diff --git a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean index 9e729c98..b8b2b9cf 100644 --- a/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean +++ b/FltRegular/NumberTheory/Hilbert92.lean @@ -93,6 +93,44 @@ lemma LinearIndependent.update {ι} [DecidableEq ι] {R} [CommRing R] [Module R · exact hij ▸ this · exact hσ (l j) ((mul_comm _ _).trans this) +@[simps] +noncomputable +def Finsupp.ltotal (α M R) [CommSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] : + (α → M) →ₗ[R] (α →₀ R) →ₗ[R] M where + toFun := Finsupp.total α M R + map_add' := fun u v ↦ by ext f; simp + map_smul' := fun r v ↦ by ext f; simp + +lemma Finsupp.total_pi_single {α M R} [CommSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] + [DecidableEq α] (i : α) (m : M) (f : α →₀ R) : + Finsupp.total α M R (Pi.single i m) f = f i • m := by + simp only [Finsupp.total, ne_eq, Pi.single_apply, coe_lsum, LinearMap.coe_smulRight, + LinearMap.id_coe, id_eq, smul_ite, smul_zero, sum_ite_eq', mem_support_iff, ite_eq_left_iff, + not_not] + exact fun e ↦ e ▸ (zero_smul R m).symm + +lemma LinearIndependent.update' {ι} [DecidableEq ι] {R} [CommRing R] [Module R G] + (f : ι → G) (l : ι →₀ R) (i : ι) (g : G) (σ : R) + (hσ : σ ∈ nonZeroDivisors R) (hg : σ • g = Finsupp.total _ _ R f l) + (hl : l i ∈ nonZeroDivisors R) (hf : LinearIndependent R f) : + LinearIndependent R (Function.update f i g) := by + classical + rw [linearIndependent_iff] at hf ⊢ + intros l' hl' + apply_fun (σ • ·) at hl' + rw [Pi.update_eq_sub_add_single, ← Finsupp.ltotal_apply, map_add, map_sub] at hl' + simp only [Finsupp.ltotal_apply, LinearMap.add_apply, LinearMap.sub_apply, + Finsupp.total_pi_single, smul_add, smul_sub, smul_zero] at hl' + rw [smul_comm σ (l' i) g, hg, ← LinearMap.map_smul, ← LinearMap.map_smul, smul_smul, + ← Finsupp.total_single, ← (Finsupp.total ι G R f).map_sub, ← map_add] at hl' + replace hl' : ∀ j, (σ * l' j - (fun₀ | i => σ * l' i) j) + l' i * l j = 0 := + fun j ↦ FunLike.congr_fun (hf _ hl') j + simp only [Finsupp.single_apply] at hl' + have : l' i = 0 := hl _ (by simpa using hl' i) + simp only [this, zero_mul, add_zero, mul_zero, ite_self, sub_zero] at hl' + ext j + exact hσ _ ((mul_comm _ _).trans (hl' j)) + @[to_additive] lemma Subgroup.index_mono {G : Type*} [Group G] {H₁ H₂ : Subgroup G} (h : H₁ < H₂) [h₁ : Fintype (G ⧸ H₁)] : @@ -151,6 +189,62 @@ lemma lemma2 [Module A G] (S : systemOfUnits p G r) (hs : S.IsFundamental) (i : exact CyclotomicIntegers.not_isUnit_one_sub_zeta p (isUnit_of_mul_eq_one _ _ (sub_eq_zero.mp this)) +lemma lemma2'' [Module A G] (S : systemOfUnits p G r) (hs : S.IsFundamental) (i : Fin r) + (a : Fin r →₀ A) (ha : a i = 1) : + ∀ g : G, (1 - zeta p) • g ≠ Finsupp.total _ G A S.units a := by + cases' r with r + · exact isEmptyElim i + intro g hg + letI := Fact.mk hp + let S' : systemOfUnits p G (r + 1) := ⟨Function.update S.units i g, + LinearIndependent.update' _ _ _ _ _ _ (CyclotomicIntegers.one_sub_zeta_mem_nonZeroDivisors p) + hg (ha ▸ one_mem A⁰) S.linearIndependent⟩ + let a' := a.comapDomain (Fin.succAbove i) (Fin.succAbove_right_injective.injOn _) + have hS' : S'.units ∘ Fin.succAbove i = S.units ∘ Fin.succAbove i + · ext; simp only [Function.comp_apply, ne_eq, Fin.succAbove_ne, not_false_eq_true, + Function.update_noteq] + have ha' : Finsupp.total _ G A (S'.units ∘ Fin.succAbove i) a' + S.units i = (1 - zeta p) • g + · rw [hS', Finsupp.total_comp, LinearMap.comp_apply, Finsupp.lmapDomain_apply, + ← one_smul A (S.units i), hg, ← ha, ← Finsupp.total_single, ← map_add] + congr 1 + ext j + rw [Finsupp.coe_add, Pi.add_apply, Finsupp.single_apply] + have : i = j ↔ j ∉ Set.range (Fin.succAbove i) := by simp [@eq_comm _ i] + split_ifs with hij + · rw [Finsupp.mapDomain_notin_range, zero_add, hij] + rwa [← this] + · obtain ⟨j, rfl⟩ := not_imp_comm.mp this.mpr hij + rw [Finsupp.mapDomain_apply Fin.succAbove_right_injective, add_zero, + Finsupp.comapDomain_apply] + letI := S'.isMaximal hp hf + suffices : Submodule.span A (Set.range S.units) < Submodule.span A (Set.range S'.units) + · exact (hs.maximal' S').not_lt (AddSubgroup.index_mono (h₁ := S.isMaximal hp hf) this) + rw [SetLike.lt_iff_le_and_exists] + constructor + · rw [Submodule.span_le] + rintro _ ⟨j, rfl⟩ + by_cases hij : i = j + · rw [add_comm, ← eq_sub_iff_add_eq] at ha' + rw [← hij, ha'] + apply sub_mem + · exact Submodule.smul_mem _ _ (Submodule.subset_span ⟨i, Function.update_same _ _ _⟩) + · rw [← Finsupp.range_total, Finsupp.total_comp, LinearMap.comp_apply] + exact ⟨_, rfl⟩ + · exact Submodule.subset_span ⟨j, Function.update_noteq (Ne.symm hij) _ _⟩ + · refine ⟨g, Submodule.subset_span ⟨i, Function.update_same _ _ _⟩, ?_⟩ + rw [← Finsupp.range_total] + rintro ⟨l, rfl⟩ + letI := (Algebra.id A).toModule + letI : SMulZeroClass A A := SMulWithZero.toSMulZeroClass + letI : Module A (Fin r →₀ A) := Finsupp.module (Fin r) A + rw [← LinearMap.map_smul, ← sub_eq_zero, + ← (Finsupp.total (Fin _) G A S.units).map_sub] at hg + have := FunLike.congr_fun (linearIndependent_iff.mp S.linearIndependent _ hg) i + simp only [algebraMap_int_eq, Int.coe_castRingHom, Finsupp.coe_sub, Finsupp.coe_smul, ha, + Pi.sub_apply, Finsupp.mapRange_apply, Finsupp.coe_zero, Pi.zero_apply, sub_eq_zero] at this + exact CyclotomicIntegers.not_isUnit_one_sub_zeta p + (isUnit_of_mul_eq_one _ _ this) + lemma lemma2' [Module A G] (S : systemOfUnits p G r) (hs : S.IsFundamental) (i : Fin r) (a : ℤ) (ha : ¬ (p : ℤ) ∣ a) : ∀ g : G, (1 - zeta p) • g ≠ a • (S.units i) := by intro g hg