NonAssocRing.toNatCast", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "NonAssocRing.natCast_zero", + "NonAssocRing.toOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup"], + "name": "NonAssocRing.toAddCommGroupWithOne", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → [self : NonAssocRing α] → AddCommGroupWithOne α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Ne", "Eq.refl", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "Ne.eq_def", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} (a b : α), (a ≠ b) = ¬a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["trivial", + "iff_false_intro", + "False", + "Iff", + "Not", + "not_not_intro", + "True"], + "name": "not_true", + "constType": "¬True ↔ False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "Membership.mem", + "Zero", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "Finsupp", + "Iff", + "Finset", + "DFunLike.coe", + "", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Finsupp.mem_support_toFun"], + "name": "Finsupp.mem_support_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {M : Type u_5} [inst : Zero M] {f : α →₀ M} {a : α}, a ∈ ↔ f a ≠ 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Eq.rec", "rfl", "Eq"], + "name": "congrArg", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} {a₁ a₂ : α} (f : α → β), a₁ = a₂ → f a₁ = f a₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "FunLike", + "map_zpow'", + "instHPow", + "MonoidWithZeroHomClass", + "GroupWithZero", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "MonoidWithZeroHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "DFunLike.coe", + "map_inv₀", + "GroupWithZero.toDivInvMonoid", + "Int", + "GroupWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq"], + "name": "map_zpow₀", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_8} {G₀ : Type u_9} {G₀' : Type u_10} [inst : GroupWithZero G₀] [inst_1 : GroupWithZero G₀']\n [inst_2 : FunLike F G₀ G₀'] [inst_3 : MonoidWithZeroHomClass F G₀ G₀'] (f : F) (x : G₀) (n : ℤ), f (x ^ n) = f x ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Lean.SourceInfo", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddLeftCancelSemigroup.add_left_cancel", + "AddRightCancelMonoid.toAddRightCancelSemigroup", + "AddCancelMonoid.toAddRightCancelMonoid", + "AddRightCancelMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddCancelMonoid", + "AddCancelMonoid.toAddLeftCancelMonoid", + "IsCancelAdd", + "", + "", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddRightCancelSemigroup.add_right_cancel", + "AddLeftCancelMonoid.toAddLeftCancelSemigroup", + ""], + "name": "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "constType": "∀ (M : Type u) [inst : AddCancelMonoid M], IsCancelAdd M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["LinearOrderedAddCommMonoid.toLinearOrder", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Iff.rfl", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Sub", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "tsub_pos_iff_not_le", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "OrderedSub", + "Preorder.toLT", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "not_le", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "id", + "instHSub", + "CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid.toLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "LE.le", + "propext", + "", + "Not", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "congrArg", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "tsub_pos_iff_lt", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : CanonicallyLinearOrderedAddCommMonoid α] [inst_1 : Sub α] [inst_2 : OrderedSub α] {a b : α},\n 0 < a - b ↔ b < a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["NonAssocRing", "IntCast"], + "name": "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [self : NonAssocRing α] → IntCast α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["cond.match_1", "Bool.true", "Unit", "Bool"], + "name": "or", + "constType": "Bool → Bool → Bool", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "FractionalIdeal.coeIdeal", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Submodule.pointwiseZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Algebra", + "Submonoid", + "", + "FractionalIdeal", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FractionalIdeal.instZero", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n [inst : CommRing R] →\n (S : Submonoid R) → {P : Type u_2} → [inst_1 : CommRing P] → [inst_2 : Algebra R P] → Zero (FractionalIdeal S P)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Submodule", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Semiring", + "Set", + "Ideal.span", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Submodule.span", + "rfl", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Eq"], + "name": "Ideal.submodule_span_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Semiring α] {s : Set α}, Submodule.span α s = Ideal.span s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["AddMonoidWithOne", "AddCommMonoidWithOne"], + "name": "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_2} → [self : AddCommMonoidWithOne R] → AddMonoidWithOne R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termK._@.FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_9._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_30", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_31._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toOne", + "OrderedSemiring", + "ZeroLEOneClass", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "OrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "OrderedSemiring.zero_le_one", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "", + "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "Preorder.toLE"], + "name": "OrderedSemiring.zeroLEOneClass", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : OrderedSemiring α], ZeroLEOneClass α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "", + "NonUnitalSemiring.mul_assoc", + "DivisionSemiring.mul_inv_cancel", + "DivisionSemiring", + "Semiring.mul_one", + "DivisionSemiring.inv_zero", + "Semiring.npow_succ", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "DivisionSemiring.toDiv", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Semiring.npow_zero", + "Semiring.one_mul", + "DivisionSemiring.div_eq_mul_inv", + "DivisionSemiring.zpow_succ'", + "Semiring.toOne", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring.zpow_zero'", + "", + "Semiring.npow", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.zero_mul", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "GroupWithZero", + "DivisionSemiring.toNontrivial", + "DivisionSemiring.zpow_neg'", + "DivisionSemiring.zpow", + "DivisionSemiring.toInv", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.mul_zero", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + ""], + "name": "DivisionSemiring.toGroupWithZero", + "constType": "{α : Type u_4} → [self : DivisionSemiring α] → GroupWithZero α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Ne", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Finsupp", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "MvPolynomial", + "MvPolynomial.mem_support_iff", + "MvPolynomial.coeff", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "", + "propext", + "CommSemiring", + "Finset", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Nat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.17", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {σ : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {p : MvPolynomial σ R} {m : σ →₀ ℕ},\n (m ∈ = (MvPolynomial.coeff m p ≠ 0)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["SMul", "Semiring", "CommSemiring", "Algebra"], + "name": "Algebra.toSMul", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → {A : Type v} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → [inst_1 : Semiring A] → [self : Algebra R A] → SMul R A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["OrderedCommMonoid", "PartialOrder"], + "name": "OrderedCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "constType": "{α : Type u_3} → [self : OrderedCommMonoid α] → PartialOrder α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "Dvd.dvd", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "instNatCastInt", + "propext", + "Int.cast", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "ZMod.intCast_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Nat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Int", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.8", + "constType": "∀ (a : ℤ) (b : ℕ), (↑a = 0) = (↑b ∣ a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Fintype", + "constType": "Type u_4 → Type u_4", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["MulOneClass.toMul", + "instHDiv", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid.toOne", + "div_eq_mul_inv", + "One.toOfNat1", + "inv_eq_of_mul_eq_one_right", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "DivInvMonoid.toInv", + "Eq", + "DivisionMonoid", + "instHMul", + "inv_injective", + "Eq.mpr", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "InvolutiveInv.toInv", + "Eq.symm", + "congrArg", + "DivisionMonoid.toInvolutiveInv", + "id", + "DivInvMonoid.toDiv", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "eq_of_div_eq_one", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DivisionMonoid α] {a b : α}, a / b = 1 → a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoidWithOne", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "CharZero", + "propext", + "Nat.cast_inj", + "Nat", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.MayAssume.Lemmas._auxLemma.8", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] {m n : ℕ}, (↑m = ↑n) = (m = n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["outParam", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "AlgHomClass", + "FunLike", + "RingHomClass", + "Semiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra"], + "name": "AlgHomClass.toRingHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_1} {R : outParam (Type u_2)} {A : outParam (Type u_3)} {B : outParam (Type u_4)} [inst : CommSemiring R]\n [inst_1 : Semiring A] [inst_2 : Semiring B] [inst_3 : Algebra R A] [inst_4 : Algebra R B] [inst_5 : FunLike F A B]\n [self : AlgHomClass F R A B], RingHomClass F A B", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.AtLeastTwo.ne_one", + "Ne", + "AddMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.AtLeastTwo", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "CharZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Nat.cast_ne_one", + "Nat", + "Iff.mpr", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo"], + "name": "OfNat.ofNat_ne_one", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : AddMonoidWithOne R] [inst_1 : CharZero R] (n : ℕ) [inst_2 : n.AtLeastTwo], OfNat.ofNat n ≠ 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_7", + "List.cons", + "_obj", + "List.nil", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_8._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset", + "HasSubset", + "", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.instHasSubset", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → HasSubset (Finset α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoidWithOne", + "inferInstance", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Ring"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.instAddMonoidWithOne", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Ring α] → AddMonoidWithOne α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "instHSub", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "add_assoc", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "add_comm", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid", + "SubtractionCommMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "True", + "Eq", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "of_eq_true", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "congr", + "congrArg", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "Eq.trans", + "neg_add_rev"], + "name": "sub_sub", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : SubtractionCommMonoid α] (a b c : α), a - b - c = a - (b + c)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam"], + "name": "Insert", + "constType": "outParam (Type u) → Type v → Type (max u v)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_8", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_7", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_9._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "AddGroup", + "instHAdd", + "propext", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HSub.hSub", + "sub_eq_iff_eq_add", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.12", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] {a b c : G}, (a - b = c) = (a = c + b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "EuclideanDomain.to_principal_ideal_domain", + "Module.Finite", + "Eq", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "Monoid.toMulAction", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "IsDomain.to_noZeroDivisors", + "Iff", + "IsFractionRing.injective", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "_private.Mathlib.FieldTheory.IsAlgClosed.Basic.0.IsAlgClosed.FractionRing.isAlgebraic", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidWithZeroHomClass", + "OreLocalization.instSemiring", + "Algebra", + "IsDomain.toNontrivial", + "IsIntegralClosure.isLocalization", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "Eq.trans", + "MulActionWithZero.toMulAction", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing", + "Module.Free.of_divisionRing", + "FractionRing.isScalarTower_liftAlgebra", + "NoZeroSMulDivisors", + "IsScalarTower.right", + "OreLocalization.instIsScalarTower", + "OreLocalization.instRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Mathlib.RingTheory.IntegralClosure.IntegralRestrict._auxLemma.5", + "MonoidHom", + "Module.toMulActionWithZero", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "MulAction.toSMul", + "FractionRing", + "of_eq_true", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "propext", + "CommRing.toRing", + "congr", + "Module.free_of_finite_type_torsion_free'", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "IsIntegralClosure.of_isIntegrallyClosed", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "congrArg", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "RingHom", + "OreLocalization.instZero", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "FractionRing.field", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "CommRing", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Algebra.norm", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "FractionRing.liftAlgebra", + "map_zero", + "OreLocalization.instDivisionRingNonZeroDivisors", + "IsIntegrallyClosed", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "Algebra.intNorm", + "Module.Finite_of_isLocalization", + "id", + "Algebra.toModule", + "algebraMap", + "Algebra.IsIntegral.of_finite", + "Localization.isLocalization", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Function.Injective.eq_iff", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "Algebra.algebraMap_intNorm_fractionRing", + "Field.isDomain", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Algebra.IsIntegral.isAlgebraic", + "Module.Free.noZeroSMulDivisors", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "FractionRing.instNoZeroSMulDivisors", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Algebra.IsSeparable", + "MonoidWithZeroHomClass.toZeroHomClass"], + "name": "Algebra.intNorm_eq_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_4} [inst : CommRing A] [inst_1 : CommRing B] [inst_2 : Algebra A B] [inst_3 : IsDomain A]\n [inst_4 : IsIntegrallyClosed A] [inst_5 : IsDomain B] [inst_6 : IsIntegrallyClosed B] [inst_7 : Module.Finite A B]\n [inst_8 : NoZeroSMulDivisors A B] [inst_9 : Algebra.IsSeparable (FractionRing A) (FractionRing B)] {x : B},\n (Algebra.intNorm A B) x = 0 ↔ x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["List.cons", "List", "List.Mem"], + "name": "List.Mem.head", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u} {a : α} (as : List α), List.Mem a (a :: as)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_8", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_10"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_11._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring"], + "name": "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_2} → [self : CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring α] → CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "SetLike"], + "name": "ZeroMemClass", + "constType": + "(S : Type u_4) → (M : Type u_5) → [inst : Zero M] → [inst : SetLike S M] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "And", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.mem_sdiff", + "Not", + "SDiff.sdiff", + "Finset.instSDiff", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseII.InductionStep._auxLemma.12", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {s t : Finset α} {a : α}, (a ∈ s \\ t) = (a ∈ s ∧ a ∉ t)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_1", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_4", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_3", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_2"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_5._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_7", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.num._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256._closed_8._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Trans.trans", + "DivInvMonoid.zpow_succ'", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "DivInvMonoid.Pow", + "Eq", + "PProd", + "Nat.cast", + "instHPow", + "PUnit", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq.trans", + "instOfNat", + "Nat.succ", + "HPow.hPow", + "Nat.below", + "Nat.brecOn", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Unit", + "DivInvMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_zero", + "instHMul", + "Nat.rec", + "PProd.fst", + "instNatCastInt", + "zpow_zero", + "instTransEq", + "HMul.hMul", + "pow_succ", + "pow_succ'.match_1", + "congrArg", + "Int"], + "name": "zpow_natCast", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : DivInvMonoid G] (a : G) (n : ℕ), a ^ ↑n = a ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Lean.Omega.Coeffs", "Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", "Int"], + "name": "", + "constType": "ℤ → Lean.Omega.Coeffs → Lean.Omega.LinearCombo", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "Polynomial", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Polynomial.coeff_map", + "Semiring", + "Polynomial.coeff", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.Field._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} [inst : Semiring R] {p : Polynomial R} [inst_1 : Semiring S] (f : R →+* S) (n : ℕ),\n f (p.coeff n) = ( f p).coeff n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Int.cast_one", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "Int.rawCast", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "True", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "one_mul", + "Ring.toNeg", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "Int.cast_neg", + "Ring", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Int.instNegInt", + "neg_mul", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "eq_self", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Int.negOfNat", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "One.toOfNat1", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "instHMul", + "Eq.ndrec", + "of_eq_true", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "Int.cast", + "HMul.hMul", + "congrArg", + "Int"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_2} [inst : Ring R] {a b : R}, (Int.negOfNat 1).rawCast * a = b → -a = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Semiring.natCast_zero", + "Semiring.natCast_succ", + "Ring.intCast_negSucc", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Ring.intCast_ofNat", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Ring.zsmul_neg'", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Ring.zsmul_zero'", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Ring.zsmul", + "Ring.toNeg", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Ring.zsmul_succ'", + "Ring", + "Ring.toSub", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ring.add_left_neg", + "", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ring.sub_eq_add_neg"], + "name": "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : Ring R] → AddGroupWithOne R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["DivInvMonoid", "Div"], + "name": "DivInvMonoid.toDiv", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : DivInvMonoid G] → Div G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Semiring.toModule.proof_1", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulActionWithZero", + "Semiring.toModule.proof_2", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Semiring.toModule.proof_4", + "Module", + "Semiring.toModule.proof_3", + "MulActionWithZero.toMulAction", + ""], + "name": "Semiring.toModule", + "constType": "{R : Type u_2} → [inst : Semiring R] → Module R R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHMul", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "HasDistribNeg.neg_mul", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "HMul.hMul", + "Neg.neg", + "HasDistribNeg", + "Mul", + "Eq"], + "name": "neg_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Mul α] [inst_1 : HasDistribNeg α] (a b : α), -a * b = -(a * b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Ideal.span", + "Eq", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "CommSemiring", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Ideal.span_singleton_pow", + "Singleton.singleton", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "Nat", + "", + "Eq.symm", + "Ideal"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring R] (s : R) (n : ℕ), Ideal.span {s ^ n} = Ideal.span {s} ^ n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Submodule.quotientRel", + "Submodule", + "Ring", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "HasQuotient", + "Quotient", + "Module", + "AddCommGroup", + "Ring.toSemiring", + ""], + "name": "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n {M : Type u_2} → [inst : Ring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → HasQuotient M (Submodule R M)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Eq.refl", "Eq"], + "name": "Eq.rec", + "constType": + "{α : Sort u_1} →\n {a : α} → {motive : (a_1 : α) → a = a_1 → Sort u} → motive a ⋯ → {a_1 : α} → (t : a = a_1) → motive a_1 t", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Omega.UpperBound", "Lean.Omega.Constraint", "Lean.Omega.LowerBound"], + "name": "", + "constType": + "Lean.Omega.LowerBound → Lean.Omega.UpperBound → Lean.Omega.Constraint", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_5", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "List.nil", + "_neutral"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_6._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Int.instSemiring", + "Iff.rfl", + "Even", + "Int.not_even_iff", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "instHMod", + "Iff", + "propext", + "Int.odd_iff", + "HMod.hMod", + "Not", + "Odd", + "Int.instMod", + "congrArg", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + "id"], + "name": "Int.odd_iff_not_even", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℤ}, Odd n ↔ ¬Even n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["NeZero.succ", + "Nat.casesAuxOn", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "Nat.mod_zero", + "ZMod", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "instHMod", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "Eq.ndrec", + "ZMod.val", + "HMod.hMod", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "congrArg", + "Int.natAbs_ofNat", + "Nat.instMod", + "Fin.val_natCast", + "id", + "ZMod.commRing"], + "name": "ZMod.val_natCast", + "constType": "∀ {n : ℕ} (a : ℕ), (↑a).val = a % n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finsupp.support_single_subset", + "Finsupp.single", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.39", + "Finset.instHasSubset", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Eq.refl", + "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.2", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Mathlib.Data.Finsupp.Defs._auxLemma.1", + "implies_congr", + "True", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "Finsupp.support_sum", + "Finset.biUnion", + "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.1", + "forall_congr", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finsupp.sum", + "Finset", + "Function.Embedding", + "DFunLike.coe", + "not_false_eq_true", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Image._auxLemma.3", + "Eq.trans", + "AddCommMonoid", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "Ne", + "Finsupp", + "Finsupp.instFunLike", + "False", + "Classical.propDecidable", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "Finset.Subset.trans", + "", + "eq_false", + "Finsupp.instAddCommMonoid", + "Finsupp.mapDomain", + "of_eq_true", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Function.instFunLikeEmbedding", + "", + "Finsupp.mapDomain.eq_1"], + "name": "MvPolynomial.Finsupp.support_mapDomain", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {M : Type u_3} [inst : AddCommMonoid M] (f : α ↪ β) (v : α →₀ M),\n (Finsupp.mapDomain (⇑f) v).support ⊆ f", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["EStateM.Result"], + "name": "EStateM.Result.error", + "constType": "{ε σ α : Type u} → ε → σ → EStateM.Result ε σ α", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["not_isEmpty_of_nonempty", "eq_false", "False", "IsEmpty", "Nonempty", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.8", + "constType": "∀ (α : Sort u_1) [h : Nonempty α], IsEmpty α = False", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Multiset.mem_toFinset", + "DecidableEq", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Multiset", + "Multiset.toFinset", + "Eq", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.3", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : DecidableEq α] {a : α} {s : Multiset α}, (a ∈ s.toFinset) = (a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Nat.cast", "instNatCastInt", "Nat", "congrArg", "Int", "Eq"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Int.ofNat_congr", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℕ}, a = b → ↑a = ↑b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "Submodule", + "Algebra.toModule", + "IdemCommSemiring", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "", + "Submodule.mul_comm", + "Submodule.instIdemCommSemiring.proof_1", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "IdemSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "IdemSemiring.toSemilatticeSup", + "Submodule.instIdemCommSemiring.proof_2", + ""], + "name": "Submodule.instIdemCommSemiring", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} →\n [inst : CommSemiring R] →\n {A : Type v} → [inst_1 : CommSemiring A] → [inst_2 : Algebra R A] → IdemCommSemiring (Submodule R A)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["zero_smul", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHSMul", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass", + "Eq.mpr", + "Ring.toNeg", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "Ring", + "Module", + "Eq.symm", + "eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero_left", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id", + "add_smul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "instHAdd", + "add_left_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Module.toMulActionWithZero", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "AddCommGroup", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "congrArg", + "NegZeroClass.toZero"], + "name": "neg_smul", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_2} {M : Type u_5} [inst : Ring R] [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] [inst_2 : Module R M] (r : R) (x : M),\n -r • x = -(r • x)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Lean.Name.mkStr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.mkNum", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termK._@.FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.256", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["LinearMapClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "RingHom", + "Module.toDistribMulAction", + "DistribMulActionSemiHomClass.toMulActionSemiHomClass", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "", + "", + "outParam", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass", + "DistribMulActionSemiHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "FunLike", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Module", + "NonUnitalAlgHomClass", + "Semiring", + "MonoidHom", + "Module.toMulActionWithZero", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "SMulZeroClass.toSMul", + "MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero", + "", + "NonUnitalAlgSemiHomClass.toDistribMulActionSemiHomClass", + "MulActionSemiHomClass.map_smulₛₗ", + "AddMonoidHomClass.toAddHomClass", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero"], + "name": "NonUnitalAlgHomClass.instLinearMapClass", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : Semiring R] {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [inst_1 : NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring A]\n [inst_2 : Module R A] [inst_3 : NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring B] {F : Type u_3} [inst_4 : FunLike F A B]\n [inst_5 : Module R B] [inst_6 : NonUnitalAlgHomClass F R A B], LinearMapClass F R A B", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "SetLike", + "", + "Submodule", + "Submodule.toAddSubmonoid", + "Semiring", + "AddSubmonoid.toAddSubsemigroup", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "Module", + "AddSubsemigroup.carrier", + "Submodule.setLike.proof_1", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Submodule.setLike", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} →\n {M : Type v} → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → SetLike (Submodule R M) M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["And", "propext", "Not", "not_and", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.7", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, (¬(a ∧ b)) = (a → ¬b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "AddCommGroup", + "sub_sub_self", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "sub_sub_cancel", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddCommGroup G] (a b : G), a - (a - b) = b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instMul", + "One.ofOfNat1", + "Int.mul_comm", + "Int.mul_one", + "Int.instCommMonoid.proof_2", + "CommMonoid", + "Int.one_mul", + "Int.instCommMonoid.proof_1", + "Nat", + "", + "Int.mul_assoc", + "Int", + "instOfNat", + ""], + "name": "Int.instCommMonoid", + "constType": "CommMonoid ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_eq_false", + "IsRegularPrime", + "Insert.insert", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Nat.not_prime_mul", + "instOfNat", + "StrictOrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedCommSemiring", + "instHDiv", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_overlap_pf_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "or_true", + "And", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "False.elim", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "congr", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "And.intro", + "Int.even_pow'", + "Nat.instCharZero", + "Int.instSemigroup", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Int.instSemiring", + "sub_nonpos_of_le", + "HEq", + "", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Eq.refl", + "Int.rawCast", + "semigroupDvd", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsRightCancelAdd", + "rfl", + "Finset.gcd", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "Int.instAddMonoid", + "Int.add_one_le_iff", + "Int.instCommSemigroup", + "AddGroup.toAddCancelMonoid", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "zero_lt_one", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "List.nil", + "Decidable.byContradiction", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "List.cons", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toCovariantClassLeft", + "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement", + "List.Mem.tail", + "Neg.neg", + "LE.le", + "NormedCommRing.toSeminormedCommRing", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.28", + "Eq.ndrec", + "instNatCastInt", + "Finset.mem_Ioo", + "letFun", + "Finset.gcd_dvd", + "not_true_eq_false", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "canonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toZeroLeOneClass", + "Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Divisibility._auxLemma.2", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Int.Odd.of_mul_right", + "Nat.Prime.two_le", + "optParam", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "StrictOrderedRing.toOrderedAddCommGroup", + "true_or", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap_zero", + "List.Mem.casesOn", + "Int.instDiv", + "Odd.pow", + "And.casesOn", + "Eq.trans", + "StrictOrderedRing.toPartialOrder", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Int.instDvd", + "neg_neg_of_pos", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "lt_of_not_ge", + "Int.instLTInt", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "Nat.instOrderedSemiring", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_zero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "of_eq_true", + "HEq.refl", + "", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Int.ofNat", + "LinearOrderedRing.toStrictOrderedRing", + "Linarith.lt_irrefl", + "instSubNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.2", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "NonUnitalSeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toCommMagma", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.p_ne_three", + "instOfNatNat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Int.mul_ediv_cancel'", + "id", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "eq_self", + "Membership.mem", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "False", + "IsCancelAdd.toIsLeftCancelAdd", + "instAddNat", + "Int.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "FltRegular.MayAssume.coprime", + "List.Mem", + "Dvd.dvd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "CommSemigroup.toSemigroup", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "List", + "OrderedCommSemiring.toOrderedSemiring", + "Nat.instLinearOrder", + "Nat.instCanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "SeminormedCommRing.toNonUnitalSeminormedCommRing", + "Bool", + "instMulNat", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "IsLeftCancelAdd.covariant_add_lt_of_covariant_add_le", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "'", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "Finset.instInsert", + "Int.instDecidableEq", + "even_iff_two_dvd", + "Iff.mpr", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_add", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "Nat.lt_of_le_of_ne", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "mul_assoc", + "Nat.Prime", + "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "Mathlib.Tactic.PushNeg.not_le_eq", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Or", + "List.range'", + "Odd.add_odd", + "Int.instRing", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "LinearOrderedCommSemiring.toStrictOrderedCommSemiring", + "Nat.instLocallyFiniteOrder", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "eq_true", + "", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "Int", + "Finset.Ioo", + "Exists", + "Int.instAddGroup", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "IsRightCancelAdd.covariant_swap_add_lt_of_covariant_swap_add_le", + "", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "True", + "one_lt_two", + "Nat.instAddCancelCommMonoid", + "Int.odd_iff_not_even", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Int.instCovariantClassAddLE", + "Finset", + "AddCancelCommMonoid.toAddCancelMonoid", + "FltRegular.a_not_cong_b", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "covariant_swap_add_of_covariant_add", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "Int.instMul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.cast_pos", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Even", + "Ne.symm", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "CanonicallyOrderedCommSemiring.toCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Int.instLinearOrderedCommRing", + "Bool.false", + "List.Mem.head", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "Int.ediv_mul_cancel", + "Int.instNormedCommRing", + "Exists.casesOn", + "instLTNat", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Dvd.dvd.mul_left", + "Odd", + "Nat", + "Ne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_isNat", + "FltRegular.CaseI.SlightlyEasier", + "Int.ModEq", + "Nat.rawCast", + "OrderedSemiring.zeroLEOneClass", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Zify._auxLemma.3", + "Int.instAddCommSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "AddCancelMonoid.toIsCancelAdd", + "Int.Odd.of_mul_left", + "Not", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Int.instLEInt", + "OrderedAddCommGroup.toAddCommGroup", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.64", + "Fact.out", + "OrderedSemiring.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "mul_comm", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instLENat", + "Preorder.toLT", + "instHPow", + "add_lt_of_neg_of_le", + "Eq.symm", + "Nat.decLe", + "NeZero.succ", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "instHAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isNat_ofNat", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Int.instCancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "HMul.hMul", + "List.noConfusion", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "dvd_mul_of_dvd_right", + "Int.instNontrivial"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.may_assume", + "constType": "FltRegular.CaseI.SlightlyEasier → FltRegular.CaseI.Statement", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Nat"], + "name": "", + "constType": "ℕ", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Localization", + "CommRing", + "nonZeroDivisors"], + "name": "FractionRing", + "constType": "(R : Type u_1) → [inst : CommRing R] → Type u_1", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_1._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "", + "NonUnitalSemiring.mul_assoc", + "Semiring.mul_one", + "Semiring.npow_succ", + "CommRing.mul_comm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Semiring.npow_zero", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.one_mul", + "CommRing", + "Semiring.toOne", + "CommMonoid", + "Semiring.npow", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + ""], + "name": "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : CommRing α] → CommMonoid α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["CommRing"], + "name": "IsDedekindDomain", + "constType": "(A : Type u_2) → [inst : CommRing A] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_3", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_2"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "eq_true", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "zero_le", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "LE.le", + "True", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.29", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid α] (a : α), (0 ≤ a) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "constType": "Type u_2 → Type u_2", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Lean.Data.AC.Expr.op", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "two_mul", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "PLift", + "Eq.refl", + "Exists.intro", + "Exists.casesOn", + "Odd.proof_1", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Eq", + "", + "Lean.Data.AC.Variable", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "PLift.up", + "Lean.Data.AC.Context", + "Option.none", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Bool.true", + "Lean.Data.AC.Context.eq_of_norm", + "Option.some", + "instOfNatNat", + "List.nil", + "Odd", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "instOfNatAtLeastTwo", + "id", + "List.cons", + "instHAdd", + "Semiring", + "Lean.Data.AC.eval", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Even", + "Std.Commutative", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Semiring.toOne", + "instHMul", + "Std.LawfulIdentity", + "Lean.Data.AC.instEvalInformationContext", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Std.IdempotentOp", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNatCast", + "instNatAtLeastTwo", + "congr", + "AddCommMagma.to_isCommutative", + "Bool", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "AddSemigroup.to_isAssociative", + "", + "congrArg", + "Lean.Data.AC.Expr.var"], + "name": "Odd.add_odd", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Semiring α] {a b : α}, Odd a → Odd b → Even (a + b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Ne", "Ne.eq_def", "Not", "Eq.symm", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._auxLemma.5", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} (a b : α), (¬a = b) = (a ≠ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["", "HSub", "Sub.sub", "Sub"], + "name": "instHSub", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Sub α] → HSub α α α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHSub", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroup", + "propext", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "sub_eq_zero", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.9", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] {a b : G}, (a - b = 0) = (a = b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Ne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid", + "isUnit_pow_iff", + "instHPow", + "propext", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "IsUnit", + "Nat", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.MoreLemmas._auxLemma.14", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid M] {n : ℕ} {a : M}, n ≠ 0 → IsUnit (a ^ n) = IsUnit a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Nat.Prime", + "instFactLtNatOfNatOfPrime_fltRegular", + "Eq.refl", + "IsRegularPrime", + "IsRegularNumber", + "Nat", + "Fact", + "Eq"], + "name": "IsRegularPrime.eq_1", + "constType": + "∀ (p : ℕ) [inst : Fact (Nat.Prime p)], IsRegularPrime p = IsRegularNumber p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "LinearOrder", + "Preorder.toLT", + "propext", + "", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Not", + "not_le", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.PushNeg.not_le_eq", + "constType": + "∀ {β : Type u_2} [inst : LinearOrder β] (a b : β), (¬a ≤ b) = (b < a)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Monoid.toSemigroup", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.mul_zero", + "MonoidWithZero.zero_mul", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "SemigroupWithZero", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "MonoidWithZero.toSemigroupWithZero", + "constType": + "{M₀ : Type u} → [self : MonoidWithZero M₀] → SemigroupWithZero M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "neg_zero", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Eq.refl", + "neg_neg", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "AddGroupWithOne", + "instOfNatNat", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Int.cast_negSucc", + "Nat", + "Nat.succ", + "instOfNat", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id", + "Int.cast_natCast", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Unit", + "AddGroupWithOne.toNeg", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "SubtractionMonoid.toInvolutiveNeg", + "Int.cast_zero", + "Int.cast_neg.match_1", + "instNatCastInt", + "Int.negSucc", + "Int.cast", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "congrArg", + "NegZeroClass.toNeg", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.cast_neg", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : AddGroupWithOne R] (n : ℤ), ↑(-n) = -↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Nat.instMonoid", "Irreducible", "Nat"], + "name": "Nat.Prime", + "constType": "ℕ → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Decidable.isFalse", + "Decidable", + "Decidable.isTrue", + "Not", + "Decidable.rec"], + "name": "Decidable.casesOn", + "constType": + "{p : Prop} →\n {motive : Decidable p → Sort u} →\n (t : Decidable p) → ((h : ¬p) → motive (isFalse h)) → ((h : p) → motive (isTrue h)) → motive t", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "_obj", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_8", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_10"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_11._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM", + "", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "Lean.Macro.Context.currMacroScope", + "Lean.MacroM", + "Lean.MonadRef", + "Lean.Macro.Context.ref", + "Pure.pure", + "Monad.toBind", + "Lean.Syntax", + "", + "Lean.Macro.Context.methods", + "instMonadWithReaderOfReaderT", + "EStateM.instMonad", + "ReaderT.instApplicativeOfMonad", + "instMonadReaderOfReaderTOfMonad", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Lean.Macro.Context.mainModule", + "", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "Lean.Macro.Context.maxRecDepth", + "ReaderT.instMonad", + "Lean.Macro.Context.currRecDepth", + "Bind.bind", + "MonadWithReader.withReader", + "instMonadReaderOfMonadReaderOf", + "instMonadWithReaderOfMonadWithReaderOf", + "Applicative.toPure"], + "name": "Lean.Macro.instMonadRefMacroM", + "constType": "Lean.MonadRef Lean.MacroM", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Iff"], + "name": "Iff.mpr", + "constType": "∀ {a b : Prop}, (a ↔ b) → b → a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num._override", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol"], + "name": "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["DecidableEq", "Int.decEq", "Int"], + "name": "Int.instDecidableEq", + "constType": "DecidableEq ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", + "Iff", + "not_lt_of_ge", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "LinearOrder", + "le_of_not_gt", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "LinearOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Not", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE"], + "name": "not_lt", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LinearOrder α] {a b : α}, ¬a < b ↔ b ≤ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["DecidableEq", + "Finset.instInsert.proof_1", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + "Multiset.ndinsert", + "", + "Insert", + ""], + "name": "Finset.instInsert", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : DecidableEq α] → Insert α (Finset α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["AddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "Nat.rawCast", + "Nat", + "", + "rfl"], + "name": "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "constType": + "∀ (α : Type u_1) [inst : AddMonoidWithOne α] (n : ℕ), Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat n.rawCast n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "Eq.refl", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "add_right_neg", + "Eq.mpr", + "AddGroup", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "congrArg", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "id"], + "name": "sub_self", + "constType": "∀ {G : Type u_3} [inst : AddGroup G] (a : G), a - a = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "", + "", + "RingHom", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "OneHom.map_one'", + "RingHomClass", + "", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "MonoidHom.map_mul'", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring", + "AddZeroClass.toZero", + "", + "MonoidHom.toOneHom", + "RingHom.map_zero'", + "RingHom.map_add'", + "RingHom.toMonoidHom", + "", + ""], + "name": "RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} {x : NonAssocSemiring α} {x_1 : NonAssocSemiring β}, RingHomClass (α →+* β) α β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Units.instInv", + "Monoid", + "Units.coeHom", + "MonoidHom.comp", + "MonoidHomClass.toMonoidHom", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq", + "DivisionMonoid", + "MonoidHomClass", + "Units", + "FunLike", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "Units.val", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "Units.instMulOneClass", + "DFunLike.coe", + "DivisionMonoid.toDivInvOneMonoid", + "InvOneClass.toInv", + "MonoidHom.map_inv", + "Units.instGroup", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "map_units_inv", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {M : Type u} [inst : Monoid M] [inst_1 : DivisionMonoid α] {F : Type u_2} [inst_2 : FunLike F M α]\n [inst_3 : MonoidHomClass F M α] (f : F) (u : Mˣ), f ↑u⁻¹ = (f ↑u)⁻¹", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["OrderedSemiring", "PartialOrder"], + "name": "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : OrderedSemiring α] → PartialOrder α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "SetLike.instPartialOrder", + "SetLike", + "Iff", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Iff.rfl", + "LE.le", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Preorder.toLE"], + "name": "SetLike.le_def", + "constType": + "∀ {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [i : SetLike A B] {S T : A}, S ≤ T ↔ ∀ ⦃x : B⦄, x ∈ S → x ∈ T", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Eq.rec", "Eq.refl", "Eq"], + "name": "Eq.casesOn", + "constType": + "{α : Sort u_1} →\n {a : α} → {motive : (a_1 : α) → a = a_1 → Sort u} → {a_1 : α} → (t : a = a_1) → motive a ⋯ → motive a_1 t", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Unique.instSubsingleton", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Finsupp", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "linearIndependent_iff", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "LinearMap.instFunLike", + "Finsupp.module", + "", + "IsEmpty", + "", + "Iff.mpr", + "Subsingleton.elim", + "LinearIndependent", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Finsupp.instAddCommMonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "Finsupp.uniqueOfLeft", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Module", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Finsupp.instZero", + "LinearMap", + "Semiring.toModule", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "linearIndependent_empty_type", + "constType": + "∀ {ι : Type u'} {R : Type u_2} {M : Type u_4} {v : ι → M} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M]\n [inst_2 : Module R M] [inst_3 : IsEmpty ι], LinearIndependent R v", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["true_and", "And", "Iff", "iff_of_eq", "True"], + "name": "true_and_iff", + "constType": "∀ (p : Prop), True ∧ p ↔ p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["AddMonoid.nsmul", "SMul", "", "Nat", "AddMonoid"], + "name": "AddMonoid.toNatSMul", + "constType": "{M : Type u_2} → [inst : AddMonoid M] → SMul ℕ M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Submodule.instBot", + "", + "Finsupp", + "Submodule", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "LinearMap.instFunLike", + "LinearIndependent.proof_1", + "Finsupp.module", + "", + "", + "Eq", + "Finsupp.instAddCommMonoid", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "LinearMap.ker", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Module", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "LinearMap", + "Semiring.toModule", + "AddCommMonoid"], + "name": "LinearIndependent", + "constType": + "{ι : Type u'} →\n (R : Type u_2) →\n {M : Type u_4} → (ι → M) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "And", + "Exists", + "propext", + "Set", + "Set.mem_image", + "Set.instMembership", + "Set.image", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (f : α → β) (s : Set α) (y : β), (y ∈ f '' s) = ∃ x ∈ s, f x = y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.Name.anonymous._impl", + "_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Dvd"], + "name": "Dvd.dvd", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [self : Dvd α] → α → α → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["String", "Lean.Name", "Lean.Name.anonymous", "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "constType": "String → String → String → String → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["IsLocalization.toLocalizationMap", + "Membership.mem", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "Submonoid", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "'", + "IsLocalization", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Subtype"], + "name": "'", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n [inst : CommSemiring R] →\n {M : Submonoid R} →\n (S : Type u_2) → [inst_1 : CommSemiring S] → [inst_2 : Algebra R S] → [inst_3 : IsLocalization M S] → R → ↥M → S", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Algebra.toModule.proof_5", + "", + "Algebra.toModule.proof_6", + "Semiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Algebra.toModule.proof_3", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "Algebra.toModule.proof_4", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Module", + "Algebra.toModule.proof_2", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "Algebra.toModule.proof_1", + ""], + "name": "Algebra.toModule", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → {A : Type w} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → [inst_1 : Semiring A] → [inst_2 : Algebra R A] → Module R A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Exists", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Subtype.val", + "'", + "Set", + "'_eq_zero_iff", + "IsLocalization", + "Set.instMembership", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHMul", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "propext", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "HMul.hMul", + "Submonoid", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "Subtype", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.QuotientTrace._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {M : Submonoid R} {S : Type u_2} [inst_1 : CommSemiring S]\n [inst_2 : Algebra R S] [inst_3 : IsLocalization M S] (x : R) (s : ↥M),\n (' S x s = 0) = ∃ m, ↑m * x = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Multiset.prod_nsmul", + "instHSMul", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Eq", + "AddMonoid.toNatSMul", + "CommMonoid", + "instHPow", + "Multiset", + "", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Multiset.instCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Eq.symm", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} [inst : CommMonoid α] (m : Multiset α) (n : ℕ), ^ n = (n • m).prod", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommMagma", + "", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.mul_comm", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring"], + "name": "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toCommMagma", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring α] → CommMagma α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["right_distrib", + "instHMul", + "RightDistribClass", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "HMul.hMul", + "Add", + "Mul", + "Eq"], + "name": "add_mul", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type x} [inst : Mul R] [inst_1 : Add R] [inst_2 : RightDistribClass R] (a b c : R), (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Iff.rfl", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Set", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Ideal.span", + "semigroupDvd", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "CommRing", + "Submodule.Quotient.instZeroQuotient", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "DFunLike.coe", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "Semiring.toModule", + "id", + "Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "Membership.mem", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ideal.Quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "CommRing.toRing", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal.mem_span_singleton", + "congrArg", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike"], + "name": "Ideal.Quotient.eq_zero_iff_dvd", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} [inst : CommRing R] (x y : R), ( (Ideal.span {x})) y = 0 ↔ x ∣ y", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "MonoidHomClass", + "Monoid", + "FunLike", + "map_pow", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Unramified._auxLemma.2", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_7} {H : Type u_8} {F : Type u_9} [inst : FunLike F G H] [inst_1 : Monoid G] [inst_2 : Monoid H]\n [inst_3 : MonoidHomClass F G H] (f : F) (a : G) (n : ℕ), f a ^ n = f (a ^ n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Finsupp", + "", + "Nat.instLinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "MvPolynomial", + "CommSemiring", + "Finsupp.sum", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeSup", + "Nat", + "Nat.instOrderBot", + "Nat.instLattice", + "Finset.sup", + "Nat.instAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "MvPolynomial.totalDegree", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} → {σ : Type u_1} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → MvPolynomial σ R → ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Zero.toOfNat0", + "instHMul", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "MulZeroClass", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq"], + "name": "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "constType": "∀ {M₀ : Type u} [self : MulZeroClass M₀] (a : M₀), 0 * a = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "inferInstance", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "FractionRing", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "Field", + "IsDomain", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "OreLocalization.instFieldNonZeroDivisors", + "FractionRing.field.proof_1", + "CommRing", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "FractionRing.field.proof_2"], + "name": "FractionRing.field", + "constType": + "(A : Type u_4) → [inst : CommRing A] → [inst_1 : IsDomain A] → Field (FractionRing A)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_10", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_5"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.717._closed_6._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["gcd_div_div_zeta_sub_one", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Ideal.span", + "NormalizedGCDMonoid.toGCDMonoid", + "algebraRat", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Nat", + "Subtype", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDedekindDomain", + "Ne", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "NumberField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Ideal", + "div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd.proof_1", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "semigroupDvd", + "PNat.val", + "GCDMonoid.gcd", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instHPow", + "Finset", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "div_zeta_sub_one", + "NeZero.succ", + "Membership.mem", + "Ideal.cancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Ideal.instNormalizedGCDMonoid", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Exists.choose", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "PNat"], + "name": "div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "constType": + "{K : Type u_1} →\n {p : ℕ+} →\n [hpri : Fact p.Prime] →\n [inst : Field K] →\n [inst_1 : NumberField K] →\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] →\n p ≠ 2 →\n {ζ : K} →\n (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) →\n {x y z : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K} →\n {ε : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} →\n {m : ℕ} →\n x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = ↑ε * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ ↑p →\n ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y →\n { x // x ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset (↑p) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) } →\n Ideal (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_7._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Monoid", + "Units.instInv", + "Units.instMonoid", + "DivInvMonoid", + "", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid.proof_1", + "Units", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid.match_1", + "instHPow", + "Units.instDiv", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid.proof_2", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid.proof_4", + "Nat", + "Int", + "Nat.succ", + "Units.instDivInvMonoid.proof_3", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "Units.instDivInvMonoid", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Monoid α] → DivInvMonoid αˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Finset.empty", "", "Finset", "EmptyCollection"], + "name": "Finset.instEmptyCollection", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → EmptyCollection (Finset α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Semigroup", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["LinearOrderedCommMonoid.toOrderedCommMonoid", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "zero_le'", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero", + "le_rfl", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Iff.intro", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Iff", + "Eq.rec", + "OrderedCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero.toLinearOrderedCommMonoid", + "le_antisymm"], + "name": "le_zero_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : LinearOrderedCommMonoidWithZero α] {a : α}, a ≤ 0 ↔ a = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "Singleton"], + "name": "Singleton.singleton", + "constType": + "{α : outParam (Type u)} → {β : Type v} → [self : Singleton α β] → α → β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "Units.instInv", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.Prime.odd_of_ne_two", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "HasDistribNeg", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "algebraRat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Nat.Prime", + "NumberField.Embeddings.pow_eq_one_of_norm_eq_one", + "Iff", + "normedAlgebraRat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "Field", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "map_mul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HPow.hPow", + "Or", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Units.instMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "MonoidHom", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "False.elim", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "unit_inv_conj_not_neg_zeta_runity", + "", + "NumberField", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1", + "Inv.inv", + "RingHom.IsIntegralElem.mul", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "Exists", + "Set", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "algebraInt", + "True", + "RingHomClass.toNonUnitalRingHomClass", + "RingHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "Units.instNeg", + "zeta_runity_pow_even", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.isIntegral_coe", + "map_pow", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "neg_mul", + "RCLike.toNormedAlgebra", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Or.inr", + "Odd.neg_one_pow", + "algebraMap", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "Even", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Or.inl", + "letFun", + "not_true_eq_false", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "Nat.even_or_odd", + "PNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Units.val_mul", + "NonUnitalRingHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "Exists.casesOn", + "instLTNat", + "unit_lemma_val_one", + "Classical.byContradiction", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Units._auxLemma.1", + "", + "Ring.toNeg", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.UnitLemmas._auxLemma.15", + "Nat", + "Odd", + "Eq.trans", + "Even.neg_one_pow", + "Units.instMul", + "Ne", + "Monoid", + "Complex.instNormedField", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "Or.casesOn", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "unitGalConj", + "instHMul", + "Mathlib.RingTheory.Localization.FractionRing._auxLemma.3", + "norm_cast_ne_two", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Complex.instRCLike", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Nat.instCommSemigroup", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "", + "congrArg", + "NormedField.toNormedDivisionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsFractionRing", + "RingHom", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Iff.rfl", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "roots_of_unity_in_cyclo", + "Complex.instCharZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Complex.isAlgClosed", + "mul_comm", + "PNat.val", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "one_mul", + "instHPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Units.instMulOneClass", + "Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "id", + "eq_self", + "NeZero.succ", + "funext", + "False", + "instAddNat", + "Rat", + "Algebra.cast", + "exists_congr", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Semiring.toOne", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "map_neg", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "Complex", + "instMulNat", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers"], + "name": "unit_inv_conj_is_root_of_unity", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) [inst_1 : NumberField K]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K],\n p ≠ 2 → Nat.Prime ↑p → ∀ (u : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ), ∃ m, u * ((unitGalConj K p) u)⁻¹ = (hζ.unit' ^ m) ^ 2", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CancelCommMonoidWithZero.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "HEq", + "Eq.refl", + "Multiset.map_id", + "normalize", + "normalize_eq", + "CancelCommMonoidWithZero", + "Eq", + "Multiset.map_congr", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "Eq.mpr", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Multiset", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid.factors", + "MonoidWithZeroHom", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "MonoidWithZeroHom.funLike", + "id", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Membership.mem", + "funext", + "eq_of_heq", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid.normalizedFactors", + "Unique", + "", + "Units", + "UniqueFactorizationMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Eq.ndrec", + "HEq.refl", + "Eq.casesOn", + "normalizationMonoidOfUniqueUnits"], + "name": "UniqueFactorizationMonoid.factors_eq_normalizedFactors", + "constType": + "∀ {M : Type u_2} [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero M] [inst_1 : UniqueFactorizationMonoid M] [inst_2 : Unique Mˣ]\n (x : M), UniqueFactorizationMonoid.factors x = UniqueFactorizationMonoid.normalizedFactors x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "DivInvOneMonoid", + "Monoid.toOne", + "DivInvOneMonoid.inv_one", + "InvOneClass", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "DivInvOneMonoid.toDivInvMonoid", + "DivInvMonoid.toInv"], + "name": "DivInvOneMonoid.toInvOneClass", + "constType": "{G : Type u_2} → [self : DivInvOneMonoid G] → InvOneClass G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["inferInstance", + "Monoid", + "Nat.instCommMonoid", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Nat"], + "name": "Nat.instMonoid", + "constType": "Monoid ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Zero", + "MulAction.toSMul", + "SMulWithZero", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "MulActionWithZero.smul_zero", + "MulActionWithZero", + "MulActionWithZero.zero_smul", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "", + "MulActionWithZero.toMulAction", + "MonoidWithZero"], + "name": "MulActionWithZero.toSMulWithZero", + "constType": + "(R : Type u_1) →\n (M : Type u_3) → [inst : MonoidWithZero R] → [inst_1 : Zero M] → [m : MulActionWithZero R M] → SMulWithZero R M", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Ne", "Ne.eq_def", "Not", "Eq.symm", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._auxLemma.9", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u} (a b : α), (¬a = b) = (a ≠ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset.mem_cons", + "Or", + "propext", + "Finset", + "Finset.cons", + "Not", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.31", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s : Finset α} {a b : α} {h : a ∉ s}, (b ∈ Finset.cons a s h) = (b = a ∨ b ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHom", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.of_map_of_injective", + "rfl", + "Eq", + "PNat.val", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "IsFractionRing.injective", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "Field", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "algebraMap", + "Field.toSemifield", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "RingHomClass.toMonoidHomClass", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Units.val", + "", + "letFun", + "NumberField", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "", + "congrArg", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsFractionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1", + "PNat"], + "name": "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'_coe", + "constType": + "∀ {p : ℕ+} {K : Type u_1} [inst : Field K] {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) [inst_1 : NumberField K],\n IsPrimitiveRoot ↑hζ.unit' ↑p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Set.range", + "Subgroup.copy", + "MonoidHom.range.proof_1", + "", + "Subgroup.instTop", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "MonoidHom", + "DFunLike.coe", + "", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass"], + "name": "MonoidHom.range", + "constType": + "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : Group G] → {N : Type u_5} → [inst_1 : Group N] → (G →* N) → Subgroup N", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Monoid.toSemigroup", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Monoid", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Dvd.dvd", + "mul_one", + "One.toOfNat1", + "semigroupDvd", + "Dvd.intro", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass"], + "name": "dvd_refl", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : Monoid α] (a : α), a ∣ a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toHasDistribNeg", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "mul_neg", + "Neg.neg", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "True", + "Eq", + "instHMul", + "Ring.toNeg", + "of_eq_true", + "InvolutiveNeg.toNeg", + "Ring", + "HasDistribNeg.toInvolutiveNeg", + "HMul.hMul", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.RingNF.mul_neg", + "constType": "∀ {R : Type u_2} [inst : Ring R] (a b : R), a * -b = -(a * b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.one_pow", + "Int.cast_one", + "RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "sub_add_eq_sub_sub", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.of_raw", + "sub_self", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_zero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_gt", + "mul_pow", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Nat.Prime", + "Nat.cast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_congr", + "Int.castRingHom", + "map_mul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_add", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "instOfNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "add_assoc", + "add_comm", + "eq_of_heq", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "Set.instMembership", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_zero", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.to_isInt", + "And", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toOne", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pf_right", + "congr", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "Int", + "Submodule.setLike", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "Exists", + "AddCommGroup.toDivisionAddCommMonoid", + "HEq", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Set", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.isInt_mul", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Int.rawCast", + "Eq.refl", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_congr", + "semigroupDvd", + "Exists.intro", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "algebraInt", + "CommRing", + "True", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.sub_pf", + "RingHomClass.toNonUnitalRingHomClass", + "RingHomClass.toAddMonoidHomClass", + "IsCyclotomicExtension.adjoin_roots", + "AddMonoid.toAddSemigroup", + "Eq.rec", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Semiring.toModule", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegZeroMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toMul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pf_left", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_one_mul", + "Int.negOfNat", + "Int.instMul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_pow", + "algebraMap", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_add", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Module.Submodule.Basic._auxLemma.6", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Neg.neg", + "SubNegZeroMonoid.toNegZeroClass", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_add", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.zero_mul", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.one_mul", + "letFun", + "HSub", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_mul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.atom_pf", + "Ideal.mem_span_singleton", + "PNat", + "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Cyclotomic.CyclRat._auxLemma.1", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Int.cast_pow", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "dvd_mul_right", + "AddGroup.toSubtractionMonoid", + "sub_eq_add_neg", + "Ideal.span", + "NonUnitalRingHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "Int.cast_add", + "Exists.casesOn", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Int.instAdd", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Int.cast_mul", + "Nat", + "Ring.toSubtractionMonoid", + "And.casesOn", + "Eq.trans", + "exists_add_pow_prime_eq", + "setOf", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Nat.rawCast", + "Ideal.add_mem", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Ideal.Quotient.eq_zero_iff_mem", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_congr", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.neg_mul", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.mul_zero", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.of_eq", + "HEq.refl", + "of_eq_true", + "Int.cast", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "", + "Singleton.singleton", + "sub_eq_zero", + "congrArg", + "Fact", + "Ideal", + "Int.ofNat", + "RingHom", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.to_raw_eq", + "AddGroupWithOne.toIntCast", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "Subalgebra", + "Fact.out", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_lt", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "SubtractionCommMonoid.toSubtractionMonoid", + "Membership", + "Submodule.Quotient.instZeroQuotient", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "PNat.val", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "outParam", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "AddCommGroup.toAddGroup", + "Algebra.adjoin_induction", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.pow_congr", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "id", + "Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "Membership.mem", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsInt.of_raw", + "funext", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "instHAdd", + "AddSemigroup.toAdd", + "HSub.hSub", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "eq_intCast", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.single_pow", + "Dvd.dvd", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Ideal.mul_mem_left", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_zero", + "mul_sub", + "SubtractionMonoid.toSubNegMonoid", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.instCommSemiringNat", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "HMul.hMul", + "Eq.casesOn", + "Int.instCommSemiring", + "Algebra.adjoin", + "NegZeroClass.toZero", + "HMul", + "map_sub"], + "name": "exists_int_sub_pow_prime_dvd", + "constType": + "∀ (p : ℕ+) {A : Type u_1} [inst : CommRing A] [inst_1 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℤ A] [hp : Fact (Nat.Prime ↑p)]\n (a : A), ∃ m, a ^ ↑p - ↑m ∈ Ideal.span {↑↑p}", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset.instHasSubset", + "Iff", + "Multiset", + "Finset", + "Finset.instSingleton", + "HasSubset.Subset", + "Finset.val", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Finset.singleton_subset_set_iff", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Multiset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.singleton_subset_iff", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s : Finset α} {a : α}, {a} ⊆ s ↔ a ∈ s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OreLocalization.OreSet", + "Module.toDistribMulAction", + "OreLocalization.instRing.proof_6", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "NonUnitalNonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "OreLocalization.instRing.proof_4", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Ring.toNonAssocRing", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "AddGroup", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Int.castDef", + "OreLocalization.instSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulActionWithZero", + "Ring", + "MulActionWithZero.toMulAction", + "Semiring.toModule", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "OreLocalization.instRing.proof_5", + "Semiring", + "NonAssocRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocRing", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "OreLocalization.instAddGroupOreLocalization", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "OreLocalization.instRing.proof_3", + "OreLocalization.instRing.proof_1", + "OreLocalization.instRing.proof_7", + "", + "OreLocalization", + "SubNegMonoid.zsmul", + "inferInstanceAs", + "Submonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "", + "OreLocalization.instRing.proof_2"], + "name": "OreLocalization.instRing", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} → [inst : Ring R] → {S : Submonoid R} → [inst_1 : OreLocalization.OreSet S] → Ring (OreLocalization S R)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["HPow", "Nat", "Int.pow", "Int", ""], + "name": "Int.instHPowNat", + "constType": "HPow ℤ ℕ ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "Semigroup.toMul", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommRing", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Associated.symm", + "algebraRat", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddGroup", + "Iff.mpr", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "Nat.instAddCommSemigroup", + "SubNegMonoid.toSub", + "mul_pow", + "pow_mul", + "mul_assoc", + "Nat.cast", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "Field", + "map_mul", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "HDiv.hDiv", + "eq_pow_prime_of_unit_of_congruent", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Ideal.instHasQuotient", + "instHSub", + "HPow.hPow", + "add_comm", + "instHDiv", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "Nat.sub_le", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "eq_of_heq", + "Units.instMonoid", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommRing.toNonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "MonoidWithZero.toMulZeroOneClass", + "And", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "instCommGroupUnitsRingOfIntegers_fltRegular", + "propext", + "dvd_add", + "NumberField", + "And.intro", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Int", + "AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "Exists", + "HEq", + "NonUnitalCommRing.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "Nat.instStrictOrderedSemiring", + "Set", + "PNat.Prime", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq.refl", + "Exists.intro", + "semigroupDvd", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "RingHomClass.toNonUnitalRingHomClass", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Semiring.toModule", + "DivInvMonoid.toDiv", + "IsUnit.ne_zero", + "CommGroup.toGroup", + "mul_add", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "LE.le.trans", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "LE.le", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "pow_add", + "Distrib.leftDistribClass", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units", + "Eq.ndrec", + "letFun", + "Ring.toAddCommGroup", + "PNat", + "Associated", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Int.cast_pow", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "sub_add_sub_cancel", + "Ideal.span", + "Units.val_mul", + "NonUnitalRingHomClass.toMulHomClass", + "Exists.casesOn", + "ClassGroup", + "Eq", + "Units.isUnit", + "Eq.mpr", + "Fintype", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Nat.mul_le_mul_right", + "Ring.toIntCast", + "Associated.dvd", + "Nat", + "exists_solution'_aux", + "And.casesOn", + "Units.instMul", + "Ne", + "Int.instHPowNat", + "Nat.instSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instNontrivial", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "mul_right_inj'", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulZeroClass", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "exists_dvd_pow_sub_Int_pow", + "HEq.refl", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "Int.cast", + "one_le_m", + "", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Not", + "Singleton.singleton", + "", + "CancelMonoidWithZero.toMonoidWithZero", + "Fact", + "congrArg", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ideal", + "DFunLike", + "RingHom", + "instSubNat", + "CommRing.toNonUnitalCommRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "MulZeroClass.zero_mul", + "le_of_eq", + "Ideal.Quotient.eq_zero_iff_dvd", + "Submodule.Quotient.instZeroQuotient", + "mul_div_cancel", + "mul_comm", + "PNat.val", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Nat.sub_add_cancel", + "outParam", + "Rat.commRing", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "instLENat", + "one_mul", + "NonUnitalNonAssocCommSemiring.toCommMagma", + "instHPow", + "Units.instDiv", + "Ring.toSub", + "MulZeroClass.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Eq.symm", + "associated_zeta_sub_one_pow_prime", + "id", + "NeZero.succ", + "Ideal.Quotient.commRing", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "IsDomain.toCancelMonoidWithZero", + "HSub.hSub", + "Rat", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Fintype.card", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "exists_solution", + "AddGroup.toSubNegMonoid", + "Semiring.toOne", + "StrictOrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder", + "Units.val", + "SubNegMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "HMul.hMul", + "Nat.Coprime", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "Eq.casesOn", + "instMulNat", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers"], + "name": "exists_solution'", + "constType": + "∀ {K : Type u_1} {p : ℕ+} [hpri : Fact p.Prime] [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : NumberField K]\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K],\n p ≠ 2 →\n ∀ [inst_3 : Fintype (ClassGroup (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K))],\n (↑p).Coprime (Fintype.card (ClassGroup (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K))) →\n ∀ {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) {x y z : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K}\n {ε : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} {m : ℕ},\n x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = ↑ε * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ ↑p →\n ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y →\n ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ z →\n ∃ x' y' z' ε₃,\n ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y' ∧ ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ z' ∧ x' ^ ↑p + y' ^ ↑p = ↑ε₃ * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ m * z') ^ ↑p", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["SMul", + "instHSMul", + "dite_smul", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "Decidable", + "Not", + "ite", + "Eq"], + "name": "ite_smul", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [inst : SMul β α] (p : Prop) [inst_1 : Decidable p] (a : α) (b c : β),\n (if p then b else c) • a = if p then b • a else c • a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Monoid.toOne", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Eq", + "PProd", + "Eq.mpr", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "instHPow", + "PUnit", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Odd", + "Nat.succ", + "id", + "HPow.hPow", + "Nat.below", + "Nat.brecOn", + "odd_one", + "instAddNat", + "Semiring", + "instHAdd", + "Unit", + "One.toOfNat1", + "pow_zero", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "instHMul", + "Nat.rec", + "PProd.fst", + "Odd.pow.match_1", + "HMul.hMul", + "pow_succ", + "congrArg", + "Odd.mul"], + "name": "Odd.pow", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_2} [inst : Semiring α] {a : α}, Odd a → ∀ {n : ℕ}, Odd (a ^ n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["List.cons", + "List", + "List.Mem.tail", + "List.Mem.head", + "List.Mem", + "List.Mem.rec"], + "name": "List.Mem.casesOn", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} {a : α} {motive : (a_1 : List α) → List.Mem a a_1 → Prop} {a_1 : List α} (t : List.Mem a a_1),\n (∀ (as : List α), motive (a :: as) ⋯) →\n (∀ (b : α) {as : List α} (a_2 : List.Mem a as), motive (b :: as) ⋯) → motive a_1 t", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "AddCommSemigroup.toAddCommMagma", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Eq.refl", + "Nat.cast_zero", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Eq.mpr", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Nat.cast", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toNatCast", + "CommSemiring", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoidWithZero", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddCommSemigroup", + "id", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat.out", + "instHAdd", + "AddMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoid", + "AddCommMagma.toAdd", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "Eq.ndrec", + "Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_zero_add", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "congrArg", + "add_add_add_comm"], + "name": "Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.add_pf_add_overlap_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : CommSemiring R] {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ c : R},\n Mathlib.Meta.NormNum.IsNat (a₁ + b₁) 0 → a₂ + b₂ = c → a₁ + a₂ + (b₁ + b₂) = c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Ring", "IntCast"], + "name": "Ring.toIntCast", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [self : Ring R] → IntCast R", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Finset.ext_iff", + "Iff", + "Finset", + "Iff.mpr", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "Finset.ext", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {s₁ s₂ : Finset α}, (∀ (a : α), a ∈ s₁ ↔ a ∈ s₂) → s₁ = s₂", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "Lean.Syntax.node2", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Macro", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "EStateM.Result", + "Lean.Syntax", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Bool.false", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termR_1._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_8", + "_obj", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_31", + "Lean.Name.str._override"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_32._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Semiring", "Nontrivial", "LocalRing"], + "name": "LocalRing.toNontrivial", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u_1} [inst : Semiring R] [self : LocalRing R], Nontrivial R", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "AddLeftCancelMonoid", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "optParam", + "constType": "(α : Sort u) → α → Sort u", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Multiset.card", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "instHSMul", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "Nat.instAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "True", + "Eq", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "AddMonoid.toZero", + "HSMul.hSMul", + "Finset", + "Multiset", + "Finset.val", + "nsmul_zero", + "Nat", + "DFunLike.coe", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Multiset.instCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Eq.trans", + "Multiset.map_const'", + "Multiset.sum_replicate", + "AddCommMonoid", + "eq_self", + "Finset.sum", + "Multiset.sum", + "Multiset.replicate", + "AddMonoid.toNatSMul", + "", + "of_eq_true", + "congrArg", + "AddMonoidHom", + "AddMonoidHom.instFunLike", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "Finset.sum_const_zero", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} {s : Finset α} [inst : AddCommMonoid β], ∑ _x ∈ s, 0 = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Semiring", + "Set", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Submodule.span", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "Ideal.span", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Semiring α] → Set α → Ideal α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.ParserDescr.node", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Name", + "Lean.ParserDescr", + "Lean.ParserDescr.symbol", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.ParserDescr", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "instSubNat", + "dite", + "instLTNat", + "True", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "Nat.cast", + "instLENat", + "", + "Nat", + "Int.instSub", + "instOfNat", + "Eq.trans", + "Nat.decLe", + "id", + "eq_self", + "instHSub", + "Or", + "Or.inr", + "HSub.hSub", + "and_true", + "LE.le", + "Init.Core._auxLemma.7", + "Int.ofNat_sub", + "And", + "Or.inl", + "instNatCastInt", + "Lean.Omega.Int.ofNat_sub_eq_zero", + "", + "letFun", + "Not", + "And.intro", + "Nat.not_le", + "congrArg", + "Int"], + "name": "Lean.Omega.Int.ofNat_sub_dichotomy", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℕ}, b ≤ a ∧ ↑(a - b) = ↑a - ↑b ∨ a < b ∧ ↑(a - b) = 0", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.MonadRef.withRef", + "Monad", + "Lean.replaceRef", + "Lean.MonadRef", + "Bind.bind", + "Lean.MonadRef.getRef", + "Monad.toBind", + "Lean.Syntax"], + "name": "Lean.withRef", + "constType": + "{m : Type → Type} → [inst : Monad m] → [inst : Lean.MonadRef m] → {α : Type} → Lean.Syntax → m α → m α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["instHSub", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "HSub.hSub", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nat", + "Int.instSub", + "instOfNat", + "Int", + "instDecidableEqNat", + "Eq", + "ite"], + "name": "FltRegular.CaseI.f0k₂", + "constType": "ℤ → ℤ → ℕ → ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Subgroup.instSetLike.proof_1", + "Subsemigroup.carrier", + "SetLike", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "", + "Submonoid.toSubsemigroup", + "Subgroup.toSubmonoid", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass"], + "name": "Subgroup.instSetLike", + "constType": "{G : Type u_1} → [inst : Group G] → SetLike (Subgroup G) G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "Exists", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Iff.rfl", + "Set", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toCommSemigroup", + "Ideal.span", + "semigroupDvd", + "CommSemiring.toNonUnitalCommSemiring", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "mul_comm", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Eq.mpr", + "Iff", + "CommSemiring", + "Iff.trans", + "NonUnitalCommSemiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "Semiring.toModule", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "eq_comm", + "Dvd.dvd", + "exists_congr", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMul", + "CommMagma.toMul", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "Ideal.mem_span_singleton'", + "CommSemigroup.toCommMagma", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "Singleton.singleton", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "congrArg", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.setLike"], + "name": "Ideal.mem_span_singleton", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : CommSemiring α] {x y : α}, x ∈ Ideal.span {y} ↔ y ∣ x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["DistribLattice.toLattice", + "And", + "sup_lt_iff", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Iff", + "LinearOrder", + "Lattice.toSemilatticeInf", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "LinearOrder.toMax", + "Max.max", + "SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder", + "instDistribLatticeOfLinearOrder"], + "name": "max_lt_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : LinearOrder α] {a b c : α}, max a b < c ↔ a < c ∧ b < c", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.dummyRestore", + "PUnit", + "EStateM.Backtrackable", + "EStateM.dummySave", + ""], + "name": "EStateM.nonBacktrackable", + "constType": "{σ : Type u} → EStateM.Backtrackable PUnit.{u + 1} σ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["LeftCancelMonoid.toMonoid", + "HPow.hPow", + "pow_eq_pow_iff_modEq", + "instHMod", + "Iff", + "instHPow", + "HMod.hMod", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "orderOf", + "Nat", + "LeftCancelMonoid", + "Nat.instMod", + "Eq"], + "name": "pow_inj_mod", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : LeftCancelMonoid G] {x : G} {n m : ℕ}, x ^ n = x ^ m ↔ n % orderOf x = m % orderOf x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_1", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.14._closed_2"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termK.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.AuxLemmas._hyg.250._closed_2._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Int.ofNat", "NatCast", "Nat", "Int", ""], + "name": "instNatCastInt", + "constType": "NatCast ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "IsOfFinOrder.mem_powers_iff_mem_zpowers", + "CancelMonoid.toLeftCancelMonoid", + "Subgroup.zpowers", + "Finite", + "isOfFinOrder_of_finite", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Group.toCancelMonoid", + "Submonoid.powers", + "Iff", + "Submonoid", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "Submonoid.instSetLike", + "Subgroup.instSetLike"], + "name": "mem_powers_iff_mem_zpowers", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Group G] [inst_1 : Finite G] {x y : G}, y ∈ Submonoid.powers x ↔ y ∈ Subgroup.zpowers x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Fin.val", "", "Nat", "rfl", "instLTNat", "", "Eq"], + "name": "Fin.val_mk", + "constType": "∀ {m n : ℕ} (h : m < n), ↑⟨m, h⟩ = m", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Set.Elem", + "Set", + "Set.Nat.card_coe_set_eq", + "Set.ncard", + "Nat", + "Nat.card", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.16", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} (s : Set α), s.ncard = Nat.card ↑s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["AddZeroClass.toAdd", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.add_le_add_left", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "instHAdd", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "CovariantClass", + "AddCommMonoid.toAddMonoid", + "AddMonoid.toAddZeroClass", + "", + "LE.le", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toPartialOrder", + "Preorder.toLE", + "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toAddCommMonoid"], + "name": "OrderedAddCommMonoid.toCovariantClassLeft", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} [inst : OrderedAddCommMonoid α], CovariantClass α α (fun x x_1 => x + x_1) fun x x_1 => x ≤ x_1", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["eq_self", + "Int.natAbs_neg", + "of_eq_true", + "Int.instNegInt", + "Neg.neg", + "Nat.gcd", + "Nat", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "Int", + "True", + "Int.gcd", + "Int.natAbs", + "Eq"], + "name": "Int.neg_gcd", + "constType": "∀ {a b : ℤ}, (-a).gcd b = a.gcd b", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["And", "Exists", "propext", "exists_prop", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.QuotientTrace._auxLemma.7", + "constType": "∀ {b a : Prop}, (∃ (_ : a), b) = (a ∧ b)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["LinearOrderedRing", "LinearOrderedCommRing"], + "name": "LinearOrderedCommRing.toLinearOrderedRing", + "constType": + "{α : Type u} → [self : LinearOrderedCommRing α] → LinearOrderedRing α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["MulDivCancelClass", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Int.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "", + "Int.instDiv", + "Int.mul_ediv_cancel", + "Int"], + "name": "Int.instMulDivCancelClass", + "constType": "MulDivCancelClass ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["propext", "eq_self_iff_true", "True", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.ReadyForMathlib.Homogenization._auxLemma.4", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} (a : α), (a = a) = True", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Multiset.instOrderBot", + "Multiset.le_add_right", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Multiset.instOrderedCancelAddCommMonoid", + "CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "Multiset", + "OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid.toOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "inferInstanceAs", + "Multiset.instPartialOrder", + "OrderBot", + "", + "Multiset.instCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid.proof_1", + "Preorder.toLE"], + "name": "Multiset.instCanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → CanonicallyOrderedAddCommMonoid (Multiset α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommRing.toCommMonoid", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "FractionRing", + "OreLocalization.oreSetComm", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "", + "IsIntegrallyClosedIn", + "CommRing", + "OreLocalization.instAlgebra", + "nonZeroDivisors", + "OreLocalization.instCommRing"], + "name": "IsIntegrallyClosed", + "constType": "(R : Type u_1) → [inst : CommRing R] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Group", + "constType": "Type u → Type u", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["inferInstance", + "Int.instCommMonoid", + "CommSemigroup", + "Int", + "CommMonoid.toCommSemigroup"], + "name": "Int.instCommSemigroup", + "constType": "CommSemigroup ℤ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "Nat.cast_pos", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "instLTNat", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNatCast", + "OrderedSemiring", + "Zero.toOfNat0", + "Nat.cast", + "propext", + "Preorder.toLT", + "", + "OrderedSemiring.toSemiring", + "instOfNatNat", + "Nontrivial", + "Nat", + "MonoidWithZero.toZero", + "OrderedSemiring.toPartialOrder"], + "name": "Mathlib.Data.Nat.Cast.Order.Ring._auxLemma.5", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_3} [inst : OrderedSemiring α] [inst_1 : Nontrivial α] {n : ℕ}, (0 < ↑n) = (0 < n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Multiset", "Multiset.ofList", "Nat", "List.range"], + "name": "Multiset.range", + "constType": "ℕ → Multiset ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._closed_43._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Units", + "Monoid", + "instHPow", + "Units.instMonoid", + "Units.val", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val", + "Nat", + "Eq.symm", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.Hilbert92._auxLemma.14", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u} [inst : Monoid α] (a : αˣ) (n : ℕ), ↑a ^ n = ↑(a ^ n)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom.instRingHomClass", + "RingHom", + "NonAssocRing", + "Int.instSemiring", + "RingHomClass", + "RingHom.comp", + "eq_intCast", + "RingHomClass.toRingHom", + "RingHom.instFunLike", + "Eq", + "NonAssocRing.toIntCast", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "FunLike", + "Int.castRingHom", + "Int.cast", + "DFunLike.coe", + "NonAssocRing.toNonAssocSemiring", + "Int"], + "name": "map_intCast", + "constType": + "∀ {F : Type u_1} {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [inst : NonAssocRing α] [inst_1 : NonAssocRing β]\n [inst_2 : FunLike F α β] [inst_3 : RingHomClass F α β] (f : F) (n : ℤ), f ↑n = ↑n", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "MulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Iff.rfl", + "One.toOfNat1", + "MonoidHom", + "DivInvMonoid.toMonoid", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "MonoidHom.ker", + "Eq", + "Iff", + "Subgroup", + "Group", + "Group.toDivInvMonoid", + "MonoidHom.instFunLike", + "DFunLike.coe", + "Subgroup.instSetLike"], + "name": "MonoidHom.mem_ker", + "constType": + "∀ {G : Type u_1} [inst : Group G] {M : Type u_7} [inst_1 : MulOneClass M] (f : G →* M) {x : G}, x ∈ f.ker ↔ f x = 1", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Iff.intro", "Exists", "Iff", "Exists.intro", "forall_exists_index.match_1"], + "name": "forall_exists_index", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {q : (∃ x, p x) → Prop}, (∀ (h : ∃ x, p x), q h) ↔ ∀ (x : α) (h : p x), q ⋯", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "instHMul", + "Exists", + "", + "HMul.hMul", + "Semigroup", + "Dvd", + "Eq"], + "name": "semigroupDvd", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : Semigroup α] → Dvd α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["Int.cast", "Ring.toIntCast", "Ring", "Int"], + "name": "Int.rawCast", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Ring α] → ℤ → α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Mathlib.Data.Finset.Union._auxLemma.14", + "Membership.mem", + "Exists", + "funext", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Union._auxLemma.2", + "True", + "iff_self", + "Multiset.dedup", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Multiset.instMembership", + "And", + "Iff", + "Finset.biUnion", + "DecidableEq", + "of_eq_true", + "Finset", + "Multiset", + "Finset.val", + "congr", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Union._auxLemma.1", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans", + "Multiset.bind"], + "name": "Finset.mem_biUnion", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {s : Finset α} {t : α → Finset β} [inst : DecidableEq β] {b : β},\n b ∈ s.biUnion t ↔ ∃ a ∈ s, b ∈ t a", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Classical.not_forall", "Exists", "propext", "Not", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.KummersLemma.KummersLemma._auxLemma.8", + "constType": "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop}, (¬∀ (x : α), p x) = ∃ x, ¬p x", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Zero", "CommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "CommMonoidWithZero.toZero", + "constType": "{M₀ : Type u_4} → [self : CommMonoidWithZero M₀] → Zero M₀", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "propext", + "Finset.toSet", + "Set", + "Finset", + "Set.instMembership", + "Finset.mem_coe", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.2", + "constType": "∀ {α : Type u_1} {a : α} {s : Finset α}, (a ∈ ↑s) = (a ∈ s)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Nat.instCommSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "CharZero", + "Nat", + "AddCommMonoidWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "", + "Function.injective_id"], + "name": "Nat.instCharZero", + "constType": "CharZero ℕ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "AddGroupWithOne.toAddMonoidWithOne", + "NonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoidWithOne", + "Ring.toAddGroupWithOne", + "DivisionRing.toRing", + "Algebra.toModule", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Field.toSemifield", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "DivisionSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "CharZero", + "CharZero.of_module", + "Field", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Semifield.toDivisionSemiring", + "", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instAlgebra_1"], + "name": "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCharZero_1", + "constType": + "∀ (K : Type u_1) [inst : Field K] [inst_1 : CharZero K], CharZero (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["outParam", "FunLike", "MulOneClass"], + "name": "MonoidHomClass", + "constType": + "(F : Type u_10) →\n (M : outParam (Type u_11)) →\n (N : outParam (Type u_12)) → [inst : MulOneClass M] → [inst : MulOneClass N] → [inst : FunLike F M N] → Prop", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Submodule", + "", + "Submodule.hasQuotient", + "Ring", + "AddCommGroup.toAddCommMonoid", + "HasQuotient.Quotient", + "Module", + "AddCommGroup", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Eq"], + "name": "SModEq", + "constType": + "{R : Type u_1} →\n [inst : Ring R] → {M : Type u_3} → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → Submodule R M → M → M → Prop", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Lean.Syntax", + "constType": "Type", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Lean.SyntaxNodeKind", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Array.mkArray5", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Syntax.node"], + "name": "Lean.Syntax.node5", + "constType": + "Lean.SourceInfo →\n Lean.SyntaxNodeKind → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax → Lean.Syntax", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "String.toSubstring'", + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_3"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_Statement___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.139", + "Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic._auxLemma.93", + "instDecidableAnd", + "True", + "Eq", + "Finset.instMembership", + "iff_self", + "DecidablePred", + "And", + "Iff", + "of_eq_true", + "Finset.ext", + "Finset", + "Finset.filter", + "congr", + "congrArg", + "Eq.trans"], + "name": "Finset.filter_filter", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Type u_1} (p q : α → Prop) [inst : DecidablePred p] [inst_1 : DecidablePred q] (s : Finset α),\n Finset.filter q (Finset.filter p s) = Finset.filter (fun a => p a ∧ q a) s", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["Lean.MonadRef", "Lean.MonadQuotation"], + "name": "Lean.MonadQuotation.toMonadRef", + "constType": + "{m : Type → Type} → [self : Lean.MonadQuotation m] → Lean.MonadRef m", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["HPow.hPow", + "Units.instInv", + "Monoid", + "", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "Units.instMonoid.proof_4", + "MulOneClass", + "MulOneClass.toOne", + "Units.instMonoid.proof_3", + "Units.instMonoid.proof_1", + "Units.instMonoid.proof_6", + "Units", + "inferInstance", + "Units.instMonoid.proof_2", + "instHPow", + "Units.val", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Units.instMonoid.proof_5", + "Units.instMulOneClass", + "Nat", + "", + "Units.instMonoid.proof_7", + "", + "Inv.inv"], + "name": "Units.instMonoid", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [inst : Monoid α] → Monoid αˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd.proof_1", + "algebraRat", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Finset.instMembership", + "Eq", + "exists_ideal_pow_eq_c", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Nat", + "Subtype", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instIsDomain", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "NumberField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "Ideal", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "semigroupDvd", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instHPow", + "Finset", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "NeZero.succ", + "Membership.mem", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "Polynomial.nthRootsFinset", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Exists.choose", + "Units.val", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "PNat"], + "name": "root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "constType": + "{K : Type u_1} →\n {p : ℕ+} →\n [hpri : Fact p.Prime] →\n [inst : Field K] →\n [inst_1 : NumberField K] →\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] →\n p ≠ 2 →\n {ζ : K} →\n (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) →\n {x y z : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K} →\n {ε : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} →\n {m : ℕ} →\n x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = ↑ε * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ ↑p →\n ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y →\n { x // x ∈ Polynomial.nthRootsFinset (↑p) (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K) } →\n Ideal (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["OfNat.ofNat", + "SubmonoidClass.toOneMemClass", + "Monoid.toOne", + "Iff.rfl", + "Subtype.val", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Set", + "Eq.refl", + "implies_congr", + "SetLike.instMembership", + "Eq", + "Eq.mpr", + "SetLike", + "Iff", + "forall_congr", + "instHPow", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "Nat.instDvd", + "CommMonoid.toMonoid", + "Nat", + "Subtype", + "id", + "Membership.mem", + "HPow.hPow", + "", + "SubmonoidClass.toCommMonoid", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Mathlib.RingTheory.RootsOfUnity.Basic._auxLemma.13", + "Set.instMembership", + "SubmonoidClass", + "Monoid.toMulOneClass", + "And", + "CommMonoid", + "congr", + "congrArg", + "SubmonoidClass.nPow", + "Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Submonoid.Operations._auxLemma.7", + "SetLike.coe"], + "name": "IsPrimitiveRoot.coe_submonoidClass_iff", + "constType": + "∀ {k : ℕ} {M : Type u_7} {B : Type u_8} [inst : CommMonoid M] [inst_1 : SetLike B M] [inst_2 : SubmonoidClass B M]\n {N : B} {ζ : ↥N}, IsPrimitiveRoot (↑ζ) k ↔ IsPrimitiveRoot ζ k", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["RingHom", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "IsScalarTower.algebraMap_eq", + "Semiring", + "RingHom.comp", + "algebraMap", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "Eq.symm", + "Algebra.toSMul", + "IsScalarTower", + "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.IdealNorm._auxLemma.13", + "constType": + "∀ (R : Type u) (S : Type v) (A : Type w) [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : CommSemiring S] [inst_2 : Semiring A]\n [inst_3 : Algebra R S] [inst_4 : Algebra S A] [inst_5 : Algebra R A] [inst_6 : IsScalarTower R S A],\n (algebraMap S A).comp (algebraMap R S) = algebraMap R A", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": ["", "Nat", "instLTNat", "Fin"], + "name": "", + "constType": "{n : ℕ} → (val : ℕ) → val < n → Fin n", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", + "And", + "Exists", + "setOf", + "Set", + "Set.instMembership", + "Eq"], + "name": "Set.image", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → {β : Type v} → (α → β) → Set α → Set β", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["_obj"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termK_1._closed_3._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": [], + "name": "Function.Embedding", + "constType": "Sort u_1 → Sort u_2 → Sort (max (max 1 u_1) u_2)", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["EStateM.Result.ok", + "String.toSubstring'", + "String", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved.decl", + "Lean.Syntax.Preresolved", + "EStateM.Result", + "Lean.addMacroScope", + "EStateM.Result.error", + "Lean.Macro.State", + "Lean.Syntax.node1", + "Lean.Macro.Exception", + "Lean.SourceInfo.fromRef", + "List.nil", + "Lean.Syntax.ident", + "Lean.Name.anonymous", + "Lean.Syntax.node3", + "Lean.Syntax.isOfKind", + "Lean.Macro.Context", + "List.cons", + "Lean.Name.num", + "Lean.Name.mkStr4", + "Lean.Macro", + "Lean.Syntax.atom", + "Lean.Syntax.node5", + "Lean.Syntax", + "Lean.Macro.Exception.unsupportedSyntax", + "Lean.MacroScope", + "Lean.Name.mkStr2", + "Bool.casesOn", + "Bool.false", + "List", + "Lean.SourceInfo", + "Bool", + "Lean.Name", + "Substring", + "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": + "FltRegular._aux_FltRegular_CaseI_AuxLemmas___macroRules_FltRegular_termP_1._cstage1", + "constType": "Lean.Macro", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Membership.mem", "setOf", "Set", "Finset", "Finset.instMembership"], + "name": "Finset.toSet", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → Finset α → Set α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["SemilatticeSup", "Sup"], + "name": "SemilatticeSup.toSup", + "constType": "{α : Type u} → [self : SemilatticeSup α] → Sup α", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Union", + "", + "Multiset.ndunion", + "DecidableEq", + "Finset.instUnion.proof_1", + "Finset", + "Finset.val", + ""], + "name": "Finset.instUnion", + "constType": "{α : Type u_1} → [inst : DecidableEq α] → Union (Finset α)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Exists", "Subtype.exists", "propext", "", "Subtype", "Eq"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.QuotientTrace._auxLemma.6", + "constType": + "∀ {α : Sort u_1} {p : α → Prop} {q : { a // p a } → Prop}, (∃ x, q x) = ∃ a, ∃ (b : p a), q ⟨a, b⟩", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["", + "PartialOrder.toPreorder", + "Semiring", + "RingHomClass", + "CompleteLattice.instOmegaCompletePartialOrder", + "OmegaCompletePartialOrder.toPartialOrder", + "Submodule.completeLattice", + "Ideal.comap", + "LE.le", + "Preorder.toLE", + "Eq", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "FunLike", + "Ideal.map_le_iff_le_comap", + "propext", + "NonAssocSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid", + "Ideal", + "Semiring.toModule"], + "name": "FltRegular.NumberTheory.GaloisPrime._auxLemma.4", + "constType": + "∀ {R : Type u} {S : Type v} {F : Type u_1} [inst : Semiring R] [inst_1 : Semiring S] [inst_2 : FunLike F R S]\n [rc : RingHomClass F R S] {f : F} {I : Ideal R} {K : Ideal S}, ( f I ≤ K) = (I ≤ Ideal.comap f K)", + "constCategory": "Theorem"}, + {"references": + ["Decidable.casesOn", "Bool.false", "Bool.true", "Decidable", "Not", "Bool"], + "name": "Decidable.decide", + "constType": "(p : Prop) → [h : Decidable p] → Bool", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Subalgebra.instSetLike.proof_1", + "Subsemigroup.carrier", + "SetLike", + "Semiring.toNonAssocSemiring", + "MulOneClass.toMul", + "", + "MulZeroOneClass.toMulOneClass", + "Submonoid.toSubsemigroup", + "Semiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Algebra", + "Subalgebra", + "Subsemiring.toSubmonoid", + "NonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroOneClass", + "Subalgebra.toSubsemiring"], + "name": "Subalgebra.instSetLike", + "constType": + "{R : Type u} →\n {A : Type v} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → [inst_1 : Semiring A] → [inst_2 : Algebra R A] → SetLike (Subalgebra R A) A", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["_obj", + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_3", + "Lean.Name.str._override", + "FltRegular.termP.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.15._closed_1"], + "name": + "FltRegular.termR.«_@».FltRegular.CaseI.Statement._hyg.727._closed_4._cstage2", + "constType": "_obj", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["Semigroup.toMul", + "Distrib.toAdd", + "Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring", + "CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "IsPrimitiveRoot", + "Semifield.toCommSemiring", + "HAdd.hAdd", + "Ideal.span", + "algebraRat", + "MulZeroClass.toMul", + "Eq", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Field", + "IsPrimitiveRoot.unit'", + "CommSemiring.toCommMonoid", + "Nat", + "HPow.hPow", + "instHSub", + "Ne", + "instOfNatPNatOfNeZeroNat", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toMulZeroClass", + "root_div_zeta_sub_one_dvd_gcd", + "a_eta_zero_dvd_p_pow.proof_1", + "NumberField.to_charZero", + "EuclideanDomain.toCommRing", + "NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toDistrib", + "SemigroupWithZero.toSemigroup", + "instHMul", + "Field.toEuclideanDomain", + "NumberField.inst_ringOfIntegersAlgebra", + "NumberField", + "CommRing.toRing", + "Singleton.singleton", + "Not", + "", + "Fact", + "Field.toDivisionRing", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring", + "Ideal", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "PNat.Prime", + "Set", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers.instCommRing", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "semigroupDvd", + "PNat.val", + "Set.instSingletonSet", + "Rat.commRing", + "instHPow", + "Ring.toSub", + "Monoid.toNatPow", + "instOfNatNat", + "zeta_sub_one_dvd_root", + "p_pow_dvd_a_eta_zero", + "NeZero.succ", + "instAddNat", + "instHAdd", + "Rat", + "HSub.hSub", + "Field.toSemifield", + "One.toOfNat1", + "Dvd.dvd", + "Ring.toSemiring", + "IsCyclotomicExtension", + "Semiring.toOne", + "Units", + "CommRing.toCommSemiring", + "Units.val", + "Exists.choose", + "HMul.hMul", + "NonUnitalSemiring.toSemigroupWithZero", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "NumberField.RingOfIntegers", + "PNat"], + "name": "a_eta_zero_dvd_p_pow", + "constType": + "{K : Type u_1} →\n {p : ℕ+} →\n [hpri : Fact p.Prime] →\n [inst : Field K] →\n [inst_1 : NumberField K] →\n [inst_2 : IsCyclotomicExtension {p} ℚ K] →\n p ≠ 2 →\n {ζ : K} →\n (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ ↑p) →\n {x y z : NumberField.RingOfIntegers K} →\n {ε : (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)ˣ} →\n {m : ℕ} →\n x ^ ↑p + y ^ ↑p = ↑ε * ((↑hζ.unit' - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ ↑p →\n ¬↑hζ.unit' - 1 ∣ y → Ideal (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["SubNegMonoid", "Neg"], + "name": "SubNegMonoid.toNeg", + "constType": "{G : Type u} → [self : SubNegMonoid G] → Neg G", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["SProd", "", "Finset", "Finset.product", "Prod"], + "name": "Finset.instSProd", + "constType": + "{α : Type u_1} → {β : Type u_2} → SProd (Finset α) (Finset β) (Finset (α × β))", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": + ["CommSemiring.toSemiring", + "Units", + "Units.instOne", + "OfNat.ofNat", + "", + "MonoidWithZero.toMonoid", + "Submodule.idemSemiring", + "CommSemiring", + "Semiring.toMonoidWithZero", + "Ideal.uniqueUnits.proof_1", + "One.toOfNat1", + "IdemSemiring.toSemiring", + "", + "", + "Ideal", + "Unique"], + "name": "Ideal.uniqueUnits", + "constType": "{R : Type u} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → Unique (Ideal R)ˣ", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["String", "Lean.Name", "Lean.Name.anonymous", "Lean.Name.str"], + "name": "Lean.Name.mkStr3", + "constType": "String → String → String → Lean.Name", + "constCategory": "Definition"}, + {"references": ["CancelCommMonoidWithZero"], + "name": "GCDMonoid", + "constType": + "(α : Type u_2) → [inst : CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] → Type u_2", + "constCategory": "Other"}, + {"references": + ["", + "Part.Dom", + "Exists", + "instLENat", + "Part.get", + "LE", + "PartENat", + "Nat", + "LE.le"], + "name": "PartENat.instLE", + "constType": "LE PartENat", + "constCategory": "Definition"}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/FltRegular/CaseII/InductionStep.lean b/FltRegular/CaseII/InductionStep.lean index 0b5cfe69..73a09dc6 100644 --- a/FltRegular/CaseII/InductionStep.lean +++ b/FltRegular/CaseII/InductionStep.lean @@ -9,17 +9,15 @@ variable {K : Type*} {p : ℕ+} [Field K] (hp : p ≠ 2) variable {ζ : K} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p) {x y z : 𝓞 K} {ε : (𝓞 K)ˣ} -attribute [local instance 2000] CommRing.toRing Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring - NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring.toAddCommMonoid +attribute [local instance 2000] Semiring.toNonUnitalSemiring + NonUnitalSemiring.toNonUnitalNonAssocSemiring -set_option quotPrecheck false local notation3 "π" => Units.val (IsPrimitiveRoot.unit' hζ) - 1 local notation3 "𝔭" => Ideal.span {π} local notation3 "𝔦" η => Ideal.span {(x + y * η : 𝓞 K)} local notation3 "𝔵" => Ideal.span {x} local notation3 "𝔶" => Ideal.span {y} local notation3 "𝔷" => Ideal.span {z} -local notation3 "𝔪" => gcd 𝔵 𝔶 variable {m : ℕ} (e : x ^ (p : ℕ) + y ^ (p : ℕ) = ε * ((hζ.unit'.1 - 1) ^ (m + 1) * z) ^ (p : ℕ)) variable (hy : ¬ hζ.unit'.1 - 1 ∣ y) (hz : ¬ hζ.unit'.1 - 1 ∣ z) @@ -47,6 +45,8 @@ lemma span_pow_add_pow_eq : variable [NumberField K] +local notation3 "𝔪" => gcd 𝔵 𝔶 + include hy in lemma m_ne_zero : 𝔪 ≠ 0 := by simp_rw [Ne, gcd_eq_zero_iff, Ideal.zero_eq_bot, Ideal.span_singleton_eq_bot] diff --git a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/CyclRat.lean b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/CyclRat.lean index bd982628..5478546f 100644 --- a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/CyclRat.lean +++ b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/CyclRat.lean @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ open IsPrimitiveRoot theorem nth_roots_prim [Fact (p : ℕ).Prime] {η : R} (hη : η ∈ nthRootsFinset p R) (hne1 : η ≠ 1) : IsPrimitiveRoot η p := by have hζ' := (zeta_spec p ℚ (CyclotomicField p ℚ)).unit'_coe - rw [nthRoots_one_eq_biUnion_primitiveRoots' hζ'] at hη + rw [nthRoots_one_eq_biUnion_primitiveRoots hζ'] at hη simp only [mem_biUnion] at hη obtain ⟨a, ha, h2⟩ := hη have ha2 : a = p := by @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ theorem diff_of_roots [hp : Fact (p : ℕ).Prime] (ph : 5 ≤ p) {η₁ η₂ : (hwlog : η₁ ≠ 1) : ∃ u : Rˣ, η₁ - η₂ = u * (1 - η₁) := by replace ph : 2 ≤ p := le_trans (by decide) ph have h := nth_roots_prim hη₁ hwlog - obtain ⟨i, ⟨H, hi⟩⟩ := h.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one ((mem_nthRootsFinset hp.out.pos).1 hη₂) hp.out.pos + obtain ⟨i, ⟨H, hi⟩⟩ := h.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one ((mem_nthRootsFinset hp.out.pos).1 hη₂) have hi1 : 1 ≠ i := by intro hi1 rw [← hi1, pow_one] at hi diff --git a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/CyclotomicUnits.lean b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/CyclotomicUnits.lean index 40049868..88516f19 100644 --- a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/CyclotomicUnits.lean +++ b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/CyclotomicUnits.lean @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Authors: Alex J. Best ! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module number_theory.cyclotomic.cyclotomic_units -/ -import Mathlib.RingTheory.RootsOfUnity.Basic +import Mathlib.RingTheory.RootsOfUnity.PrimitiveRoots noncomputable section @@ -144,10 +144,11 @@ lemma IsPrimitiveRoot.associated_sub_one {A : Type*} [CommRing A] [IsDomain A] {p : ℕ} (hp : p.Prime) {ζ : A} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p) {η₁ : A} (hη₁ : η₁ ∈ nthRootsFinset p A) {η₂ : A} (hη₂ : η₂ ∈ nthRootsFinset p A) (e : η₁ ≠ η₂) : Associated (ζ - 1) (η₁ - η₂) := by + have : NeZero p := ⟨hp.ne_zero⟩ obtain ⟨i, ⟨hi, rfl⟩⟩ := - hζ.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one ((Polynomial.mem_nthRootsFinset hp.pos).1 hη₁) hp.pos + hζ.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one ((Polynomial.mem_nthRootsFinset hp.pos).1 hη₁) obtain ⟨j, ⟨hj, rfl⟩⟩ := - hζ.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one ((Polynomial.mem_nthRootsFinset hp.pos).1 hη₂) hp.pos + hζ.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one ((Polynomial.mem_nthRootsFinset hp.pos).1 hη₂) have : i ≠ j := ne_of_apply_ne _ e obtain ⟨u, h⟩ := CyclotomicUnit.IsPrimitiveRoot.zeta_pow_sub_eq_unit_zeta_sub_one A hp.two_le hp hi hj this hζ diff --git a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/Factoring.lean b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/Factoring.lean index bcfacc76..aeb4b74b 100644 --- a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/Factoring.lean +++ b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/Factoring.lean @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ theorem pow_sub_pow_eq_prod_sub_zeta_runity_mul (hpos : 0 < n) (h : IsPrimitiveR · rw [mem_nthRootsFinset hpos, ← map_pow, (mem_nthRootsFinset hpos).1 ha, map_one] · rw [mem_coe, mem_nthRootsFinset hpos] at ha simp only [Set.mem_image, mem_coe] - obtain ⟨i, -, hζ⟩ := h'.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one ha hpos + have : NeZero n := ⟨'⟩ + obtain ⟨i, -, hζ⟩ := h'.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one ha refine ⟨ζ ^ i, ?_, by rwa [map_pow]⟩ rw [mem_nthRootsFinset hpos, ← pow_mul, mul_comm, pow_mul, h.pow_eq_one, one_pow] diff --git a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/GaloisActionOnCyclo.lean b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/GaloisActionOnCyclo.lean index 9858de64..0ddf3537 100644 --- a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/GaloisActionOnCyclo.lean +++ b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/GaloisActionOnCyclo.lean @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ theorem galConj_zeta : galConj K p (zeta p ℚ K) = (zeta p ℚ K)⁻¹ := by include hζ in @[simp] theorem galConj_zeta_runity : galConj K p ζ = ζ⁻¹ := by - obtain ⟨t, _, rfl⟩ := (zeta_spec p ℚ K).eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one hζ.pow_eq_one p.pos + obtain ⟨t, _, rfl⟩ := (zeta_spec p ℚ K).eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one hζ.pow_eq_one rw [map_pow, galConj_zeta, inv_pow] include hζ in diff --git a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/UnitLemmas.lean b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/UnitLemmas.lean index e8d26284..77299a81 100644 --- a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/UnitLemmas.lean +++ b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Cyclotomic/UnitLemmas.lean @@ -65,24 +65,22 @@ theorem contains_two_primitive_roots {p q : ℕ} {x y : K} [FiniteDimensional have hkpos : 0 < k := Nat.pos_of_ne_zero (Nat.lcm_ne_zero'') let xu := IsUnit.unit (hx.isUnit hppos) let yu := IsUnit.unit (hy.isUnit hqpos) - have hxmem : xu ∈ rootsOfUnity ⟨k, hkpos⟩ K := by - rw [mem_rootsOfUnity, PNat.mk_coe, ← Units.val_eq_one, Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val, - IsUnit.unit_spec] + have hxmem : xu ∈ rootsOfUnity k K := by + rw [mem_rootsOfUnity, ← Units.val_eq_one, Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val, IsUnit.unit_spec] exact (hx.pow_eq_one_iff_dvd _).2 (dvd_lcm_left _ _) - have hymem : yu ∈ rootsOfUnity ⟨k, hkpos⟩ K := by - rw [mem_rootsOfUnity, PNat.mk_coe, ← Units.val_eq_one, Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val, - IsUnit.unit_spec] + have hymem : yu ∈ rootsOfUnity k K := by + rw [mem_rootsOfUnity, ← Units.val_eq_one, Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val, IsUnit.unit_spec] exact (hy.pow_eq_one_iff_dvd _).2 (dvd_lcm_right _ _) - have hxuord : orderOf (⟨xu, hxmem⟩ : rootsOfUnity ⟨k, hkpos⟩ K) = p := by - rw [← orderOf_injective (rootsOfUnity ⟨k, hkpos⟩ K).subtype Subtype.coe_injective, + have hxuord : orderOf (⟨xu, hxmem⟩ : rootsOfUnity k K) = p := by + rw [← orderOf_injective (rootsOfUnity k K).subtype Subtype.coe_injective, Subgroup.coeSubtype, Subgroup.coe_mk, ← orderOf_units, IsUnit.unit_spec] exact hx.eq_orderOf.symm - have hyuord : orderOf (⟨yu, hymem⟩ : rootsOfUnity ⟨k, hkpos⟩ K) = q := by - rw [← orderOf_injective (rootsOfUnity ⟨k, hkpos⟩ K).subtype Subtype.coe_injective, + have hyuord : orderOf (⟨yu, hymem⟩ : rootsOfUnity k K) = q := by + rw [← orderOf_injective (rootsOfUnity k K).subtype Subtype.coe_injective, Subgroup.coeSubtype, Subgroup.coe_mk, ← orderOf_units, IsUnit.unit_spec] exact hy.eq_orderOf.symm - obtain ⟨g : rootsOfUnity ⟨k, hkpos⟩ K, hg⟩ := - IsCyclic.exists_monoid_generator (α := rootsOfUnity ⟨k, hkpos⟩ K) + have : NeZero k := ⟨'⟩ + obtain ⟨g : rootsOfUnity k K, hg⟩ := IsCyclic.exists_monoid_generator (α := rootsOfUnity k K) obtain ⟨nx, hnx⟩ := hg ⟨xu, hxmem⟩ obtain ⟨ny, hny⟩ := hg ⟨yu, hymem⟩ have H : orderOf g = k := by @@ -123,7 +121,7 @@ theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_one_mod_sub_of_pow {A : Type*} [CommRing A] [IsDomain (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ p) {μ : A} (hμ : μ ^ (p : ℕ) = 1) : (@DFunLike.coe _ A (fun _ => A ⧸ Ideal.span {ζ - 1}) _ (algebraMap A (A ⧸ Ideal.span {ζ - 1})) μ) = 1 := by - obtain ⟨k, -, rfl⟩ := hζ.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one hμ p.pos + obtain ⟨k, -, rfl⟩ := hζ.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one hμ rw [map_pow, eq_one_mod_one_sub, one_pow] set_option synthInstance.maxHeartbeats 80000 in @@ -232,7 +230,7 @@ theorem roots_of_unity_in_cyclo (hpo : Odd (p : ℕ)) (x : K) simp only [one_pow] apply hxp' cases' hxp'' with hxp'' hxp'' - · obtain ⟨i, _, Hi⟩ := IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one isPrimRoot hxp'' p.prop + · obtain ⟨i, _, Hi⟩ := IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one isPrimRoot hxp'' refine ⟨i, 2, ?_⟩ rw [← Subtype.val_inj] at Hi simp only [SubmonoidClass.coe_pow] at Hi @@ -243,7 +241,7 @@ theorem roots_of_unity_in_cyclo (hpo : Odd (p : ℕ)) (x : K) have hxp3 : (-1 * ⟨x, hx⟩ : R) ^ (p : ℕ) = 1 := by rw [mul_pow, hone, hxp''] ring - obtain ⟨i, _, Hi⟩ := IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one isPrimRoot hxp3 p.prop + obtain ⟨i, _, Hi⟩ := IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one isPrimRoot hxp3 refine ⟨i, 1, ?_⟩ simp only [PNat.one_coe, pow_one, neg_mul, one_mul, neg_neg] rw [← Subtype.val_inj] at Hi @@ -376,5 +374,5 @@ theorem unit_inv_conj_is_root_of_unity (h : p ≠ 2) (hp : (p : ℕ).Prime) (u : lemma IsPrimitiveRoot.eq_one_mod_one_sub' {A : Type*} [CommRing A] [IsDomain A] {n : ℕ+} {ζ : A} (hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n) {η : A} (hη : η ∈ nthRootsFinset n A) : (Ideal.span ({ζ - 1} : Set A)) η = 1 := by - obtain ⟨i, ⟨_, rfl⟩⟩ := hζ.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one ((Polynomial.mem_nthRootsFinset n.2).1 hη) n.2 + obtain ⟨i, ⟨_, rfl⟩⟩ := hζ.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one ((Polynomial.mem_nthRootsFinset n.2).1 hη) rw [map_pow, ← Ideal.Quotient.algebraMap_eq, eq_one_mod_one_sub, one_pow] diff --git a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/GaloisPrime.lean b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/GaloisPrime.lean index 31fbadc8..4421ece9 100644 --- a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/GaloisPrime.lean +++ b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/GaloisPrime.lean @@ -247,7 +247,10 @@ lemma Ideal.inertiaDegIn_bot [Nontrivial R] [IsDomain S] [NoZeroSMulDivisors R S letI : Field R := hR.toField letI : Field S := hS.toField rw [← Ideal.map_bot (f := algebraMap R S), ← finrank_quotient_map (R := R) (S := S) ⊥ R S] - exact inertiaDeg_algebraMap _ _ + convert inertiaDeg_algebraMap _ _ + simp only [map_bot] + exact ⟨(comap_bot_of_injective _ + (NoZeroSMulDivisors.iff_algebraMap_injective.1 inferInstance)).symm⟩ variable {R S} @@ -261,7 +264,7 @@ lemma Ideal.ramificationIdxIn_eq_ramificationIdx [IsGalois K L] (p : Ideal R) (P rw [dif_pos this] have ⟨σ, hσ⟩ := exists_comap_galRestrict_eq R K L S hP this.choose_spec rw [← hσ] - exact Ideal.ramificationIdx_comap_eq (galRestrict R K L S σ) P + exact Ideal.ramificationIdx_comap_eq _ (galRestrict R K L S σ) P lemma Ideal.inertiaDegIn_eq_inertiaDeg [IsGalois K L] (p : Ideal R) (P : Ideal S) (hP : P ∈ primesOver S p) [p.IsMaximal] : diff --git a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert90.lean b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert90.lean index 68b07634..d9863c55 100644 --- a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert90.lean +++ b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert90.lean @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ import Mathlib.RingTheory.SimpleModule -import Mathlib.RingTheory.Valuation.ValuationRing import Mathlib.RingTheory.IntegralClosure.IntegralRestrict import Mathlib.GroupTheory.OrderOfElement import Mathlib.Tactic.Widget.Conv diff --git a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean index c08752ea..b80aa42c 100644 --- a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean +++ b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean @@ -710,10 +710,6 @@ lemma IsPrimitiveRoot.coe_coe_iff {ν : (𝓞 k)ˣ} {n} : (f := (algebraMap (𝓞 k) k).toMonoidHom.comp (Units.coeHom (𝓞 k))) ((IsFractionRing.injective (𝓞 k) k).comp Units.ext) -lemma Subgroup.isCyclic_of_le {M : Type*} [Group M] {H₁ H₂ : Subgroup M} [IsCyclic H₂] - (e : H₁ ≤ H₂) : IsCyclic H₁ := - isCyclic_of_surjective _ (subgroupOfEquivOfLe e).surjective - include hp in lemma h_exists' : ∃ (h : ℕ) (ν : (𝓞 k)ˣ), IsPrimitiveRoot (ν : k) (p ^ h) ∧ @@ -832,7 +828,8 @@ lemma almostHilbert92 (hpodd : (p : ℕ) ≠ 2) : Units.coe_map_inv, MonoidHom.coe_coe, SubmonoidClass.coe_pow, Submonoid.coe_mul, Subsemiring.coe_toSubmonoid, Subalgebra.coe_toSubsemiring, Units.val_one, OneMemClass.coe_one, RingOfInteger.coe_algebraMap_apply] at NE_p_pow - obtain ⟨i, -, e⟩ := hν''.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one NE_p_pow p.pos + have : NeZero p.1 := ⟨'⟩ + obtain ⟨i, -, e⟩ := hν''.eq_pow_of_pow_eq_one NE_p_pow use ((ν ^ (p : ℕ) ^ h) ^ i * ε') rw [map_mul, ← mul_inv_eq_iff_eq_mul] ext diff --git a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/KummersLemma/Field.lean b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/KummersLemma/Field.lean index c70de1e4..6ea7f42b 100644 --- a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/KummersLemma/Field.lean +++ b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/KummersLemma/Field.lean @@ -299,12 +299,12 @@ include hu hp hζ hcong in attribute [local instance] Ideal.Quotient.field in lemma isUnramified (L) [Field L] [Algebra K L] [IsSplittingField K L (X ^ (p : ℕ) - C (u : K))] : IsUnramified (𝓞 K) (𝓞 L) := by - let α := polyRoot hp hζ u hcong _ (rootOfSplitsXPowSubC_pow p.pos _ L) 0 + let α := polyRoot hp hζ u hcong _ (rootOfSplitsXPowSubC_pow _ L) 0 haveI := Polynomial.IsSplittingField.finiteDimensional L (X ^ (p : ℕ) - C (u : K)) have hα : Algebra.adjoin K {(α : L)} = ⊤ := by rw [eq_top_iff, ← Algebra.adjoin_root_eq_top_of_isSplittingField ⟨ζ, (mem_primitiveRoots p.pos).mpr hζ⟩ (X_pow_sub_C_irreducible_of_prime hpri.out hu) - (rootOfSplitsXPowSubC_pow p.pos (u : K) L), Algebra.adjoin_le_iff, Set.singleton_subset_iff] + (rootOfSplitsXPowSubC_pow (u : K) L), Algebra.adjoin_le_iff, Set.singleton_subset_iff] exact mem_adjoin_polyRoot hp hζ u hcong _ _ 0 constructor intros I hI hIbot diff --git a/lake-manifest.json b/lake-manifest.json index 0a938d10..ffab54cf 100644 --- a/lake-manifest.json +++ b/lake-manifest.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "leanprover-community", - "rev": "eb6c831c05bc6ca6d37454ca97531a9b780dfcb5", + "rev": "af731107d531b39cd7278c73f91c573f40340612", "name": "batteries", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "main", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "leanprover-community", - "rev": "1357f4f49450abb9dfd4783e38219f4ce84f9785", + "rev": "303b23fbcea94ac4f96e590c1cad6618fd4f5f41", "name": "Qq", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "master", @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "leanprover-community", - "rev": "9ac12945862fa39eab7795c2f79bb9aa0c8e332c", + "rev": "93bcfd774f89d3874903cab06abfbf69f327cbd9", "name": "aesop", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "master", @@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "leanprover-community", - "rev": "baa65c6339a56bd22b7292aa4511c54b3cc7a6af", + "rev": "1383e72b40dd62a566896a6e348ffe868801b172", "name": "proofwidgets", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", - "inputRev": "v0.0.43", + "inputRev": "v0.0.46", "inherited": true, "configFile": "lakefile.lean"}, {"url": "", "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "leanprover", - "rev": "2cf1030dc2ae6b3632c84a09350b675ef3e347d0", + "rev": "726b3c9ad13acca724d4651f14afc4804a7b0e4d", "name": "Cli", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "main", @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "leanprover-community", - "rev": "0ea83a676d288220ba227808568cbb80fe43ace0", + "rev": "ac7b989cbf99169509433124ae484318e953d201", "name": "importGraph", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "main", @@ -65,17 +65,27 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "leanprover-community", - "rev": "7bedaed1ef024add1e171cc17706b012a9a37802", + "rev": "86d0d0584f5cd165353e2f8a30c455cd0e168ac2", "name": "LeanSearchClient", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "main", "inherited": true, "configFile": "lakefile.toml"}, + {"url": "", + "type": "git", + "subDir": null, + "scope": "leanprover-community", + "rev": "42dc02bdbc5d0c2f395718462a76c3d87318f7fa", + "name": "plausible", + "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", + "inputRev": "main", + "inherited": true, + "configFile": "lakefile.toml"}, {"url": "", "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "", - "rev": "d27f22898a74975360dd1387155c6031b501a90b", + "rev": "c9fc36ea39408920f0afb0700715df51bee95f84", "name": "mathlib", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": null, @@ -105,7 +115,7 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "", - "rev": "6d2e06515f1ed1f74208d5a1da3a9cc26c60a7a0", + "rev": "b41bc9cec7f433d6e1d74ff3b59edaaf58ad2915", "name": "UnicodeBasic", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "main", @@ -115,7 +125,7 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "", - "rev": "85e1e7143dd4cfa2b551826c27867bada60858e8", + "rev": "bdc2fc30b1e834b294759a5d391d83020a90058e", "name": "BibtexQuery", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "master", @@ -125,7 +135,7 @@ "type": "git", "subDir": null, "scope": "", - "rev": "d36b7fd4c730cae8a3a8edfe98beb34ef0fc6e0a", + "rev": "b6ae1cf11e83d972ffa363f9cdc8a2f89aaa24dc", "name": "«doc-gen4»", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "main", diff --git a/lean-toolchain b/lean-toolchain index eff86fd6..57a4710c 100644 --- a/lean-toolchain +++ b/lean-toolchain @@ -1 +1 @@ -leanprover/lean4:v4.13.0-rc3 +leanprover/lean4:v4.14.0-rc2 diff --git a/unseen.lean b/unseen.lean new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ba4e259 --- /dev/null +++ b/unseen.lean @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +import Lean +import FltRegular + +open Lean + +def nameCode (n : Name) : String := + if n = .anonymous then + "anonymous" + else + n.toString.replace "." "_" + +def nameDisplay (n : Name) : String := + n.components.getLast!.toString + +def printDeps₁ (k : Name) (_v : Array Name) (print : String → IO Unit) : IO Unit := do + let n := k.componentsRev[1]! + print (nameCode k ++ " [label=\"" ++ nameDisplay k ++ "\"" ++ + " group=\"" ++ n.toString ++ "\"]" ++ ";\n") + +def printDeps₂ (k : Name) (v : Array Name) (print : String → IO Unit) : IO Unit := do + for val in v do + if (`FltRegular).isPrefixOf val then + print (nameCode val ++ " -> " ++ nameCode k ++ ";\n") + +def group (name : Name) : Name := + (name.eraseSuffix? name.componentsRev.head!).get! + +def groups (imports : NameMap (Array Name)) : NameMap Unit := + RBMap.fromList (imports.fold (fun xs k _ => + if (`FltRegular).isPrefixOf k then (group k, ()) :: xs else xs) []) _ + +/-- `#deptree` outputs a graphviz dependency graph to ``. Build it with +`dot -Tpdf -Gnewrank=true -Goverlaps=false -Gsplines=ortho > depgraph.pdf`. -/ +elab "#deptree " : command => do + let env ← getEnv + let imports := env.importGraph + IO.FS.withFile "docs/" IO.FS.Mode.write fun h => do + h.write "digraph {\n".toUTF8 + h.write "compound=true;\n".toUTF8 + for (gp, _) in groups imports do + h.write ("subgraph cluster_" ++ nameCode gp ++ " {\n").toUTF8 + for (k, v) in imports do + if (`FltRegular).isPrefixOf k && group k = gp then do + printDeps₁ k v (fun s => h.write s.toUTF8) + h.write ("label = \"" ++ gp.toString ++ "\";\n").toUTF8 + h.write ("margin = 32;\n").toUTF8 + h.write ("pad = 32;\n").toUTF8 + h.write ("penwidth = 5;\n").toUTF8 + h.write ("color = cyan4;\n").toUTF8 + h.write "}\n".toUTF8 + for (k, v) in imports do + if (`FltRegular).isPrefixOf k then do + printDeps₂ k v (fun s => h.write s.toUTF8) + h.write "}\n".toUTF8 + +/-- Extracts the names of the declarations in `env` on which `decl` depends. -/ +-- source: +-- +def getVisited (env : Environment) (decl : Name) := + let (_, { visited, .. }) := Lean.CollectAxioms.collect decl |>.run env |>.run {} + visited.erase decl + +partial def allDeclsIn (module : Name) : Elab.Command.CommandElabM (Array Name) := do + let mFile ← findOLean module + unless (← mFile.pathExists) do + logError m!"object file '{mFile}' of module {module} does not exist" + let (md, _) ← readModuleData mFile + let decls ← md.constNames.filterM fun d => + return !(← d.isBlackListed) && !(`injEq).isSuffixOf d && !(`sizeOf_spec).isSuffixOf d + return decls + +def allFiles (env : Environment) : List Name := + (env.importGraph.fold (fun xs k _ => if (`FltRegular).isPrefixOf k then k :: xs else xs) []).mergeSort + (toString · < toString ·) + +def allDecls (env : Environment) : Elab.Command.CommandElabM NameSet := + (fun l => RBTree.ofList ( (fun a => a.toList)).join) <$> + (mapM allDeclsIn (allFiles env)) + +/-- `#index` computes an index of the declations in the project and saves it to `index.csv`. -/ +elab "#index " : command => do + let env ← getEnv + let allDecls ← allDecls env + let result ← mapM (fun decl => do + let ranges ← findDeclarationRanges? decl + let mod ← findModuleOf? decl + match (ranges, mod) with + | (some ranges, some mod) => pure (some (decl, ranges, mod)) + | _ => pure none) + (allDecls.toList.mergeSort (toString · < toString ·)) + let result' := result.filterMap id + IO.FS.withFile "docs/index.csv" IO.FS.Mode.write (fun h => do + for (decl, ranges, mod) in result' do + h.write (decl.toString ++ ", " ++ mod.toString ++ ", " ++ + ranges.range.pos.line.repr ++ ", " ++ ranges.range.pos.column.repr ++ "\n").toUTF8) + +def seenIn (env : Environment) (allDecls : NameSet) (decl : Name) : NameSet := + (getVisited env decl).fold + (fun decls x => if allDecls.contains x then decls.insert x else decls) RBTree.empty + +/-- `#unseen` computes a list of the declarations in the project that are +defined but not used in the current file. The list is stored in `unseen_defs.txt`. +The average runtime on my computer is 1 minute, with 16 threads. -/ +elab "#unseen " : command => do + let env ← getEnv + let allDecls ← allDecls env + let mut unseen := allDecls + let timeStart ← IO.monoMsNow + let tasks := (fun l => Task.spawn (fun _ => seenIn env allDecls l)) <$> + allDecls.toList.mergeSort (toString · < toString ·) + for task in tasks do + for v in task.get do + unseen := unseen.erase v + IO.FS.withFile "docs/unseen_defs.txt" IO.FS.Mode.write (fun h => do + for v in unseen.toList.mergeSort (toString · < toString ·) do + h.write (v.toString ++ "\n").toUTF8) + let timeEnd ← IO.monoMsNow + logInfo m!"operation took {(timeEnd - timeStart) / 1000}s" + +#unseen